コード例 #1
def generate_changelogs(pid, branch, pat):
        Generates changelogs from MR descriptions on the given branch

        :param pid: The project ID of the project to work with
        :param branch: The name of the target branch for which we look for MRs
        :param pat: The personal access token to use

    # Load the latest MR date on the branch
    working_branch = Branch(pid, branch)

    # Show when the merge date of the MR we processed last run
    last_mr_date = working_branch.get_latest_mr_date()
    if last_mr_date:
        print("Latest merge date:")

        last_processed_date = dateparser.parse(last_mr_date)
        print("    {} - {}".format(branch, last_processed_date.strftime(DATE_FORMAT)))

    # Fetch new MRs on the branch
    mrs, status_code = working_branch.fetch_new_mrs(pat)

    # Didn't fetch any MRs
    if not mrs:
        print("No new MRs to parse.")

    print("Parsing merge requests. This may take a while...")

    # Fun facts to track
    mrs_parsed = 0
    cls_generated = 0

    # This is stored to make sure we parse all MRs merged after
    # the MR most lately processed in the previous script run,
    # even if the MRs were merged "out of order" by issue number.
    initial_latest_mr_date = dateparser.parse(working_branch.get_latest_mr_date())

    # Keep fetching changelogs until there are none left to parse
    while mrs:
        if status_code == 429:
            print("Rate limit hit for the API. Try running the script again later.")

        if status_code != 200:
            print("Failed to fetch additional MRs! (Status code: {})".format(status_code))

        # Go through all the MRs and make changelogs
        for merge_request in mrs:
            iid = merge_request.get("iid")
            title = merge_request.get("title")

            # Check if this MR was merged later than the current most lately merged MR
            latest_mr_date = dateparser.parse(working_branch.get_latest_mr_date())
            if merge_request.get("merged_at") is None:
            mr_merged_date = dateparser.parse(merge_request.get("merged_at"))

            # This can happen if someone updates the MR between the script being run
            # So this prevents re-processing processed MRs
            if mr_merged_date < initial_latest_mr_date:

            # Update the latest MR date
            if mr_merged_date > latest_mr_date:

            # Find an author for the CL (this is for fallbacks)
            author = merge_request.get("author")
            user = "******"
            if author:
                user = author.get("username")

            # Make the changelog
            print("Parsing MR #{}    {}".format(iid, title))
            changelog = Changelog()
            success = changelog.parse_changelog(merge_request.get("description"))
            mrs_parsed += 1

            # No changelog found :(
            if not success:

            if not changelog.author:
                changelog.set_author(user) # Fallback to gitlab username as CL author

            # make a YAML file for the changelog
            file_name = "{}-merge_request-{}".format(user, merge_request.get("id"))
            print("Generated changelog for MR #{}    {}".format(iid, file_name))
            cls_generated += 1

        # Fetch new MRs to process
        mrs, status_code = working_branch.fetch_new_mrs(pat)

    # High quality fluffprint
    print("Parsed {} merge request{}.".format(mrs_parsed, "" if mrs_parsed == 1 else "s"))
    print("{} changelog{} generated.".format(cls_generated, " was" if cls_generated == 1 else "s were"))

    # Save our progress on changelog generation