コード例 #1
ファイル: compare_exp.py プロジェクト: rionda/centrsampl
def main():
    """Parse arguments, do the comparison, write to output."""
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.description = "compare estimation of betweenness centralities to exact values"
    parser.add_argument("epsilon", type=util.valid_interval_float, help="accuracy parameter")
    parser.add_argument("delta", type=util.valid_interval_float, help="confidence parameter")
    parser.add_argument("graph", help="graph file")
    group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
    group.add_argument("-a", "--approximate", action="store_true",
            default=True, help="use approximate diameter when computing approximation of betweenness using VC-Dimension (default)")
    group.add_argument("-d", "--diameter", type=util.positive_int, default=0,
            help="value to use for the diameter")
    group.add_argument("-e", "--exact", action="store_true", default=False,
            help="use exact diameter when computing approximation of betweenness using VC-Dimension")
    parser.add_argument("-m", "--maxconn", action="store_true", default=False,
            help="if the graph is not weakly connected, only save the largest connected component")
    parser.add_argument("-p", "--pickle", action="store_true", default=False,
            help="use pickle reader for input file")
    parser.add_argument("-r", "--resultfiles", nargs=4, 
    help="Use results files rather than recomputing betweenness. Files should be specified as 'exact_res vc_res bp_res gss_res'")
    parser.add_argument("-s", "--samplesize", type=util.positive_int,
            default=0, help="use specified sample size. Overrides epsilon, delta, and diameter computation")
    parser.add_argument("-t", "--timeout", type=util.positive_int, default=3600,
            help="Timeout computation after specified number of seconds (default 3600 = 1h, 0 = no timeout)")
    parser.add_argument("-u", "--undirected", action="store_true", default=False,
            help="consider the graph as undirected ")
    parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="count", default=0,
            help="increase verbosity (use multiple times for more verbosity)")
    parser.add_argument("-w", "--write", nargs="?", default=False, const="auto",
            help="write graph (and computed attributes) to file.")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Set the desired level of logging

    # Seed the random number generator

    # Read graph
    if args.pickle:
        G = util.read_graph(args.graph)
        G = converter.convert(args.graph, not args.undirected, args.maxconn)

    if args.exact:
        args.approximate = False

    if not args.resultfiles:
        (exact_stats, exact_betw) = brandes_exact.betweenness(G, args.write,
        if args.samplesize: 
            (vc_stats, vc_betw) = vc_sample.betweenness_sample_size(G,
                    args.samplesize, args.write, args.timeout)
            (bp_stats, bp_betw) = brandespich_sample.betweenness_sample_size(G,
                    args.samplesize, args.write, args.timeout)
            (gss_stats, gss_betw) = geisbergerss_sample.betweenness_sample_size(G,
                    args.samplesize, args.write, args.timeout)
            if args.diameter > 0:
                (vc_stats, vc_betw) = vc_sample.betweenness(G, args.epsilon, args.delta,
                        args.diameter, args.write, args.timeout)
                (vc_stats, vc_betw) = vc_sample.betweenness(G, args.epsilon, args.delta,
                        args.approximate, args.write, args.timeout)

            (bp_stats, bp_betw) = brandespich_sample.betweenness(G,
                    args.epsilon, args.delta, args.write, args.timeout)
            (gss_stats, gss_betw) = geisbergerss_sample.betweenness(G,
                    args.epsilon, args.delta, args.write, args.timeout)
        (exact_stats, exact_betw) = util.read_stats_betw(args.result_files[0])
        (vc_stats, vc_betw) = util.read_stats_betw(args.result_files[1])
        (bp_stats, bp_betw) = util.read_stats_betw(args.result_files[2])
        (gss_stats, gss_betw) = util.read_stats_betw(args.result_files[3])

    #Compute useful graph statistics (mainly diameter)
    if "diam" not in G.attributes():

    # If specified, write betweenness as vertex attributes, and time and
    # diameter as graph attributes back to file

    if args.write:
        logging.info("Writing betweenness as vertex attributes and stats as graph attribute")
        if args.write == "auto":
            filename = os.path.splitext(args.graph)[0] + ("-undir" if args.undirected else "dir") + ".picklez"

    # Compute error statistics
    # It is not a problem to sort the error by value because we only compute
    # aggregates.
    # Normalize
    #normalizer = math.pow(G.vcount(),2)-G.vcount() 
    #norm_exact_betw = [a/normalizer for a in exact_betw]
    #norm_vc_betw = [a/normalizer for a in vc_betw]
    #norm_bp_betw = [a/normalizer for a in bp_betw]
    #norm_gss_betw = [a/normalizer for a in gss_betw]

    logging.info("Computing error statistics")
    max_err = args.epsilon * G.vcount() * (G.vcount() - 1) / 2
    vc_errs = sorted([abs(a - b) for a,b in zip(exact_betw,vc_betw)])
    vc_stats["err_avg"] = sum(vc_errs) / G.vcount()
    vc_stats["err_max"] = vc_errs[-1]
    vc_stats["err_min"] = list(itertools.filterfalse(lambda x: x == 0, vc_errs))[0]
    vc_stats["err_stddev"] = math.sqrt(sum([math.pow(err - vc_stats["err_avg"], 2) for err in vc_errs]) / (G.vcount() -1))
    vc_stats["euc_dist"] = math.sqrt(sum([math.pow(a - b, 2) for a,b in zip(exact_betw,vc_betw)]))
    vc_stats["wrong_eps"] = 0;
    for i in range(G.vcount()):
        err = abs(exact_betw[i] - vc_betw[i])
        #if err > max_err:
            #vc_stats["wrong_eps"] += 1
            #if vc_stats["wrong_eps"] == 1:
                #print("## VC wrong epsilon ##")
            #print("{} {} {} {} {} {} {}".format(i, G.vs[i].degree(),
                #exact_betw[i], vc_betw[i], bp_betw[i],
                #err, err / (G.vcount() * (G.vcount() -1) / 2)))
    bp_errs = sorted([abs(a - b) for a,b in zip(exact_betw,bp_betw)])
    bp_stats["err_avg"] = sum(bp_errs) / G.vcount()
    bp_stats["err_max"] = max(bp_errs)
    bp_stats["err_min"] = list(itertools.filterfalse(lambda x: x == 0, bp_errs))[0]
    bp_stats["err_stddev"] = math.sqrt(sum([math.pow(err - bp_stats["err_avg"], 2) for err in bp_errs]) / (G.vcount() -1))
    bp_stats["euc_dist"] = math.sqrt(sum([math.pow(a - b, 2) for a,b in zip(exact_betw,bp_betw)]))
    bp_stats["wrong_eps"] = 0
    for i in range(G.vcount()):
        err = abs(exact_betw[i] - bp_betw[i])
        #if err > max_err:
            #bp_stats["wrong_eps"] += 1
            #if bp_stats["wrong_eps"] == 1:
                #print("## BP wrong epsilon ##")
            #print("{} {} {} {} {} {} {}".format(i, G.vs[i].degree(),
                 #exact_betw[i], bp_betw[i], vc_betw[i], err, err / (G.vcount() * (G.vcount() -1) / 2)))
    gss_errs = sorted([abs(a - b) for a,b in zip(exact_betw,gss_betw)])
    gss_stats["err_avg"] = sum(gss_errs) / G.vcount()
    gss_stats["err_max"] = max(gss_errs)
    gss_stats["err_min"] = list(itertools.filterfalse(lambda x: x == 0, gss_errs))[0]
    gss_stats["err_stddev"] = math.sqrt(sum([math.pow(err - gss_stats["err_avg"], 2) for err in gss_errs]) / (G.vcount() -1))
    gss_stats["euc_dist"] = math.sqrt(sum([math.pow(a - b, 2) for a,b in zip(exact_betw,gss_betw)]))
    gss_stats["wrong_eps"] = 0
    for i in range(G.vcount()):
        err = abs(exact_betw[i] - gss_betw[i])
        #if err > max_err:
            #gss_stats["wrong_eps"] += 1
            #if gss_stats["wrong_eps"] == 1:
                #print("## GSS wrong epsilon ##")
            #print("{} {} {} {} {} {} {}".format(i, G.vs[i].degree(),
                 #exact_betw[i], gss_betw[i], vc_betw[i], err, err / (G.vcount() * (G.vcount() -1) / 2)))

    # Print statistics to output as CSV
    logging.info("Printing statistics")
    print("{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{}".format(G["filename"], G.vcount(),
        G.ecount(), G["diam"], G.is_directed(), args.epsilon, args.delta,
    #csvkeys="epsilon, delta, sample_size, time, wrong_eps, err_avg, err_max, err_min, err_stddev, forward_touched_edges, backward_touched_edges, diameter_touched_edges, euc_dist, diameter, diam_type"
    print("type,", csvkeys)
    print("vc,", util.dict_to_csv(vc_stats,csvkeys))
    print("bp,", util.dict_to_csv(bp_stats,csvkeys))
    print("gss,", util.dict_to_csv(gss_stats,csvkeys))
    print("exact,", util.dict_to_csv(exact_stats,csvkeys))
コード例 #2
def main():
    """Parse arguments, run experiments, collect results and stats, write to file."""
    # Parse arguments
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.description = "Perform experiment to compute exact betweenness centrality of all vertices in a graph using Brandes' algorithm"
                        help="number of runs")
    parser.add_argument("graph", help="graph file")
    parser.add_argument("output", help="output file")
        "if the graph is not weakly connected, only save the largest connected component"
                        help="use pickle reader for input file")
        "Timeout computation after specified number of seconds (default 3600 = 1h, 0 = no timeout)"
                        help="consider the graph as undirected ")
        help="increase verbosity (use multiple times for more verbosity)")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Set the desired level of logging

    # Read graph
    if args.pickle:
        G = util.read_graph(args.graph)
        G = converter.convert(args.graph, not args.undirected, args.maxconn)

    # Perform experiment multiple times
    results = []
    for i in range(args.runs):
        logging.info("Run #%d", i)
        results.append(brandes_exact.betweenness(G, False, args.timeout))

    # Compute aggregate statistics about the experiments
    stats = dict(results[0][0])
    stats["graph"] = os.path.basename(args.graph)
    stats["vertices"] = G.vcount()
    stats["edges"] = G.ecount()
    stats["runs"] = args.runs
    del stats["time"]
    times = sorted([x[0]["time"] for x in results])
    stats["time_max"] = times[-1]
    stats["time_min"] = times[0]
    stats["time_avg"] = sum(times) / args.runs
    if args.runs > 1:
        stats["time_stddev"] = math.sqrt(
            sum([math.pow(time - stats["time_avg"], 2)
                 for time in times]) / (args.runs - 1))
        stats["time_stddev"] = 0.0

    csvkeys = "graph, runs, time_avg, time_stddev, time_max, time_min, forward_touched_edges, backward_touched_edges"
    print(util.dict_to_csv(stats, csvkeys))
    # Write stats and results to output file
        with open(args.output, "wb") as output:
            logging.info("Writing stats and results to %s", args.output)
            pickle.dump((stats, results), output)
    except OSError as E:
        logging.critical("Cannot write stats and results to %s: %s",
                         args.output, E.strerror)
コード例 #3
ファイル: exact_experiment.py プロジェクト: rionda/centrsampl
def main():
    """Parse arguments, run experiments, collect results and stats, write to file."""
    # Parse arguments
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.description = "Perform experiment to compute exact betweenness centrality of all vertices in a graph using Brandes' algorithm"
    parser.add_argument("runs", type=util.positive_int, default=20, help="number of runs")
    parser.add_argument("graph", help="graph file")
    parser.add_argument("output", help="output file")
    parser.add_argument("-m", "--maxconn", action="store_true", default=False,
            help="if the graph is not weakly connected, only save the largest connected component")
    parser.add_argument("-p", "--pickle", action="store_true", default=False,
            help="use pickle reader for input file")
    parser.add_argument("-t", "--timeout", type=util.positive_int, default=3600,
            help="Timeout computation after specified number of seconds (default 3600 = 1h, 0 = no timeout)")
    parser.add_argument("-u", "--undirected", action="store_true", default=False,
            help="consider the graph as undirected ")
    parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="count", default=0, 
            help="increase verbosity (use multiple times for more verbosity)")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Set the desired level of logging

    # Read graph
    if args.pickle:
        G = util.read_graph(args.graph)
        G = converter.convert(args.graph, not args.undirected, args.maxconn)

    # Perform experiment multiple times
    results = []
    for i in range(args.runs):
        logging.info("Run #%d", i)
        results.append(brandes_exact.betweenness(G, False, args.timeout))

    # Compute aggregate statistics about the experiments
    stats = dict(results[0][0])
    stats["graph"]= os.path.basename(args.graph)
    stats["vertices"] = G.vcount()
    stats["edges"] = G.ecount()
    stats["runs"] = args.runs
    del stats["time"]
    times = sorted([x[0]["time"] for x in results])
    stats["time_max"] = times[-1]
    stats["time_min"] = times[0]
    stats["time_avg"] = sum(times) / args.runs
    if args.runs > 1:
        stats["time_stddev"] = math.sqrt(sum([math.pow(time -
            stats["time_avg"], 2) for time in times]) / (args.runs - 1))
        stats["time_stddev"] = 0.0

    csvkeys="graph, runs, time_avg, time_stddev, time_max, time_min, forward_touched_edges, backward_touched_edges"
    print(util.dict_to_csv(stats, csvkeys))
    # Write stats and results to output file
        with open(args.output, "wb") as output:
            logging.info("Writing stats and results to %s", args.output)
            pickle.dump((stats, results), output)
    except OSError as E:
        logging.critical("Cannot write stats and results to %s: %s",
                args.output, E.strerror)