コード例 #1
ファイル: beta.py プロジェクト: dliverman/bravo
class BravoFactory(Factory):
    A ``Factory`` that creates ``BravoProtocol`` objects when connected to.


    protocol = BravoProtocol

    timestamp = None
    time = 0
    day = 0
    eid = 1

    handshake_hook = None
    login_hook = None

    interface = ""

    def __init__(self, name):
        Create a factory and world.

        ``name`` is the string used to look up factory-specific settings from
        the configuration.

        :param str name: internal name of this factory

        self.name = name
        self.config_name = "world %s" % name

        self.port = configuration.getint(self.config_name, "port")
        self.interface = configuration.getdefault(self.config_name, "host", "")

    def startFactory(self):
        log.msg("Initializing factory for world '%s'..." % self.name)

        self.world = World(self.name)
        self.world.factory = self
        if configuration.has_option(self.config_name, "perm_cache"):
            cache_level = configuration.getint(self.config_name, "perm_cache")

        self.protocols = dict()

        log.msg("Starting timekeeping...")
        self.timestamp = time()
        self.time = self.world.time
        self.time_loop = LoopingCall(self.update_time)

        authenticator = configuration.get(self.config_name, "authenticator")
        selected = retrieve_named_plugins(IAuthenticator, [authenticator])[0]

        log.msg("Using authenticator %s" % selected.name)
        self.handshake_hook = selected.handshake
        self.login_hook = selected.login

        generators = configuration.getlist(self.config_name, "generators")
        generators = retrieve_sorted_plugins(ITerrainGenerator, generators)

        log.msg("Using generators %s" % ", ".join(i.name for i in generators))
        self.world.pipeline = generators

        automatons = configuration.getlist(self.config_name, "automatons")
        automatons = retrieve_named_plugins(IAutomaton, automatons)

        log.msg("Using automatons %s" % ", ".join(i.name for i in automatons))
        self.automatons = automatons

        self.chat_consumers = set()

        log.msg("Factory successfully initialized for world '%s'!" % self.name)

    def buildProtocol(self, addr):
        Create a protocol.

        This overriden method provides early player entity registration, as a
        solution to the username/entity race that occurs on login.

        banned = self.world.serializer.load_plugin_data("banned_ips")

        for ip in banned.split():
            if addr.host == ip:
                # Use BannedProtocol with extreme prejudice.
                log.msg("Kicking banned IP %s" % addr)
                p = BannedProtocol()
                p.factory = self
                return p

        log.msg("Starting connection for %s" % addr)
        p = self.protocol(self.name)
        p.factory = self


        return p

    def create_entity(self, x, y, z, name, **kwargs):
        Spawn an entirely new entity.

        Handles entity registration as well as instantiation.

        location = Location()
        location.x = x
        location.y = y
        location.z = z
        entity = entities[name](eid=0, location=location, **kwargs)


        bigx = entity.location.x // 16
        bigz = entity.location.z // 16

        d = self.world.request_chunk(bigx, bigz)
        d.addCallback(lambda chunk: chunk.entities.add(entity))
        d.addCallback(lambda none: log.msg("Created entity %s" % entity))

        return entity

    def register_entity(self, entity):
        Registers an entity with this factory.

        Registration is perhaps too fancy of a name; this method merely makes
        sure that the entity has a unique and usable entity ID.

        if not entity.eid:
            self.eid += 1
            entity.eid = self.eid

        log.msg("Registered entity %s" % entity)

    def destroy_entity(self, entity):
        Destroy an entity.

        The factory doesn't have to know about entities, but it is a good
        place to put this logic.

        bigx = entity.location.x // 16
        bigz = entity.location.z // 16

        d = self.world.request_chunk(bigx, bigz)
        d.addCallback(lambda chunk: chunk.entities.discard(entity))
        d.addCallback(lambda none: log.msg("Destroyed entity %s" % entity))

    def update_time(self):
        Update the in-game timer.

        The timer goes from 0 to 24000, both of which are high noon. The clock
        increments by 20 every second. Days are 20 minutes long.

        The day clock is incremented every in-game day, which is every 20
        minutes. The day clock goes from 0 to 360, which works out to a reset
        once every 5 days. This is a Babylonian in-game year.

        t = time()
        self.time += 20 * (t - self.timestamp)
        self.timestamp = t

        while self.time > 24000:
            self.time -= 24000

            self.day += 1
            while self.day > 360:
                self.day -= 360


    def update_season(self):
        Update the world's season.

        plugins = configuration.getlistdefault(self.config_name, "seasons", [])
        for plugin in retrieve_named_plugins(ISeason, plugins):
            if plugin.day == self.day:
                self.world.season = plugin

    def chat(self, message):
        Relay chat messages.

        Chat messages are sent to all connected clients, as well as to anybody
        consuming this factory.

        for consumer in self.chat_consumers:
            consumer.write((self, message))

        # Prepare the message for chat packeting.
        for user in self.protocols:
            message = message.replace(user, chat_name(user))
        message = sanitize_chat(message)

        packet = make_packet("chat", message=message)

    def broadcast(self, packet):
        Broadcast a packet to all connected players.

        for player in self.protocols.itervalues():

    def broadcast_for_others(self, packet, protocol):
        Broadcast a packet to all players except the originating player.

        Useful for certain packets like player entity spawns which should
        never be reflexive.

        for player in self.protocols.itervalues():
            if player is not protocol:

    def broadcast_for_chunk(self, packet, x, z):
        Broadcast a packet to all players that have a certain chunk loaded.

        `x` and `z` are chunk coordinates, not block coordinates.

        for player in self.protocols.itervalues():
            if (x, z) in player.chunks:

    def flush_chunk(self, chunk):
        Flush a damaged chunk to all players that have it loaded.

        if chunk.is_damaged():
            packet = chunk.get_damage_packet()
            for player in self.protocols.itervalues():
                if (chunk.x, chunk.z) in player.chunks:

    def give(self, coords, block, quantity):
        Spawn a pickup at the specified coordinates.

        The coordinates need to be in pixels, not blocks.

        If the size of the stack is too big, multiple stacks will be dropped.

        :param tuple coords: coordinates, in pixels
        :param tuple block: key of block or item to drop
        :param int quantity: number of blocks to drop in the stack

        x, y, z = coords

        while quantity > 0:
            entity = self.create_entity(x // 32,
                                        y // 32,
                                        z // 32,
                                        quantity=min(quantity, 64))

            packet = entity.save_to_packet()
            packet += make_packet("create", eid=entity.eid)

            quantity -= 64

    def players_near(self, player, radius):
        Obtain other players within a radius of a given player.

        Radius is measured in blocks.

        for i in (p for p in self.protocols.itervalues()
                  if player.location.distance(p.location) <= radius
                  and p.player != player):
            yield i.player

    def stopFactory(self):
        Called before factory stops listening on ports. Used to perform
        shutdown tasks.

        if not self.world.saving:

        log.msg("Shutting down; flushing world data...")

        # Flush all dirty chunks to disk.
        for chunk in self.world.dirty_chunk_cache.itervalues():

        # Write back current world time.
        self.world.time = self.time

        log.msg("World data saved!")

    def pauseProducing(self):

    def resumeProducing(self):

    def stopProducing(self):
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_world.py プロジェクト: KingPsychopath/bravo
class TestWorldChunks(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.name = "unittest"
        self.bcp = BravoConfigParser()

        self.bcp.add_section("world unittest")
        self.bcp.set("world unittest", "url", "")
        self.bcp.set("world unittest", "serializer", "memory")

        self.w = World(self.bcp, self.name)
        self.w.pipeline = []

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_trivial(self):

    def test_request_chunk_identity(self):
        first = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)
        second = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)
        self.assertIs(first, second)

    def test_request_chunk_cached_identity(self):
        # Turn on the cache and get a few chunks in there, then request a
        # chunk that is in the cache.
        yield self.w.enable_cache(1)
        first = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)
        second = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)
        self.assertIs(first, second)

    def test_get_block(self):
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        # Fill the chunk with random stuff.
        chunk.blocks = array("B")

        for x, y, z in product(xrange(2), repeat=3):
            # This works because the chunk is at (0, 0) so the coords don't
            # need to be adjusted.
            block = yield self.w.get_block((x, y, z))
            self.assertEqual(block, chunk.get_block((x, y, z)))

    def test_get_metadata(self):
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        # Fill the chunk with random stuff.
        chunk.metadata = array("B")

        for x, y, z in product(xrange(2), repeat=3):
            # This works because the chunk is at (0, 0) so the coords don't
            # need to be adjusted.
            metadata = yield self.w.get_metadata((x, y, z))
            self.assertEqual(metadata, chunk.get_metadata((x, y, z)))

    def test_get_block_readback(self):
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        # Fill the chunk with random stuff.
        chunk.blocks = array("B")

        # Evict the chunk and grab it again.
        yield self.w.save_chunk(chunk)
        del chunk
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        for x, y, z in product(xrange(2), repeat=3):
            # This works because the chunk is at (0, 0) so the coords don't
            # need to be adjusted.
            block = yield self.w.get_block((x, y, z))
            self.assertEqual(block, chunk.get_block((x, y, z)))

    def test_get_block_readback_negative(self):
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(-1, -1)

        # Fill the chunk with random stuff.
        chunk.blocks = array("B")

        # Evict the chunk and grab it again.
        yield self.w.save_chunk(chunk)
        del chunk
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(-1, -1)

        for x, y, z in product(xrange(2), repeat=3):
            block = yield self.w.get_block((x - 16, y, z - 16))
            self.assertEqual(block, chunk.get_block((x, y, z)))

    def test_get_metadata_readback(self):
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        # Fill the chunk with random stuff.
        chunk.metadata = array("B")

        # Evict the chunk and grab it again.
        yield self.w.save_chunk(chunk)
        del chunk
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        for x, y, z in product(xrange(2), repeat=3):
            # This works because the chunk is at (0, 0) so the coords don't
            # need to be adjusted.
            metadata = yield self.w.get_metadata((x, y, z))
            self.assertEqual(metadata, chunk.get_metadata((x, y, z)))

    def test_world_level_mark_chunk_dirty(self):
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        # Reload chunk.
        yield self.w.save_chunk(chunk)
        del chunk
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        self.w.mark_dirty((12, 64, 4))
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

    def test_world_level_mark_chunk_dirty_offset(self):
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(1, 2)

        # Reload chunk.
        yield self.w.save_chunk(chunk)
        del chunk
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(1, 2)

        self.w.mark_dirty((29, 64, 43))
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(1, 2)

    def test_sync_get_block(self):
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        # Fill the chunk with random stuff.
        chunk.blocks = array("B")

        for x, y, z in product(xrange(2), repeat=3):
            # This works because the chunk is at (0, 0) so the coords don't
            # need to be adjusted.
            block = self.w.sync_get_block((x, y, z))
            self.assertEqual(block, chunk.get_block((x, y, z)))

    def test_sync_get_block_unloaded(self):
        self.assertRaises(ChunkNotLoaded, self.w.sync_get_block, (0, 0, 0))

    def test_sync_get_metadata_neighboring(self):
        Even if a neighboring chunk is loaded, the target chunk could still be

        Test with sync_get_metadata() to increase test coverage.

        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
                              self.w.sync_get_metadata, (16, 0, 0))

        return d
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_automatons.py プロジェクト: tazjel/bravo
class TestGrass(TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.bcp = BravoConfigParser()

        self.bcp.add_section("world unittest")
        self.bcp.set("world unittest", "url", "")
        self.bcp.set("world unittest", "serializer", "memory")

        self.w = World(self.bcp, "unittest")
        self.w.pipeline = []

        self.f = GrassMockFactory()
        self.f.world = self.w
        self.w.factory = self.f

        plugins = retrieve_plugins(IAutomaton, factory=self.f)
        self.hook = plugins["grass"]

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_trivial(self):

    def test_not_dirt(self):
        Blocks which aren't dirt by the time they're processed will be

        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        chunk.set_block((0, 0, 0), blocks["bedrock"].slot)

        # Run the loop once.
        self.hook.feed((0, 0, 0))

        # We shouldn't have any pending blocks now.

    def test_unloaded_chunk(self):
        The grass automaton can't load chunks, so it will stop tracking blocks
        on the edge of the loaded world.

        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        chunk.set_block((0, 0, 0), blocks["dirt"].slot)

        # Run the loop once.
        self.hook.feed((0, 0, 0))

        # We shouldn't have any pending blocks now.

    def test_surrounding(self):
        When surrounded by eight grassy neighbors, dirt should turn into grass

        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        # Set up grassy surroundings.
        for x, z in product(xrange(0, 3), repeat=2):
            chunk.set_block((x, 0, z), blocks["grass"].slot)

        # Our lone Cinderella.
        chunk.set_block((1, 0, 1), blocks["dirt"].slot)

        # Do the actual hook run. This should take exactly one run.
        self.hook.feed((1, 0, 1))

        self.assertEqual(chunk.get_block((1, 0, 1)), blocks["grass"].slot)

    def test_surrounding_not_dirt(self):
        Blocks which aren't dirt by the time they're processed will be
        ignored, even when surrounded by grass.

        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
            # Set up grassy surroundings.
            for x, z in product(xrange(0, 3), repeat=2):
                chunk.set_block((x, 0, z), blocks["grass"].slot)

            chunk.set_block((1, 0, 1), blocks["bedrock"].slot)

            # Run the loop once.
            self.hook.feed((1, 0, 1))

            # We shouldn't have any pending blocks now.

        return d

    def test_surrounding_obstructed(self):
        Grass can't grow on blocks which have other blocks on top of them.

        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        # Set up grassy surroundings.
        for x, z in product(xrange(0, 3), repeat=2):
            chunk.set_block((x, 0, z), blocks["grass"].slot)

        # Put an obstruction on top.
        chunk.set_block((1, 1, 1), blocks["stone"].slot)

        # Our lone Cinderella.
        chunk.set_block((1, 0, 1), blocks["dirt"].slot)

        # Do the actual hook run. This should take exactly one run.
        self.hook.feed((1, 0, 1))

        self.assertEqual(chunk.get_block((1, 0, 1)), blocks["dirt"].slot)

    def test_above(self):
        Grass spreads downwards.

        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        # Set up grassy surroundings.
        for x, z in product(xrange(0, 3), repeat=2):
            chunk.set_block((x, 1, z), blocks["grass"].slot)

        chunk.destroy((1, 1, 1))

        # Our lone Cinderella.
        chunk.set_block((1, 0, 1), blocks["dirt"].slot)

        # Do the actual hook run. This should take exactly one run.
        self.hook.feed((1, 0, 1))

        self.assertEqual(chunk.get_block((1, 0, 1)), blocks["grass"].slot)

    def test_two_of_four(self):
        Grass should eventually spread to all filled-in plots on a 2x2 grid.

        Discovered by TkTech.

        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):

            for x, y, z in product(xrange(0, 4), xrange(0, 2), xrange(0, 4)):
                chunk.set_block((x, y, z), blocks["grass"].slot)

            for x, z in product(xrange(1, 3), repeat=2):
                chunk.set_block((x, 1, z), blocks["dirt"].slot)

            self.hook.feed((1, 1, 1))
            self.hook.feed((2, 1, 1))
            self.hook.feed((1, 1, 2))
            self.hook.feed((2, 1, 2))

            # Run to completion. This can take varying amounts of time
            # depending on the RNG, but it should be fairly speedy.
            # XXX patch the RNG so we can do this deterministically
            while self.hook.tracked:

            self.assertEqual(chunk.get_block((1, 1, 1)), blocks["grass"].slot)
            self.assertEqual(chunk.get_block((2, 1, 1)), blocks["grass"].slot)
            self.assertEqual(chunk.get_block((1, 1, 2)), blocks["grass"].slot)
            self.assertEqual(chunk.get_block((2, 1, 2)), blocks["grass"].slot)
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_world.py プロジェクト: alucas/bravo
class TestWorldChunks(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.name = "unittest"
        self.bcp = BravoConfigParser()

        self.bcp.add_section("world unittest")
        self.bcp.set("world unittest", "url", "")
        self.bcp.set("world unittest", "serializer", "memory")

        self.w = World(self.bcp, self.name)
        self.w.pipeline = []

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_trivial(self):

    def test_request_chunk_identity(self):
        first = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)
        second = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)
        self.assertIs(first, second)

    def test_request_chunk_cached_identity(self):
        # Turn on the cache and get a few chunks in there, then request a
        # chunk that is in the cache.
        yield self.w.enable_cache(1)
        first = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)
        second = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)
        self.assertIs(first, second)

    def test_get_block(self):
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        # Fill the chunk with random stuff.
        chunk.blocks = array("B")

        for x, y, z in product(xrange(2), repeat=3):
            # This works because the chunk is at (0, 0) so the coords don't
            # need to be adjusted.
            block = yield self.w.get_block((x, y, z))
            self.assertEqual(block, chunk.get_block((x, y, z)))

    def test_get_metadata(self):
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        # Fill the chunk with random stuff.
        chunk.metadata = array("B")

        for x, y, z in product(xrange(2), repeat=3):
            # This works because the chunk is at (0, 0) so the coords don't
            # need to be adjusted.
            metadata = yield self.w.get_metadata((x, y, z))
            self.assertEqual(metadata, chunk.get_metadata((x, y, z)))

    def test_get_block_readback(self):
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        # Fill the chunk with random stuff.
        chunk.blocks = array("B")

        # Evict the chunk and grab it again.
        yield self.w.save_chunk(chunk)
        del chunk
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        for x, y, z in product(xrange(2), repeat=3):
            # This works because the chunk is at (0, 0) so the coords don't
            # need to be adjusted.
            block = yield self.w.get_block((x, y, z))
            self.assertEqual(block, chunk.get_block((x, y, z)))

    def test_get_block_readback_negative(self):
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(-1, -1)

        # Fill the chunk with random stuff.
        chunk.blocks = array("B")

        # Evict the chunk and grab it again.
        yield self.w.save_chunk(chunk)
        del chunk
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(-1, -1)

        for x, y, z in product(xrange(2), repeat=3):
            block = yield self.w.get_block((x - 16, y, z - 16))
            self.assertEqual(block, chunk.get_block((x, y, z)))

    def test_get_metadata_readback(self):
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        # Fill the chunk with random stuff.
        chunk.metadata = array("B")

        # Evict the chunk and grab it again.
        yield self.w.save_chunk(chunk)
        del chunk
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        for x, y, z in product(xrange(2), repeat=3):
            # This works because the chunk is at (0, 0) so the coords don't
            # need to be adjusted.
            metadata = yield self.w.get_metadata((x, y, z))
            self.assertEqual(metadata, chunk.get_metadata((x, y, z)))

    def test_world_level_mark_chunk_dirty(self):
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        # Reload chunk.
        yield self.w.save_chunk(chunk)
        del chunk
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        self.w.mark_dirty((12, 64, 4))
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

    def test_world_level_mark_chunk_dirty_offset(self):
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(1, 2)

        # Reload chunk.
        yield self.w.save_chunk(chunk)
        del chunk
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(1, 2)

        self.w.mark_dirty((29, 64, 43))
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(1, 2)

    def test_sync_get_block(self):
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        # Fill the chunk with random stuff.
        chunk.blocks = array("B")

        for x, y, z in product(xrange(2), repeat=3):
            # This works because the chunk is at (0, 0) so the coords don't
            # need to be adjusted.
            block = self.w.sync_get_block((x, y, z))
            self.assertEqual(block, chunk.get_block((x, y, z)))

    def test_sync_get_block_unloaded(self):
        self.assertRaises(ChunkNotLoaded, self.w.sync_get_block, (0, 0, 0))

    def test_sync_get_metadata_neighboring(self):
        Even if a neighboring chunk is loaded, the target chunk could still be

        Test with sync_get_metadata() to increase test coverage.

        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
            self.assertRaises(ChunkNotLoaded, self.w.sync_get_metadata,
                              (16, 0, 0))

        return d
コード例 #5
ファイル: beta.py プロジェクト: gr8firedragon/bravo
class BravoFactory(Factory):
    A ``Factory`` that creates ``BravoProtocol`` objects when connected to.


    protocol = BravoProtocol

    timestamp = None
    time = 0
    day = 0

    handshake_hook = None
    login_hook = None

    interface = ""

    def __init__(self, name):
        Create a factory and world.

        ``name`` is the string used to look up factory-specific settings from
        the configuration.

        :param str name: internal name of this factory

        log.msg("Initializing factory for world '%s'..." % name)

        self.name = name
        self.config_name = "world %s" % name

        self.port = configuration.getint(self.config_name, "port")
        self.interface = configuration.getdefault(self.config_name, "host",

        self.world = World(name)
        self.world.factory = self
        if configuration.has_option(self.config_name, "perm_cache"):
            cache_level = configuration.getint(self.config_name, "perm_cache")

        self.protocols = dict()

        self.eid = 1

        self.time = self.world.time
        self.time_loop = LoopingCall(self.update_time)

        authenticator = configuration.get(self.config_name, "authenticator")
        selected = retrieve_named_plugins(IAuthenticator, [authenticator])[0]

        log.msg("Using authenticator %s" % selected.name)
        self.handshake_hook = selected.handshake
        self.login_hook = selected.login

        generators = configuration.getlist(self.config_name, "generators")
        generators = retrieve_sorted_plugins(ITerrainGenerator, generators)

        log.msg("Using generators %s" % ", ".join(i.name for i in generators))
        self.world.pipeline = generators

        self.chat_consumers = set()

        log.msg("Factory successfully initialized for world '%s'!" % name)

    def buildProtocol(self, addr):
        Create a protocol.

        This overriden method provides early player entity registration, as a
        solution to the username/entity race that occurs on login.

        banned = self.world.serializer.load_plugin_data("banned_ips")

        for ip in banned.split():
            if addr.host == ip:
                # Use BannedProtocol with extreme prejudice.
                log.msg("Kicking banned IP %s" % addr)
                p = BannedProtocol()
                p.factory = self
                return p

        log.msg("Starting connection for %s" % addr)
        p = self.protocol(self.name)
        p.factory = self


        return p

    def create_entity(self, x, y, z, name, **kwargs):
        Spawn an entirely new entity.

        Handles entity registration as well as instantiation.

        location = Location()
        location.x = x
        location.y = y
        location.z = z
        entity = entities[name](eid=0, location=location, **kwargs)


        bigx = entity.location.x // 16
        bigz = entity.location.z // 16

        d = self.world.request_chunk(bigx, bigz)
        d.addCallback(lambda chunk: chunk.entities.add(entity))
        d.addCallback(lambda none: log.msg("Created entity %s" % entity))

        return entity

    def register_entity(self, entity):
        Registers an entity with this factory.

        Registration is perhaps too fancy of a name; this method merely makes
        sure that the entity has a unique and usable entity ID.

        if not entity.eid:
            self.eid += 1
            entity.eid = self.eid

        log.msg("Registered entity %s" % entity)

    def destroy_entity(self, entity):
        Destroy an entity.

        The factory doesn't have to know about entities, but it is a good
        place to put this logic.

        bigx = entity.location.x // 16
        bigz = entity.location.z // 16

        d = self.world.request_chunk(bigx, bigz)
        d.addCallback(lambda chunk: chunk.entities.discard(entity))
        d.addCallback(lambda none: log.msg("Destroyed entity %s" % entity))

    def update_time(self):
        Update the in-game timer.

        The timer goes from 0 to 24000, both of which are high noon. The clock
        increments by 20 every second. Days are 20 minutes long.

        The day clock is incremented every in-game day, which is every 20
        minutes. The day clock goes from 0 to 360, which works out to a reset
        once every 5 days. This is a Babylonian in-game year.

        if self.timestamp is None:
            # First run since the start of the factory; re-init everything.
            self.timestamp = time()

        t = time()
        self.time += 20 * (t - self.timestamp)
        self.timestamp = t

        while self.time > 24000:
            self.time -= 24000

            self.day += 1
            while self.day > 360:
                self.day -= 360


    def update_season(self):
        Update the world's season.

        plugins = configuration.getlistdefault(self.config_name,
            "seasons", [])
        for plugin in retrieve_named_plugins(ISeason, plugins):
            if plugin.day == self.day:
                self.world.season = plugin

    def chat(self, message):
        Relay chat messages.

        Chat messages are sent to all connected clients, as well as to anybody
        consuming this factory.

        for consumer in self.chat_consumers:
            consumer.write((self, message))

        # Prepare the message for chat packeting.
        for user in self.protocols:
            message = message.replace(user, chat_name(user))
        message = sanitize_chat(message)

        packet = make_packet("chat", message=message)

    def broadcast(self, packet):
        Broadcast a packet to all connected players.

        for player in self.protocols.itervalues():

    def broadcast_for_others(self, packet, protocol):
        Broadcast a packet to all players except the originating player.

        Useful for certain packets like player entity spawns which should
        never be reflexive.

        for player in self.protocols.itervalues():
            if player is not protocol:

    def broadcast_for_chunk(self, packet, x, z):
        Broadcast a packet to all players that have a certain chunk loaded.

        `x` and `z` are chunk coordinates, not block coordinates.

        for player in self.protocols.itervalues():
            if (x, z) in player.chunks:

    def flush_chunk(self, chunk):
        Flush a damaged chunk to all players that have it loaded.

        if chunk.is_damaged():
            packet = chunk.get_damage_packet()
            for player in self.protocols.itervalues():
                if (chunk.x, chunk.z) in player.chunks:

    def give(self, coords, block, quantity):
        Spawn a pickup at the specified coordinates.

        The coordinates need to be in pixels, not blocks.

        If the size of the stack is too big, multiple stacks will be dropped.

        :param tuple coords: coordinates, in pixels
        :param tuple block: key of block or item to drop
        :param int quantity: number of blocks to drop in the stack

        x, y, z = coords

        while quantity > 0:
            entity = self.create_entity(x // 32, y // 32, z // 32, "Item",
                item=block, quantity=min(quantity, 64))

            packet = entity.save_to_packet()
            packet += make_packet("create", eid=entity.eid)

            quantity -= 64

    def players_near(self, player, radius):
        Obtain other players within a radius of a given player.

        Radius is measured in blocks.

        for i in (p for p in self.protocols.itervalues()
            if player.location.distance(p.location) <= radius and
            p.player != player):
            yield i.player

    def stopFactory(self):
        Called before factory stops listening on ports. Used to perform
        shutdown tasks.

        if not self.world.saving:

        log.msg("Shutting down; flushing world data...")

        # Flush all dirty chunks to disk.
        for chunk in self.world.dirty_chunk_cache.itervalues():

        # Write back current world time.
        self.world.time = self.time

        log.msg("World data saved!")

    def pauseProducing(self):

    def resumeProducing(self):

    def stopProducing(self):
コード例 #6
ファイル: factory.py プロジェクト: squiddy/bravo
class BravoFactory(Factory):
    A ``Factory`` that creates ``BravoProtocol`` objects when connected to.


    protocol = BravoProtocol

    timestamp = None
    time = 0
    day = 0
    eid = 1

    handshake_hook = None
    login_hook = None

    interfaces = []

    def __init__(self, config, name):
        Create a factory and world.

        ``name`` is the string used to look up factory-specific settings from
        the configuration.

        :param str name: internal name of this factory

        self.name = name
        self.config = config
        self.config_name = "world %s" % name

        self.world = World(self.config, self.name)
        self.world.factory = self

        self.protocols = dict()
        self.connectedIPs = defaultdict(int)

        self.mode = self.config.get(self.config_name, "mode")
        if self.mode not in ("creative", "survival"):
            raise Exception("Unsupported mode %s" % self.mode)

        self.limitConnections = self.config.getintdefault(self.config_name,
        self.limitPerIP = self.config.getintdefault(self.config_name,
                                                      "limitPerIP", 0)

        self.vane = WeatherVane(self)

    def startFactory(self):
        log.msg("Initializing factory for world '%s'..." % self.name)

        authenticator = self.config.get(self.config_name, "authenticator")
        selected = retrieve_named_plugins(IAuthenticator, [authenticator])[0]

        log.msg("Using authenticator %s" % selected.name)
        self.handshake_hook = selected.handshake
        self.login_hook = selected.login

        # Get our plugins set up.

        log.msg("Starting world...")

        # Start up the permanent cache.
        # has_option() is not exactly desirable, but it's appropriate here
        # because we don't want to take any action if the key is unset.
        if self.config.has_option(self.config_name, "perm_cache"):
            cache_level = self.config.getint(self.config_name, "perm_cache")

        log.msg("Starting timekeeping...")
        self.timestamp = reactor.seconds()
        self.time = self.world.time
        self.time_loop = LoopingCall(self.update_time)

        log.msg("Starting entity updates...")

        # Start automatons.
        for automaton in self.automatons:

        self.chat_consumers = set()

        log.msg("Factory successfully initialized for world '%s'!" % self.name)

    def stopFactory(self):
        Called before factory stops listening on ports. Used to perform
        shutdown tasks.

        log.msg("Shutting down world...")

        # Stop automatons. Technically, they may not actually halt until their
        # next iteration, but that is close enough for us, probably.
        # Automatons are contracted to not access the world after stop() is
        # called.
        for automaton in self.automatons:

        # Evict plugins as soon as possible. Can't be done before stopping
        # automatons.


        # Write back current world time. This must be done before stopping the
        # world.
        self.world.time = self.time

        # And now stop the world.

        log.msg("World data saved!")

    def buildProtocol(self, addr):
        Create a protocol.

        This overriden method provides early player entity registration, as a
        solution to the username/entity race that occurs on login.

        banned = self.world.serializer.load_plugin_data("banned_ips")

        # Do IP bans first.
        for ip in banned.split():
            if addr.host == ip:
                # Use KickedProtocol with extreme prejudice.
                log.msg("Kicking banned IP %s" % addr.host)
                p = KickedProtocol("Sorry, but your IP address is banned.")
                p.factory = self
                return p

        # We are ignoring values less that 1, but making sure not to go over
        # the connection limit.
        if (self.limitConnections
            and len(self.protocols) >= self.limitConnections):
            log.msg("Reached maximum players, turning %s away." % addr.host)
            p = KickedProtocol("The player limit has already been reached."
                               " Please try again later.")
            p.factory = self
            return p

        # Do our connection-per-IP check.
        if (self.limitPerIP and
            self.connectedIPs[addr.host] >= self.limitPerIP):
            log.msg("At maximum connections for %s already, dropping." % addr.host)
            p = KickedProtocol("There are too many players connected from this IP.")
            p.factory = self
            return p
            self.connectedIPs[addr.host] += 1

        # If the player wasn't kicked, let's continue!
        log.msg("Starting connection for %s" % addr)
        p = self.protocol(self.config, self.name)
        p.host = addr.host
        p.factory = self


        # Copy our hooks to the protocol.

        return p

    def teardown_protocol(self, protocol):
        Do internal bookkeeping on behalf of a protocol which has been

        Did you know that "bookkeeping" is one of the few words in English
        which has three pairs of double letters in a row?

        username = protocol.username
        host = protocol.host

        if username in self.protocols:
            del self.protocols[username]

        self.connectedIPs[host] -= 1

    def set_username(self, protocol, username):
        Attempt to set a new username for a protocol.

        :returns: whether the username was changed

        # If the username's already taken, refuse it.
        if username in self.protocols:
            return False

        if protocol.username in self.protocols:
            # This protocol's known under another name, so remove it.
            del self.protocols[protocol.username]

        # Set the username.
        self.protocols[username] = protocol
        protocol.username = username

        return True

    def register_plugins(self):
        Setup plugin hooks.

        log.msg("Registering client plugin hooks...")

        plugin_types = {
            "automatons": IAutomaton,
            "generators": ITerrainGenerator,
            "seasons": ISeason,
            "open_hooks": IWindowOpenHook,
            "click_hooks": IWindowClickHook,
            "close_hooks": IWindowCloseHook,
            "pre_build_hooks": IPreBuildHook,
            "post_build_hooks": IPostBuildHook,
            "pre_dig_hooks": IPreDigHook,
            "dig_hooks": IDigHook,
            "sign_hooks": ISignHook,
            "use_hooks": IUseHook,

        pp = {"factory": self}

        for t, interface in plugin_types.iteritems():
            l = self.config.getlistdefault(self.config_name, t, [])
            if issubclass(interface, ISortedPlugin):
                plugins = retrieve_sorted_plugins(interface, l, parameters=pp)
                plugins = retrieve_named_plugins(interface, l, parameters=pp)
            log.msg("Using %s: %s" % (t.replace("_", " "),
                ", ".join(plugin.name for plugin in plugins)))
            setattr(self, t, plugins)

        # Assign generators to the world pipeline.
        self.world.pipeline = self.generators

        # Use hooks have special funkiness.
        uh = self.use_hooks
        self.use_hooks = defaultdict(list)
        for plugin in uh:
            for target in plugin.targets:

    def unregister_plugins(self):
        log.msg("Unregistering client plugin hooks...")

        for name in [
            delattr(self, name)

    def create_entity(self, x, y, z, name, **kwargs):
        Spawn an entirely new entity.

        Handles entity registration as well as instantiation.

        location = Location()
        location.x = x
        location.y = y
        location.z = z
        entity = entities[name](eid=0, location=location, **kwargs)


        bigx = entity.location.x // 16
        bigz = entity.location.z // 16

        d = self.world.request_chunk(bigx, bigz)
        d.addCallback(lambda chunk: chunk.entities.add(entity))
        d.addCallback(lambda none: log.msg("Created entity %s" % entity))
        if hasattr(entity,'loop'): # XXX Maybe just send the entity object to the manager?
        return entity

    def register_entity(self, entity):
        Registers an entity with this factory.

        Registration is perhaps too fancy of a name; this method merely makes
        sure that the entity has a unique and usable entity ID.

        if not entity.eid:
            self.eid += 1
            entity.eid = self.eid

        log.msg("Registered entity %s" % entity)

    def destroy_entity(self, entity):
        Destroy an entity.

        The factory doesn't have to know about entities, but it is a good
        place to put this logic.

        bigx = entity.location.x // 16
        bigz = entity.location.z // 16

        d = self.world.request_chunk(bigx, bigz)
        def cb(chunk):
            chunk.dirty = True
            log.msg("Destroyed entity %s" % entity)

    def update_time(self):
        Update the in-game timer.

        The timer goes from 0 to 24000, both of which are high noon. The clock
        increments by 20 every second. Days are 20 minutes long.

        The day clock is incremented every in-game day, which is every 20
        minutes. The day clock goes from 0 to 360, which works out to a reset
        once every 5 days. This is a Babylonian in-game year.

        t = reactor.seconds()
        self.time += 20 * (t - self.timestamp)
        self.timestamp = t

        days, self.time = divmod(self.time, 24000)

        if days:
            self.day += days
            self.day %= 360

    def broadcast_time(self):
        packet = make_packet("time", timestamp=int(self.time))

    def update_season(self):
        Update the world's season.

        all_seasons = sorted(self.seasons, key=lambda s: s.day)

        # Get all the seasons that we have past the start date of this year.
        # We are looking for the season which is closest to our current day,
        # without going over; I call this the Price-is-Right style of season
        # handling. :3
        past_seasons = [s for s in all_seasons if s.day <= self.day]
        if past_seasons:
            # The most recent one is the one we are in
            self.world.season = past_seasons[-1]
        elif all_seasons:
            # We haven't past any seasons yet this year, so grab the last one
            # from 'last year'
            self.world.season = all_seasons[-1]
            # No seasons enabled.
            self.world.season = None

    def chat(self, message):
        Relay chat messages.

        Chat messages are sent to all connected clients, as well as to anybody
        consuming this factory.

        for consumer in self.chat_consumers:
            consumer.write((self, message))

        # Prepare the message for chat packeting.
        for user in self.protocols:
            message = message.replace(user, chat_name(user))
        message = sanitize_chat(message)

        log.msg("Chat: %s" % message.encode("utf8"))

        packet = make_packet("chat", message=message)

    def broadcast(self, packet):
        Broadcast a packet to all connected players.

        for player in self.protocols.itervalues():

    def broadcast_for_others(self, packet, protocol):
        Broadcast a packet to all players except the originating player.

        Useful for certain packets like player entity spawns which should
        never be reflexive.

        for player in self.protocols.itervalues():
            if player is not protocol:

    def broadcast_for_chunk(self, packet, x, z):
        Broadcast a packet to all players that have a certain chunk loaded.

        `x` and `z` are chunk coordinates, not block coordinates.

        for player in self.protocols.itervalues():
            if (x, z) in player.chunks:

    def scan_chunk(self, chunk):
        Tell automatons about this chunk.

        for automaton in self.automatons:

    def flush_chunk(self, chunk):
        Flush a damaged chunk to all players that have it loaded.

        if chunk.is_damaged():
            packet = chunk.get_damage_packet()
            for player in self.protocols.itervalues():
                if (chunk.x, chunk.z) in player.chunks:

    def flush_all_chunks(self):
        Flush any damage anywhere in this world to all players.

        This is a sledgehammer which should be used sparingly at best, and is
        only well-suited to plugins which touch multiple chunks at once.

        In other words, if I catch you using this in your plugin needlessly,
        I'm gonna have a chat with you.

        for chunk in chain(self.world.chunk_cache.itervalues(),

    def give(self, coords, block, quantity):
        Spawn a pickup at the specified coordinates.

        The coordinates need to be in pixels, not blocks.

        If the size of the stack is too big, multiple stacks will be dropped.

        :param tuple coords: coordinates, in pixels
        :param tuple block: key of block or item to drop
        :param int quantity: number of blocks to drop in the stack

        x, y, z = coords

        while quantity > 0:
            entity = self.create_entity(x // 32, y // 32, z // 32, "Item",
                item=block, quantity=min(quantity, 64))

            packet = entity.save_to_packet()
            packet += make_packet("create", eid=entity.eid)

            quantity -= 64

    def players_near(self, player, radius):
        Obtain other players within a radius of a given player.

        Radius is measured in blocks.

        for i in (p for p in self.protocols.itervalues()
            if player.location.distance(p.location) <= radius and
            p.player != player):
            yield i.player

    def pauseProducing(self):

    def resumeProducing(self):

    def stopProducing(self):
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_physics.py プロジェクト: MartysTardis/bravo
class TestWater(TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        # Set up world.
        self.name = "unittest"
        self.bcp = BravoConfigParser()

        self.bcp.add_section("world unittest")
        self.bcp.set("world unittest", "url", "")
        self.bcp.set("world unittest", "serializer", "memory")

        self.w = World(self.bcp, self.name)
        self.w.pipeline = []

        # And finally the mock factory.
        self.f = PhysicsMockFactory()
        self.f.world = self.w

        # Using dig hook to grab the plugin since the build hook was nuked in
        # favor of the automaton interface.
        self.p = bravo.plugin.retrieve_plugins(IDigHook, factory=self.f)
        self.hook = self.p["water"]

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_trivial(self):

    def test_update_fluid_negative(self):
        update_fluid() should always return False for Y at the bottom of the

        self.assertFalse(self.hook.update_fluid(self.w, (0, -1, 0), False))

    def test_update_fluid_unloaded(self):
        self.assertRaises(ChunkNotLoaded, self.hook.update_fluid, self.w,
            (0, 0, 0), False)

    def test_update_fluid(self):
        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
            self.assertTrue(self.hook.update_fluid(self.w, (0, 0, 0), False))
            self.assertEqual(self.w.sync_get_block((0, 0, 0)),
            self.assertEqual(self.w.sync_get_metadata((0, 0, 0)), 0)

        return d

    def test_update_fluid_metadata(self):
        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
            self.assertTrue(self.hook.update_fluid(self.w, (0, 0, 0), False,
            self.assertEqual(self.w.sync_get_metadata((0, 0, 0)), 1)

        return d

    def test_update_fluid_falling(self):
        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
            self.assertTrue(self.hook.update_fluid(self.w, (0, 0, 0), True))
            self.assertEqual(self.w.sync_get_metadata((0, 0, 0)), 8)

        return d

    def test_zero_y(self):
        Double-check that water placed on the very bottom of the world doesn't
        cause internal errors.

        self.w.set_block((0, 0, 0), blocks["spring"].slot)
        self.hook.tracked.add((0, 0, 0))

        # Tight-loop run the hook to equilibrium; if any exceptions happen,
        # they will bubble up.
        while self.hook.tracked:

    def test_spring_spread(self):
        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
            chunk.set_block((1, 0, 1), blocks["spring"].slot)
            self.hook.tracked.add((1, 0, 1))

            # Tight-loop run the hook to equilibrium.
            while self.hook.tracked:

            for coords in ((2, 0, 1), (1, 0, 2), (0, 0, 1), (1, 0, 0)):
                self.assertEqual(chunk.get_metadata(coords), 0x0)

        return d

    def test_spring_spread_edge(self):
        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
            chunk.set_block((0, 0, 0), blocks["spring"].slot)
            self.hook.tracked.add((0, 0, 0))

            # Tight-loop run the hook to equilibrium.
            while self.hook.tracked:

            for coords in ((1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1)):
                self.assertEqual(chunk.get_metadata(coords), 0x0)

        return d

    def test_fluid_spread_edge(self):
        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
            chunk.set_block((0, 0, 0), blocks["spring"].slot)
            self.hook.tracked.add((0, 0, 0))

            # Tight-loop run the hook to equilibrium.
            while self.hook.tracked:

            for coords in ((2, 0, 0), (1, 0, 1), (0, 0, 2)):
                self.assertEqual(chunk.get_metadata(coords), 0x1)

        return d

    def test_spring_fall(self):
        Falling water should appear below springs.

        self.w.set_block((0, 1, 0), blocks["spring"].slot)
        self.hook.tracked.add((0, 1, 0))

        # Tight-loop run the hook to equilibrium.
        while self.hook.tracked:

        block = yield self.w.get_block((0, 0, 0))
        metadata = yield self.w.get_metadata((0, 0, 0))
        self.assertEqual(block, blocks["water"].slot)
        self.assertEqual(metadata, 0x8)

    def test_spring_fall_dig(self):
        Destroying ground underneath spring should allow water to continue
        falling downwards.

        self.w.set_block((0, 1, 0), blocks["spring"].slot)
        self.w.set_block((0, 0, 0), blocks["dirt"].slot)
        self.hook.tracked.add((0, 1, 0))

        # Tight-loop run the hook to equilibrium.
        while self.hook.tracked:

        #dig away dirt under spring
        self.w.destroy((0, 0, 0))
        self.hook.tracked.add((0, 1, 0))

        while self.hook.tracked:

        block = yield self.w.get_block((0, 0, 0))
        self.assertEqual(block, blocks["water"].slot)

    def test_spring_fall_dig_offset(self):
        Destroying ground next to a spring should cause a waterfall effect.

        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):

            chunk.set_block((1, 1, 0), blocks["spring"].slot)
            chunk.set_block((1, 0, 0), blocks["dirt"].slot)
            chunk.set_block((1, 0, 1), blocks["dirt"].slot)
            self.hook.tracked.add((1, 1, 0))

            # Tight-loop run the hook to equilibrium.
            while self.hook.tracked:

            # Dig away the dirt next to the dirt under the spring, and simulate
            # the dig hook by adding the block above it.
            chunk.destroy((1, 0, 1))
            self.hook.tracked.add((1, 1, 1))

            while self.hook.tracked:

            self.assertEqual(chunk.get_block((1, 0, 1)), blocks["water"].slot)

        return d

    def test_trench(self):
        Fluid should not spread across the top of existing fluid.

        This test is for a specific kind of trench-digging pattern.

        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
            chunk.set_block((0, 2, 0), blocks["spring"].slot)
            chunk.set_block((0, 1, 0), blocks["dirt"].slot)
            self.hook.tracked.add((0, 2, 0))

            # Tight-loop run the hook to equilibrium.
            while self.hook.tracked:

            # Dig the dirt.
            self.w.destroy((0, 1, 0))
            self.hook.tracked.add((0, 1, 1))
            self.hook.tracked.add((0, 2, 0))
            self.hook.tracked.add((1, 1, 0))

            while self.hook.tracked:

            block = chunk.get_block((0, 2, 2))
            self.assertEqual(block, blocks["air"].slot)

    def test_obstacle(self):
        Test that obstacles are flowed around correctly.

        yield self.w.set_block((0, 0, 0), blocks["spring"].slot)
        yield self.w.set_block((1, 0, 0), blocks["stone"].slot)
        self.hook.tracked.add((0, 0, 0))

        # Tight-loop run the hook to equilibrium.
        while self.hook.tracked:

        # Make sure that the water level behind the stone is 0x3, not 0x0.
        metadata = yield self.w.get_metadata((2, 0, 0))
        self.assertEqual(metadata, 0x3)

    def test_sponge(self):
        Test that sponges prevent water from spreading near them.

        self.w.set_block((0, 0, 0), blocks["spring"].slot)
        self.w.set_block((3, 0, 0), blocks["sponge"].slot)
        self.hook.tracked.add((0, 0, 0))
        self.hook.tracked.add((3, 0, 0))

        # Tight-loop run the hook to equilibrium.
        while self.hook.tracked:

        # Make sure that water did not spread near the sponge.
        block = yield self.w.get_block((1, 0, 0))
        self.assertNotEqual(block, blocks["water"].slot)

    def test_sponge_absorb_spring(self):
        Test that sponges can absorb springs and will cause all of the
        surrounding water to dry up.

        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
            chunk.set_block((0, 0, 0), blocks["spring"].slot)
            self.hook.tracked.add((0, 0, 0))

            # Tight-loop run the hook to equilibrium.
            while self.hook.tracked:

            self.w.set_block((1, 0, 0), blocks["sponge"].slot)
            self.hook.tracked.add((1, 0, 0))

            while self.hook.tracked:

            for coords in ((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1)):
                block = yield self.w.get_block(coords)
                self.assertEqual(block, blocks["air"].slot)

            # Make sure that water did not spread near the sponge.
            block = yield self.w.get_block((1, 0, 0))
            self.assertNotEqual(block, blocks["water"].slot)

        return d

    def test_sponge_salt(self):
        Test that sponges don't "salt the earth" or have any kind of lasting
        effects after destruction.

        self.w.set_block((0, 0, 0), blocks["spring"].slot)
        self.hook.tracked.add((0, 0, 0))

        # Tight-loop run the hook to equilibrium.
        while self.hook.tracked:

        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        # Take a snapshot at the base level, with a clever slice.
        before = chunk.sections[0].blocks[:256], chunk.sections[0].metadata[:256]

        self.w.set_block((3, 0, 0), blocks["sponge"].slot)
        self.hook.tracked.add((3, 0, 0))

        while self.hook.tracked:

        self.w.destroy((3, 0, 0))
        self.hook.tracked.add((3, 0, 0))

        while self.hook.tracked:

        # Make another snapshot, for comparison.
        after = chunk.sections[0].blocks[:256], chunk.sections[0].metadata[:256]

        # Make sure that the sponge didn't permanently change anything.
        self.assertEqual(before, after)

    def test_spring_remove(self):
        Test that water dries up if no spring is providing it.

        self.w.set_block((0, 0, 0), blocks["spring"].slot)
        self.hook.tracked.add((0, 0, 0))

        # Tight-loop run the hook to equilibrium.
        while self.hook.tracked:

        # Remove the spring.
        self.w.destroy((0, 0, 0))
        self.hook.tracked.add((0, 0, 0))

        # Tight-loop run the hook to equilibrium.
        while self.hook.tracked:

        for coords in ((1, 0, 0), (-1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, -1)):
            block = yield self.w.get_block(coords)
            self.assertEqual(block, blocks["air"].slot)

    def test_spring_underneath_keepalive(self):
        Test that springs located at a lower altitude than stray water do not
        keep that stray water alive.

        self.w.set_block((0, 0, 0), blocks["spring"].slot)
        self.w.set_block((0, 1, 0), blocks["spring"].slot)
        self.hook.tracked.add((0, 0, 0))
        self.hook.tracked.add((0, 1, 0))

        # Tight-loop run the hook to equilibrium.
        while self.hook.tracked:

        # Remove the upper spring.
        self.w.destroy((0, 1, 0))
        self.hook.tracked.add((0, 1, 0))

        # Tight-loop run the hook to equilibrium.
        while self.hook.tracked:

        # Check that the upper water blocks dried out. Don't care about the
        # lower ones in this test.
        for coords in ((1, 1, 0), (-1, 1, 0), (0, 1, 1), (0, 1, -1)):
            block = yield self.w.get_block(coords)
            self.assertEqual(block, blocks["air"].slot)
コード例 #8
class TestRedstone(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        # Set up world.
        self.name = "unittest"
        self.bcp = BravoConfigParser()

        self.bcp.add_section("world unittest")
        self.bcp.set("world unittest", "url", "")
        self.bcp.set("world unittest", "serializer", "memory")

        self.w = World(self.bcp, self.name)
        self.w.pipeline = []

        # And finally the mock factory.
        self.f = RedstoneMockFactory()
        self.f.world = self.w

        self.p = retrieve_plugins(IDigHook, factory=self.f)
        self.hook = self.p["redstone"]

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_trivial(self):

    def test_and_gate(self):
        AND gates should work.

        This test also bumps up against a chunk boundary intentionally.

        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
            for i1, i2, o in (
                (False, False, False),
                (True, False, False),
                (False, True, False),
                (True, True, True),
                # Reset the hook.
                self.hook.asic = Asic()

                # The tableau.
                chunk.set_block((1, 1, 1), blocks["sand"].slot)
                chunk.set_block((1, 1, 2), blocks["sand"].slot)
                chunk.set_block((1, 1, 3), blocks["sand"].slot)

                chunk.set_block((1, 2, 1), blocks["redstone-torch"].slot)
                chunk.set_metadata((1, 2, 1),
                chunk.set_block((1, 2, 3), blocks["redstone-torch"].slot)
                chunk.set_metadata((1, 2, 3),

                chunk.set_block((1, 2, 2), blocks["redstone-wire"].slot)

                # Output torch.
                chunk.set_block((2, 1, 2), blocks["redstone-torch"].slot)
                chunk.set_metadata((2, 1, 2),

                # Attach the levers to the sand block.
                orientation = blocks["lever"].orientation("-x")
                iblock, imetadata = truthify_block(i1, blocks["lever"].slot,
                chunk.set_block((0, 1, 1), iblock)
                chunk.set_metadata((0, 1, 1), imetadata)
                iblock, imetadata = truthify_block(i2, blocks["lever"].slot,
                chunk.set_block((0, 1, 3), iblock)
                chunk.set_metadata((0, 1, 3), imetadata)

                # Run the circuit, starting at the switches. Six times:
                # Lever (x2), sand (x2), torch (x2), wire, block, torch.
                self.hook.feed((0, 1, 1))
                self.hook.feed((0, 1, 3))

                block = chunk.get_block((2, 1, 2))
                metadata = chunk.get_metadata((2, 1, 2))
                self.assertEqual((block, metadata),
                                 truthify_block(o, block, metadata))

        return d

    def test_or_gate(self):
        OR gates should work.

        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
            for i1, i2, o in (
                (False, False, False),
                (True, False, True),
                (False, True, True),
                (True, True, True),
                # Reset the hook.
                self.hook.asic = Asic()

                # The tableau.
                chunk.set_block((1, 1, 2), blocks["sand"].slot)
                chunk.set_block((1, 2, 2), blocks["redstone-torch"].slot)
                chunk.set_metadata((1, 2, 2),
                chunk.set_block((2, 2, 2), blocks["redstone-wire"].slot)
                chunk.set_block((2, 1, 2), blocks["sand"].slot)
                chunk.set_block((3, 1, 2), blocks["redstone-torch"].slot)
                chunk.set_metadata((3, 1, 2),

                # Attach the levers to the sand block.
                orientation = blocks["lever"].orientation("-z")
                iblock, imetadata = truthify_block(i1, blocks["lever"].slot,
                chunk.set_block((1, 1, 1), iblock)
                chunk.set_metadata((1, 1, 1), imetadata)
                orientation = blocks["lever"].orientation("+z")
                iblock, imetadata = truthify_block(i2, blocks["lever"].slot,
                chunk.set_block((1, 1, 3), iblock)
                chunk.set_metadata((1, 1, 3), imetadata)

                # Run the circuit, starting at the switches. Six times:
                # Lever (x2), sand, torch, wire, sand, torch.
                self.hook.feed((1, 1, 1))
                self.hook.feed((1, 1, 3))

                block = chunk.get_block((3, 1, 2))
                metadata = chunk.get_metadata((3, 1, 2))
                self.assertEqual((block, metadata),
                                 truthify_block(o, block, metadata))

        return d

    def test_nor_gate(self):
        NOR gates should work.

        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
            for i1, i2, o in (
                (False, False, True),
                (True, False, False),
                (False, True, False),
                (True, True, False),
                # Reset the hook.
                self.hook.asic = Asic()

                # The tableau.
                chunk.set_block((1, 1, 2), blocks["sand"].slot)
                chunk.set_block((2, 1, 2), blocks["redstone-torch"].slot)

                # Attach the levers to the sand block.
                orientation = blocks["lever"].orientation("-z")
                iblock, imetadata = truthify_block(i1, blocks["lever"].slot,
                chunk.set_block((1, 1, 1), iblock)
                chunk.set_metadata((1, 1, 1), imetadata)
                orientation = blocks["lever"].orientation("+z")
                iblock, imetadata = truthify_block(i2, blocks["lever"].slot,
                chunk.set_block((1, 1, 3), iblock)
                chunk.set_metadata((1, 1, 3), imetadata)
                # Attach the torch to the sand block too.
                orientation = blocks["redstone-torch"].orientation("+x")
                chunk.set_metadata((2, 1, 2), orientation)

                # Run the circuit, starting at the switches. Three times:
                # Lever (x2), sand, torch.
                self.hook.feed((1, 1, 1))
                self.hook.feed((1, 1, 3))

                block = chunk.get_block((2, 1, 2))
                metadata = chunk.get_metadata((2, 1, 2))
                self.assertEqual((block, metadata),
                                 truthify_block(o, block, metadata))

        return d

    def test_not_gate(self):
        NOT gates should work.

        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
            for i, o in ((True, False), (False, True)):
                # Reset the hook.
                self.hook.asic = Asic()

                # The tableau.
                chunk.set_block((2, 1, 1), blocks["sand"].slot)
                chunk.set_block((3, 1, 1), blocks["redstone-torch"].slot)

                # Attach the lever to the sand block, and throw it. For sanity
                # purposes, grab the orientation metadata from the block
                # definition.
                orientation = blocks["lever"].orientation("-x")
                iblock, imetadata = truthify_block(i, blocks["lever"].slot,
                chunk.set_block((1, 1, 1), iblock)
                chunk.set_metadata((1, 1, 1), imetadata)

                # Attach the torch to the sand block too.
                orientation = blocks["redstone-torch"].orientation("+x")
                chunk.set_metadata((3, 1, 1), orientation)

                # Run the circuit, starting at the switch.
                self.hook.feed((1, 1, 1))

                # Lever, torch, sand.

                block = chunk.get_block((3, 1, 1))
                metadata = chunk.get_metadata((3, 1, 1))
                self.assertEqual((block, metadata),
                                 truthify_block(o, block, metadata))

        return d
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_redstone.py プロジェクト: KingPsychopath/bravo
class TestRedstone(TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        # Set up world.
        self.name = "unittest"
        self.bcp = BravoConfigParser()

        self.bcp.add_section("world unittest")
        self.bcp.set("world unittest", "url", "")
        self.bcp.set("world unittest", "serializer", "memory")

        self.w = World(self.bcp, self.name)
        self.w.pipeline = []

        # And finally the mock factory.
        self.f = RedstoneMockFactory()
        self.f.world = self.w

        self.p = retrieve_plugins(IDigHook, factory=self.f)
        self.hook = self.p["redstone"]

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_trivial(self):

    def test_and_gate(self):
        AND gates should work.

        This test also bumps up against a chunk boundary intentionally.

        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
            for i1, i2, o in (
                (False, False, False),
                (True, False, False),
                (False, True, False),
                (True, True, True),
                # Reset the hook.
                self.hook.asic = Asic()

                # The tableau.
                chunk.set_block((1, 1, 1), blocks["sand"].slot)
                chunk.set_block((1, 1, 2), blocks["sand"].slot)
                chunk.set_block((1, 1, 3), blocks["sand"].slot)

                chunk.set_block((1, 2, 1), blocks["redstone-torch"].slot)
                chunk.set_metadata((1, 2, 1),
                chunk.set_block((1, 2, 3), blocks["redstone-torch"].slot)
                chunk.set_metadata((1, 2, 3),

                chunk.set_block((1, 2, 2), blocks["redstone-wire"].slot)

                # Output torch.
                chunk.set_block((2, 1, 2), blocks["redstone-torch"].slot)
                chunk.set_metadata((2, 1, 2),

                # Attach the levers to the sand block.
                orientation = blocks["lever"].orientation("-x")
                iblock, imetadata = truthify_block(i1, blocks["lever"].slot,
                chunk.set_block((0, 1, 1), iblock)
                chunk.set_metadata((0, 1, 1), imetadata)
                iblock, imetadata = truthify_block(i2, blocks["lever"].slot,
                chunk.set_block((0, 1, 3), iblock)
                chunk.set_metadata((0, 1, 3), imetadata)

                # Run the circuit, starting at the switches. Six times:
                # Lever (x2), sand (x2), torch (x2), wire, block, torch.
                self.hook.feed((0, 1, 1))
                self.hook.feed((0, 1, 3))

                block = chunk.get_block((2, 1, 2))
                metadata = chunk.get_metadata((2, 1, 2))
                self.assertEqual((block, metadata),
                    truthify_block(o, block, metadata))

        return d

    def test_or_gate(self):
        OR gates should work.

        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
            for i1, i2, o in (
                (False, False, False),
                (True, False, True),
                (False, True, True),
                (True, True, True),
                # Reset the hook.
                self.hook.asic = Asic()

                # The tableau.
                chunk.set_block((1, 1, 2), blocks["sand"].slot)
                chunk.set_block((1, 2, 2), blocks["redstone-torch"].slot)
                chunk.set_metadata((1, 2, 2),
                chunk.set_block((2, 2, 2), blocks["redstone-wire"].slot)
                chunk.set_block((2, 1, 2), blocks["sand"].slot)
                chunk.set_block((3, 1, 2), blocks["redstone-torch"].slot)
                chunk.set_metadata((3, 1, 2),

                # Attach the levers to the sand block.
                orientation = blocks["lever"].orientation("-z")
                iblock, imetadata = truthify_block(i1, blocks["lever"].slot,
                chunk.set_block((1, 1, 1), iblock)
                chunk.set_metadata((1, 1, 1), imetadata)
                orientation = blocks["lever"].orientation("+z")
                iblock, imetadata = truthify_block(i2, blocks["lever"].slot,
                chunk.set_block((1, 1, 3), iblock)
                chunk.set_metadata((1, 1, 3), imetadata)

                # Run the circuit, starting at the switches. Six times:
                # Lever (x2), sand, torch, wire, sand, torch.
                self.hook.feed((1, 1, 1))
                self.hook.feed((1, 1, 3))

                block = chunk.get_block((3, 1, 2))
                metadata = chunk.get_metadata((3, 1, 2))
                self.assertEqual((block, metadata),
                    truthify_block(o, block, metadata))

        return d

    def test_nor_gate(self):
        NOR gates should work.

        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
            for i1, i2, o in (
                (False, False, True),
                (True, False, False),
                (False, True, False),
                (True, True, False),
                # Reset the hook.
                self.hook.asic = Asic()

                # The tableau.
                chunk.set_block((1, 1, 2), blocks["sand"].slot)
                chunk.set_block((2, 1, 2), blocks["redstone-torch"].slot)

                # Attach the levers to the sand block.
                orientation = blocks["lever"].orientation("-z")
                iblock, imetadata = truthify_block(i1, blocks["lever"].slot,
                chunk.set_block((1, 1, 1), iblock)
                chunk.set_metadata((1, 1, 1), imetadata)
                orientation = blocks["lever"].orientation("+z")
                iblock, imetadata = truthify_block(i2, blocks["lever"].slot,
                chunk.set_block((1, 1, 3), iblock)
                chunk.set_metadata((1, 1, 3), imetadata)
                # Attach the torch to the sand block too.
                orientation = blocks["redstone-torch"].orientation("+x")
                chunk.set_metadata((2, 1, 2), orientation)

                # Run the circuit, starting at the switches. Three times:
                # Lever (x2), sand, torch.
                self.hook.feed((1, 1, 1))
                self.hook.feed((1, 1, 3))

                block = chunk.get_block((2, 1, 2))
                metadata = chunk.get_metadata((2, 1, 2))
                self.assertEqual((block, metadata),
                    truthify_block(o, block, metadata))

        return d

    def test_not_gate(self):
        NOT gates should work.

        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
            for i, o in ((True, False), (False, True)):
                # Reset the hook.
                self.hook.asic = Asic()

                # The tableau.
                chunk.set_block((2, 1, 1), blocks["sand"].slot)
                chunk.set_block((3, 1, 1), blocks["redstone-torch"].slot)

                # Attach the lever to the sand block, and throw it. For sanity
                # purposes, grab the orientation metadata from the block
                # definition.
                orientation = blocks["lever"].orientation("-x")
                iblock, imetadata = truthify_block(i, blocks["lever"].slot,
                chunk.set_block((1, 1, 1), iblock)
                chunk.set_metadata((1, 1, 1), imetadata)

                # Attach the torch to the sand block too.
                orientation = blocks["redstone-torch"].orientation("+x")
                chunk.set_metadata((3, 1, 1), orientation)

                # Run the circuit, starting at the switch.
                self.hook.feed((1, 1, 1))

                # Lever, torch, sand.

                block = chunk.get_block((3, 1, 1))
                metadata = chunk.get_metadata((3, 1, 1))
                self.assertEqual((block, metadata),
                    truthify_block(o, block, metadata))

        return d
コード例 #10
config.set("world mapgen", "url", target)
config.set("world mapgen", "serializer", "beta")

world = World(config, "mapgen")
world.pipeline = pipeline
world.season = None
world.saving = True

counts = [1, 2, 4, 5, 8]
count = 0
total = size**2

cpu = 0
before = time.time()
for i, j in product(xrange(size), repeat=2):
    start = time.time()
    d = world.request_chunk(i, j)
    cpu += (time.time() - start)
    d.addCallback(lambda chunk: world.save_chunk(chunk))
    count += 1
    if count >= counts[0]:
        print "Status: %d/%d (%.2f%%)" % (count, total, count * 100 / total)
        counts.append(counts.pop(0) * 10)

taken = time.time() - before
print "Finished!"
print "Took %.2f seconds to generate (%dms/chunk)" % (taken,
                                                      taken * 1000 / size)
print "Spent %.2f seconds on CPU (%dms/chunk)" % (cpu, cpu * 1000 / size)
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_automatons.py プロジェクト: driax/bravo
class TestGrass(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        plugins = retrieve_plugins(IAutomaton)

        if "grass" not in plugins:
            raise unittest.SkipTest("Plugin not present")

        self.hook = plugins["grass"]

        self.d = tempfile.mkdtemp()

        configuration.add_section("world unittest")
        configuration.set("world unittest", "url", "file://%s" % self.d)
        configuration.set("world unittest", "serializer", "alpha")

        self.w = World("unittest")
        self.w.pipeline = []

        self.f = GrassMockFactory()
        self.f.world = self.w

    def tearDown(self):
        if self.w.chunk_management_loop.running:
        del self.w
        configuration.remove_section("world unittest")

    def test_trivial(self):

    def test_not_dirt(self):
        Blocks which aren't dirt by the time they're processed will be

        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        chunk.set_block((0, 0, 0), blocks["bedrock"].slot)

        # Run the loop once.
        self.hook.feed(self.f, (0, 0, 0))

        # We shouldn't have any pending blocks now.

    def test_surrounding(self):
        When surrounded by eight grassy neighbors, dirt should turn into grass

        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        # Set up grassy surroundings.
        for x, z in product(xrange(0, 3), repeat=2):
            chunk.set_block((x, 0, z), blocks["grass"].slot)

        # Our lone Cinderella.
        chunk.set_block((1, 0, 1), blocks["dirt"].slot)

        # Do the actual hook run. This should take exactly one run.
        self.hook.feed(self.f, (1, 0, 1))

        self.assertEqual(chunk.get_block((1, 0, 1)), blocks["grass"].slot)

    def test_surrounding_obstructed(self):
        Grass can't grow on blocks which have other blocks on top of them.

        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        # Set up grassy surroundings.
        for x, z in product(xrange(0, 3), repeat=2):
            chunk.set_block((x, 0, z), blocks["grass"].slot)

        # Put an obstruction on top.
        chunk.set_block((1, 1, 1), blocks["stone"].slot)

        # Our lone Cinderella.
        chunk.set_block((1, 0, 1), blocks["dirt"].slot)

        # Do the actual hook run. This should take exactly one run.
        self.hook.feed(self.f, (1, 0, 1))

        self.assertEqual(chunk.get_block((1, 0, 1)), blocks["dirt"].slot)
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_world.py プロジェクト: EntityReborn/bravo
class TestWorldChunks(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.name = "unittest"
        self.d = tempfile.mkdtemp()

        bravo.config.configuration.add_section("world unittest")
        bravo.config.configuration.set("world unittest", "url", "file://%s" % self.d)
        bravo.config.configuration.set("world unittest", "serializer",

        self.w = World(self.name)
        self.w.pipeline = []

    def tearDown(self):
        del self.w

        bravo.config.configuration.remove_section("world unittest")

    def test_trivial(self):

    def test_get_block(self):
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        # Fill the chunk with random stuff.
        chunk.blocks = numpy.fromstring(numpy.random.bytes(chunk.blocks.size),
        chunk.blocks.shape = (16, 16, 128)

        for x, y, z in product(xrange(2), repeat=3):
            # This works because the chunk is at (0, 0) so the coords don't
            # need to be adjusted.
            block = yield self.w.get_block((x, y, z))
            self.assertEqual(block, chunk.get_block((x, y, z)))

    def test_get_metadata(self):
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        # Fill the chunk with random stuff.
        chunk.metadata = numpy.fromstring(numpy.random.bytes(chunk.blocks.size),
        chunk.metadata.shape = (16, 16, 128)

        for x, y, z in product(xrange(2), xrange(2), xrange(2)):
            # This works because the chunk is at (0, 0) so the coords don't
            # need to be adjusted.
            metadata = yield self.w.get_metadata((x, y, z))
            self.assertEqual(metadata, chunk.get_metadata((x, y, z)))

    def test_get_block_readback(self):
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        # Fill the chunk with random stuff.
        chunk.blocks = numpy.fromstring(numpy.random.bytes(chunk.blocks.size),
        chunk.blocks.shape = (16, 16, 128)

        # Evict the chunk and grab it again.
        del chunk
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        for x, y, z in product(xrange(2), xrange(2), xrange(2)):
            # This works because the chunk is at (0, 0) so the coords don't
            # need to be adjusted.
            block = yield self.w.get_block((x, y, z))
            self.assertEqual(block, chunk.get_block((x, y, z)))

    def test_get_block_readback_negative(self):
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(-1, -1)

        # Fill the chunk with random stuff.
        chunk.blocks = numpy.fromstring(numpy.random.bytes(chunk.blocks.size),
        chunk.blocks.shape = (16, 16, 128)

        # Evict the chunk and grab it again.
        del chunk
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(-1, -1)

        for x, y, z in product(xrange(2), xrange(2), xrange(2)):
            block = yield self.w.get_block((x - 16, y, z - 16))
            self.assertEqual(block, chunk.get_block((x, y, z)))

    def test_get_metadata_readback(self):
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        # Fill the chunk with random stuff.
        chunk.metadata = numpy.fromstring(numpy.random.bytes(chunk.blocks.size),
        chunk.metadata.shape = (16, 16, 128)

        # Evict the chunk and grab it again.
        del chunk
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        for x, y, z in product(xrange(2), xrange(2), xrange(2)):
            # This works because the chunk is at (0, 0) so the coords don't
            # need to be adjusted.
            metadata = yield self.w.get_metadata((x, y, z))
            self.assertEqual(metadata, chunk.get_metadata((x, y, z)))

    def test_world_level_mark_chunk_dirty(self):
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        # Reload chunk.
        del chunk
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        self.w.mark_dirty((12, 64, 4))
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

    def test_world_level_mark_chunk_dirty_offset(self):
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(1, 2)

        # Reload chunk.
        del chunk
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(1, 2)

        self.w.mark_dirty((29, 64, 43))
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(1, 2)

    def test_sync_get_block(self):
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        # Fill the chunk with random stuff.
        chunk.blocks = numpy.fromstring(numpy.random.bytes(chunk.blocks.size),
        chunk.blocks.shape = (16, 16, 128)

        for x, y, z in product(xrange(2), repeat=3):
            # This works because the chunk is at (0, 0) so the coords don't
            # need to be adjusted.
            block = self.w.sync_get_block((x, y, z))
            self.assertEqual(block, chunk.get_block((x, y, z)))

    def test_sync_get_block_unloaded(self):
        self.assertRaises(ChunkNotLoaded, self.w.sync_get_block, (0, 0, 0))

    def test_sync_get_metadata_neighboring(self):
        Even if a neighboring chunk is loaded, the target chunk could still be

        Test with sync_get_metadata() to increase test coverage.

        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
                              self.w.sync_get_metadata, (16, 0, 0))

        return d
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_redstone.py プロジェクト: Krenair/bravo
class TestRedstone(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        # Set up world.
        self.name = "unittest"
        self.d = tempfile.mkdtemp()

        bravo.config.configuration.add_section("world unittest")
        bravo.config.configuration.set("world unittest", "url",
            "file://%s" % self.d)
        bravo.config.configuration.set("world unittest", "serializer",

        self.w = World(self.name)
        self.w.pipeline = []

        # And finally the mock factory.
        self.f = RedstoneMockFactory()
        self.f.world = self.w

        pp = {"factory": self.f}
        self.p = retrieve_plugins(IDigHook, parameters=pp)

        if "redstone" not in self.p:
            raise unittest.SkipTest("Plugin not present")

        self.hook = self.p["redstone"]

    def tearDown(self):

        bravo.config.configuration.remove_section("world unittest")

    def test_trivial(self):

    def test_update_wires_enable(self):
        update_wires() should correctly light up a wire.

        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
            for i in range(1, 15):
                chunk.set_block((i, 1, 1),
                chunk.set_metadata((i, 1, 1), 0x0)

            # Enable wires.
            self.hook.update_wires(1, 1, 1, True)

            for i in range(1, 15):
                metadata = chunk.get_metadata((i, 1, 1))
                self.assertEqual(metadata, 0xf - i + 1)

        return d

    def test_update_wires_disable(self):
        update_wires() should correctly drain a wire.

        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
            for i in range(1, 15):
                chunk.set_block((i, 1, 1),
                chunk.set_metadata((i, 1, 1), i)

            # Enable wires.
            self.hook.update_wires(1, 1, 1, False)

            for i in range(1, 15):
                metadata = chunk.get_metadata((i, 1, 1))
                self.assertEqual(metadata, 0x0)

        return d

    def test_switch(self):
        Levers should work.

        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
            chunk.set_block((1, 1, 1), blocks["lever"].slot)
            chunk.set_block((2, 1, 1), blocks["sand"].slot)
            chunk.set_block((3, 1, 1), blocks["redstone-wire"].slot)

            # Attach the lever to the sand block, and throw it. For sanity
            # purposes, grab the orientation metadata from the block
            # definition.
            orientation = blocks["lever"].orientation("+x")
            chunk.set_metadata((1, 1, 1), orientation | 0x8)

            # Run the circuit, starting at the switch.
            circuit = list(self.hook.run_circuit(1, 1, 1))[0]

            metadata = chunk.get_metadata((3, 1, 1))
            self.assertEqual(metadata, 0xf)

        return d

    def test_or_gate(self):
        OR gates should work.

        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
            for i1, i2, o in (
                (False, False, False),
                (True, False, True),
                (False, True, True),
                (True, True, True),
                # The tableau.
                chunk.set_block((1, 1, 2), blocks["sand"].slot)
                chunk.set_block((2, 1, 2), blocks["redstone-wire"].slot)

                # Attach the levers to the sand block.
                orientation = blocks["lever"].orientation("+z")
                iblock, imetadata = truthify_block(i1, blocks["lever"].slot,
                chunk.set_block((1, 1, 1), iblock)
                chunk.set_metadata((1, 1, 1), imetadata)
                orientation = blocks["lever"].orientation("-z")
                iblock, imetadata = truthify_block(i2, blocks["lever"].slot,
                chunk.set_block((1, 1, 3), iblock)
                chunk.set_metadata((1, 1, 3), imetadata)

                # Run the circuit, starting at the switches.
                circuit = list(self.hook.run_circuit(1, 1, 1))[0]
                circuit = list(self.hook.run_circuit(1, 1, 3))[0]

                block = chunk.get_block((2, 1, 2))
                metadata = chunk.get_metadata((2, 1, 2))
                self.assertEqual((block, metadata),
                    truthify_block(o, block, metadata))

        return d

    test_or_gate.todo = "Doesn't work yet."

    def test_not_gate(self):
        NOT gates should work.

        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
            for i, o in ((True, False), (False, True)):
                # The tableau.
                chunk.set_block((2, 1, 1), blocks["sand"].slot)
                chunk.set_block((3, 1, 1), blocks["redstone-torch"].slot)

                # Attach the lever to the sand block, and throw it. For sanity
                # purposes, grab the orientation metadata from the block
                # definition.
                orientation = blocks["lever"].orientation("+x")
                iblock, imetadata = truthify_block(i, blocks["lever"].slot,
                chunk.set_block((1, 1, 1), iblock)
                chunk.set_metadata((1, 1, 1), imetadata)
                # Attach the torch to the sand block too.
                orientation = blocks["redstone-torch"].orientation("-x")
                chunk.set_metadata((3, 1, 1), orientation)

                # Run the circuit, starting at the switch.
                circuit = list(self.hook.run_circuit(1, 1, 1))[0]

                block = chunk.get_block((3, 1, 1))
                metadata = chunk.get_metadata((3, 1, 1))
                self.assertEqual((block, metadata),
                    truthify_block(o, block, metadata))

        return d

    def test_nor_gate(self):
        NOR gates should work.

        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
            for i1, i2, o in (
                (False, False, True),
                (True, False, False),
                (False, True, False),
                (True, True, False),
                # The tableau.
                chunk.set_block((1, 1, 2), blocks["sand"].slot)
                chunk.set_block((2, 1, 2), blocks["redstone-torch"].slot)

                # Attach the levers to the sand block.
                orientation = blocks["lever"].orientation("+z")
                iblock, imetadata = truthify_block(i1, blocks["lever"].slot,
                chunk.set_block((1, 1, 1), iblock)
                chunk.set_metadata((1, 1, 1), imetadata)
                orientation = blocks["lever"].orientation("-z")
                iblock, imetadata = truthify_block(i2, blocks["lever"].slot,
                chunk.set_block((1, 1, 3), iblock)
                chunk.set_metadata((1, 1, 3), imetadata)
                # Attach the torch to the sand block too.
                orientation = blocks["redstone-torch"].orientation("-x")
                chunk.set_metadata((2, 1, 2), orientation)

                # Run the circuit, starting at the switches.
                circuit = list(self.hook.run_circuit(1, 1, 1))[0]
                circuit = list(self.hook.run_circuit(1, 1, 3))[0]

                block = chunk.get_block((2, 1, 2))
                metadata = chunk.get_metadata((2, 1, 2))
                self.assertEqual((block, metadata),
                    truthify_block(o, block, metadata))

        return d
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_world.py プロジェクト: JDShu/bravo
class TestWorldChunks(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.name = "unittest"
        self.d = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        self.bcp = BravoConfigParser()

        self.bcp.add_section("world unittest")
        self.bcp.set("world unittest", "url", "file://%s" % self.d)
        self.bcp.set("world unittest", "serializer", "alpha")

        self.w = World(self.bcp, self.name)
        self.w.pipeline = []

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_trivial(self):

    def test_get_block(self):
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        # Fill the chunk with random stuff.
        chunk.blocks = numpy.fromstring(numpy.random.bytes(chunk.blocks.size),
        chunk.blocks.shape = (16, 16, 128)

        for x, y, z in product(xrange(2), repeat=3):
            # This works because the chunk is at (0, 0) so the coords don't
            # need to be adjusted.
            block = yield self.w.get_block((x, y, z))
            self.assertEqual(block, chunk.get_block((x, y, z)))

    def test_get_metadata(self):
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        # Fill the chunk with random stuff.
        chunk.metadata = numpy.fromstring(numpy.random.bytes(
        chunk.metadata.shape = (16, 16, 128)

        for x, y, z in product(xrange(2), repeat=3):
            # This works because the chunk is at (0, 0) so the coords don't
            # need to be adjusted.
            metadata = yield self.w.get_metadata((x, y, z))
            self.assertEqual(metadata, chunk.get_metadata((x, y, z)))

    def test_get_block_readback(self):
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        # Fill the chunk with random stuff.
        chunk.blocks = numpy.fromstring(numpy.random.bytes(chunk.blocks.size),
        chunk.blocks.shape = (16, 16, 128)

        # Evict the chunk and grab it again.
        del chunk
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        for x, y, z in product(xrange(2), repeat=3):
            # This works because the chunk is at (0, 0) so the coords don't
            # need to be adjusted.
            block = yield self.w.get_block((x, y, z))
            self.assertEqual(block, chunk.get_block((x, y, z)))

    def test_get_block_readback_negative(self):
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(-1, -1)

        # Fill the chunk with random stuff.
        chunk.blocks = numpy.fromstring(numpy.random.bytes(chunk.blocks.size),
        chunk.blocks.shape = (16, 16, 128)

        # Evict the chunk and grab it again.
        del chunk
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(-1, -1)

        for x, y, z in product(xrange(2), repeat=3):
            block = yield self.w.get_block((x - 16, y, z - 16))
            self.assertEqual(block, chunk.get_block((x, y, z)))

    def test_get_metadata_readback(self):
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        # Fill the chunk with random stuff.
        chunk.metadata = numpy.fromstring(numpy.random.bytes(
        chunk.metadata.shape = (16, 16, 128)

        # Evict the chunk and grab it again.
        del chunk
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        for x, y, z in product(xrange(2), repeat=3):
            # This works because the chunk is at (0, 0) so the coords don't
            # need to be adjusted.
            metadata = yield self.w.get_metadata((x, y, z))
            self.assertEqual(metadata, chunk.get_metadata((x, y, z)))

    def test_world_level_mark_chunk_dirty(self):
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        # Reload chunk.
        del chunk
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        self.w.mark_dirty((12, 64, 4))
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

    def test_world_level_mark_chunk_dirty_offset(self):
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(1, 2)

        # Reload chunk.
        del chunk
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(1, 2)

        self.w.mark_dirty((29, 64, 43))
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(1, 2)

    def test_sync_get_block(self):
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        # Fill the chunk with random stuff.
        chunk.blocks = numpy.fromstring(numpy.random.bytes(chunk.blocks.size),
        chunk.blocks.shape = (16, 16, 128)

        for x, y, z in product(xrange(2), repeat=3):
            # This works because the chunk is at (0, 0) so the coords don't
            # need to be adjusted.
            block = self.w.sync_get_block((x, y, z))
            self.assertEqual(block, chunk.get_block((x, y, z)))

    def test_sync_get_block_unloaded(self):
        self.assertRaises(ChunkNotLoaded, self.w.sync_get_block, (0, 0, 0))

    def test_sync_get_metadata_neighboring(self):
        Even if a neighboring chunk is loaded, the target chunk could still be

        Test with sync_get_metadata() to increase test coverage.

        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
            self.assertRaises(ChunkNotLoaded, self.w.sync_get_metadata,
                              (16, 0, 0))

        return d
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_physics.py プロジェクト: JDShu/bravo
class TestWater(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        # Set up world.
        self.name = "unittest"
        self.d = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        self.bcp = BravoConfigParser()

        self.bcp.add_section("world unittest")
        self.bcp.set("world unittest", "url", "file://%s" % self.d)
        self.bcp.set("world unittest", "serializer", "alpha")

        self.w = World(self.bcp, self.name)
        self.w.pipeline = []

        # And finally the mock factory.
        self.f = PhysicsMockFactory()
        self.f.world = self.w

        # Using dig hook to grab the plugin since the build hook was nuked in
        # favor of the automaton interface.
        pp = {"factory": self.f}
        self.p = bravo.plugin.retrieve_plugins(IDigHook, parameters=pp)

        if "water" not in self.p:
            raise unittest.SkipTest("Plugin not present")

        self.hook = self.p["water"]

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_trivial(self):

    def test_update_fluid_negative(self):
        update_fluid() should always return False for Y at the bottom of the

        self.assertFalse(self.hook.update_fluid(self.w, (0, -1, 0), False))

    def test_update_fluid_unloaded(self):
        self.assertRaises(ChunkNotLoaded, self.hook.update_fluid, self.w,
                          (0, 0, 0), False)

    def test_update_fluid(self):
        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
            self.assertTrue(self.hook.update_fluid(self.w, (0, 0, 0), False))
            self.assertEqual(self.w.sync_get_block((0, 0, 0)),
            self.assertEqual(self.w.sync_get_metadata((0, 0, 0)), 0)

        return d

    def test_update_fluid_metadata(self):
        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
            self.assertTrue(self.hook.update_fluid(self.w, (0, 0, 0), False,
            self.assertEqual(self.w.sync_get_metadata((0, 0, 0)), 1)

        return d

    def test_update_fluid_falling(self):
        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
            self.assertTrue(self.hook.update_fluid(self.w, (0, 0, 0), True))
            self.assertEqual(self.w.sync_get_metadata((0, 0, 0)), 8)

        return d

    def test_zero_y(self):
        Double-check that water placed on the very bottom of the world doesn't
        cause internal errors.

        self.w.set_block((0, 0, 0), blocks["spring"].slot)
        self.hook.tracked.add((0, 0, 0))

        # Tight-loop run the hook to equilibrium; if any exceptions happen,
        # they will bubble up.
        while self.hook.tracked:

    def test_spring_spread(self):
        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
            chunk.set_block((1, 0, 1), blocks["spring"].slot)
            self.hook.tracked.add((1, 0, 1))

            # Tight-loop run the hook to equilibrium.
            while self.hook.tracked:

            for coords in ((2, 0, 1), (1, 0, 2), (0, 0, 1), (1, 0, 0)):
                self.assertEqual(chunk.get_block(coords), blocks["water"].slot)
                self.assertEqual(chunk.get_metadata(coords), 0x0)

        return d

    def test_spring_spread_edge(self):
        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
            chunk.set_block((0, 0, 0), blocks["spring"].slot)
            self.hook.tracked.add((0, 0, 0))

            # Tight-loop run the hook to equilibrium.
            while self.hook.tracked:

            for coords in ((1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1)):
                self.assertEqual(chunk.get_block(coords), blocks["water"].slot)
                self.assertEqual(chunk.get_metadata(coords), 0x0)

        return d

    def test_fluid_spread_edge(self):
        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
            chunk.set_block((0, 0, 0), blocks["spring"].slot)
            self.hook.tracked.add((0, 0, 0))

            # Tight-loop run the hook to equilibrium.
            while self.hook.tracked:

            for coords in ((2, 0, 0), (1, 0, 1), (0, 0, 2)):
                self.assertEqual(chunk.get_block(coords), blocks["water"].slot)
                self.assertEqual(chunk.get_metadata(coords), 0x1)

        return d

    def test_spring_fall(self):
        Falling water should appear below springs.

        self.w.set_block((0, 1, 0), blocks["spring"].slot)
        self.hook.tracked.add((0, 1, 0))

        # Tight-loop run the hook to equilibrium.
        while self.hook.tracked:

        block = yield self.w.get_block((0, 0, 0))
        metadata = yield self.w.get_metadata((0, 0, 0))
        self.assertEqual(block, blocks["water"].slot)
        self.assertEqual(metadata, 0x8)

    def test_spring_fall_dig(self):
        Destroying ground underneath spring should allow water to continue
        falling downwards.

        self.w.set_block((0, 1, 0), blocks["spring"].slot)
        self.w.set_block((0, 0, 0), blocks["dirt"].slot)
        self.hook.tracked.add((0, 1, 0))

        # Tight-loop run the hook to equilibrium.
        while self.hook.tracked:

        #dig away dirt under spring
        self.w.destroy((0, 0, 0))
        self.hook.tracked.add((0, 1, 0))

        while self.hook.tracked:

        block = yield self.w.get_block((0, 0, 0))
        self.assertEqual(block, blocks["water"].slot)

    def test_spring_fall_dig_offset(self):
        Destroying ground next to a spring should cause a waterfall effect.

        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):

            chunk.set_block((1, 1, 0), blocks["spring"].slot)
            chunk.set_block((1, 0, 0), blocks["dirt"].slot)
            chunk.set_block((1, 0, 1), blocks["dirt"].slot)
            self.hook.tracked.add((1, 1, 0))

            # Tight-loop run the hook to equilibrium.
            while self.hook.tracked:

            # Dig away the dirt next to the dirt under the spring, and simulate
            # the dig hook by adding the block above it.
            chunk.destroy((1, 0, 1))
            self.hook.tracked.add((1, 1, 1))

            while self.hook.tracked:

            self.assertEqual(chunk.get_block((1, 0, 1)), blocks["water"].slot)

        return d

    def test_trench(self):
        Fluid should not spread across the top of existing fluid.

        This test is for a specific kind of trench-digging pattern.

        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
            chunk.set_block((0, 2, 0), blocks["spring"].slot)
            chunk.set_block((0, 1, 0), blocks["dirt"].slot)
            self.hook.tracked.add((0, 2, 0))

            # Tight-loop run the hook to equilibrium.
            while self.hook.tracked:

            # Dig the dirt.
            self.w.destroy((0, 1, 0))
            self.hook.tracked.add((0, 1, 1))
            self.hook.tracked.add((0, 2, 0))
            self.hook.tracked.add((1, 1, 0))

            while self.hook.tracked:

            block = chunk.get_block((0, 2, 2))
            self.assertEqual(block, blocks["air"].slot)

    def test_obstacle(self):
        Test that obstacles are flowed around correctly.

        yield self.w.set_block((0, 0, 0), blocks["spring"].slot)
        yield self.w.set_block((1, 0, 0), blocks["stone"].slot)
        self.hook.tracked.add((0, 0, 0))

        # Tight-loop run the hook to equilibrium.
        while self.hook.tracked:

        # Make sure that the water level behind the stone is 0x3, not 0x0.
        metadata = yield self.w.get_metadata((2, 0, 0))
        self.assertEqual(metadata, 0x3)

    def test_sponge(self):
        Test that sponges prevent water from spreading near them.

        self.w.set_block((0, 0, 0), blocks["spring"].slot)
        self.w.set_block((3, 0, 0), blocks["sponge"].slot)
        self.hook.tracked.add((0, 0, 0))
        self.hook.tracked.add((3, 0, 0))

        # Tight-loop run the hook to equilibrium.
        while self.hook.tracked:

        # Make sure that water did not spread near the sponge.
        block = yield self.w.get_block((1, 0, 0))
        self.assertNotEqual(block, blocks["water"].slot)

    def test_sponge_absorb_spring(self):
        Test that sponges can absorb springs and will cause all of the
        surrounding water to dry up.

        d = self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)

        def cb(chunk):
            chunk.set_block((0, 0, 0), blocks["spring"].slot)
            self.hook.tracked.add((0, 0, 0))

            # Tight-loop run the hook to equilibrium.
            while self.hook.tracked:

            self.w.set_block((1, 0, 0), blocks["sponge"].slot)
            self.hook.tracked.add((1, 0, 0))

            while self.hook.tracked:

            for coords in ((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1)):
                block = yield self.w.get_block(coords)
                self.assertEqual(block, blocks["air"].slot)

            # Make sure that water did not spread near the sponge.
            block = yield self.w.get_block((1, 0, 0))
            self.assertNotEqual(block, blocks["water"].slot)

        return d

    def test_sponge_salt(self):
        Test that sponges don't "salt the earth" or have any kind of lasting
        effects after destruction.

        self.w.set_block((0, 0, 0), blocks["spring"].slot)
        self.hook.tracked.add((0, 0, 0))

        # Tight-loop run the hook to equilibrium.
        while self.hook.tracked:

        # Take a snapshot.
        chunk = yield self.w.request_chunk(0, 0)
        before = chunk.blocks[:, :, 0], chunk.metadata[:, :, 0]

        self.w.set_block((3, 0, 0), blocks["sponge"].slot)
        self.hook.tracked.add((3, 0, 0))

        while self.hook.tracked:

        self.w.destroy((3, 0, 0))
        self.hook.tracked.add((3, 0, 0))

        while self.hook.tracked:

        after = chunk.blocks[:, :, 0], chunk.metadata[:, :, 0]

        # Make sure that the sponge didn't permanently change anything.
        assert_array_equal(before, after)

    def test_spring_remove(self):
        Test that water dries up if no spring is providing it.

        self.w.set_block((0, 0, 0), blocks["spring"].slot)
        self.hook.tracked.add((0, 0, 0))

        # Tight-loop run the hook to equilibrium.
        while self.hook.tracked:

        # Remove the spring.
        self.w.destroy((0, 0, 0))
        self.hook.tracked.add((0, 0, 0))

        # Tight-loop run the hook to equilibrium.
        while self.hook.tracked:

        for coords in ((1, 0, 0), (-1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, -1)):
            block = yield self.w.get_block(coords)
            self.assertEqual(block, blocks["air"].slot)

    def test_spring_underneath_keepalive(self):
        Test that springs located at a lower altitude than stray water do not
        keep that stray water alive.

        self.w.set_block((0, 0, 0), blocks["spring"].slot)
        self.w.set_block((0, 1, 0), blocks["spring"].slot)
        self.hook.tracked.add((0, 0, 0))
        self.hook.tracked.add((0, 1, 0))

        # Tight-loop run the hook to equilibrium.
        while self.hook.tracked:

        # Remove the upper spring.
        self.w.destroy((0, 1, 0))
        self.hook.tracked.add((0, 1, 0))

        # Tight-loop run the hook to equilibrium.
        while self.hook.tracked:

        # Check that the upper water blocks dried out. Don't care about the
        # lower ones in this test.
        for coords in ((1, 1, 0), (-1, 1, 0), (0, 1, 1), (0, 1, -1)):
            block = yield self.w.get_block(coords)
            self.assertEqual(block, blocks["air"].slot)