def main(): life_count = 0 graphics = BreakoutGraphics() print("TotalLife:" + str(graphics.sum_bricks)) # Add animation loop here! face_vx = face_vy = 1 rate_dx = graphics.getter_dx() rate_dy = graphics.getter_dy() while life_count != NUM_LIVES: # Update graphics.ball.move(rate_dx, rate_dy) graphics.ball_tracker_paddle() # When the ball out of the window, update the number of the life. if graphics.dead == 1: life_count += 1 graphics.dead = 0 # Check graphics.ball_tracker_bricks() # the ball touch the bricks if graphics.remove_succ == 1: face_vy = face_vy * -1 if graphics.ball.x <= 0 or graphics.ball.x >= graphics.window.width - graphics.ball.width: face_vx = face_vx * -1 graphics.remove_succ = 0 # The ball is not touch the bricks else: # Checking if the ball touch the right side or the left side of the window if graphics.ball.x <= 0 or graphics.ball.x >= graphics.window.width - graphics.ball.width: face_vx = face_vx * -1 # Checking if the ball touch the paddle if graphics.paddle_touch == 1: graphics.paddle_touch = 0 face_vy = face_vy * -1 # Checking if the ball touch the top of the window elif graphics.ball.y <= 0: face_vy = face_vy * -1 # Updating the rate of dx and the rate of dy speeds rate_dx = graphics.getter_dx() * face_vx rate_dy = graphics.getter_dy() * face_vy # Checking if the game is over if graphics.bricks_remove == graphics.sum_bricks: print("YOU WIN in") break # Pause pause(FRAME_RATE) print("GAME OVER_checking point")
def main(): # Add animation loop here! # graphics = BreakoutGraphics(brick_cols=5, brick_rows=4) graphics = BreakoutGraphics() # start backoutgraphics lives = NUM_LIVES # get a variable equal NUM_LIVES while True: if graphics.ball.y + graphics.ball.height >= graphics.window.height: # accidentally fall, lives minus 1 lives -= 1 # live minus 1 graphics.set_ball() # reset the ball back to initial situation if lives == 0: # dead condition - all lives gone graphics.dead() # start the dead method break # stop the while loop if graphics.move_brick == graphics.tot_brick: # win condition - all brick remove # start the win method break # stop the while loop pause(FRAME_RATE) # temporary stop graphics.move_ball() # start the move_ball method graphics.wall_collision() # start the wall_collision method graphics.detect_brick() # start the detect_brick method graphics.detect_paddle() # start the detect_paddle method
def main(): """ A breakout game, user can click mouse to start,and move the mouse to control the paddle, using the paddle to bounce the ball for hitting bricks. """ graphics = BreakoutGraphics() life = NUM_LIVES # Add animation loop here! while life > 0: dx = graphics.get_dx() dy = graphics.get_dy() pause(FRAME_RATE) graphics.ball.move(dx, dy) graphics.window_check() graphics.check_remove() life -= graphics.dead() if graphics.ball.y >= graphics.window.height: graphics.restart()