コード例 #1
ファイル: macros.py プロジェクト: BenoitZugmeyer/breve
    def test_autolist_macro ( self ):
        '''test autolist macro'''
        data = [ "Item %s" % _i for _i in range ( 1,9 ) ]

        template = (
            macro ( 'AutoList', lambda data:
                data and ( 
                    T.ul ( class_='autolist' ) [
                        [ T.li [ _i ] for _i in data ]
                ) or ''
            T.html [
                T.head [ T.title [ my_name ( ) ] ],
                T.body [ AutoList ( data ) ]
        output = flatten ( template )
        self.assertEqual ( 
            ( u'<html><head><title>test_autolist_macro</title></head>'
              u'<body><ul class="autolist"><li>Item 1</li><li>Item 2</li>'
              u'<li>Item 3</li><li>Item 4</li><li>Item 5</li><li>Item 6</li>'
              u'<li>Item 7</li><li>Item 8</li></ul></body></html>' )
コード例 #2
ファイル: resource.py プロジェクト: ish/adminish
def build_tree(facet, root_url, category_path):
    ul_by_path = {}
    root = T.ul()
    ul_by_path[''] = root
    cats = list(facet['category'])
    cats.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(len(x['path'].split('.')), len(y['path'].split('.'))))
    for c in cats:
        u = T.ul()
        ul_by_path[c['path']] = u
        if c['path'] == category_path:
            class_ = 'selected'
            class_ = ''
        link = T.a(href=root_url.child(c['path']))[c['data']['label']]
        link.attrs['class'] = class_
        li_link = T.li()[link]
        parent = get_parent(c['path'])              
        ul_by_path[ parent ][ li_link, u ] 
    return flatten(root)
コード例 #3
def build_tree(facet, root_url, category_path):
    ul_by_path = {}
    root = T.ul()
    ul_by_path[''] = root
    cats = list(facet['category'])
        lambda x, y: cmp(len(x['path'].split('.')), len(y['path'].split('.'))))
    for c in cats:
        u = T.ul()
        ul_by_path[c['path']] = u
        if c['path'] == category_path:
            class_ = 'selected'
            class_ = ''
        link = T.a(href=root_url.child(c['path']))[c['data']['label']]
        link.attrs['class'] = class_
        li_link = T.li()[link]
        parent = get_parent(c['path'])
        ul_by_path[parent][li_link, u]
    return flatten(root)
コード例 #4
ファイル: macros.py プロジェクト: BenoitZugmeyer/breve
    def test_autolist_macro ( self ):
        '''test autolist macro'''
        sublist1 = [ "List 1:%s" % _i for _i in range ( 3 ) ]
        sublist2 = [ "List 2:%s" % _i for _i in range ( 3, 6 ) ]
        sublist3 = [ "List 3:%s" % _i for _i in range ( 6, 9 ) ]
        sublist3.append ( sublist2 )

        data = [ 
            'Item A', 'Item B', 'Item C',
            'Item D', 'Item E', 'Item F',
        template = (
            macro ( 'AutoList', lambda data, level=0:
                data and (
                    T.ul ( class_='autolist level-%s' % level ) [
                        [ T.li [
                              [ lambda _i, _j: _i, AutoList ]
                              [ isinstance ( _i, list ) ]( _i, level + 1 )
                        for _i in data ]
                ) or ''

            T.html [
                T.head [ T.title [ my_name ( ) ] ],
                T.body [ AutoList ( data ) ]
        output = flatten ( template )
        self.assertEqual (
            ( u'<html><head><title>test_autolist_macro</title></head>'
              u'<body><ul class="autolist level-0"><li>Item A</li>'
              u'<li>Item B</li><li>Item C</li><li><ul class="autolist level-1">'
              u'<li>List 1:0</li><li>List 1:1</li><li>List 1:2</li></ul></li>'
              u'<li>Item D</li><li>Item E</li><li>Item F</li><li>'
              u'<ul class="autolist level-1"><li>List 3:6</li>'
              u'<li>List 3:7</li><li>List 3:8</li><li><ul class="autolist level-2">'
              u'<li>List 2:3</li><li>List 2:4</li><li>List 2:5</li></ul>'
              u'</li></ul></li></ul></body></html>' )
コード例 #5
ファイル: html.py プロジェクト: rudykocur/pyeve
    def renderModuleNav(self, tag, data):
        :type data: (werkzeug.routing.MapAdapter, None)
        (url, unused) = data

        currentEndpoint = url.match()[0]
        currentModule = [x for x in self.modules if currentEndpoint in x.endpoints][0]

        html = (
            T.ul(class_='nav nav-pills nav-stacked')[
                    T.li(class_='active' if currentEndpoint == page.endpoint else None)[
                    for page in currentModule.publicPages

        return tag[html]
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_macros.py プロジェクト: katakumpo/breve4py3
def test_autolist_macro1():
    """test autolist macro"""
    data = ["Item %s" % _i for _i in range(1, 9)]

    template = (
        macro('AutoList', lambda data:
              data and (
                      [T.li[_i] for _i in data]
              ) or ''
            T.body[AutoList(data)]  # @UndefinedVariable
    output = flatten(template)
    assert output == ('<html><head><title>test_autolist_macro1</title></head>'
                      '<body><ul class="autolist"><li>Item 1</li><li>Item 2</li>'
                      '<li>Item 3</li><li>Item 4</li><li>Item 5</li><li>Item 6</li>'
                      '<li>Item 7</li><li>Item 8</li></ul></body></html>')
コード例 #7
ファイル: menu.py プロジェクト: ish/menuish
        def _add_child_menus(tag, node, urlpath):

            nodepath = node.path.split('.')
            nodedepth = len(nodepath)

            label = node.label

            # If we're not showing submenus (apart from the selected item)
            # then loop through our urlpath and check that the node matches each segment.
            # If it doesn't then return our result so far
            if not self.openall:
                for n, segment in enumerate(urlpath[:self.openallbelow]):
                    if n+1>=nodedepth or segment != nodepath[n+1]:

            t = T.li()[T.a(href=self.urlfactory(node))[label]]

            # Mark selected item
            if request_path == nodepath:
                add_class(t, 'selected')
            elif request_path[:nodedepth] == nodepath[:nodedepth]:
                add_class(t, 'selectedpath')

            if self.item_id == 'name':
                t.attrs['id'] = 'nav-%s'%node.name

            # only show up to a set depth
            if self.maxdepth is not None and nodedepth > self.maxdepth:

            # If we have more children and we're showing them all or we're considered to be in the right location - then add them
            if node.children and (self.openall or force_url_path[:nodedepth] == nodepath[:nodedepth]):

                s = T.ul()
                _add_children(s, node, urlpath,is_root=False)
コード例 #8
ファイル: html.py プロジェクト: rudykocur/pyeve
    def renderNavbar(self, tag, data):
        :type data: (werkzeug.routing.MapAdapter, None)

        (url, unused) = data

        currentEndpoint = url.match()[0]

        burgerToggle = lambda targetId: (
            T.button(class_='navbar-toggle', **{'data-toggle': 'collapse', 'data-target': '#%s' % targetId})[
                T.span(class_='sr-only')['Toggle navigation'],

        mainNavigation = lambda: (
            forEach(self.modules, lambda mod: (
                T.li(class_='active' if currentEndpoint in mod.endpoints else None)[

        html = (
            T.nav(class_='navbar navbar-default', role='navigation')[
                        T.span(class_='navbar-brand')['Rudykocur Maxwell']

                    T.div(class_='collapse navbar-collapse', id='mainNavCollapse')[
                        T.ul(class_="nav navbar-nav")[

                        T.ul(class_="nav navbar-nav navbar-right")[
                                T.a(href='#', class_='dropdown-toggle', **{'data-toggle': 'dropdown'})[
                                    'Characters', ' ',
                                T.ul(class_='dropdown-menu', role='menu')[
                                    T.li(role='presentation', class_='dropdown-header')['Account: Rudykocur'],
                                    T.li[T.a(href='#')['Rudykocur Maxwell']],
                                    T.li[T.a(href='#')['Imaginary Profile']],
                                    T.li(role='presentation', class_='divider'),
                                    T.li(role='presentation', class_='dropdown-header')['Account: Generic'],
                                    T.li[T.a(href='#')['All Skills V']],

        return tag[html]
コード例 #9
ファイル: menu.py プロジェクト: ish/menuish
    def build_menu(self, sitemap, request):

        # Highlighting of navigation is driven by the request.
        request_path = self.current_path_segments(request)
        # Filter out empty segments
        request_path = [ r for r in request_path if r ]
        if self.force_url_path is not None:
            force_url_path = [ r for r in self.force_url_path if r ]
            force_url_path = request_path

        def _add_root_menu(tag):

            nodepath = node.path.split('.')
            nodedepth = len(nodepath)

            label = node.label

            t = T.li()[T.a(href=self.urlfactory(node))[label]]

            if request_path == nodepath:
                add_class(t, 'selected')

            if self.item_id == 'name':
                t.attrs['id'] = 'nav-%s'%node.name

        def _add_child_menus(tag, node, urlpath):

            nodepath = node.path.split('.')
            nodedepth = len(nodepath)

            label = node.label

            # If we're not showing submenus (apart from the selected item)
            # then loop through our urlpath and check that the node matches each segment.
            # If it doesn't then return our result so far
            if not self.openall:
                for n, segment in enumerate(urlpath[:self.openallbelow]):
                    if n+1>=nodedepth or segment != nodepath[n+1]:

            t = T.li()[T.a(href=self.urlfactory(node))[label]]

            # Mark selected item
            if request_path == nodepath:
                add_class(t, 'selected')
            elif request_path[:nodedepth] == nodepath[:nodedepth]:
                add_class(t, 'selectedpath')

            if self.item_id == 'name':
                t.attrs['id'] = 'nav-%s'%node.name

            # only show up to a set depth
            if self.maxdepth is not None and nodedepth > self.maxdepth:

            # If we have more children and we're showing them all or we're considered to be in the right location - then add them
            if node.children and (self.openall or force_url_path[:nodedepth] == nodepath[:nodedepth]):

                s = T.ul()
                _add_children(s, node, urlpath,is_root=False)

        def _add_children(tag, node, urlpath, is_root=True):
            """ The root node is the top level segment (e.g. for an absolute url
                /a/b/c, root node is 'a'
                node is the sitemap root node (with path 'root')

            # if this is the root node of our tree, and we have 'showroot' set
            # then add this as a top level list item
            if node is not None and is_root is True and self.showroot is True:

            if node is None or node.children is None:
                return tag

            # for each child of the node, (i.e. for each top level menu item)
            for child in node.children:
                # as long as a group is defined, otherwise continue
                if self.navigation_type is not None and child.group != self.navigation_type:
                _add_child_menus(tag, child, urlpath)

            return tag

        def _menu_built(tag):

            if 'firstlast' in self.item_class:
                    add_class(tag.children[0], 'first-child')
                    add_class(tag.children[-1], 'last-child')
                except IndexError:

            if 'number' in self.item_class:
                for n,child in enumerate(tag.children):
                    add_class(tag.children[n], 'item-%s'%(n+1))
            return tag

        # Render from the root of the sitemap by default
        node = sitemap

        # Adjust the root node for the start depth.
        urlpath = request.url.path_segments
        if urlpath == ['']:
            urlpath = []

        if len(urlpath) < self.startdepth:
            # We've not reached this section of the site yet.
            node = None
            # Traverse the sitemap to find the root node at the given start depth.
            for segment in urlpath[:self.startdepth]:
                node = node.child_by_name(segment)

        # We always start with a menu
        tag = T.ul()
        if self.css_class is not None:
            add_class(tag, self.css_class)

        # Take the rootnode and add children given the navigation group as
        # context (navgroup is primary secondary but coded as integers)
        tag = _add_children(tag, node, urlpath)
        return _menu_built(tag)