def check_ports(): if utils.path_exists('./docker-compose.yml'):'Stopping services...') sh('{}docker-compose down --remove-orphans'.format(utils.optsudo())) ports = [ utils.getenv(key, const.ENV_DEFAULTS[key]) for key in [ const.HTTP_PORT_KEY, const.HTTPS_PORT_KEY, const.MDNS_PORT_KEY, ] ]'Checking ports...') retv = sh('sudo netstat -tulpn', capture=True) lines = retv.split('\n') used_ports = [] used_lines = [] for port in ports: for line in lines: if re.match(r'.*(:::|{}\s.*'.format(port), line): used_ports.append(port) used_lines.append(line) break if used_ports: utils.warn( 'Port(s) {} already in use. '.format(', '.join(used_ports)) + "Run 'brewblox-ctl service ports' to configure Brewblox ports.") for line in used_lines: utils.warn(line) if not utils.confirm('Do you want to continue?'): raise SystemExit(1)
def mset(data): with NamedTemporaryFile('w') as tmp: utils.show_data('datastore', data) json.dump(data, tmp) tmp.flush() sh(f'{const.CLI} http post --quiet {utils.datastore_url()}/mset -f {}' )
def add_plaato(name, token, force): """ Create a service for the Plaato airlock. This will periodically query the Plaato server for current state. An authentication token is required. See!hc-auth-token on how to get one. """ utils.check_config() utils.confirm_mode() sudo = utils.optsudo() config = utils.read_compose() if not force: check_duplicate(config, name) config['services'][name] = { 'image': 'brewblox/brewblox-plaato:${BREWBLOX_RELEASE}', 'restart': 'unless-stopped', 'environment': { 'PLAATO_AUTH': token, }, 'command': f'--name={name}', } utils.write_compose(config) click.echo(f'Added Plaato service `{name}`.') click.echo('This service publishes history data, but does not have a UI component.') if utils.confirm('Do you want to run `brewblox-ctl up` now?'): sh(f'{sudo}docker-compose up -d')
def migrate_ipv6_fix(): # Undo disable-ipv6 sh('sudo sed -i "/net.ipv6.*.disable_ipv6 = 1/d" /etc/sysctl.conf', check=False) # Enable ipv6 in docker daemon config utils.enable_ipv6()
def editor(ctx, port): """Run web-based docker-compose.yml editor. This will start a new docker container listening on a host port (default: 8300). Navigate there in your browser to access the GUI for editing docker-compose.yml. When you're done editing, save your file in the GUI, and press Ctrl+C in the terminal. """ utils.check_config() utils.confirm_mode() orig = utils.read_file('docker-compose.yml') sudo = utils.optsudo() host_ip = utils.host_ip() editor = 'brewblox/brewblox-web-editor:{}'.format(utils.docker_tag())'Pulling image...') sh('{}docker pull {}'.format(sudo, editor)) try:'Starting editor...') sh('{}docker run'.format(sudo) + ' --rm --init' + ' -p "{}:8300"'.format(port) + ' -v "$(pwd):/app/config"' + ' {}'.format(editor) + ' --host-address {}'.format(host_ip) + ' --host-port {}'.format(port)) except KeyboardInterrupt: # pragma: no cover pass if orig != utils.read_file('docker-compose.yml'):'Configuration changes detected.') restart_services(ctx)
def check_ports(): if utils.path_exists('./docker-compose.yml'):'Stopping services...') sh(f'{utils.optsudo()}docker-compose down') ports = [ int(utils.getenv(key, const.ENV_DEFAULTS[key])) for key in [ const.HTTP_PORT_KEY, const.HTTPS_PORT_KEY, const.MQTT_PORT_KEY, ] ] try: port_connnections = [ conn for conn in psutil.net_connections() if conn.laddr.ip in ['::', ''] and conn.laddr.port in ports ] except psutil.AccessDenied: utils.warn( 'Unable to read network connections. You need to run `netstat` or `lsof` manually.' ) port_connnections = [] if port_connnections: port_str = ', '.join( set(str(conn.laddr.port) for conn in port_connnections)) utils.warn(f'Port(s) {port_str} already in use.') utils.warn( 'Run `brewblox-ctl service ports` to configure Brewblox ports.') if not utils.confirm('Do you want to continue?'): raise SystemExit(1)
def particle_wifi(dev: usb.core.Device): if utils.ctx_opts().dry_run:'Dry run: skipping activation of Spark listening mode') else: dev.reset() # Magic numbers for the USB control call HOST_TO_DEVICE = 0x40 # bmRequestType REQUEST_INIT = 1 # bRequest REQUEST_SEND = 3 # bRequest PARTICLE_LISTEN_INDEX = 70 # wIndex PARTICLE_LISTEN_VALUE = 0 # wValue PARTICLE_BUF_SIZE = 64 # wLength dev.ctrl_transfer(HOST_TO_DEVICE, REQUEST_INIT, PARTICLE_LISTEN_VALUE, PARTICLE_LISTEN_INDEX, PARTICLE_BUF_SIZE) dev.ctrl_transfer(HOST_TO_DEVICE, REQUEST_SEND, PARTICLE_LISTEN_VALUE, PARTICLE_LISTEN_INDEX, PARTICLE_BUF_SIZE) sleep(LISTEN_MODE_WAIT_S) serial = usb.util.get_string(dev, dev.iSerialNumber) path = next( Path('/dev/serial/by-id').glob(f'*{serial}*'), Path('/dev/ttyACM0'))'Press w to start Wifi configuration.')'Press Ctrl + ] to cancel.')'The Spark must be restarted after canceling.') sh(f'pyserial-miniterm -q {path.resolve()} 2>/dev/null')
def apply_shared(): """Apply docker-compose.shared.yml from data directory""" sh('cp -f {}/docker-compose.shared.yml ./'.format(const.CONFIG_DIR)) shared_cfg = utils.read_shared_compose() usr_cfg = utils.read_compose() usr_cfg['version'] = shared_cfg['version'] utils.write_compose(usr_cfg)
def install_ctl_package(download: str = 'always'): # always | missing | never exists = utils.path_exists('./brewblox-ctl.tar.gz') release = utils.getenv(const.CTL_RELEASE_KEY) or utils.getenv( const.RELEASE_KEY) if download == 'always' or download == 'missing' and not exists: sh(f'wget -q -O ./brewblox-ctl.tar.gz{release}/brewblox-ctl.tar.gz' ) sh('python3 -m pip install ./brewblox-ctl.tar.gz')
def mset(data): with NamedTemporaryFile('w') as tmp: utils.show_data(data) json.dump(data, tmp) tmp.flush() sh('{} http post --quiet {}/mset -f {}'.format(const.CLI, utils.datastore_url(),
def apply_config(): """Apply system-defined configuration from config dir""" sh('cp -f {}/traefik-cert.yaml ./traefik/'.format(const.CONFIG_DIR)) sh('cp -f {}/docker-compose.shared.yml ./'.format(const.CONFIG_DIR)) shared_cfg = utils.read_shared_compose() usr_cfg = utils.read_compose() usr_cfg['version'] = shared_cfg['version'] utils.write_compose(usr_cfg)
def apply_config_files(): """Apply system-defined configuration from config dir"""'Updating configuration files...') sh(f'cp -f {const.CONFIG_DIR}/traefik-cert.yaml ./traefik/') sh(f'cp -f {const.CONFIG_DIR}/docker-compose.shared.yml ./') shared_cfg = utils.read_shared_compose() usr_cfg = utils.read_compose() usr_cfg['version'] = shared_cfg['version'] utils.write_compose(usr_cfg)
def upped_migrate(prev_version): """Migration commands to be executed after the services have been started""" # Always run history configure history_url = utils.history_url() sh('{} http wait {}/ping'.format(const.CLI, history_url)) sh('{} http post --quiet {}/configure'.format(const.CLI, history_url)) if prev_version < StrictVersion('0.6.0'):'Migrating datastore from CouchDB to Redis...') datastore_migrate_redis()
def downed_migrate(prev_version): """Migration commands to be executed without any running services""" if prev_version < StrictVersion('0.2.0'): # Breaking changes: Influx downsampling model overhaul # Old data is completely incompatible 'Upgrading to version >=0.2.0 requires a complete reset of your history data. ' + "We'll be deleting it now") sh('sudo rm -rf ./influxdb') if prev_version < StrictVersion('0.3.0'): # Splitting compose configuration between docker-compose and docker-compose.shared.yml # Version pinning (0.2.2) will happen automatically'Moving system services to docker-compose.shared.yml...') config = utils.read_compose() sys_names = [ 'mdns', 'eventbus', 'influx', 'datastore', 'history', 'ui', 'traefik', ] usr_config = { 'version': config['version'], 'services': { key: svc for (key, svc) in config['services'].items() if key not in sys_names } } utils.write_compose(usr_config) if prev_version < StrictVersion('0.6.0'): # The datastore service is gone # Older services may still rely on it'Removing `depends_on` fields from docker-compose.yml...') config = utils.read_compose() for svc in config['services'].values(): with suppress(KeyError): del svc['depends_on'] utils.write_compose(config) # Init dir. It will be filled during upped_migrate'Creating redis/ dir...') sh('mkdir -p redis/')'Checking .env variables...') for (key, default_value) in const.ENV_DEFAULTS.items(): current_value = utils.getenv(key) if current_value is None: utils.setenv(key, default_value)
def migrate_compose_datastore(): # The couchdb datastore service is gone # Older services may still rely on it'Removing `depends_on` fields from docker-compose.yml...') config = utils.read_compose() for svc in config['services'].values(): with suppress(KeyError): del svc['depends_on'] utils.write_compose(config) # Init dir. It will be filled during upped_migrate'Creating redis/ dir...') sh('mkdir -p redis/')
def run_particle_flasher(release: str, pull: bool, cmd: str): tag = utils.docker_tag(release) sudo = utils.optsudo() opts = ' '.join([ '-it', '--rm', '--privileged', '-v /dev:/dev', '--pull ' + ('always' if pull else 'missing'), ]) sh(f'{sudo}docker-compose --log-level CRITICAL down', check=False) sh(f'{sudo}docker run {opts} brewblox/firmware-flasher:{tag} {cmd}')
def discover_device(discovery, release): sudo = utils.optsudo() mdns = 'brewblox/brewblox-mdns:{}'.format(utils.docker_tag(release))'Pulling image...') sh('{}docker pull {}'.format(sudo, mdns), silent=True)'Discovering devices...') raw_devs = sh('{}docker run '.format(sudo) + '--rm -it ' + '--net=host ' + '-v /dev/serial:/dev/serial ' + '{} --cli --discovery {}'.format(mdns, discovery), capture=True) return [dev for dev in raw_devs.split('\n') if dev.rstrip()]
def run_esp_flasher(release: str, pull: bool): tag = utils.docker_tag(release) sudo = utils.optsudo() opts = ' '.join([ '-it', '--rm', '--privileged', '-v /dev:/dev', '-w /app/firmware', '--entrypoint bash', '--pull ' + ('always' if pull else 'missing'), ]) sh(f'{sudo}docker-compose --log-level CRITICAL down', check=False) sh(f'{sudo}docker run {opts} brewblox/brewblox-devcon-spark:{tag} flash')
def makecert(dir, release: str = None): absdir = Path(dir).resolve() sudo = utils.optsudo() tag = utils.docker_tag(release) sh(f'mkdir -p "{absdir}"') sh(f'{sudo}docker run' + ' --rm --privileged' + ' --pull always' + f' -v "{absdir}":/certs/' + f' brewblox/omgwtfssl:{tag}') sh(f'sudo chmod 644 "{absdir}/brewblox.crt"') sh(f'sudo chmod 600 "{absdir}/brewblox.key"')
def downed_migrate(prev_version): """Migration commands to be executed without any running services""" if prev_version < StrictVersion('0.2.0'): # Breaking changes: Influx downsampling model overhaul # Old data is completely incompatible 'Upgrading to version >=0.2.0 requires a complete reset of your history data. ' + "We'll be deleting it now") sh('sudo rm -rf ./influxdb') if prev_version < StrictVersion('0.3.0'): # Splitting compose configuration between docker-compose and docker-compose.shared.yml # Version pinning (0.2.2) will happen automatically'Moving system services to docker-compose.shared.yml') config = utils.read_compose() sys_names = [ 'mdns', 'eventbus', 'influx', 'datastore', 'history', 'ui', 'traefik', ] usr_config = { 'version': config['version'], 'services': { key: svc for (key, svc) in config['services'].items() if key not in sys_names } } utils.write_compose(usr_config)'Writing env values for all variables') for key in [ const.COMPOSE_FILES_KEY, const.RELEASE_KEY, const.HTTP_PORT_KEY, const.HTTPS_PORT_KEY, const.MDNS_PORT_KEY, ]: utils.setenv(key, utils.getenv(key, const.ENV_DEFAULTS[key]))
def add_tilt(force): """ Create a service for the Tilt hydrometer. The service listens for Bluetooth status updates from the Tilt, and requires the host to have a Bluetooth receiver. The empty ./tilt dir is created to hold calibration files. """ utils.check_config() utils.confirm_mode() name = 'tilt' sudo = utils.optsudo() config = utils.read_compose() if not force: check_duplicate(config, name) config['services'][name] = { 'image': 'brewblox/brewblox-tilt:${BREWBLOX_RELEASE}', 'restart': 'unless-stopped', 'privileged': True, 'network_mode': 'host', 'volumes': [{ 'type': 'bind', 'source': f'./{name}', 'target': '/share', }], 'labels': [ 'traefik.enable=false', ], } sh(f'mkdir -p ./{name}') utils.write_compose(config) click.echo(f'Added Tilt service `{name}`.') click.echo('It will automatically show up in the UI.\n') if utils.confirm('Do you want to run `brewblox-ctl up` now?'): sh(f'{sudo}docker-compose up -d')
def edit_avahi_config(): conf = Path(const.AVAHI_CONF) if not conf.exists(): return config = ConfigObj(str(conf), file_error=True) copy = deepcopy(config) config.setdefault('server', {}).setdefault('use-ipv6', 'no') config.setdefault('publish', {}).setdefault('publish-aaaa-on-ipv4', 'no') config.setdefault('reflector', {}).setdefault('enable-reflector', 'yes') if config == copy: return utils.show_data(conf, config.dict()) with NamedTemporaryFile('w') as tmp: config.filename = None lines = config.write() # avahi-daemon.conf requires a 'key=value' syntax tmp.write('\n'.join(lines).replace(' = ', '=') + '\n') tmp.flush() sh(f'sudo chmod --reference={conf} {}') sh(f'sudo cp -fp {} {conf}') if utils.command_exists('systemctl'):'Restarting avahi-daemon service...') sh('sudo systemctl restart avahi-daemon') else: utils.warn( '"systemctl" command not found. Please restart your machine to enable Wifi discovery.' )
def disable_ssh_accept_env(): """Disable the 'AcceptEnv LANG LC_*' setting in sshd_config This setting is default on the Raspberry Pi, but leads to locale errors when an unsupported LANG is sent. Given that the Pi by default only includes the en_GB locale, the chances of being sent a unsupported locale are very real. """ file = Path('/etc/ssh/sshd_config') if not file.exists(): return content = file.read_text() updated = re.sub(r'^AcceptEnv LANG LC', '#AcceptEnv LANG LC', content, flags=re.MULTILINE) if content == updated: return with NamedTemporaryFile('w') as tmp: tmp.write(updated) tmp.flush()'Updating SSHD config to disable AcceptEnv...') utils.show_data('/etc/ssh/sshd_config', updated) sh(f'sudo chmod --reference={file} {}') sh(f'sudo cp -fp {} {file}') if utils.command_exists('systemctl'):'Restarting SSH service...') sh('sudo systemctl restart ssh')
def deploy_ctl_wrapper(): sh(f'chmod +x "{const.SCRIPT_DIR}/brewblox-ctl"') if utils.user_home_exists(): sh(f'mkdir -p "$HOME/.local/bin" && cp "{const.SCRIPT_DIR}/brewblox-ctl" "$HOME/.local/bin/"' ) else: sh(f'sudo cp "{const.SCRIPT_DIR}/brewblox-ctl" /usr/local/bin/')
def add_node_red(force): """ Create a service for Node-RED. """ utils.check_config() utils.confirm_mode() name = 'node-red' sudo = utils.optsudo() host = utils.host_ip() port = utils.getenv(const.HTTPS_PORT_KEY) config = utils.read_compose() if not force: check_duplicate(config, name) config['services'][name] = { 'image': 'brewblox/node-red:${BREWBLOX_RELEASE}', 'restart': 'unless-stopped', 'volumes': [{ 'type': 'bind', 'source': f'./{name}', 'target': '/data', }] } sh(f'mkdir -p ./{name}') if [getgid(), getuid()] != [1000, 1000]: sh(f'sudo chown -R 1000:1000 ./{name}') utils.write_compose(config) click.echo(f'Added Node-RED service `{name}`.') if utils.confirm('Do you want to run `brewblox-ctl up` now?'): sh(f'{sudo}docker-compose up -d') click.echo(f'Visit https://{host}:{port}/{name} in your browser to load the editor.')
def add_particle_udev_rules(): rules_dir = '/etc/udev/rules.d' target = f'{rules_dir}/50-particle.rules' if not utils.path_exists(target) and utils.command_exists('udevadm'):'Adding udev rules for Particle devices...') sh(f'sudo mkdir -p {rules_dir}') sh(f'sudo cp {const.CONFIG_DIR}/50-particle.rules {target}') sh('sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger')
def add_plaato(name, token, force): """ Create a service for the Plaato airlock. This will periodically query the Plaato server for current state. An authentication token is required. See!hc-auth-token on how to get one. """ utils.check_config() utils.confirm_mode() sudo = utils.optsudo() config = utils.read_compose() if name in config['services'] and not force: click.echo( 'Service "{}" already exists. Use the --force flag if you want to overwrite it' .format(name)) raise SystemExit(1) config['services'][name] = { 'image': 'brewblox/brewblox-plaato:${BREWBLOX_RELEASE}', 'restart': 'unless-stopped', 'environment': { 'PLAATO_AUTH': token, }, 'command': '--name=' + name, } utils.write_compose(config) click.echo("Added Plaato service '{}'.".format(name)) click.echo( 'This service publishes history data, but does not have a UI component.' ) if utils.confirm("Do you want to run 'brewblox-ctl up' now?"): sh('{}docker-compose up -d --remove-orphans'.format(sudo))
def makecert(dir, release): """Generate a self-signed SSL certificate. \b Steps: - Create directory if it does not exist. - Create brewblox.crt and brewblox.key files. """ utils.confirm_mode() sudo = utils.optsudo() tag = utils.docker_tag(release) absdir = Path(dir).absolute() sh(f'mkdir -p "{absdir}"') sh(f'{sudo}docker run' + ' --rm --privileged' + ' --pull always' + f' -v "{absdir}":/certs/' + f' brewblox/omgwtfssl:{tag}') sh(f'sudo chmod 644 "{absdir}/brewblox.crt"') sh(f'sudo chmod 600 "{absdir}/brewblox.key"')
def _influx_line_count(service: str, args: str) -> Optional[int]: sudo = utils.optsudo() measurement = f'"brewblox"."downsample_1m"."{service}"' points_field = '"m_ Combined Influx points"' json_result = sh( f'{sudo}docker exec influxdb-migrate influx ' '-database brewblox ' f"-execute 'SELECT count({points_field}) FROM {measurement} {args}' " '-format json', capture=True) result = json.loads(json_result) try: return result['results'][0]['series'][0]['values'][0][1] except (IndexError, KeyError): return None
def fix_ipv6(config_file=None, restart=True):'Fixing Docker IPv6 settings...') if utils.is_wsl():'WSL environment detected. Skipping IPv6 config changes.') return # Config is either provided, or parsed from active daemon process if not config_file: default_config_file = '/etc/docker/daemon.json' dockerd_proc = sh('ps aux | grep dockerd', capture=True) proc_match = re.match(r'.*--config-file[\s=](?P<file>.*\.json).*', dockerd_proc, flags=re.MULTILINE) config_file = proc_match and 'file') or default_config_file'Using Docker config file {config_file}') # Read config. Create file if not exists sh(f"sudo touch '{config_file}'") config = sh(f"sudo cat '{config_file}'", capture=True) if 'fixed-cidr-v6' in config:'IPv6 settings are already present. Making no changes.') return # Edit and write. Do not overwrite existing values config = json.loads(config or '{}') config.setdefault('ipv6', False) config.setdefault('fixed-cidr-v6', '2001:db8:1::/64') config_str = json.dumps(config, indent=2) sh(f"echo '{config_str}' | sudo tee '{config_file}' > /dev/null") # Restart daemon if restart: if utils.command_exists('service'):'Restarting Docker service...') sh('sudo service docker restart') else: utils.warn( '"service" command not found. Please restart your machine to apply config changes.' )