コード例 #1
ファイル: synapses.py プロジェクト: yger/brian2
class Synapses(Group):
    Class representing synaptic connections. Creating a new `Synapses` object
    does by default not create any synapses -- you either have to provide
    the `connect` argument or call the `Synapses.connect` method for that.


    source : `SpikeSource`
        The source of spikes, e.g. a `NeuronGroup`.
    target : `Group`, optional
        The target of the spikes, typically a `NeuronGroup`. If none is given,
        the same as `source`
    model : {`str`, `Equations`}, optional
        The model equations for the synapses.
    pre : {str, dict}, optional
        The code that will be executed after every pre-synaptic spike. Can be
        either a single (possibly multi-line) string, or a dictionary mapping
        pathway names to code strings. In the first case, the pathway will be
        called ``pre`` and made available as an attribute of the same name.
        In the latter case, the given names will be used as the
        pathway/attribute names. Each pathway has its own code and its own
    post : {str, dict}, optional
        The code that will be executed after every post-synaptic spike. Same
        conventions as for `pre`, the default name for the pathway is ``post``.
    connect : {str, bool}. optional
        Determines whether any actual synapses are created. ``False`` (the
        default) means not to create any synapses, ``True`` means to create
        synapses between all source/target pairs. Also accepts a string
        expression that evaluates to ``True`` for every synapse that should
        be created, e.g. ``'i == j'`` for a one-to-one connectivity. See
        `Synapses.connect` for more details.
    delay : {`Quantity`, dict}, optional
        The delay for the "pre" pathway (same for all synapses) or a dictionary
        mapping pathway names to delays. If a delay is specified in this way
        for a pathway, it is stored as a single scalar value. It can still
        be changed afterwards, but only to a single scalar value. If you want
        to have delays that vary across synapses, do not use the keyword
        argument, but instead set the delays via the attribute of the pathway,
        e.g. ``S.pre.delay = ...`` (or ``S.delay = ...`` as an abbreviation),
        ``S.post.delay = ...``, etc.
    namespace : dict, optional
        A dictionary mapping identifier names to objects. If not given, the
        namespace will be filled in at the time of the call of `Network.run`,
        with either the values from the ``network`` argument of the
        `Network.run` method or from the local context, if no such argument is
    dtype : `dtype`, optional
        The standard datatype for all state variables. Defaults to
    codeobj_class : class, optional
        The `CodeObject` class to use to run code.
    clock : `Clock`, optional
        The clock to use.
    method : {str, `StateUpdateMethod`}, optional
        The numerical integration method to use. If none is given, an
        appropriate one is automatically determined.
    name : str, optional
        The name for this object. If none is given, a unique name of the form
        ``synapses``, ``synapses_1``, etc. will be automatically chosen.
    def __init__(self, source, target=None, model=None, pre=None, post=None,
                 connect=False, delay=None, namespace=None, dtype=None,
                 clock=None, method=None, name='synapses*'):
        self._N = 0
        Group.__init__(self, when=clock, name=name)
        self.codeobj_class = codeobj_class

        self.source = weakref.proxy(source)
        if target is None:
            self.target = self.source
            self.target = weakref.proxy(target)
        ##### Prepare and validate equations
        if model is None:
            model = ''

        if isinstance(model, basestring):
            model = Equations(model)
        if not isinstance(model, Equations):
            raise TypeError(('model has to be a string or an Equations '
                             'object, is "%s" instead.') % type(model))

        # Check flags
        model.check_flags({DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION: ['event-driven'],
                           STATIC_EQUATION: ['summed'],
                           PARAMETER: ['constant']})

        # Separate the equations into event-driven and continuously updated
        # equations
        event_driven = []
        continuous = []
        for single_equation in model.itervalues():
            if 'event-driven' in single_equation.flags:
        # Add the lastupdate variable, used by event-driven equations
        continuous.append(SingleEquation(PARAMETER, 'lastupdate', second))

        if len(event_driven):
            self.event_driven = Equations(event_driven)
            self.event_driven = None

        self.equations = Equations(continuous)

        # Setup the namespace
        self._given_namespace = namespace
        self.namespace = create_namespace(namespace)

        self._queues = {}
        self._delays = {}

        # Setup variables

        #: Set of `Variable` objects that should be resized when the
        #: number of synapses changes
        self._registered_variables = set()

        for varname, var in self.variables.iteritems():
            if isinstance(var, DynamicArrayVariable):
                # Register the array with the `SynapticItemMapping` object so
                # it gets automatically resized

        #: List of names of all updaters, e.g. ['pre', 'post']
        self._synaptic_updaters = []
        #: List of all `SynapticPathway` objects
        self._pathways = []
        for prepost, argument in zip(('pre', 'post'), (pre, post)):
            if not argument:
            if isinstance(argument, basestring):
                self._add_updater(argument, prepost)
            elif isinstance(argument, collections.Mapping):
                for key, value in argument.iteritems():
                    if not isinstance(key, basestring):
                        err_msg = ('Keys for the "{}" argument'
                                   'have to be strings, got '
                                   '{} instead.').format(prepost, type(key))
                        raise TypeError(err_msg)
                    self._add_updater(value, prepost, objname=key)

        # If we have a pathway called "pre" (the most common use case), provide
        # direct access to its delay via a delay attribute (instead of having
        # to use pre.delay)
        if 'pre' in self._synaptic_updaters:
            self.variables.add_reference('delay', self.pre.variables['delay'])

        if delay is not None:
            if isinstance(delay, Quantity):
                if not 'pre' in self._synaptic_updaters:
                    raise ValueError(('Cannot set delay, no "pre" pathway exists.'
                                      'Use a dictionary if you want to set the '
                                      'delay for a pathway with a different name.'))
                delay = {'pre': delay}

            if not isinstance(delay, collections.Mapping):
                raise TypeError('Delay argument has to be a quantity or a '
                                'dictionary, is type %s instead.' % type(delay))
            for pathway, pathway_delay in delay.iteritems():
                if not pathway in self._synaptic_updaters:
                    raise ValueError(('Cannot set the delay for pathway '
                                      '"%s": unknown pathway.') % pathway)
                if not isinstance(pathway_delay, Quantity):
                    raise TypeError(('Cannot set the delay for pathway "%s": '
                                     'expected a quantity, got %s instead.') % (pathway,
                if pathway_delay.size != 1:
                    raise TypeError(('Cannot set the delay for pathway "%s": '
                                     'expected a scalar quantity, got a '
                                     'quantity with shape %s instead.') % str(pathway_delay.shape))
                fail_for_dimension_mismatch(pathway_delay, second, ('Delay has to be '
                                                                    'specified in units '
                                                                    'of seconds'))
                updater = getattr(self, pathway)
                # For simplicity, store the delay as a one-element array
                # so that for example updater._delays[:] works.
                updater._delays.scalar = True
                # Do not resize the scalar delay variable when adding synapses

        #: Performs numerical integration step
        self.state_updater = StateUpdater(self, method)        

        #: "Summed variable" mechanism -- sum over all synapses of a
        #: pre-/postsynaptic target
        self.summed_updaters = {}
        # We want to raise an error if the same variable is updated twice
        # using this mechanism. This could happen if the Synapses object
        # connected a NeuronGroup to itself since then all variables are
        # accessible as var_pre and var_post.
        summed_targets = set()
        for single_equation in self.equations.itervalues():
            if 'summed' in single_equation.flags:
                varname = single_equation.varname
                if not (varname.endswith('_pre') or varname.endswith('_post')):
                    raise ValueError(('The summed variable "%s" does not end '
                                      'in "_pre" or "_post".') % varname)
                if not varname in self.variables:
                    raise ValueError(('The summed variable "%s" does not refer'
                                      'do any known variable in the '
                                      'target group.') % varname)
                if varname.endswith('_pre'):
                    summed_target = self.source
                    orig_varname = varname[:-4]
                    summed_target = self.target
                    orig_varname = varname[:-5]

                target_eq = getattr(summed_target, 'equations', {}).get(orig_varname, None)
                if target_eq is None or target_eq.type != PARAMETER:
                    raise ValueError(('The summed variable "%s" needs a '
                                      'corresponding parameter "%s" in the '
                                      'target group.') % (varname,

                                            ('Summed variables need to have '
                                             'the same units in Synapses '
                                             'and the target group'))
                if self.variables[varname] in summed_targets:
                    raise ValueError(('The target variable "%s" is already '
                                      'updated by another summed '
                                      'variable') % orig_varname)
                updater = SummedVariableUpdater(single_equation.expr,
                                                varname, self, summed_target)
                self.summed_updaters[varname] = updater

        # Do an initial connect, if requested
        if not isinstance(connect, (bool, basestring)):
            raise TypeError(('"connect" keyword has to be a boolean value or a '
                             'string, is type %s instead.' % type(connect)))
        self._initial_connect = connect
        if not connect is False:
            self.connect(connect, level=1)

        # Activate name attribute access

    def __len__(self):
        return self._N

    def before_run(self, namespace):
        self.lastupdate = self.clock.t
        super(Synapses, self).before_run(namespace)

    def _add_updater(self, code, prepost, objname=None):
        Add a new target updater. Users should call `add_pre` or `add_post`

        code : str
            The abstract code that should be executed on pre-/postsynaptic
        prepost : {'pre', 'post'}
            Whether the code is triggered by presynaptic or postsynaptic spikes
        objname : str, optional
            A name for the object, see `SynapticPathway` for more details.

        objname : str
            The final name for the object. Equals `objname` if it was explicitly
            given (and did not end in a wildcard character).

        if prepost == 'pre':
            spike_group, group_name = self.source, 'Source'
        elif prepost == 'post':
            spike_group, group_name = self.target, 'Target'
            raise ValueError(('"prepost" argument has to be "pre" or "post", '
                              'is "%s".') % prepost)

        if not isinstance(spike_group, SpikeSource) or not hasattr(spike_group, 'clock'):
            raise TypeError(('%s has to be a SpikeSource with spikes and'
                             ' clock attribute. Is type %r instead')
                            % (group_name, type(spike_group)))

        updater = SynapticPathway(self, code, prepost, objname)
        objname = updater.objname
        if hasattr(self, objname):
            raise ValueError(('Cannot add updater with name "{name}", synapses '
                              'object already has an attribute with this '

        setattr(self, objname, updater)
        return objname

    def _create_variables(self, dtype=None):
        Create the variables dictionary for this `Synapses`, containing
        entries for the equation variables and some standard entries.
        if dtype is None:
            dtype = defaultdict(lambda: brian_prefs['core.default_scalar_dtype'])
        elif isinstance(dtype, np.dtype):
            dtype = defaultdict(lambda: dtype)
        elif not hasattr(dtype, '__getitem__'):
            raise TypeError(('Cannot use type %s as dtype '
                             'specification') % type(dtype))

        self.variables = Variables(self)

        # Standard variables always present
        self.variables.add_dynamic_array('_synaptic_pre', size=0, unit=Unit(1),
                                         dtype=np.int32, constant_size=True)
        self.variables.add_dynamic_array('_synaptic_post', size=0, unit=Unit(1),
                                         dtype=np.int32, constant_size=True)

        self.variables.add_reference('i', self.source.variables['i'],
        self.variables.add_reference('j', self.target.variables['i'],
        # We have to make a distinction here between the indices
        # and the arrays (even though they refer to the same object)
        # the synaptic propagation template would otherwise overwrite
        # synaptic_post in its namespace with the value of the
        # postsynaptic index, leading to errors for the next
        # propagation.

        # Add the standard variables
        self.variables.add_attribute_variable('N', Unit(1), self, '_N',

        for eq in itertools.chain(self.equations.itervalues(),
                                  if self.event_driven is not None else []):
            if eq.type in (DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION, PARAMETER):
                constant = ('constant' in eq.flags)
                # We are dealing with dynamic arrays here, code generation
                # shouldn't directly access the specifier.array attribute but
                # use specifier.get_value() to get a reference to the underlying
                # array
                self.variables.add_dynamic_array(eq.varname, size=0,
            elif eq.type == STATIC_EQUATION:
                if 'summed' in eq.flags:
                    # Give a special name to the subexpression for summed
                    # variables to avoid confusion with the pre/postsynaptic
                    # target variable
                    varname = '_summed_'+eq.varname
                    varname = eq.varname
                self.variables.add_subexpression(varname, unit=eq.unit,
                raise AssertionError('Unknown type of equation: ' + eq.eq_type)

        # Stochastic variables
        for xi in self.equations.stochastic_variables:
            self.variables.add_auxiliary_variable(xi, unit=second**-0.5)

        # Add all the pre and post variables with _pre and _post suffixes
        for name, var in getattr(self.source, 'variables', {}).iteritems():
            self.variables.add_reference(name + '_pre', var,
        for name, var in getattr(self.target, 'variables', {}).iteritems():
            self.variables.add_reference(name + '_post', var,
            # Also add all the post variables without a suffix -- note that a
            # reference will never overwrite the name of an existing name
            self.variables.add_reference(name, var, index='_postsynaptic_idx')

    def connect(self, pre_or_cond, post=None, p=1., n=1, level=0):
        Add synapses. The first argument can be either a presynaptic index
        (int or array) or a condition for synapse creation in the form of a
        string that evaluates to a boolean value (or directly a boolean value).
        If it is given as an index, also `post` has to be present. A string
        condition will be evaluated for all pre-/postsynaptic indices, which
        can be referred to as `i` and `j`.

        pre_or_cond : {int, ndarray of int, bool, str}
            The presynaptic neurons (in the form of an index or an array of
            indices) or a boolean value or a string that evaluates to a
            boolean value. If it is an index, then also `post` has to be
        post_neurons : {int, ndarray of int), optional
            GroupIndices of neurons from the target group. Non-optional if one or
            more presynaptic indices have been given.
        p : float, optional
            The probability to create `n` synapses wherever the condition
            given as `pre_or_cond` evaluates to true or for the given
            pre/post indices.
        n : int, optional
            The number of synapses to create per pre/post connection pair.
            Defaults to 1.

        >>> from brian2 import *
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> G = NeuronGroup(10, 'dv/dt = -v / tau : 1', threshold='v>1', reset='v=0')
        >>> S = Synapses(G, G, 'w:1', pre='v+=w')
        >>> S.connect('i != j') # all-to-all but no self-connections
        >>> S.connect(0, 0) # connect neuron 0 to itself
        >>> S.connect(np.array([1, 2]), np.array([2, 1])) # connect 1->2 and 2->1
        >>> S.connect(True) # connect all-to-all
        >>> S.connect('i != j', p=0.1)  # Connect neurons with 10% probability, exclude self-connections
        >>> S.connect('i == j', n=2)  # Connect all neurons to themselves with 2 synapses
        if not isinstance(pre_or_cond, (bool, basestring)):
            pre_or_cond = np.asarray(pre_or_cond)
            if not np.issubdtype(pre_or_cond.dtype, np.int):
                raise TypeError(('Presynaptic indices have to be given as '
                                 'integers, are type %s instead.') % pre_or_cond.dtype)

            post = np.asarray(post)
            if not np.issubdtype(post.dtype, np.int):
                raise TypeError(('Presynaptic indices can only be combined '
                                 'with postsynaptic integer indices))'))
            if isinstance(n, basestring):
                raise TypeError(('Indices cannot be combined with a string'
                                 'expression for n. Either use an array/scalar '
                                 'for n, or a string expression for the '
            i, j, n = np.broadcast_arrays(pre_or_cond, post, n)
            if i.ndim > 1:
                raise ValueError('Can only use 1-dimensional indices')
            self._add_synapses(i, j, n, p, level=level+1)
        elif isinstance(pre_or_cond, (basestring, bool)):
            if pre_or_cond is False:
                return  # nothing to do...
            elif pre_or_cond is True:
                # TODO: This should not be handled with the general mechanism
                pre_or_cond = 'True'
            if post is not None:
                raise ValueError('Cannot give a postsynaptic index when '
                                 'using a string expression')
            if not isinstance(n, (int, basestring)):
                raise TypeError('n has to be an integer or a string evaluating '
                                'to an integer, is type %s instead.' % type(n))
            if not isinstance(p, (float, basestring)):
                raise TypeError('p has to be a float or a string evaluating '
                                'to an float, is type %s instead.' % type(n))
            self._add_synapses(None, None, n, p, condition=pre_or_cond,
            raise TypeError(('First argument has to be an index or a '
                             'string, is %s instead.') % type(pre_or_cond))

    def _resize(self, number):
        if not isinstance(number, int):
            raise TypeError(('Expected an integer number got {} '
        if number < self._N:
            raise ValueError(('Cannot reduce number of synapses, '
                              '{} < {}').format(number, len(self)))

        for variable in self._registered_variables:

        self._N = number

    def register_variable(self, variable):
        Register a `DynamicArray` to be automatically resized when the size of
        the indices change. Called automatically when a `SynapticArrayVariable`
        specifier is created.
        if not hasattr(variable, 'resize'):
            raise TypeError(('Variable of type {} does not have a resize '
                             'method, cannot register it with the synaptic '

    def unregister_variable(self, variable):
        Unregister a `DynamicArray` from the automatic resizing mechanism.

    def _add_synapses(self, sources, targets, n, p, condition=None,

        if condition is None:
            sources = np.atleast_1d(sources).astype(np.int32)
            targets = np.atleast_1d(targets).astype(np.int32)
            n = np.atleast_1d(n)
            p = np.atleast_1d(p)
            if not len(p) == 1 or p != 1:
                use_connections = np.random.rand(len(sources)) < p
                sources = sources[use_connections]
                targets = targets[use_connections]
                n = n[use_connections]
            sources = sources.repeat(n)
            targets = targets.repeat(n)
            new_synapses = len(sources)

            old_N = len(self)
            new_N = old_N + new_synapses

            # Deal with subgroups
            if '_sub_idx' in self.source.variables:
                real_sources = self.source.variables['_sub_idx'].get_value()[sources]
                real_sources = sources
            if '_sub_idx' in self.target.variables:
                real_targets = self.target.variables['_sub_idx'].get_value()[targets]
                real_targets = targets
            self.variables['_synaptic_pre'].get_value()[old_N:new_N] = real_sources
            self.variables['_synaptic_post'].get_value()[old_N:new_N] = real_targets
            abstract_code = '_pre_idx = _all_pre \n'
            abstract_code += '_post_idx = _all_post \n'
            abstract_code += '_cond = ' + condition + '\n'
            abstract_code += '_n = ' + str(n) + '\n'
            abstract_code += '_p = ' + str(p)
            namespace = get_local_namespace(level + 1)
            additional_namespace = ('implicit-namespace', namespace)
            # This overwrites 'i' and 'j' in the synapses' variables dictionary
            # This is necessary because in the context of synapse creation, i
            # and j do not correspond to the sources/targets of the existing
            # synapses but to all the possible sources/targets
            variables = Variables(None)
            # Will be set in the template
            variables.add_auxiliary_variable('i', unit=Unit(1))
            variables.add_auxiliary_variable('j', unit=Unit(1))

            if '_sub_idx' in self.source.variables:
                variables.add_reference('_all_pre', self.source.variables['_sub_idx'])
                variables.add_reference('_all_pre', self.source.variables['i'])

            if '_sub_idx' in self.target.variables:
                variables.add_reference('_all_post', self.target.variables['_sub_idx'])
                variables.add_reference('_all_post', self.target.variables['i'])

            variable_indices = defaultdict(lambda: '_idx')
            for varname in self.variables:
                if self.variables.indices[varname] == '_presynaptic_idx':
                    variable_indices[varname] = '_all_pre'
                elif self.variables.indices[varname] == '_postsynaptic_idx':
                    variable_indices[varname] = '_all_post'
            variable_indices['_all_pre'] = 'i'
            variable_indices['_all_post'] = 'j'
            codeobj = create_runner_codeobj(self,

    def calc_indices(self, index):
        Returns synaptic indices for `index`, which can be a tuple of indices
        (including arrays and slices), a single index or a string.

        if (not isinstance(index, (tuple, basestring)) and
                isinstance(index, (int, np.ndarray, slice,
            index = (index, slice(None), slice(None))
        if isinstance(index, tuple):
            if len(index) == 2:  # two indices (pre- and postsynaptic cell)
                index = (index[0], index[1], slice(None))
            elif len(index) > 3:
                raise IndexError('Need 1, 2 or 3 indices, got %d.' % len(index))

            I, J, K = index

            pre_synapses = find_synapses(I, self.variables['_synaptic_pre'].get_value() - self.source.start)
            post_synapses = find_synapses(J, self.variables['_synaptic_post'].get_value() - self.target.start)
            matching_synapses = np.intersect1d(pre_synapses, post_synapses,

            if isinstance(K, slice) and K == slice(None):
                return matching_synapses
            elif isinstance(K, (int, slice)):
                test_k = slice_to_test(K)
                raise NotImplementedError(('Indexing synapses with arrays not'
                                           'implemented yet'))

            # We want to access the raw arrays here, not go through the Variable
            pre_neurons = self.variables['_synaptic_pre'].get_value()[pre_synapses]
            post_neurons = self.variables['_synaptic_post'].get_value()[post_synapses]
            synapse_numbers = _synapse_numbers(pre_neurons,
            return np.intersect1d(matching_synapses,
            raise IndexError('Unsupported index type {itype}'.format(itype=type(index)))
コード例 #2
ファイル: neurongroup.py プロジェクト: wau/brian2
    def __init__(self, N, model,
                 method=('exact', 'euler', 'heun'),
        Group.__init__(self, dt=dt, clock=clock, when='start', order=order,
        if dtype is None:
            dtype = {}
        if isinstance(dtype, collections.MutableMapping):
            dtype['lastspike'] = self._clock.variables['t'].dtype

        self.codeobj_class = codeobj_class

            self._N = N = int(N)
        except ValueError:
            if isinstance(N, str):
                raise TypeError("First NeuronGroup argument should be size, not equations.")
        if N < 1:
            raise ValueError("NeuronGroup size should be at least 1, was " + str(N))

        self.start = 0
        self.stop = self._N

        ##### Prepare and validate equations
        if isinstance(model, basestring):
            model = Equations(model)
        if not isinstance(model, Equations):
            raise TypeError(('model has to be a string or an Equations '
                             'object, is "%s" instead.') % type(model))

        # Check flags
        model.check_flags({DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION: ('unless refractory',),
                           PARAMETER: ('constant', 'shared', 'linked'),
                           SUBEXPRESSION: ('shared',
                                           'constant over dt')})

        # add refractoriness
        #: The original equations as specified by the user (i.e. without
        #: the multiplied `int(not_refractory)` term for equations marked as
        #: `(unless refractory)`)
        self.user_equations = model
        if refractory is not False:
            model = add_refractoriness(model)
        uses_refractoriness = len(model) and any(
            ['unless refractory' in eq.flags
             for eq in model.itervalues()
             if eq.type == DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION])

        # Separate subexpressions depending whether they are considered to be
        # constant over a time step or not
        model, constant_over_dt = extract_constant_subexpressions(model)
        self.equations = model

        self._linked_variables = set()
        logger.diagnostic("Creating NeuronGroup of size {self._N}, "
                          "equations {self.equations}.".format(self=self))

        if namespace is None:
            namespace = {}
        #: The group-specific namespace
        self.namespace = namespace

        # All of the following will be created in before_run

        #: The refractory condition or timespan
        self._refractory = refractory
        if uses_refractoriness and refractory is False:
            logger.warn('Model equations use the "unless refractory" flag but '
                        'no refractory keyword was given.', 'no_refractory')

        #: The state update method selected by the user
        self.method_choice = method

        if events is None:
            events = {}

        if threshold is not None:
            if 'spike' in events:
                raise ValueError(("The NeuronGroup defines both a threshold "
                                  "and a 'spike' event"))
            events['spike'] = threshold

        # Setup variables
        # Since we have to create _spikespace and possibly other "eventspace"
        # variables, we pass the supported events
        self._create_variables(dtype, events=events.keys())

        #: Events supported by this group
        self.events = events

        #: Code that is triggered on events (e.g. reset)
        self.event_codes = {}

        #: Checks the spike threshold (or abitrary user-defined events)
        self.thresholder = {}

        #: Reset neurons which have spiked (or perform arbitrary actions for
        #: user-defined events)
        self.resetter = {}

        for event_name in events.iterkeys():
            if not isinstance(event_name, basestring):
                raise TypeError(('Keys in the "events" dictionary have to be '
                                 'strings, not type %s.') % type(event_name))
            if not _valid_event_name(event_name):
                raise TypeError(("The name '%s' cannot be used as an event "
                                 "name.") % event_name)
            # By default, user-defined events are checked after the threshold
            when = 'thresholds' if event_name == 'spike' else 'after_thresholds'
            # creating a Thresholder will take care of checking the validity
            # of the condition
            thresholder = Thresholder(self, event=event_name, when=when)
            self.thresholder[event_name] = thresholder

        if reset is not None:
            self.run_on_event('spike', reset, when='resets')

        #: Performs numerical integration step
        self.state_updater = StateUpdater(self, method, method_options)

        #: Update the "constant over a time step" subexpressions
        self.subexpression_updater = None
        if len(constant_over_dt):
            self.subexpression_updater = SubexpressionUpdater(self,

        if refractory is not False:
            # Set the refractoriness information

        # Activate name attribute access
コード例 #3
ファイル: neurongroup.py プロジェクト: yger/brian2
    def __init__(self, N, model, method=None,
                 clock=None, name='neurongroup*',
        Group.__init__(self, when=clock, name=name)

        self.codeobj_class = codeobj_class

            self._N = N = int(N)
        except ValueError:
            if isinstance(N, str):
                raise TypeError("First NeuronGroup argument should be size, not equations.")
        if N < 1:
            raise ValueError("NeuronGroup size should be at least 1, was " + str(N))

        self.start = 0
        self.stop = self._N

        ##### Prepare and validate equations
        if isinstance(model, basestring):
            model = Equations(model)
        if not isinstance(model, Equations):
            raise TypeError(('model has to be a string or an Equations '
                             'object, is "%s" instead.') % type(model))

        # Check flags
        model.check_flags({DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION: ('unless refractory'),
                           PARAMETER: ('constant')})

        # add refractoriness
        if refractory is not False:
            model = add_refractoriness(model)
        self.equations = model
        uses_refractoriness = len(model) and any(['unless refractory' in eq.flags
                                                  for eq in model.itervalues()
                                                  if eq.type == DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION])

        logger.debug("Creating NeuronGroup of size {self._N}, "
                     "equations {self.equations}.".format(self=self))

        # Setup the namespace
        self.namespace = create_namespace(namespace)

        # Setup variables

        # All of the following will be created in before_run
        #: The threshold condition
        self.threshold = threshold
        #: The reset statement(s)
        self.reset = reset

        #: The refractory condition or timespan
        self._refractory = refractory
        if uses_refractoriness and refractory is False:
            logger.warn('Model equations use the "unless refractory" flag but '
                        'no refractory keyword was given.', 'no_refractory')

        #: The state update method selected by the user
        self.method_choice = method
        #: Performs thresholding step, sets the value of `spikes`
        self.thresholder = None
        if self.threshold is not None:
            self.thresholder = Thresholder(self)

        #: Resets neurons which have spiked (`spikes`)
        self.resetter = None
        if self.reset is not None:
            self.resetter = Resetter(self)

        # We try to run a before_run already now. This might fail because of an
        # incomplete namespace but if the namespace is already complete we
        # can spot unit errors in the equation already here.
        except KeyError:

        #: Performs numerical integration step
        self.state_updater = StateUpdater(self, method)

        # Creation of contained_objects that do the work
        if self.thresholder is not None:
        if self.resetter is not None:

        if refractory is not False:
            # Set the refractoriness information

        # Activate name attribute access
コード例 #4
    def __init__(self, morphology=None, model=None, threshold=None,
                 refractory=False, reset=None, events=None,
                 dt=None, clock=None, order=0, Cm=0.9 * uF / cm ** 2, Ri=150 * ohm * cm,
                 name='spatialneuron*', dtype=None, namespace=None,
                 method=('linear', 'exponential_euler', 'rk2', 'heun')):

        # #### Prepare and validate equations
        if isinstance(model, basestring):
            model = Equations(model)
        if not isinstance(model, Equations):
            raise TypeError(('model has to be a string or an Equations '
                             'object, is "%s" instead.') % type(model))

        # Insert the threshold mechanism at the specified location
        if threshold_location is not None:
            if hasattr(threshold_location,
                       '_indices'):  # assuming this is a method
                threshold_location = threshold_location._indices()
                # for now, only a single compartment allowed
                if len(threshold_location) == 1:
                    threshold_location = threshold_location[0]
                    raise AttributeError(('Threshold can only be applied on a '
                                          'single location'))
            threshold = '(' + threshold + ') and (i == ' + str(threshold_location) + ')'

        # Check flags (we have point currents)
        model.check_flags({DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION: ('point current',),
                           PARAMETER: ('constant', 'shared', 'linked', 'point current'),
                           SUBEXPRESSION: ('shared', 'point current')})

        # Add the membrane potential
        model += Equations('''
        v:volt # membrane potential

        # Extract membrane equation
        if 'Im' in model:
            membrane_eq = model['Im']  # the membrane equation
            raise TypeError('The transmembrane current Im must be defined')

        # Insert point currents in the membrane equation
        for eq in model.itervalues():
            if 'point current' in eq.flags:
                fail_for_dimension_mismatch(eq.unit, amp,
                                            "Point current " + eq.varname + " should be in amp")
                eq.flags.remove('point current')
                membrane_eq.expr = Expression(
                    str(membrane_eq.expr.code) + '+' + eq.varname + '/area')

        ###### Process model equations (Im) to extract total conductance and the remaining current
        # Check conditional linearity with respect to v
        # Match to _A*v+_B
        var = sp.Symbol('v', real=True)
        wildcard = sp.Wild('_A', exclude=[var])
        constant_wildcard = sp.Wild('_B', exclude=[var])
        pattern = wildcard * var + constant_wildcard

        # Expand expressions in the membrane equation
        membrane_eq.type = DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION
        for var, expr in model.get_substituted_expressions():
            if var == 'Im':
                Im_expr = expr
        membrane_eq.type = SUBEXPRESSION

        # Factor out the variable
        s_expr = sp.collect(str_to_sympy(Im_expr.code).expand(), var)
        matches = s_expr.match(pattern)

        if matches is None:
            raise TypeError, "The membrane current must be linear with respect to v"
        a, b = (matches[wildcard],

        # Extracts the total conductance from Im, and the remaining current
        minusa_str, b_str = sympy_to_str(-a), sympy_to_str(b)
        # Add correct units if necessary
        if minusa_str == '0':
            minusa_str += '*siemens/meter**2'
        if b_str == '0':
            b_str += '*amp/meter**2'
        gtot_str = "gtot__private=" + minusa_str + ": siemens/meter**2"
        I0_str = "I0__private=" + b_str + ": amp/meter**2"
        model += Equations(gtot_str + "\n" + I0_str)

        # Insert morphology (store a copy)
        self.morphology = copy.deepcopy(morphology)

        # Flatten the morphology
        self.flat_morphology = FlatMorphology(morphology)

        # Equations for morphology
        # TODO: check whether Cm and Ri are already in the equations
        #       no: should be shared instead of constant
        #       yes: should be constant (check)
        eqs_constants = Equations("""
        length : meter (constant)
        distance : meter (constant)
        area : meter**2 (constant)
        volume : meter**3
        diameter : meter (constant)
        Cm : farad/meter**2 (constant)
        Ri : ohm*meter (constant, shared)
        r_length_1 : meter (constant)
        r_length_2 : meter (constant)
        time_constant = Cm/gtot__private : second
        space_constant = (2/pi)**(1.0/3.0) * (area/(1/r_length_1 + 1/r_length_2))**(1.0/6.0) /
                         (2*(Ri*gtot__private)**(1.0/2.0)) : meter
        if self.flat_morphology.has_coordinates:
            eqs_constants += Equations('''
            x : meter (constant)
            y : meter (constant)
            z : meter (constant)

        NeuronGroup.__init__(self, morphology.total_compartments,
                             model=model + eqs_constants,
                             threshold=threshold, refractory=refractory,
                             reset=reset, events=events,
                             method=method, dt=dt, clock=clock, order=order,
                             namespace=namespace, dtype=dtype, name=name)
        # Parameters and intermediate variables for solving the cable equations
        # Note that some of these variables could have meaningful physical
        # units (e.g. _v_star is in volt, _I0_all is in amp/meter**2 etc.) but
        # since these variables should never be used in user code, we don't
        # assign them any units
        self.variables.add_arrays(['_ab_star0', '_ab_star1', '_ab_star2',
                                   '_a_minus0', '_a_minus1', '_a_minus2',
                                   '_a_plus0', '_a_plus1', '_a_plus2',
                                   '_b_plus', '_b_minus',
                                   '_v_star', '_u_plus', '_u_minus',
                                   # The following three are for solving the
                                   # three tridiag systems in parallel
                                   '_c1', '_c2', '_c3',
                                   # The following two are only necessary for
                                   # C code where we cannot deal with scalars
                                   # and arrays interchangeably:
                                   '_I0_all', '_gtot_all'], unit=1,
                                  size=self.N, read_only=True)

        self.Cm = Cm
        self.Ri = Ri
        # These explict assignments will load the morphology values from disk
        # in standalone mode
        self.distance_ = self.flat_morphology.distance
        self.length_ = self.flat_morphology.length
        self.area_ = self.flat_morphology.area
        self.diameter_ = self.flat_morphology.diameter
        self.r_length_1_ = self.flat_morphology.r_length_1
        self.r_length_2_ = self.flat_morphology.r_length_2
        if self.flat_morphology.has_coordinates:
            self.x_ = self.flat_morphology.x
            self.y_ = self.flat_morphology.y
            self.z_ = self.flat_morphology.z

        # Performs numerical integration step
        self.diffusion_state_updater = SpatialStateUpdater(self, method,

        # Creation of contained_objects that do the work
コード例 #5
ファイル: neurongroup.py プロジェクト: ZeitgeberH/brian2
    def __init__(self, N, model,
                 method=('linear', 'euler', 'heun'),
        Group.__init__(self, dt=dt, clock=clock, when='start', order=order,

        self.codeobj_class = codeobj_class

            self._N = N = int(N)
        except ValueError:
            if isinstance(N, str):
                raise TypeError("First NeuronGroup argument should be size, not equations.")
        if N < 1:
            raise ValueError("NeuronGroup size should be at least 1, was " + str(N))

        self.start = 0
        self.stop = self._N

        ##### Prepare and validate equations
        if isinstance(model, basestring):
            model = Equations(model)
        if not isinstance(model, Equations):
            raise TypeError(('model has to be a string or an Equations '
                             'object, is "%s" instead.') % type(model))

        # Check flags
        model.check_flags({DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION: ('unless refractory',),
                           PARAMETER: ('constant', 'shared', 'linked'),
                           SUBEXPRESSION: ('shared',)})

        # add refractoriness
        if refractory is not False:
            model = add_refractoriness(model)
        self.equations = model
        uses_refractoriness = len(model) and any(['unless refractory' in eq.flags
                                                  for eq in model.itervalues()
                                                  if eq.type == DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION])
        self._linked_variables = set()
        logger.debug("Creating NeuronGroup of size {self._N}, "
                     "equations {self.equations}.".format(self=self))

        if namespace is None:
            namespace = {}
        #: The group-specific namespace
        self.namespace = namespace

        # All of the following will be created in before_run

        #: The refractory condition or timespan
        self._refractory = refractory
        if uses_refractoriness and refractory is False:
            logger.warn('Model equations use the "unless refractory" flag but '
                        'no refractory keyword was given.', 'no_refractory')

        #: The state update method selected by the user
        self.method_choice = method

        if events is None:
            events = {}

        if threshold is not None:
            if 'spike' in events:
                raise ValueError(("The NeuronGroup defines both a threshold "
                                  "and a 'spike' event"))
            events['spike'] = threshold

        # Setup variables
        # Since we have to create _spikespace and possibly other "eventspace"
        # variables, we pass the supported events
        self._create_variables(dtype, events=events.keys())

        #: Events supported by this group
        self.events = events

        #: Code that is triggered on events (e.g. reset)
        self.event_codes = {}

        #: Checks the spike threshold (or abitrary user-defined events)
        self.thresholder = {}

        #: Reset neurons which have spiked (or perform arbitrary actions for
        #: user-defined events)
        self.resetter = {}

        for event_name in events.iterkeys():
            if not isinstance(event_name, basestring):
                raise TypeError(('Keys in the "events" dictionary have to be '
                                 'strings, not type %s.') % type(event_name))
            if not _valid_event_name(event_name):
                raise TypeError(("The name '%s' cannot be used as an event "
                                 "name.") % event_name)
            # By default, user-defined events are checked after the threshold
            when = 'thresholds' if event_name == 'spike' else 'after_thresholds'
            # creating a Thresholder will take care of checking the validity
            # of the condition
            thresholder = Thresholder(self, event=event_name, when=when)
            self.thresholder[event_name] = thresholder

        if reset is not None:
            self.run_on_event('spike', reset, when='resets')

        # We try to run a before_run already now. This might fail because of an
        # incomplete namespace but if the namespace is already complete we
        # can spot unit errors in the equation already here.
        except KeyError:

        #: Performs numerical integration step
        self.state_updater = StateUpdater(self, method)

        # Creation of contained_objects that do the work

        if refractory is not False:
            # Set the refractoriness information

        # Activate name attribute access
コード例 #6
ファイル: synapses.py プロジェクト: divyashivaram/brian2
class Synapses(BrianObject, Group):
    Class representing synaptic connections. Creating a new `Synapses` object
    does by default not create any synapses -- you either have to provide
    the `connect` argument or call the `Synapses.connect` method for that.


    source : `SpikeSource`
        The source of spikes, e.g. a `NeuronGroup`.
    target : `Group`, optional
        The target of the spikes, typically a `NeuronGroup`. If none is given,
        the same as `source`
    model : {`str`, `Equations`}, optional
        The model equations for the synapses.
    pre : {str, dict}, optional
        The code that will be executed after every pre-synaptic spike. Can be
        either a single (possibly multi-line) string, or a dictionary mapping
        pathway names to code strings. In the first case, the pathway will be
        called ``pre`` and made available as an attribute of the same name.
        In the latter case, the given names will be used as the
        pathway/attribute names. Each pathway has its own code and its own
    post : {str, dict}, optional
        The code that will be executed after every post-synaptic spike. Same
        conventions as for `pre`, the default name for the pathway is ``post``.
    connect : {str, bool}. optional
        Determines whether any actual synapses are created. ``False`` (the
        default) means not to create any synapses, ``True`` means to create
        synapses between all source/target pairs. Also accepts a string
        expression that evaluates to ``True`` for every synapse that should
        be created, e.g. ``'i == j'`` for a one-to-one connectivity. See
        `Synapses.connect` for more details.
    delay : {`Quantity`, dict}, optional
        The delay for the "pre" pathway (same for all synapses) or a dictionary
        mapping pathway names to delays. If a delay is specified in this way
        for a pathway, it is stored as a single scalar value. It can still
        be changed afterwards, but only to a single scalar value. If you want
        to have delays that vary across synapses, do not use the keyword
        argument, but instead set the delays via the attribute of the pathway,
        e.g. ``S.pre.delay = ...`` (or ``S.delay = ...`` as an abbreviation),
        ``S.post.delay = ...``, etc.
    namespace : dict, optional
        A dictionary mapping identifier names to objects. If not given, the
        namespace will be filled in at the time of the call of `Network.run`,
        with either the values from the ``network`` argument of the
        `Network.run` method or from the local context, if no such argument is
    dtype : `dtype`, optional
        The standard datatype for all state variables. Defaults to
    codeobj_class : class, optional
        The `CodeObject` class to use to run code.
    clock : `Clock`, optional
        The clock to use.
    method : {str, `StateUpdateMethod`}, optional
        The numerical integration method to use. If none is given, an
        appropriate one is automatically determined.
    name : str, optional
        The name for this object. If none is given, a unique name of the form
        ``synapses``, ``synapses_1``, etc. will be automatically chosen.
    def __init__(self,

        BrianObject.__init__(self, when=clock, name=name)

        self.codeobj_class = codeobj_class

        self.source = weakref.proxy(source)
        if target is None:
            self.target = self.source
            self.target = weakref.proxy(target)

        ##### Prepare and validate equations
        if model is None:
            model = ''

        if isinstance(model, basestring):
            model = Equations(model)
        if not isinstance(model, Equations):
            raise TypeError(('model has to be a string or an Equations '
                             'object, is "%s" instead.') % type(model))

        # Check flags
            DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION: ['event-driven', 'lumped'],
            STATIC_EQUATION: ['lumped'],
            PARAMETER: ['constant', 'lumped']

        # Separate the equations into event-driven and continuously updated
        # equations
        event_driven = []
        continuous = []
        for single_equation in model.itervalues():
            if 'event-driven' in single_equation.flags:
                if 'lumped' in single_equation.flags:
                    raise ValueError(
                        ('Event-driven variable %s cannot be '
                         'a lumped variable.') % single_equation.varname)
        # Add the lastupdate variable, used by event-driven equations
        continuous.append(SingleEquation(PARAMETER, 'lastupdate', second))

        if len(event_driven):
            self.event_driven = Equations(event_driven)
            self.event_driven = None

        self.equations = Equations(continuous)

        ##### Setup the memory
        self.arrays = self._allocate_memory(dtype=dtype)

        # Setup the namespace
        self._given_namespace = namespace
        self.namespace = create_namespace(namespace)

        self._queues = {}
        self._delays = {}

        self.item_mapping = SynapticItemMapping(self)
        self.indices = {
            '_idx': self.item_mapping,
            '_presynaptic_idx': self.item_mapping.synaptic_pre,
            '_postsynaptic_idx': self.item_mapping.synaptic_post
        # Allow S.i instead of S.indices.i, etc.
        self.i = self.item_mapping.i
        self.j = self.item_mapping.j
        self.k = self.item_mapping.k

        # Setup variables
        self.variables = self._create_variables()

        #: List of names of all updaters, e.g. ['pre', 'post']
        self._updaters = []
        for prepost, argument in zip(('pre', 'post'), (pre, post)):
            if not argument:
            if isinstance(argument, basestring):
                self._add_updater(argument, prepost)
            elif isinstance(argument, collections.Mapping):
                for key, value in argument.iteritems():
                    if not isinstance(key, basestring):
                        err_msg = ('Keys for the "{}" argument'
                                   'have to be strings, got '
                                   '{} instead.').format(prepost, type(key))
                        raise TypeError(err_msg)
                    self._add_updater(value, prepost, objname=key)

        # If we have a pathway called "pre" (the most common use case), provide
        # direct access to its delay via a delay attribute (instead of having
        # to use pre.delay)
        if 'pre' in self._updaters:
            self.variables['delay'] = self.pre.variables['delay']

        if delay is not None:
            if isinstance(delay, Quantity):
                if not 'pre' in self._updaters:
                    raise ValueError(
                        ('Cannot set delay, no "pre" pathway exists.'
                         'Use a dictionary if you want to set the '
                         'delay for a pathway with a different name.'))
                delay = {'pre': delay}

            if not isinstance(delay, collections.Mapping):
                raise TypeError('Delay argument has to be a quantity or a '
                                'dictionary, is type %s instead.' %
            for pathway, pathway_delay in delay.iteritems():
                if not pathway in self._updaters:
                    raise ValueError(('Cannot set the delay for pathway '
                                      '"%s": unknown pathway.') % pathway)
                if not isinstance(pathway_delay, Quantity):
                    raise TypeError(('Cannot set the delay for pathway "%s": '
                                     'expected a quantity, got %s instead.') %
                                    (pathway, type(pathway_delay)))
                if pathway_delay.size != 1:
                    raise TypeError(('Cannot set the delay for pathway "%s": '
                                     'expected a scalar quantity, got a '
                                     'quantity with shape %s instead.') %
                fail_for_dimension_mismatch(pathway_delay, second,
                                            ('Delay has to be '
                                             'specified in units '
                                             'of seconds'))
                updater = getattr(self, pathway)
                del updater._delays
                # For simplicity, store the delay as a one-element array
                # so that for example updater._delays[:] works.
                updater._delays = np.array([float(pathway_delay)])
                variable = ArrayVariable('delay',
                updater.variables['delay'] = variable
                if pathway == 'pre':
                    self.variables['delay'] = variable

        #: Performs numerical integration step
        self.state_updater = StateUpdater(self, method)

        #: "Lumped variable" mechanism -- sum over all synapses of a
        #: postsynaptic target
        self.lumped_updaters = {}
        for single_equation in self.equations.itervalues():
            if 'lumped' in single_equation.flags:
                varname = single_equation.varname
                # For a lumped variable, we need an equivalent parameter in the
                # target group
                if not varname in self.target.variables:
                    raise ValueError(
                        ('The lumped variable %s needs a variable '
                         'of the same name in the target '
                         'group ') % single_equation.varname)
                                            ('Lumped variables need to have '
                                             'the same units in Synapses '
                                             'and the target group'))
                # TODO: Add some more stringent check about the type of
                # variable in the target group
                updater = LumpedUpdater(varname, self, self.target)
                self.lumped_updaters[varname] = updater

        # Do an initial connect, if requested
        if not isinstance(connect, (bool, basestring)):
            raise TypeError(
                ('"connect" keyword has to be a boolean value or a '
                 'string, is type %s instead.' % type(connect)))
        self._initial_connect = connect
        if not connect is False:
            self.connect(connect, level=1)

        # Activate name attribute access

    N = property(fget=lambda self: self.item_mapping.N,
                 doc='Total number of synapses')

    def __len__(self):
        return self.N

    def pre_run(self, namespace):
        self.lastupdate = self.clock.t
        super(Synapses, self).pre_run(namespace)

    def _add_updater(self, code, prepost, objname=None):
        Add a new target updater. Users should call `add_pre` or `add_post`

        code : str
            The abstract code that should be executed on pre-/postsynaptic
        prepost : {'pre', 'post'}
            Whether the code is triggered by presynaptic or postsynaptic spikes
        objname : str, optional
            A name for the object, see `SynapticPathway` for more details.

        objname : str
            The final name for the object. Equals `objname` if it was explicitly
            given (and did not end in a wildcard character).

        if prepost == 'pre':
            spike_group, group_name = self.source, 'Source'
        elif prepost == 'post':
            spike_group = self.target, 'Target'
            raise ValueError(('"prepost" argument has to be "pre" or "post", '
                              'is "%s".') % prepost)

        if not hasattr(spike_group, 'spikes') and hasattr(
                spike_group, 'clock'):
            raise TypeError(('%s has to be a SpikeSource with spikes and'
                             ' clock attribute. Is type %r instead') %
                            (group_name, type(spike_group)))

        updater = SynapticPathway(self, code, prepost, objname)
        objname = updater.objname
        if hasattr(self, objname):
            raise ValueError(
                ('Cannot add updater with name "{name}", synapses '
                 'object already has an attribute with this '

        setattr(self, objname, updater)
        return objname

    def _create_variables(self):
        Create the variables dictionary for this `Synapses`, containing
        entries for the equation variables and some standard entries.
        # Add all the pre and post variables with _pre and _post suffixes
        v = {}
        self.variable_indices = defaultdict(lambda: '_idx')
        for name, var in getattr(self.source, 'variables', {}).iteritems():
            if isinstance(var, (ArrayVariable, Subexpression)):
                v[name + '_pre'] = var
                self.variable_indices[name + '_pre'] = '_presynaptic_idx'
        for name, var in getattr(self.target, 'variables', {}).iteritems():
            if isinstance(var, (ArrayVariable, Subexpression)):
                v[name + '_post'] = var
                self.variable_indices[name + '_post'] = '_postsynaptic_idx'
                # Also add all the post variables without a suffix -- if this
                # clashes with the name of a state variable defined in this
                # Synapses group, the latter will overwrite the entry later and
                # take precedence
                v[name] = var
                self.variable_indices[name] = '_postsynaptic_idx'

        # Standard variables always present
            AttributeVariable(second, self.clock, 't_', constant=False),
            AttributeVariable(second, self.clock, 'dt_', constant=True),
            Variable(Unit(1), len(self.source), constant=True),
            Variable(Unit(1), len(self.target), constant=True),
            DynamicArrayVariable('_synaptic_pre', Unit(1),
            DynamicArrayVariable('_synaptic_pre', Unit(1),
            # We don't need "proper" specifier for these -- they go
            # back to Python code currently
            Variable(Unit(1), self.item_mapping.pre_synaptic),
            Variable(Unit(1), self.item_mapping.post_synaptic)

        for eq in itertools.chain(
                if self.event_driven is not None else []):
            if eq.type in (DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION, PARAMETER):
                array = self.arrays[eq.varname]
                constant = ('constant' in eq.flags)
                # We are dealing with dynamic arrays here, code generation
                # shouldn't directly access the specifier.array attribute but
                # use specifier.get_value() to get a reference to the underlying
                # array
                v[eq.varname] = DynamicArrayVariable(eq.varname,
                if eq.varname in self.variable_indices:
                    # we are overwriting a postsynaptic variable of the same
                    # name, delete the reference to the postsynaptic index
                    del self.variable_indices[eq.varname]
                # Register the array with the `SynapticItemMapping` object so
                # it gets automatically resized
            elif eq.type == STATIC_EQUATION:
                raise AssertionError('Unknown type of equation: ' + eq.eq_type)

        # Stochastic variables
        for xi in self.equations.stochastic_variables:
            v.update({xi: StochasticVariable()})

        return v

    def _allocate_memory(self, dtype=None):
        # Allocate memory (TODO: this should be refactored somewhere at some point)
        arrayvarnames = set(eq.varname for eq in self.equations.itervalues()
                            if eq.type in (DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION, PARAMETER))
        if self.event_driven is not None:
            # Only differential equations are event-driven
            arrayvarnames |= set(eq.varname
                                 for eq in self.event_driven.itervalues())

        arrays = {}
        for name in arrayvarnames:
            if isinstance(dtype, dict):
                curdtype = dtype[name]
                curdtype = dtype
            if curdtype is None:
                curdtype = brian_prefs['core.default_scalar_dtype']
            arrays[name] = DynamicArray1D(0)
        logger.debug("NeuronGroup memory allocated successfully.")
        return arrays

    def connect_one_to_one(self):
        ''' Manually create a one to one connectivity pattern '''

        if len(self.source) != len(self.target):
            raise TypeError(
                'Can only create synapses between groups of same size')

        self.connect(np.arange(len(self.source)), np.arange(len(self.target)))

    def connect_full(self):
        Connect all neurons in the source group to all neurons in the target
        sources, targets = np.meshgrid(np.arange(len(self.source)),
        self.connect(sources.flat(), targets.flat())

    def connect(self, pre_or_cond, post=None, p=1., n=1, level=0):
        Add synapses. The first argument can be either a presynaptic index
        (int or array) or a condition for synapse creation in the form of a
        string that evaluates to a boolean value (or directly a boolean value).
        If it is given as an index, also `post` has to be present. A string
        condition will be evaluated for all pre-/postsynaptic indices, which
        can be referred to as `i` and `j`.

        pre_or_cond : {int, ndarray of int, bool, str}
            The presynaptic neurons (in the form of an index or an array of
            indices) or a boolean value or a string that evaluates to a
            boolean value. If it is an index, then also `post` has to be
        post_neurons : {int, ndarray of int), optional
            GroupIndices of neurons from the target group. Non-optional if one or
            more presynaptic indices have been given.
        p : float, optional
            The probability to create `n` synapses wherever the condition
            given as `pre_or_cond` evaluates to true or for the given
            pre/post indices.
        n : int, optional
            The number of synapses to create per pre/post connection pair.
            Defaults to 1.

        >>> from brian2 import *
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> G = NeuronGroup(10, 'dv/dt = -v / tau : 1', threshold='v>1', reset='v=0')
        >>> S = Synapses(G, G, 'w:1', pre='v+=w')
        >>> S.connect('i != j') # all-to-all but no self-connections
        >>> S.connect(0, 0) # connect neuron 0 to itself
        >>> S.connect(np.array([1, 2]), np.array([2, 1])) # connect 1->2 and 2->1
        >>> S.connect(True) # connect all-to-all
        >>> S.connect('i != j', p=0.1)  # Connect neurons with 10% probability, exclude self-connections
        >>> S.connect('i == j', n=2)  # Connect all neurons to themselves with 2 synapses
        if not isinstance(pre_or_cond, (bool, basestring)):
            pre_or_cond = np.asarray(pre_or_cond)
            if not np.issubdtype(pre_or_cond.dtype, np.int):
                raise TypeError(
                    ('Presynaptic indices have to be given as '
                     'integers, are type %s instead.') % pre_or_cond.dtype)

            post = np.asarray(post)
            if not np.issubdtype(post.dtype, np.int):
                raise TypeError(('Presynaptic indices can only be combined '
                                 'with postsynaptic integer indices))'))
            if isinstance(n, basestring):
                raise TypeError(
                    ('GroupIndices cannot be combined with a string'
                     'expression for n. Either use an array/scalar '
                     'for n, or a string expression for the '
            i, j, n = np.broadcast_arrays(pre_or_cond, post, n)
            if i.ndim > 1:
                raise ValueError('Can only use 1-dimensional indices')
            self.item_mapping._add_synapses(i, j, n, p, level=level + 1)
        elif isinstance(pre_or_cond, (basestring, bool)):
            if pre_or_cond is False:
                return  # nothing to do...
            elif pre_or_cond is True:
                # TODO: This should not be handled with the general mechanism
                pre_or_cond = 'True'
            if post is not None:
                raise ValueError('Cannot give a postsynaptic index when '
                                 'using a string expression')
            if not isinstance(n, (int, basestring)):
                raise TypeError(
                    'n has to be an integer or a string evaluating '
                    'to an integer, is type %s instead.' % type(n))
            if not isinstance(p, (float, basestring)):
                raise TypeError('p has to be a float or a string evaluating '
                                'to an float, is type %s instead.' % type(n))
                                            level=level + 1)
            raise TypeError(('First argument has to be an index or a '
                             'string, is %s instead.') % type(pre_or_cond))
コード例 #7
    def __init__(self,
        BrianObject.__init__(self, when=clock, name=name)

        self.codeobj_class = codeobj_class

            self.N = N = int(N)
        except ValueError:
            if isinstance(N, str):
                raise TypeError(
                    "First NeuronGroup argument should be size, not equations."
        if N < 1:
            raise ValueError("NeuronGroup size should be at least 1, was " +

        ##### Prepare and validate equations
        if isinstance(model, basestring):
            model = Equations(model)
        if not isinstance(model, Equations):
            raise TypeError(('model has to be a string or an Equations '
                             'object, is "%s" instead.') % type(model))

        # Check flags
            DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION: ('unless-refractory'),
            PARAMETER: ('constant')

        # add refractoriness
        model = add_refractoriness(model)
        self.equations = model
        uses_refractoriness = len(model) and any([
            'unless-refractory' in eq.flags
            for eq in model.itervalues() if eq.type == DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION

        logger.debug("Creating NeuronGroup of size {self.N}, "
                     "equations {self.equations}.".format(self=self))

        ##### Setup the memory
        self.arrays = self._allocate_memory(dtype=dtype)

        self._spikespace = np.zeros(N + 1, dtype=np.int32)

        # Setup the namespace
        self.namespace = create_namespace(namespace)

        # Setup variables
        self.variables = self._create_variables()

        # All of the following will be created in pre_run

        #: The threshold condition
        self.threshold = threshold

        #: The reset statement(s)
        self.reset = reset

        #: The refractory condition or timespan
        self._refractory = refractory
        if uses_refractoriness and refractory is False:
                'Model equations use the "unless-refractory" flag but '
                'no refractory keyword was given.', 'no_refractory')

        #: The state update method selected by the user
        self.method_choice = method

        #: Performs thresholding step, sets the value of `spikes`
        self.thresholder = None
        if self.threshold is not None:
            self.thresholder = Thresholder(self)

        #: Resets neurons which have spiked (`spikes`)
        self.resetter = None
        if self.reset is not None:
            self.resetter = Resetter(self)

        # We try to run a pre_run already now. This might fail because of an
        # incomplete namespace but if the namespace is already complete we
        # can spot unit or syntax errors already here, at creation time.
        except KeyError:

        #: Performs numerical integration step
        self.state_updater = StateUpdater(self, method)

        # Creation of contained_objects that do the work
        if self.thresholder is not None:
        if self.resetter is not None:

        # Activate name attribute access

        # Set the refractoriness information
        self.lastspike = -np.inf * second
        self.not_refractory = True
コード例 #8
ファイル: spatialneuron.py プロジェクト: rsantana-isg/brian2
    def __init__(self,
                 Cm=0.9 * uF / cm**2,
                 Ri=150 * ohm * cm,
                 method=('linear', 'exponential_euler', 'rk2', 'heun')):

        # #### Prepare and validate equations
        if isinstance(model, basestring):
            model = Equations(model)
        if not isinstance(model, Equations):
            raise TypeError(('model has to be a string or an Equations '
                             'object, is "%s" instead.') % type(model))

        # Insert the threshold mechanism at the specified location
        if threshold_location is not None:
            if hasattr(threshold_location,
                       '_indices'):  # assuming this is a method
                threshold_location = threshold_location._indices()
                # for now, only a single compartment allowed
                if len(threshold_location) == 1:
                    threshold_location = threshold_location[0]
                    raise AttributeError(('Threshold can only be applied on a '
                                          'single location'))
            threshold = '(' + threshold + ') and (i == ' + str(
                threshold_location) + ')'

        # Check flags (we have point currents)
            DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION: ('point current', ),
            PARAMETER: ('constant', 'shared', 'linked', 'point current'),
            SUBEXPRESSION: ('shared', 'point current', 'constant over dt')
        #: The original equations as specified by the user (i.e. before
        #: inserting point-currents into the membrane equation, before adding
        #: all the internally used variables and constants, etc.).
        self.user_equations = model

        # Separate subexpressions depending whether they are considered to be
        # constant over a time step or not (this would also be done by the
        # NeuronGroup initializer later, but this would give incorrect results
        # for the linearity check)
        model, constant_over_dt = extract_constant_subexpressions(model)

        # Extract membrane equation
        if 'Im' in model:
            if len(model['Im'].flags):
                raise TypeError(
                    'Cannot specify any flags for the transmembrane '
                    'current Im.')
            membrane_expr = model['Im'].expr  # the membrane equation
            raise TypeError('The transmembrane current Im must be defined')

        model_equations = []
        # Insert point currents in the membrane equation
        for eq in model.itervalues():
            if eq.varname == 'Im':
                continue  # ignore -- handled separately
            if 'point current' in eq.flags:
                    eq.dim, amp,
                    "Point current " + eq.varname + " should be in amp")
                membrane_expr = Expression(
                    str(membrane_expr.code) + '+' + eq.varname + '/area')
                eq = SingleEquation(
                    flags=list(set(eq.flags) - set(['point current'])))

                           dimensions=(amp / meter**2).dim,
        model_equations.append(SingleEquation(PARAMETER, 'v', volt.dim))
        model = Equations(model_equations)

        ###### Process model equations (Im) to extract total conductance and the remaining current
        # Expand expressions in the membrane equation
        for var, expr in model.get_substituted_expressions(
            if var == 'Im':
                Im_expr = expr
            raise AssertionError('Model equations did not contain Im!')

        # Differentiate Im with respect to v
        Im_sympy_exp = str_to_sympy(Im_expr.code)
        v_sympy = sp.Symbol('v', real=True)
        diffed = sp.diff(Im_sympy_exp, v_sympy)

        unevaled_derivatives = diffed.atoms(sp.Derivative)
        if len(unevaled_derivatives):
            raise TypeError(
                'Cannot take the derivative of "{Im}" with respect '
                'to v.'.format(Im=Im_expr.code))

        gtot_str = sympy_to_str(sp.simplify(-diffed))
        I0_str = sympy_to_str(sp.simplify(Im_sympy_exp - diffed * v_sympy))

        if gtot_str == '0':
            gtot_str += '*siemens/meter**2'
        if I0_str == '0':
            I0_str += '*amp/meter**2'
        gtot_str = "gtot__private=" + gtot_str + ": siemens/meter**2"
        I0_str = "I0__private=" + I0_str + ": amp/meter**2"

        model += Equations(gtot_str + "\n" + I0_str)

        # Insert morphology (store a copy)
        self.morphology = copy.deepcopy(morphology)

        # Flatten the morphology
        self.flat_morphology = FlatMorphology(morphology)

        # Equations for morphology
        # TODO: check whether Cm and Ri are already in the equations
        #       no: should be shared instead of constant
        #       yes: should be constant (check)
        eqs_constants = Equations("""
        length : meter (constant)
        distance : meter (constant)
        area : meter**2 (constant)
        volume : meter**3
        Ic : amp/meter**2
        diameter : meter (constant)
        Cm : farad/meter**2 (constant)
        Ri : ohm*meter (constant, shared)
        r_length_1 : meter (constant)
        r_length_2 : meter (constant)
        time_constant = Cm/gtot__private : second
        space_constant = (2/pi)**(1.0/3.0) * (area/(1/r_length_1 + 1/r_length_2))**(1.0/6.0) /
                         (2*(Ri*gtot__private)**(1.0/2.0)) : meter
        if self.flat_morphology.has_coordinates:
            eqs_constants += Equations('''
            x : meter (constant)
            y : meter (constant)
            z : meter (constant)

                             model=model + eqs_constants,
        # Parameters and intermediate variables for solving the cable equations
        # Note that some of these variables could have meaningful physical
        # units (e.g. _v_star is in volt, _I0_all is in amp/meter**2 etc.) but
        # since these variables should never be used in user code, we don't
        # assign them any units
                # The following three are for solving the
                # three tridiag systems in parallel
                # The following two are only necessary for
                # C code where we cannot deal with scalars
                # and arrays interchangeably:

        self.Cm = Cm
        self.Ri = Ri
        # These explict assignments will load the morphology values from disk
        # in standalone mode
        self.distance_ = self.flat_morphology.distance
        self.length_ = self.flat_morphology.length
        self.area_ = self.flat_morphology.area
        self.diameter_ = self.flat_morphology.diameter
        self.r_length_1_ = self.flat_morphology.r_length_1
        self.r_length_2_ = self.flat_morphology.r_length_2
        if self.flat_morphology.has_coordinates:
            self.x_ = self.flat_morphology.x
            self.y_ = self.flat_morphology.y
            self.z_ = self.flat_morphology.z

        # Performs numerical integration step
        self.diffusion_state_updater = SpatialStateUpdater(self,

        # Update v after the gating variables to obtain consistent Ic and Im
        self.diffusion_state_updater.order = 1

        # Creation of contained_objects that do the work

        if len(constant_over_dt):
            self.subexpression_updater = SubexpressionUpdater(
                self, constant_over_dt)
コード例 #9
    def __init__(self,
                 Cm=0.9 * uF / cm**2,
                 Ri=150 * ohm * cm,
                 method=('linear', 'exponential_euler', 'rk2', 'heun')):

        # #### Prepare and validate equations
        if isinstance(model, basestring):
            model = Equations(model)
        if not isinstance(model, Equations):
            raise TypeError(('model has to be a string or an Equations '
                             'object, is "%s" instead.') % type(model))

        # Insert the threshold mechanism at the specified location
        if threshold_location is not None:
            if hasattr(threshold_location,
                       '_indices'):  # assuming this is a method
                threshold_location = threshold_location._indices()
                # for now, only a single compartment allowed
                if len(threshold_location) == 1:
                    threshold_location = threshold_location[0]
                    raise AttributeError(('Threshold can only be applied on a '
                                          'single location'))
            threshold = '(' + threshold + ') and (i == ' + str(
                threshold_location) + ')'

        # Check flags (we have point currents)
            DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION: ('point current', ),
            PARAMETER: ('constant', 'shared', 'linked', 'point current'),
            SUBEXPRESSION: ('shared', 'point current')

        # Add the membrane potential
        model += Equations('''
        v:volt # membrane potential

        # Extract membrane equation
        if 'Im' in model:
            membrane_eq = model['Im']  # the membrane equation
            raise TypeError('The transmembrane current Im must be defined')

        # Insert point currents in the membrane equation
        for eq in model.itervalues():
            if 'point current' in eq.flags:
                    eq.unit, amp,
                    "Point current " + eq.varname + " should be in amp")
                eq.flags.remove('point current')
                membrane_eq.expr = Expression(
                    str(membrane_eq.expr.code) + '+' + eq.varname + '/area')

        ###### Process model equations (Im) to extract total conductance and the remaining current
        # Check conditional linearity with respect to v
        # Match to _A*v+_B
        var = sp.Symbol('v', real=True)
        wildcard = sp.Wild('_A', exclude=[var])
        constant_wildcard = sp.Wild('_B', exclude=[var])
        pattern = wildcard * var + constant_wildcard

        # Expand expressions in the membrane equation
        membrane_eq.type = DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION
        for var, expr in model._get_substituted_expressions(
        ):  # this returns substituted expressions for diff eqs
            if var == 'Im':
                Im_expr = expr
        membrane_eq.type = SUBEXPRESSION

        # Factor out the variable
        s_expr = sp.collect(Im_expr.sympy_expr.expand(), var)
        matches = s_expr.match(pattern)

        if matches is None:
            raise TypeError, "The membrane current must be linear with respect to v"
        a, b = (matches[wildcard], matches[constant_wildcard])

        # Extracts the total conductance from Im, and the remaining current
        minusa_str, b_str = sympy_to_str(-a), sympy_to_str(b)
        # Add correct units if necessary
        if minusa_str == '0':
            minusa_str += '*siemens/meter**2'
        if b_str == '0':
            b_str += '*amp/meter**2'
        gtot_str = "gtot__private=" + minusa_str + ": siemens/meter**2"
        I0_str = "I0__private=" + b_str + ": amp/meter**2"
        model += Equations(gtot_str + "\n" + I0_str)

        # Equations for morphology
        # TODO: check whether Cm and Ri are already in the equations
        #       no: should be shared instead of constant
        #       yes: should be constant (check)
        eqs_constants = Equations("""
        diameter : meter (constant)
        length : meter (constant)
        x : meter (constant)
        y : meter (constant)
        z : meter (constant)
        distance : meter (constant)
        area : meter**2 (constant)
        Cm : farad/meter**2 (constant)
        Ri : ohm*meter (constant, shared)
        space_constant = (diameter/(4*Ri*gtot__private))**.5 : meter # Not so sure about the name

        ### Parameters and intermediate variables for solving the cable equation
        ab_star0 : siemens/meter**2
        ab_plus0 : siemens/meter**2
        ab_minus0 : siemens/meter**2
        ab_star1 : siemens/meter**2
        ab_plus1 : siemens/meter**2
        ab_minus1 : siemens/meter**2
        ab_star2 : siemens/meter**2
        ab_plus2 : siemens/meter**2
        ab_minus2 : siemens/meter**2
        b_plus : siemens/meter**2
        b_minus : siemens/meter**2
        v_star : volt
        u_plus : 1
        u_minus : 1
        # The following two are only necessary for C code where we cannot deal
        # with scalars and arrays interchangeably
        gtot_all : siemens/meter**2
        I0_all : amp/meter**2
        # Possibilities for the name: characteristic_length, electrotonic_length, length_constant, space_constant

        # Insert morphology
        self.morphology = morphology

        # Link morphology variables to neuron's state variables
        self.morphology_data = MorphologyData(len(morphology))

                             model=model + eqs_constants,

        self.Cm = Cm
        self.Ri = Ri
        # TODO: View instead of copy for runtime?
        self.diameter_ = self.morphology_data.diameter
        self.distance_ = self.morphology_data.distance
        self.length_ = self.morphology_data.length
        self.area_ = self.morphology_data.area
        self.x_ = self.morphology_data.x
        self.y_ = self.morphology_data.y
        self.z_ = self.morphology_data.z

        # Performs numerical integration step
        self.diffusion_state_updater = SpatialStateUpdater(self,

        # Creation of contained_objects that do the work
コード例 #10
ファイル: spatialneuron.py プロジェクト: brian-team/brian2
    def __init__(self, morphology=None, model=None, threshold=None,
                 refractory=False, reset=None, events=None,
                 dt=None, clock=None, order=0, Cm=0.9 * uF / cm ** 2, Ri=150 * ohm * cm,
                 name='spatialneuron*', dtype=None, namespace=None,
                 method=('exact', 'exponential_euler', 'rk2', 'heun'),

        # #### Prepare and validate equations
        if isinstance(model, basestring):
            model = Equations(model)
        if not isinstance(model, Equations):
            raise TypeError(('model has to be a string or an Equations '
                             'object, is "%s" instead.') % type(model))

        # Insert the threshold mechanism at the specified location
        if threshold_location is not None:
            if hasattr(threshold_location,
                       '_indices'):  # assuming this is a method
                threshold_location = threshold_location._indices()
                # for now, only a single compartment allowed
                if len(threshold_location) == 1:
                    threshold_location = threshold_location[0]
                    raise AttributeError(('Threshold can only be applied on a '
                                          'single location'))
            threshold = '(' + threshold + ') and (i == ' + str(threshold_location) + ')'

        # Check flags (we have point currents)
        model.check_flags({DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION: ('point current',),
                           PARAMETER: ('constant', 'shared', 'linked', 'point current'),
                           SUBEXPRESSION: ('shared', 'point current',
                                           'constant over dt')})
        #: The original equations as specified by the user (i.e. before
        #: inserting point-currents into the membrane equation, before adding
        #: all the internally used variables and constants, etc.).
        self.user_equations = model

        # Separate subexpressions depending whether they are considered to be
        # constant over a time step or not (this would also be done by the
        # NeuronGroup initializer later, but this would give incorrect results
        # for the linearity check)
        model, constant_over_dt = extract_constant_subexpressions(model)

        # Extract membrane equation
        if 'Im' in model:
            if len(model['Im'].flags):
                raise TypeError('Cannot specify any flags for the transmembrane '
                                'current Im.')
            membrane_expr = model['Im'].expr  # the membrane equation
            raise TypeError('The transmembrane current Im must be defined')

        model_equations = []
        # Insert point currents in the membrane equation
        for eq in model.itervalues():
            if eq.varname == 'Im':
                continue  # ignore -- handled separately
            if 'point current' in eq.flags:
                fail_for_dimension_mismatch(eq.dim, amp,
                                            "Point current " + eq.varname + " should be in amp")
                membrane_expr = Expression(
                    str(membrane_expr.code) + '+' + eq.varname + '/area')
                eq = SingleEquation(eq.type, eq.varname, eq.dim, expr=eq.expr,
                                    flags=list(set(eq.flags)-set(['point current'])))

        model_equations.append(SingleEquation(SUBEXPRESSION, 'Im',
        model_equations.append(SingleEquation(PARAMETER, 'v', volt.dim))
        model = Equations(model_equations)

        ###### Process model equations (Im) to extract total conductance and the remaining current
        # Expand expressions in the membrane equation
        for var, expr in model.get_substituted_expressions(include_subexpressions=True):
            if var == 'Im':
                Im_expr = expr
            raise AssertionError('Model equations did not contain Im!')

        # Differentiate Im with respect to v
        Im_sympy_exp = str_to_sympy(Im_expr.code)
        v_sympy = sp.Symbol('v', real=True)
        diffed = sp.diff(Im_sympy_exp, v_sympy)

        unevaled_derivatives = diffed.atoms(sp.Derivative)
        if len(unevaled_derivatives):
            raise TypeError('Cannot take the derivative of "{Im}" with respect '
                            'to v.'.format(Im=Im_expr.code))

        gtot_str = sympy_to_str(sp.simplify(-diffed))
        I0_str = sympy_to_str(sp.simplify(Im_sympy_exp - diffed*v_sympy))

        if gtot_str == '0':
            gtot_str += '*siemens/meter**2'
        if I0_str == '0':
            I0_str += '*amp/meter**2'
        gtot_str = "gtot__private=" + gtot_str + ": siemens/meter**2"
        I0_str = "I0__private=" + I0_str + ": amp/meter**2"

        model += Equations(gtot_str + "\n" + I0_str)

        # Insert morphology (store a copy)
        self.morphology = copy.deepcopy(morphology)

        # Flatten the morphology
        self.flat_morphology = FlatMorphology(morphology)

        # Equations for morphology
        # TODO: check whether Cm and Ri are already in the equations
        #       no: should be shared instead of constant
        #       yes: should be constant (check)
        eqs_constants = Equations("""
        length : meter (constant)
        distance : meter (constant)
        area : meter**2 (constant)
        volume : meter**3
        Ic : amp/meter**2
        diameter : meter (constant)
        Cm : farad/meter**2 (constant)
        Ri : ohm*meter (constant, shared)
        r_length_1 : meter (constant)
        r_length_2 : meter (constant)
        time_constant = Cm/gtot__private : second
        space_constant = (2/pi)**(1.0/3.0) * (area/(1/r_length_1 + 1/r_length_2))**(1.0/6.0) /
                         (2*(Ri*gtot__private)**(1.0/2.0)) : meter
        if self.flat_morphology.has_coordinates:
            eqs_constants += Equations('''
            x : meter (constant)
            y : meter (constant)
            z : meter (constant)

        NeuronGroup.__init__(self, morphology.total_compartments,
                             model=model + eqs_constants,
                             threshold=threshold, refractory=refractory,
                             reset=reset, events=events,
                             method=method, dt=dt, clock=clock, order=order,
                             namespace=namespace, dtype=dtype, name=name)
        # Parameters and intermediate variables for solving the cable equations
        # Note that some of these variables could have meaningful physical
        # units (e.g. _v_star is in volt, _I0_all is in amp/meter**2 etc.) but
        # since these variables should never be used in user code, we don't
        # assign them any units
        self.variables.add_arrays(['_ab_star0', '_ab_star1', '_ab_star2',
                                   '_b_plus', '_b_minus',
                                   '_v_star', '_u_plus', '_u_minus',
                                   '_v_previous', '_c',
                                   # The following two are only necessary for
                                   # C code where we cannot deal with scalars
                                   # and arrays interchangeably:
                                   '_I0_all', '_gtot_all'],
                                  size=self.N, read_only=True)

        self.Cm = Cm
        self.Ri = Ri
        # These explict assignments will load the morphology values from disk
        # in standalone mode
        self.distance_ = self.flat_morphology.distance
        self.length_ = self.flat_morphology.length
        self.area_ = self.flat_morphology.area
        self.diameter_ = self.flat_morphology.diameter
        self.r_length_1_ = self.flat_morphology.r_length_1
        self.r_length_2_ = self.flat_morphology.r_length_2
        if self.flat_morphology.has_coordinates:
            self.x_ = self.flat_morphology.x
            self.y_ = self.flat_morphology.y
            self.z_ = self.flat_morphology.z

        # Performs numerical integration step
        self.diffusion_state_updater = SpatialStateUpdater(self, method,

        # Update v after the gating variables to obtain consistent Ic and Im
        self.diffusion_state_updater.order = 1

        # Creation of contained_objects that do the work

        if len(constant_over_dt):
            self.subexpression_updater = SubexpressionUpdater(self,
コード例 #11
ファイル: neurongroup.py プロジェクト: SudShekhar/brian2
    def __init__(self,
                 method=('linear', 'euler', 'milstein'),

        self.codeobj_class = codeobj_class

            self._N = N = int(N)
        except ValueError:
            if isinstance(N, str):
                raise TypeError(
                    "First NeuronGroup argument should be size, not equations."
        if N < 1:
            raise ValueError("NeuronGroup size should be at least 1, was " +

        self.start = 0
        self.stop = self._N

        ##### Prepare and validate equations
        if isinstance(model, basestring):
            model = Equations(model)
        if not isinstance(model, Equations):
            raise TypeError(('model has to be a string or an Equations '
                             'object, is "%s" instead.') % type(model))

        # Check flags
            DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION: ('unless refractory', ),
            PARAMETER: ('constant', 'shared', 'linked'),
            SUBEXPRESSION: ('shared', )

        # add refractoriness
        if refractory is not False:
            model = add_refractoriness(model)
        self.equations = model
        uses_refractoriness = len(model) and any([
            'unless refractory' in eq.flags
            for eq in model.itervalues() if eq.type == DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION
        self._linked_variables = set()
        logger.debug("Creating NeuronGroup of size {self._N}, "
                     "equations {self.equations}.".format(self=self))

        if namespace is None:
            namespace = {}
        #: The group-specific namespace
        self.namespace = namespace

        # Setup variables

        # All of the following will be created in before_run

        #: The threshold condition
        self.threshold = threshold

        #: The reset statement(s)
        self.reset = reset

        #: The refractory condition or timespan
        self._refractory = refractory
        if uses_refractoriness and refractory is False:
                'Model equations use the "unless refractory" flag but '
                'no refractory keyword was given.', 'no_refractory')

        #: The state update method selected by the user
        self.method_choice = method

        #: Performs thresholding step, sets the value of `spikes`
        self.thresholder = None
        if self.threshold is not None:
            self.thresholder = Thresholder(self)

        #: Resets neurons which have spiked (`spikes`)
        self.resetter = None
        if self.reset is not None:
            self.resetter = Resetter(self)

        # We try to run a before_run already now. This might fail because of an
        # incomplete namespace but if the namespace is already complete we
        # can spot unit errors in the equation already here.
        except KeyError:

        #: Performs numerical integration step
        self.state_updater = StateUpdater(self, method)

        # Creation of contained_objects that do the work
        if self.thresholder is not None:
        if self.resetter is not None:

        if refractory is not False:
            # Set the refractoriness information
            self.variables['lastspike'].set_value(-np.inf * second)

        # Activate name attribute access
コード例 #12
ファイル: synapses.py プロジェクト: yayyme/brian2
    def __init__(self, source, target=None, model=None, pre=None, post=None,
                 connect=False, delay=None, namespace=None, dtype=None,
                 clock=None, method=None, name='synapses*'):
        BrianObject.__init__(self, when=clock, name=name)
        self.codeobj_class = codeobj_class

        self.source = weakref.proxy(source)
        if target is None:
            self.target = self.source
            self.target = weakref.proxy(target)
        ##### Prepare and validate equations
        if model is None:
            model = ''

        if isinstance(model, basestring):
            model = Equations(model)
        if not isinstance(model, Equations):
            raise TypeError(('model has to be a string or an Equations '
                             'object, is "%s" instead.') % type(model))

        # Check flags
        model.check_flags({DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION: ['event-driven', 'lumped'],
                           STATIC_EQUATION: ['lumped'],
                           PARAMETER: ['constant', 'lumped']})

        # Separate the equations into event-driven and continuously updated
        # equations
        event_driven = []
        continuous = []
        for single_equation in model.itervalues():
            if 'event-driven' in single_equation.flags:
                if 'lumped' in single_equation.flags:
                    raise ValueError(('Event-driven variable %s cannot be '
                                      'a lumped variable.') % single_equation.varname)
        # Add the lastupdate variable, used by event-driven equations
        continuous.append(SingleEquation(PARAMETER, 'lastupdate', second))

        if len(event_driven):
            self.event_driven = Equations(event_driven)
            self.event_driven = None

        self.equations = Equations(continuous)

        ##### Setup the memory
        self.arrays = self._allocate_memory(dtype=dtype)

        # Setup the namespace
        self._given_namespace = namespace
        self.namespace = create_namespace(namespace)

        self._queues = {}
        self._delays = {}

        self.item_mapping = SynapticItemMapping(self)
        self.indices = {'_idx': self.item_mapping,
                        '_presynaptic_idx': self.item_mapping.synaptic_pre,
                        '_postsynaptic_idx': self.item_mapping.synaptic_post}
        # Allow S.i instead of S.indices.i, etc.
        self.i = self.item_mapping.i
        self.j = self.item_mapping.j
        self.k = self.item_mapping.k

        # Setup variables
        self.variables = self._create_variables()

        #: List of names of all updaters, e.g. ['pre', 'post']
        self._updaters = []
        for prepost, argument in zip(('pre', 'post'), (pre, post)):
            if not argument:
            if isinstance(argument, basestring):
                self._add_updater(argument, prepost)
            elif isinstance(argument, collections.Mapping):
                for key, value in argument.iteritems():
                    if not isinstance(key, basestring):
                        err_msg = ('Keys for the "{}" argument'
                                   'have to be strings, got '
                                   '{} instead.').format(prepost, type(key))
                        raise TypeError(err_msg)
                    self._add_updater(value, prepost, objname=key)

        # If we have a pathway called "pre" (the most common use case), provide
        # direct access to its delay via a delay attribute (instead of having
        # to use pre.delay)
        if 'pre' in self._updaters:
            self.variables['delay'] = self.pre.variables['delay']

        if delay is not None:
            if isinstance(delay, Quantity):
                if not 'pre' in self._updaters:
                    raise ValueError(('Cannot set delay, no "pre" pathway exists.'
                                      'Use a dictionary if you want to set the '
                                      'delay for a pathway with a different name.'))
                delay = {'pre': delay}

            if not isinstance(delay, collections.Mapping):
                raise TypeError('Delay argument has to be a quantity or a '
                                'dictionary, is type %s instead.' % type(delay))
            for pathway, pathway_delay in delay.iteritems():
                if not pathway in self._updaters:
                    raise ValueError(('Cannot set the delay for pathway '
                                      '"%s": unknown pathway.') % pathway)
                if not isinstance(pathway_delay, Quantity):
                    raise TypeError(('Cannot set the delay for pathway "%s": '
                                     'expected a quantity, got %s instead.') % (pathway,
                if pathway_delay.size != 1:
                    raise TypeError(('Cannot set the delay for pathway "%s": '
                                     'expected a scalar quantity, got a '
                                     'quantity with shape %s instead.') % str(pathway_delay.shape))
                fail_for_dimension_mismatch(pathway_delay, second, ('Delay has to be '
                                                                    'specified in units '
                                                                    'of seconds'))
                updater = getattr(self, pathway)
                del updater._delays
                # For simplicity, store the delay as a one-element array
                # so that for example updater._delays[:] works.
                updater._delays = np.array([float(pathway_delay)])
                variable = ArrayVariable('delay', second, updater._delays,
                                          group_name=self.name, scalar=True)
                updater.variables['delay'] = variable
                if pathway == 'pre':
                    self.variables['delay'] = variable

        #: Performs numerical integration step
        self.state_updater = StateUpdater(self, method)        

        #: "Lumped variable" mechanism -- sum over all synapses of a
        #: postsynaptic target
        self.lumped_updaters = {}
        for single_equation in self.equations.itervalues():
            if 'lumped' in single_equation.flags:
                varname = single_equation.varname
                # For a lumped variable, we need an equivalent parameter in the
                # target group
                if not varname in self.target.variables:
                    raise ValueError(('The lumped variable %s needs a variable '
                                      'of the same name in the target '
                                      'group ') % single_equation.varname)
                                            ('Lumped variables need to have '
                                             'the same units in Synapses '
                                             'and the target group'))
                # TODO: Add some more stringent check about the type of
                # variable in the target group
                updater = LumpedUpdater(varname, self, self.target)
                self.lumped_updaters[varname] = updater

        # Do an initial connect, if requested
        if not isinstance(connect, (bool, basestring)):
            raise TypeError(('"connect" keyword has to be a boolean value or a '
                             'string, is type %s instead.' % type(connect)))
        self._initial_connect = connect
        if not connect is False:
            self.connect(connect, level=1)

        # Activate name attribute access
コード例 #13
ファイル: synapses.py プロジェクト: yayyme/brian2
class Synapses(BrianObject, Group):
    Class representing synaptic connections. Creating a new `Synapses` object
    does by default not create any synapses -- you either have to provide
    the `connect` argument or call the `Synapses.connect` method for that.


    source : `SpikeSource`
        The source of spikes, e.g. a `NeuronGroup`.
    target : `Group`, optional
        The target of the spikes, typically a `NeuronGroup`. If none is given,
        the same as `source`
    model : {`str`, `Equations`}, optional
        The model equations for the synapses.
    pre : {str, dict}, optional
        The code that will be executed after every pre-synaptic spike. Can be
        either a single (possibly multi-line) string, or a dictionary mapping
        pathway names to code strings. In the first case, the pathway will be
        called ``pre`` and made available as an attribute of the same name.
        In the latter case, the given names will be used as the
        pathway/attribute names. Each pathway has its own code and its own
    post : {str, dict}, optional
        The code that will be executed after every post-synaptic spike. Same
        conventions as for `pre`, the default name for the pathway is ``post``.
    connect : {str, bool}. optional
        Determines whether any actual synapses are created. ``False`` (the
        default) means not to create any synapses, ``True`` means to create
        synapses between all source/target pairs. Also accepts a string
        expression that evaluates to ``True`` for every synapse that should
        be created, e.g. ``'i == j'`` for a one-to-one connectivity. See
        `Synapses.connect` for more details.
    delay : {`Quantity`, dict}, optional
        The delay for the "pre" pathway (same for all synapses) or a dictionary
        mapping pathway names to delays. If a delay is specified in this way
        for a pathway, it is stored as a single scalar value. It can still
        be changed afterwards, but only to a single scalar value. If you want
        to have delays that vary across synapses, do not use the keyword
        argument, but instead set the delays via the attribute of the pathway,
        e.g. ``S.pre.delay = ...`` (or ``S.delay = ...`` as an abbreviation),
        ``S.post.delay = ...``, etc.
    namespace : dict, optional
        A dictionary mapping identifier names to objects. If not given, the
        namespace will be filled in at the time of the call of `Network.run`,
        with either the values from the ``network`` argument of the
        `Network.run` method or from the local context, if no such argument is
    dtype : `dtype`, optional
        The standard datatype for all state variables. Defaults to
    codeobj_class : class, optional
        The `CodeObject` class to use to run code.
    clock : `Clock`, optional
        The clock to use.
    method : {str, `StateUpdateMethod`}, optional
        The numerical integration method to use. If none is given, an
        appropriate one is automatically determined.
    name : str, optional
        The name for this object. If none is given, a unique name of the form
        ``synapses``, ``synapses_1``, etc. will be automatically chosen.
    def __init__(self, source, target=None, model=None, pre=None, post=None,
                 connect=False, delay=None, namespace=None, dtype=None,
                 clock=None, method=None, name='synapses*'):
        BrianObject.__init__(self, when=clock, name=name)
        self.codeobj_class = codeobj_class

        self.source = weakref.proxy(source)
        if target is None:
            self.target = self.source
            self.target = weakref.proxy(target)
        ##### Prepare and validate equations
        if model is None:
            model = ''

        if isinstance(model, basestring):
            model = Equations(model)
        if not isinstance(model, Equations):
            raise TypeError(('model has to be a string or an Equations '
                             'object, is "%s" instead.') % type(model))

        # Check flags
        model.check_flags({DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION: ['event-driven', 'lumped'],
                           STATIC_EQUATION: ['lumped'],
                           PARAMETER: ['constant', 'lumped']})

        # Separate the equations into event-driven and continuously updated
        # equations
        event_driven = []
        continuous = []
        for single_equation in model.itervalues():
            if 'event-driven' in single_equation.flags:
                if 'lumped' in single_equation.flags:
                    raise ValueError(('Event-driven variable %s cannot be '
                                      'a lumped variable.') % single_equation.varname)
        # Add the lastupdate variable, used by event-driven equations
        continuous.append(SingleEquation(PARAMETER, 'lastupdate', second))

        if len(event_driven):
            self.event_driven = Equations(event_driven)
            self.event_driven = None

        self.equations = Equations(continuous)

        ##### Setup the memory
        self.arrays = self._allocate_memory(dtype=dtype)

        # Setup the namespace
        self._given_namespace = namespace
        self.namespace = create_namespace(namespace)

        self._queues = {}
        self._delays = {}

        self.item_mapping = SynapticItemMapping(self)
        self.indices = {'_idx': self.item_mapping,
                        '_presynaptic_idx': self.item_mapping.synaptic_pre,
                        '_postsynaptic_idx': self.item_mapping.synaptic_post}
        # Allow S.i instead of S.indices.i, etc.
        self.i = self.item_mapping.i
        self.j = self.item_mapping.j
        self.k = self.item_mapping.k

        # Setup variables
        self.variables = self._create_variables()

        #: List of names of all updaters, e.g. ['pre', 'post']
        self._updaters = []
        for prepost, argument in zip(('pre', 'post'), (pre, post)):
            if not argument:
            if isinstance(argument, basestring):
                self._add_updater(argument, prepost)
            elif isinstance(argument, collections.Mapping):
                for key, value in argument.iteritems():
                    if not isinstance(key, basestring):
                        err_msg = ('Keys for the "{}" argument'
                                   'have to be strings, got '
                                   '{} instead.').format(prepost, type(key))
                        raise TypeError(err_msg)
                    self._add_updater(value, prepost, objname=key)

        # If we have a pathway called "pre" (the most common use case), provide
        # direct access to its delay via a delay attribute (instead of having
        # to use pre.delay)
        if 'pre' in self._updaters:
            self.variables['delay'] = self.pre.variables['delay']

        if delay is not None:
            if isinstance(delay, Quantity):
                if not 'pre' in self._updaters:
                    raise ValueError(('Cannot set delay, no "pre" pathway exists.'
                                      'Use a dictionary if you want to set the '
                                      'delay for a pathway with a different name.'))
                delay = {'pre': delay}

            if not isinstance(delay, collections.Mapping):
                raise TypeError('Delay argument has to be a quantity or a '
                                'dictionary, is type %s instead.' % type(delay))
            for pathway, pathway_delay in delay.iteritems():
                if not pathway in self._updaters:
                    raise ValueError(('Cannot set the delay for pathway '
                                      '"%s": unknown pathway.') % pathway)
                if not isinstance(pathway_delay, Quantity):
                    raise TypeError(('Cannot set the delay for pathway "%s": '
                                     'expected a quantity, got %s instead.') % (pathway,
                if pathway_delay.size != 1:
                    raise TypeError(('Cannot set the delay for pathway "%s": '
                                     'expected a scalar quantity, got a '
                                     'quantity with shape %s instead.') % str(pathway_delay.shape))
                fail_for_dimension_mismatch(pathway_delay, second, ('Delay has to be '
                                                                    'specified in units '
                                                                    'of seconds'))
                updater = getattr(self, pathway)
                del updater._delays
                # For simplicity, store the delay as a one-element array
                # so that for example updater._delays[:] works.
                updater._delays = np.array([float(pathway_delay)])
                variable = ArrayVariable('delay', second, updater._delays,
                                          group_name=self.name, scalar=True)
                updater.variables['delay'] = variable
                if pathway == 'pre':
                    self.variables['delay'] = variable

        #: Performs numerical integration step
        self.state_updater = StateUpdater(self, method)        

        #: "Lumped variable" mechanism -- sum over all synapses of a
        #: postsynaptic target
        self.lumped_updaters = {}
        for single_equation in self.equations.itervalues():
            if 'lumped' in single_equation.flags:
                varname = single_equation.varname
                # For a lumped variable, we need an equivalent parameter in the
                # target group
                if not varname in self.target.variables:
                    raise ValueError(('The lumped variable %s needs a variable '
                                      'of the same name in the target '
                                      'group ') % single_equation.varname)
                                            ('Lumped variables need to have '
                                             'the same units in Synapses '
                                             'and the target group'))
                # TODO: Add some more stringent check about the type of
                # variable in the target group
                updater = LumpedUpdater(varname, self, self.target)
                self.lumped_updaters[varname] = updater

        # Do an initial connect, if requested
        if not isinstance(connect, (bool, basestring)):
            raise TypeError(('"connect" keyword has to be a boolean value or a '
                             'string, is type %s instead.' % type(connect)))
        self._initial_connect = connect
        if not connect is False:
            self.connect(connect, level=1)

        # Activate name attribute access

    N = property(fget=lambda self: self.item_mapping.N,
                 doc='Total number of synapses')

    def __len__(self):
        return self.N

    def pre_run(self, namespace):
        self.lastupdate = self.clock.t
        super(Synapses, self).pre_run(namespace)

    def _add_updater(self, code, prepost, objname=None):
        Add a new target updater. Users should call `add_pre` or `add_post`

        code : str
            The abstract code that should be executed on pre-/postsynaptic
        prepost : {'pre', 'post'}
            Whether the code is triggered by presynaptic or postsynaptic spikes
        objname : str, optional
            A name for the object, see `SynapticPathway` for more details.

        objname : str
            The final name for the object. Equals `objname` if it was explicitly
            given (and did not end in a wildcard character).

        if prepost == 'pre':
            spike_group, group_name = self.source, 'Source'
        elif prepost == 'post':
            spike_group = self.target, 'Target'
            raise ValueError(('"prepost" argument has to be "pre" or "post", '
                              'is "%s".') % prepost)

        if not hasattr(spike_group, 'spikes') and hasattr(spike_group, 'clock'):
            raise TypeError(('%s has to be a SpikeSource with spikes and'
                             ' clock attribute. Is type %r instead')
                            % (group_name, type(spike_group)))

        updater = SynapticPathway(self, code, prepost, objname)
        objname = updater.objname
        if hasattr(self, objname):
            raise ValueError(('Cannot add updater with name "{name}", synapses '
                              'object already has an attribute with this '

        setattr(self, objname, updater)
        return objname

    def _create_variables(self):
        Create the variables dictionary for this `Synapses`, containing
        entries for the equation variables and some standard entries.
        # Add all the pre and post variables with _pre and _post suffixes
        v = {}
        self.variable_indices = defaultdict(lambda: '_idx')
        for name, var in getattr(self.source, 'variables', {}).iteritems():
            if isinstance(var, (ArrayVariable, Subexpression)):
                v[name + '_pre'] = var
                self.variable_indices[name + '_pre'] = '_presynaptic_idx'
        for name, var in getattr(self.target, 'variables', {}).iteritems():
            if isinstance(var, (ArrayVariable, Subexpression)):
                v[name + '_post'] = var
                self.variable_indices[name + '_post'] = '_postsynaptic_idx'
                # Also add all the post variables without a suffix -- if this
                # clashes with the name of a state variable defined in this
                # Synapses group, the latter will overwrite the entry later and
                # take precedence
                v[name] = var
                self.variable_indices[name] = '_postsynaptic_idx'

        # Standard variables always present
        v.update({'t': AttributeVariable(second, self.clock, 't_',
                  'dt': AttributeVariable(second, self.clock, 'dt_',
                  '_num_source_neurons': Variable(Unit(1), len(self.source),
                  '_num_target_neurons': Variable(Unit(1), len(self.target),
                  '_synaptic_pre': DynamicArrayVariable('_synaptic_pre',
                  '_synaptic_post': DynamicArrayVariable('_synaptic_pre',
                  # We don't need "proper" specifier for these -- they go
                  # back to Python code currently
                  '_pre_synaptic': Variable(Unit(1), self.item_mapping.pre_synaptic),
                  '_post_synaptic': Variable(Unit(1),

        for eq in itertools.chain(self.equations.itervalues(),
                                  if self.event_driven is not None else []):
            if eq.type in (DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION, PARAMETER):
                array = self.arrays[eq.varname]
                constant = ('constant' in eq.flags)
                # We are dealing with dynamic arrays here, code generation
                # shouldn't directly access the specifier.array attribute but
                # use specifier.get_value() to get a reference to the underlying
                # array
                v[eq.varname] = DynamicArrayVariable(eq.varname,
                if eq.varname in self.variable_indices:
                    # we are overwriting a postsynaptic variable of the same
                    # name, delete the reference to the postsynaptic index
                    del self.variable_indices[eq.varname]
                # Register the array with the `SynapticItemMapping` object so
                # it gets automatically resized
            elif eq.type == STATIC_EQUATION:
                v.update({eq.varname: Subexpression(eq.unit,
                raise AssertionError('Unknown type of equation: ' + eq.eq_type)

        # Stochastic variables
        for xi in self.equations.stochastic_variables:
            v.update({xi: StochasticVariable()})

        return v

    def _allocate_memory(self, dtype=None):
        # Allocate memory (TODO: this should be refactored somewhere at some point)
        arrayvarnames = set(eq.varname for eq in self.equations.itervalues() if
                            eq.type in (DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION,
        if self.event_driven is not None:
            # Only differential equations are event-driven
            arrayvarnames |= set(eq.varname
                                 for eq in self.event_driven.itervalues())

        arrays = {}
        for name in arrayvarnames:
            if isinstance(dtype, dict):
                curdtype = dtype[name]
                curdtype = dtype
            if curdtype is None:
                curdtype = brian_prefs['core.default_scalar_dtype']
            arrays[name] = DynamicArray1D(0)
        logger.debug("NeuronGroup memory allocated successfully.")
        return arrays             

    def connect_one_to_one(self):
        ''' Manually create a one to one connectivity pattern '''

        if len(self.source) != len(self.target):
            raise TypeError('Can only create synapses between groups of same size')


    def connect_full(self):
        Connect all neurons in the source group to all neurons in the target
        sources, targets = np.meshgrid(np.arange(len(self.source)),
        self.connect(sources.flat(), targets.flat())

    def connect(self, pre_or_cond, post=None, p=1., n=1, level=0):
        Add synapses. The first argument can be either a presynaptic index
        (int or array) or a condition for synapse creation in the form of a
        string that evaluates to a boolean value (or directly a boolean value).
        If it is given as an index, also `post` has to be present. A string
        condition will be evaluated for all pre-/postsynaptic indices, which
        can be referred to as `i` and `j`.

        pre_or_cond : {int, ndarray of int, bool, str}
            The presynaptic neurons (in the form of an index or an array of
            indices) or a boolean value or a string that evaluates to a
            boolean value. If it is an index, then also `post` has to be
        post_neurons : {int, ndarray of int), optional
            GroupIndices of neurons from the target group. Non-optional if one or
            more presynaptic indices have been given.
        p : float, optional
            The probability to create `n` synapses wherever the condition
            given as `pre_or_cond` evaluates to true or for the given
            pre/post indices.
        n : int, optional
            The number of synapses to create per pre/post connection pair.
            Defaults to 1.

        >>> from brian2 import *
        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> G = NeuronGroup(10, 'dv/dt = -v / tau : 1', threshold='v>1', reset='v=0')
        >>> S = Synapses(G, G, 'w:1', pre='v+=w')
        >>> S.connect('i != j') # all-to-all but no self-connections
        >>> S.connect(0, 0) # connect neuron 0 to itself
        >>> S.connect(np.array([1, 2]), np.array([2, 1])) # connect 1->2 and 2->1
        >>> S.connect(True) # connect all-to-all
        >>> S.connect('i != j', p=0.1)  # Connect neurons with 10% probability, exclude self-connections
        >>> S.connect('i == j', n=2)  # Connect all neurons to themselves with 2 synapses
        if not isinstance(pre_or_cond, (bool, basestring)):
            pre_or_cond = np.asarray(pre_or_cond)
            if not np.issubdtype(pre_or_cond.dtype, np.int):
                raise TypeError(('Presynaptic indices have to be given as '
                                 'integers, are type %s instead.') % pre_or_cond.dtype)

            post = np.asarray(post)
            if not np.issubdtype(post.dtype, np.int):
                raise TypeError(('Presynaptic indices can only be combined '
                                 'with postsynaptic integer indices))'))
            if isinstance(n, basestring):
                raise TypeError(('GroupIndices cannot be combined with a string'
                                 'expression for n. Either use an array/scalar '
                                 'for n, or a string expression for the '
            i, j, n = np.broadcast_arrays(pre_or_cond, post, n)
            if i.ndim > 1:
                raise ValueError('Can only use 1-dimensional indices')
            self.item_mapping._add_synapses(i, j, n, p, level=level+1)
        elif isinstance(pre_or_cond, (basestring, bool)):
            if pre_or_cond is False:
                return  # nothing to do...
            elif pre_or_cond is True:
                # TODO: This should not be handled with the general mechanism
                pre_or_cond = 'True'
            if post is not None:
                raise ValueError('Cannot give a postsynaptic index when '
                                 'using a string expression')
            if not isinstance(n, (int, basestring)):
                raise TypeError('n has to be an integer or a string evaluating '
                                'to an integer, is type %s instead.' % type(n))
            if not isinstance(p, (float, basestring)):
                raise TypeError('p has to be a float or a string evaluating '
                                'to an float, is type %s instead.' % type(n))
            self.item_mapping._add_synapses(None, None, n, p, condition=pre_or_cond,
            raise TypeError(('First argument has to be an index or a '
                             'string, is %s instead.') % type(pre_or_cond))
コード例 #14
ファイル: synapses.py プロジェクト: divyashivaram/brian2
    def __init__(self,

        BrianObject.__init__(self, when=clock, name=name)

        self.codeobj_class = codeobj_class

        self.source = weakref.proxy(source)
        if target is None:
            self.target = self.source
            self.target = weakref.proxy(target)

        ##### Prepare and validate equations
        if model is None:
            model = ''

        if isinstance(model, basestring):
            model = Equations(model)
        if not isinstance(model, Equations):
            raise TypeError(('model has to be a string or an Equations '
                             'object, is "%s" instead.') % type(model))

        # Check flags
            DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION: ['event-driven', 'lumped'],
            STATIC_EQUATION: ['lumped'],
            PARAMETER: ['constant', 'lumped']

        # Separate the equations into event-driven and continuously updated
        # equations
        event_driven = []
        continuous = []
        for single_equation in model.itervalues():
            if 'event-driven' in single_equation.flags:
                if 'lumped' in single_equation.flags:
                    raise ValueError(
                        ('Event-driven variable %s cannot be '
                         'a lumped variable.') % single_equation.varname)
        # Add the lastupdate variable, used by event-driven equations
        continuous.append(SingleEquation(PARAMETER, 'lastupdate', second))

        if len(event_driven):
            self.event_driven = Equations(event_driven)
            self.event_driven = None

        self.equations = Equations(continuous)

        ##### Setup the memory
        self.arrays = self._allocate_memory(dtype=dtype)

        # Setup the namespace
        self._given_namespace = namespace
        self.namespace = create_namespace(namespace)

        self._queues = {}
        self._delays = {}

        self.item_mapping = SynapticItemMapping(self)
        self.indices = {
            '_idx': self.item_mapping,
            '_presynaptic_idx': self.item_mapping.synaptic_pre,
            '_postsynaptic_idx': self.item_mapping.synaptic_post
        # Allow S.i instead of S.indices.i, etc.
        self.i = self.item_mapping.i
        self.j = self.item_mapping.j
        self.k = self.item_mapping.k

        # Setup variables
        self.variables = self._create_variables()

        #: List of names of all updaters, e.g. ['pre', 'post']
        self._updaters = []
        for prepost, argument in zip(('pre', 'post'), (pre, post)):
            if not argument:
            if isinstance(argument, basestring):
                self._add_updater(argument, prepost)
            elif isinstance(argument, collections.Mapping):
                for key, value in argument.iteritems():
                    if not isinstance(key, basestring):
                        err_msg = ('Keys for the "{}" argument'
                                   'have to be strings, got '
                                   '{} instead.').format(prepost, type(key))
                        raise TypeError(err_msg)
                    self._add_updater(value, prepost, objname=key)

        # If we have a pathway called "pre" (the most common use case), provide
        # direct access to its delay via a delay attribute (instead of having
        # to use pre.delay)
        if 'pre' in self._updaters:
            self.variables['delay'] = self.pre.variables['delay']

        if delay is not None:
            if isinstance(delay, Quantity):
                if not 'pre' in self._updaters:
                    raise ValueError(
                        ('Cannot set delay, no "pre" pathway exists.'
                         'Use a dictionary if you want to set the '
                         'delay for a pathway with a different name.'))
                delay = {'pre': delay}

            if not isinstance(delay, collections.Mapping):
                raise TypeError('Delay argument has to be a quantity or a '
                                'dictionary, is type %s instead.' %
            for pathway, pathway_delay in delay.iteritems():
                if not pathway in self._updaters:
                    raise ValueError(('Cannot set the delay for pathway '
                                      '"%s": unknown pathway.') % pathway)
                if not isinstance(pathway_delay, Quantity):
                    raise TypeError(('Cannot set the delay for pathway "%s": '
                                     'expected a quantity, got %s instead.') %
                                    (pathway, type(pathway_delay)))
                if pathway_delay.size != 1:
                    raise TypeError(('Cannot set the delay for pathway "%s": '
                                     'expected a scalar quantity, got a '
                                     'quantity with shape %s instead.') %
                fail_for_dimension_mismatch(pathway_delay, second,
                                            ('Delay has to be '
                                             'specified in units '
                                             'of seconds'))
                updater = getattr(self, pathway)
                del updater._delays
                # For simplicity, store the delay as a one-element array
                # so that for example updater._delays[:] works.
                updater._delays = np.array([float(pathway_delay)])
                variable = ArrayVariable('delay',
                updater.variables['delay'] = variable
                if pathway == 'pre':
                    self.variables['delay'] = variable

        #: Performs numerical integration step
        self.state_updater = StateUpdater(self, method)

        #: "Lumped variable" mechanism -- sum over all synapses of a
        #: postsynaptic target
        self.lumped_updaters = {}
        for single_equation in self.equations.itervalues():
            if 'lumped' in single_equation.flags:
                varname = single_equation.varname
                # For a lumped variable, we need an equivalent parameter in the
                # target group
                if not varname in self.target.variables:
                    raise ValueError(
                        ('The lumped variable %s needs a variable '
                         'of the same name in the target '
                         'group ') % single_equation.varname)
                                            ('Lumped variables need to have '
                                             'the same units in Synapses '
                                             'and the target group'))
                # TODO: Add some more stringent check about the type of
                # variable in the target group
                updater = LumpedUpdater(varname, self, self.target)
                self.lumped_updaters[varname] = updater

        # Do an initial connect, if requested
        if not isinstance(connect, (bool, basestring)):
            raise TypeError(
                ('"connect" keyword has to be a boolean value or a '
                 'string, is type %s instead.' % type(connect)))
        self._initial_connect = connect
        if not connect is False:
            self.connect(connect, level=1)

        # Activate name attribute access
コード例 #15
ファイル: synapses.py プロジェクト: yger/brian2
    def __init__(self, source, target=None, model=None, pre=None, post=None,
                 connect=False, delay=None, namespace=None, dtype=None,
                 clock=None, method=None, name='synapses*'):
        self._N = 0
        Group.__init__(self, when=clock, name=name)
        self.codeobj_class = codeobj_class

        self.source = weakref.proxy(source)
        if target is None:
            self.target = self.source
            self.target = weakref.proxy(target)
        ##### Prepare and validate equations
        if model is None:
            model = ''

        if isinstance(model, basestring):
            model = Equations(model)
        if not isinstance(model, Equations):
            raise TypeError(('model has to be a string or an Equations '
                             'object, is "%s" instead.') % type(model))

        # Check flags
        model.check_flags({DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION: ['event-driven'],
                           STATIC_EQUATION: ['summed'],
                           PARAMETER: ['constant']})

        # Separate the equations into event-driven and continuously updated
        # equations
        event_driven = []
        continuous = []
        for single_equation in model.itervalues():
            if 'event-driven' in single_equation.flags:
        # Add the lastupdate variable, used by event-driven equations
        continuous.append(SingleEquation(PARAMETER, 'lastupdate', second))

        if len(event_driven):
            self.event_driven = Equations(event_driven)
            self.event_driven = None

        self.equations = Equations(continuous)

        # Setup the namespace
        self._given_namespace = namespace
        self.namespace = create_namespace(namespace)

        self._queues = {}
        self._delays = {}

        # Setup variables

        #: Set of `Variable` objects that should be resized when the
        #: number of synapses changes
        self._registered_variables = set()

        for varname, var in self.variables.iteritems():
            if isinstance(var, DynamicArrayVariable):
                # Register the array with the `SynapticItemMapping` object so
                # it gets automatically resized

        #: List of names of all updaters, e.g. ['pre', 'post']
        self._synaptic_updaters = []
        #: List of all `SynapticPathway` objects
        self._pathways = []
        for prepost, argument in zip(('pre', 'post'), (pre, post)):
            if not argument:
            if isinstance(argument, basestring):
                self._add_updater(argument, prepost)
            elif isinstance(argument, collections.Mapping):
                for key, value in argument.iteritems():
                    if not isinstance(key, basestring):
                        err_msg = ('Keys for the "{}" argument'
                                   'have to be strings, got '
                                   '{} instead.').format(prepost, type(key))
                        raise TypeError(err_msg)
                    self._add_updater(value, prepost, objname=key)

        # If we have a pathway called "pre" (the most common use case), provide
        # direct access to its delay via a delay attribute (instead of having
        # to use pre.delay)
        if 'pre' in self._synaptic_updaters:
            self.variables.add_reference('delay', self.pre.variables['delay'])

        if delay is not None:
            if isinstance(delay, Quantity):
                if not 'pre' in self._synaptic_updaters:
                    raise ValueError(('Cannot set delay, no "pre" pathway exists.'
                                      'Use a dictionary if you want to set the '
                                      'delay for a pathway with a different name.'))
                delay = {'pre': delay}

            if not isinstance(delay, collections.Mapping):
                raise TypeError('Delay argument has to be a quantity or a '
                                'dictionary, is type %s instead.' % type(delay))
            for pathway, pathway_delay in delay.iteritems():
                if not pathway in self._synaptic_updaters:
                    raise ValueError(('Cannot set the delay for pathway '
                                      '"%s": unknown pathway.') % pathway)
                if not isinstance(pathway_delay, Quantity):
                    raise TypeError(('Cannot set the delay for pathway "%s": '
                                     'expected a quantity, got %s instead.') % (pathway,
                if pathway_delay.size != 1:
                    raise TypeError(('Cannot set the delay for pathway "%s": '
                                     'expected a scalar quantity, got a '
                                     'quantity with shape %s instead.') % str(pathway_delay.shape))
                fail_for_dimension_mismatch(pathway_delay, second, ('Delay has to be '
                                                                    'specified in units '
                                                                    'of seconds'))
                updater = getattr(self, pathway)
                # For simplicity, store the delay as a one-element array
                # so that for example updater._delays[:] works.
                updater._delays.scalar = True
                # Do not resize the scalar delay variable when adding synapses

        #: Performs numerical integration step
        self.state_updater = StateUpdater(self, method)        

        #: "Summed variable" mechanism -- sum over all synapses of a
        #: pre-/postsynaptic target
        self.summed_updaters = {}
        # We want to raise an error if the same variable is updated twice
        # using this mechanism. This could happen if the Synapses object
        # connected a NeuronGroup to itself since then all variables are
        # accessible as var_pre and var_post.
        summed_targets = set()
        for single_equation in self.equations.itervalues():
            if 'summed' in single_equation.flags:
                varname = single_equation.varname
                if not (varname.endswith('_pre') or varname.endswith('_post')):
                    raise ValueError(('The summed variable "%s" does not end '
                                      'in "_pre" or "_post".') % varname)
                if not varname in self.variables:
                    raise ValueError(('The summed variable "%s" does not refer'
                                      'do any known variable in the '
                                      'target group.') % varname)
                if varname.endswith('_pre'):
                    summed_target = self.source
                    orig_varname = varname[:-4]
                    summed_target = self.target
                    orig_varname = varname[:-5]

                target_eq = getattr(summed_target, 'equations', {}).get(orig_varname, None)
                if target_eq is None or target_eq.type != PARAMETER:
                    raise ValueError(('The summed variable "%s" needs a '
                                      'corresponding parameter "%s" in the '
                                      'target group.') % (varname,

                                            ('Summed variables need to have '
                                             'the same units in Synapses '
                                             'and the target group'))
                if self.variables[varname] in summed_targets:
                    raise ValueError(('The target variable "%s" is already '
                                      'updated by another summed '
                                      'variable') % orig_varname)
                updater = SummedVariableUpdater(single_equation.expr,
                                                varname, self, summed_target)
                self.summed_updaters[varname] = updater

        # Do an initial connect, if requested
        if not isinstance(connect, (bool, basestring)):
            raise TypeError(('"connect" keyword has to be a boolean value or a '
                             'string, is type %s instead.' % type(connect)))
        self._initial_connect = connect
        if not connect is False:
            self.connect(connect, level=1)

        # Activate name attribute access
コード例 #16
    def __init__(self,
        self._N = 0
        Group.__init__(self, when=clock, name=name)

        self.codeobj_class = codeobj_class

        self.source = weakref.proxy(source)
        if target is None:
            self.target = self.source
            self.target = weakref.proxy(target)

        ##### Prepare and validate equations
        if model is None:
            model = ''

        if isinstance(model, basestring):
            model = Equations(model)
        if not isinstance(model, Equations):
            raise TypeError(('model has to be a string or an Equations '
                             'object, is "%s" instead.') % type(model))

        # Check flags
            DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION: ['event-driven'],
            SUBEXPRESSION: ['summed', 'scalar'],
            PARAMETER: ['constant', 'scalar']

        # Add the lastupdate variable, needed for event-driven updates
        if 'lastupdate' in model._equations:
            raise SyntaxError('lastupdate is a reserved name.')
        model._equations['lastupdate'] = SingleEquation(
            PARAMETER, 'lastupdate', second)

        # Separate the equations into event-driven equations,
        # continuously updated equations and summed variable updates
        event_driven = []
        continuous = []
        summed_updates = []
        for single_equation in model.itervalues():
            if 'event-driven' in single_equation.flags:
            elif 'summed' in single_equation.flags:

        if len(event_driven):
            self.event_driven = Equations(event_driven)
            self.event_driven = None

        self.equations = Equations(continuous)

        if namespace is None:
            namespace = {}
        #: The group-specific namespace
        self.namespace = namespace

        #: Set of `Variable` objects that should be resized when the
        #: number of synapses changes
        self._registered_variables = set()

        for varname, var in self.variables.iteritems():
            if isinstance(var, DynamicArrayVariable):
                # Register the array with the `SynapticItemMapping` object so
                # it gets automatically resized

        if delay is None:
            delay = {}

        if isinstance(delay, Quantity):
            delay = {'pre': delay}
        elif not isinstance(delay, collections.Mapping):
            raise TypeError('Delay argument has to be a quantity or a '
                            'dictionary, is type %s instead.' % type(delay))

        #: List of names of all updaters, e.g. ['pre', 'post']
        self._synaptic_updaters = []
        #: List of all `SynapticPathway` objects
        self._pathways = []
        for prepost, argument in zip(('pre', 'post'), (pre, post)):
            if not argument:
            if isinstance(argument, basestring):
                pathway_delay = delay.get(prepost, None)
                self._add_updater(argument, prepost, delay=pathway_delay)
            elif isinstance(argument, collections.Mapping):
                for key, value in argument.iteritems():
                    if not isinstance(key, basestring):
                        err_msg = ('Keys for the "{}" argument'
                                   'have to be strings, got '
                                   '{} instead.').format(prepost, type(key))
                        raise TypeError(err_msg)
                    pathway_delay = delay.get(key, None)

        # Check whether any delays were specified for pathways that don't exist
        for pathway in delay:
            if not pathway in self._synaptic_updaters:
                raise ValueError(('Cannot set the delay for pathway '
                                  '"%s": unknown pathway.') % pathway)

        # If we have a pathway called "pre" (the most common use case), provide
        # direct access to its delay via a delay attribute (instead of having
        # to use pre.delay)
        if 'pre' in self._synaptic_updaters:
            self.variables.add_reference('delay', self.pre.variables['delay'])

        #: Performs numerical integration step
        self.state_updater = None

        # We only need a state update if we have differential equations
        if len(self.equations.diff_eq_names):
            self.state_updater = StateUpdater(self, method)

        #: "Summed variable" mechanism -- sum over all synapses of a
        #: pre-/postsynaptic target
        self.summed_updaters = {}
        # We want to raise an error if the same variable is updated twice
        # using this mechanism. This could happen if the Synapses object
        # connected a NeuronGroup to itself since then all variables are
        # accessible as var_pre and var_post.
        summed_targets = set()
        for single_equation in summed_updates:
            varname = single_equation.varname
            if not (varname.endswith('_pre') or varname.endswith('_post')):
                raise ValueError(('The summed variable "%s" does not end '
                                  'in "_pre" or "_post".') % varname)
            if not varname in self.variables:
                raise ValueError(('The summed variable "%s" does not refer'
                                  'do any known variable in the '
                                  'target group.') % varname)
            if varname.endswith('_pre'):
                summed_target = self.source
                orig_varname = varname[:-4]
                summed_target = self.target
                orig_varname = varname[:-5]

            target_eq = getattr(summed_target, 'equations',
                                {}).get(orig_varname, None)
            if target_eq is None or target_eq.type != PARAMETER:
                raise ValueError(('The summed variable "%s" needs a '
                                  'corresponding parameter "%s" in the '
                                  'target group.') % (varname, orig_varname))

                self.variables['_summed_' + varname].unit,
                self.variables[varname].unit, ('Summed variables need to have '
                                               'the same units in Synapses '
                                               'and the target group'))
            if self.variables[varname] in summed_targets:
                raise ValueError(('The target variable "%s" is already '
                                  'updated by another summed '
                                  'variable') % orig_varname)
            updater = SummedVariableUpdater(single_equation.expr, varname,
                                            self, summed_target)
            self.summed_updaters[varname] = updater

        # Do an initial connect, if requested
        if not isinstance(connect, (bool, basestring)):
            raise TypeError(
                ('"connect" keyword has to be a boolean value or a '
                 'string, is type %s instead.' % type(connect)))
        self._initial_connect = connect
        if not connect is False:
            self.connect(connect, level=1)

        # Activate name attribute access
コード例 #17
ファイル: spatialneuron.py プロジェクト: Kwartke/brian2
    def __init__(self, morphology=None, model=None, threshold=None,
                 refractory=False, reset=None,
                 dt=None, clock=None, order=0, Cm=0.9 * uF / cm ** 2, Ri=150 * ohm * cm,
                 name='spatialneuron*', dtype=None, namespace=None,
                 method=('linear', 'exponential_euler', 'rk2', 'milstein')):

        # #### Prepare and validate equations
        if isinstance(model, basestring):
            model = Equations(model)
        if not isinstance(model, Equations):
            raise TypeError(('model has to be a string or an Equations '
                             'object, is "%s" instead.') % type(model))

        # Insert the threshold mechanism at the specified location
        if threshold_location is not None:
            if hasattr(threshold_location,
                       '_indices'):  # assuming this is a method
                threshold_location = threshold_location._indices()
                # for now, only a single compartment allowed
                if len(threshold_location) == 1:
                    threshold_location = threshold_location[0]
                    raise AttributeError(('Threshold can only be applied on a '
                                          'single location'))
            threshold = '(' + threshold + ') and (i == ' + str(threshold_location) + ')'

        # Check flags (we have point currents)
        model.check_flags({DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION: ('point current',),
                           PARAMETER: ('constant', 'shared', 'linked', 'point current'),
                           SUBEXPRESSION: ('shared', 'point current')})

        # Add the membrane potential
        model += Equations('''
        v:volt # membrane potential

        # Extract membrane equation
        if 'Im' in model:
            membrane_eq = model['Im']  # the membrane equation
            raise TypeError('The transmembrane current Im must be defined')

        # Insert point currents in the membrane equation
        for eq in model.itervalues():
            if 'point current' in eq.flags:
                fail_for_dimension_mismatch(eq.unit, amp,
                                            "Point current " + eq.varname + " should be in amp")
                eq.flags.remove('point current')
                membrane_eq.expr = Expression(
                    str(membrane_eq.expr.code) + '+' + eq.varname + '/area')

        ###### Process model equations (Im) to extract total conductance and the remaining current
        # Check conditional linearity with respect to v
        # Match to _A*v+_B
        var = sp.Symbol('v', real=True)
        wildcard = sp.Wild('_A', exclude=[var])
        constant_wildcard = sp.Wild('_B', exclude=[var])
        pattern = wildcard * var + constant_wildcard

        # Expand expressions in the membrane equation
        membrane_eq.type = DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION
        for var, expr in model._get_substituted_expressions():  # this returns substituted expressions for diff eqs
            if var == 'Im':
                Im_expr = expr
        membrane_eq.type = SUBEXPRESSION

        # Factor out the variable
        s_expr = sp.collect(Im_expr.sympy_expr.expand(), var)
        matches = s_expr.match(pattern)

        if matches is None:
            raise TypeError, "The membrane current must be linear with respect to v"
        a, b = (matches[wildcard],

        # Extracts the total conductance from Im, and the remaining current
        minusa_str, b_str = sympy_to_str(-a), sympy_to_str(b)
        # Add correct units if necessary
        if minusa_str == '0':
            minusa_str += '*siemens/meter**2'
        if b_str == '0':
            b_str += '*amp/meter**2'
        gtot_str = "gtot__private=" + minusa_str + ": siemens/meter**2"
        I0_str = "I0__private=" + b_str + ": amp/meter**2"
        model += Equations(gtot_str + "\n" + I0_str)

        # Equations for morphology
        # TODO: check whether Cm and Ri are already in the equations
        #       no: should be shared instead of constant
        #       yes: should be constant (check)
        eqs_constants = Equations("""
        diameter : meter (constant)
        length : meter (constant)
        x : meter (constant)
        y : meter (constant)
        z : meter (constant)
        distance : meter (constant)
        area : meter**2 (constant)
        Cm : farad/meter**2 (constant)
        Ri : ohm*meter (constant, shared)
        space_constant = (diameter/(4*Ri*gtot__private))**.5 : meter # Not so sure about the name

        ### Parameters and intermediate variables for solving the cable equation
        ab_star0 : siemens/meter**2
        ab_plus0 : siemens/meter**2
        ab_minus0 : siemens/meter**2
        ab_star1 : siemens/meter**2
        ab_plus1 : siemens/meter**2
        ab_minus1 : siemens/meter**2
        ab_star2 : siemens/meter**2
        ab_plus2 : siemens/meter**2
        ab_minus2 : siemens/meter**2
        b_plus : siemens/meter**2
        b_minus : siemens/meter**2
        v_star : volt
        u_plus : 1
        u_minus : 1
        # Possibilities for the name: characteristic_length, electrotonic_length, length_constant, space_constant

        # Insert morphology
        self.morphology = morphology

        # Link morphology variables to neuron's state variables
        self.morphology_data = MorphologyData(len(morphology))

        NeuronGroup.__init__(self, len(morphology), model=model + eqs_constants,
                             threshold=threshold, refractory=refractory,
                             method=method, dt=dt, clock=clock, order=order,
                             namespace=namespace, dtype=dtype, name=name)

        self.Cm = Cm
        self.Ri = Ri
        # TODO: View instead of copy for runtime?
        self.diameter_ = self.morphology_data.diameter
        self.distance_ = self.morphology_data.distance
        self.length_ = self.morphology_data.length
        self.area_ = self.morphology_data.area
        self.x_ = self.morphology_data.x
        self.y_ = self.morphology_data.y
        self.z_ = self.morphology_data.z

        # Performs numerical integration step
        self.diffusion_state_updater = SpatialStateUpdater(self, method,

        # Creation of contained_objects that do the work
コード例 #18
    def __init__(self,
                 Cm=0.9 * uF / cm**2,
                 Ri=150 * ohm * cm,
                 method=('linear', 'exponential_euler', 'rk2', 'heun')):

        # #### Prepare and validate equations
        if isinstance(model, basestring):
            model = Equations(model)
        if not isinstance(model, Equations):
            raise TypeError(('model has to be a string or an Equations '
                             'object, is "%s" instead.') % type(model))

        # Insert the threshold mechanism at the specified location
        if threshold_location is not None:
            if hasattr(threshold_location,
                       '_indices'):  # assuming this is a method
                threshold_location = threshold_location._indices()
                # for now, only a single compartment allowed
                if len(threshold_location) == 1:
                    threshold_location = threshold_location[0]
                    raise AttributeError(('Threshold can only be applied on a '
                                          'single location'))
            threshold = '(' + threshold + ') and (i == ' + str(
                threshold_location) + ')'

        # Check flags (we have point currents)
            DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION: ('point current', ),
            PARAMETER: ('constant', 'shared', 'linked', 'point current'),
            SUBEXPRESSION: ('shared', 'point current')

        # Add the membrane potential
        model += Equations('''
        v:volt # membrane potential

        # Extract membrane equation
        if 'Im' in model:
            membrane_eq = model['Im']  # the membrane equation
            raise TypeError('The transmembrane current Im must be defined')

        # Insert point currents in the membrane equation
        for eq in model.itervalues():
            if 'point current' in eq.flags:
                    eq.unit, amp,
                    "Point current " + eq.varname + " should be in amp")
                eq.flags.remove('point current')
                membrane_eq.expr = Expression(
                    str(membrane_eq.expr.code) + '+' + eq.varname + '/area')

        ###### Process model equations (Im) to extract total conductance and the remaining current
        # Check conditional linearity with respect to v
        # Match to _A*v+_B
        var = sp.Symbol('v', real=True)
        wildcard = sp.Wild('_A', exclude=[var])
        constant_wildcard = sp.Wild('_B', exclude=[var])
        pattern = wildcard * var + constant_wildcard

        # Expand expressions in the membrane equation
        membrane_eq.type = DIFFERENTIAL_EQUATION
        for var, expr in model.get_substituted_expressions():
            if var == 'Im':
                Im_expr = expr
        membrane_eq.type = SUBEXPRESSION

        # Factor out the variable
        s_expr = sp.collect(str_to_sympy(Im_expr.code).expand(), var)
        matches = s_expr.match(pattern)

        if matches is None:
            raise TypeError, "The membrane current must be linear with respect to v"
        a, b = (matches[wildcard], matches[constant_wildcard])

        # Extracts the total conductance from Im, and the remaining current
        minusa_str, b_str = sympy_to_str(-a), sympy_to_str(b)
        # Add correct units if necessary
        if minusa_str == '0':
            minusa_str += '*siemens/meter**2'
        if b_str == '0':
            b_str += '*amp/meter**2'
        gtot_str = "gtot__private=" + minusa_str + ": siemens/meter**2"
        I0_str = "I0__private=" + b_str + ": amp/meter**2"
        model += Equations(gtot_str + "\n" + I0_str)

        # Insert morphology (store a copy)
        self.morphology = copy.deepcopy(morphology)

        # Flatten the morphology
        self.flat_morphology = FlatMorphology(morphology)

        # Equations for morphology
        # TODO: check whether Cm and Ri are already in the equations
        #       no: should be shared instead of constant
        #       yes: should be constant (check)
        eqs_constants = Equations("""
        length : meter (constant)
        distance : meter (constant)
        area : meter**2 (constant)
        volume : meter**3
        diameter : meter (constant)
        Cm : farad/meter**2 (constant)
        Ri : ohm*meter (constant, shared)
        r_length_1 : meter (constant)
        r_length_2 : meter (constant)
        time_constant = Cm/gtot__private : second
        space_constant = (2/pi)**(1.0/3.0) * (area/(1/r_length_1 + 1/r_length_2))**(1.0/6.0) /
                         (2*(Ri*gtot__private)**(1.0/2.0)) : meter
        if self.flat_morphology.has_coordinates:
            eqs_constants += Equations('''
            x : meter (constant)
            y : meter (constant)
            z : meter (constant)

                             model=model + eqs_constants,
        # Parameters and intermediate variables for solving the cable equations
        # Note that some of these variables could have meaningful physical
        # units (e.g. _v_star is in volt, _I0_all is in amp/meter**2 etc.) but
        # since these variables should never be used in user code, we don't
        # assign them any units
                # The following three are for solving the
                # three tridiag systems in parallel
                # The following two are only necessary for
                # C code where we cannot deal with scalars
                # and arrays interchangeably:

        self.Cm = Cm
        self.Ri = Ri
        # These explict assignments will load the morphology values from disk
        # in standalone mode
        self.distance_ = self.flat_morphology.distance
        self.length_ = self.flat_morphology.length
        self.area_ = self.flat_morphology.area
        self.diameter_ = self.flat_morphology.diameter
        self.r_length_1_ = self.flat_morphology.r_length_1
        self.r_length_2_ = self.flat_morphology.r_length_2
        if self.flat_morphology.has_coordinates:
            self.x_ = self.flat_morphology.x
            self.y_ = self.flat_morphology.y
            self.z_ = self.flat_morphology.z

        # Performs numerical integration step
        self.diffusion_state_updater = SpatialStateUpdater(self,

        # Creation of contained_objects that do the work