コード例 #1
ファイル: binomial.py プロジェクト: shahdevansh/brian2genn
def _generate_genn_code(n, p, use_normal, name):
    # GeNN implementation
    # Inversion transform sampling
    if use_normal:
        loc, scale = _pre_calc_constants_approximated(n, p)
        loc = n * p
        scale = np.sqrt(n * p * (1 - p))
        genn_code = '''
        __host__ __device__ float %NAME%(uint64_t seed)
            return _randn(seed) * %SCALE% + %LOC%;
        genn_code = replace(genn_code, {
            '%SCALE%': '%.15f' % scale,
            '%LOC%': '%.15f' % loc,
            '%NAME%': name
        dependencies = {'_randn': DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS['randn']}
        reverse, q, P, qn, bound = _pre_calc_constants(n, p)
        # The following code is an almost exact copy of numpy's
        # rk_binomial_inversion function
        # (numpy/random/mtrand/distributions.c)
        genn_code = '''
        __host__ __device__ long %NAME%(uint64_t seed)
            long X = 0;
            double px = %QN%;
            double U = _rand(seed);
            while (U > px)
                if (X > %BOUND%)
                    X = 0;
                    px = %QN%;
                    U = _rand(seed);
                } else
                    U -= px;
                    px = ((%N%-X+1) * %P% * px)/(X*%Q%);
            return %RETURN_VALUE%;
        genn_code = replace(
            genn_code, {
                '%N%': '%d' % n,
                '%P%': '%.15f' % P,
                '%Q%': '%.15f' % q,
                '%QN%': '%.15f' % qn,
                '%BOUND%': '%.15f' % bound,
                '%RETURN_VALUE%': '%d-X' % n if reverse else 'X',
                '%NAME%': name
        dependencies = {'_rand': DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS['rand']}

    return {'support_code': genn_code}, dependencies
コード例 #2
ファイル: binomial.py プロジェクト: shahdevansh/brian2genn
def _generate_genn_code(n, p, use_normal, name):
    # GeNN implementation
    # Inversion transform sampling
    if use_normal:
        loc, scale = _pre_calc_constants_approximated(n, p)
        loc = n*p
        scale = np.sqrt(n*p*(1-p))
        genn_code = '''
        __host__ __device__ float %NAME%(uint64_t seed)
            return _randn(seed) * %SCALE% + %LOC%;
        genn_code = replace(genn_code, {'%SCALE%': '%.15f' % scale,
                                      '%LOC%': '%.15f' % loc,
                                      '%NAME%': name})
        dependencies = {'_randn': DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS['randn']}
        reverse, q, P, qn, bound = _pre_calc_constants(n, p)
        # The following code is an almost exact copy of numpy's
        # rk_binomial_inversion function
        # (numpy/random/mtrand/distributions.c)
        genn_code = '''
        __host__ __device__ long %NAME%(uint64_t seed)
            long X = 0;
            double px = %QN%;
            double U = _rand(seed);
            while (U > px)
                if (X > %BOUND%)
                    X = 0;
                    px = %QN%;
                    U = _rand(seed);
                } else
                    U -= px;
                    px = ((%N%-X+1) * %P% * px)/(X*%Q%);
            return %RETURN_VALUE%;
        genn_code = replace(genn_code, {'%N%': '%d' % n,
                                      '%P%': '%.15f' % P,
                                      '%Q%': '%.15f' % q,
                                      '%QN%': '%.15f' % qn,
                                      '%BOUND%': '%.15f' % bound,
                                      '%RETURN_VALUE%': '%d-X' % n if reverse else 'X',
                                      '%NAME%': name})
        dependencies = {'_rand': DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS['rand']}

    return {'support_code': genn_code}, dependencies
コード例 #3
def _generate_cuda_code(n, p, use_normal, name):
    # CUDA implementation
    # Inversion transform sampling
    if not '_binomial' in name:
        # TODO: mark issue
        raise NameError("Currently the `name` parameter of `BinomialFunction` "
                        "needs to have '_binomial' in it, got "
    float_suffix = ''
    float_dtype = 'float'
    if prefs['core.default_float_dtype'] == np.float64:
        float_suffix = '_double'
        float_dtype = 'double'
    # TODO: we should load the state once in scalar code and pass as function
    # argument, needs modification of CUDAGenerator._add_user_function to
    # modify scalar code
    if use_normal:
        loc, scale = _pre_calc_constants_approximated(n, p)
        cuda_code = '''
        __host__ __device__
        %DTYPE% %NAME%(const int vectorisation_idx)
        #if (defined(__CUDA_ARCH__) && (__CUDA_ARCH__ > 0))
            return curand_normal%SUFFIX%(brian::d_curand_states + vectorisation_idx) * %SCALE% + %LOC%;
            return host_randn(vectorisation_idx) * %SCALE% + %LOC%;
        cuda_code = replace(
            cuda_code, {
                '%SCALE%': '%.15f' % scale,
                '%LOC%': '%.15f' % loc,
                '%NAME%': name,
                '%DTYPE%': float_dtype,
                '%SUFFIX%': float_suffix
        dependencies = {'_randn': DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS['randn']}
        reverse, q, P, qn, bound = _pre_calc_constants(n, p)
        # The following code is an almost exact copy of numpy's
        # rk_binomial_inversion function
        # (numpy/random/mtrand/distributions.c)
        cuda_code = '''
        __host__ __device__
        long %NAME%(const int vectorisation_idx)
        #if (defined(__CUDA_ARCH__) && (__CUDA_ARCH__ > 0))
            curandState localState = brian::d_curand_states[vectorisation_idx];
            %DTYPE% U = curand_uniform%SUFFIX%(&localState);
            %DTYPE% U = host_rand(vectorisation_idx);
            long X = 0;
            %DTYPE% px = %QN%;
            while (U > px)
                if (X > %BOUND%)
                    X = 0;
                    px = %QN%;
        #if (defined(__CUDA_ARCH__) && (__CUDA_ARCH__ > 0))
                    U = curand_uniform%SUFFIX%(&localState);
                    U = host_rand(vectorisation_idx);
                } else
                    U -= px;
                    px = ((%N%-X+1) * %P% * px)/(X*%Q%);
        #if (defined(__CUDA_ARCH__) && (__CUDA_ARCH__ > 0))
            // copy the locally changed CuRAND state back to global memory
            brian::d_curand_states[vectorisation_idx] = localState;
            return %RETURN_VALUE%;
        cuda_code = replace(
            cuda_code, {
                '%N%': '%d' % n,
                '%P%': '%.15f' % P,
                '%Q%': '%.15f' % q,
                '%QN%': '%.15f' % qn,
                '%BOUND%': '%.15f' % bound,
                '%RETURN_VALUE%': '%d-X' % n if reverse else 'X',
                '%NAME%': name,
                '%DTYPE%': float_dtype,
                '%SUFFIX%': float_suffix
        dependencies = {'_rand': DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS['rand']}

    return {'support_code': cuda_code}, dependencies