def translate_expression(self, expr): for varname, var in self.variables.iteritems(): if isinstance(var, Function): impl_name = var.implementations[self.codeobj_class].name if impl_name is not None: expr = word_substitute(expr, {varname: impl_name}) return NumpyNodeRenderer().render_expr(expr, self.variables).strip()
def ufunc_at_vectorisation(self, statement, variables, indices, conditional_write_vars, created_vars, used_variables): if not self._use_ufunc_at_vectorisation: raise VectorisationError() # Avoids circular import from brian2.devices.device import device # See for explanation used = set(get_identifiers(statement.expr)) used = used.intersection(k for k in list(variables.keys()) if k in indices and indices[k] != '_idx') used_variables.update(used) if statement.var in used_variables: raise VectorisationError() expr = NumpyNodeRenderer( auto_vectorise=self.auto_vectorise).render_expr(statement.expr) if statement.op == ':=' or indices[ statement.var] == '_idx' or not statement.inplace: if statement.op == ':=': op = '=' else: op = statement.op line = '{var} {op} {expr}'.format(var=statement.var, op=op, expr=expr) elif statement.inplace: if statement.op == '+=': ufunc_name = '_numpy.add' elif statement.op == '*=': ufunc_name = '_numpy.multiply' elif statement.op == '/=': ufunc_name = '_numpy.divide' elif statement.op == '-=': ufunc_name = '_numpy.subtract' else: raise VectorisationError() line = '{ufunc_name}.at({array_name}, {idx}, {expr})'.format( ufunc_name=ufunc_name, array_name=device.get_array_name(variables[statement.var]), idx=indices[statement.var], expr=expr) line = self.conditional_write( line, statement, variables, conditional_write_vars=conditional_write_vars, created_vars=created_vars) else: raise VectorisationError() if len(statement.comment): line += ' # ' + statement.comment return line
def ufunc_at_vectorisation(self, statement, variables, indices, conditional_write_vars, created_vars, index): ''' ''' # Avoids circular import from brian2.devices.device import device # We assume that the code has passed the test for synapse order independence expr = NumpyNodeRenderer().render_expr(statement.expr) if statement.op == ':=' or indices[ statement.var] == '_idx' or not statement.inplace: if statement.op == ':=': op = '=' else: op = statement.op line = '{var} {op} {expr}'.format(var=statement.var, op=op, expr=expr) elif statement.inplace: if statement.op == '+=': ufunc_name = '_numpy.add' elif statement.op == '*=': ufunc_name = '_numpy.multiply' elif statement.op == '/=': ufunc_name = '_numpy.divide' elif statement.op == '-=': ufunc_name = '_numpy.subtract' else: raise VectorisationError() line = '{ufunc_name}.at({array_name}, {idx}, {expr})'.format( ufunc_name=ufunc_name, array_name=device.get_array_name(variables[statement.var]), idx=indices[statement.var], expr=expr) line = self.conditional_write( line, statement, variables, conditional_write_vars=conditional_write_vars, created_vars=created_vars) else: raise VectorisationError() if len(statement.comment): line += ' # ' + statement.comment return line
def translate_expression(self, expr): expr = word_substitute(expr, self.func_name_replacements) return NumpyNodeRenderer( auto_vectorise=self.auto_vectorise).render_expr( expr, self.variables).strip()
def test_parse_expressions_numpy(): parse_expressions(NumpyNodeRenderer(), numpy_evaluator)
def translate_expression(self, expr): return NumpyNodeRenderer().render_expr(expr).strip()