def renderAnswer(self, request, bridgeLines=None): """Generate a response for a client which includes **bridgesLines**. .. note: The generated response can be plain or HTML. A plain response looks like:: voltron ABCDEF01234567890ABCDEF01234567890ABCDEF voltron 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF01234567 That is, there is no HTML, what you see is what you get, and what you get is suitable for pasting directly into Tor Launcher (or into a torrc, if you prepend ``"Bridge "`` to each line). The plain format can be requested from BridgeDB's web service by adding an ``&format=plain`` HTTP GET parameter to the URL. Also note that you won't get a QRCode, usage instructions, error messages, or any other fanciness if you use the plain format. :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request` :param request: A ``Request`` object containing the HTTP method, full URI, and any URL/POST arguments and headers present. :type bridgeLines: list or None :param bridgeLines: A list of strings used to configure a Tor client to use a bridge. If ``None``, then the returned page will instead explain that there were no bridges of the type they requested, with instructions on how to proceed. :rtype: str :returns: A plaintext or HTML response to serve. """ rtl = False format = self.getResponseFormat(request) if format == 'plain': request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain") try: rendered = bytes('\n'.join(bridgeLines)) except Exception as err: rendered = replaceErrorPage(request, err, html=False) else: request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8") qrcode = None qrjpeg = generateQR(bridgeLines) if qrjpeg: qrcode = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,%s' % base64.b64encode(qrjpeg) try: langs = translations.getLocaleFromHTTPRequest(request) rtl = translations.usingRTLLang(langs) template = lookup.get_template('bridges.html') rendered = template.render(strings, rtl=rtl, lang=langs[0], answer=bridgeLines, qrcode=qrcode) except Exception as err: rendered = replaceErrorPage(request, err) return rendered
def test_generateQR_bridgeSchema(self): """Calling generateQR() with bridgeSchema=True should prepend ``'bridge://`` to each of the QR encoded bridge lines. """ # If we were to install the python-qrtools Debian package, we'd be # able to decode the resulting QRCode to check that it contains the # 'bridge://' prefix for each bridge line… but that would add another # Debian dependency just to unittest 5 lines of code. # # Instead: self.assertTrue(qrcodes.generateQR(self.bridgelines, bridgeSchema=True))
def renderAnswer(self, request, bridgeLines=None, format=None): """Generate a response for a client which includes **bridges**. The generated response can be plaintext or HTML. :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request` :param request: A ``Request`` object containing the HTTP method, full URI, and any URL/POST arguments and headers present. :type bridgeLines: list or None :param bridgeLines: A list of strings used to configure a Tor client to use a bridge. :type format: str or None :param format: If ``'plain'``, return a plaintext response. Otherwise, use the :file:`bridgedb/templates/bridges.html` template to render an HTML response page which includes the **bridges**. :rtype: str :returns: A plaintext or HTML response to serve. """ rtl = False if format == 'plain': request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain") rendered = bridgeLines else: request.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8") qrcode = None qrjpeg = generateQR(bridgeLines) if qrjpeg: qrcode = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,%s' % base64.b64encode(qrjpeg) try: langs = translations.getLocaleFromHTTPRequest(request) rtl = translations.usingRTLLang(langs) template = lookup.get_template('bridges.html') rendered = template.render(strings, rtl=rtl, lang=langs[0], answer=bridgeLines, qrcode=qrcode) except Exception as err: rendered = replaceErrorPage(err) return rendered
def test_generateQR_save_nonexistent_format(self): """Calling generateQR() with imageFormat=u'FOOBAR' should return None. """ self.assertIsNone(qrcodes.generateQR(self.bridgelines, imageFormat=u'FOOBAR'))
def test_generateQR_no_qrcode_module(self): """Calling generateQR() without the qrcode module installed should return None. """ qrcodes.qrcode = None self.assertIsNone(qrcodes.generateQR(self.bridgelines))
def test_generateQR_no_bridgelines(self): """Calling generateQR() without bridgelines should return None.""" self.assertIsNone(qrcodes.generateQR(""))
def test_generateQR_bad_bridgelines(self): """Calling generateQR() with a bad type for the bridgelines should return None. """ self.assertIsNone(qrcodes.generateQR(list()))
def test_generateQR(self): """Calling generateQR() should generate an image.""" self.assertTrue(qrcodes.generateQR(self.bridgelines))
def render_POST(self, request): """Process a client's CAPTCHA solution. If the client's CAPTCHA solution is valid (according to :meth:`checkSolution`), process and serve their original request. Otherwise, redirect them back to a new CAPTCHA page. :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request` :param request: A ``Request`` object, including POST arguments which should include two key/value pairs: one key being ``'captcha_challenge_field'``, and the other, ``'captcha_response_field'``. These POST arguments should be obtained from :meth:`render_GET`. :rtype: str :returns: A rendered HTML page containing a ReCaptcha challenge image for the client to solve. """ valid = False error = self.checkRequestHeaders(request) if error: # pragma: no cover logging.debug("Error while checking moat request headers.") metrix.recordInvalidMoatRequest(request) return error.render(request) data = { "data": [{ "id": '3', "type": 'moat-bridges', "version": MOAT_API_VERSION, "bridges": None, "qrcode": None, }] } try: pos = request.content.tell() encoded_client_data = # We rewind the stream to its previous position to allow the # metrix module to read the request's content too. client_data = json.loads(encoded_client_data)["data"][0] clientIP = self.getClientIP(request) (include_qrcode, transport, challenge, solution) = self.extractClientSolution(client_data) valid = self.checkSolution(challenge, solution, clientIP) except captcha.CaptchaExpired: logging.debug("The challenge had timed out") metrix.recordInvalidMoatRequest(request) return self.failureResponse(5, request) except Exception as impossible: logging.warn( "Unhandled exception while processing a POST /fetch request!") logging.error(impossible) metrix.recordInvalidMoatRequest(request) return self.failureResponse(4, request) if valid: qrcode = None bridgeRequest = self.createBridgeRequest(clientIP, client_data) bridgeLines = self.getBridgeLines(bridgeRequest) metrix.recordValidMoatRequest(request) # If we can only return less than the configured # MOAT_BRIDGES_PER_ANSWER then log a warning. if len(bridgeLines) < self.nBridgesToGive: logging.warn( ("Not enough bridges of the type specified to " "fulfill the following request: %s") % bridgeRequest) if antibot.isRequestFromBot(request): ttype = transport or "vanilla" bridgeLines = antibot.getDecoyBridge(ttype, bridgeRequest.ipVersion) # If we have no bridges at all to give to the client, then # return a JSON API 404 error. if not bridgeLines: return self.failureResponse(6, request) if include_qrcode: qrjpeg = generateQR(bridgeLines) if qrjpeg: qrcode = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,%s' % base64.b64encode( qrjpeg) data["data"][0]["qrcode"] = qrcode data["data"][0]["bridges"] = bridgeLines return self.formatDataForResponse(data, request) else: metrix.recordInvalidMoatRequest(request) return self.failureResponse(4, request)
def render_POST(self, request): """Process a client's CAPTCHA solution. If the client's CAPTCHA solution is valid (according to :meth:`checkSolution`), process and serve their original request. Otherwise, redirect them back to a new CAPTCHA page. :type request: :api:`twisted.web.http.Request` :param request: A ``Request`` object, including POST arguments which should include two key/value pairs: one key being ``'captcha_challenge_field'``, and the other, ``'captcha_response_field'``. These POST arguments should be obtained from :meth:`render_GET`. :rtype: str :returns: A rendered HTML page containing a ReCaptcha challenge image for the client to solve. """ valid = False error = self.checkRequestHeaders(request) if error: # pragma: no cover return error.render(request) data = { "data": [{ "id": '3', "type": 'moat-bridges', "version": MOAT_API_VERSION, "bridges": None, "qrcode": None, }] } try: encoded_client_data = client_data = json.loads(encoded_client_data)["data"][0] clientIP = self.getClientIP(request) (include_qrcode, transport, challenge, solution) = self.extractClientSolution(client_data) valid = self.checkSolution(challenge, solution, clientIP) except captcha.CaptchaExpired: logging.debug("The challenge had timed out") return self.failureResponse(5, request) except Exception as impossible: logging.warn("Unhandled exception while processing a POST /fetch request!") logging.error(impossible) return self.failureResponse(4, request) if valid: qrcode = None bridgeRequest = self.createBridgeRequest(clientIP, client_data) bridgeLines = self.getBridgeLines(bridgeRequest) # If we can only return less than the configured # MOAT_BRIDGES_PER_ANSWER then log a warning. if len(bridgeLines) < self.nBridgesToGive: logging.warn(("Not enough bridges of the type specified to " "fulfill the following request: %s") % bridgeRequest) # If we have no bridges at all to give to the client, then # return a JSON API 404 error. if not bridgeLines: return self.failureResponse(6, request) if include_qrcode: qrjpeg = generateQR(bridgeLines) if qrjpeg: qrcode = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,%s' % base64.b64encode(qrjpeg) data["data"][0]["qrcode"] = qrcode data["data"][0]["bridges"] = bridgeLines return self.formatDataForResponse(data, request) else: return self.failureResponse(4, request)