コード例 #1
    # been supplied.
    has_theory = False
    if radius != None and viscosity != None:
        diffusion_theory = bmc.theoretical(radius, viscosity, temperature)
        has_theory = True

    # Open pickle files and compute the weigted means.
    info_dicts = []
    for arg in args:
        with open(os.path.abspath(arg)) as pkl:

    ave_diffusion = get_diffusion(info_dicts, 'ave')
    fit_diffusion = get_diffusion(info_dicts, 'fit')

    ave_diffusion, err_ave_diffusion = bmc.mean_with_err(*ave_diffusion)
    fit_diffusion, err_fit_diffusion = bmc.mean_with_err(*fit_diffusion)

    if outfile != None:
        diffusion = dict()
        diffusion['diffusion']   = fit_diffusion
        diffusion['uncertainty'] = err_fit_diffusion
        print 'Saving diffusion coefficient to', outfile + '.'
        with open(outfile, 'w') as pkl:
            cPickle.dump(diffusion, pkl)

    # Print some results.
    if has_theory:
        print 'Particle radius:', radius, 'm'
        print 'Viscosity: %g Ps' % viscosity
コード例 #2
    if len(args) == 0:
        print 'No input pickles supplied.'

    # Open pickle files and compute the weigted means.
    info_dicts = []
    for arg in args:
        with open(os.path.abspath(arg)) as pkl:

    # Compute the mean RMS velocity
    vrms      = get_values(info_dicts, 'vel_rms')
    work      = get_values(info_dicts, 'mean_work')
    work_rate = get_values(info_dicts, 'work_rate')

    ave_vrms, err_vrms           = bmc.mean_with_err(*vrms)
    ave_work, err_work           = bmc.mean_with_err(*work)
    ave_work_rate, err_work_rate = bmc.mean_with_err(*work_rate)

    atp_energy = 0.4 * 20.5 / spc.N_A
    num_myosin = ave_work / atp_energy
    err_myosin = err_work / atp_energy

    print 'RMS speed:', ave_vrms, 'm/s'
    print 'Uncertainty:', err_vrms, 'm/s'
    print 'Average work:', ave_work, 'J'
    print 'Uncertainty:', err_work, 'J'
    print 'Average number of myosin motors:', num_myosin
    print 'Uncertainty:', err_myosin
コード例 #3
    if radius != None and viscosity != None:
        diffusion_theory = bmc.theoretical(radius, viscosity, temperature)
        has_theory = True

    # Open and read the data file.
    all_tracks = bmc.read_data(data_file)
    # Only accept tracks where there is displacement in each step.
    all_tracks = filter(lambda t: all(t[6][1:]), all_tracks)
    nparticles = len(all_tracks)

    # Compute the diffusions.
    time_step = 0.0330033 # The time step isn't recorded uniformly.
    all_diffusion = map(get_diffusion_ave(time_step), all_tracks)
    diff_list     = [d[0] for d in all_diffusion]
    diff_err_list = [d[1] for d in all_diffusion]
    diffusion, err_diffusion = bmc.mean_with_err(diff_list, diff_err_list)

    # Create average displacements and fit a curve
    ave_dispsq = bmc.average_dispsq(all_tracks, 50)
    num_avg = len(ave_dispsq[0])
    time = np.linspace(1, num_avg, num_avg) * time_step
    popt, pcov = spo.curve_fit(linear, time, ave_dispsq[0], sigma=ave_dispsq[1])
    fit_data = popt[0] * time + popt[1]
    fit_diff = popt[0] / 4.0
    fit_err  = np.sqrt(pcov[0][0]) / 4.0
    axis_bounds  = [min(time), max(time)]
    axis_bounds += [0, max(max(fit_data), max(ave_dispsq[0]))]

    # Create a dictionary to save to and save it to a pickle.
    if pkl_file != None:
        brownian_info = dict()