コード例 #1
class CalendarParser(object):
    A practical calendar parser for Google Calendar's two output formats: XML, and iCal (.ics).
    Stores events as a list of dictionaries with self-describing attributes.
    Accepts url resources as well as local xml/ics files.
    Certain fields/properties are not available when parsing ics resources.

    # TODO: Accept calendarIDs and support google's REST api

    def __init__(self,
        self.ics_file = ics_file
        self.ics_url = ics_url
        self.xml_file = xml_file
        self.xml_url = xml_url
        self.time_zone = None
        self.calendar = None
        self.title = ""
        self.subtitle = ""
        self.author = ""
        self.email = ""
        self.last_updated = None
        self.date_published = None
        self.events = []

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.events)

    def __iter__(self):
        return self.events.__iter__()

    def __reversed__(self):
        return reversed(self.events)

    def __contains__(self, item):
        if type(item) is not str:
            return item in self.events

        for event in self.events:
            if event['name'].lower() == item.lower():
                return True

        return False

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        if type(item) is str:
            event_list = []
            for event in self.events:
                if event['name'].lower() == item.lower():

            if len(event_list) == 0:
                raise LookupError("'%s' is not an event in this calendar." %
            if len(event_list) == 1:
                return event_list[0]
                return event_list
            return self.events[item]

    def keys(self):
        "Returns the names of all the parsed events, which may be used as lookup-keys on the parser object."
        return [event["name"] for event in self.events]

    def sort_by_latest(self, sort_in_place=False):
        "Returns a list of the parsed events, where the newest events are listed first."
        sorted_events = sorted(self.events, reverse=True)
        if sort_in_place:
            self.events = sorted_events
        return sorted_events

    def sort_by_oldest(self, sort_in_place=False):
        "Returns a list of the parsed events, where the oldest events are listed first."
        sorted_events = sorted(self.events)
        if sort_in_place:
            self.events = sorted_events
        return sorted_events

    def fetch_calendar(self, force_xml=False, force_ics=False):
        "Fetches the calendar data from an XML/.ics resource in preperation for parsing."
        cal_data = None
        if self.xml_url:
            cal_data = urlopen(self.xml_url)
        elif self.ics_url:
            cal_data = urlopen(self.ics_url)
        elif self.xml_file:
            cal_data = open(self.xml_file, "rb")
        elif self.ics_file:
            cal_data = open(self.ics_file, "rb")
            raise UnboundLocalError(
                "No calendar url or file path has been set.")

        cal_str = cal_data.read()

        if (self.xml_url or self.xml_file) and not force_ics:
            self.calendar = BeautifulStoneSoup(_normalize(cal_str, True))
        elif (self.ics_url or self.ics_file) and not force_xml:
            self.calendar = Calendar.from_ical(cal_str)

        return self.calendar

    def parse_xml(self, overwrite_events=True):
        "Returns a generator of Event dictionaries from an XML atom feed."

        assert self.xml_url or self.xml_url, "No xml resource has been set."
        self.calendar = self.fetch_calendar(force_xml=True).contents[1]
        metadata = self.calendar.contents[1:3]

        self.title = metadata[1].contents[0].contents[0]
        self.subtitle = metadata[1].contents[1].next
        self.author = metadata[1].contents[6].next.next.next
        self.email = metadata[1].contents[6].next.contents[1].next
        self.time_zone = timezone(
        self.last_updated = _parse_time(metadata[0].next)
        self.date_published = _parse_time(

        raw_events = self.calendar.contents[3:]

        if overwrite_events:
            self.events = []

        for event in raw_events:
            event_dict = CalendarEvent()
            event_dict["name"] = _normalize(event.next.next)
            event_dict["repeats"] = False

            for content in event.contents[2]:
                if isinstance(content, Tag):
                    content = content.contents[0]

                if "Recurring Event" in content:
                    event_dict["repeats"] = True

                elif event_dict["repeats"]:
                    if "First start:" in content:
                        rep_info = content.split()[2:-1]
                        rep_date = rep_info[0].split('-')

                        # Not enough info to determine how often the event repeats...
                        #event_dict['repeat_month'] = rep_date[1]  # "YEARLY"
                        #event_dict['repeat_day'] = rep_date[2]    # "MONTHLY"

                        rep_date = list(map(int, rep_date))
                        if len(rep_info) == 2:
                            rep_time = list(map(int, rep_info[1].split(':')))
                            event_dict["start_time"] = datetime(*(rep_date +
                            event_dict["start_time"] = datetime(*rep_date)

                    elif "Duration:" in content:
                        seconds = int(content.split()[-1])
                        event_dict["end_time"] = event_dict[
                            "start_time"] + timedelta(seconds=seconds)

                elif "When: " in content:
                    when = event.contents[1].next.replace("When: ", "", 1)

                    if len(when.split()) > 4:
                        # Remove the timezone
                        when = when.rsplit(" ", 1)[0]

                    when = when.split(" to ")
                    if len(when) == 2:
                        start, end = when
                        event_dict["end_time"] = _parse_time(end, start)
                        start = when[0]
                    event_dict["start_time"] = _parse_time(start)

                    if (not "end_time" in event_dict
                            and event_dict["start_time"].hour == 0
                            and event_dict["start_time"].minute == 0):
                        event_dict["all_day"] = True
                        event_dict["end_time"] = event_dict[
                            "start_time"] + timedelta(days=1)
                        event_dict["all_day"] = False

                elif "Where: " in content:
                    event_dict["location"] = _normalize(content).replace(
                        "Where: ", "")

                elif "Event Description: " in content:
                    event_dict["description"] = _normalize(content).replace(
                        "Event Description: ", "")

            if overwrite_events:

            yield event_dict

    def parse_ics(self, overwrite_events=True):
        "Returns a generator of Event dictionaries from an iCal (.ics) file."
        assert self.ics_url or self.ics_url, "No ics resource has been set."

        # Returns an icalendar.Calendar object.

        self.time_zone = timezone(
            str(self.calendar.get("x-wr-timezone", 'UTC')))
        self.title = str(self.calendar["x-wr-calname"])

        if overwrite_events:
            self.events = []

        for event in self.calendar.walk():
            if isinstance(event, Event):
                event_dict = CalendarEvent()
                if "SUMMARY" in event:
                    event_dict["name"] = _normalize(event["summary"])

                if "DESCRIPTION" in event:
                    event_dict["description"] = _normalize(
                if "LOCATION" in event and event["location"]:
                    event_dict["location"] = _normalize(event["location"])
                if "DTSTART" in event:
                    event_dict["start_time"] = _fix_timezone(
                        event["dtstart"].dt, self.time_zone)
                if "DTEND" in event:
                    event_dict["end_time"] = _fix_timezone(
                        event["dtend"].dt, self.time_zone)
                if (event_dict["start_time"].hour == 0
                        and event_dict["start_time"].minute == 0
                        and (event_dict["end_time"] - event_dict["start_time"])
                        == timedelta(days=1)):
                    event_dict["all_day"] = True
                    event_dict["all_day"] = False

                event_dict["repeats"] = False
                if "RRULE" in event:
                    rep_dict = event["RRULE"]

                    event_dict["repeats"] = True
                    event_dict["repeat_freq"] = rep_dict["FREQ"][0]
                    now = datetime.now()
                    if "UNTIL" in rep_dict:
                        event_dict["repeat_until"] = _fix_timezone(
                            rep_dict["UNTIL"][0], self.time_zone)
                    next_start = parse_recurrences(
                        event.get('dtstart').dt, event.get('exdate'))
                    if next_start:
                        next_start = _fix_timezone(next_start, self.time_zone)
                        delta = next_start - event_dict['start_time']
                        event_dict['start_time'] = next_start
                        event_dict['end_time'] += delta

                    if event_dict["repeat_freq"] == "YEARLY":
                        event_dict["repeat_day"] = event_dict["start_time"].day
                        event_dict["repeat_month"] = event_dict[

                    if "BYDAY" in rep_dict:
                        event_dict["repeat_day"] = rep_dict["BYDAY"][0]
                    elif "BYMONTHDAY" in rep_dict:
                        event_dict["repeat_day"] = rep_dict["BYMONTHDAY"][0]

                    if "BYMONTH" in rep_dict:
                        event_dict["repeat_month"] = rep_dict["BYMONTH"][0]

                if overwrite_events:

                yield event_dict

    def parse_calendar(self,
        "Parses the calendar at the specified resource path.  Returns a generator of CalendarEvents."
        generator = None
        if (self.ics_url or self.ics_file) and (use_ics or not use_xml):
            generator = self.parse_ics(overwrite_events)

        elif (self.xml_url or self.xml_file) and (use_xml or not use_ics):
            generator = self.parse_xml(overwrite_events)

        if force_list:
            return [event for event in generator]
            return generator