コード例 #1
ファイル: filesystem.py プロジェクト: VeniVidiVici6/freenas
    def getacl(self, path, simplified=True):
        Return ACL of a given path.

        Simplified returns a shortened form of the ACL permset and flags

        `TRAVERSE` sufficient rights to traverse a directory, but not read contents.

        `READ` sufficient rights to traverse a directory, and read file contents.

        `MODIFIY` sufficient rights to traverse, read, write, and modify a file. Equivalent to modify_set.

        `FULL_CONTROL` all permissions.

        If the permisssions do not fit within one of the pre-defined simplified permissions types, then
        the full ACL entry will be returned.

        In all cases we replace USER_OBJ, GROUP_OBJ, and EVERYONE with owner@, group@, everyone@ for
        consistency with getfacl and setfacl. If one of aforementioned special tags is used, 'id' must
        be set to None.

        An inheriting empty everyone@ ACE is appended to non-trivial ACLs in order to enforce Windows
        expectations regarding permissions inheritance. This entry is removed from NT ACL returned
        to SMB clients when 'ixnas' samba VFS module is enabled. We also remove it here to avoid confusion.
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            raise CallError('Path not found.', errno.ENOENT)

        stat = os.stat(path)

        a = acl.ACL(file=path)
        fs_acl = a.__getstate__()

        if not simplified:
            advanced_acl = []
            for entry in fs_acl:
                ace = {
                    'tag': (acl.ACLWho[entry['tag']]).value,
                    'id': entry['id'],
                    'type': entry['type'],
                    'perms': entry['perms'],
                    'flags': entry['flags'],
                if ace['tag'] == 'everyone@' and self.__convert_to_basic_permset(
                        ace['perms']) == 'NOPERMS':


            return {
                'uid': stat.st_uid,
                'gid': stat.st_gid,
                'acl': advanced_acl

        if simplified:
            simple_acl = []
            for entry in fs_acl:
                ace = {
                    'tag': (acl.ACLWho[entry['tag']]).value,
                    'id': entry['id'],
                    'type': entry['type'],
                    'perms': {
                    'flags': {
                if ace['tag'] == 'everyone@' and ace['perms'][
                        'BASIC'] == 'NOPERMS':

                for key in ['perms', 'flags']:
                    if ace[key]['BASIC'] == 'OTHER':
                        ace[key] = entry[key]


            return {'uid': stat.st_uid, 'gid': stat.st_gid, 'acl': simple_acl}
コード例 #2
ファイル: filesystem.py プロジェクト: VeniVidiVici6/freenas
    def setacl(self, job, data):
        Set ACL of a given path. Takes the following parameters:
        `path` full path to directory or file.

        `dacl` "simplified" ACL here or a full ACL.

        `uid` the desired UID of the file user. If set to None (the default), then user is not changed.

        `gid` the desired GID of the file group. If set to None (the default), then group is not changed.

        `recursive` apply the ACL recursively

        `traverse` traverse filestem boundaries (ZFS datasets)

        `strip` convert ACL to trivial. ACL is trivial if it can be expressed as a file mode without
        losing any access rules.

        `canonicalize` reorder ACL entries so that they are in concanical form as described
        in the Microsoft documentation MS-DTYP 2.4.5 (ACL)

        In all cases we replace USER_OBJ, GROUP_OBJ, and EVERYONE with owner@, group@, everyone@ for
        consistency with getfacl and setfacl. If one of aforementioned special tags is used, 'id' must
        be set to None.

        An inheriting empty everyone@ ACE is appended to non-trivial ACLs in order to enforce Windows
        expectations regarding permissions inheritance. This entry is removed from NT ACL returned
        to SMB clients when 'ixnas' samba VFS module is enabled.
        job.set_progress(0, 'Preparing to set acl.')
        options = data['options']
        dacl = data.get('dacl', [])


        if dacl and options['stripacl']:
            raise CallError(
                'Setting ACL and stripping ACL are not permitted simultaneously.',

        uid = -1 if data.get('uid', None) is None else data['uid']
        gid = -1 if data.get('gid', None) is None else data['gid']
        if options['stripacl']:
            a = acl.ACL(file=data['path'])
            inheritable_is_present = False
            cleaned_acl = []
            lockace_is_present = False
            for entry in dacl:
                ace = {
                    'tag': (acl.ACLWho(entry['tag'])).name,
                    if 'BASIC' in entry['perms'] else entry['perms'],
                    if 'BASIC' in entry['flags'] else entry['flags'],
                if ace['flags'].get('INHERIT_ONLY') and not ace['flags'].get(
                        'DIRECTORY_INHERIT', False) and not ace['flags'].get(
                            'FILE_INHERIT', False):
                    raise CallError(
                        'Invalid flag combination. DIRECTORY_INHERIT or FILE_INHERIT must be set if INHERIT_ONLY is set.',
                if ace['tag'] == 'EVERYONE' and self.__convert_to_basic_permset(
                        ace['perms']) == 'NOPERMS':
                    lockace_is_present = True
                elif ace['flags'].get('DIRECTORY_INHERIT') or ace['flags'].get(
                    inheritable_is_present = True


            if not inheritable_is_present:
                raise CallError(
                    'At least one inheritable ACL entry is required',

            if options['canonicalize']:
                cleaned_acl = self.canonicalize_acl_order(cleaned_acl)

            if not lockace_is_present:
                locking_ace = {
                    'tag': 'EVERYONE',
                    'id': None,
                    'type': 'ALLOW',
                    'perms': self.__convert_to_adv_permset('NOPERMS'),
                    'flags': self.__convert_to_adv_flagset('INHERIT')

            a = acl.ACL()

        if not options['recursive']:
            os.chown(data['path'], uid, gid)
            job.set_progress(100, 'Finished setting ACL.')

        job.set_progress(10, f'Recursively setting ACL on {data["path"]}.')
        self._winacl(data['path'], 'clone', uid, gid, options)
        job.set_progress(100, 'Finished setting ACL.')
コード例 #3
ファイル: filesystem.py プロジェクト: VeniVidiVici6/freenas
    def setperm(self, job, data):
        Remove extended ACL from specified path.

        If `mode` is specified then the mode will be applied to the
        path and files and subdirectories depending on which `options` are
        selected. Mode should be formatted as string representation of octal
        permissions bits.

        `uid` the desired UID of the file user. If set to None (the default), then user is not changed.

        `gid` the desired GID of the file group. If set to None (the default), then group is not changed.

        `stripacl` setperm will fail if an extended ACL is present on `path`,
        unless `stripacl` is set to True.

        `recursive` remove ACLs recursively, but do not traverse dataset

        `traverse` remove ACLs from child datasets.

        If no `mode` is set, and `stripacl` is True, then non-trivial ACLs
        will be converted to trivial ACLs. An ACL is trivial if it can be
        expressed as a file mode without losing any access rules.

        job.set_progress(0, 'Preparing to set permissions.')
        options = data['options']
        mode = data.get('mode', None)

        uid = -1 if data['uid'] is None else data['uid']
        gid = -1 if data['gid'] is None else data['gid']


        acl_is_trivial = self.middleware.call_sync('filesystem.acl_is_trivial',
        if not acl_is_trivial and not options['stripacl']:
            raise CallError(
                f'Non-trivial ACL present on [{data["path"]}]. Option "stripacl" required to change permission.',

        if mode is not None:
            mode = int(mode, 8)

        a = acl.ACL(file=data['path'])

        if mode:
            os.chmod(data['path'], mode)

        if uid or gid:
            os.chown(data['path'], uid, gid)

        if not options['recursive']:
            job.set_progress(100, 'Finished setting permissions.')

        action = 'clone' if mode else 'strip'
            10, f'Recursively setting permissions on {data["path"]}.')
        self._winacl(data['path'], action, uid, gid, options)
        job.set_progress(100, 'Finished setting permissions.')
コード例 #4
ファイル: filesystem.py プロジェクト: zeroyou/freenas
    def setacl_nfs4(self, job, data):
        job.set_progress(0, 'Preparing to set acl.')
        options = data['options']
        dacl = data.get('dacl', [])

        if osc.IS_LINUX or not os.pathconf(data['path'], 64):
            raise CallError(f"NFSv4 ACLS are not supported on path {data['path']}", errno.EOPNOTSUPP)


        if dacl and options['stripacl']:
            raise CallError('Setting ACL and stripping ACL are not permitted simultaneously.', errno.EINVAL)

        uid = -1 if data.get('uid', None) is None else data['uid']
        gid = -1 if data.get('gid', None) is None else data['gid']
        if options['stripacl']:
            a = acl.ACL(file=data['path'])
            inheritable_is_present = False
            cleaned_acl = []
            lockace_is_present = False
            for entry in dacl:
                ace = {
                    'tag': (acl.ACLWho(entry['tag'])).name,
                    'id': entry['id'],
                    'type': entry['type'],
                    'perms': self.__convert_to_adv_permset(entry['perms']['BASIC']) if 'BASIC' in entry['perms'] else entry['perms'],
                    'flags': self.__convert_to_adv_flagset(entry['flags']['BASIC']) if 'BASIC' in entry['flags'] else entry['flags'],
                if ace['flags'].get('INHERIT_ONLY') and not ace['flags'].get('DIRECTORY_INHERIT', False) and not ace['flags'].get('FILE_INHERIT', False):
                    raise CallError(
                        'Invalid flag combination. DIRECTORY_INHERIT or FILE_INHERIT must be set if INHERIT_ONLY is set.',
                if ace['tag'] == 'EVERYONE' and self.__convert_to_basic_permset(ace['perms']) == 'NOPERMS':
                    lockace_is_present = True
                elif ace['flags'].get('DIRECTORY_INHERIT') or ace['flags'].get('FILE_INHERIT'):
                    inheritable_is_present = True


            if not inheritable_is_present:
                raise CallError('At least one inheritable ACL entry is required', errno.EINVAL)

            if options['canonicalize']:
                cleaned_acl = self.canonicalize_acl_order(cleaned_acl)

            if not lockace_is_present:
                locking_ace = {
                    'tag': 'EVERYONE',
                    'id': None,
                    'type': 'ALLOW',
                    'perms': self.__convert_to_adv_permset('NOPERMS'),
                    'flags': self.__convert_to_adv_flagset('INHERIT')

            a = acl.ACL()

        if not options['recursive']:
            os.chown(data['path'], uid, gid)
            job.set_progress(100, 'Finished setting NFS4 ACL.')

        job.set_progress(10, f'Recursively setting ACL on {data["path"]}.')
        self._winacl(data['path'], 'clone', uid, gid, options)
        job.set_progress(100, 'Finished setting NFS4 ACL.')
コード例 #5
    def run(self, path, permissions, recursive=False):
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            raise TaskException(errno.ENOENT,
                                'Path {0} does not exist'.format(path))

        if recursive and not os.path.isdir(path):
            raise TaskException(
                'Recursive specified, but {0} is not directory'.format(path))

        if permissions.get('user') or permissions.get('group'):
            user = permissions.get('user')
            group = permissions.get('group')
            uid = gid = -1

            if user:
                    user = self.dispatcher.call_sync(
                        'dscached.account.getpwnam', user)
                    uid = user['uid']
                except RpcException:
                    raise TaskException(errno.ENOENT,
                                        'User {0} not found'.format(user))

            if group:
                    group = self.dispatcher.call_sync(
                        'dscached.group.getgrnam', group)
                    gid = group['gid']
                except KeyError:
                    raise TaskException(errno.ENOENT,
                                        'Group {0} not found'.format(group))

            bsd.lchown(path, uid, gid, recursive)

        ds = None
        chmod_safe = True

            poolname, dsname, rest = self.dispatcher.call_sync(
                'volume.decode_path', path)
            ds = self.dispatcher.call_sync('volume.dataset.query',
                                           [('id', '=', dsname)],
                                           {'single': True})
            chmod_safe = ds['permissions_type'] == 'PERM'
        except RpcException:

        if permissions.get('modes'):
            modes = permissions['modes']
            if modes.get('value'):
                modes = int(modes['value'])
                modes = modes_to_oct(modes)

                bsd.lchmod(path, modes, recursive)
            except OSError as err:
                if err.errno == errno.EPERM:
                    if chmod_safe:
                                'chmod() failed: {0}'.format(err.strerror)))
                    raise TaskException(
                        err.errno, 'chmod() failed: {0}'.format(err.strerror))

        if permissions.get('acl'):
            a = acl.ACL()
            if not recursive:

            # Build second ACL, but with inherits removed. It will be applied on files
            b = acl.ACL()
            for i in b.entries:
                i.flags[acl.NFS4Flag.DIRECTORY_INHERIT] = False
                i.flags[acl.NFS4Flag.FILE_INHERIT] = False

            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
                for n in files:
                    b.apply(file=os.path.join(root, n))

                for n in dirs:
                    a.apply(file=os.path.join(root, n))

        if ds:
            self.dispatcher.dispatch_event('zfs.dataset.changed', {
                'operation': 'update',
                'ids': [ds['id']]

        self.dispatcher.dispatch_event('file.permissions.changed', {
            'path': path,
            'recursive': recursive,
            'permissions': permissions
コード例 #6
    def setacl(self, job, path, dacl, options):
        Set ACL of a given path. Takes the following parameters:
        :path: realpath or relative path. We make a subsequent realpath call to resolve it.
        :dacl: Accept a "simplified" ACL here or a full ACL. If the simplified ACL
        contains ACE perms or flags that are "SPECIAL", then raise a validation error.
        :recursive: apply the ACL recursively
        :traverse: traverse filestem boundaries (ZFS datasets)
        :strip: convert ACL to trivial. ACL is trivial if it can be expressed as a file mode without
        losing any access rules.

        In all cases we replace USER_OBJ, GROUP_OBJ, and EVERYONE with owner@, group@, everyone@ for
        consistency with getfacl and setfacl. If one of aforementioned special tags is used, 'id' must
        be set to None.

        An inheriting empty everyone@ ACE is appended to non-trivial ACLs in order to enforce Windows
        expectations regarding permissions inheritance. This entry is removed from NT ACL returned
        to SMB clients when 'ixnas' samba VFS module is enabled.
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            raise CallError('Path not found.', errno.ENOENT)

        if dacl and options['stripacl']:
            raise CallError('Setting ACL and stripping ACL are not permitted simultaneously.', errno.EINVAL)

        if options['stripacl']:
            a = acl.ACL(file=path)
            cleaned_acl = []
            lockace_is_present = False
            for entry in dacl:
                if entry['perms'].get('BASIC') == 'OTHER' or entry['flags'].get('BASIC') == 'OTHER':
                    raise CallError('Unable to apply simplified ACL due to OTHER entry. Use full ACL.', errno.EINVAL)
                ace = {
                    'tag': (acl.ACLWho(entry['tag'])).name,
                    'id': entry['id'],
                    'type': entry['type'],
                    'perms': self.__convert_to_adv_permset(entry['perms']['BASIC']) if 'BASIC' in entry['perms'] else entry['perms'],
                    'flags': self.__convert_to_adv_flagset(entry['flags']['BASIC']) if 'BASIC' in entry['perms'] else entry['flags'],
                if ace['tag'] == 'EVERYONE' and self.__convert_to_basic_permset(ace['perms']) == 'NOPERMS':
                    lockace_is_present = True
            if not lockace_is_present:
                locking_ace = {
                    'tag': 'EVERYONE',
                    'id': None,
                    'type': 'ALLOW',
                    'perms': self.__convert_to_adv_permset('NOPERMS'),
                    'flags': self.__convert_to_adv_flagset('INHERIT')

            a = acl.ACL()

        if not options['recursive']:
            self.logger.debug('exiting early on non-recursive task')
            return True

        winacl = subprocess.run([
            '-a', 'clone',
            f"{'-rx' if options['traverse'] else '-r'}",
            '-p', path], check=False
        if winacl.returncode != 0:
            raise CallError(f"Failed to recursively apply ACL: {winacl.stderr.decode()}")

        return True
コード例 #7
    def getacl(self, path, simplified=True):
        Return ACL of a given path.

        Simplified returns a shortened form of the ACL permset and flags

        - TRAVERSE = sufficient rights to traverse a directory, but not read contents.

        - READ = sufficient rights to traverse a directory, and read file contents.

        - MODIFIY = sufficient rights to traverse, read, write, and modify a file. Equivalent to modify_set.

        - FULL_CONTROL = all permissions.

        - OTHER = does not fit into any of the above categories without losing information.

        In all cases we replace USER_OBJ, GROUP_OBJ, and EVERYONE with owner@, group@, everyone@ for
        consistency with getfacl and setfacl. If one of aforementioned special tags is used, 'id' must
        be set to None.

        An inheriting empty everyone@ ACE is appended to non-trivial ACLs in order to enforce Windows
        expectations regarding permissions inheritance. This entry is removed from NT ACL returned
        to SMB clients when 'ixnas' samba VFS module is enabled. We also remove it here to avoid confusion.
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            raise CallError('Path not found.', errno.ENOENT)

        a = acl.ACL(file=path)
        fs_acl = a.__getstate__()

        if not simplified:
            advanced_acl = []
            for entry in fs_acl:
                ace = {
                    'tag': (acl.ACLWho[entry['tag']]).value,
                    'id': entry['id'],
                    'type': entry['type'],
                    'perms': entry['perms'],
                    'flags': entry['flags'],
                if ace['tag'] == 'everyone@' and self.__convert_to_basic_permset(
                        ace['perms']) == 'NOPERMS':
                    self.logger.debug('detected hidden ace')
            return advanced_acl

        if simplified:
            simple_acl = []
            for entry in fs_acl:
                ace = {
                    'tag': (acl.ACLWho[entry['tag']]).value,
                    'id': entry['id'],
                    'type': entry['type'],
                    'perms': {
                    'flags': {
                if ace['tag'] == 'everyone@' and ace['perms'][
                        'BASIC'] == 'NOPERMS':

            return simple_acl