コード例 #1
ファイル: test_base.py プロジェクト: Byron/bshotgun
    def test_factory(self):
        """Test type-creation features"""
        fac = TestShotgunTypeFactory()
        self.failUnlessRaises(NameError, fac.type_by_name, "foo")
        sgdb = ShotgunTestDatabase(use_records_cache=True)

        # Create every type
        info_every = 500
        tid = 0
        for tid, type_name in enumerate(fac.type_names()):
            sgtype = fac.type_by_name(type_name)
            # DEBUG ! - this takes 90s/10s (json/fast) to load !
            # It was useful for testing, but probably won't be required to look at all the time
            if type_name == "EventLogEntry":
            assert issubclass(sgtype, ShotgunEntity)
            assert fac.type_by_name(type_name) is sgtype, "should cache the type"
            assert len(sgtype.sg_schema)

            # Query properties with data
            # To improve load times by factor 3, pickle the files uncompressed

            # our schema knows more entities than there is data. This is fine, the sg schema is not 100%
            # well formed
            if not sgdb.has_records(type_name):
            # end ignore weird entities

            records = sgdb.records(type_name)

            # Test very value in each record
            for rid, record in enumerate(records):
                entity = sgtype(record["id"], record)
                assert len(entity.changed_properties()) == 0
                for name, descriptor in entity.sg_schema.iteritems():
                    prop = getattr(entity, name)

                    if not prop.has_value():
                        # in case of dates, it's okay to get a date at time '0', but we don't check it
                        if not issubclass(descriptor._value_type, sgtypes._ShotgunDateMixin):
                            assert not prop.value(), "no property should return an actual value if it doesn't say so"
                        # end handle value type
                    # end

                    if isinstance(prop, ShotgunEntityProperty):
                        # All values that are attached will be returned, disregarding the declared valid types
                        enode = prop.value()
                        assert enode is None or isinstance(enode, ShotgunEntity)
                        assert_set_entity(entity, prop, enode, descriptor, fac)
                    elif isinstance(prop, ShotgunMultiEntityProperty):
                        value = prop.values()
                        assert isinstance(value, list)
                        assert_set_entity(entity, prop, value, descriptor, fac)
                        # The value type is sometimes just our wrapper, which returns the original type
                        # Those are date types
                        value = prop.value()
                        if not isinstance(value, (datetime, date)):
                            assert descriptor._value_type.isinstance(value)
                        assert_set_value(entity, prop, value, descriptor)
                    # end handle assertion
                # end for each schema entry

                if rid and rid % info_every == 0:
                    sys.stderr.write("Processed %s record %i/%i\n" % (type_name, rid, len(records)))
                # end provide info

                # NOTE: We break here as it should be enough
                # For stress testing, remove this break !
            # end for each record
        # end for each type
        assert tid