def display(start=None, goal=None, grid_obs=[], originalPath=[], optimPath=[], losses=[], delta_t=None, currentOptimIdx=None, grad=[], hold=False): print('plotting...') ax.clear() ax.set_xlim(-0.5, grid_obs.shape[0]) ax.set_ylim(-0.5, grid_obs.shape[0]) ax.set_title('Trajectory') ax2.clear() obs = [] x, y = np.mgrid[0:grid_obs.shape[0], 0:grid_obs.shape[1]] np.vectorize(lambda node, x, y: obs.append(patches.Rectangle([x, y], 1, 1)) if node == Node.OBSTACLE else None)(grid_obs, x, y) # obs = [patches.Rectangle([x, y], w, h) for x, y, w, h in extractRect(grid_obs)] ax.add_collection(collections.PatchCollection(obs)) if start is not None: ax.add_patch( patches.Circle(getPos(start), .3, linewidth=1, facecolor='green')) if goal is not None: ax.add_patch( patches.Circle(getPos(goal), .3, linewidth=1, facecolor='blue')) if len(originalPath) > 0: smoothed = bsplineUpsample(originalPath) ax.plot(originalPath[:, 0], originalPath[:, 1], 'x', color='red', markersize=5) ax.plot(smoothed[:, 0], smoothed[:, 1], '-', color='red', linewidth=.8) if currentOptimIdx is not None: ax.plot(originalPath[currentOptimIdx:currentOptimIdx + OPTIMIZED_POINTS, 0], originalPath[currentOptimIdx:currentOptimIdx + OPTIMIZED_POINTS, 1], 'x', color='green', markersize=5) if len(optimPath) > 0: smoothed = bsplineUpsample(optimPath) ax.plot(optimPath[:, 0], optimPath[:, 1], 'o', color='blue', markersize=5) ax.plot(smoothed[:, 0], smoothed[:, 1], '-', color='blue', linewidth=.8) if delta_t is not None: for i in range(2, len(optimPath) - 3): p = bspline(0, extractPts(optimPath, i)) v = .5 * bsplineVel(0, extractPts(optimPath, i), delta_t) # a = .3 * bsplineAcc(0, extractPts(optimPath, i), delta_t) ax.arrow(p[0], p[1], v[0], v[1], width=.1, head_width=.5, color='orange', alpha=.3) # ax.arrow(p[0], p[1], a[0], a[1], width=.01, head_width=.2, color='red', alpha=.6) if currentOptimIdx is not None: ax.plot( optimPath[currentOptimIdx:currentOptimIdx + OPTIMIZED_POINTS, 0], optimPath[currentOptimIdx:currentOptimIdx + OPTIMIZED_POINTS, 1], 'o', color='green', markersize=5) velCurve = np.linalg.norm(bsplineVelUpsample(optimPath, delta_t), axis=1) accCurve = np.linalg.norm(bsplineAccUpsample(optimPath, delta_t), axis=1) jerkCurve = np.linalg.norm(bsplineJerkUpsample(optimPath, delta_t), axis=1) snapCurve = np.linalg.norm(bsplineSnapUpsample(optimPath, delta_t), axis=1) ax2.plot(velCurve / np.max(velCurve), color='orange', label='Velocity') ax2.plot(accCurve / np.max(accCurve), color='red', label='Acceleration') ax2.plot(jerkCurve / np.max(jerkCurve), color='cyan', label='Jerk') ax2.plot(snapCurve / np.max(snapCurve), color='blue', label='Snap') ax2.legend() if currentOptimIdx and len(grad) > 0: for i, g in enumerate(grad): ax.arrow(optimPath[currentOptimIdx + i, 0], optimPath[currentOptimIdx + i, 1], -g[0], -g[1], width=.05, head_width=.2, color='magenta', alpha=.8) if hold and isinstance(hold, bool): else: plt.pause(DISPLAY_DELAY if isinstance(hold, bool) else hold)
def computeVelocities(sample): p = bsplineVel(sample[1], extractPts(pts, sample[0] + startIdx), delta_t) return norm(p)
def cost(pts, globalPts, startIdx, distObs, delta_t): # Endpoint cost posDiff = bspline(0, extractPts(pts, startIdx + 5)) - globalPts[startIdx + 5] velDiff = bsplineVel(0, extractPts(pts, startIdx + 5), delta_t) - bsplineVel( 0, extractPts(globalPts, startIdx + 5), delta_t) E_ep = lambda_p *, posDiff) + lambda_v * velDiff, velDiff) # Collision cost u = np.linspace(0, 1, 5) samples = np.vstack((np.repeat(np.arange(6), len(u)), np.tile(u, 6))) def computeDist(sample): p = bspline(sample[1], extractPts(pts, sample[0] + startIdx)) return distObs[np.clip([0]), 0, distObs.shape[0] - 1), np.clip([1]), 0, distObs.shape[1] - 1)] distances = np.apply_along_axis(computeDist, 0, samples) mask = distances <= OBSTACLE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD distances[mask] = np.square(distances[mask] - OBSTACLE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD ) / (2 * OBSTACLE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) distances[np.invert(mask)] = 0 def computeVelocities(sample): p = bsplineVel(sample[1], extractPts(pts, sample[0] + startIdx), delta_t) return norm(p) velocities = np.apply_along_axis(computeVelocities, 0, samples) E_c = lambda_c * np.sum(, velocities)) / (len(u) * 6) # Squared derivative cost q2, q3, q4 = Q_2(delta_t), Q_3(delta_t), Q_4(delta_t) E_q = 0 for i in range(6): A =, extractPts(pts, startIdx + i)) B = A.T E_q = E_q + np.sum(lambda_q2 *, q2), A) + lambda_q3 *, q3), A) + lambda_q4 *, q4), A)) # Derivative limit cost max_vel, max_acc, max_jerk, max_snap = np.array([1000, 1000]), np.array( [1000, 1000]), np.array([1e10, 1e10]), np.array([1e10, 1e10]) u = np.linspace(0, 1, 5) samples = np.vstack((np.repeat(np.arange(6), len(u)), np.tile(u, 6))) def derivativeCost(pFunc, max_p, delta_t): def f(sample): p = pFunc(sample[1], extractPts(pts, sample[0] + startIdx), delta_t) norm_max = norm(max_p) norm_p = norm(p) return np.exp(norm_p - norm_max) - 1 if norm_p > norm_max else 0 return f E_l = 0 for sample in zip(samples[0], samples[1]): E_l = E_l + derivativeCost(bsplineVel, max_vel, delta_t)(sample) E_l = E_l + derivativeCost(bsplineAcc, max_acc, delta_t)(sample) E_l = E_l + derivativeCost(bsplineJerk, max_jerk, delta_t)(sample) E_l = E_l + derivativeCost(bsplineSnap, max_snap, delta_t)(sample) E_l = E_l / (len(u) * 6) # Total cost E = E_ep + E_c + E_q + E_l # if not isinstance(E_ep, autograd.numpy.numpy_boxes.ArrayBox): # print('[{}] {} | {} | {} | {} => {}'.format(startIdx, E_ep, E_c, E_q, E_l, E)) return E
def computeDist(sample): p = bspline(sample[1], extractPts(pts, sample[0] + startIdx)) return distObs[np.clip([0]), 0, distObs.shape[0] - 1), np.clip([1]), 0, distObs.shape[1] - 1)]
def f(sample): p = pFunc(sample[1], extractPts(pts, sample[0] + startIdx), delta_t) norm_max = norm(max_p) norm_p = norm(p) return np.exp(norm_p - norm_max) - 1 if norm_p > norm_max else 0