コード例 #1
 def predict(self, test_data, method = 'last', last_ind = 1):
     if isinstance(test_data, np.ndarray):
         test_data = pd.DataFrame(test_data)
     K = self.treeNum
     n_test = test_data.shape[0]
     XX = np.zeros((n_test, K))
     if method == 'last':
         for countt in np.arange(K):
             temp = allcal(self.roots_[-last_ind][countt], test_data)
             temp.shape = (temp.shape[0])
             XX[:, countt] = temp
         constant = np.ones((n_test, 1))
         XX = np.concatenate((constant, XX), axis=1)
         Beta = self.betas_[-last_ind]
         toutput = np.matmul(XX, Beta)
コード例 #2
    def fit(self, train_data, train_y):
        #WGL: moved these to fit and added underscore, 
        #since they are not user parameters
        self.roots_ = []
        self.betas_ = []
        self.train_err_ = []

        #WGL: train_data must be a dataframe
        if isinstance(train_data, np.ndarray):
            train_data = pd.DataFrame(train_data)
        trainERRS = []
        #testERRS = []
        ROOTS = []
        BETAS = []
        MM = self.itrNum
        K = self.treeNum 
        alpha1 = self.alpha1
        alpha2 = self.alpha2
        beta = self.beta
        tic = time.time()

        if self.disp: print('starting training...')
        while len(trainERRS)<MM and time.time()-tic < self.max_time:
            n_feature = train_data.shape[1]
            n_train = train_data.shape[0]
            alpha1 = 0.4
            alpha2 = 0.4
            beta = -1
            # Ops = ['inv', 'ln', 'neg', 'sin', 'cos', 'exp', 'square', 'cubic', '+', '*']
            Op_weights = [1.0/len(self.Ops)] * len(self.Ops)
            Op_type = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2]
            # List of tree samples
            RootLists = []
            for i in np.arange(K):
            SigaList = []  # List of sigma_a, for each component tree
            SigbList = []  # List of sigma_b, for each component tree
            sigma = invgamma.rvs(1)  # for output y
            #val = 100
            # Initialization
            for count in np.arange(K):
                # create a new Root node
                Root = Node(0)
                sigma_a = invgamma.rvs(1)
                sigma_b = invgamma.rvs(1)
                # grow a tree from the Root node
                if self.disp: print('grow a tree from the Root node')
                grow(Root, n_feature, self.Ops, Op_weights, Op_type, beta, sigma_a, sigma_b)
                # Tree = genList(Root)
                # put the root into list
            # calculate beta
            if self.disp: print('calculate beta')
            # added a constant in the regression by fwl
            XX = np.zeros((n_train, K))
            for count in np.arange(K):
                temp = allcal(RootLists[count][-1], train_data)
                temp.shape = (temp.shape[0])
                XX[:, count] = temp
            constant = np.ones((n_train,1))  # added a constant
            XX = np.concatenate((constant, XX), axis=1)
            #scale = max(abs(np.max(XX)), abs(np.min(XX)))
            scale = np.max(np.abs(XX))
            XX = XX / scale
            epsilon = np.eye(XX.shape[1])*1e-6  # add to the matrix to prevent singular matrrix
            yy = np.array(train_y)
            yy.shape = (yy.shape[0], 1)
            Beta = np.linalg.inv(np.matmul(XX.transpose(), XX)+epsilon)
            Beta = np.matmul(Beta, np.matmul(XX.transpose(), yy))
            output = np.matmul(XX, Beta)
            Beta = Beta / scale  # rescale the beta, above we scale XX for calculation by fwl
            total = 0
            accepted = 0
            errList = []
            totList = []
            nodeCounts = []
            if self.disp: print('while total < ',self.val)
            while total < self.val and time.time()-tic < self.max_time:
                Roots = []  # list of current components
                # for count in np.arange(K):
                #     Roots.append(RootLists[count][-1])
                switch_label = False
                for count in np.arange(K):
                    Roots = []  # list of current components
                    for ccount in np.arange(K):
                    # pick the root to be changed
                    sigma_a = SigaList[count]
                    sigma_b = SigbList[count]
                    # the returned Root is a new copy
                    if self.disp: print('newProp...')
                    [res, sigma, Root, sigma_a, sigma_b] = newProp(Roots, count,
                            sigma, train_y, train_data, n_feature, self.Ops,
                                                                   Op_weights, Op_type, beta, sigma_a, sigma_b)
                    if self.disp:
                    total += 1
                    # update sigma_a and sigma_b
                    SigaList[count] = sigma_a
                    SigbList[count] = sigma_b
                    if res is True:
                        # flag = False
                        accepted += 1
                        # record newly accepted root
                        node_sums = 0
                        for k in np.arange(0,K):
                            node_sums += getNum(RootLists[k][-1])
                        XX = np.zeros((n_train, K))
                        for i in np.arange(K):
                            temp = allcal(RootLists[i][-1], train_data)
                            temp.shape = (temp.shape[0])
                            XX[:, i] = temp
                        constant = np.ones((n_train, 1))
                        XX = np.concatenate((constant, XX), axis=1)
                        scale = np.max(np.abs(XX))
                        XX = XX / scale
                        epsilon = np.eye(XX.shape[1]) * 1e-6  # add to the matrix to prevent singular matrrix
                        yy = np.array(train_y)
                        yy.shape = (yy.shape[0], 1)
                        Beta = np.linalg.inv(np.matmul(XX.transpose(), XX)+epsilon)
                        Beta = np.matmul(Beta, np.matmul(XX.transpose(), yy))
                        output = np.matmul(XX, Beta)
                        Beta = Beta / scale  # rescale the beta, above we scale XX for calculation
                        error = 0
                        for i in np.arange(0, n_train):
                            error += (output[i, 0] - train_y[i]) * (output[i, 0] - train_y[i])
                        rmse = np.sqrt(error / n_train)
                        if self.disp:
                            print("accept", accepted, "th after", total, "proposals and update ", count, "th component")
                            print("sigma:", round(sigma, 5), "error:", round(rmse, 5))  # ,"log.likelihood:",round(llh,5))
                        total = 0
                    # @fwl added condition to control running time
                    my_index = min(10,len(errList))
                    if len(errList)>100 and 1-np.min(errList[-my_index:])/np.mean(errList[-my_index:]) < 0.05:
                        # converged
                        switch_label = True
                        # Roots[count] = oldRoot
                if switch_label:
            if self.disp:
                for i in np.arange(0,len(train_y)):
            toc = time.time() # cauculate running time
            tictoc = toc-tic
            if self.disp:
                print("run time:{:.2f}s".format(tictoc))
                print("mean rmse of last 5 accepts:", np.mean(errList[-6:-1]))
                #print("mean rmse of last 5 tests:", np.mean(testList[-6:-1]))
        self.roots_ = ROOTS
        self.train_err_ = trainERRS
        self.betas_ = BETAS
コード例 #3
def symreg(K,MM, train_data,test_data, train_y, test_y, disp=True):
    trainERRS = []
    testERRS = []
    ROOTS = []
    tic = time.time()

    while len(trainERRS)<MM:
        n_feature = train_data.shape[1]
        n_train = train_data.shape[0]
        n_test = test_data.shape[0]
        alpha1 = 0.4
        alpha2 = 0.4
        beta = -1
        # Ops = ['inv', 'ln', 'neg', 'sin', 'cos', 'exp', '+', '*']
        # Op_weights = [0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125]
        # Op_type = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2]
        # n_op = len(Ops)
        Ops = ['inv', 'ln', 'neg', 'sin', 'cos', 'exp', 'square', 'cubic', '+', '*']
        Op_weights = [1.0/len(Ops)] * len(Ops)
        Op_type = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2]
        n_op = len(Ops)
        # List of tree samples
        RootLists = []
        for i in np.arange(K):
        SigaList = []  # List of sigma_a, for each component tree
        SigbList = []  # List of sigma_b, for each component tree
        sigma = invgamma.rvs(1)  # for output y
        val = 100
        # Initialization
        for count in np.arange(K):
            # create a new Root node
            Root = Node(0)
            sigma_a = invgamma.rvs(1)
            sigma_b = invgamma.rvs(1)
            # grow a tree from the Root node
            grow(Root, n_feature, Ops, Op_weights, Op_type, beta, sigma_a, sigma_b)
            # Tree = genList(Root)
            # put the root into list
        # calculate beta
        # added a constant in the regression by fwl
        XX = np.zeros((n_train, K))
        for count in np.arange(K):
            temp = allcal(RootLists[count][-1], train_data)
            temp.shape = (temp.shape[0])
            XX[:, count] = temp
        constant = np.ones((n_train,1))  # added a constant
        XX = np.concatenate((constant, XX), axis=1)
        #scale = max(abs(np.max(XX)), abs(np.min(XX)))
        scale = np.max(np.abs(XX))
        XX = XX / scale
        epsilon = np.eye(XX.shape[1])*1e-6  # add to the matrix to prevent singular matrrix
        yy = np.array(train_y)
        yy.shape = (yy.shape[0], 1)
        Beta = np.linalg.inv(np.matmul(XX.transpose(), XX)+epsilon)
        Beta = np.matmul(Beta, np.matmul(XX.transpose(), yy))
        output = np.matmul(XX, Beta)
        Beta = Beta / scale  # rescale the beta, above we scale XX for calculation by fwl
        total = 0
        accepted = 0
        errList = []
        rootsList = []
        totList = []
        testList = []
        #testList2 = []
        dentList = []
        nodeCounts = []
        while total < val and time.time()-tic < self.max_time:
            Roots = []  # list of current components
            # for count in np.arange(K):
            #     Roots.append(RootLists[count][-1])
            switch_label = False
            for count in np.arange(K):
                Roots = []  # list of current components
                for ccount in np.arange(K):
                # pick the root to be changed
                sigma_a = SigaList[count]
                sigma_b = SigbList[count]
                oldRoot = copy.deepcopy(Roots[count])
                # the returned Root is a new copy
                [res, sigma, Root, sigma_a, sigma_b] = newProp(Roots, count, sigma, train_y, train_data, n_feature, Ops,
                                                               Op_weights, Op_type, beta, sigma_a, sigma_b)
                # print("res:",res)
                # display(genList(Root))
                total += 1
                # update sigma_a and sigma_b
                SigaList[count] = sigma_a
                SigbList[count] = sigma_b
                if res is True:
                    # flag = False
                    accepted += 1
                    # record newly accepted root
                    node_sums = 0
                    for k in np.arange(0,K):
                        node_sums += getNum(RootLists[k][-1])
                    XX = np.zeros((n_train, K))
                    for i in np.arange(K):
                        temp = allcal(RootLists[i][-1], train_data)
                        temp.shape = (temp.shape[0])
                        XX[:, i] = temp
                    constant = np.ones((n_train, 1))
                    XX = np.concatenate((constant, XX), axis=1)
                    scale = np.max(np.abs(XX))
                    XX = XX / scale
                    epsilon = np.eye(XX.shape[1]) * 1e-6  # add to the matrix to prevent singular matrrix
                    yy = np.array(train_y)
                    yy.shape = (yy.shape[0], 1)
                    Beta = np.linalg.inv(np.matmul(XX.transpose(), XX)+epsilon)
                    Beta = np.matmul(Beta, np.matmul(XX.transpose(), yy))
                    output = np.matmul(XX, Beta)
                    Beta = Beta / scale  # rescale the beta, above we scale XX for calculation
                    error = 0
                    for i in np.arange(0, n_train):
                        error += (output[i, 0] - train_y[i]) * (output[i, 0] - train_y[i])
                    rmse = np.sqrt(error / n_train)
                    # compute test error
                    XX = np.zeros((n_test, K))
                    for countt in np.arange(K):
                        temp = allcal(RootLists[countt][-1], test_data)
                        temp.shape = (temp.shape[0])
                        XX[:, countt] = temp
                    constant = np.ones((n_test, 1))
                    XX = np.concatenate((constant, XX), axis=1)
                    toutput = np.matmul(XX, Beta)
                    terror = 0
                    for i in np.arange(0, n_test):
                        terror += (toutput[i, 0] - test_y[i]) * (toutput[i, 0] - test_y[i])
                    trmse = np.sqrt(terror / n_test)
                    # compute test2 error
                    XX = np.zeros((n_test, K))
                    for countt in np.arange(K):
                        temp = allcal(RootLists[countt][-1], test2_data)
                        temp.shape = (temp.shape[0])
                        XX[:, countt] = temp
                    constant = np.ones((n_test, 1))
                    XX = np.concatenate((constant, XX), axis=1)
                    toutput2 = np.matmul(XX, Beta)
                    terror2 = 0
                    for i in np.arange(0, n_test):
                        terror2 += (toutput2[i, 0] - test2_y[i]) * (toutput2[i, 0] - test2_y[i])
                    trmse2 = np.sqrt(terror2 / n_test)
                    if disp:

                        print("accept", accepted, "th after", total, "proposals and update ", count, "th component")
                        print("sigma:", round(sigma, 5), "error:", round(rmse, 5))  # ,"log.likelihood:",round(llh,5))
                        # print("denoised rmse:",round(dtrmse,5))
                    total = 0
                # @fwl added condition to control running time
                my_index = min(10,len(errList))
                if len(errList)>100 and 1-np.min(errList[-my_index:])/np.mean(errList[-my_index:]) < 0.05:
                    # converged
                    switch_label = True
                    # Roots[count] = oldRoot
            if switch_label:
        for i in np.arange(0,len(train_y)):
        toc = time.time() # cauculate running time
        tictoc = toc-tic
        if disp:
            print("run time:{:.2f}s".format(tictoc))
            print("mean rmse of last 5 accepts:", np.mean(errList[-6:-1]))
            print("mean rmse of last 5 tests:", np.mean(testList[-6:-1]))