def scan(self): try: self.supervisor = CLIAccessAddressSniffer(verbose=self.verbose, devices=self.device) except DeviceError as error: print( '[!] Please connect a compatible Micro:Bit in order to use BtleJack' ) exit(-1)
def follow(self, deviceAddress): if deviceAddress is not None: # address is okay, feed our sniffer try: self.supervisor = CLIConnectionSniffer(deviceAddress, output=self.output, verbose=self.verbose, devices=self.device) except SnifferUpgradeRequired as su: print( "[i] Quitting, please upgrade your sniffer firmware (-i option if you are using a Micro:Bit)" ) except DeviceError as error: print( '[!] Please connect a compatible Micro:Bit in order to use BtleJack' ) sys.exit(-1) else: print('[!] Wrong Bluetooth Address format: %s' % self.access_address)
def sniff(self): if self.chm is not None: chm = int(self.chm, 16) else: chm = None if self.crc is not None: crc = int(self.crc, 16) else: crc = None if self.hop is not None: hop = self.hop else: hop = None try: cached_parameters = BtlejackSession.get_instance().find_connection( self.access_address) if cached_parameters is not None: # override parameters with those stored in cache for param in cached_parameters: if param == 'crcinit': crc = cached_parameters[param] creation_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( cached_parameters['start']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') print('[i] Using cached parameters (created on %s)' % creation_date) try: self.supervisor = CLIConnectionRecovery(self.access_address, channel_map=chm, hijack=self.hijack, jamming=self.jamming, hop_interval=hop, crc=crc, output=self.output, verbose=self.verbose, devices=self.device, timeout=self.timeout) except SnifferUpgradeRequired as su: print("[i] Quitting, please upgrade your sniffer firmware") except DeviceError as error: print( '[!] Please connect a compatible Micro:Bit in order to use BtleJack' ) exit(-1)
def main(): """ Btlejack main routine for CLI """ parser = ArgumentParser('btlejack') parser.add_argument('-d', '--device', dest='devices', action='append', type=str, help='Micro:Bit device serial port') parser.add_argument('-5', '--ble5', dest='v5', action='store_true', default=False, help='Force BLE v5 mode') parser.add_argument('-s', '--scan-connections', dest='scan_aa', action='store_true', default=False, help='Scan for active BLE connections') parser.add_argument('-f', '--follow', dest='follow', type=str, help='Follow an active connection') parser.add_argument( '-c', '--connreq', dest='connreq', type=str, help='Sniff new BTLE connections on multiple channels if possible') parser.add_argument('-m', '--channel-map', dest='chm', type=str, default=None, help='Set channel map') parser.add_argument('-p', '--hop-interval', dest='hop', type=int, default=None, help='Set hop interval') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help='Enable verbose mode') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', dest='output', default=None, help='Output file') parser.add_argument('-w', '--wireshark-fifo', dest='output_fifo', default=None, help='Fifo path (for wireshark)') parser.add_argument( '-x', '--output-format', dest='output_format', default='pcap', help='PCAP output format: `ll_phdr`, `nordic` or `pcap`') parser.add_argument( '-j', '--jamming', dest='jamming', default=False, action='store_true', help= 'Jam an active connection (only performed in conjunction with -f option)' ) parser.add_argument( '-t', '--hijack', dest='hijack', default=False, action='store_true', help= 'Hijack an active connection (only performed in conjunction with -f option)' ) parser.add_argument('-k', '--crc', dest='crc', help='CRCInit value') parser.add_argument('-z', '--clear', action='store_true', dest='flush', default=False, help='Clear stored connections parameters') parser.add_argument( '-i', '--install', action='store_true', dest='install', help='Install latest version of firmware on every sniffer') parser.add_argument('-n', '--timeout', dest='timeout', default=0, type=int, help='Channel map recovery timeout') args = parser.parse_args() supervisor = None print('BtleJack version %s' % VERSION) print('') # upgrade sniffers if args.install: # retrieve the embedded firmware version _dir, _filename = os.path.split(__file__) fw_path = os.path.join(_dir, "data", "btlejack-fw.hex") if == 'posix': mount_output = check_output('mount').splitlines() mounted_volumes = [x.split()[2] for x in mount_output] flashed = 0 for volume in mounted_volumes: if re.match(b'.*MICROBIT[0-9]*$', volume): print('[i] Flashing %s ...' % volume.decode('ascii')) path = os.path.join(volume.decode('ascii'), 'fw.hex') fw = open(fw_path, 'r').read() # copy our firmware on it with open(path, 'wb') as output: output.write(fw.encode('ascii')) flashed += 1 if flashed > 0: print('[i] Flashed %d devices' % flashed) else: print( '[i] No sniffer found, make sure all your devices are mounted as mass storage devices before flashing.' ) sys.exit(1) else: print( '[!] This feature does not support your operating system, sorry.' ) if args.flush: try: BtlejackSession.get_instance().clear() BtlejackSession.get_instance().save() print('[i] Stored connections cleared') except BtlejackSessionError as error: pass else: try: BtlejackSession.get_instance().load() except BtlejackSessionError as error: print('[!] Cannot load connections cache') # Create output if required if args.output is not None or args.output_fifo is not None: if args.output_format.lower() not in ['ll_phdr', 'nordic', 'pcap']: print( '[!] Unknown specified output format (%s). Supported formats are: ll_phdr, nordic, pcap' % args.output_format) sys.exit(-1) if args.output_format.lower().strip() == 'nordic': output = PcapNordicTapWriter(args.output, args.output_fifo) elif args.output_format.lower().strip() == 'll_phdr': output = PcapBlePHDRWriter(args.output, args.output_fifo) else: print('[i] No output format supplied, pcap format will be used') output = PcapBleWriter(args.output, args.output_fifo) else: output = None if args.scan_aa: try: supervisor = CLIAccessAddressSniffer(verbose=args.verbose, devices=args.devices) except DeviceError as error: print( '[!] Please connect a compatible Micro:Bit in order to use BtleJack' ) sys.exit(-1) elif args.follow is not None: aa = int(args.follow, 16) if args.chm is not None: chm = int(args.chm, 16) else: chm = None if args.crc is not None: crc = int(args.crc, 16) else: crc = None if args.hop is not None: hop = args.hop else: hop = None try: cached_parameters = BtlejackSession.get_instance().find_connection( aa) if cached_parameters is not None: # override parameters with those stored in cache for param in cached_parameters: if param == 'crcinit': crc = cached_parameters[param] creation_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( cached_parameters['start']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') print('[i] Using cached parameters (created on %s)' % creation_date) try: #print('ble v5: %s' % args.v5) supervisor = CLIConnectionRecovery(aa, channel_map=chm, hijack=args.hijack, jamming=args.jamming, hop_interval=hop, crc=crc, output=output, verbose=args.verbose, devices=args.devices, timeout=args.timeout, v5=args.v5) except SnifferUpgradeRequired as su: print( "[i] Quitting, please upgrade your sniffer firmware (-i option if you are using a Micro:Bit)" ) except DeviceError as error: print( '[!] Please connect a compatible Micro:Bit in order to use BtleJack' ) sys.exit(-1) elif args.connreq is not None: # Support magic word "any" and "*" as wildcards if args.connreq.lower() == 'any': args.connreq = 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff' bd_addr_int = bd_address_to_int(args.connreq) if bd_addr_int is not None: # address is okay, feed our sniffer try: supervisor = CLIConnectionSniffer(bd_addr_int, output=output, verbose=args.verbose, devices=args.devices) except SnifferUpgradeRequired as su: print( "[i] Quitting, please upgrade your sniffer firmware (-i option if you are using a Micro:Bit)" ) except DeviceError as error: print( '[!] Please connect a compatible Micro:Bit in order to use BtleJack' ) sys.exit(-1) else: print('[!] Wrong Bluetooth Address format: %s' % args.connreq) elif not args.flush and not args.install: parser.print_help() sys.exit(-2) try: # install a handler in case CTRL-C is pressed def ctrlc_handler(signum, frame): if output is not None: print('[i] Stopping capture process ...') output.close() raise ForcedTermination() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, ctrlc_handler) if supervisor is not None: while True: supervisor.process_packets() except ForcedTermination as e: print('[i] Quitting') except IOError as io_error: print('[!] File access/write error occured, quitting.') except FifoError as fifo_err: print('[!] An error occured while accessing fifo.')
def main(): """ Btlejack main routine for CLI """ parser = ArgumentParser('btlejack') parser.add_argument('-d', '--device', dest='devices', action='append', type=str, help='Micro:Bit device serial port') parser.add_argument('-5', '--ble5', dest='v5', action='store_true', default=False, help='Force BLE v5 mode') parser.add_argument('-s', '--scan-connections', dest='scan_aa', action='store_true', default=False, help='Scan for active BLE connections') parser.add_argument('-f', '--follow', dest='follow', type=str, help='Follow an active connection') parser.add_argument( '--sniff_adv', '--sniff_advertisements', dest='sniff_advertisements', type=str, help= 'Sniff advertisements tips to use it: --sniff_adv=any (otherwise you can look at the source)' ) parser.add_argument('--jam_adv', '--jam_advertisements', dest='jam_advertisements', type=str, help='Jam advertisements') parser.add_argument( '--policy_type', '--filtering_policy_type', dest='policy_type', type=str, help= 'Defines the type of filtering policy (blacklist or whitelist) to use') parser.add_argument( '--accept_invalid_crc', dest='accept_invalid_crc', action='store_true', default=False, help='Indicates if the invalid packets are accepted or dropped') parser.add_argument('--raw', dest='raw', default=False, action='store_true', help='Displays the frames as a succession of bytes.') parser.add_argument('--channel', dest='channel', type=int, default=37, help='Set channel') parser.add_argument( '-c', '--connreq', dest='connreq', type=str, help='Sniff new BTLE connections on multiple channels if possible') parser.add_argument('-m', '--channel-map', dest='chm', type=str, default=None, help='Set channel map') parser.add_argument('-p', '--hop-interval', dest='hop', type=int, default=None, help='Set hop interval') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help='Enable verbose mode') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', dest='output', default=None, help='Output file') parser.add_argument('-w', '--wireshark-fifo', dest='output_fifo', default=None, help='Fifo path (for wireshark)') parser.add_argument( '-x', '--output-format', dest='output_format', default='pcap', help='PCAP output format: `ll_phdr`, `nordic` or `pcap`') parser.add_argument( '-j', '--jamming', dest='jamming', default=False, action='store_true', help= 'Jam an active connection (only performed in conjunction with -f option)' ) parser.add_argument( '-t', '--hijack', dest='hijack', default=False, action='store_true', help= 'Hijack an active connection (only performed in conjunction with -f option)' ) parser.add_argument('-k', '--crc', dest='crc', help='CRCInit value') parser.add_argument('-z', '--clear', action='store_true', dest='flush', default=False, help='Clear stored connections parameters') parser.add_argument( '-i', '--install', action='store_true', dest='install', help='Install latest version of firmware on every sniffer') parser.add_argument('-n', '--timeout', dest='timeout', default=0, type=int, help='Channel map recovery timeout') args = parser.parse_args() supervisor = None print('BtleJack version %s' % VERSION) print('') # upgrade sniffers if args.install: # retrieve the embedded firmware version _dir, _filename = os.path.split(__file__) fw_path = os.path.join(_dir, "data", "btlejack-fw.hex") if == 'posix': mount_output = check_output('mount').splitlines() mounted_volumes = [x.split()[2] for x in mount_output] flashed = 0 for volume in mounted_volumes: if re.match(b'.*MICROBIT[0-9]*$', volume): print('[i] Flashing %s ...' % volume.decode('ascii')) path = os.path.join(volume.decode('ascii'), 'fw.hex') fw = open(fw_path, 'r').read() # copy our firmware on it with open(path, 'wb') as output: output.write(fw.encode('ascii')) flashed += 1 if flashed > 0: print('[i] Flashed %d devices' % flashed) else: print( '[i] No sniffer found, make sure all your devices are mounted as mass storage devices before flashing.' ) sys.exit(1) else: print( '[!] This feature does not support your operating system, sorry.' ) if args.flush: try: BtlejackSession.get_instance().clear() BtlejackSession.get_instance().save() print('[i] Stored connections cleared') except BtlejackSessionError as error: pass else: try: BtlejackSession.get_instance().load() except BtlejackSessionError as error: print('[!] Cannot load connections cache') # Create output if required if args.output is not None or args.output_fifo is not None: if args.output_format.lower() not in ['ll_phdr', 'nordic', 'pcap']: print( '[!] Unknown specified output format (%s). Supported formats are: ll_phdr, nordic, pcap' % args.output_format) sys.exit(-1) if args.output_format.lower().strip() == 'nordic': output = PcapNordicTapWriter(args.output, args.output_fifo) elif args.output_format.lower().strip() == 'll_phdr': output = PcapBlePHDRWriter(args.output, args.output_fifo) else: print('[i] No output format supplied, pcap format will be used') output = PcapBleWriter(args.output, args.output_fifo) else: output = None if args.scan_aa: try: supervisor = CLIAccessAddressSniffer(verbose=args.verbose, devices=args.devices) except DeviceError as error: print( '[!] Please connect a compatible Micro:Bit in order to use BtleJack' ) sys.exit(-1) elif args.follow is not None: aa = int(args.follow, 16) if args.chm is not None: chm = int(args.chm, 16) else: chm = None if args.crc is not None: crc = int(args.crc, 16) else: crc = None if args.hop is not None: hop = args.hop else: hop = None try: cached_parameters = BtlejackSession.get_instance().find_connection( aa) if cached_parameters is not None: # override parameters with those stored in cache for param in cached_parameters: if param == 'crcinit': crc = cached_parameters[param] creation_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( cached_parameters['start']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') print('[i] Using cached parameters (created on %s)' % creation_date) try: #print('ble v5: %s' % args.v5) supervisor = CLIConnectionRecovery(aa, channel_map=chm, hijack=args.hijack, jamming=args.jamming, hop_interval=hop, crc=crc, output=output, verbose=args.verbose, devices=args.devices, timeout=args.timeout, v5=args.v5) except SnifferUpgradeRequired as su: print( "[i] Quitting, please upgrade your sniffer firmware (-i option if you are using a Micro:Bit)" ) except DeviceError as error: print( '[!] Please connect a compatible Micro:Bit in order to use BtleJack' ) sys.exit(-1) elif args.connreq is not None: # Support magic word "any" and "*" as wildcards if args.connreq.lower() == 'any': args.connreq = 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff' bd_addr_int = bd_address_to_int(args.connreq) if bd_addr_int is not None: # address is okay, feed our sniffer try: supervisor = CLIConnectionSniffer(bd_addr_int, output=output, verbose=args.verbose, devices=args.devices) except SnifferUpgradeRequired as su: print( "[i] Quitting, please upgrade your sniffer firmware (-i option if you are using a Micro:Bit)" ) except DeviceError as error: print( '[!] Please connect a compatible Micro:Bit in order to use BtleJack' ) sys.exit(-1) else: print('[!] Wrong Bluetooth Address format: %s' % args.connreq) elif args.sniff_advertisements is not None: """ Btlejack allows to use a filtering policy in order to accept or drop specific advertisements. It may be useful in order to focus on a specific device, if you want to focus on a specific behaviour, etc. The policy can provide a whitelist mode (the rules define the allowed frames) or a blacklist mode (the rules define the dropped frames). By default, the whitelist mode is in use, but you can easily change it with the --policy_type parameter : $ btlejack --policy_type=blacklist --sniff_adv=<rules> Multiple rules can be provided, separated by commas: $ btlejack --sniff_adv=<rule1>,<rule2>,<rule3> First of all, if you want to accept every received frame, you can use "any" or "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF" : $ btlejack --sniff_adv=any You may also want to focus on specific devices by providing their BD addresses : $ btlejack --sniff_adv=11:22:33:44:55:66 $ btlejack --sniff_adv=11:22:33:44:55:66,aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff If you want to focus on some specific type of frames, you can provide their respective name : $ btlejack --sniff_adv=SCAN_REQ,SCAN_RSP $ btlejack --sniff_adv=CONNECT_REQ You can also provide a raw pattern as a *limited* regular expression to match a part of the link layer frame. You can use ? to ignore a specific symbol, and * to specify that some information are missing at the beginning of the frame : $ btlejack --sniff_adv=?5??665544332211 (matches the CONNECT_REQ transmitted by 11:22:33:44:55:66) $ btlejack --sniff_adv=*69546167 (matches the frames containing the string "iTag") If you know where is the position of the pattern in the packet, you can provide it using the syntax <pattern>:<position>: $ btlejack --sniff_adv=665544332211aabbccddeeff:2 (matches the SCAN_REQ and CONNECT_REQ transmitted by 11:22:33:44:55:66 to aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff) The channel can be provided using --channel=37. If multiple sniffers are found, they are set to different channels to monitor every advertisements channels. """ result = {"policy_type": "whitelist", "rules": []} pattern_list = args.sniff_advertisements.split(",") adv_types = { "ADV_IND": { "position": 0, "pattern": b"\x00", "mask": b"\x0F" }, "ADV_DIRECT_IND": { "position": 0, "pattern": b"\x01", "mask": b"\x0F" }, "ADV_NONCONN_IND": { "position": 0, "pattern": b"\x02", "mask": b"\x0F" }, "SCAN_REQ": { "position": 0, "pattern": b"\x03", "mask": b"\x0F" }, "SCAN_RSP": { "position": 0, "pattern": b"\x04", "mask": b"\x0F" }, "CONNECT_REQ": { "position": 0, "pattern": b"\x05", "mask": b"\x0F" }, "ADV_SCAN_IND": { "position": 0, "pattern": b"\x06", "mask": b"\x0F" } } # For every pattern in the rule's list : for pattern in pattern_list: # If pattern is "any" or "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF", the policy type is "blacklist" with no rules. if pattern == "any" or pattern.lower() == "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff": result["policy_type"] = "blacklist" result["rules"] = [] break elif re.match( "^([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9]:){5}[a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9]$", pattern): # If pattern is a BD address, add a rule matching the pattern anywhere in the frame. result["rules"].append({ "pattern": bytes.fromhex(''.join([i for i in pattern.split(":") ][::-1])), "mask": b"\xFF" * 6, "position": 0xFF }) elif re.match("^[a-fA-F0-9\?]*:[0-9]+$", pattern) or re.match( "^(\*)?[a-fA-F0-9\?]*(\*)?$", pattern): # If a regexp-like pattern is provided, generate the corresponding rule. if ":" in pattern: position = int(pattern.split(":")[1]) pattern = pattern.split(":")[0] else: if "*" == pattern[0]: position = 0xFF else: position = 0 value = "" mask = "" for char in pattern: if char == "?": value += "0" mask += "0" elif char != "*": value += char mask += "f" if len(value) % 2 == 0 and len(mask) == len(value): value = bytes.fromhex(value) mask = bytes.fromhex(mask) result["rules"].append({ "pattern": value, "mask": mask, "position": position }) elif pattern in adv_types.keys(): # If pattern is a type, use the corresponding rule in adv_types. result["rules"].append(adv_types[pattern]) # Set the policy according to the --policy_type parameter result["policy"] = "whitelist" if args.policy_type is None else ( args.policy_type if args.policy_type in ( "blacklist", "whitelist") else "whitelist") try: # Instanciate the supervisor supervisor = CLIAdvertisementsSniffer( verbose=args.verbose, devices=args.devices, output=output,, policy=result, accept_invalid_crc=args.accept_invalid_crc, display_raw=args.raw) except DeviceError as error: print( '[!] Please connect a compatible Micro:Bit in order to use BtleJack' ) sys.exit(-1) elif args.jam_advertisements is not None: """ Btlejack allows to reactively jam some advertisements frames according to a specific pattern in the Link Layer frame. If you want to reactively jam the advertisements transmitted by a specific target, you can provide its BD address : $ btlejack --jam_adv=11:22:33:44:55:66 If you want to jam a specific pattern, use the syntax <pattern>:<position>. For example, if you want to jam the frames containing aabbcc at the third position, use the following request : $ btlejack --jam_adv=aabbcc:3 Please note that this feature is still experimental. If you want to stop the reactive jamming, you need to reset the device using the physical button (TODO : bugfix). """ pattern = args.jam_advertisements if re.match("^([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9]:){5}[a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9]$", pattern): # If the argument provided is an address, generate the corresponding pattern at position 2. position = 2 pattern = bytes.fromhex(pattern.replace(":", ""))[::-1] elif re.match("^[a-fA-F0-9]*:[0-9]+$", pattern): # If the argument provided is a pattern, use it directly. position = int(pattern.split(":")[1]) pattern = bytes.fromhex(pattern.split(":")[0]) else: print("[!] Incorrect pattern, exiting ...") sys.exit(-3) try: # Instanciate the supervisor supervisor = CLIAdvertisementsJammer(verbose=args.verbose, devices=args.devices, output=output,, pattern=pattern, position=position) except DeviceError as error: print( '[!] Please connect a compatible Micro:Bit in order to use BtleJack' ) sys.exit(-1) elif not args.flush and not args.install: print('BtleJack version %s' % VERSION) print('') parser.print_help() sys.exit(-2) try: # install a handler in case CTRL-C is pressed def ctrlc_handler(signum, frame): if output is not None: print('[i] Stopping capture process ...') output.close() raise ForcedTermination() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, ctrlc_handler) if supervisor is not None: while True: supervisor.process_packets() except ForcedTermination as e: print('[i] Quitting') except IOError as io_error: print('[!] File access/write error occured, quitting.') except FifoError as fifo_err: print('[!] An error occured while accessing fifo.')
class bleSniffer(Sniffer): # def __init__(self, output, output_format, devices=None, crc=None, chm=None, # hop=None, verbose=True, timeout=0, hijack=None, jamming=None): def __init__(self, options): name, self.device, self.nbpkts, self.access_address, self.type = options if name is None: name = 'btle' Sniffer.__init__(self, name) #elf.devices, self.nbpkts, self.access_address, self.type = options # self.devices, self.crc, self.chm, self.hop, self.verbose, self.timeout, self.hijack, self.jamming, output, output_format = options #self.devices = devices self.crc = None self.chm = None self.hop = None self.verbose = False self.timeout = None self.hijack = None self.jamming = None self.supervisor = None # self.crc = crc # self.chm = chm # self.hop = hop # self.verbose = verbose # self.timeout = timeout # self.hijack = hijack # self.jamming = jamming self.redirect = io.StringIO() self.output = None # This function is similar to the scan-connections option of the original btlejack project def scan(self): try: self.supervisor = CLIAccessAddressSniffer(verbose=self.verbose, devices=self.device) except DeviceError as error: print( '[!] Please connect a compatible Micro:Bit in order to use BtleJack' ) exit(-1) def setSupervisor(self): output = '/home/jnt/ble-lived.pcap' output_format = 'll_phdr' if output_format.lower().strip() == 'nordic': self.output = PcapNordicTapWriter(output) elif output_format.lower().strip() == 'll_phdr': self.output = PcapBlePHDRWriter(output) else: self.output = PcapBleWriter(output) if self.type == 'sniff': self.sniff() else: self.follow(int(self.access_address.replace(':', ''), 16)) # This function is similar to the follow option of the original btlejack project def sniff(self): if self.chm is not None: chm = int(self.chm, 16) else: chm = None if self.crc is not None: crc = int(self.crc, 16) else: crc = None if self.hop is not None: hop = self.hop else: hop = None try: cached_parameters = BtlejackSession.get_instance().find_connection( self.access_address) if cached_parameters is not None: # override parameters with those stored in cache for param in cached_parameters: if param == 'crcinit': crc = cached_parameters[param] creation_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( cached_parameters['start']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') print('[i] Using cached parameters (created on %s)' % creation_date) try: self.supervisor = CLIConnectionRecovery(self.access_address, channel_map=chm, hijack=self.hijack, jamming=self.jamming, hop_interval=hop, crc=crc, output=self.output, verbose=self.verbose, devices=self.device, timeout=self.timeout) except SnifferUpgradeRequired as su: print("[i] Quitting, please upgrade your sniffer firmware") except DeviceError as error: print( '[!] Please connect a compatible Micro:Bit in order to use BtleJack' ) exit(-1) def follow(self, deviceAddress): if deviceAddress is not None: # address is okay, feed our sniffer try: self.supervisor = CLIConnectionSniffer(deviceAddress, output=self.output, verbose=self.verbose, devices=self.device) except SnifferUpgradeRequired as su: print( "[i] Quitting, please upgrade your sniffer firmware (-i option if you are using a Micro:Bit)" ) except DeviceError as error: print( '[!] Please connect a compatible Micro:Bit in order to use BtleJack' ) sys.exit(-1) else: print('[!] Wrong Bluetooth Address format: %s' % self.access_address) def run(self): try: self.setSupervisor() if self.supervisor is not None: # print("Interepcetion in progress") while True: with redirect_stdout(self.redirect): if self.terminated(): if self.output is not None: self.output.close() raise ForcedTermination() self.supervisor.process_packets() except ForcedTermination as e: print('[i] Quitting')