コード例 #1
async def openbets(ctx):
    '''DEALER ONLY. Opens the table for betting, allows users to place bets with $bet <amount>'''
    global betsOpen
    if ctx.message.channel.id in global_constants.validChannels:
        # Only execute if the message author is a dealer.
        if isDealer(ctx.author):
            # Delete all messages in chat
            messages = []
            async for message in ctx.channel.history(limit=int(100)):
            await message.channel.delete_messages(messages)

            # If there are bets existing...
            if bool(currentBets) == True:
                await ctx.send(embed=dialogBox(
                    'warning', 'The dealer is yet to pay out some bets.',
                    'Check the open bets with `$unpaidbets`.'))
            # If bets are already open...
            elif betsOpen:
                await ctx.send(
                    embed=dialogBox('warning', 'Bets are already open',
                                    'Close them with `$closebets`.'))
                # If bets aren't open and there aren't any existing bets, then open bets.
                betsOpen = True
                await ctx.send(embed=dialogBox(
                    'tick', 'Bets are now open!',
                    'Place your bets with `$bet <number>` (e.g. `$bet 50`)'))

            await ctx.send(embed=dialogBox(
                'error', 'Only the dealer has access to this command.'))
コード例 #2
async def pay(ctx, userMentionString, payoutRatio):
    '''DEALER ONLY. Pays the @'ed user out. For example, `$pay @Jess 2x` will give Jess back $100 on a bet of $50. Ensure that the username after the @ is an actual mention (i.e. it pings the user).'''
    if ctx.message.channel.id in global_constants.validChannels:
        if isDealer(ctx.author):
            if global_constants.deleteDealerMessages == True:
                await ctx.message.delete()
            dbUser = userInDatabase(int(convertMentionToID(userMentionString)))
            if int(convertMentionToID(userMentionString)) not in currentBets:
                await ctx.send(
                        'warning', 'No bets currently standing for this user.',
                        'They may have not placed a bet, or the dealer may have already paid them out.'
                payoutResponse = payUserOut(ctx, userMentionString,
                                            payoutRatio, 'win')
                finaldialog = dialogBox(
                    'winner', '{user} wins!'.format(user=dbUser.real_name),
                    'The house has paid <@!{userID}> a total of **{amount}**, and their wallet balance is now **{balance}**.'
                    url=getAvatarURL(ctx, dbUser.dc_uniqueid))
                await ctx.send(embed=finaldialog)
            await ctx.send(embed=dialogBox(
                'error', 'Only the dealer has access to this command.'))
コード例 #3
async def push(ctx, userMentionString):
    '''DEALER ONLY. Refunds a user's bet in the event of a push. An alias of $pay <user> 1x.'''
    if ctx.message.channel.id in global_constants.validChannels:
        if isDealer(ctx.author):
            if global_constants.deleteDealerMessages == True:
                await ctx.message.delete()
            dbUser = userInDatabase(int(convertMentionToID(userMentionString)))
            if int(convertMentionToID(userMentionString)) not in currentBets:
                await ctx.send(
                        'warning', 'No bets currently standing for this user.',
                        'They may have not placed a bet, or the dealer may have already paid them out.'
                payoutResponse = payUserOut(ctx, userMentionString, 1, 'win')
                finaldialog = dialogBox(
                    'push', '{user} pushes!'.format(
                    'The house has refunded <@!{userID}>\'s bet of **{amount}**, and their wallet balance is now back at **{balance}**.'
                    url=getAvatarURL(ctx, dbUser.dc_uniqueid))
                await ctx.send(embed=finaldialog)
            await ctx.send(embed=dialogBox(
                'error', 'Only the dealer has access to this command.'))
コード例 #4
async def closebets(ctx):
    '''DEALER ONLY. Closes the table for betting, barring players from placing bets with the $bet command'''
    global betsOpen
    if ctx.message.channel.id in global_constants.validChannels:
        if global_constants.deleteDealerMessages == True:
            await ctx.message.delete()

        # Only execute if the message author is a dealer.
        if isDealer(ctx.author):
            # If bets are closed...
            if not betsOpen:
                await ctx.send(
                    embed=dialogBox('warning', 'Bets aren\'t open yet',
                                    'Open them with `$openbets`.'))
                # Delete all messages in chat
                # messages = []
                # async for message in message.channel.history(limit=int(100)):
                # 	messages.append(message)
                # await message.channel.delete_messages(messages)
                betsOpen = False
                betString = ''
                if bool(currentBets) == True:
                    for userID, betValue in currentBets.items():
                        betString += '  — **<@!{user}>** has bet **{amount}**.\n'.format(
                            user=userID, amount=asMoney(betValue))
                    betString = 'No bets have been placed...?'

                await ctx.send(embed=dialogBox(
                    'raisedhand', 'Bets are now closed!', betString))
            await ctx.send(embed=dialogBox(
                'error', 'Only the dealer has access to this command.'))
コード例 #5
async def buyin(ctx, userMentionString):
    '''DEALER ONLY. Adds $100 to a user's wallet.'''
    if ctx.message.channel.id in global_constants.validChannels:
        if isDealer(ctx.author):
            if global_constants.deleteDealerMessages == True:
                await ctx.message.delete()
            dbUser = userInDatabase(convertMentionToID(userMentionString))
            dbUser.update(wallet=dbUser.wallet + float(100))
            dbUser.update(total_buyins=dbUser.total_buyins + 1)
            await ctx.send(embed=dialogBox(
                'handshake', '{} has bought in!'.format(dbUser.real_name),
                'The dealer has topped up {name}\'s wallet with an extra **$100**, bringing their funds up to **{amt}**.'
                .format(name=dbUser.real_name, amt=asMoney(dbUser.wallet))))
            await ctx.send(embed=dialogBox(
                'error', 'Only the dealer has access to this command.'))