def test_streams_raises_valueerror(self): """ Assert streams raises ValueError if not uuid, uuid str, or path """ db = BTrDB(None) with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc: db.streams(11)
def test_streams_raises_err_if_version_argument_mismatch(self): """ Assert streams raises ValueError if len(identifiers) doesnt match length of versions """ db = BTrDB(None) with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc: db.streams('0d22a53b-e2ef-4e0a-ab89-b2d48fb2592a', versions=[2, 2]) assert "versions does not match identifiers" in str(exc)
def test_streams_raises_err_if_version_not_list(self): """ Assert streams raises TypeError if versions is not list """ db = BTrDB(None) with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc: db.streams('0d22a53b-e2ef-4e0a-ab89-b2d48fb2592a', versions="2,2") assert "versions argument must be of type list" in str(exc)
def test_list_collections(self): """ Assert list_collections method works """ endpoint = Mock(Endpoint) endpoint.listCollections = Mock( side_effect=[iter([['allen/automated'], ['allen/bindings']])]) conn = BTrDB(endpoint) truth = ['allen/automated', 'allen/bindings'] assert conn.list_collections() == truth
def test_streams_recognizes_uuid(self, mock_func): """ Assert streams recognizes uuid strings """ db = BTrDB(None) uuid1 = uuidlib.UUID('0d22a53b-e2ef-4e0a-ab89-b2d48fb2592a') mock_func.return_value = [1] db.streams(uuid1) mock_func.assert_called_once() assert mock_func.call_args[0][0] == uuid1
def test_streams_in_collections_no_arg(self): """ Assert streams_in_collections calls lookupStreams if collections not sent """ endpoint = Mock(Endpoint) endpoint.lookupStreams.return_value = [] conn = BTrDB(endpoint) annotations = {"size": "large"} streams = conn.streams_in_collection(annotations=annotations) assert endpoint.lookupStreams.called
def test_streams_stores_versions(self): """ Assert streams correctly stores supplied version info """ db = BTrDB(None) uuid1 = uuidlib.UUID('0d22a53b-e2ef-4e0a-ab89-b2d48fb2592a') uuid2 = uuidlib.UUID('17dbe387-89ea-42b6-864b-f505cdb483f5') versions = [22, 44] expected = dict(zip([uuid1, uuid2], versions)) streams = db.streams(uuid1, uuid2, versions=versions) assert streams._pinned_versions == expected
def test_streams_handles_path(self, mock_func): """ Assert streams calls streams_in_collection for collection/name paths """ db = BTrDB(None) ident = "zoo/animal/dog" mock_func.return_value = [1] db.streams(ident, '0d22a53b-e2ef-4e0a-ab89-b2d48fb2592a') mock_func.assert_called_once() assert mock_func.call_args[0][0] == 'zoo/animal' assert mock_func.call_args[1] == {'tags': {'name': 'dog'}}
def test_info(self): """ Assert info method returns a dict """ serialized = b'\x18\x05*\x055.0.02\x10\n\x0elocalhost:4410' info = btrdb_pb2.InfoResponse.FromString(serialized) endpoint = Mock(Endpoint) = Mock(return_value=info) conn = BTrDB(endpoint) truth = { "majorVersion": 5, "build": "5.0.0", "proxy": { "proxyEndpoints": ["localhost:4410"], }, } info = assert info == truth # verify RepeatedScalarContainer is converted to list assert info["proxy"]["proxyEndpoints"].__class__ == list
def test_streams_in_collections_args(self, mock_util): """ Assert streams_in_collections correctly sends *collection, tags, annotations to the endpoint method """ descriptor = Mock() type(descriptor).uuid = PropertyMock( return_value=uuidlib.uuid4().bytes) type(descriptor).collection = PropertyMock(return_value="fruit/apple") type(descriptor).propertyVersion = PropertyMock(return_value=22) mock_util.side_effect = [({ "name": "gala" }, {}), ({ "name": "fuji" }, {})] endpoint = Mock(Endpoint) endpoint.lookupStreams = Mock( side_effect=[[[descriptor]], [[descriptor]]]) conn = BTrDB(endpoint) tags = {"unit": "volts"} annotations = {"size": "large"} streams = conn.streams_in_collection("a", "b", is_collection_prefix=False, tags=tags, annotations=annotations) assert streams[0].name == "gala" assert streams[1].name == "fuji" expected = [ call('a', False, tags, annotations), call('b', False, tags, annotations) ] assert endpoint.lookupStreams.call_args_list == expected
def test_streams_raises_err(self, mock_func): """ Assert streams raises NotFound """ db = BTrDB(None) ident = "zoo/animal/dog" mock_func.return_value = [] with pytest.raises(NotFound) as exc: db.streams(ident) mock_func.return_value = [1, 2] with pytest.raises(NotFound) as exc: db.streams(ident) # check that does not raise if one returned mock_func.return_value = [1] db.streams(ident)
def _connect(endpoints=None, apikey=None): return BTrDB(Endpoint(Connection(endpoints, apikey=apikey).channel))