def docker_pull(image_tag): assert image_tag assert isinstance(image_tag, str) # Exit early if the image already exists locally. if _image_exists_locally(image_tag): return True image_location = _image_location(image_tag) command = 'sudo docker pull {}'.format(image_location) _, _, returncode = ShellWrapper.run_commands(command, shell=True) if returncode != 0: log.error('Could not download the image', image_location, 'from Docker Hub.') else:'Downloaded the image', image_location + '.') return returncode == 0
def gen_script(utils, job, dependence_solver): """ Invoke travis-build to generate the build script. """ build_sh = os.path.join('reproduce_tmp', job.job_id + '.sh') reproducing_dir = utils.get_reproducing_repo_dir(job) if dependence_solver: from bugswarm.dependency_solver.dependency_solver import fix_dict pip_patch_result = os.path.join(utils.get_jobpair_dir(job), '{}-pip-patch.json'.format(job.job_id)) commit_time = if not commit_time: github_wrapper = GitHubWrapper(GITHUB_TOKENS) _, commit_json = github_wrapper.get( '{}/git/commits/{}'.format( job.repo, job.travis_merge_sha)) commit_time = commit_json['committer']['date'] yaml_path = os.path.join(reproducing_dir, '.travis.yml') yaml_dict = job.config fixed_yaml_dict, pip_patch, apt_patch = fix_dict( reproducing_dir, yaml_dict, commit_time) with open(yaml_path, "w+") as f: yaml.dump(fixed_yaml_dict, f) if pip_patch: write_json(pip_patch_result, pip_patch) # update travis compile path based on travis_command = '~/.travis/travis-build/bin/travis compile > {}'.format( build_sh) else: # default travis compile should include build number and job number to resolve the matrix travis_command = '~/.travis/travis-build/bin/travis compile {} > {}'.format( job.build_job, build_sh) cd_command = 'cd {}'.format(reproducing_dir) _, stderr, returncode = ShellWrapper.run_commands(cd_command, travis_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) if returncode != 0: raise ReproduceError( 'Encountered an error while generating the build script with travis-build: {}.' .format(stderr))
def get_pr_commit_base(repo: str, commit: str, base_branch: str, trigger_commit_timestamp: str) -> Optional[str]: # Change into the repo directory and then find the latest commit before the commit date. repo_path = Utils._canonical_repo_path(repo) cd_command = 'cd {}'.format(repo_path) # # Super hack. # commit_date = self.github.get_commit_date(repo, commit) # if commit_date is None: # return None # git_command = 'git rev-list -n 1 --skip 1 --before="{}" --branches="{}"'.format(trigger_commit_timestamp, # base_branch) git_command = 'git rev-list -n 1 --skip 1 --before="{}" {}'.format( trigger_commit_timestamp, base_branch) result, _, _ = ShellWrapper.run_commands(cd_command, git_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) return result
def gen_script(build_sh_path, job_number, reproducing_dir): """ Invoke travis-build to generate the build script. """ # travis_command = '/home/anandsaw/.travis/travis-build/bin/travis compile {} > {}'.format(job_number, build_sh_path) travis_command = '/Users/anandsaw/.travis/travis-build/bin/travis compile {} > {}'.format( job_number, build_sh_path) print("Creating travis build script with command: " + travis_command) cd_command = 'cd {}'.format(reproducing_dir) _, stderr, returncode = ShellWrapper.run_commands(cd_command, travis_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) if returncode != 0: raise ValueError( 'Encountered an error while generating the build script with travis-build: {}.' .format(stderr))
def clone_repo(repo: str) -> bool: # We use the git clone exit code to determine if the clone succeeded. But we need to distinguish between fatal # errors (repository not found) and circumstances that prevent cloning (clone destination directory already # exists and is not empty). But git returns the same exit code for both errors and unexpected events. So, in # order to make the distinction, we manually check for cases like the preexistence of the clone destination. repo_path = Utils._canonical_repo_path(repo) if os.path.isdir(repo_path) and os.listdir(repo_path): # The clone destination directory already exists, so we can return early and indicate to the caller that the # clone succeeded.'Clone of', repo, 'seems to already exist.') return True clone_command = 'git clone{}.git {} > /dev/null 2>&1'.format( repo, repo_path)'Cloning', repo, 'into', repo_path) _, _, returncode = ShellWrapper.run_commands(clone_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) return returncode == 0
def get_latest_commit_for_repo(repo: str) -> str: repo_path = Utils._canonical_repo_path(repo) cd_command = 'cd {}'.format(repo_path) git_command = 'git rev-parse HEAD' result, _, _ = ShellWrapper.run_commands(cd_command, git_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) return result
def get_parents_of_commit(repo: str, commit: str, base_branch: str) -> Optional[str]: repo_path = Utils._canonical_repo_path(repo) cd_command = 'cd {}'.format(repo_path) git_command = 'git rev-list {}..master --first-parent --reverse'.format(commit) result, _, _ = ShellWrapper.run_commands(cd_command, git_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) return result
def remove_current_task_dir(self): command = 'rm -rf {}'.format(self.config.current_task_dir) log.debug(command) ShellWrapper.run_commands(command, shell=True)
def remove_workspace_dir(self):'Removing workspace directory.') command = 'rm -rf {} 2> /dev/null'.format(self.config.workspace_dir) ShellWrapper.run_commands(command, shell=True)
def clean_workspace_job_dir(self, job):'cleaning workspace job directory.') command = 'rm -rf {}'.format(self.get_workspace_sha_dir(job)) ShellWrapper.run_commands(command, shell=True)
def remove_project_repos_dir(self):'Removing project_repos directory.') command = 'rm -rf {} 2> /dev/null'.format(self.config.stored_repos_dir) ShellWrapper.run_commands(command, shell=True)
def travis_show(repo: str, build_num: str) -> str: show_command = ' '.join(['travis show --repo', repo, build_num]) result, _, _ = ShellWrapper.run_commands(show_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) return result
def docker_run(image_tag, use_sandbox, use_pipe_stdin, use_rm): assert isinstance(image_tag, str) and not image_tag.isspace() assert isinstance(use_sandbox, bool) assert isinstance(use_pipe_stdin, bool) assert isinstance(use_rm, bool) # First, try to pull the image. ok, image_location = docker_pull(image_tag) if not ok: return False # Communicate progress to the user. host_sandbox = _default_host_sandbox() container_sandbox = CONTAINER_SANDBOX_DEFAULT if use_sandbox: if not os.path.exists(host_sandbox):'Creating', host_sandbox, 'as the host sandbox.') os.makedirs(host_sandbox, exist_ok=True)'Binding host sandbox', host_sandbox, 'to container directory', container_sandbox) # Communicate progress to the user. if use_pipe_stdin: 'Entering the container and executing the contents of stdin inside the container.' ) else:'Entering the container.') if use_rm:'The container will be cleaned up after use.') # Prepare the arguments for the docker run command. volume_args = ['-v', '{}:{}'.format(host_sandbox, container_sandbox) ] if use_sandbox else [] # The -t option must not be used in order to use a heredoc. input_args = ['-i'] if use_pipe_stdin else ['-i', '-t'] subprocess_input = if use_pipe_stdin else None subprocess_universal_newlines = use_pipe_stdin rm_args = ['--rm'] if use_rm else [] # If we're using a shared directory, we need to modify the start script to change the permissions of the shared # directory on the container side. However, this will also change the permissions on the host side. script_args = [SCRIPT_DEFAULT] if use_sandbox: start_command = '"sudo chmod -R 777 {} && cd {} && umask 000 && cd .. && {}"'.format( container_sandbox, container_sandbox, SCRIPT_DEFAULT) # These arguments represent a command of the following form: # /bin/bash -c "sudo chmod 777 <container_sandbox> && cd <container_sandbox> && umask 000 && /bin/bash" # So bash will execute chmod and umask and then start a new bash shell. From the user's perspective, the chmod # and umask commands happen transparently. That is, the user only sees the final new bash shell. script_args = [SCRIPT_DEFAULT, '-c', start_command] # Try to run the image. # The tail arguments must be at the end of the command. tail_args = [image_location] + script_args args = ['sudo', 'docker', 'run', '--privileged' ] + rm_args + volume_args + input_args + tail_args command = ' '.join(args) print(command) _, _, returncode = ShellWrapper.run_commands( command, input=subprocess_input, universal_newlines=subprocess_universal_newlines, shell=True) return returncode == 0
def fetch_pr_data(self, job): owner, project_name = job.repo.split('/') # owner_dir = self.get_repo_owner_dir(owner) command = 'cd {} ;'.format(self.get_stored_repo_path(job)) command += 'git fetch origin refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pr/* ;' ShellWrapper.run_commands(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
def is_travis_installed(): command = 'travis' result, _, _ = ShellWrapper.run_commands(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) return 'Usage: travis COMMAND' in result
def remove_image_in_shell(full_image_name):'Removing a Docker image.') command = 'docker rmi -f {}'.format(full_image_name) _, _, returncode = ShellWrapper.run_commands(command, shell=True) return returncode
def remove_all_images():'Removing all containers and Docker images (except Travis images).') command = 'docker rm $(docker ps -a -q); docker rmi -f $(docker images -a | grep -v "travis")' ShellWrapper.run_commands(command, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, shell=True)
def travis_history(repo: str, history_file_path: str): history_command = ' '.join( ['travis history --all --date -r', repo, '>', history_file_path]) ShellWrapper.run_commands(history_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)