def plot_results(input_file, series_key, x_axis, y_axis, plot='loglog', dpi=72, title=None, format=None): """Plot performance data stored in an XML file if format is None then the figure is shown, otherwise it is written to a file with the specified extension Example ------- input_file = 'reduce.xml' series_key = 'InputType' x_axis = 'InputSize' y_axis = 'Throughput' format = 'pdf' """ try: fid = open(input_file) except IOError: print "unable to open file '%s'" % input_file return TS = parse_testsuite_xml(fid) series_titles = set([test.variables[series_key] for (testname,test) in TS.tests.items()]) series = dict( zip(series_titles, [list() for s_title in series_titles]) ) for testname,test in TS.tests.items(): if x_axis in test.variables and y_axis in test.results: series[test.variables[series_key]].append( (test.variables[x_axis], test.results[y_axis]) ) if title is None: title = import pylab pylab.figure() pylab.title(title) pylab.xlabel(full_label(x_axis)) pylab.ylabel(full_label(y_axis)) plotter = getattr(pylab, plot) for series_title,series_data in series.items(): series_data.sort() x_values = [val[0] for val in series_data] y_values = [val[1] for val in series_data] plotter(x_values, y_values, label=series_title) if len(series) >= 2: pylab.legend(loc=0) if format is None: else: import os fname = os.path.splitext(input_file)[0] + '.' + format pylab.savefig(fname, dpi=dpi)
def print_results(input_file, series_key, x_axis, y_axis, title=None, format=None, **kwargs): """Plot performance data stored in an XML file if format is None then the figure is shown, otherwise it is written to a file with the specified extension Example ------- input_file = 'reduce.xml' series_key = 'InputType' x_axis = 'InputSize' y_axis = 'Throughput' format = 'pdf' """ try: fid = open(input_file) except IOError: print "unable to open file '%s'" % input_file return TS = parse_testsuite_xml(fid) series_titles = set([test.variables[series_key] for (testname,test) in TS.tests.items()]) series = dict( zip(series_titles, [list() for s_title in series_titles]) ) for testname,test in TS.tests.items(): if x_axis in test.variables and y_axis in test.results: series[test.variables[series_key]].append( (test.variables[x_axis], test.results[y_axis]) ) print 'title,' + str(title) print 'x_axis_label,' + full_label(x_axis) print 'y_axis_label,' + full_label(y_axis) x_axis = set() for series_title,series_data in series.items(): x_axis.update([t[0] for t in series_data]) x_axis = sorted(x_axis) print ','.join( ['x_axis'] + [str(v) for v in x_axis]) for series_title,series_data in series.items(): series_data = dict(series_data) y_values = [] for x_value in x_axis: if x_value in series_data: y_values.append(str(series_data[x_value])) else: y_values.append('') print ','.join( [series_title] + [str(v) for v in y_values])