def get_workers(): """ Entrypoint to configure the workers in the Master. Return a list of Workers. """ return [ worker.LocalWorker("default"), worker.LocalWorker("worker-1"), worker.LocalWorker("worker-2"), worker.LocalWorker("worker-3"), worker.LocalWorker("worker-4") ]
def __init__( self, settings, name, tags=None, branches=None, parallel_builders=None, parallel_tests=None, ): = name self.tags = tags or set() self.branches = branches self.parallel_builders = parallel_builders self.parallel_tests = parallel_tests worker_settings = settings.workers[name] owner = name.split("-")[0] owner_settings = settings.owners[owner] pw = worker_settings.get("password", None) or owner_settings.password owner_email = owner_settings.get("email", None) emails = list( map( str, filter(None, (settings.get("status_email", None), owner_email)))) if settings.use_local_worker: self.bb_worker = _worker.LocalWorker(name) else: self.bb_worker = _worker.Worker(name, str(pw), notify_on_missing=emails, keepalive_interval=KEEPALIVE)
# a shorter alias to save typing. c: Any BuildmasterConfig: Any c = BuildmasterConfig = {} ####### SECRETS # We don't use a secretsProvider. It wouldn't work together with # the reporters. ####### WORKERS # The 'workers' list defines the set of recognized workers. Each element is # a Worker object, specifying a unique worker name and password. The same # worker name and password must be configured on the worker. c["workers"] = [ worker.LocalWorker("director-worker", max_builds=int(env["MAX_BUILDS"])) ] # 'protocols' contains information about protocols which master will use for # communicating with workers. You must define at least 'port' option that workers # could connect to your master with this protocol. # 'port' must match the value configured into the workers (with their # --master option) c["protocols"] = {"pb": {"port": 9989}} ####### CHANGESOURCES # the 'change_source' setting tells the buildmaster how it should find out # about source code changes. Here we point to the buildbot version of a python hello-world project. # leave empty, the github hook should take care of it.
"titleURL": "/", "buildbotURL": "http://localhost:{}/".format(PORT), "protocols": { "pb": { "port": 9989 }, }, "change_source": [ GitPoller(repourl=env('BB_REPOURL', ''), pollInterval=5), ], "workers": [ worker.LocalWorker("test-worker"), ], "builders": [ BuilderConfig(name="test-builder", workernames=["test-worker"], factory=make_test_factory()), # TODO: add relevant builders from prod conf ], "schedulers": [ AnyBranchScheduler(name="test-scheduler", builderNames=["test-builder"]), ], "www": { "port": PORT, "auth":
def createWorkerConfigLocalWorker(self, config, name): return worker.LocalWorker(name)
# # Also define a shorter alias ("c") to save typing: BuildmasterConfig = c = setup.buildmaster_config_base() # # WORKERS # # The 'workers' list defines the set of recognized workers. Each element is a # Worker object, specifying a unique worker name and password. # # This worker MUST only be used for build jobs requiring access to the # Docker socket. The builders tied to this worker should be carefully reviewed # as some nasty stuff can be done when a user has access to the Docker daemon: docker_operations_worker = worker.LocalWorker('_docker-client-localworker') # Most of the Docker latent workers are there to ensure that the CLIP OS # toolkit is functional on most of the popular Linux distributions. It makes # few sense to build each time the CLIP OS builds on all the workers, instead # we chose a reference Docker worker flavor (on which we are going to do all # the builds) and we leave the rest of the flavors for weekly builds just to # make sure that the CLIP OS toolkit is functional on those flavors of worker. reference_worker_flavor = 'debian-sid' unprivileged_reference_workers = [] # changed below privileged_reference_workers = [] # changed below # All the Docker latent workers defined and usable by the CLIP OS project # buildbot: all_clipos_docker_latent_workers = [] for flavor in clipos.workers.DockerLatentWorker.FLAVORS: