class BuilderStatus(styles.Versioned): """I handle status information for a single object. That object sends status changes to me (frequently as Events), and I provide them on demand to the various status recipients, like the HTML waterfall display and the live status clients. It also sends build summaries to me, which I log and provide to status clients who aren't interested in seeing details of the individual build steps. I am responsible for maintaining the list of historic Events and Builds, pruning old ones, and loading them from / saving them to disk. I live in the object, in the .builder_status attribute. @type tags: None or list of strings @ivar tags: user-defined "tag" this builder has; can be used to filter on in status clients """ implements(interfaces.IBuilderStatus, interfaces.IEventSource) persistenceVersion = 2 persistenceForgets = ('wasUpgraded', ) tags = None currentBigState = "offline" # or idle/waiting/interlocked/building basedir = None # filled in by our parent def __init__(self, buildername, tags, master, description): = buildername self.tags = tags self.description = description self.master = master self.workernames = [] = [] # these three hold Events, and are used to retrieve the current # state of the boxes. self.lastBuildStatus = None self.currentBuilds = [] self.nextBuild = None self.watchers = [] self.buildCache = LRUCache(self.cacheMiss) # build cache management def setCacheSize(self, size): self.buildCache.set_max_size(size) def getBuildByNumber(self, number): return self.buildCache.get(number) def cacheMiss(self, number, **kwargs): # If kwargs['val'] exists, this is a new value being added to # the cache. Just return it. if 'val' in kwargs: return kwargs['val'] # first look in currentBuilds for b in self.currentBuilds: if b.number == number: return b # Otherwise it is in the database and thus inaccesible. return None def prune(self, events_only=False): pass # IBuilderStatus methods def getName(self): # if builderstatus page does show not up without any reason then # str( may be a workaround return def setDescription(self, description): # used during reconfig self.description = description def getDescription(self): return self.description def getState(self): return (self.currentBigState, self.currentBuilds) def getWorkers(self): return [self.status.getWorker(name) for name in self.workernames] def getPendingBuildRequestStatuses(self): # just assert 0 here. According to dustin the whole class will go away # soon. assert 0 db = self.status.master.db d = db.buildrequests.getBuildRequests(claimed=False, @d.addCallback def make_statuses(brdicts): return [ BuildRequestStatus(, brdict['brid'], self.status, brdict=brdict) for brdict in brdicts ] return d def getCurrentBuilds(self): return self.currentBuilds def getLastFinishedBuild(self): b = self.getBuild(-1) if not (b and b.isFinished()): b = self.getBuild(-2) return b def getTags(self): return self.tags def setTags(self, tags): # used during reconfig self.tags = tags def matchesAnyTag(self, tags): # Need to guard against None with the "or []". return bool(set(self.tags or []) & set(tags)) def getBuildByRevision(self, rev): number = self.nextBuildNumber - 1 while number > 0: build = self.getBuildByNumber(number) got_revision = build.getAllGotRevisions().get("") if rev == got_revision: return build number -= 1 return None def getBuild(self, number, revision=None): if revision is not None: return self.getBuildByRevision(revision) if number < 0: number = self.nextBuildNumber + number if number < 0 or number >= self.nextBuildNumber: return None try: return self.getBuildByNumber(number) except IndexError: return None def getEvent(self, number): return None def _getBuildBranches(self, build): return set([ss.branch for ss in build.getSourceStamps()]) def generateFinishedBuilds(self, branches=None, num_builds=None, max_buildnum=None, finished_before=None, results=None, max_search=200, filter_fn=None): got = 0 if branches is None: branches = set() else: branches = set(branches) for Nb in itertools.count(1): if Nb > self.nextBuildNumber: break if Nb > max_search: break build = self.getBuild(-Nb) if build is None: continue if max_buildnum is not None: if build.getNumber() > max_buildnum: continue if not build.isFinished(): continue if finished_before is not None: start, end = build.getTimes() if end >= finished_before: continue # if we were asked to filter on branches, and none of the # sourcestamps match, skip this build if branches and not branches & self._getBuildBranches(build): continue if results is not None: if build.getResults() not in results: continue if filter_fn is not None: if not filter_fn(build): continue got += 1 yield build if num_builds is not None: if got >= num_builds: return def eventGenerator(self, branches=None, categories=None, committers=None, projects=None, minTime=0): if False: yield def subscribe(self, receiver): # will get builderChangedState, buildStarted, buildFinished, # requestSubmitted, requestCancelled. Note that a request which is # resubmitted (due to a worker disconnect) will cause requestSubmitted # to be invoked multiple times. self.watchers.append(receiver) self.publishState(receiver) # our parent Status provides requestSubmitted and requestCancelled self.status._builder_subscribe(, receiver) def unsubscribe(self, receiver): self.watchers.remove(receiver) self.status._builder_unsubscribe(, receiver) # Builder interface (methods called by the Builder which feeds us) def setWorkernames(self, names): self.workernames = names def addEvent(self, text=None): # this adds a duration event. When it is done, the user should call # e.finish(). They can also mangle it by modifying .text e = Event() e.started = if text is None: text = [] e.text = text return e # they are free to mangle it further def addPointEvent(self, text=None): # this adds a point event, one which occurs as a single atomic # instant of time. e = Event() e.started = e.finished = 0 if text is None: text = [] e.text = text return e # for consistency, but they really shouldn't touch it def setBigState(self, state): needToUpdate = state != self.currentBigState self.currentBigState = state if needToUpdate: self.publishState() def publishState(self, target=None): state = self.currentBigState if target is not None: # unicast target.builderChangedState(, state) return for w in self.watchers: try: w.builderChangedState(, state) except Exception: log.msg("Exception caught publishing state to %r" % w) log.err() def newBuild(self): s = BuildStatus(self, self.master, 0) return s # buildStarted is called by our child BuildStatus instances def buildStarted(self, s): """Now the BuildStatus object is ready to go (it knows all of its Steps, its ETA, etc), so it is safe to notify our watchers.""" assert s.builder is self # paranoia assert s not in self.currentBuilds self.currentBuilds.append(s) self.buildCache.get(s.number, val=s) # now that the BuildStatus is prepared to answer queries, we can # announce the new build to all our watchers for w in self.watchers: # TODO: maybe do this later? callLater(0)? try: receiver = w.buildStarted(self.getName(), s) if receiver: if isinstance(receiver, type(())): s.subscribe(receiver[0], receiver[1]) else: s.subscribe(receiver) d = s.waitUntilFinished() d.addCallback(lambda s: s.unsubscribe(receiver)) except Exception: log.msg("Exception caught notifying %r of buildStarted event" % w) log.err() def _buildFinished(self, s): assert s in self.currentBuilds self.currentBuilds.remove(s) name = self.getName() results = s.getResults() for w in self.watchers: try: w.buildFinished(name, s, results) except Exception: log.msg( "Exception caught notifying %r of buildFinished event" % w) log.err() def asDict(self): # Collect build numbers. # Important: Only grab the *cached* builds numbers to reduce I/O. current_builds = [b.getNumber() for b in self.currentBuilds] cached_builds = sorted(set(list(self.buildCache) + current_builds)) result = { # Constant # TODO(maruel): Fix me. We don't want to leak the full path. 'basedir': os.path.basename(self.basedir), 'tags': self.getTags(), 'workers': self.workernames, 'schedulers': [ for s in self.status.master.allSchedulers() if in s.builderNames ], # TODO(maruel): Add cache settings? Do we care? # Transient 'cachedBuilds': cached_builds, 'currentBuilds': current_builds, 'state': self.getState()[0], # lies, but we don't have synchronous access to this info; use # asDict_async instead 'pendingBuilds': 0 } return result def asDict_async(self): """Just like L{asDict}, but with a nonzero pendingBuilds.""" result = self.asDict() d = self.getPendingBuildRequestStatuses() @d.addCallback def combine(statuses): result['pendingBuilds'] = len(statuses) return result return d def getMetrics(self): return self.botmaster.parent.metrics
class BuilderStatus(styles.Versioned): """I handle status information for a single object. That object sends status changes to me (frequently as Events), and I provide them on demand to the various status recipients, like the HTML waterfall display and the live status clients. It also sends build summaries to me, which I log and provide to status clients who aren't interested in seeing details of the individual build steps. I am responsible for maintaining the list of historic Events and Builds, pruning old ones, and loading them from / saving them to disk. I live in the object, in the .builder_status attribute. @type category: string @ivar category: user-defined category this builder belongs to; can be used to filter on in status clients """ implements(interfaces.IBuilderStatus, interfaces.IEventSource) persistenceVersion = 1 persistenceForgets = ('wasUpgraded', ) category = None currentBigState = "offline" # or idle/waiting/interlocked/building basedir = None # filled in by our parent def __init__(self, buildername, category, master, description): = buildername self.category = category self.description = description self.master = master self.slavenames = [] = [] # these three hold Events, and are used to retrieve the current # state of the boxes. self.lastBuildStatus = None # self.currentBig = None # self.currentSmall = None self.currentBuilds = [] self.nextBuild = None self.watchers = [] self.buildCache = LRUCache(self.cacheMiss) # persistence def __getstate__(self): # when saving, don't record transient stuff like what builds are # currently running, because they won't be there when we start back # up. Nor do we save self.watchers, nor anything that gets set by our # parent like .basedir and .status d = styles.Versioned.__getstate__(self) d['watchers'] = [] del d['buildCache'] for b in self.currentBuilds: b.saveYourself() # TODO: push a 'hey, build was interrupted' event del d['currentBuilds'] d.pop('pendingBuilds', None) del d['currentBigState'] del d['basedir'] del d['status'] del d['nextBuildNumber'] del d['master'] return d def __setstate__(self, d): # when loading, re-initialize the transient stuff. Remember that # upgradeToVersion1 and such will be called after this finishes. styles.Versioned.__setstate__(self, d) self.buildCache = LRUCache(self.cacheMiss) self.currentBuilds = [] self.watchers = [] self.slavenames = [] # self.basedir must be filled in by our parent # self.status must be filled in by our parent # self.master must be filled in by our parent def upgradeToVersion1(self): if hasattr(self, 'slavename'): self.slavenames = [self.slavename] del self.slavename if hasattr(self, 'nextBuildNumber'): del self.nextBuildNumber # determineNextBuildNumber chooses this self.wasUpgraded = True def determineNextBuildNumber(self): """Scan our directory of saved BuildStatus instances to determine what our self.nextBuildNumber should be. Set it one larger than the highest-numbered build we discover. This is called by the top-level Status object shortly after we are created or loaded from disk. """ existing_builds = [ int(f) for f in os.listdir(self.basedir) if re.match(r"^\d+$", f) ] if existing_builds: self.nextBuildNumber = max(existing_builds) + 1 else: self.nextBuildNumber = 0 def saveYourself(self): for b in self.currentBuilds: if not b.isFinished: # interrupted build, need to save it anyway. # BuildStatus.saveYourself will mark it as interrupted. b.saveYourself() filename = os.path.join(self.basedir, "builder") tmpfilename = filename + ".tmp" try: with open(tmpfilename, "wb") as f: dump(self, f, -1) if runtime.platformType == 'win32': # windows cannot rename a file on top of an existing one if os.path.exists(filename): os.unlink(filename) os.rename(tmpfilename, filename) except: log.msg("unable to save builder %s" % log.err() # build cache management def setCacheSize(self, size): self.buildCache.set_max_size(size) def makeBuildFilename(self, number): return os.path.join(self.basedir, "%d" % number) def getBuildByNumber(self, number): return self.buildCache.get(number) def loadBuildFromFile(self, number): filename = self.makeBuildFilename(number) try: log.msg("Loading builder %s's build %d from on-disk pickle" % (, number)) with open(filename, "rb") as f: build = load(f) build.setProcessObjects(self, self.master) # (bug #1068) if we need to upgrade, we probably need to rewrite # this pickle, too. We determine this by looking at the list of # Versioned objects that have been unpickled, and (after doUpgrade) # checking to see if any of them set wasUpgraded. The Versioneds' # upgradeToVersionNN methods all set this. versioneds = styles.versionedsToUpgrade styles.doUpgrade() if True in [ hasattr(o, 'wasUpgraded') for o in versioneds.values() ]: log.msg("re-writing upgraded build pickle") build.saveYourself() # check that logfiles exist build.checkLogfiles() return build except IOError: raise IndexError("no such build %d" % number) except EOFError: raise IndexError("corrupted build pickle %d" % number) def cacheMiss(self, number, **kwargs): # If kwargs['val'] exists, this is a new value being added to # the cache. Just return it. if 'val' in kwargs: return kwargs['val'] # first look in currentBuilds for b in self.currentBuilds: if b.number == number: return b # then fall back to loading it from disk return self.loadBuildFromFile(number) def prune(self, events_only=False): # begin by pruning our own events eventHorizon = self.master.config.eventHorizon =[-eventHorizon:] if events_only: return # get the horizons straight buildHorizon = self.master.config.buildHorizon if buildHorizon is not None: earliest_build = self.nextBuildNumber - buildHorizon else: earliest_build = 0 logHorizon = self.master.config.logHorizon if logHorizon is not None: earliest_log = self.nextBuildNumber - logHorizon else: earliest_log = 0 if earliest_log < earliest_build: earliest_log = earliest_build if earliest_build == 0: return # skim the directory and delete anything that shouldn't be there anymore build_re = re.compile(r"^([0-9]+)$") build_log_re = re.compile(r"^([0-9]+)-.*$") # if the directory doesn't exist, bail out here if not os.path.exists(self.basedir): return for filename in os.listdir(self.basedir): num = None mo = build_re.match(filename) is_logfile = False if mo: num = int( else: mo = build_log_re.match(filename) if mo: num = int( is_logfile = True if num is None: continue if num in self.buildCache.cache: continue if (is_logfile and num < earliest_log) or num < earliest_build: pathname = os.path.join(self.basedir, filename) log.msg("pruning '%s'" % pathname) try: os.unlink(pathname) except OSError: pass # IBuilderStatus methods def getName(self): # if builderstatus page does show not up without any reason then # str( may be a workaround return def setDescription(self, description): # used during reconfig self.description = description def getDescription(self): return self.description def getState(self): return (self.currentBigState, self.currentBuilds) def getSlaves(self): return [self.status.getSlave(name) for name in self.slavenames] def getPendingBuildRequestStatuses(self): db = self.status.master.db d = db.buildrequests.getBuildRequests(claimed=False, def make_statuses(brdicts): return [ BuildRequestStatus(, brdict['brid'], self.status, brdict=brdict) for brdict in brdicts ] d.addCallback(make_statuses) return d def getCurrentBuilds(self): return self.currentBuilds def getLastFinishedBuild(self): b = self.getBuild(-1) if not (b and b.isFinished()): b = self.getBuild(-2) return b def setCategory(self, category): # used during reconfig self.category = category def getCategory(self): return self.category def getBuildByRevision(self, rev): number = self.nextBuildNumber - 1 while number > 0: build = self.getBuildByNumber(number) got_revision = build.getAllGotRevisions().get("") if rev == got_revision: return build number -= 1 return None def getBuild(self, number, revision=None): if revision is not None: return self.getBuildByRevision(revision) if number < 0: number = self.nextBuildNumber + number if number < 0 or number >= self.nextBuildNumber: return None try: return self.getBuildByNumber(number) except IndexError: return None def getEvent(self, number): try: return[number] except IndexError: return None def _getBuildBranches(self, build): return set([ss.branch for ss in build.getSourceStamps()]) def generateFinishedBuilds(self, branches=[], num_builds=None, max_buildnum=None, finished_before=None, results=None, max_search=200, filter_fn=None): got = 0 branches = set(branches) for Nb in itertools.count(1): if Nb > self.nextBuildNumber: break if Nb > max_search: break build = self.getBuild(-Nb) if build is None: continue if max_buildnum is not None: if build.getNumber() > max_buildnum: continue if not build.isFinished(): continue if finished_before is not None: start, end = build.getTimes() if end >= finished_before: continue # if we were asked to filter on branches, and none of the # sourcestamps match, skip this build if branches and not branches & self._getBuildBranches(build): continue if results is not None: if build.getResults() not in results: continue if filter_fn is not None: if not filter_fn(build): continue got += 1 yield build if num_builds is not None: if got >= num_builds: return def eventGenerator(self, branches=[], categories=[], committers=[], projects=[], minTime=0): """This function creates a generator which will provide all of this Builder's status events, starting with the most recent and progressing backwards in time. """ # remember the oldest-to-earliest flow here. "next" means earlier. # TODO: interleave build steps and by timestamp. # TODO: um, I think we're already doing that. # TODO: there's probably something clever we could do here to # interleave two event streams (one from self.getBuild and the other # from self.getEvent), which would be simpler than this control flow eventIndex = -1 e = self.getEvent(eventIndex) branches = set(branches) for Nb in range(1, self.nextBuildNumber + 1): b = self.getBuild(-Nb) if not b: # HACK: If this is the first build we are looking at, it is # possible it's in progress but locked before it has written a # pickle; in this case keep looking. if Nb == 1: continue break if b.getTimes()[0] < minTime: break # if we were asked to filter on branches, and none of the # sourcestamps match, skip this build if branches and not branches & self._getBuildBranches(b): continue if categories and not b.getBuilder().getCategory() in categories: continue if committers and not [ True for c in b.getChanges() if c.who in committers ]: continue if projects and not b.getProperty('project') in projects: continue steps = b.getSteps() for Ns in range(1, len(steps) + 1): if steps[-Ns].started: step_start = steps[-Ns].getTimes()[0] while e is not None and e.getTimes()[0] > step_start: yield e eventIndex -= 1 e = self.getEvent(eventIndex) yield steps[-Ns] yield b while e is not None: yield e eventIndex -= 1 e = self.getEvent(eventIndex) if e and e.getTimes()[0] < minTime: break def subscribe(self, receiver): # will get builderChangedState, buildStarted, buildFinished, # requestSubmitted, requestCancelled. Note that a request which is # resubmitted (due to a slave disconnect) will cause requestSubmitted # to be invoked multiple times. self.watchers.append(receiver) self.publishState(receiver) # our parent Status provides requestSubmitted and requestCancelled self.status._builder_subscribe(, receiver) def unsubscribe(self, receiver): self.watchers.remove(receiver) self.status._builder_unsubscribe(, receiver) # Builder interface (methods called by the Builder which feeds us) def setSlavenames(self, names): self.slavenames = names def addEvent(self, text=[]): # this adds a duration event. When it is done, the user should call # e.finish(). They can also mangle it by modifying .text e = Event() e.started = e.text = text self.prune(events_only=True) return e # they are free to mangle it further def addPointEvent(self, text=[]): # this adds a point event, one which occurs as a single atomic # instant of time. e = Event() e.started = e.finished = 0 e.text = text self.prune(events_only=True) return e # for consistency, but they really shouldn't touch it def setBigState(self, state): needToUpdate = state != self.currentBigState self.currentBigState = state if needToUpdate: self.publishState() def publishState(self, target=None): state = self.currentBigState if target is not None: # unicast target.builderChangedState(, state) return for w in self.watchers: try: w.builderChangedState(, state) except: log.msg("Exception caught publishing state to %r" % w) log.err() def newBuild(self): """The Builder has decided to start a build, but the Build object is not yet ready to report status (it has not finished creating the Steps). Create a BuildStatus object that it can use.""" number = self.nextBuildNumber self.nextBuildNumber += 1 # TODO: self.saveYourself(), to make sure we don't forget about the # build number we've just allocated. This is not quite as important # as it was before we switch to determineNextBuildNumber, but I think # it may still be useful to have the new build save itself. s = BuildStatus(self, self.master, number) s.waitUntilFinished().addCallback(self._buildFinished) return s # buildStarted is called by our child BuildStatus instances def buildStarted(self, s): """Now the BuildStatus object is ready to go (it knows all of its Steps, its ETA, etc), so it is safe to notify our watchers.""" assert s.builder is self # paranoia assert s not in self.currentBuilds self.currentBuilds.append(s) self.buildCache.get(s.number, val=s) # now that the BuildStatus is prepared to answer queries, we can # announce the new build to all our watchers for w in self.watchers: # TODO: maybe do this later? callLater(0)? try: receiver = w.buildStarted(self.getName(), s) if receiver: if isinstance(receiver, type(())): s.subscribe(receiver[0], receiver[1]) else: s.subscribe(receiver) d = s.waitUntilFinished() d.addCallback(lambda s: s.unsubscribe(receiver)) except: log.msg("Exception caught notifying %r of buildStarted event" % w) log.err() def _buildFinished(self, s): assert s in self.currentBuilds s.saveYourself() self.currentBuilds.remove(s) name = self.getName() results = s.getResults() for w in self.watchers: try: w.buildFinished(name, s, results) except: log.msg( "Exception caught notifying %r of buildFinished event" % w) log.err() self.prune() # conserve disk def asDict(self): result = {} # Constant # TODO(maruel): Fix me. We don't want to leak the full path. result['basedir'] = os.path.basename(self.basedir) result['category'] = self.category result['slaves'] = self.slavenames result['schedulers'] = [ for s in self.status.master.allSchedulers() if in s.builderNames ] # result['url'] = self.parent.getURLForThing(self) # TODO(maruel): Add cache settings? Do we care? # Transient # Collect build numbers. # Important: Only grab the *cached* builds numbers to reduce I/O. current_builds = [b.getNumber() for b in self.currentBuilds] cached_builds = sorted(set(self.buildCache.keys() + current_builds)) result['cachedBuilds'] = cached_builds result['currentBuilds'] = current_builds result['state'] = self.getState()[0] # lies, but we don't have synchronous access to this info; use # asDict_async instead result['pendingBuilds'] = 0 return result def asDict_async(self): """Just like L{asDict}, but with a nonzero pendingBuilds.""" result = self.asDict() d = self.getPendingBuildRequestStatuses() def combine(statuses): result['pendingBuilds'] = len(statuses) return result d.addCallback(combine) return d def getMetrics(self): return self.botmaster.parent.metrics
class BuilderStatus(styles.Versioned): """I handle status information for a single object. That object sends status changes to me (frequently as Events), and I provide them on demand to the various status recipients, like the HTML waterfall display and the live status clients. It also sends build summaries to me, which I log and provide to status clients who aren't interested in seeing details of the individual build steps. I am responsible for maintaining the list of historic Events and Builds, pruning old ones, and loading them from / saving them to disk. I live in the object, in the .builder_status attribute. @type tags: None or list of strings @ivar tags: user-defined "tag" this builder has; can be used to filter on in status clients """ implements(interfaces.IBuilderStatus, interfaces.IEventSource) persistenceVersion = 2 persistenceForgets = ('wasUpgraded', ) tags = None currentBigState = "offline" # or idle/waiting/interlocked/building basedir = None # filled in by our parent def __init__(self, buildername, tags, master, description): = buildername self.tags = tags self.description = description self.master = master self.slavenames = [] = [] # these three hold Events, and are used to retrieve the current # state of the boxes. self.lastBuildStatus = None self.currentBuilds = [] self.nextBuild = None self.watchers = [] self.buildCache = LRUCache(self.cacheMiss) # persistence def __getstate__(self): # when saving, don't record transient stuff like what builds are # currently running, because they won't be there when we start back # up. Nor do we save self.watchers, nor anything that gets set by our # parent like .basedir and .status d = styles.Versioned.__getstate__(self) d['watchers'] = [] del d['buildCache'] for b in self.currentBuilds: b.saveYourself() # TODO: push a 'hey, build was interrupted' event del d['currentBuilds'] d.pop('pendingBuilds', None) del d['currentBigState'] del d['basedir'] del d['status'] del d['nextBuildNumber'] del d['master'] return d def __setstate__(self, d): # when loading, re-initialize the transient stuff. Remember that # upgradeToVersion1 and such will be called after this finishes. styles.Versioned.__setstate__(self, d) self.buildCache = LRUCache(self.cacheMiss) self.currentBuilds = [] self.watchers = [] self.slavenames = [] # self.basedir must be filled in by our parent # self.status must be filled in by our parent # self.master must be filled in by our parent def upgradeToVersion1(self): if hasattr(self, 'slavename'): self.slavenames = [self.slavename] del self.slavename if hasattr(self, 'nextBuildNumber'): del self.nextBuildNumber # determineNextBuildNumber chooses this self.wasUpgraded = True def upgradeToVersion2(self): if hasattr(self, 'category'): self.tags = self.category and [self.category] or None del self.category self.wasUpgraded = True def determineNextBuildNumber(self): """Scan our directory of saved BuildStatus instances to determine what our self.nextBuildNumber should be. Set it one larger than the highest-numbered build we discover. This is called by the top-level Status object shortly after we are created or loaded from disk. """ existing_builds = [int(f) for f in os.listdir(self.basedir) if re.match(r"^\d+$", f)] if existing_builds: self.nextBuildNumber = max(existing_builds) + 1 else: self.nextBuildNumber = 0 def saveYourself(self): for b in self.currentBuilds: if not b.isFinished: # interrupted build, need to save it anyway. # BuildStatus.saveYourself will mark it as interrupted. b.saveYourself() filename = os.path.join(self.basedir, "builder") tmpfilename = filename + ".tmp" try: with open(tmpfilename, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(self, f, -1) if runtime.platformType == 'win32': # windows cannot rename a file on top of an existing one if os.path.exists(filename): os.unlink(filename) os.rename(tmpfilename, filename) except Exception: log.msg("unable to save builder %s" % log.err() # build cache management def setCacheSize(self, size): self.buildCache.set_max_size(size) def makeBuildFilename(self, number): return os.path.join(self.basedir, "%d" % number) def getBuildByNumber(self, number): return self.buildCache.get(number) def loadBuildFromFile(self, number): filename = self.makeBuildFilename(number) try: log.msg("Loading builder %s's build %d from on-disk pickle" % (, number)) with open(filename, "rb") as f: build = pickle.load(f) build.setProcessObjects(self, self.master) # (bug #1068) if we need to upgrade, we probably need to rewrite # this pickle, too. We determine this by looking at the list of # Versioned objects that have been unpickled, and (after doUpgrade) # checking to see if any of them set wasUpgraded. The Versioneds' # upgradeToVersionNN methods all set this. versioneds = styles.versionedsToUpgrade styles.doUpgrade() if True in [hasattr(o, 'wasUpgraded') for o in versioneds.values()]: log.msg("re-writing upgraded build pickle") build.saveYourself() # check that logfiles exist build.checkLogfiles() return build except IOError: raise IndexError("no such build %d" % number) except EOFError: raise IndexError("corrupted build pickle %d" % number) def cacheMiss(self, number, **kwargs): # If kwargs['val'] exists, this is a new value being added to # the cache. Just return it. if 'val' in kwargs: return kwargs['val'] # first look in currentBuilds for b in self.currentBuilds: if b.number == number: return b # then fall back to loading it from disk return self.loadBuildFromFile(number) def prune(self, events_only=False): # begin by pruning our own events eventHorizon = self.master.config.eventHorizon =[-eventHorizon:] if events_only: return # get the horizons straight buildHorizon = self.master.config.buildHorizon if buildHorizon is not None: earliest_build = self.nextBuildNumber - buildHorizon else: earliest_build = 0 logHorizon = self.master.config.logHorizon if logHorizon is not None: earliest_log = self.nextBuildNumber - logHorizon else: earliest_log = 0 if earliest_log < earliest_build: earliest_log = earliest_build if earliest_build == 0: return # skim the directory and delete anything that shouldn't be there anymore build_re = re.compile(r"^([0-9]+)$") build_log_re = re.compile(r"^([0-9]+)-.*$") # if the directory doesn't exist, bail out here if not os.path.exists(self.basedir): return for filename in os.listdir(self.basedir): num = None mo = build_re.match(filename) is_logfile = False if mo: num = int( else: mo = build_log_re.match(filename) if mo: num = int( is_logfile = True if num is None: continue if num in self.buildCache.cache: continue if (is_logfile and num < earliest_log) or num < earliest_build: pathname = os.path.join(self.basedir, filename) log.msg("pruning '%s'" % pathname) try: os.unlink(pathname) except OSError: pass # IBuilderStatus methods def getName(self): # if builderstatus page does show not up without any reason then # str( may be a workaround return def setDescription(self, description): # used during reconfig self.description = description def getDescription(self): return self.description def getState(self): return (self.currentBigState, self.currentBuilds) def getSlaves(self): return [self.status.getSlave(name) for name in self.slavenames] def getPendingBuildRequestStatuses(self): # just assert 0 here. According to dustin the whole class will go away soon. assert 0 db = self.status.master.db d = db.buildrequests.getBuildRequests(claimed=False, @d.addCallback def make_statuses(brdicts): return [BuildRequestStatus(, brdict['brid'], self.status, brdict=brdict) for brdict in brdicts] return d def getCurrentBuilds(self): return self.currentBuilds def getLastFinishedBuild(self): b = self.getBuild(-1) if not (b and b.isFinished()): b = self.getBuild(-2) return b def getTags(self): return self.tags def setTags(self, tags): # used during reconfig self.tags = tags def matchesAnyTag(self, tags): return self.tags and any(tag for tag in self.tags if tag in tags) def getBuildByRevision(self, rev): number = self.nextBuildNumber - 1 while number > 0: build = self.getBuildByNumber(number) got_revision = build.getAllGotRevisions().get("") if rev == got_revision: return build number -= 1 return None def getBuild(self, number, revision=None): if revision is not None: return self.getBuildByRevision(revision) if number < 0: number = self.nextBuildNumber + number if number < 0 or number >= self.nextBuildNumber: return None try: return self.getBuildByNumber(number) except IndexError: return None def getEvent(self, number): try: return[number] except IndexError: return None def _getBuildBranches(self, build): return set([ss.branch for ss in build.getSourceStamps()]) def generateFinishedBuilds(self, branches=None, num_builds=None, max_buildnum=None, finished_before=None, results=None, max_search=200, filter_fn=None): got = 0 if branches is None: branches = set() else: branches = set(branches) for Nb in itertools.count(1): if Nb > self.nextBuildNumber: break if Nb > max_search: break build = self.getBuild(-Nb) if build is None: continue if max_buildnum is not None: if build.getNumber() > max_buildnum: continue if not build.isFinished(): continue if finished_before is not None: start, end = build.getTimes() if end >= finished_before: continue # if we were asked to filter on branches, and none of the # sourcestamps match, skip this build if branches and not branches & self._getBuildBranches(build): continue if results is not None: if build.getResults() not in results: continue if filter_fn is not None: if not filter_fn(build): continue got += 1 yield build if num_builds is not None: if got >= num_builds: return def eventGenerator(self, branches=None, categories=None, committers=None, projects=None, minTime=0): """This function creates a generator which will provide all of this Builder's status events, starting with the most recent and progressing backwards in time. """ # remember the oldest-to-earliest flow here. "next" means earlier. # TODO: interleave build steps and by timestamp. # TODO: um, I think we're already doing that. # TODO: there's probably something clever we could do here to # interleave two event streams (one from self.getBuild and the other # from self.getEvent), which would be simpler than this control flow if branches is None: branches = set() else: branches = set(branches) if categories is None: categories = [] if committers is None: committers = [] if projects is None: projects = [] eventIndex = -1 e = self.getEvent(eventIndex) for Nb in range(1, self.nextBuildNumber + 1): b = self.getBuild(-Nb) if not b: # HACK: If this is the first build we are looking at, it is # possible it's in progress but locked before it has written a # pickle; in this case keep looking. if Nb == 1: continue break if b.getTimes()[0] < minTime: break # if we were asked to filter on branches, and none of the # sourcestamps match, skip this build if branches and not branches & self._getBuildBranches(b): continue if categories and not b.getBuilder().matchesAnyTag(tags=categories): continue if committers and not [True for c in b.getChanges() if c.who in committers]: continue if projects and not b.getProperty('project') in projects: continue steps = b.getSteps() for Ns in range(1, len(steps) + 1): if steps[-Ns].started: step_start = steps[-Ns].getTimes()[0] while e is not None and e.getTimes()[0] > step_start: yield e eventIndex -= 1 e = self.getEvent(eventIndex) yield steps[-Ns] yield b while e is not None: yield e eventIndex -= 1 e = self.getEvent(eventIndex) if e and e.getTimes()[0] < minTime: break def subscribe(self, receiver): # will get builderChangedState, buildStarted, buildFinished, # requestSubmitted, requestCancelled. Note that a request which is # resubmitted (due to a slave disconnect) will cause requestSubmitted # to be invoked multiple times. self.watchers.append(receiver) self.publishState(receiver) # our parent Status provides requestSubmitted and requestCancelled self.status._builder_subscribe(, receiver) def unsubscribe(self, receiver): self.watchers.remove(receiver) self.status._builder_unsubscribe(, receiver) # Builder interface (methods called by the Builder which feeds us) def setSlavenames(self, names): self.slavenames = names def addEvent(self, text=None): # this adds a duration event. When it is done, the user should call # e.finish(). They can also mangle it by modifying .text e = Event() e.started = if text is None: text = [] e.text = text self.prune(events_only=True) return e # they are free to mangle it further def addPointEvent(self, text=None): # this adds a point event, one which occurs as a single atomic # instant of time. e = Event() e.started = e.finished = 0 if text is None: text = [] e.text = text self.prune(events_only=True) return e # for consistency, but they really shouldn't touch it def setBigState(self, state): needToUpdate = state != self.currentBigState self.currentBigState = state if needToUpdate: self.publishState() def publishState(self, target=None): state = self.currentBigState if target is not None: # unicast target.builderChangedState(, state) return for w in self.watchers: try: w.builderChangedState(, state) except Exception: log.msg("Exception caught publishing state to %r" % w) log.err() def newBuild(self): """The Builder has decided to start a build, but the Build object is not yet ready to report status (it has not finished creating the Steps). Create a BuildStatus object that it can use.""" number = self.nextBuildNumber self.nextBuildNumber += 1 # TODO: self.saveYourself(), to make sure we don't forget about the # build number we've just allocated. This is not quite as important # as it was before we switch to determineNextBuildNumber, but I think # it may still be useful to have the new build save itself. s = BuildStatus(self, self.master, number) s.waitUntilFinished().addCallback(self._buildFinished) return s # buildStarted is called by our child BuildStatus instances def buildStarted(self, s): """Now the BuildStatus object is ready to go (it knows all of its Steps, its ETA, etc), so it is safe to notify our watchers.""" assert s.builder is self # paranoia assert s not in self.currentBuilds self.currentBuilds.append(s) self.buildCache.get(s.number, val=s) # now that the BuildStatus is prepared to answer queries, we can # announce the new build to all our watchers for w in self.watchers: # TODO: maybe do this later? callLater(0)? try: receiver = w.buildStarted(self.getName(), s) if receiver: if isinstance(receiver, type(())): s.subscribe(receiver[0], receiver[1]) else: s.subscribe(receiver) d = s.waitUntilFinished() d.addCallback(lambda s: s.unsubscribe(receiver)) except Exception: log.msg("Exception caught notifying %r of buildStarted event" % w) log.err() def _buildFinished(self, s): assert s in self.currentBuilds s.saveYourself() self.currentBuilds.remove(s) name = self.getName() results = s.getResults() for w in self.watchers: try: w.buildFinished(name, s, results) except Exception: log.msg("Exception caught notifying %r of buildFinished event" % w) log.err() self.prune() # conserve disk def asDict(self): # Collect build numbers. # Important: Only grab the *cached* builds numbers to reduce I/O. current_builds = [b.getNumber() for b in self.currentBuilds] cached_builds = sorted(set(self.buildCache.keys() + current_builds)) result = { # Constant # TODO(maruel): Fix me. We don't want to leak the full path. 'basedir': os.path.basename(self.basedir), 'tags': self.getTags(), 'slaves': self.slavenames, 'schedulers': [ for s in self.status.master.allSchedulers() if in s.builderNames], # TODO(maruel): Add cache settings? Do we care? # Transient 'cachedBuilds': cached_builds, 'currentBuilds': current_builds, 'state': self.getState()[0], # lies, but we don't have synchronous access to this info; use # asDict_async instead 'pendingBuilds': 0 } return result def asDict_async(self): """Just like L{asDict}, but with a nonzero pendingBuilds.""" result = self.asDict() d = self.getPendingBuildRequestStatuses() @d.addCallback def combine(statuses): result['pendingBuilds'] = len(statuses) return result return d def getMetrics(self): return self.botmaster.parent.metrics
class BuilderStatus(styles.Versioned): """I handle status information for a single object. That object sends status changes to me (frequently as Events), and I provide them on demand to the various status recipients, like the HTML waterfall display and the live status clients. It also sends build summaries to me, which I log and provide to status clients who aren't interested in seeing details of the individual build steps. I am responsible for maintaining the list of historic Events and Builds, pruning old ones, and loading them from / saving them to disk. I live in the object, in the .builder_status attribute. @type tags: None or list of strings @ivar tags: user-defined "tag" this builder has; can be used to filter on in status clients """ implements(interfaces.IBuilderStatus, interfaces.IEventSource) persistenceVersion = 2 persistenceForgets = ('wasUpgraded', ) tags = None currentBigState = "offline" # or idle/waiting/interlocked/building basedir = None # filled in by our parent def __init__(self, buildername, tags, master, description): = buildername self.tags = tags self.description = description self.master = master self.workernames = [] = [] # these three hold Events, and are used to retrieve the current # state of the boxes. self.lastBuildStatus = None self.currentBuilds = [] self.nextBuild = None self.watchers = [] self.buildCache = LRUCache(self.cacheMiss) # build cache management def setCacheSize(self, size): self.buildCache.set_max_size(size) def getBuildByNumber(self, number): return self.buildCache.get(number) def cacheMiss(self, number, **kwargs): # If kwargs['val'] exists, this is a new value being added to # the cache. Just return it. if 'val' in kwargs: return kwargs['val'] # first look in currentBuilds for b in self.currentBuilds: if b.number == number: return b # Otherwise it is in the database and thus inaccesible. return None def prune(self, events_only=False): pass # IBuilderStatus methods def getName(self): # if builderstatus page does show not up without any reason then # str( may be a workaround return def setDescription(self, description): # used during reconfig self.description = description def getDescription(self): return self.description def getState(self): return (self.currentBigState, self.currentBuilds) def getWorkers(self): return [self.status.getWorker(name) for name in self.workernames] def getPendingBuildRequestStatuses(self): # just assert 0 here. According to dustin the whole class will go away # soon. assert 0 db = self.status.master.db d = db.buildrequests.getBuildRequests(claimed=False, @d.addCallback def make_statuses(brdicts): return [BuildRequestStatus(, brdict['brid'], self.status, brdict=brdict) for brdict in brdicts] return d def getCurrentBuilds(self): return self.currentBuilds def getLastFinishedBuild(self): b = self.getBuild(-1) if not (b and b.isFinished()): b = self.getBuild(-2) return b def getTags(self): return self.tags def setTags(self, tags): # used during reconfig self.tags = tags def matchesAnyTag(self, tags): # Need to guard against None with the "or []". return bool(set(self.tags or []) & set(tags)) def getBuildByRevision(self, rev): number = self.nextBuildNumber - 1 while number > 0: build = self.getBuildByNumber(number) got_revision = build.getAllGotRevisions().get("") if rev == got_revision: return build number -= 1 return None def getBuild(self, number, revision=None): if revision is not None: return self.getBuildByRevision(revision) if number < 0: number = self.nextBuildNumber + number if number < 0 or number >= self.nextBuildNumber: return None try: return self.getBuildByNumber(number) except IndexError: return None def getEvent(self, number): return None def _getBuildBranches(self, build): return set([ss.branch for ss in build.getSourceStamps()]) def generateFinishedBuilds(self, branches=None, num_builds=None, max_buildnum=None, finished_before=None, results=None, max_search=200, filter_fn=None): got = 0 if branches is None: branches = set() else: branches = set(branches) for Nb in itertools.count(1): if Nb > self.nextBuildNumber: break if Nb > max_search: break build = self.getBuild(-Nb) if build is None: continue if max_buildnum is not None: if build.getNumber() > max_buildnum: continue if not build.isFinished(): continue if finished_before is not None: start, end = build.getTimes() if end >= finished_before: continue # if we were asked to filter on branches, and none of the # sourcestamps match, skip this build if branches and not branches & self._getBuildBranches(build): continue if results is not None: if build.getResults() not in results: continue if filter_fn is not None: if not filter_fn(build): continue got += 1 yield build if num_builds is not None: if got >= num_builds: return def eventGenerator(self, branches=None, categories=None, committers=None, projects=None, minTime=0): if False: yield def subscribe(self, receiver): # will get builderChangedState, buildStarted, buildFinished, # requestSubmitted, requestCancelled. Note that a request which is # resubmitted (due to a worker disconnect) will cause requestSubmitted # to be invoked multiple times. self.watchers.append(receiver) self.publishState(receiver) # our parent Status provides requestSubmitted and requestCancelled self.status._builder_subscribe(, receiver) def unsubscribe(self, receiver): self.watchers.remove(receiver) self.status._builder_unsubscribe(, receiver) # Builder interface (methods called by the Builder which feeds us) def setWorkernames(self, names): self.workernames = names def addEvent(self, text=None): # this adds a duration event. When it is done, the user should call # e.finish(). They can also mangle it by modifying .text e = Event() e.started = if text is None: text = [] e.text = text return e # they are free to mangle it further def addPointEvent(self, text=None): # this adds a point event, one which occurs as a single atomic # instant of time. e = Event() e.started = e.finished = 0 if text is None: text = [] e.text = text return e # for consistency, but they really shouldn't touch it def setBigState(self, state): needToUpdate = state != self.currentBigState self.currentBigState = state if needToUpdate: self.publishState() def publishState(self, target=None): state = self.currentBigState if target is not None: # unicast target.builderChangedState(, state) return for w in self.watchers: try: w.builderChangedState(, state) except Exception: log.msg("Exception caught publishing state to %r" % w) log.err() def newBuild(self): s = BuildStatus(self, self.master, 0) return s # buildStarted is called by our child BuildStatus instances def buildStarted(self, s): """Now the BuildStatus object is ready to go (it knows all of its Steps, its ETA, etc), so it is safe to notify our watchers.""" assert s.builder is self # paranoia assert s not in self.currentBuilds self.currentBuilds.append(s) self.buildCache.get(s.number, val=s) # now that the BuildStatus is prepared to answer queries, we can # announce the new build to all our watchers for w in self.watchers: # TODO: maybe do this later? callLater(0)? try: receiver = w.buildStarted(self.getName(), s) if receiver: if isinstance(receiver, type(())): s.subscribe(receiver[0], receiver[1]) else: s.subscribe(receiver) d = s.waitUntilFinished() d.addCallback(lambda s: s.unsubscribe(receiver)) except Exception: log.msg( "Exception caught notifying %r of buildStarted event" % w) log.err() def _buildFinished(self, s): assert s in self.currentBuilds self.currentBuilds.remove(s) name = self.getName() results = s.getResults() for w in self.watchers: try: w.buildFinished(name, s, results) except Exception: log.msg( "Exception caught notifying %r of buildFinished event" % w) log.err() def asDict(self): # Collect build numbers. # Important: Only grab the *cached* builds numbers to reduce I/O. current_builds = [b.getNumber() for b in self.currentBuilds] cached_builds = sorted(set(list(self.buildCache) + current_builds)) result = { # Constant # TODO(maruel): Fix me. We don't want to leak the full path. 'basedir': os.path.basename(self.basedir), 'tags': self.getTags(), 'workers': self.workernames, 'schedulers': [ for s in self.status.master.allSchedulers() if in s.builderNames], # TODO(maruel): Add cache settings? Do we care? # Transient 'cachedBuilds': cached_builds, 'currentBuilds': current_builds, 'state': self.getState()[0], # lies, but we don't have synchronous access to this info; use # asDict_async instead 'pendingBuilds': 0 } return result def asDict_async(self): """Just like L{asDict}, but with a nonzero pendingBuilds.""" result = self.asDict() d = self.getPendingBuildRequestStatuses() @d.addCallback def combine(statuses): result['pendingBuilds'] = len(statuses) return result return d def getMetrics(self): return self.botmaster.parent.metrics
class BuilderStatus(styles.Versioned): """I handle status information for a single object. That object sends status changes to me (frequently as Events), and I provide them on demand to the various status recipients, like the HTML waterfall display and the live status clients. It also sends build summaries to me, which I log and provide to status clients who aren't interested in seeing details of the individual build steps. I am responsible for maintaining the list of historic Events and Builds, pruning old ones, and loading them from / saving them to disk. I live in the object, in the .builder_status attribute. @type category: string @ivar category: user-defined category this builder belongs to; can be used to filter on in status clients """ implements(interfaces.IBuilderStatus, interfaces.IEventSource) persistenceVersion = 2 persistenceForgets = ('wasUpgraded', ) category = None currentBigState = "offline" # or idle/waiting/interlocked/building basedir = None # filled in by our parent unavailable_build_numbers = set() status = None def __init__(self, buildername, category, master, friendly_name=None, description=None, project=None): = buildername self.category = category self.description = description self.master = master self.project = project self.friendly_name = friendly_name self.slavenames = [] self.startSlavenames = [] = [] # these three hold Events, and are used to retrieve the current # state of the boxes. self.lastBuildStatus = None #self.currentBig = None #self.currentSmall = None self.currentBuilds = [] self.nextBuild = None self.watchers = [] self.buildCache = LRUCache(self.cacheMiss) self.reason = None self.unavailable_build_numbers = set() self.latestBuildCache = {} self.pendingBuildsCache = None self.tags = [] self.loadingBuilds = {} self.cancelBuilds = {} # persistence def setStatus(self, status): self.status = status self.pendingBuildsCache = PendingBuildsCache(self) if not hasattr(self, 'latestBuildCache'): self.latestBuildCache = {} def deleteKey(self, key, d): if d.has_key(key): del d[key] def __getstate__(self): # when saving, don't record transient stuff like what builds are # currently running, because they won't be there when we start back # up. Nor do we save self.watchers, nor anything that gets set by our # parent like .basedir and .status d = styles.Versioned.__getstate__(self) d['watchers'] = [] del d['buildCache'] for b in self.currentBuilds: b.saveYourself() # TODO: push a 'hey, build was interrupted' event del d['currentBuilds'] d.pop('pendingBuilds', None) self.deleteKey('currentBigState', d) del d['basedir'] self.deleteKey('status', d) self.deleteKey('nextBuildNumber', d) del d['master'] self.deleteKey('loadingBuilds', d) if 'pendingBuildsCache' in d: del d['pendingBuildsCache'] self.deleteKey('latestBuildCache', d) return d def __setstate__(self, d): # when loading, re-initialize the transient stuff. Remember that # upgradeToVersion1 and such will be called after this finishes. styles.Versioned.__setstate__(self, d) self.buildCache = LRUCache(self.cacheMiss) self.currentBuilds = [] self.watchers = [] self.slavenames = [] self.startSlavenames = [] self.loadingBuilds = {} self.cancelBuilds = {} # self.basedir must be filled in by our parent # self.status must be filled in by our parent # self.master must be filled in by our parent def upgradeToVersion1(self): if hasattr(self, 'slavename'): self.slavenames = [self.slavename] del self.slavename if hasattr(self, 'nextBuildNumber'): del self.nextBuildNumber # determineNextBuildNumber chooses this self.wasUpgraded = True def upgradeToVersion2(self): if hasattr(self, 'latestBuildCache'): del self.latestBuildCache self.wasUpgraded = True def determineNextBuildNumber(self): """Scan our directory of saved BuildStatus instances to determine what our self.nextBuildNumber should be. Set it one larger than the highest-numbered build we discover. This is called by the top-level Status object shortly after we are created or loaded from disk. """ existing_builds = [] for f in os.listdir(self.basedir): r ="^(\d+).*$", f) if r is not None and len(r.groups()) > 0: existing_builds.append(int(r.groups()[0])) if len(existing_builds): self.nextBuildNumber = max(existing_builds) + 1 else: self.nextBuildNumber = 0 def saveYourself(self, skipBuilds=False): if skipBuilds is False: for b in self.currentBuilds: if not b.isFinished: # interrupted build, need to save it anyway. # BuildStatus.saveYourself will mark it as interrupted. b.saveYourself() filename = os.path.join(self.basedir, "builder") tmpfilename = filename + ".tmp" try: with open(tmpfilename, "wb") as f: dump(self, f, -1) if runtime.platformType == 'win32': # windows cannot rename a file on top of an existing one if os.path.exists(filename): os.unlink(filename) os.rename(tmpfilename, filename) except: log.msg("unable to save builder %s" % klog.err_json() # build cache management def setCacheSize(self, caches): self.buildCache.set_max_size(caches['Builds']) if caches and 'BuilderBuildRequestStatus' in caches: self.pendingBuildsCache.buildRequestStatusCache.set_max_size( caches['BuilderBuildRequestStatus']) def makeBuildFilename(self, number): return os.path.join(self.basedir, "%d" % number) def getBuildByNumber(self, number): return self.buildCache.get(number) def loadBuildFromFile(self, number): if number in self.unavailable_build_numbers: return None filename = self.makeBuildFilename(number) try: if not os.path.exists(filename): if number < self.nextBuildNumber: self.unavailable_build_numbers.add(number) return None log.msg("Loading builder %s's build %d from on-disk pickle" % (, number)) with open(filename, "rb") as f: try: build = load(f) except ImportError as err: log.msg( "ImportError loading builder %s's build %d from disk pickle" % (, number)) klog.err_json(err) return None build.setProcessObjects(self, self.master) # (bug #1068) if we need to upgrade, we probably need to rewrite # this pickle, too. We determine this by looking at the list of # Versioned objects that have been unpickled, and (after doUpgrade) # checking to see if any of them set wasUpgraded. The Versioneds' # upgradeToVersionNN methods all set this. versioneds = styles.versionedsToUpgrade styles.doUpgrade() if True in [ hasattr(o, 'wasUpgraded') for o in versioneds.values() ]: log.msg("re-writing upgraded build pickle") build.saveYourself() # check that logfiles exist build.checkLogfiles() return build except IOError: raise IndexError("no such build %d" % number) except EOFError: raise IndexError("corrupted build pickle %d" % number) def cacheMiss(self, number, **kwargs): # If kwargs['val'] exists, this is a new value being added to # the cache. Just return it. if 'val' in kwargs: return kwargs['val'] # first look in currentBuilds for b in self.currentBuilds: if b.number == number: return b # then fall back to loading it from disk return self.loadBuildFromFile(number) def prune(self, events_only=False): # begin by pruning our own events eventHorizon = self.master.config.eventHorizon =[-eventHorizon:] if events_only: return # get the horizons straight buildHorizon = self.master.config.buildHorizon if buildHorizon is not None: earliest_build = self.nextBuildNumber - buildHorizon else: earliest_build = 0 logHorizon = self.master.config.logHorizon if logHorizon is not None: earliest_log = self.nextBuildNumber - logHorizon else: earliest_log = 0 if earliest_log < earliest_build: earliest_log = earliest_build if earliest_build == 0: return # skim the directory and delete anything that shouldn't be there anymore build_re = re.compile(r"^([0-9]+)$") build_log_re = re.compile(r"^([0-9]+)-.*$") # if the directory doesn't exist, bail out here if not os.path.exists(self.basedir): return for filename in os.listdir(self.basedir): num = None mo = build_re.match(filename) is_logfile = False if mo: num = int( else: mo = build_log_re.match(filename) if mo: num = int( is_logfile = True if num is None: continue if num in self.buildCache.cache: continue if (is_logfile and num < earliest_log) or num < earliest_build: pathname = os.path.join(self.basedir, filename) log.msg("pruning '%s'" % pathname) try: os.unlink(pathname) except OSError: pass # IBuilderStatus methods def getName(self): # if builderstatus page does show not up without any reason then # str( may be a workaround return def getFriendlyName(self): if self.friendly_name is None: return return self.friendly_name def setFriendlyName(self, name): self.friendly_name = name def setTags(self, tags): self.tags = tags def setDescription(self, description): # used during reconfig self.description = description def getDescription(self): return self.description def getState(self): return (self.currentBigState, self.currentBuilds) def getAllSlaveNames(self): if self.startSlavenames: return self.slavenames + self.startSlavenames return self.slavenames def getSlaves(self): return [self.status.getSlave(name) for name in self.slavenames] def getAllSlaves(self): return [self.status.getSlave(name) for name in self.getAllSlaveNames()] @defer.inlineCallbacks def getPendingBuildRequestStatuses(self, codebases={}): pendingBuilds = yield self.pendingBuildsCache.getPendingBuilds( codebases=codebases) defer.returnValue(pendingBuilds) @defer.inlineCallbacks def getPendingBuildRequestStatusesDicts(self, codebases={}): pendingBuildsDict = yield self.pendingBuildsCache.getPendingBuildsDicts( codebases=codebases) defer.returnValue(pendingBuildsDict) def foundCodebasesInBuild(self, build, codebases): if len(codebases) > 0: build_sourcestamps = build.getSourceStamps() foundcodebases = [] for ss in build_sourcestamps: if ss.codebase in codebases.keys() and ss.branch == codebases[ ss.codebase]: foundcodebases.append(ss) return len(foundcodebases) == len(build_sourcestamps) @defer.inlineCallbacks def foundCodebasesInBuildRequest(self, build, codebases): if len(codebases) > 0: build_sourcestamps = yield build.getSourceStamps() foundcodebases = [] for ss in build_sourcestamps.values(): if ss.codebase in codebases.keys() and ss.branch == codebases[ ss.codebase]: foundcodebases.append(ss) defer.returnValue(len(foundcodebases) == len(build_sourcestamps)) def getCurrentBuilds(self, codebases={}): if len(codebases) == 0: return self.currentBuilds currentBuildsCodebases = [] for build in self.currentBuilds: if self.foundCodebasesInBuild(build, codebases): currentBuildsCodebases.append(build) return currentBuildsCodebases def getCachedBuilds(self, codebases={}): builds = [] for id in self.buildCache.keys(): build = self.getBuild(id) if len(codebases) == 0 or self.foundCodebasesInBuild( build, codebases): builds.append(build) return builds def getLastFinishedBuild(self): b = self.getBuild(-1) if not (b and b.isFinished()): b = self.getBuild(-2) return b def setCategory(self, category): # used during reconfig self.category = category def getCategory(self): return self.category def setProject(self, project): self.project = project def getProject(self): return self.project def getBuilderConfig(self): """ :return: Builder configuration associated with this builder :rtype: buildbot.config.BuilderConfig """ return self.master.botmaster.getBuilderConfig( def getBuild(self, number): if number < 0: number = self.nextBuildNumber + number if number < 0 or number >= self.nextBuildNumber: return None try: return self.getBuildByNumber(number) except IndexError: return None def getEvent(self, number): try: return[number] except IndexError: return None def _getBuildBranches(self, build): return set([ss.branch for ss in build.getSourceStamps()]) @defer.inlineCallbacks def generateBuildNumbers(self, codebases={}, branches=[], results=None, num_builds=1): sourcestamps = [{ 'b_branch': b } for b in branches if b is not None] if branches else [] #TODO: support filter by RETRY result results_filter = [r for r in results if r is not None and r != RETRY] if results else [] if codebases and not branches: for key, value in codebases.iteritems(): sourcestamps.append({'b_codebase': key, 'b_branch': value}) # Handles the condition where the last build status couldn't be saved into pickles, # in that case we need to search more builds and use the previous one retries = num_builds if num_builds == 1: retries = num_builds + 9 lastBuildsNumbers = yield self.master.db.builds.getLastBuildsNumbers(, sourcestamps=sourcestamps, results=results_filter, num_builds=retries) defer.returnValue(lastBuildsNumbers) return def getLatestBuildCache(self, key): cache = self.latestBuildCache[key] max_cache = datetime.timedelta( days=self.master.config.lastBuildCacheDays) if - cache["date"] > max_cache: del self.latestBuildCache[key] elif cache["build"] is not None: return self.getBuild(self.latestBuildCache[key]["build"]) return None @defer.inlineCallbacks def getLatestBuildCacheAsync(self, key): cache = self.latestBuildCache[key] max_cache = datetime.timedelta( days=self.master.config.lastBuildCacheDays) if - cache["date"] > max_cache: del self.latestBuildCache[key] elif cache["build"] is not None: build = yield self.deferToThread( self.latestBuildCache[key]["build"]) defer.returnValue(build) return defer.returnValue(None) def shouldUseLatestBuildCache(self, useCache, num_builds, key): return key and useCache and num_builds == 1 and key in self.latestBuildCache def buildLoaded(self, build, buildnumber): if build and not self.loadingBuilds[buildnumber]['build']: self.loadingBuilds[buildnumber]['build'] = build def getLoadedBuildFromThread(self, buildnumber): build = self.loadingBuilds[buildnumber]['build'] self.loadingBuilds[buildnumber]['access'] -= 1 if not self.loadingBuilds[buildnumber]['access']: del self.loadingBuilds[buildnumber] return build def loadBuildFromThread(self, buildnumber): if buildnumber not in self.loadingBuilds: d = threads.deferToThread(self.getBuild, buildnumber) d.addCallback(self.buildLoaded, buildnumber=buildnumber) self.loadingBuilds[buildnumber] = { 'defer': d, 'access': 1, 'build': None } return if self.loadingBuilds[buildnumber]['defer']: self.loadingBuilds[buildnumber]['access'] += 1 @defer.inlineCallbacks def deferToThread(self, buildnumber): if buildnumber in self.buildCache.cache: defer.returnValue(self.getBuildByNumber(number=buildnumber)) return self.loadBuildFromThread(buildnumber=buildnumber) yield self.loadingBuilds[buildnumber]['defer'] build = self.getLoadedBuildFromThread(buildnumber) defer.returnValue(build) @defer.inlineCallbacks def getFinishedBuildsByNumbers(self, buildnumbers=[], results=None): finishedBuilds = [] for bn in buildnumbers: build = yield self.deferToThread(bn) if build: if results is not None and build.getResults() not in results: continue finishedBuilds.append(build) defer.returnValue(finishedBuilds) @defer.inlineCallbacks def generateFinishedBuildsAsync(self, branches=[], codebases={}, num_builds=None, results=None, useCache=False): build = None finishedBuilds = [] branches = set(branches) key = self.getCodebasesCacheKey(codebases) if self.shouldUseLatestBuildCache(useCache, num_builds, key): build = yield self.getLatestBuildCacheAsync(key) if build: finishedBuilds.append(build) defer.returnValue(finishedBuilds) return buildNumbers = yield self.generateBuildNumbers(codebases, branches, results, num_builds) for bn in buildNumbers: build = yield self.deferToThread(bn) if build is None: continue if results is not None: if build.getResults() not in results: continue finishedBuilds.append(build) if num_builds == 1: break if key and useCache and num_builds == 1: self.saveLatestBuild(build, key) defer.returnValue(finishedBuilds) return def generateFinishedBuilds(self, branches=[], codebases={}, num_builds=None, max_buildnum=None, finished_before=None, results=None, max_search=2000, filter_fn=None, useCache=False): key = self.getCodebasesCacheKey(codebases) if self.shouldUseLatestBuildCache(useCache, num_builds, key): build = self.getLatestBuildCache(key) if build: yield build # Warning: if there is a problem saving the build in the cache the build wont be loaded return got = 0 branches = set(branches) codebases = codebases for Nb in itertools.count(1): if Nb > self.nextBuildNumber: break if Nb > max_search: break build = self.getBuild(-Nb) if build is None: continue if max_buildnum is not None: if build.getNumber() > max_buildnum: continue if not build.isFinished(): continue if finished_before is not None: start, end = build.getTimes() if end >= finished_before: continue # if we were asked to filter on branches, and none of the # sourcestamps match, skip this build if len(codebases) > 0: if not self.foundCodebasesInBuild(build, codebases): continue elif branches and not branches & self._getBuildBranches(build): continue if results is not None: if build.getResults() not in results: continue if filter_fn is not None: if not filter_fn(build): continue got += 1 yield build if num_builds and num_builds == 1 and useCache: #Save our latest builds to the cache self.saveLatestBuild(build, key) return if useCache and num_builds == 1: self.saveLatestBuild(build=None, key=key) def buildCanceled(self, _, buildnumber): self.cancelBuilds[buildnumber]['access'] -= 1 if not self.cancelBuilds[buildnumber]['access']: del self.cancelBuilds[buildnumber] def cancelBuildFromThread(self, build): if build.number not in self.cancelBuilds: d = threads.deferToThread(build.cancelYourself) d.addCallback(self.buildCanceled, build.number) self.cancelBuilds[build.number] = {'defer': d, 'access': 1} return if self.cancelBuilds[build.number]['defer']: self.cancelBuilds[build.number]['access'] += 1 @defer.inlineCallbacks def cancelBuildOnResume(self, number): build = yield self.deferToThread(number) if build: self.cancelBuildFromThread(build) yield self.cancelBuilds[build.number]['defer'] defer.returnValue(build) @defer.inlineCallbacks def cancelBuildRequestsOnResume(self, number): build = yield self.cancelBuildOnResume(number) # the builder cancel related requests in the db if build: yield self.master.db.buildrequests.cancelBuildRequestsByBuildNumber( number=number, def eventGenerator(self, branches=[], categories=[], committers=[], minTime=0): """This function creates a generator which will provide all of this Builder's status events, starting with the most recent and progressing backwards in time. """ # remember the oldest-to-earliest flow here. "next" means earlier. # TODO: interleave build steps and by timestamp. # TODO: um, I think we're already doing that. # TODO: there's probably something clever we could do here to # interleave two event streams (one from self.getBuild and the other # from self.getEvent), which would be simpler than this control flow eventIndex = -1 e = self.getEvent(eventIndex) branches = set(branches) for Nb in range(1, self.nextBuildNumber + 1): b = self.getBuild(-Nb) if not b: # HACK: If this is the first build we are looking at, it is # possible it's in progress but locked before it has written a # pickle; in this case keep looking. if Nb == 1: continue break if b.getTimes()[0] < minTime: break # if we were asked to filter on branches, and none of the # sourcestamps match, skip this build if branches and not branches & self._getBuildBranches(b): continue if categories and not b.getBuilder().getCategory() in categories: continue if committers and not [ True for c in b.getChanges() if c.who in committers ]: continue steps = b.getSteps() for Ns in range(1, len(steps) + 1): if steps[-Ns].started: step_start = steps[-Ns].getTimes()[0] while e is not None and e.getTimes()[0] > step_start: yield e eventIndex -= 1 e = self.getEvent(eventIndex) yield steps[-Ns] yield b while e is not None: yield e eventIndex -= 1 e = self.getEvent(eventIndex) if e and e.getTimes()[0] < minTime: break def subscribe(self, receiver): # will get builderChangedState, buildStarted, buildFinished, # requestSubmitted, requestCancelled. Note that a request which is # resubmitted (due to a slave disconnect) will cause requestSubmitted # to be invoked multiple times. self.watchers.append(receiver) self.publishState(receiver) # our parent Status provides requestSubmitted and requestCancelled self.status._builder_subscribe(, receiver) def unsubscribe(self, receiver): self.watchers.remove(receiver) self.status._builder_unsubscribe(, receiver) ## Builder interface (methods called by the Builder which feeds us) def setSlavenames(self, names): self.slavenames = names def setStartSlavenames(self, names): self.startSlavenames = names def addEvent(self, text=[]): # this adds a duration event. When it is done, the user should call # e.finish(). They can also mangle it by modifying .text e = Event() e.started = e.text = text self.prune(events_only=True) return e # they are free to mangle it further def addPointEvent(self, text=[]): # this adds a point event, one which occurs as a single atomic # instant of time. e = Event() e.started = e.finished = 0 e.text = text self.prune(events_only=True) return e # for consistency, but they really shouldn't touch it def setBigState(self, state): needToUpdate = state != self.currentBigState self.currentBigState = state if needToUpdate: self.publishState() def publishState(self, target=None): state = self.currentBigState if target is not None: # unicast target.builderChangedState(, state) return for w in self.watchers: try: w.builderChangedState(, state) except: log.msg("Exception caught publishing state to %r" % w) klog.err_json() def newBuild(self): """The Builder has decided to start a build, but the Build object is not yet ready to report status (it has not finished creating the Steps). Create a BuildStatus object that it can use.""" number = self.nextBuildNumber self.nextBuildNumber += 1 # TODO: self.saveYourself(), to make sure we don't forget about the # build number we've just allocated. This is not quite as important # as it was before we switch to determineNextBuildNumber, but I think # it may still be useful to have the new build save itself. s = BuildStatus(self, self.master, number) s.waitUntilFinished().addCallback(self._buildFinished) return s # buildStarted is called by our child BuildStatus instances def buildStarted(self, s): """Now the BuildStatus object is ready to go (it knows all of its Steps, its ETA, etc), so it is safe to notify our watchers.""" assert s.builder is self # paranoia assert s not in self.currentBuilds self.currentBuilds.append(s) self.buildCache.get(s.number, val=s) # now that the BuildStatus is prepared to answer queries, we can # announce the new build to all our watchers for w in self.watchers: # TODO: maybe do this later? callLater(0)? try: receiver = w.buildStarted(self.getName(), s) if receiver: if type(receiver) == type(()): s.subscribe(receiver[0], receiver[1]) else: s.subscribe(receiver) d = s.waitUntilFinished() d.addCallback(lambda s: s.unsubscribe(receiver)) except: log.msg("Exception caught notifying %r of buildStarted event" % w) klog.err_json() @defer.inlineCallbacks def _buildFinished(self, s): assert s in self.currentBuilds s.saveYourself() self.currentBuilds.remove(s) name = self.getName() results = s.getResults() for w in self.watchers: try: w.buildFinished(name, s, results) except: log.msg( "Exception caught notifying %r of buildFinished event" % w) klog.err_json() self.saveLatestBuild(s) yield threads.deferToThread(self.prune) # conserve disk def getCodebasesCacheKey(self, codebases={}): codebase_key = "" if not codebases: return codebase_key project = self.master.getProject(self.getProject()) codebase_key = getCacheKey(project, codebases) return codebase_key def updateLatestBuildCache(self, cache, k): def nonEmptyCacheUpdateToEmptyBuild(): return self.latestBuildCache and k in self.latestBuildCache and 'build' in self.latestBuildCache[k] and \ self.latestBuildCache[k]["build"] and cache["build"] is None def keyHasMultipleCodebasesAndEmptyBuild(): codebases = [key for key in k.split(';') if key] return not cache["build"] and len(codebases) > 1 if nonEmptyCacheUpdateToEmptyBuild(): return if keyHasMultipleCodebasesAndEmptyBuild(): return self.latestBuildCache[k] = cache def saveLatestBuild(self, build, key=None): if build and build.getResults() == RESUME: return cache = {"build": None, "date":} if build is not None: cache["build"] = build.number # Save the latest build using the build's codebases ss = build.getSourceStamps() codebases = {} for s in ss: if s.codebase and s.branch: codebases[s.codebase] = s.branch # We save it in the same way as we access it key = self.getCodebasesCacheKey(codebases) self.updateLatestBuildCache(cache, key) def asDict(self, codebases={}, request=None, base_build_dict=False, include_build_steps=True, include_build_props=True): from buildbot.status.web.base import codebases_to_args result = {} # Constant # TODO(maruel): Fix me. We don't want to leak the full path. result['name'] = result['url'] = self.status.getURLForThing(self) + codebases_to_args( codebases) result['friendly_name'] = self.getFriendlyName() result['description'] = self.getDescription() result['project'] = self.project result['slaves'] = self.slavenames result['startSlavenames '] = self.startSlavenames result['tags'] = self.tags # TODO(maruel): Add cache settings? Do we care? # Transient def build_dict(b): if base_build_dict is True: return b.asBaseDict(request, include_current_step=True) else: return b.asDict(request, include_steps=include_build_steps, include_properties=include_build_props) current_builds_dict = [ build_dict(b) for b in self.getCurrentBuilds(codebases) ] result['currentBuilds'] = current_builds_dict result['state'] = self.getState()[0] # lies, but we don't have synchronous access to this info; use # asDict_async instead result['pendingBuilds'] = 0 return result def asSlaveDict(self): return { 'name':, 'friendly_name': self.getFriendlyName(), 'url': self.status.getURLForThing(self), 'project': self.project } @defer.inlineCallbacks def asDict_async(self, codebases={}, request=None, base_build_dict=False, include_build_steps=True, include_build_props=True, include_pending_builds=False): """Just like L{asDict}, but with a nonzero pendingBuilds.""" result = self.asDict(codebases, request, base_build_dict, include_build_steps=include_build_steps, include_build_props=include_build_props) result['pendingBuilds'] = yield self.pendingBuildsCache.getTotal( codebases=codebases) if include_pending_builds: pendingBuildsDict = yield self.getPendingBuildRequestStatusesDicts( codebases=codebases) result['pendingBuildRequests'] = pendingBuildsDict defer.returnValue(result) def getMetrics(self): return self.botmaster.parent.metrics
class PendingBuildsCache(): implements(IStatusReceiver) """ A class which caches the pending builds for a builder it will clear the cache and request them again when a build is requested or started """ def __init__(self, builder): self.builder = builder self.buildRequestStatusCodebasesCache = {} self.buildRequestStatusCodebasesDictsCache = {} self.buildRequestStatusCache = LRUCache( BuildRequestStatus.createBuildRequestStatus, 50) self.cache_now() self.builder.subscribe(self) @defer.inlineCallbacks def fetchPendingBuildRequestStatuses(self, codebases={}): sourcestamps = [{ 'b_codebase': key, 'b_branch': value } for key, value in codebases.iteritems()] brdicts = yield self.builder.master.db.buildrequests.getBuildRequestInQueue(, sourcestamps=sourcestamps, sorted=True) result = [] for brdict in brdicts: brs = self.buildRequestStatusCache.get( key=brdict['brid'],, status=self.builder.status) brs.update(brdict) result.append(brs) defer.returnValue(result) @defer.inlineCallbacks def cache_now(self): self.buildRequestStatusCodebasesCache = {} self.buildRequestStatusCodebasesDictsCache = {} if hasattr(self.builder, "status"): key = self.builder.getCodebasesCacheKey() self.buildRequestStatusCodebasesCache[ key] = yield self.fetchPendingBuildRequestStatuses() defer.returnValue(self.buildRequestStatusCodebasesCache[key]) @defer.inlineCallbacks def getPendingBuilds(self, codebases={}): key = self.builder.getCodebasesCacheKey(codebases) if not self.buildRequestStatusCodebasesCache or key not in self.buildRequestStatusCodebasesCache: self.buildRequestStatusCodebasesCache[key] = \ yield self.fetchPendingBuildRequestStatuses(codebases=codebases) defer.returnValue(self.buildRequestStatusCodebasesCache[key]) @defer.inlineCallbacks def getPendingBuildsDicts(self, codebases={}): key = self.builder.getCodebasesCacheKey(codebases) if not self.buildRequestStatusCodebasesDictsCache or key not in self.buildRequestStatusCodebasesDictsCache: pendingBuilds = yield self.getPendingBuilds(codebases) self.buildRequestStatusCodebasesDictsCache[key] = [ (yield brs.asDict_async(codebases=codebases)) for brs in pendingBuilds ] defer.returnValue(self.buildRequestStatusCodebasesDictsCache[key]) @defer.inlineCallbacks def getTotal(self, codebases={}): pendingBuilds = yield self.getPendingBuilds(codebases) defer.returnValue(len(pendingBuilds)) def buildStarted(self, builderName, state): self.cache_now() def buildFinished(self, builderName, state, results): self.cache_now() def requestSubmitted(self, req): self.cache_now() def requestCancelled(self, req): self.cache_now() def builderChangedState(self, builderName, state): """