def test_load_wrong_extension(tmp_path): dash = tmp_path / '' dash.write_text(sample_dash.format(title='dash')) dashboards = builder.load_dashboards(str(tmp_path)) assert len(dashboards) == 0
def test_load_without_dashboard(tmp_path): dash = tmp_path / '' dash.write_text('import grafanalib') dashboards = builder.load_dashboards(str(tmp_path)) assert len(dashboards) == 0
def test_load_empty_file(tmp_path): dash = tmp_path / '' dash.write_text('') dashboards = builder.load_dashboards(str(tmp_path)) assert len(dashboards) == 0
def test_load_not_python(tmp_path): dash = tmp_path / '' dash.write_text('I am not a python file') dashboards = builder.load_dashboards(str(tmp_path)) assert len(dashboards) == 0
def test_load_valid_dashboard(tmp_path): dash = tmp_path / '' dash.write_text(sample_dash.format(title='dash')) dashboards = builder.load_dashboards(str(tmp_path)) assert len(dashboards) == 1 assert len(dashboards[builder.DEFAULT_FOLDER]) == 1 assert isinstance(dashboards[builder.DEFAULT_FOLDER][0], Dashboard)
def test_generating_multiple_dirs(tmp_path): """ Check that for a following input dir... input_dir/ dir1/ dir2/ dir3/ ...the output dir looks like this: output_dir/ DEFAULT_FOLDER/ dash0.json dir1/ dash1.json dir2/ dash2.json dash3.json """ out_path = tmp_path / builder.DEFAULT_OUT in_path = tmp_path / 'in' in_path.mkdir() dir1 = in_path / 'dir1' dir2 = in_path / 'dir2' dir3 = in_path / 'dir2' / 'dir3' dir1.mkdir() dir2.mkdir() dir3.mkdir() dash0 = in_path / '' dash1 = dir1 / '' dash2 = dir2 / '' dash3 = dir3 / '' dash0.write_text(sample_dash.format(title='dash0')) dash1.write_text(sample_dash.format(title='dash1')) dash2.write_text(sample_dash.format(title='dash2')) dash3.write_text(sample_dash.format(title='dash3')) dashboards = builder.load_dashboards(str(in_path)) builder.generate_dashboards(dashboards, str(out_path)) assert (out_path / builder.DEFAULT_FOLDER / 'dash0.json').is_file() assert (out_path / 'dir1').is_dir() assert (out_path / 'dir2').is_dir() assert not (out_path / 'dir3').is_dir() assert (out_path / 'dir1' / 'dash1.json').is_file() assert (out_path / 'dir2' / 'dash2.json').is_file() assert (out_path / 'dir2' / 'dash3.json').is_file()
def test_load_multiple_files(tmp_path): dash1 = tmp_path / '' dash2 = tmp_path / '' dash1.write_text(sample_dash.format(title='dash1')) dash2.write_text(sample_dash.format(title='dash2')) dashboards = builder.load_dashboards(str(tmp_path)) assert len(dashboards) == 1 assert len(dashboards[builder.DEFAULT_FOLDER]) == 2
def test_load_from_configmap(tmp_path): dash0 = tmp_path / '' dash1 = tmp_path / f'dir1{builder.DIR_SEPARATOR}' dash2 = tmp_path / f'dir2{builder.DIR_SEPARATOR}' dash3 = tmp_path / f'dir2{builder.DIR_SEPARATOR}' dash0.write_text(sample_dash.format(title='dash0')) dash1.write_text(sample_dash.format(title='dash1')) dash2.write_text(sample_dash.format(title='dash2')) dash3.write_text(sample_dash.format(title='dash3')) dashboards = builder.load_dashboards(str(tmp_path), from_configmap=True) assert len(dashboards) == 3 assert len(dashboards[builder.DEFAULT_FOLDER]) == 1 assert len(dashboards['dir1']) == 1 assert len(dashboards['dir2']) == 2 dashboards = builder.load_dashboards(str(tmp_path), from_configmap=False) assert len(dashboards) == 1 assert len(dashboards[builder.DEFAULT_FOLDER]) == 4
def test_load_nested_dirs(tmp_path): dir1 = tmp_path / 'dir1' dir2 = tmp_path / 'dir2' dir1.mkdir() dir2.mkdir() dash1 = dir1 / '' dash2 = dir2 / '' dash1.write_text(sample_dash.format(title='dash1')) dash2.write_text(sample_dash.format(title='dash2')) dashboards = builder.load_dashboards(str(tmp_path)) assert len(dashboards) == 2 assert len(dashboards['dir1']) == 1 assert len(dashboards['dir2']) == 1 assert builder.DEFAULT_FOLDER not in dashboards
def test_generate_single_dashboard(tmp_path): """ Check if out_path contains a generated dashboard json with correct title. """ out_path = tmp_path / builder.DEFAULT_OUT title = 'dash1' dash = tmp_path / '' dash.write_text(sample_dash.format(title=title)) dashboards = builder.load_dashboards(str(tmp_path)) builder.generate_dashboards(dashboards, str(out_path)) generated_json = out_path / builder.DEFAULT_FOLDER / f'{title}.json' assert Path(generated_json).is_file() assert f'"title": "{title}"' in generated_json.read_text()
def test_load_general_folder(tmp_path): """ If there are dashboards in the root of input_dir and inside the "General" default folder, they all should be loaded under the same DEFAULT_FOLDER key """ general = tmp_path / 'General' general.mkdir() dash0 = tmp_path / '' dash1 = general / '' dash0.write_text(sample_dash.format(title='dash0')) dash1.write_text(sample_dash.format(title='dash1')) dashboards = builder.load_dashboards(str(tmp_path)) assert len(dashboards) == 1 assert len(dashboards[builder.DEFAULT_FOLDER]) == 2
def test_out_dir_non_empty(tmp_path): """ Check if out_path is correctly cleaned and contains only the newly generated files. """ out_path = tmp_path / builder.DEFAULT_OUT out_path.mkdir() some_file = out_path / 'some.file' some_file.write_text('I should be removed') title = 'dash1' dash = tmp_path / '' dash.write_text(sample_dash.format(title=title)) dashboards = builder.load_dashboards(str(tmp_path)) builder.generate_dashboards(dashboards, str(out_path)) generated_json = out_path / builder.DEFAULT_FOLDER / f'{title}.json' assert Path(generated_json).is_file() assert not Path(some_file).exists() assert f'"title": "{title}"' in generated_json.read_text()
def test_load_multiple_nested_dirs(tmp_path): dir1 = tmp_path / 'dir1' dir2 = tmp_path / 'dir2' dir3 = tmp_path / 'dir2' / 'dir3' dir1.mkdir() dir2.mkdir() dir3.mkdir() dash0 = tmp_path / '' dash1 = dir1 / '' dash2 = dir2 / '' dash3 = dir3 / '' dash0.write_text(sample_dash.format(title='dash0')) dash1.write_text(sample_dash.format(title='dash1')) dash2.write_text(sample_dash.format(title='dash2')) dash3.write_text(sample_dash.format(title='dash3')) dashboards = builder.load_dashboards(str(tmp_path)) assert len(dashboards) == 3 assert len(dashboards[builder.DEFAULT_FOLDER]) == 1 assert len(dashboards['dir1']) == 1 assert len(dashboards['dir2']) == 2