コード例 #1
    def test_storing_a_context_on_s3_and_retrieving_it_from_a_new_client(self):
        stackname = 'dummy1--prod'
        context = cfngen.build_context('dummy1', stackname=stackname)
        context_handler.write_context(stackname, context)
        expected = context_handler.load_context(stackname)

        downloaded = context_handler.load_context(stackname)

        self.assertEqual(expected, downloaded)
コード例 #2
def _check_want_to_be_running(stackname, autostart=False):
        context = context_handler.load_context(stackname)

        if 'ec2' in context:
            # early check can only be made if the instance actually declares
            # ec2 True/False in its context
            # otherwise, don't make assumptions and go ahead
            if not context['ec2']:
                return False

    except context_handler.MissingContextFile as e:

    instance_list = core.find_ec2_instances(stackname, allow_empty=True)
    num_instances = len(instance_list)
    if num_instances >= 1:
        return instance_list

    if not autostart:
        should_start = utils._pick(
            'should_start', [True, False],
            message='Stack not running. Should it be started?')
        if not should_start:
            return False

    # to get the ip addresses that are assigned to the now-running instances
    # and that weren't there before
    return core.find_ec2_instances(stackname)
コード例 #3
ファイル: master.py プロジェクト: muzyk10/builder
def remaster(stackname, new_master_stackname):
    "tell minion who their new master is. deletes any existing master key on minion"
    # TODO: turn this into a decorator
    import cfn
    # start the machine if it's stopped
    # you might also want to acquire a lock so alfred doesn't stop things
    cfn._check_want_to_be_running(stackname, 1)

    master_ip = _cached_master_ip(new_master_stackname)
    LOG.info('re-mastering %s to %s', stackname, master_ip)

    context = context_handler.load_context(stackname)

    # remove if no longer an issue
    # if context.get('ec2') == True:
    #    # TODO: duplicates bad ec2 data wrangling in cfngen.build_context
    #    # ec2 == True for some reason, which is completely useless
    #    LOG.warn("bad context for stack: %s", stackname)
    #    context['ec2'] = {}
    #    context['project']['aws']['ec2'] = {}
    if not context.get('ec2'):
        LOG.info("no ec2 context, skipping %s", stackname)

    if context['ec2'].get('master_ip') == master_ip:
        LOG.info("already remastered: %s", stackname)
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            LOG.info("not skipping")

    LOG.info("upgrading salt client")
    pdata = core.project_data_for_stackname(stackname)
    context['project']['salt'] = pdata['salt']

    LOG.info("setting new master address")
    cfngen.set_master_address(pdata, context, master_ip)  # mutates context

    # update context
    LOG.info("updating context")
    context_handler.write_context(stackname, context)

    # update buildvars
    LOG.info("updating buildvars")
    buildvars.refresh(stackname, context)

    # remove knowledge of old master
    def work():
        remote_sudo("rm -f /etc/salt/pki/minion/minion_master.pub"
                    )  # destroy the old master key we have

    LOG.info("removing old master key from minion")
    core.stack_all_ec2_nodes(stackname, work, username=config.BOOTSTRAP_USER)

    # update ec2 nodes
    LOG.info("updating nodes")
    bootstrap.update_ec2_stack(stackname, context, concurrency='serial')
    return True
コード例 #4
def load_balancer_register_all__v1(stackname):
    context = context_handler.load_context(stackname)
    elb_name = cloudformation.read_output(stackname, 'ElasticLoadBalancer')
    executor = bluegreen.BlueGreenConcurrency(context['aws']['region'])
    node_params = all_node_params(stackname)
    LOG.info("Register all: %s", pformat(node_params))
    executor.register(elb_name, node_params)
    executor.wait_registered_all(elb_name, node_params)
コード例 #5
ファイル: master.py プロジェクト: elifesciences/builder
def remaster(stackname, new_master_stackname):
    "tell minion who their new master is. deletes any existing master key on minion"
    # TODO: turn this into a decorator
    import cfn
    # start the machine if it's stopped
    # you might also want to acquire a lock so alfred doesn't stop things
    cfn._check_want_to_be_running(stackname, 1)

    master_ip = _cached_master_ip(new_master_stackname)
    LOG.info('re-mastering %s to %s', stackname, master_ip)

    context = context_handler.load_context(stackname)

    # remove if no longer an issue
    # if context.get('ec2') == True:
    #    # TODO: duplicates bad ec2 data wrangling in cfngen.build_context
    #    # ec2 == True for some reason, which is completely useless
    #    LOG.warn("bad context for stack: %s", stackname)
    #    context['ec2'] = {}
    #    context['project']['aws']['ec2'] = {}
    if not context.get('ec2'):
        LOG.info("no ec2 context, skipping %s", stackname)

    if context['ec2'].get('master_ip') == master_ip:
        LOG.info("already remastered: %s", stackname)
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            LOG.info("not skipping")

    LOG.info("upgrading salt client")
    pdata = core.project_data_for_stackname(stackname)
    context['project']['salt'] = pdata['salt']

    LOG.info("setting new master address")
    cfngen.set_master_address(pdata, context, master_ip) # mutates context

    # update context
    LOG.info("updating context")
    context_handler.write_context(stackname, context)

    # update buildvars
    LOG.info("updating buildvars")
    buildvars.refresh(stackname, context)

    # remove knowledge of old master
    def work():
        sudo("rm -f /etc/salt/pki/minion/minion_master.pub")  # destroy the old master key we have
    LOG.info("removing old master key from minion")
    core.stack_all_ec2_nodes(stackname, work, username=config.BOOTSTRAP_USER)

    # update ec2 nodes
    LOG.info("updating nodes")
    bootstrap.update_ec2_stack(stackname, context, concurrency='serial')
    return True
コード例 #6
ファイル: deploy.py プロジェクト: swipswaps/builder
def load_balancer_status(stackname):
    context = context_handler.load_context(stackname)
    # TODO: delegate to BlueGreenConcurrency?
    elb_name = cloudformation.read_output(stackname, 'ElasticLoadBalancer')
    conn = boto_client('elb', context['aws']['region'])
    health = conn.describe_instance_health(
        LoadBalancerName=elb_name, )['InstanceStates']
    LOG.info("Load balancer name: %s", elb_name)
    LOG.info("Health: %s", pformat(health))
コード例 #7
ファイル: buildvars.py プロジェクト: elifesciences/builder
 def _fix_single_ec2_node(stackname):
     LOG.info("checking build vars on node %s", current_node_id())
         buildvars = _retrieve_build_vars()
         LOG.info("valid bvars found, no fix necessary: %s", buildvars)
     except AssertionError:
         LOG.info("invalid build vars found, regenerating from context")
         context = load_context(stackname)
         # some contexts are missing stackname
         context['stackname'] = stackname
         node_id = current_node_id()
         new_vars = trop.build_vars(context, node_id)
         _update_remote_bvars(stackname, new_vars)
コード例 #8
ファイル: buildvars.py プロジェクト: swipswaps/builder
 def _fix_single_ec2_node(stackname):
     LOG.info("checking build vars on node %s", current_node_id())
         buildvars = _retrieve_build_vars()
         LOG.info("valid bvars found, no fix necessary: %s", buildvars)
     except AssertionError:
         LOG.info("invalid build vars found, regenerating from context")
         context = load_context(stackname)
         # some contexts are missing stackname
         context['stackname'] = stackname
         node_id = current_node_id()
         new_vars = trop.build_vars(context, node_id)
         _update_remote_bvars(stackname, new_vars)
コード例 #9
ファイル: masterless.py プロジェクト: elifesciences/builder
def set_versions(stackname, *repolist):
    """updates the cloned formulas on a masterless stack to a specific revision.
    call with formula name and a revision, like: builder-private@ab87af78asdf2321431f31"""

    context = context_handler.load_context(stackname)
    fkeys = ['formula-repo', 'formula-dependencies', 'private-repo', 'configuration-repo']
    fdata = subdict(context['project'], fkeys)
    repolist = parse_validate_repolist(fdata, *repolist)

    if not repolist:
        return 'nothing to do'

    def updater():
        for repo, formula, revision in repolist:
            bootstrap.run_script('update-masterless-formula.sh', repo, formula, revision)

    core.stack_all_ec2_nodes(stackname, updater, concurrency='serial')
コード例 #10
ファイル: bootstrap.py プロジェクト: garyttierney/builder
def _create_generic_stack(stackname,
    "simply creates the stack of resources on AWS, talking to CloudFormation."
    if not parameters:
        parameters = []

    LOG.info('creating stack %r', stackname)
    stack_body = core.stack_json(stackname)
        conn = connect_aws_with_stack(stackname, 'cfn')
        conn.create_stack(stackname, stack_body, parameters=parameters)
        context = context_handler.load_context(stackname)
        # setup various resources after creation, where necessary
        setup_ec2(stackname, context['ec2'])

        return True
    except StackTakingALongTimeToComplete as err:
        LOG.info("Stack taking a long time to complete: %s", err.message)
    except BotoServerError as err:
        if err.message.endswith(' already exists'):
            return False
        LOG.exception("unhandled Boto exception attempting to create stack",
                          'stackname': stackname,
                          'parameters': parameters
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        LOG.debug("caught keyboard interrupt, cancelling...")
        return False
    except BaseException:
        LOG.exception("unhandled exception attempting to create stack",
                      extra={'stackname': stackname})
コード例 #11
ファイル: cfn.py プロジェクト: elifesciences/builder
def _check_want_to_be_running(stackname, autostart=False):
        context = context_handler.load_context(stackname)
        if not _are_there_existing_servers(context):
            return False

    except context_handler.MissingContextFile as e:

    instance_list = core.find_ec2_instances(stackname, allow_empty=True)
    num_instances = len(instance_list)
    if num_instances >= 1:
        return instance_list

    if not autostart:
        should_start = utils._pick('should_start', [True, False], message='Stack not running. Should it be started?')
        if not should_start:
            return False

    # another call to get the ip addresses that are assigned to the now-running
    # instances and that weren't there before
    return core.find_ec2_instances(stackname)
コード例 #12
def refresh(stackname, context=None):
    "(safely) replaces the buildvars file on the ec2 instance(s)"

    context = context or load_context(stackname)

    def _refresh_buildvars():
        old_buildvars = _retrieve_build_vars()

        node = old_buildvars.get('node')
        if not node or not str(node).isdigit():
            # (very) old buildvars. try parsing 'nodename'
            nodename = old_buildvars.get('nodename')
            if nodename:  # ll: "elife-dashboard--prod--1"
                node = nodename.split('--')[-1]
                if not node.isdigit():
                    LOG.warning("nodename ends in a non-digit node: %s",
                    node = None

            if not node:
                # no 'node' and no (valid) 'nodename' present
                # assume this stack was created before nodes were a thing
                # and that there is only 1 in the 'cluster'.
                node = 1

        new_buildvars = trop.build_vars(context, int(node))
        new_buildvars['revision'] = old_buildvars.get(
            'revision')  # TODO: is this still necessary?
        _update_remote_bvars(stackname, new_buildvars)

    # lsh@2019-06: cfn.update_infrastructure fails to run highstate on new (unvisited? not the instance author?)
    # ec2 instance if keypair not present, it prompts for a password for the deploy user. prompts when executing
    # in parallel cause operation to fail.
    keypair.download_from_s3(stackname, die_if_exists=False)

    stack_all_ec2_nodes(stackname, _refresh_buildvars, username=BOOTSTRAP_USER)
コード例 #13
ファイル: tasks.py プロジェクト: elifesciences/builder
def repair_context(stackname):
    # triggers the workaround of downloading it from EC2 and persisting it
コード例 #14
ファイル: masterless.py プロジェクト: elifesciences/builder
 def wrapper(stackname=None, *args, **kwargs):
     ctx = context_handler.load_context(stackname)
     ensure(stackname and ctx['ec2']['masterless'], "this command requires a masterless instance.")
     return fn(stackname, *args, **kwargs)