コード例 #1
def query_components_from_org(package):
		Query all metadata from the org and build components and component types


        # Stored package variables - used for queries and processing
        instance_url = package.instance_url
        api_version = package.api_version
        org_id = package.username
        access_token = package.access_token

        # instantiate the metadata WSDL
        metadata_client = Client(
            'http://packagebuilder.herokuapp.com/static/metadata-' +
            str(settings.SALESFORCE_API_VERSION) + '.wsdl.xml')

        # URL for metadata API
        metadata_url = instance_url + '/services/Soap/m/' + str(
            api_version) + '/' + org_id

        # set the metadata url based on the login result

        # set the session id from the login result
        session_header = metadata_client.factory.create("SessionHeader")
        session_header.sessionId = access_token

        # query for the list of metadata types
        all_metadata = metadata_client.service.describeMetadata(api_version)

        # Components for listing metadata
        component_list = []
        loop_counter = 0

        # loop through metadata types
        for component_type in all_metadata[0]:

            # If it has child names, let's use that
            if 'childXmlNames' in component_type:

                for child_component in component_type.childXmlNames:

                    # create the component type record
                    component_type_record = ComponentType()
                    component_type_record.package = package
                    component_type_record.name = child_component
                    component_type_record.include_all = True

            # create the component type record
            component_type_record = ComponentType()
            component_type_record.package = package
            component_type_record.name = component_type.xmlName
            component_type_record.include_all = True

            # Component is a folder component - eg Dashboard, Document, EmailTemplate, Report
            if not component_type.inFolder:

                # If it has child names, let's use that
                if 'childXmlNames' in component_type:

                    # Child component list for querying
                    child_component_list = []

                    # Child loop counter
                    child_loop_counter = 0

                    # Iterate over the child components
                    for child_component in component_type.childXmlNames:

                        # set up the component type to query for components
                        component = metadata_client.factory.create(
                        component.type = child_component

                        # Add metadata to list

                        # Run the metadata query only if the list has reached 3 (the max allowed to query)
                        # at one time, or if there is less than 3 components left to query
                        if len(child_component_list) == 3 or (
                                len(component_type.childXmlNames) -
                                child_loop_counter) <= 3:

                            # loop through the components returned from the component query
                            for component in metadata_client.service.listMetadata(
                                    child_component_list, api_version):

                                # Query database for parent component_type
                                component_type_query = ComponentType.objects.filter(
                                    name=component.type, package=package.id)

                                # Only add if found
                                if component_type_query:

                                    # If the user wants all components, or they don't want any packages  and it's not
                                    if include_component(

                                        # create the component record and save
                                        component_record = Component()
                                        component_record.component_type = component_type_query[
                                        component_record.name = component.fullName
                                        component_record.include = True

                            # Clear the list
                            child_component_list = []

                        # Increment count
                        child_loop_counter = child_loop_counter + 1

                # set up the component type to query for components
                component = metadata_client.factory.create("ListMetadataQuery")
                component.type = component_type.xmlName

                # Add metadata to list


                # Append "Folder" keyword onto end of component type
                component = metadata_client.factory.create("ListMetadataQuery")

                # EmailTemplate = EmailFolder (for some reason)
                if component_type.xmlName == 'EmailTemplate':
                    component.type = 'EmailFolder'
                    component.type = component_type.xmlName + 'Folder'

                # Loop through folders
                for folder in metadata_client.service.listMetadata(
                    [component], api_version):

                    # Create component for folder to query
                    folder_component = metadata_client.factory.create(
                    folder_component.type = component_type.xmlName
                    folder_component.folder = folder.fullName

                    if include_component(package.component_option, folder):

                        # create the component folder entry
                        component_record = Component()
                        component_record.component_type = component_type_record
                        component_record.name = folder.fullName

                    # Loop through folder components
                    for folder_component in metadata_client.service.listMetadata(
                        [folder_component], api_version):

                        if include_component(package.component_option,

                            # create the component record and save
                            component_record = Component()
                            component_record.component_type = component_type_record
                            component_record.name = folder_component.fullName

            # Run the metadata query only if the list has reached 3 (the max allowed to query)
            # at one time, or if there is less than 3 components left to query
            if len(component_list) == 3 or (len(all_metadata[0]) -
                                            loop_counter) <= 3:

                # loop through the components returned from the component query
                for component in metadata_client.service.listMetadata(
                        component_list, api_version):

                    # Query database for parent component_type
                    component_type_query = ComponentType.objects.filter(
                        name=component.type, package=package.id)

                    # Only add if found
                    if component_type_query:

                        # If the user wants all components, or they don't want any packages  and it's not
                        if include_component(package.component_option,

                            # create the component record and save
                            component_record = Component()
                            component_record.component_type = component_type_query[
                            component_record.name = component.fullName
                            component_record.include = True

                        elif package.component_option == 'none' and component.namespacePrefix:


                # clear list once done. This list will re-build to 3 components and re-query the service
                component_list = []

            loop_counter = loop_counter + 1

        # If a component type has no child components, remove the component type altogether
        for component_type in ComponentType.objects.filter(package=package.id):
            if not Component.objects.filter(component_type=component_type.id):

        package.package = build_xml(package)

        package.status = 'Finished'

    except Exception as error:
        package.status = 'Error'
        package.error = traceback.format_exc()

    package.finished_date = datetime.datetime.now()
コード例 #2
def query_components_from_org(package, instance_url, api_version, org_id,


        # instantiate the metadata WSDL
        metadata_client = Client(

        # URL for metadata API
        metadata_url = instance_url + '/services/Soap/m/' + str(
            api_version) + '.0/' + org_id

        # set the metadata url based on the login result

        # set the session id from the login result
        session_header = metadata_client.factory.create("SessionHeader")
        session_header.sessionId = access_token

        # query for the list of metadata types
        all_metadata = metadata_client.service.describeMetadata(api_version)

        # Components for listing metadata
        component_list = []
        loop_counter = 0

        # loop through metadata types
        for component_type in all_metadata[0]:

            # create the component type record and save
            component_type_record = ComponentType()
            component_type_record.package = package
            component_type_record.name = component_type.xmlName
            component_type_record.include_all = True

            # set up the component type to query for components
            component = metadata_client.factory.create("ListMetadataQuery")
            component.type = component_type.xmlName

            # Add metadata to list

            # Run the metadata query only if the list has reached 3 (the max allowed to query)
            # at one time, or if there is less than 3 components left to query
            if len(component_list) == 3 or (len(all_metadata[0]) -
                                            loop_counter) <= 3:

                # loop through the components returned from the component query
                for component in metadata_client.service.listMetadata(
                        component_list, api_version):

                    # Query database for parent component_type
                    component_type_query = ComponentType.objects.filter(
                        name=component.type, package=package.id)

                    # Only add if found
                    if component_type_query:

                        # create the component record and save
                        component_record = Component()
                        component_record.component_type = component_type_query[
                        component_record.name = component.fullName
                        component_record.include = True

                # clear list once done. This list will re-build to 3 components and re-query the service
                component_list = []

            loop_counter = loop_counter + 1

        # If a component type has no child components, remove the component type altogether
        for component_type in ComponentType.objects.filter(package=package.id):
            if not Component.objects.filter(component_type=component_type.id):

        package.status = 'Finished'

    except Exception as error:
        package.status = 'Error'
        package.error = error


    return str(package.id)
コード例 #3
ファイル: tasks.py プロジェクト: benedwards44/packagebuilder
def query_components_from_org(package):
		Query all metadata from the org and build components and component types


		package.status = 'Running'

		# Stored package variables - used for queries and processing
		instance_url = package.instance_url
		api_version = package.api_version
		org_id = package.username
		access_token = package.access_token

		# instantiate the metadata WSDL
		metadata_client = Client('http://packagebuilder.herokuapp.com/static/metadata-' + str(settings.SALESFORCE_API_VERSION) + '.wsdl.xml')

		# URL for metadata API
		metadata_url = instance_url + '/services/Soap/m/' + str(api_version) + '/' + org_id

		# set the metadata url based on the login result

		# set the session id from the login result
		session_header = metadata_client.factory.create("SessionHeader")
		session_header.sessionId = access_token
		# query for the list of metadata types
		all_metadata = metadata_client.service.describeMetadata(api_version)

		# Components for listing metadata
		component_list = []
		loop_counter = 0;

		# loop through metadata types
		for component_type in all_metadata[0]:

			# If it has child names, let's use that
			if 'childXmlNames' in component_type:

				for child_component in component_type.childXmlNames:

					# create the component type record
					component_type_record = ComponentType()
					component_type_record.package = package
					component_type_record.name = child_component
					component_type_record.include_all = True

			# create the component type record
			component_type_record = ComponentType()
			component_type_record.package = package
			component_type_record.name = component_type.xmlName
			component_type_record.include_all = True

			# Component is a folder component - eg Dashboard, Document, EmailTemplate, Report
			if not component_type.inFolder:

				# If it has child names, let's use that
				if 'childXmlNames' in component_type:

					# Child component list for querying
					child_component_list = []

					# Child loop counter
					child_loop_counter = 0

					# Iterate over the child components
					for child_component in component_type.childXmlNames:

						# set up the component type to query for components
						component = metadata_client.factory.create("ListMetadataQuery")
						component.type = child_component
						if component.type == 'ManagedTopic':
							#ManagedTopic is not a valid component Type and it should be 'ManagedTopics'
							component.type = 'ManagedTopics'

						# Add metadata to list

						# Run the metadata query only if the list has reached 3 (the max allowed to query)
						# at one time, or if there is less than 3 components left to query 
						if len(child_component_list) == 3 or (len(component_type.childXmlNames) - child_loop_counter) <= 3:

							# loop through the components returned from the component query
							for component in metadata_client.service.listMetadata(child_component_list,api_version):

								# Query database for parent component_type
								component_type_query = ComponentType.objects.filter(name=component.type, package=package.id)

								# Only add if found
								if component_type_query:

									# If the user wants all components, or they don't want any packages  and it's not
									if include_component(package.component_option, component):

										# create the component record and save
										component_record = Component()
										component_record.component_type = component_type_query[0]
										component_record.name = component.fullName
										component_record.include = True

							# Clear the list
							child_component_list = []		

						# Increment count
						child_loop_counter = child_loop_counter + 1

				# set up the component type to query for components
				component = metadata_client.factory.create("ListMetadataQuery")
				component.type = component_type.xmlName

				# Add metadata to list


				# Append "Folder" keyword onto end of component type
				component = metadata_client.factory.create("ListMetadataQuery")

				# EmailTemplate = EmailFolder (for some reason)
				if component_type.xmlName == 'EmailTemplate':
					component.type = 'EmailFolder'
					component.type = component_type.xmlName + 'Folder'

				# Loop through folders
				for folder in metadata_client.service.listMetadata([component], api_version):

					# Create component for folder to query
					folder_component = metadata_client.factory.create("ListMetadataQuery")
					folder_component.type = component_type.xmlName
					folder_component.folder = folder.fullName

					if include_component(package.component_option, folder):

						# create the component folder entry
						component_record = Component()
						component_record.component_type = component_type_record
						component_record.name = folder.fullName

					# Loop through folder components
					for folder_component in metadata_client.service.listMetadata([folder_component], api_version):

						if include_component(package.component_option, folder_component):

							# create the component record and save
							component_record = Component()
							component_record.component_type = component_type_record
							component_record.name = folder_component.fullName

			# Run the metadata query only if the list has reached 3 (the max allowed to query)
			# at one time, or if there is less than 3 components left to query 
			if len(component_list) == 3 or (len(all_metadata[0]) - loop_counter) <= 3:

				# loop through the components returned from the component query
				for component in metadata_client.service.listMetadata(component_list,api_version):

					# Query database for parent component_type
					component_type_query = ComponentType.objects.filter(name=component.type, package=package.id)

					# Only add if found
					if component_type_query:

						# If the user wants all components, or they don't want any packages  and it's not
						if include_component(package.component_option, component):

							# create the component record and save
							component_record = Component()
							component_record.component_type = component_type_query[0]
							component_record.name = component.fullName
							component_record.include = True

						elif package.component_option == 'none' and component.namespacePrefix:


				# clear list once done. This list will re-build to 3 components and re-query the service
				component_list = []

			loop_counter = loop_counter + 1;

		# If a component type has no child components, remove the component type altogether
		for component_type in ComponentType.objects.filter(package=package.id):
			if not Component.objects.filter(component_type=component_type.id):

		if flowsExistInTheOrg(package):
		package.package = build_xml(package)

		package.status = 'Finished'

	except Exception as error:
		package.status = 'Error'
		package.error = traceback.format_exc()

	package.finished_date = datetime.datetime.now()
コード例 #4
ファイル: tasks.py プロジェクト: chahar/pp
def query_components_from_org(package, instance_url, api_version, org_id, access_token):


		# instantiate the metadata WSDL
		metadata_client = Client('http://packagebuilder.herokuapp.com/static/metadata.wsdl.xml')

		# URL for metadata API
		metadata_url = instance_url + '/services/Soap/m/' + str(api_version) + '.0/' + org_id

		# set the metadata url based on the login result

		# set the session id from the login result
		session_header = metadata_client.factory.create("SessionHeader")
		session_header.sessionId = access_token
		# query for the list of metadata types
		all_metadata = metadata_client.service.describeMetadata(api_version)

		# Components for listing metadata
		component_list = []
		loop_counter = 0;

		# loop through metadata types
		for component_type in all_metadata[0]:

			# create the component type record and save
			component_type_record = ComponentType()
			component_type_record.package = package
			component_type_record.name = component_type.xmlName
			component_type_record.include_all = True

			# set up the component type to query for components
			component = metadata_client.factory.create("ListMetadataQuery")
			component.type = component_type.xmlName

			# Add metadata to list

			# Run the metadata query only if the list has reached 3 (the max allowed to query)
			# at one time, or if there is less than 3 components left to query 
			if len(component_list) == 3 or (len(all_metadata[0]) - loop_counter) <= 3:

				# loop through the components returned from the component query
				for component in metadata_client.service.listMetadata(component_list,api_version):

					# Query database for parent component_type
					component_type_query = ComponentType.objects.filter(name=component.type, package=package.id)

					# Only add if found
					if component_type_query:

						# create the component record and save
						component_record = Component()
						component_record.component_type = component_type_query[0]
						component_record.name = component.fullName
						component_record.include = True
				# clear list once done. This list will re-build to 3 components and re-query the service
				component_list = []

			loop_counter = loop_counter + 1;

		# If a component type has no child components, remove the component type altogether
		for component_type in ComponentType.objects.filter(package=package.id):
			if not Component.objects.filter(component_type=component_type.id):

		package.status = 'Finished'

	except Exception as error:
		package.status = 'Error'
		package.error = error


	return str(package.id)