コード例 #1
    def test_no_tests_run_if_none_changed(self, write_json_mock):
        Given a git repository with no changes,
        When burn_in_tests is run,
        Then no tests are discovered to run.
        variant = "build_variant"
        repos = [mock_changed_git_files([])]
        repeat_config = under_test.RepeatConfig()
        gen_config = under_test.GenerateConfig(
        )  # yapf: disable
        mock_evg_conf = MagicMock()
        mock_evg_conf.get_task_names_by_tag.return_value = set()
        mock_evg_api = MagicMock()

        under_test.burn_in("task_id", variant, gen_config, repeat_config,
                           mock_evg_api, mock_evg_conf, repos, "testfile.json")

        written_config = json.loads(write_json_mock.call_args[0][1])
        display_task = written_config["buildvariants"][0]["display_tasks"][0]
        self.assertEqual(1, len(display_task["execution_tasks"]))
コード例 #2
    def test_tests_generated_if_a_file_changed(self, write_json_mock):
        Given a git repository with changes,
        When burn_in_tests is run,
        Then tests are discovered to run.
        # Note: this test is using actual tests and suites. So changes to those suites could
        # introduce failures and require this test to be updated.
        # You can see the test file it is using below. This test is used in the 'auth' and
        # 'auth_audit' test suites. It needs to be in at least one of those for the test to pass.
        _config.NAMED_SUITES = None
        variant = "enterprise-rhel-80-64-bit"
        repos = [mock_changed_git_files(["jstests/auth/auth1.js"])]
        repeat_config = under_test.RepeatConfig()
        gen_config = under_test.GenerateConfig(
        )  # yapf: disable
        mock_evg_conf = get_evergreen_config("etc/evergreen.yml")
        mock_evg_api = MagicMock()

        under_test.burn_in("task_id", variant, gen_config, repeat_config,
                           mock_evg_api, mock_evg_conf, repos, "testfile.json")

        written_config = json.loads(write_json_mock.call_args[0][1])
        n_tasks = len(written_config["tasks"])
        # Ensure we are generating at least one task for the test.
        self.assertGreaterEqual(n_tasks, 1)

        written_build_variant = written_config["buildvariants"][0]
        self.assertEqual(variant, written_build_variant["name"])
        self.assertEqual(n_tasks, len(written_build_variant["tasks"]))

        display_task = written_build_variant["display_tasks"][0]
        # The display task should contain all the generated tasks as well as 1 extra task for
        # the burn_in_test_gen task.
        self.assertEqual(n_tasks + 1, len(display_task["execution_tasks"]))