コード例 #1
    def build_syck():
        from buildutil import wget_cached, unzip
        with cd(DEPS_DIR):
            dbgpostfix = '_d' if DEBUG else ''
            zip = 'pysyck_msvc2008_%s%s.zip' % (sys.version[:3].replace(
                '.', ''), dbgpostfix)

                zip, 42443,
                'http://symbolsystem.nfshost.com/build/msvc2008/' + zip)
コード例 #2
ファイル: build_webkit.py プロジェクト: AlexUlrich/digsby
def build_zlib():
    copy_different('../../../builddeps/msvc2008/' + zlib.filename, '.')

    with cd('zlib-1.2.3'):
        lib_dest_path = os.getcwd()
        with cd('projects/visualc9-x86'):
            configname = 'DLL ASM %s' % ('Debug' if DEBUG else 'Release')
            run(['vcbuild', 'zlib.vcproj', configname])

            # install the ZLIB dll and pdb
            print 'DEPS_DIR here', DEPS_DIR
            with cd('Win32/' + configname):
                debug_flag = 'd' if DEBUG else ''

                for dest in (DEPS_DIR, lib_dest_path):
                    copy_different('zlib1%s.dll' % debug_flag, dest)
                    copy_different('zlib1%s.pdb' % debug_flag, dest)
                    copy_different('zlib1%s.lib' % debug_flag, dest)
コード例 #3
def build_zlib():
    copy_different('../../../builddeps/msvc2008/' + zlib.filename, '.')

    with cd('zlib-1.2.3'):
        lib_dest_path = os.getcwd()
        with cd('projects/visualc9-x86'):
            configname = 'DLL ASM %s' % ('Debug' if DEBUG else 'Release')
            run(['vcbuild', 'zlib.vcproj', configname])

            # install the ZLIB dll and pdb
            print 'DEPS_DIR here', DEPS_DIR
            with cd('Win32/' + configname):
                debug_flag = 'd' if DEBUG else ''

                for dest in (DEPS_DIR, lib_dest_path):
                    copy_different('zlib1%s.dll' % debug_flag, dest)
                    copy_different('zlib1%s.pdb' % debug_flag, dest)
                    copy_different('zlib1%s.lib' % debug_flag, dest)
コード例 #4
ファイル: bootstrap.py プロジェクト: AlexUlrich/digsby
prefix = 'http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/downlinks/'
zip_php = 'zip.php'
types   = {'b' : 'bin',
           'd' : 'dep'}
needed = {
          'autoconf'  : 'b',
          'automake'  : 'b',
          'bison'     : 'bd',
          'flex'      : 'b',
          'gperf'     : 'b',
          'make'      : 'bd',
          'wget'      : 'bd',
          'grep'      : 'bd',
          'unzip'     : 'b',
          'which'     : 'b',
          'tar'       : 'bd',
          'unrar'     : 'b',
          'zip'       : 'bd',
          'coreutils' : 'bd',
#          'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/mingw/binutils-2.19.1-mingw32-bin.tar.gz' : None,
with cd('downloads'):
    for package, zips in needed.iteritems():
        for letter in zips:
            kind = types[letter]
            name = package + '-' + kind + '-' + zip_php
            wget(prefix + name)
コード例 #5
ファイル: build_libxml2.py プロジェクト: AlexUlrich/digsby
def build_libxml2():
    from compiledeps import libxml2_dirname
    new = not os.path.exists(libxml2_dirname)
    libxml2_dir = download_libxml2()

    with cd(libxml2_dir):
        if os.name == 'nt' and new:
            # after pulling a fresh tarball, apply the patch pointed to by lxml_patch.
            print os.getcwd()
            run([patch_cmd, '--ignore-whitespace', '-p0', '-i', os.path.abspath(os.path.join('..', libxml2_patch))])

    inform(banner = 'libiconv')
    if not isdir(iconv_dirname):
        # has a .lib compiled statically to msvcrt.dll
        wget_cached(iconv_zipfile, iconv_zipfile_size, iconv_url)
        inform('libiconv directory already exists')

    patch_libxml2_h(libxml2_dir, 'include')

    iconv = abspath(iconv_dirname)

    inform(banner = 'libxml2')

    print 'passing libiconv path to configure.js as %r' % iconv

    # copy the fixed setup.py.in
    print 'copying libxml2.setup.py.msvc2008', pathjoin(libxml2_dir, 'python')
    patched_setup = 'libxml2.setup.py.msvc2008'
    assert os.path.exists(patched_setup)
    copy_different(patched_setup, pathjoin(libxml2_dir, 'python', 'setup.py.in'))

    with cd(libxml2_dir, 'win32'):
        debug_flag = ['debug=yes'] if DEBUG else []
        run(['cscript', 'configure.js', '//E:JavaScript', 'vcmanifest=yes', 'python=yes'] + debug_flag + [
             'include=%s' % pathjoin(iconv, 'include'),
             'lib=%s' % pathjoin(iconv, 'lib')])

        makefile = 'Makefile.msvc'

        # customize the Makefile...
        with open(makefile) as f:
            lines = []
            for line in f:
                # 1) optimize a bit more than just /O2
                line = line.replace('/O2', '/Os /GS- /GL /Zi')
                line = line.replace('/nologo /VERSION', '/nologo /OPT:REF /OPT:ICF /DEBUG /VERSION')


        with open(makefile, 'w') as f:

    with cd(libxml2_dir, 'win32'):
        run(['nmake', '-f', makefile] + (['clean'] if CLEAN else []))

    # All finished files go to DEPS_DIR:
    deps = os.path.abspath(DEPS_DIR)

    inform(banner='libxml2 python bindings')
    with cd(libxml2_dir, 'python'):
        # installs libxml2 python files to deps directory'
        #post commit hook test line, git failed to catch the last one.
        dpy(['setup.py', 'build_ext'] + (['--debug'] if DEBUG else []) +
            ['install', '--install-lib', deps])

    # but we still need libxml2.dll
    libxml2_bindir = pathjoin(libxml2_dir, 'win32', 'bin.msvc')
    copy_different(pathjoin(libxml2_bindir, 'libxml2.dll'), deps)
    copy_different(pathjoin(libxml2_bindir, 'libxml2.pdb'), deps)

    # and iconv.dll
    copy_different(os.path.join(iconv, 'iconv.dll'), deps)

    # show which Python was used to build the PYD
    dpy(['-c', "import sys; print 'libxml2 python bindings built with %s' % sys.executable"])

    with cd(DEPS_DIR):
        dpy(['-c', "import libxml2"])

    # build and install libxslt
    libxslt_dir = build_libxslt()
    copy_different(os.path.join(libxslt_dir, 'win32', 'bin.msvc', 'libxslt.dll'), deps)
    copy_different(os.path.join(libxslt_dir, 'win32', 'bin.msvc', 'libexslt.dll'), deps)
コード例 #6
ファイル: build_libxml2.py プロジェクト: sgricci/digsby
def build_libxml2():
    from compiledeps import libxml2_dirname
    new = not os.path.exists(libxml2_dirname)
    libxml2_dir = download_libxml2()

    with cd(libxml2_dir):
        if os.name == 'nt' and new:
            # after pulling a fresh tarball, apply the patch pointed to by lxml_patch.
            print os.getcwd()
                patch_cmd, '--ignore-whitespace', '-p0', '-i',
                os.path.abspath(os.path.join('..', libxml2_patch))

    if not isdir(iconv_dirname):
        # has a .lib compiled statically to msvcrt.dll
        wget_cached(iconv_zipfile, iconv_zipfile_size, iconv_url)
        inform('libiconv directory already exists')

    patch_libxml2_h(libxml2_dir, 'include')

    iconv = abspath(iconv_dirname)


    print 'passing libiconv path to configure.js as %r' % iconv

    # copy the fixed setup.py.in
    print 'copying libxml2.setup.py.msvc2008', pathjoin(libxml2_dir, 'python')
    patched_setup = 'libxml2.setup.py.msvc2008'
    assert os.path.exists(patched_setup)
    copy_different(patched_setup, pathjoin(libxml2_dir, 'python',

    with cd(libxml2_dir, 'win32'):
        debug_flag = ['debug=yes'] if DEBUG else []
            'cscript', 'configure.js', '//E:JavaScript', 'vcmanifest=yes',
        ] + debug_flag + [
            'include=%s' % pathjoin(iconv, 'include'),
            'lib=%s' % pathjoin(iconv, 'lib')

        makefile = 'Makefile.msvc'

        # customize the Makefile...
        with open(makefile) as f:
            lines = []
            for line in f:
                # 1) optimize a bit more than just /O2
                line = line.replace('/O2', '/Os /GS- /GL /Zi')
                line = line.replace(
                    '/nologo /VERSION',
                    '/nologo /OPT:REF /OPT:ICF /DEBUG /VERSION')


        with open(makefile, 'w') as f:

    with cd(libxml2_dir, 'win32'):
        run(['nmake', '-f', makefile] + (['clean'] if CLEAN else []))

    # All finished files go to DEPS_DIR:
    deps = os.path.abspath(DEPS_DIR)

    inform(banner='libxml2 python bindings')
    with cd(libxml2_dir, 'python'):
        # installs libxml2 python files to deps directory'
        #post commit hook test line, git failed to catch the last one.
        dpy(['setup.py', 'build_ext'] + (['--debug'] if DEBUG else []) +
            ['install', '--install-lib', deps])

    # but we still need libxml2.dll
    libxml2_bindir = pathjoin(libxml2_dir, 'win32', 'bin.msvc')
    copy_different(pathjoin(libxml2_bindir, 'libxml2.dll'), deps)
    copy_different(pathjoin(libxml2_bindir, 'libxml2.pdb'), deps)

    # and iconv.dll
    copy_different(os.path.join(iconv, 'iconv.dll'), deps)

    # show which Python was used to build the PYD
        "import sys; print 'libxml2 python bindings built with %s' % sys.executable"

    with cd(DEPS_DIR):
        dpy(['-c', "import libxml2"])

    # build and install libxslt
    libxslt_dir = build_libxslt()
        os.path.join(libxslt_dir, 'win32', 'bin.msvc', 'libxslt.dll'), deps)
        os.path.join(libxslt_dir, 'win32', 'bin.msvc', 'libexslt.dll'), deps)
コード例 #7
ファイル: bootstrap.py プロジェクト: sgricci/digsby
from buildutil import wget, cd, unzip

prefix = 'http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/downlinks/'
zip_php = 'zip.php'
types = {'b': 'bin', 'd': 'dep'}
needed = {
    'autoconf': 'b',
    'automake': 'b',
    'bison': 'bd',
    'flex': 'b',
    'gperf': 'b',
    'make': 'bd',
    'wget': 'bd',
    'grep': 'bd',
    'unzip': 'b',
    'which': 'b',
    'tar': 'bd',
    'unrar': 'b',
    'zip': 'bd',
    'coreutils': 'bd',
#          'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/mingw/binutils-2.19.1-mingw32-bin.tar.gz' : None,
with cd('downloads'):
    for package, zips in needed.iteritems():
        for letter in zips:
            kind = types[letter]
            name = package + '-' + kind + '-' + zip_php
            wget(prefix + name)