コード例 #1
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: juanjux/buzz2tweet
def twitter_return(request):
    Get the Twitter auth tokens, check them and then create all the user-related database models
    and subscribe to the pubsubhubbub server
    logger = get_fe_logger()
    logger.info('On twitter_return')
    if not request.session.has_key('gprofileusername'):
        logger.debug('User doesnt have session on twitterreturn, redirecting to /')
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/')
    request_token = request.session.get('request_token', None)
    if not request_token:
        # Redirect the user to the login page,
        # So the user can click on the sign-in with twitter button
        logger.debug('User not sent to twitter by us on twitter_return()')
        return HttpResponse("We didn't sent you to twitter...")

    token = oauth.OAuthToken.from_string(request_token)

    # If the token from session and token from twitter does not match
    #   means something bad happened to tokens
    if token.key != request.GET.get('oauth_token', 'no-token'):
        del request.session['request_token']
        # Redirect the user to the login page
        logger.debug('Tokens doesnt match for user')
        return HttpResponse("Something wrong! Tokens do not match...")

    twitter = OAuthApi(settings.CONSUMER_KEY, settings.CONSUMER_SECRET, token)
        access_token = twitter.getAccessToken()
    except HTTPError:
        logger.warning('Access denied on twitter.getAccessToken()')
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/')

    # Somewhat clumsy to create it again, but its the way oauthapi-twitter works...
    twitter = OAuthApi(settings.CONSUMER_KEY, settings.CONSUMER_SECRET, access_token)
    twuser = twitter.GetUserInfo()
    # Now that we have the Twitter account we can create all the user-related models
    googlename = request.session['gprofileusername']
    userhash = hashlib.sha256( settings.MD5SALT + googlename).hexdigest()
    # SiteUser
    siteuser = SiteUser(userhash=userhash)
    # GoogleProfile
    gprofile = GoogleProfile(username=googlename, siteuser=siteuser)
    # Initialize lastbuffread_at to created_at - 2 minutes (so we account for server time diffs)
    gprofile.lastbuffread_at = gprofile.created_at - timedelta(minutes=2)
    logger.debug('GProfile created_at : %s' % str(gprofile.created_at))
    logger.debug('GProfile lastbuff_at: %s' % str(gprofile.lastbuffread_at))
    # UserSettings
    usettings = UserSettings(siteuser=siteuser)
    logger.info('Saved new SiteUser %d [%s]' % (siteuser.id, googlename))
    # TwitterAccount   
    twname = twuser.GetScreenName()
    twitteraccount = TwitterAccount(name=twname, token = access_token.to_string(), siteuser=siteuser)
    # Send the ticket for subscribing to the push server
    messenger = StompMessenger()
    messenger.sendmessage('/queue/listener', 'subscribefeed__%d' % gprofile.id)

    return render_to_response("settingsstep.html", {}, RequestContext(request, {'userhash': userhash})) 
コード例 #2
def parse_buzzs(atom, googleprofile, logger):
    messenger = StompMessenger()
    siteuser  = googleprofile.siteuser
    if siteuser.usersettings.usetag:
        tagre = re.compile(siteuser.usersettings.mark)
    feedparse_result = feedparser.parse(atom)
    newest_date = None
    newentries = []
    logger.info("XXX 1")
    for entry in feedparse_result.entries:
        logger.info("XXX 2")
            d  = entry.published_parsed
        except AttributeError:
            # Sometimes posts doesnt have published field and are not published on Buzz :-?
            logger.info("XXX 3")
        logger.info("XXX 4")
        date_buzz = datetime(d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], d[5])

        if ( googleprofile.firsttime and date_buzz > googleprofile.created_at) or     \
           ((not googleprofile.firsttime) and date_buzz > googleprofile.lastbuffread_at): \
            # Get links/photos (if there is any)
            linkscontent = []
            logger.info('XXX 5')
            linkslist = []
            buzzlink = comments = links = linkslist_str = ''
            logger.info("XXX 6")
            for link in entry.links:
                if link.rel == u'enclosure':
                    if link.href not in linkscontent: # avoid duplicates
                        linkslist.append({'href': link.href, 'title': link.title, 'type': link.type})
                        linkslist_str += link.href
                elif link.rel == u'alternate':
                    buzzlink = link.href
                elif link.rel == u'replies':
                    comments = link.href

            links = '|'.join(linkslist_str)
            buzzcontent = entry.content[0].value
            logger.info('XXX 7')           
            if settings.CMDRE.search(buzzcontent):
                # Is a command, execute it but don't save the buzz
                logger.info(u'parsing command for: %s' % buzzcontent)
                execute_command(buzzcontent, siteuser, messenger)
                logger.info('XXX 8')
            # User want to publish only buzzs with tag? is there a tag?
            if siteuser.usersettings.paused or (siteuser.usersettings.usetag and not tagre.search(buzzcontent)):
                logger.info('XXX Ignoring, paused or with usetag without tag')
            newbuzz = Buzz(buzzid   = entry.id,
                           content  = buzzcontent,
                           links    = links,
                           user     = siteuser,
                           buzzlink = buzzlink)
            if comments != '':
                newbuzz.commentslink = comments
            msg = 'Saving new buzz: '  + unicode(buzzcontent).encode('utf-8')
            # Send a message for the listener.post_buzz2twitter to post the status
            logger.info('sending message to queue publish__%d' % newbuzz.id)
            messenger.sendmessage('/queue/listener', 'publish__%d' % newbuzz.id)            

            if newest_date == None or date_buzz > newest_date:
                newest_date = date_buzz

    if len(feedparse_result.entries) == 0:
        logger.warning('There are 0 entries in the feed, could be a parse error')
        if feedparse_result.has_key('bozo_exception'):
            logger.warning('bozo_exception is: ' + str(feedparse_result.bozo_exception))
        # Update the date of the last buzz read and reset the retries
        logger.debug('new lastbuzzread_at is: ' + str(newest_date))
        if newest_date != None:
            googleprofile.firsttime = False
            googleprofile.lastbuffread_at = newest_date
        googleprofile.retries = 0
コード例 #3
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: juanjux/buzz2tweet
def pubsub_callback(request, gprofileid):
    logger = get_fe_logger()
    logger.info('On pubsub callback, gprofileid |%s|' % str(gprofileid))
    # Unsubscriptions for a GoogleProfile already deleted can arrive, so don't use get_object_or_404
    googleprofile = None
    profiles = GoogleProfile.objects.filter(id=int(gprofileid))
    if len(profiles) > 0: googleprofile = profiles[0]

    # POST = new item notifications
    if request.method == 'POST':
        logger.info('POST method, raw_post_data:')
        # Save the atom, user data and send a request for a listener to process it so the
        # hub doesn't have to wait
        if not googleprofile:
            # Notification for a deleted profile
            logger.info('push_callback.post: received notification for deleted profile %d!' % int(gprofileid))
            return HttpResponse(status=404)
        notif = Notification(text = request.raw_post_data, googleprofile = googleprofile)
        messenger = StompMessenger()
        messenger.sendmessage('/queue/listener', 'notification__%d' % notif.id)
        return HttpResponse(status=200)

    # GET = subscription or unsubscription confirmation
    elif request.method == 'GET':
        rg = request.GET
        challenge = rg.get(u'hub.challenge', '')
        topic_url  = rg.get(u'hub.topic', None)
        logger.debug('XXX topic_url en GET: %s' % topic_url)
        mode       = rg.get(u'hub.mode', None)
        lease      = rg.get(u'hub.lease_seconds', 0)
        if not mode or not topic_url:
            logger.warning('Returning 404 in callback/get because not mode or topic')
            return HttpResponse(status=404)
        if mode == 'subscribe':
            logger.debug('push_callback: its a subscription request')
            if not googleprofile:
                logger.warning('Returning 404 in callback/subscribe because no googleprofile exists')
                return HttpResponse(status=404)
            pushsub = get_object_or_404(PushSubscription, googleprofile=googleprofile)
            pushsub.confirmed = True
            pushsub.renewed_at = datetime.now()
            pushsub.lease_time = int(lease)
            pushsub.topic_url = topic_url.strip()
            logger.info('push_callback: profile %d correctly subscribed' % int(gprofileid))
        elif mode == 'unsubscribe':
            logger.debug('push_callback: its an unsubscription request for topic_url:')
            if googleprofile:
                pushsub = PushSubscription.objects.filter(googleprofile=googleprofile)[0]
                logger.debug('Have profile')
                if pushsub.userdeleted:
                    logger.info('push_callback: profile %d (gprofile existed) correctly unsubscribed ' % int(gprofileid))
                    return HttpResponse(status=200)
                    logger.info('push_callback: profile %d not deleted! returning 404' % int(gprofileid))
                    return HttpResponse(status=404)
                logger.debug('No profile')
                logger.info('push_callback: is for gprofile that doesnt exists anymore, returning 200 anyway')
            pushsubs = PushSubscription.objects.filter(topic_url=topic_url)
            if len(pushsubs) == 1: 
                pushsub = pushsubs[0]
                logger.info('push_callback: for pususb %d:' % pushsub.id)
                if pushsub.userdeleted:
                    if googleprofile: googleprofile.delete()
                    logger.info('push_callback: profile %d correctly unsubscribed' % int(gprofileid))
                    if googleprofile:
                        # User hasn't been deleted!
                        logger.info('push_callback: user with profile %d is not deleted! returning 404' % int(gprofileid))
                        return HttpResponse(status=404)
                        logger.info('push_callback: received notification for used deleted but with subscription, deleting sub')
                logger.info('push_callback: profile %d already deleted, but returning 200 anyway' % int(gprofileid))
        return HttpResponse(challenge, status=200)
        logger.warning('No POST or GET on callback!')
    return HttpResponse(status=404)