コード例 #1
ファイル: c4search.py プロジェクト: engrnasirkhan/UofI
	def alpha_beta_timed(self,c4_orig,depth):
		stime = time.time()
		c4temp = c4()
		self.c4h = c4h()
		c4temp.board = c4_orig.copy_board()
		c4temp.mode = c4_orig.mode
		c4temp.turn = c4_orig.turn
		c4temp.potgames = []
		turn = c4temp.turn
		mode = c4temp.mode
		for i in range(0,c4temp.xmax):
		#x = [i for i in range(c4temp.xmax)]
		#for i2 in x:
			i = len(c4temp.potgames) - 1
			c4temp.potgames[i].board = c4temp.copy_board()
			c4temp.potgames[i].turn = turn
			c4temp.potgames[i].mode = mode
			c4temp.potgames[i].sim = True
			if c4temp.potgames[i].play_piece(i):
				c4temp.potgames[i].turn = (turn + 1) % 2
				self.run_time = time.time() - self.start_time
				#if depth < self.maxd and not c4temp.potgames[i].is_winner():
				#run_time gets a little ahead, this comparison works
				if (not self.times_up(depth,c4temp.xmax)
					#and depth < self.maxd
					and not c4temp.potgames[i].is_winner()):
					c4temp.potgames[i].hval = self.alpha_beta_timed(c4temp.potgames[i],depth + 1)[0]
					c4temp.potgames[i].hval = self.c4h.h2(c4temp.potgames[i],i,(turn + 1) == c4temp.red)
				if depth == 0:	
					print "Board %d, depth %d, turn: %d, time: %f".rjust(37 + depth + 1) % (i,depth, c4temp.potgames[i].turn + 1,self.run_time)
					print " hval: %d".rjust(9 + depth) % (c4temp.potgames[i].hval)
				if (c4temp.potgames[i].hval == 1
					and (turn + 1) == c4temp.black): #my move
					return (1,i)
				if (c4temp.potgames[i].hval == -1 
					and (turn + 1) == c4temp.red): #opp move
					return (-1,i)
				#end pruning
			else: #if not potgame[i].play_piece(i)
				if (turn + 1) == c4temp.black:
					c4temp.potgames[i].hval = -2
				elif (turn + 1) == c4temp.red:
					c4temp.potgames[i].hval = 2					
		etime = time.time()
		rtime = etime - stime
		#print "Depth %d" % (depth)
		#print "run time: %f" % (rtime)
		if (turn + 1) == c4temp.black:
			#print "My move, max: %d" % self.max_h(c4temp.potgames)[1]
		elif (turn + 1) == c4temp.red:
			#print "Opp move, max: %d" % self.max_h(c4temp.potgames)[1]
コード例 #2
ファイル: c4search.py プロジェクト: engrnasirkhan/UofI
	def alpha_beta(self,c4_orig,depth):
		stime = time.time()
		c4temp = c4()
		self.c4h = c4h()
		c4temp.board = c4_orig.copy_board()
		c4temp.mode = c4_orig.mode
		c4temp.turn = c4_orig.turn
		c4temp.potgames = []
		turn = c4temp.turn
		mode = c4temp.mode
		for i in range(0,c4temp.xmax):
			c4temp.potgames[i].board = c4temp.copy_board()
			c4temp.potgames[i].turn = turn
			c4temp.potgames[i].mode = mode
			c4temp.potgames[i].sim = True
			if c4temp.potgames[i].play_piece(i):
				c4temp.potgames[i].turn = (turn + 1) % 2
				if depth < self.maxd and not c4temp.potgames[i].is_winner():
					c4temp.potgames[i].hval = self.alpha_beta(c4temp.potgames[i],depth + 1)[0]
					c4temp.potgames[i].hval = self.c4h.h2(c4temp.potgames[i],i,(turn + 1) == c4temp.red)
				if depth == 0:	
					print "Board %d, depth %d, turn: %d".rjust(27 + depth + 1) % (i,depth, c4temp.potgames[i].turn + 1)
					print " hval: %d".rjust(9 + depth) % (c4temp.potgames[i].hval)
				if (c4temp.potgames[i].hval == 1
					and (turn + 1) == c4temp.black): #my move
					return (1,i)
				if (c4temp.potgames[i].hval == -1 
					and (turn + 1) == c4temp.red): #opp move
					return (-1,i)
				#end pruning
			else: #if not potgame[i].play_piece(i)
				if (turn + 1) == c4temp.black:
					c4temp.potgames[i].hval = -2
				elif (turn + 1) == c4temp.red:
					c4temp.potgames[i].hval = 2
		etime = time.time()
		rtime = etime - stime
		#print "Depth %d" % (depth)
		#print "run time: %f" % (rtime)
		if (turn + 1) == c4temp.black:
			#print "My move, max: %d" % self.max_h(c4temp.potgames)[1]
		elif (turn + 1) == c4temp.red:
			#print "Opp move, max: %d" % self.max_h(c4temp.potgames)[1]
コード例 #3
ファイル: c4search.py プロジェクト: engrnasirkhan/UofI
	def __init__(self):
		self.c4temp = c4()
		self.c4h = c4h()
		self.maxd = 4 # 0 - n
		#for alpha_beta_timed
		self.time_limit = 30 
		self.total_turns = 1
コード例 #4
ファイル: c4search.py プロジェクト: engrnasirkhan/UofI
	def ai_test(self,depth):
		self.c4temp.potgames = []
		#set turn ahead to current player
		turn = (self.c4temp.turn + 1) % 2
		mode = self.c4temp.mode
		for i in range(0,self.c4temp.xmax):
			stime = time.time()
			self.c4temp.potgames[i].board = self.c4temp.copy_board()
			self.c4temp.potgames[i].turn = turn
			self.c4temp.potgames[i].mode = mode
			self.c4temp.potgames[i].hval = self.c4h.h1(self.c4temp.potgames[i],i)
			etime = time.time()
			rtime = etime - stime
			print " Board col %d, rtime = %f" % (i,rtime)
			#print "  hval = %d" % (self.c4temp.potgames[i].hval)
			#print ".",
		print "Best col %d" % self.max_h(self.c4temp.potgames)[1]
コード例 #5
ファイル: c4h.py プロジェクト: engrnasirkhan/UofI
	def h1(self,potgame_orig,x):
		potgame = c4()
		potgame.board = potgame_orig.copy_board()
		potgame.turn = potgame_orig.turn
		potgame.mode = potgame_orig.mode		
		#make parallel copy for block detection
		potgame_block = c4()
		potgame_block.board = potgame.copy_board()
		potgame_block.turn = potgame.turn

		#win detection
		#potgame.turn = (potgame.turn + 1) % 2
		if not potgame.play_piece(x):
			return -1
		if potgame.is_winner():
			return 300
		potgame.turn = (potgame.turn + 1) % 2
		#end win detection
		#block detection
		potgame_block.turn = (potgame.turn + 1) % 2
		if not potgame_block.play_piece(x):
			 return -1
		if potgame_block.is_winner():
			return 300
		#otherwise, we need to do some stats
		totalScore = 0 #total probability of game win
		emptyScore = 1
		pieceScore = 3
		piece = potgame.turn + 1
		empty = potgame.empty
		opp = ((potgame.turn + 1) % 2) + 1
		#find y - pos of played piece
		for y in range(0,potgame.ymax):
			if potgame.board[x][y] == piece:
			if potgame.board[x][y] == opp:
				y = y - 1
		#get vert. score
		# y2 - bottom-most, not-seperated piece
		y2 = y
		while(y2 < potgame.ymax and potgame.board[x][y2] == piece):
				y2 = y2 - 1
		if (y2 - 1 >= 0
			and y2 - 2 >= 0
			and y2 - 3 >= 0
			if potgame.board[x][y2 - 1] == empty:
				totalScore = totalScore + emptyScore
			elif potgame.board[x][y2 - 1] == piece:
				totalScore = totalScore + pieceScore
			if potgame.board[x][y2 - 2] == empty:
				totalScore = totalScore + emptyScore
			elif potgame.board[x][y2 - 2] == piece:
				totalScore = totalScore + pieceScore
			if potgame.board[x][y2 - 3] == empty:
				totalScore = totalScore + emptyScore
			elif potgame.board[x][y2 - 3] == piece:
				totalScore = totalScore + pieceScore
		#get hor. score
		#left score
		if x < 3:
			if (potgame.board[x-1][y] == opp
				or potgame.board[x-2][y] == opp
				or potgame.board[x-3][y] == opp
				if potgame.board[x-1][y] == piece:
					totalScore = totalScore + pieceScore
				elif potgame.board[x-1][y] == empty:
					totalScore = totalScore + emptyScore
				if potgame.board[x-2][y] == piece:
					totalScore = totalScore + pieceScore
				elif potgame.board[x-2][y] == empty:
					totalScore = totalScore + emptyScore
				if potgame.board[x-3][y] == piece:
					totalScore = totalScore + pieceScore
				elif potgame.board[x-3][y] == empty:
					totalScore = totalScore + emptyScore
		#right score
		if x > potgame.xmax - 4 :
			if (potgame.board[x-1][y] == opp
				or potgame.board[x-2][y] == opp
				or potgame.board[x-3][y] == opp
				if potgame.board[x-1][y] == piece:
					totalScore = totalScore + pieceScore
				elif potgame.board[x-1][y] == empty:
					totalScore = totalScore + emptyScore
				if potgame.board[x-2][y] == piece:
					totalScore = totalScore + pieceScore
				elif potgame.board[x-2][y] == empty:
					totalScore = totalScore + emptyScore
				if potgame.board[x-3][y] == piece:
					totalScore = totalScore + pieceScore
				elif potgame.board[x-3][y] == empty:
					totalScore = totalScore + emptyScore

コード例 #6
ファイル: generate.py プロジェクト: dangoldin/connect4bot
def eval_func(chromosome):
        old_best_comp = compile(pickle.load(open('best.c4', 'rb')), "<string>", "eval")
        old_best_comp = None
    code_comp = chromosome.getCompiledCode()

    win = lose = tie = 0.0
    for rnd in range(ROUNDS):
        c = c4(rows=ROWS,cols=COLS)
        if rnd % 2 == 0:
            other_player = dumb.url(1,'http://dl.no.de/ai/twostep/move')
            other_player = dumb.url(2,'http://dl.no.de/ai/twostep/move')
        winner = 0
        turns = 0
        total_turns = c.rows * c.cols
        for i in range(total_turns):
            winner = c.isWinner()
            if winner <> 0:
            board = c.getBoard(is_json=False)
            player = (i % 2) + 1
            # Train if we're not the genetic player
            if other_player.getPlayer() == player:
                json_state = json.dumps( { "rows":ROWS,
                                           "moveNumber":i} )
                column = other_player.getMoveJSON(json_state)
            else: # Otherwise let's eval and see what we get
                col_scores = []
                for col in utils.getFreeCols(board):
                    const, aps, apo, nlts, nlto, nr = utils.getStats(board,player,col)
                    score = eval(code_comp)
                    col_scores.append((score, col))
                sc = sorted(col_scores, key=itemgetter(0), reverse=True)
                #print 'Col Scores', str(sc)
                column = sc[0][1]
            c.move(player, column)            
            # This is to compete against self, to do later
            #if False: #old_best_comp is not None:
            #    col_scores = []
            #    for col in utils.getFreeCols(board):
            #        aps, apo, nlts, nlto, nr = utils.getStats(board,player,col)
            #        score = eval(old_best_comp)
            #        col_scores.append((score, col))
            #    random.shuffle(col_scores)
            #    sc = sorted(col_scores, key=itemgetter(0), reverse=True)
            #    #print 'Col Scores', str(sc)
            #    column = sc[0][1]
            turns += 1

        if winner == 0:
            tie += 1.0
        elif winner == other_player.getPlayer():
            lose += 1.0
            win += 1.0
    return (win + tie * 0.5)/ROUNDS