def StartConverting(root_directory=''): root_dir = os.path.join(SelectDirectory(root_directory), '') if os.path.isdir(root_dir): rvalue = gui.QuestionDialog( '"' + root_dir + '" was selected. Start search for c4d files?') else: rvalue = gui.QuestionDialog( 'Path "' + root_dir + '" is not an existing directory. Continue anyway?') if rvalue: ExportAllC4DFiles(root_dir) gui.MessageDialog('Exiting from script')
def GetC4DFiles(root_directory): filelist_path = os.path.join(root_directory, 'file_list.txt') if os.path.exists(filelist_path): rvalue = gui.QuestionDialog('File list "' + filelist_path + '" was found. Load files from there?') if rvalue: FileList = [] flp = open(filelist_path, 'r') for fline in flp: cur_line = fline.strip().decode('utf-8') if cur_line == '': continue FileList.append(cur_line) flp.close() else: FileList = ListC4DFiles(root_directory) else: FileList = ListC4DFiles(root_directory) FileDict = {} for filepath in FileList: if FileDict.get(filepath, None) is None: if not os.path.exists(os.path.splitext(filepath)[0] + '.fbx'): FileDict.setdefault(filepath, True) FileList = FileDict.keys() FileList.sort() flp = open(filelist_path, 'w') for name in FileList: print >> flp, name.encode('utf-8') flp.close() return FileList
def main(): doc = c4d.documents.GetActiveDocument() activeMaterials = doc.GetActiveMaterials() qSwapMat = gui.QuestionDialog("Do you want to sawp the material assignments?") for material in activeMaterials: VtoA(material, qSwapMat)
def __init__(self, curObj, wasSelected=None, printErrors=True): self.doc = c4d.documents.GetActiveDocument() if wasSelected is None: wasSelected = curObj self.allWeightTags = [] self.curObj = curObj doc = c4d.documents.GetActiveDocument() allobjects = doc.GetObjects() messageStr = "OK" self.getAllWeightTags(allobjects) self.expressionTagsToRestore = [] self.disableExpressionsOnJoints([curObj], self.expressionTagsToRestore) c4d.DrawViews(c4d.DRAWFLAGS_FORCEFULLREDRAW) c4d.EventAdd() self.resetBindPose(curObj, wasSelected) if self.isRightScale([curObj]) == False: rvalue = gui.QuestionDialog( "Skeleton contains Joints with other Scale than '1,1,1'.\n\n Fix automatically?" ) if rvalue == True: self.setRightScale([self.curObj]) self.setNewBindPose(curObj, wasSelected) if rvalue == False: messageStr = "ERROR: Some Joints have Scale-Values other than '1,1,1' !!!\n\n" skinnedMatrices = self.checkBind() rvalue1 = False if len(skinnedMatrices) >= 1: rvalue1 = gui.QuestionDialog( "Joints are bound to a 'Skinning-Matrix' thats not the Global Matrix of the C4D-Scene.\nTo prevent errors all meshes should be skinned to the GLobal-C4D-Matrix.\nFix automaticcaly ?" ) if rvalue1 == True: self.setSkinMgToGlobal() self.setNewBindPose(curObj, wasSelected) if rvalue1 == False: if messageStr == "OK": messageStr = "" messageStr += "ERROR: Joints are bound to a 'Skinning-Matrix', thats not the Global Matrix of the C4D-Scene.\nTo prevent Errors all Objects should be skinned to the GLobal-C4D-Matrix.\n\n" #print ("Skeleton Status\n"+str(messageStr)) if printErrors == True: gui.MessageDialog("Skeleton Status\n" + str(messageStr)) for tag in self.expressionTagsToRestore: tag[c4d.EXPRESSION_ENABLE] = True
def report(): err = None try: yield except Exception: if gui.QuestionDialog( "There was an error running the script. Would you like to send a brief report?" ): # Generate Report "mailto:{email}?subject={subject}&body={body}".format( email=REPORT_ADDR, subject=urllib.quote(REPORT_SUBJ), body=urllib.quote("\n".join( (str(, platform.platform(), "C4D version %s" % c4d.GetC4DVersion(), __file__, traceback.format_exc()))))) raise
def main(): confirm = gui.QuestionDialog('Download and install scripts from github?') if confirm: # c4d script folder scriptFolder =[:-6] + '/library/scripts/' # download github repo url = '' targetDir = os.path.expanduser('~/Desktop/') target = targetDir + '/' urllib.urlretrieve(url, target) # unzip zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(target, mode='r') zip_ref.extractall(targetDir) zip_ref.close() extractdDir = os.path.expanduser('~/Desktop/c4dquicktools-master') # copy allScriptFiles = [ f for f in os.listdir(extractdDir) if os.path.splitext(f)[1] == '.py' or os.path.splitext(f)[1] == '.tif' ] for i in allScriptFiles: fullPath = os.path.join(extractdDir, i) fullPathTarget = os.path.join(scriptFolder, i) shutil.copy(fullPath, fullPathTarget) # clean up os.remove(target) shutil.rmtree(extractdDir) # message c4d.gui.MessageDialog('Scripts downloaded and installed!')
def main(): #Check Modifiers ctrl, shift, alt = GetModifiers() #Get String from Clipboard clipboard = c4d.GetStringFromClipboard() if not clipboard.startswith('AE-C4D-CopyPasteColors'): gui.MessageDialog( 'Please, use "copy-colors.jsx" for After Effects first...') return myName, myColors, my4DColors = GetColors(clipboard) #Import only Planes with Colors, without any questions... if alt: InsertColorPlanes(myName, myColors) return #Handle Pre R18 Releases if c4d.GetC4DVersion() <= 18011: gui.MessageDialog("Sorry, Swatches haven't been introduced yet!") question = gui.QuestionDialog( "Do you want to Create Planes with Colors?") if question: InsertColorPlanes(myName, myColors) return #Handle Post R18 Pre R20 Releases if c4d.GetC4DVersion() >= 18011 and c4d.GetC4DVersion() <= 20000: InsertSwatchesR18(doc, myName, myColors) #Handle Post R20 Releases if c4d.GetC4DVersion() >= 20000: InsertSwatchesR20(doc, myName, my4DColors) c4d.EventAdd()
def genesis_import(self, file_path, dtu, sss_value, normal_value, bump_value): mat = StandardMaterials.StdMaterials() morph = Morphs.Morphs() var = Utilities.Variables() jnt_fixes = DazRig.JointFixes() wgt = Weights() anim = Animations.Animations() pose = Poses() if os.path.exists(file_path) == False: gui.MessageDialog( "Nothing to import.\nYou have to export from DAZ Studio first", c4d.GEMB_OK, ) return 0 print("Import FBX from : {0}".format(os.path.dirname(file_path))) c4d.EventAdd() self.import_daz_fbx(file_path) c4d.EventAdd() c4d.DrawViews(c4d.DRAWFLAGS_ONLY_ACTIVE_VIEW | c4d.DRAWFLAGS_NO_THREAD | c4d.DRAWFLAGS_STATICBREAK) dzc4d.deselect_all() # Deselect All screen = c4d.gui.GeGetScreenDimensions(0, 0, True) c4d.EventAdd() dzc4d.update_viewport() c4d.CallCommand(300001026, 300001026) # Deselect All dzc4d.del_unused_mats() c4d.EventAdd() var.store_dtu(dtu) if var.prepare_variables(): gui.MessageDialog( "Import Failed.\nYou can check the console for more info (Shift + F10)", c4d.GEMB_OK, ) print("Import Failed") return print("Import Done") print("Starting Material Updates") c4d.EventAdd() c4d.DrawViews(c4d.DRAWFLAGS_ONLY_ACTIVE_VIEW | c4d.DRAWFLAGS_NO_THREAD | c4d.DRAWFLAGS_STATICBREAK) c4d.EventAdd() c4d.CallCommand(300001026, 300001026) # Deselect All dzc4d.del_unused_mats() mat.store_materials(dtu) mat.store_sliders(sss_value, normal_value, bump_value) mat.update_materials() print("Material Conversion Done") c4d.EventAdd() wgt.store_subdivision(dtu) if wgt.check_level(): auto_weight = c4d.gui.QuestionDialog( "Subdivisions have been detected\nthis is currently not fully supported.\nWould you like to autoweight the mesh?" ) if auto_weight: wgt.auto_calculate_weights(var.body) pose.store_pose(dtu) pose.store_offset(dtu) is_posed = pose.checkIfPosed() is_anim = anim.check_animation_exists(var.c_joints) clear_pose = False if is_posed: clear_pose = gui.QuestionDialog( "Importing Posed Figure is currently not fully supported\nWould you like to try to fix bone orientation?", ) if clear_pose: pose.clear_pose(var.c_joints) pose.fix_offset(var.c_joints, var.c_skin_data) if is_anim == False or clear_pose: jnt_fixes.store_joint_orientations(dtu) jnt_fixes.fix_joints(var.c_skin_data, var.c_joints, var.c_meshes) c4d.EventAdd() dzc4d.deselect_all() if is_posed: pose.restore_pose(var.c_joints) make_tpose = gui.QuestionDialog( "Would you like to Convert\nthe Base Pose to a T-Pose?", ) if make_tpose: pose.preAutoIK() c4d.EventAdd() else: gui.MessageDialog( "Animation or a Pose was Detected\nJoint Orientation has not been fixed", type=c4d.GEMB_ICONEXCLAMATION, ) c4d.EventAdd() if var.body.GetTag(c4d.Tposemorph): print("Starting Morph Updates") morph.store_morph_links(dtu) morph.store_variables(var.body, var.c_meshes, var.c_joints, var.skeleton, var.c_poses) morph.morphs_to_delta() morph.delete_morphs(var.c_meshes) morph.connect_morphs_to_parents(var.body, var.c_meshes) morph.add_drivers() morph.rename_morphs(var.c_meshes) print("Morph Corrections Done") c4d.EventAdd() c4d.DrawViews(c4d.DRAWFLAGS_ONLY_ACTIVE_VIEW | c4d.DRAWFLAGS_NO_THREAD | c4d.DRAWFLAGS_STATICBREAK) c4d.EventAdd() self.dialog = guiASKtoSave() self.dialog.Open( dlgtype=c4d.DLG_TYPE_MODAL, xpos=screen["sx2"] // 2 - 210, ypos=screen["sy2"] // 2 - 100, defaultw=200, defaulth=150, )
def main(doc): options = [ "Import Animation (absolute)", "Import Animation (relative)", "Export Animation" ] picked = choice(*options) if picked == options[0] or picked == options[1]: # Import file_path = load_dialog(title="Load Animation") if file_path: with open(file_path, "r") as f: data = json.load(f) selection = get_selection(doc) if not selection: return gui.MessageDialog("Nothing Selected. :(") curves = dict(b for a in get_selection(doc) for b in get_tracks(a)) exists = [(a, b) for a, b in data.iteritems() if a in curves] if not exists: return gui.MessageDialog( "Nothing selected can have animation applied. :(") do_offset = gui.QuestionDialog( "Would you like to import your Animation starting at the current time?" ) relative = picked == options[1] curr_time = doc.GetTime() fps = doc.GetFps() if do_offset: exists = zero_time( exists) # Zero out our time so we can offset successfully time_offset = curr_time.Get() else: time_offset = 0 for name, keys in exists: curve = curves[name].GetCurve() if relative: print name, curve.GetValue(c4d.BaseTime(keys[0][0]), fps), keys[0][1] value_offset = curve.GetValue(c4d.BaseTime(keys[0][0]), fps) - keys[0][1] else: value_offset = 0 for key in keys: offset_key(key, time=time_offset, value=value_offset) set_key(curve, key) # Remove existing keyframes # times = set(a[0] for a in keys) # min_, max_ = min(times), max(times) # existing_keys = get_keys(curve) # for key in existing_keys: # Remove existing keys that eat into new animation space # if min_ <= key[0] <= max_: # key = curve.FindKey(c4d.BaseTime(key[0])) # curve.DelKey(key["idx"]) elif picked == options[2]: # Export data = dict((b, list(get_keys(c.GetCurve()))) for a in get_selection(doc) for b, c in get_tracks(a)) if not data: return gui.MessageDialog("No Animation to Export. :(") # zero_time(data) # Zero time file_path = save_dialog("Save Animation") if file_path: _, ext = os.path.splitext(file_path) if ext != EXTENSION: file_path += EXTENSION with open(file_path, "w") as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4) print "Animation Exported to ", file_path
def gather(self, init=False, *a): # INITIALIZATION # This branch pulls in raw data from the scene. The user will have the option # to modify it in the UI, which is parsed in the "not init" branch below. # RenderData container object doc = c4d.documents.GetActiveDocument() rd = doc.GetActiveRenderData() # Get C4D version version = c4d.GetC4DVersion() / 1000 version_map = { 17: "R:\\Program Files\\MAXON\\CINEMA 4D R17\\CINEMA 4D.exe", 15: "R:\\Program Files\\MAXON\\CINEMA 4D R15\\CINEMA 4D 64 Bit.exe", 14: "R:\\Program Files\\MAXON\\CINEMA 4D R14\\CINEMA 4D 64 Bit.exe" } if (init): # Scene name / location scene_name = doc.GetDocumentName() scene_path = doc.GetDocumentPath() + '\\' + scene_name # Getting frame range in cinema is a PITA fps = rd[c4d.RDATA_FRAMERATE] step = rd[c4d.RDATA_FRAMESTEP] start = rd[c4d.RDATA_FRAMEFROM] end = rd[c4d.RDATA_FRAMETO] start_frame = start.Get() * fps end_frame = end.Get() * fps # Additional steps for frame step formatting frame_range = str(int(start_frame)) + "-" + str(int(end_frame)) if step > 1: frame_range += ("x" + str(step)) # Is saving output files enabled? self.save_main_bool = rd[c4d.RDATA_SAVEIMAGE] self.save_multi_bool = rd[c4d.RDATA_MULTIPASS_SAVEIMAGE] # Get output paths. output_path = { True: rd[c4d.RDATA_PATH], False: "" }[self.save_main_bool] output_multi_path = { True: rd[c4d.RDATA_MULTIPASS_FILENAME], False: "" }[self.save_multi_bool] # Default placeholder values cluster = "" restrictions = "" priority = 0 # POST-LAUNCH PARSING # This branch parses the UI for any overrides or changes the user has made. if not (init): # Scene data scene_name = self.GetString(TXT_JOB_NAME) scene_path = self.GetString(TXT_SCENE_FILE) output_path = self.GetString(TXT_RENDER_PATH) output_multi_path = self.GetString(TXT_MULTI_PATH) frame_range = self.GetString(TXT_FRAME_RANGE) # Farm data priority = self.GetString(TXT_PRIORITY) cluster = self.GetString(TXT_CLUSTER) restrictions = self.GetString(TXT_RESTRICTIONS) # Timestamp timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( time.time()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + " " + str( int(uniform(100, 300))) # FORMATTING / CLEANUP / DEPENDENT FLAGS # Pathing everything to \\cagenas from Y/W: for letter in mapped_drives: scene_path = scene_path.replace(letter, nas_unc) output_path = output_path.replace(letter, nas_unc) output_multi_path = output_multi_path.replace(letter, nas_unc) # Dealing with threads if self.GetBool(BOOL_ALL_THREADS): threads = 0 reservations = 'host.processors=1+' requirements = 'host.processors.used==0' useAllCores = 1 rtc = 1 else: threads = self.GetString(TXT_NUM_THREADS) reservations = 'host.processors=' + str(threads) requirements = '' useAllCores = 0 rtc = threads # SANITY CHECKS -- # 1. Is saving render output enabled? if not rd[c4d.RDATA_GLOBALSAVE]: chk = gui.QuestionDialog( "Saving is not enabled for rendering! You'll need to turn that on in Render Settings." ) self.Close() if not self.save_main_bool: chk = gui.QuestionDialog( "Saving is not enabled for your beauty render. Do you want to proceed?" ) if chk: pass else: self.Close() if not self.save_multi_bool: chk = gui.QuestionDialog( "Saving is not enabled for your multi-passes. Do you want to proceed?" ) if chk: pass else: self.Close() # 2. Is the full path to the scene file too long to render? if len(scene_path) > 199: chk = gui.QuestionDialog( "The full path to your scene file...:\n" + str(scene_path) + "\n...Is too long. You'll need to shorten it before you submit." ) self.Close() # 3. Is the user attempting to submit a scene saved locally, or trying to output renders to a local drive? for d in local_drives: if d in scene_path or d in output_path or d in output_multi_path: chk = gui.QuestionDialog( "Your scene file or render output are set to a local drive. You'll need to change this before you submit." ) self.Close() # 4. Are there unsaved changes in the scene? unsaved_changes = c4d.documents.GetActiveDocument().GetChanged() if (unsaved_changes): chk = gui.QuestionDialog( "Your scene has unsaved changes. Proceed anyway?") if (chk): pass else: self.Close() # The Qube submission dictionary submit_dict = { 'name': scene_name, 'prototype': 'cmdrange', 'package': { 'simpleCmdType': 'Cinema4d (Win)', 'c4dExe': version_map[version], 'c4dVersion': [version, '0', None], '-render': scene_path, '-oimage': output_path, '-omultipass': output_multi_path, 'range': frame_range, 'threads': threads, 'useAllCores': useAllCores, 'renderThreadCount': rtc }, 'label': timestamp, 'cluster': cluster, 'restrictions': restrictions, 'priority': priority, 'cpus': cpu_limit, 'reservations': reservations, 'requirements': requirements, 'flagsstring': 'auto_wrangling,disable_windows_job_object' } return submit_dict
def checkIfPosedResetPose(self, checkAndReset=True): def checkIfPosed(): obj = doc.GetFirstObject() scene = ObjectIterator(obj) jointsList = [ "Collar", "head", "ShldrTwist", "Forearm", "pelvis", "abdomen", "Shldr", ] caca = False def checkJoint(jointName): joint = doc.SearchObject(jointName) if joint: rotRX = abs(joint[c4d.ID_BASEOBJECT_REL_ROTATION, c4d.VECTOR_X]) rotRY = abs(joint[c4d.ID_BASEOBJECT_REL_ROTATION, c4d.VECTOR_Y]) rotRZ = abs(joint[c4d.ID_BASEOBJECT_REL_ROTATION, c4d.VECTOR_Z]) if rotRX == rotRY == rotRZ == 0.0: return False else: return True def compareJoints(jointName): jointR = doc.SearchObject("r" + jointName) jointL = doc.SearchObject("l" + jointName) if jointR: rotRX = abs(jointR[c4d.ID_BASEOBJECT_REL_ROTATION, c4d.VECTOR_X]) rotRY = abs(jointR[c4d.ID_BASEOBJECT_REL_ROTATION, c4d.VECTOR_Y]) rotRZ = abs(jointR[c4d.ID_BASEOBJECT_REL_ROTATION, c4d.VECTOR_Z]) rotLX = abs(jointL[c4d.ID_BASEOBJECT_REL_ROTATION, c4d.VECTOR_X]) rotLY = abs(jointL[c4d.ID_BASEOBJECT_REL_ROTATION, c4d.VECTOR_Y]) rotLZ = abs(jointL[c4d.ID_BASEOBJECT_REL_ROTATION, c4d.VECTOR_Z]) rotRX = round(rotRX, 2) rotRY = round(rotRY, 2) rotRZ = round(rotRZ, 2) rotLX = round(rotLX, 2) rotLY = round(rotLY, 2) rotLZ = round(rotLZ, 2) if rotRX == rotLX and rotRY == rotLY and rotRZ == rotLZ: return False else: return True isPosed = False if compareJoints("ForeArm"): isPosed = True if compareJoints("Shldr"): isPosed = True if compareJoints("ShldrBend"): isPosed = True if compareJoints("ForearmBend"): isPosed = True if compareJoints("Hand"): isPosed = True if compareJoints("ThighBend"): isPosed = True if checkJoint("chestUpper"): isPosed = True if checkJoint("chestLower"): isPosed = True if checkJoint("abdomenLower"): isPosed = True if checkJoint("abdomenUpper"): isPosed = True if checkJoint("neckLower"): isPosed = True return isPosed doc = documents.GetActiveDocument() if checkAndReset == False: return checkIfPosed() jointHip = doc.SearchObject("hip") jointRig = ObjectIterator(jointHip) if checkIfPosed(): answer = gui.QuestionDialog( "Reset Pose first before Auto-Ik.\nReset Pose now?\n\nWarning: No Undo" ) if answer: for x in jointRig: x[c4d.ID_BASEOBJECT_REL_ROTATION, c4d.VECTOR_X] = 0.0 x[c4d.ID_BASEOBJECT_REL_ROTATION, c4d.VECTOR_Y] = 0.0 x[c4d.ID_BASEOBJECT_REL_ROTATION, c4d.VECTOR_Z] = 0.0 jointHip[c4d.ID_BASEOBJECT_REL_ROTATION, c4d.VECTOR_X] = 0.0 jointHip[c4d.ID_BASEOBJECT_REL_ROTATION, c4d.VECTOR_Y] = 0.0 jointHip[c4d.ID_BASEOBJECT_REL_ROTATION, c4d.VECTOR_Z] = 0.0 try: mainJoint = jointHip.GetUp() mainJoint[c4d.ID_BASEOBJECT_REL_ROTATION, c4d.VECTOR_X] = 0.0 mainJoint[c4d.ID_BASEOBJECT_REL_ROTATION, c4d.VECTOR_Y] = 0.0 mainJoint[c4d.ID_BASEOBJECT_REL_ROTATION, c4d.VECTOR_Z] = 0.0 mainJoint[c4d.ID_BASEOBJECT_REL_POSITION, c4d.VECTOR_X] = 0.0 mainJoint[c4d.ID_BASEOBJECT_REL_POSITION, c4d.VECTOR_Z] = 0.0 except: pass self.dazManualRotationFixTpose() c4d.EventAdd() c4d.DrawViews( c4d.DRAWFLAGS_ONLY_ACTIVE_VIEW | c4d.DRAWFLAGS_NO_THREAD | c4d.DRAWFLAGS_STATICBREAK ) c4d.EventAdd() AllSceneToZero().sceneToZero() answer = gui.QuestionDialog("Would You Like to Run\nAUTO-IK") if answer: return True else: return False else: return True
def popup( title='', msg='', type='ok', defaultInput='', pyside=False, _list=[], selNum=0, winPrnt=None ) : 'Attempts to build a simple dialog window in either native application calls, or PySide' app=F.get_app() userInput='' # Create PySide window : if pyside : try : if type=='comboBox' : userInput, ok=QtGui.QInputDialog.getItem( winPrnt, title, msg, _list, 0, False ) if not ok : userInput=None except : P.error( 'Sorry, problem loading the dialog.' ) # Cinesync Window : elif app == 'Cinesync': try: if type == 'input' or type == 'okCancel': userInput, ok = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(winPrnt, title, msg, QtGui.QLineEdit.Normal, defaultInput) if not ok: userInput = None except Exception as err: P.error('Error with dialog: %s' % str(err)) # Maya Window : elif app=='Maya' : import maya.cmds as mc if type=='ok' : userInput=mc.confirmDialog( title=title, message=msg, button=['OK'], \ defaultButton='OK' ) elif type=='okCancel' : userInput=mc.confirmDialog( title=title, message=msg, button=['OK', 'Cancel'], \ defaultButton='OK', cancelButton='Cancel', dismissString='Cancel' ) elif type=='input' : userInput=mc.promptDialog( title=title, message=msg, text=defaultInput, \ button=['OK', 'Cancel'], defaultButton='OK', cancelButton='Cancel', dismissString='Cancel' ) if userInput=='OK' : userInput=str(mc.promptDialog( query=True, text=True )) else : userInput='' # Nuke Window : elif app=='Nuke' : import nuke if type=='ok' : userInput=nuke.message( msg ) elif type=='okCancel' : userInput=nuke.ask( msg ) if userInput : userInput='OK' else : userInput='Cancel' elif type=='input' : userInput=nuke.getInput( msg, defaultInput ) # Hiero Window : elif app=='Hiero' : import hiero.ui from hiero.core import log if type=='ok' : dialog=QtGui.QMessageBox.information( hiero.ui.mainWindow(), title, msg, \ QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok) if dialog==QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok : userInput='OK' elif type=='okCancel' : dialog=QtGui.QMessageBox.question( hiero.ui.mainWindow(), title, msg, \ QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel, QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok ) if dialog==QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok : userInput='OK' elif dialog==QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel : userInput='Cancel' elif type=='input' : dialog=QtGui.QInputDialog.getText( QtGui.QInputDialog(), title, msg, \ QtGui.QLineEdit.Normal ) if dialog[1] : userInput=dialog[0] else : userInput=None # C4D Window : elif app=='C4D' : import c4d from c4d import gui if type=='ok' : userInput=gui.MessageDialog( msg ) elif type=='okCancel' : userInput=gui.QuestionDialog( text=msg ) if userInput : userInput='OK' elif type=='input' : userInput=gui.InputDialog( msg ) # 3dsMax : elif app=='3dsMax' : import MaxPlus #maxWin=MaxPlus.Win32_GetMAXHWnd() if type=='ok' : dialog=QtGui.QMessageBox.information( None, title, msg, \ QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok) if dialog==QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok : userInput='OK' elif type=='okCancel' : dialog=QtGui.QMessageBox.question( None, title, msg, \ QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel, QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok ) if dialog==QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok : userInput='OK' elif dialog==QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel : userInput='Cancel' elif type=='input' : dialog=QtGui.QInputDialog.getText( QtGui.QInputDialog(), title, msg, \ QtGui.QLineEdit.Normal ) if dialog[1] : userInput=dialog[0] else : userInput=None # Houdini : elif app=='Houdini' : import hou if type=='ok' : dialog=QtGui.QMessageBox.information( None, title, msg, \ QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok) if dialog==QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok : userInput='OK' elif type=='okCancel' : dialog=QtGui.QMessageBox.question( None, title, msg, \ QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel, QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok ) if dialog==QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok : userInput='OK' elif dialog==QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel : userInput='Cancel' elif type=='input' : inputFont = QtGui2.QFont() inputFont.setFamily("Ariel") inputFont.setPointSize(20) inputDialog = QtGui.QInputDialog(None) inputDialog.setStyleSheet( "* {background-color: #333333; color: white;}" ); inputDialog.setInputMode(QtGui.QInputDialog.TextInput) inputDialog.setWindowTitle(title) inputDialog.setLabelText(msg) inputDialog.setFont(inputFont) ok = inputDialog.exec_() if(ok): userInput = inputDialog.textValue() else : userInput = None # Flame : elif app=='Flame' : if type=='ok' : dialog=QtGui.QMessageBox.information( None, title, msg, \ QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok) if dialog==QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok : userInput='OK' elif type=='okCancel' : dialog=QtGui.QMessageBox.question( None, title, msg, \ QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel, QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok ) if dialog==QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok : userInput='OK' elif dialog==QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel : userInput='Cancel' elif type=='input' : dialog=QtGui.QInputDialog.getText( QtGui.QInputDialog(), title, msg, \ QtGui.QLineEdit.Normal ) if dialog[1] : userInput=dialog[0] else : userInput=None'Returning PopUP INFO: %s' % userInput) return userInput
def main(): #Get Active Document ActiveDocument = documents.GetActiveDocument() #Get Document Path & Name increment = 0 DocPathBase = ActiveDocument.GetDocumentPath() DocName = ActiveDocument.GetDocumentName() DocNameLength = len(DocName) - 4 DocNameShort = DocName[0:DocNameLength] DocPathBase += "\\" + "Render" + "\\" + DocNameShort + "_" DocPath = DocPathBase + str(increment) fps = doc.GetFps() ### helpMessage = """Enter the first frame, enter the second frame. (There is an extra pop up window for the first and last frame, respectively.) Now the Script will run and automatically set your 'Setting, Frame-Range' to 'Current Frame'. Sets yor 'Preferences, Texture Paths' to your working Directory (The Directory of your current C4D working File). Checks if a 'Render' Folder exists in the same Directory, and creates it if necessary. Checks if a Folder inside 'Render' with the name of your current C4D File exists and then create an incremented Folder. Saves a new C4D File inside this Folder for every Frame.""" ### #Get User Framerange input startFrameIn = c4d.gui.InputDialog("Enter Start Frame - or type 'help'") if startFrameIn.lower() == "help": c4d.gui.MessageDialog(helpMessage) endFrameIn = c4d.gui.InputDialog("Enter End Frame - or type 'help'") if endFrameIn.lower() == "help": c4d.gui.MessageDialog(helpMessage) #Check User Input if not startFrameIn or not endFrameIn: #Is there any User Onput? c4d.gui.MessageDialog( "No valid Framerange was given. Script cancelled without Effect.") return else: #if there is User Input try: #Is the User Input an Integer? startFrame = int(startFrameIn) endFrame = int(endFrameIn) except ValueError: c4d.gui.MessageDialog( "Only Integer values allowed. Script cancelled without Effect." ) return setTexturesPaths() setCurrentFrame() #Rendersettings current Frame fps = doc[c4d.DOCUMENT_FPS] frame = startFrame Time = c4d.BaseTime(frame, fps) doc.SetTime(Time) c4d.EventAdd() rDat = doc.GetActiveRenderData() octane = rDat.GetFirstVideoPost() rDatIncr = rDat[c4d.RDATA_PATH] try: #If the user didn't choose the Octane Renderer, python can't find this setting rOctIncr = octane[c4d.SET_PASSES_SAVEPATH] except TypeError: rOctIncr = None print("Octane Renderer not selected") rvalue = True folderExists = False if not os.path.exists(DocPath): os.makedirs(DocPath) else: while not folderExists: # if the folder already exists, increment and create a new one increment += 1 DocPath = DocPathBase + str(increment) if not os.path.exists(DocPath): os.makedirs(DocPath) folderExists = True if increment > 500: #To prevent infinite loop if something goes wrong rvalue = gui.QuestionDialog( "A Folder with the name " + DocName + " already exists. Overwirte frames with the same name? This message appears, if more than 500 Folder exist inside the Render Folder." ) break if rvalue: if startFrame <= endFrame: # Loop from StartFrame to EndFrame for curFrame in xrange(startFrame, endFrame + 1): CreateC4DDocs(DocPath, DocNameShort, curFrame, rDat, rDatIncr, rOctIncr, octane) else: # Loop from EndFrame to StartFrame for curFrame in xrange(startFrame, endFrame - 1, -1): CreateC4DDocs(DocPath, DocNameShort, curFrame, rDat, rDatIncr, rOctIncr, octane, False) rDat[ c4d. RDATA_PATH] = rDatIncr # After the loop, reset the Save File Name back to the original value, for the original C4D File else: exit = gui.MessageDialog( "Please save the project with a different name, or choose a new frame range" )