コード例 #1
    return pValues

# Parameters for a run
permutations = 200 # Number of times to run meme, get nMotifs per permutation
pValueThreshold = 0.05 # Threshold for TOMTOM similarity

# TODO!!! These parameters could be gotten from the cMonkey Run
nMotifs = 2
regions = ['upstream', '3pUTR']
motifWidth = { 'upstream': [6, 12], '3pUTR': [4, 9] }
revComp = { 'upstream': True, '3pUTR': None }

# Load up the cMonkey run to get permuted pValues
from cMonkeyWrapper import cMonkeyWrapper
c1 = cMonkeyWrapper('cmonkey-run-hsa.RData')

# To pick the important clusters
maxEValue = 10
maxScore = None # 0
maxSurv = None # 0.05/len(c1.getBiclusterNames())
allPssms = {}
if maxScore==None and maxSurv==None:
    allPssms['upstream'] = c1.getPssmsUpstream(maxEValue=maxEValue)
    allPssms['3pUTR'] = c1.getPssms3pUTR(maxEValue=maxEValue)
elif maxSurv==None:
    allPssms['upstream'] = c1.getPssmsUpstream(maxEValue=maxEValue,maxScore=maxScore)
    allPssms['3pUTR'] = c1.getPssms3pUTR(maxEValue=maxEValue,maxScore=maxScore)
    allPssms['upstream'] = c1.getPssmsUpstream(maxEValue=maxEValue,maxScore=maxScore,maxSurv=maxSurv)
    allPssms['3pUTR'] = c1.getPssms3pUTR(maxEValue=maxEValue,maxScore=maxScore,maxSurv=maxSurv)
コード例 #2
    # First sort the results
    sorted1 = qsortBasedOn(dict1.keys(), dict1.values())[0]
    # Then control based on FDR
    res1 = []
    alpha = float(alpha)
    #res1 = [sorted1[i] for i in range(len(sorted1)) if dict1[sorted1[i]] <= alpha/float(tests-i)]
    for i in range(len(sorted1)):
        if dict1[sorted1[i]] <= alpha/float(tests-i):
    return res1

# Load up the cMonkey run to get permuted pValues
from cMonkeyWrapper import cMonkeyWrapper
c1 = cMonkeyWrapper('iter3000.RData')

# Getting 
allSeqs = c1.getSeqsUpstream()
bgFile = 'tmp/meme/bgFile.meme'
seed = None
print 'Not using a seed.'
# Get Sequences for the run
if not allSeqs==None:
    allSeqs = allSeqs
    allSeqs = {}
    asf = open(allSeqsFile,'r')
    for line in asf.readlines():
        splitUp = line.strip().split(',')