コード例 #1
ファイル: replPolicy.py プロジェクト: IgorDzreyev/nanoBench
def findSmallCounterexample(policy, initSeq, level, sets, cBox, assoc, seq,
    setCount = len(parseCacheSetsStr(level, True, sets))

    seqSplit = seq.split()
    for seqPrefix in [
            seqSplit[:i] for i in range(assoc + 1,
                                        len(seqSplit) + 1)
        seq = initSeq + ' '.join(seqPrefix)
        actual = getActualHits(seq, level, sets, cBox, nMeasurements)
        sim = cacheSim.getHits(seq, cacheSim.AllPolicies[policy], assoc,
        print 'seq:' + seq + ', actual: ' + str(actual) + ', sim: ' + str(sim)
        if sim != actual:

    for i in reversed(range(0, len(seqPrefix) - 1)):
        tmpPrefix = seqPrefix[:i] + seqPrefix[(i + 1):]
        seq = initSeq + ' '.join(tmpPrefix)
        actual = getActualHits(seq, level, sets, cBox, nMeasurements)
        sim = cacheSim.getHits(seq, cacheSim.AllPolicies[policy], assoc,
        print 'seq:' + seq + ', actual: ' + str(actual) + ', sim: ' + str(sim)
        if sim != actual:
            seqPrefix = tmpPrefix

    return ((initSeq + ' ') if initSeq else '') + ' '.join(seqPrefix)
コード例 #2
ファイル: cacheSeq.py プロジェクト: kwiersch/nanoBench
def main():
   parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Cache Benchmarks')
   parser.add_argument("-seq", help="Access sequence", required=True)
   parser.add_argument("-seq_init", help="Initialization sequence", default='')
   parser.add_argument("-level", help="Cache level (Default: 1)", type=int, default=1)
   parser.add_argument("-sets", help="Cache sets (if not specified, all cache sets are used)")
   parser.add_argument("-cBox", help="cBox (default: 1)", type=int, default=1) # use 1 as default, as, e.g., on SNB, box 0 only has 15 ways instead of 16
   parser.add_argument("-noClearHL", help="Do not clear higher levels", action='store_true')
   parser.add_argument("-nMeasurements", help="Number of measurements", type=int, default=10)
   parser.add_argument("-agg", help="Aggregate function", default='med')
   parser.add_argument("-loop", help="Loop count (Default: 1)", type=int, default=1)
   parser.add_argument("-noWbinvd", help="Do not call wbinvd before each run", action='store_true')
   parser.add_argument("-logLevel", help="Log level (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL)", default='WARNING')
   parser.add_argument("-sim", help="Simulate the given policy instead of running the experiment on the hardware")
   parser.add_argument("-simAssoc", help="Associativity of the simulated cache (default: 8)", type=int, default=8)
   args = parser.parse_args()

   logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, format='%(message)s', level=logging.getLevelName(args.logLevel))

   if args.sim:
      policyClass = cacheSim.AllPolicies[args.sim]
      seq = args.seq_init + (' ' + args.seq) * args.loop
      hits = cacheSim.getHits(seq, policyClass, args.simAssoc, args.sets) / args.loop
      print 'Hits: ' + str(hits)
      nb = runCacheExperiment(args.level, args.seq, initSeq=args.seq_init, cacheSets=args.sets, cBox=args.cBox, clearHL=(not args.noClearHL), loop=args.loop,
                              wbinvd=(not args.noWbinvd), nMeasurements=args.nMeasurements, agg=args.agg)
コード例 #3
ファイル: hitMiss.py プロジェクト: mfkiwl/nanoBench
def main():
   parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Outputs whether the last access of a sequence results in a hit or miss')
   parser.add_argument("-seq", help="Access sequence", required=True)
   parser.add_argument("-seq_init", help="Initialization sequence", default='')
   parser.add_argument("-level", help="Cache level (Default: 1)", type=int, default=1)
   parser.add_argument("-sets", help="Cache sets (if not specified, all cache sets are used)")
   parser.add_argument("-cBox", help="cBox (default: 1)", type=int, default=1) # use 1 as default, as, e.g., on SNB, box 0 only has 15 ways instead of 16
   parser.add_argument("-slice", help="Slice (within the cBox) (default: 0)", type=int, default=0)
   parser.add_argument("-noClearHL", help="Do not clear higher levels", action='store_true')
   parser.add_argument("-loop", help="Loop count (Default: 1)", type=int, default=1)
   parser.add_argument("-noWbinvd", help="Do not call wbinvd before each run", action='store_true')
   parser.add_argument("-logLevel", help="Log level (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL)", default='WARNING')
   parser.add_argument("-sim", help="Simulate the given policy instead of running the experiment on the hardware")
   parser.add_argument("-simAssoc", help="Associativity of the simulated cache (default: 8)", type=int, default=8)
   args = parser.parse_args()

   logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, format='%(message)s', level=logging.getLevelName(args.logLevel))

   if args.sim:
      policyClass = cacheSim.AllPolicies[args.sim]
      seq = re.sub('[?!]', '', ' '.join([args.seq_init, args.seq])).strip() + '?'
      hits = cacheSim.getHits(seq, policyClass, args.simAssoc, args.sets)
      if hits > 0:
      setCount = len(parseCacheSetsStr(args.level, True, args.sets))
      seq = re.sub('[?!]', '', args.seq).strip() + '?'
      nb = runCacheExperiment(args.level, seq, initSeq=args.seq_init, cacheSets=args.sets, cBox=args.cBox, cSlice=args.slice, clearHL=(not args.noClearHL),
                              loop=args.loop, wbinvd=(not args.noWbinvd))
      if nb['L' + str(args.level) + '_HIT']/setCount > .5:
コード例 #4
ファイル: replPolicy.py プロジェクト: CharmyS/thesis
def main():
   parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Replacement Policies')
   parser.add_argument("-level", help="Cache level (Default: 1)", type=int, default=1)
   parser.add_argument("-sets", help="Cache sets (if not specified, all cache sets are used)")
   parser.add_argument("-cBox", help="cBox (default: 0)", type=int)
   parser.add_argument("-slice", help="Slice (within the cBox) (default: 0)", type=int, default=0)
   parser.add_argument("-nMeasurements", help="Number of measurements", type=int, default=3)
   parser.add_argument("-rep", help="Number of repetitions of each experiment (Default: 1)", type=int, default=1)
   parser.add_argument("-findCtrEx", help="Tries to find a small counterexample for each policy (only available for deterministic policies)", action='store_true')
   parser.add_argument("-policies", help="Comma-separated list of policies to consider (Default: all deterministic policies)")
   parser.add_argument("-best", help="Find the best matching policy (Default: abort if no policy agrees with all results)", action='store_true')
   parser.add_argument("-randPolicies", help="Test randomized policies", action='store_true')
   parser.add_argument("-allQLRUVariants", help="Test all QLRU variants", action='store_true')
   parser.add_argument("-assoc", help="Override the associativity", type=int)
   parser.add_argument("-initSeq", help="Adds an initialization sequence to each sequence")
   parser.add_argument("-nRandSeq", help="Number of random sequences (default: 100)", type=int, default=100)
   parser.add_argument("-lRandSeq", help="Length of random sequences (default: 50)", type=int, default=50)
   parser.add_argument("-logLevel", help="Log level (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL)", default='WARNING')
   parser.add_argument("-output", help="Output file name", default='replPolicy.html')
   args = parser.parse_args()

   logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, format='%(message)s', level=logging.getLevelName(args.logLevel))

   policies = sorted(cacheSim.CommonPolicies.keys())
   if args.policies:
      policies = args.policies.split(',')
   elif args.allQLRUVariants:
      policies = sorted(set(cacheSim.CommonPolicies.keys())|set(cacheSim.AllDetQLRUVariants.keys()))
   elif args.randPolicies:
      if args.rep > 1:
         sys.exit('rep > 1 not supported for random policies')
      policies = sorted(cacheSim.AllRandPolicies.keys())

   if args.assoc:
      assoc = args.assoc
      assoc = getCacheInfo(args.level).assoc

   cBox = 0
   if args.cBox:
      cBox = args.cBox

   title = cpuid.cpu_name(cpuid.CPUID()) + ', Level: ' + str(args.level) + (', CBox: ' + str(cBox) if args.cBox else '')

   html = ['<html>', '<head>', '<title>' + title + '</title>', '</head>', '<body>']
   html += ['<h3>' + title + '</h3>']
   html += ['<table border="1" style="white-space:nowrap;">']
   html += ['<tr><th>Sequence</th><th>Actual</th>']
   html += ['<th>' + p.replace('_', '<br>_') + '</th>' for p in policies]
   html += ['</tr>']

   possiblePolicies = set(policies)
   counterExamples = dict()
   dists = {p: 0.0 for p in policies}

   seqList = []
   seqList.extend(getRandomSeq(args.lRandSeq) for _ in range(0,args.nRandSeq))

   for seq in seqList:
      fullSeq = ((args.initSeq + ' ') if args.initSeq else '') + seq
      print fullSeq

      html += ['<tr><td>' + fullSeq + '</td>']
      actualHits = set([getActualHits(fullSeq, args.level, args.sets, cBox, args.slice, args.nMeasurements) for _ in range(0, args.rep)])
      html += ['<td>' + ('{' if len(actualHits) > 1 else '') +  ', '.join(map(str, sorted(actualHits))) + ('}' if len(actualHits) > 1 else '') + '</td>']

      outp = ''
      for p in policies:
         if not args.randPolicies:
            sim = cacheSim.getHits(fullSeq, cacheSim.AllPolicies[p], assoc, args.sets)

            if sim not in actualHits:
               dists[p] += 1
               color = 'red'
               if args.findCtrEx and not p in counterExamples:
                  counterExamples[p] = findSmallCounterexample(p, ((args.initSeq + ' ') if args.initSeq else ''), args.level, args.sets, cBox, args.slice,
                                                               assoc, seq, args.nMeasurements)
            elif len(actualHits) > 1:
               color = 'yellow'
               color = 'green'
            sim = median(sum(cacheSim.getHits(fullSeq, cacheSim.AllPolicies[p], assoc, args.sets) for _ in range(0, args.nMeasurements)))
            dist = (sim - actual) ** 2
            dists[p] += dist

            colorR = min(255, dist)
            colorG = max(0, min(255, 512 - dist))
            color = 'rgb(' + str(colorR) + ',' + str(colorG) + ',0)'

         html += ['<td style="background-color:' + color + ';">' + str(sim) + '</td>']

      html += ['</tr>']

      if not args.randPolicies and not args.best:
         print 'Possible policies: ' + ', '.join(possiblePolicies)
         if not possiblePolicies: break

   if not args.randPolicies and args.findCtrEx:
      print ''
      print 'Counter example(s): '
      for p, ctrEx in counterExamples.items():
         print '  ' + p + ': ' + ctrEx

   html += ['</table>', '</body>', '</html>']

   with open(args.output ,'w') as f:

   if not args.randPolicies and not args.best:
      print 'Possible policies: ' + ', '.join(possiblePolicies)
      for p, d in reversed(sorted(dists.items(), key=lambda d: d[1])):
         print p + ': ' + str(d)