コード例 #1
def get_core(frm_in):
    Selects the core parts of a base.Container() instance,
    and returns them inside a new base.Container() instance.
    frm_out = base.Container()
    # ---
    frm_out.i = frm_in.i
    # --- extend pipeline_log
    frm_out.put_data('log', frm_in.get_data('log'))
    log_entry = {'get_core': True}
    # --- filter particle numbers
    for key in sorted(frm_in.get_keys(base.loc_nr_particles)):
        if key.endswith('.s'):
        frm_out.put_data(base.loc_nr_particles + '/' + key,
                         frm_in.get_data(base.loc_nr_particles + '/' + key))
    # --- filter histogram data
    for key in sorted(frm_in.get_keys(base.loc_histograms)):
        if (key != 'radii'):
            pair = key.split(',')
            if (pair[0].endswith('.s') or pair[1].endswith('.s')):
        frm_out.put_data(base.loc_histograms + '/' + key,
                         frm_in.get_data(base.loc_histograms + '/' + key))
    # ---
    # ---
    return frm_out
コード例 #2
 def __next__(self):
     """Generator that iterates through all the frames and yields
     frame by frame.
     if not self.initialized:
     # counters to make self.last and self.step work
     i = self.first  # numbering relative to the original dataset
     raw_count = 0  # count the raw frames delivered by MDAnalysis
     for ts in self.universe.trajectory:
         if (i > self.last):
         elif (raw_count % self.step == 0):
             coord = self.atoms.positions
             dimensions = self.universe.atoms.dimensions
             # --- separate coordinates by species and put them into the container
             frm = base.Container()
             for si in range(1, self.nEl + 1):
                 species_label = self.elements[si - 1]
                 species_coord = coord[np.where(self.speciesList == si)]
                 # we need to add the coordinates type-converted to 64 bit floats
                 frm.put_data(base.loc_coordinates + '/' + species_label,
             frm.put_data(base.loc_dimensions, dimensions)
             frm.i = i
             if self.verb:
                 print("MDReader.next() : {}".format(frm.i))
             yield frm
         # ---
         i = i + 1
         raw_count += 1
コード例 #3
def get_cross(frm_in):
    Selects the cross parts of a base.Container() instance,
    and returns them inside a new base.Container() instance.
    frm_out = base.Container()
    # ---
    frm_out.i = frm_in.i
    # --- extend pipeline_log
    frm_out.put_data('log', frm_in.get_data('log'))
    log_entry = {'get_cross': True}
    # Note: particle numbers do not make sense for cross
    for key in sorted(frm_in.get_keys(base.loc_histograms)):
        if (key != 'radii'):
            pair = key.split(',')
            if (pair[0].endswith('.s') and pair[1].endswith('.s')) or \
               (not pair[0].endswith('.s') and not pair[1].endswith('.s')):
        frm_out.put_data(base.loc_histograms + '/' + key,
                         frm_in.get_data(base.loc_histograms + '/' + key))
    # ---
    # ---
    return frm_out
コード例 #4
 def __next__(self):
     while (self.count <= self.n_histogram_sets):
         hs = base.Container(number=self.count)
         dr = 0.01
         radii = np.array([dr * (0.5 + x) for x in range(self.n_bins)])
         hs.put_data(base.loc_histograms + '/radii', radii)
         # --- fill histogram set with dummy data
         spec_list = (list(string.ascii_uppercase))[:self.n_el]
         for i in range(1, self.n_virtual + 1):
             x = 'X' + str(i)
         if self.shell:
             spec_list[:] = spec_list + [x + '.s' for x in spec_list]
         for i in range(len(spec_list)):
             for j in range(i, len(spec_list)):
                 key = spec_list[i] + "," + spec_list[j]
                 if self.random:
                     histo = np.random.rand(self.n_bins)
                     histo = np.ones(self.n_bins)
                 hs.put_data(base.loc_histograms + '/' + key, histo)
         # ---
         if self.verb:
             print("DummyReader.next() :", self.count)
         yield hs
         self.count += 1
         del hs
コード例 #5
ファイル: dummy.py プロジェクト: tsenapathi/capriqorn
 def __init__(self, n_frames=3, n_elems=3, n_atoms=1024, verbose=False):
     self.n_frames = n_frames
     self.n_elems = n_elems
     self.n_atoms = n_atoms
     self.verb = verbose
     self.frms = []
     # ---
     self._depends.extend(super(base.Reader, self)._depends)
     self._conflicts.extend(super(base.Reader, self)._conflicts)
     # ---
     for i in range(n_frames):
         frm = base.Container(number=i)
         for j in range(n_elems):
             s_name = "El" + str(i) + str(j)
             s_coor = np.random.rand(n_atoms, 3)
             frm.put_data(base.loc_coordinates + '/' + s_name, s_coor)
         s_name = 'my/huge/table/in/some/subdirectory/data'
         s_table = np.random.rand(n_atoms, n_atoms)
         frm.put_data(s_name, s_table)
         s_name = 'integer'
         frm.put_data(s_name, 1)
         s_name = 'string'
         frm.put_data(s_name, 'Banana Joe')
         s_name = 'float'
         frm.put_data(s_name, 3.14)
         s_name = 'Python integer list'
         frm.put_data(s_name, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
         s_name = 'Python float list'
         frm.put_data(s_name, [1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6.])
         s_name = 'Python string list'
         frm.put_data(s_name, ['Hello', 'World'])
         s_name = 'Python mixed list'
         frm.put_data(s_name, ['Hello', 1])
コード例 #6
def get_full(frm_in):
    Selects the core, shell, cross parts of a base.Container() instance,
    and returns them inside a new base.Container() instance in a combined way.
    # if there's no shell (shell_width<0) then the histogram is already the full histogram
    geom = frm_in.get_geometry()
    meta = frm_in.query_meta(geom)
    if meta['shell_width'] < 0:
        return frm_in
    frm_out = base.Container()
    # ---
    frm_out.i = frm_in.i
    # --- extend pipeline_log
    frm_out.put_data('log', frm_in.get_data('log'))
    log_entry = {'get_full': True}
    # --- construct the full set from the divided sets
    frm_out_core = get_core(frm_in)
    frm_out_shell = get_shell(frm_in)
    frm_out_cross = get_cross(frm_in)
    # --- sum up particle numbers
        base.loc_nr_particles,  # include radii
    X = frm_out.get_data(base.loc_nr_particles)
    Y = frm_out_shell.get_data(base.loc_nr_particles)
    dict_util.sum_values(X, Y)  # semantics: X += Y
    # --- sum up histogram vectors
        base.loc_histograms,  # include radii
    X = frm_out.get_data(base.loc_histograms)
    Y = frm_out_shell.get_data(base.loc_histograms)
    dict_util.sum_values(X, Y)  # semantics: X += Y
    # --- sum up cross histograms explicitly due to key handling
    for (key, Y) in list(
        if (key == 'radii'):
            pair = key.split(',')
            for idx in [0, 1]:
                if pair[idx].endswith('.s'):
                    pair[idx] = (pair[idx])[:-2]
            key_new = pair[0] + ',' + pair[1]
            X = frm_out.get_data(base.loc_histograms + '/' + key_new)
            X += Y
    # ---
    # ---
    return frm_out
コード例 #7
ファイル: input_example.py プロジェクト: bio-phys/cadishi
 def get_frame(self, i):
     """Create coordinate data sets for a single frame."""
     # Cadishi and Capriqorn use base.Container() instances to handle data
     frm = base.Container()
     # Generate list of (Nx3) NumPy coordinate arrays.
     # NOTE: This is the location where you would want to feed your own data in!
     # We use random data in this simple example.
     coord_set = util.generate_random_coordinate_set(self.n_objects)
     for idx, coords in enumerate(coord_set):
         # Each species carries a label.
         # NOTE: You need to take care about labels fitting to your data!
         label = "species_" + str(idx)
         # add coordinates to frame at the following standardized location
         location = base.loc_coordinates + '/' + label
         frm.put_data(location, coords.astype(np.float64))
     # finally, each frame is uniquely numbered
     frm.i = i
     return frm
コード例 #8
ファイル: distHisto.py プロジェクト: tsenapathi/capriqorn
 def __next__(self):
     """iterate through all the histogram sets and yield set by set"""
     if self.verb:
     for i in range(len(self.file_list)):
         hs = base.Container()
         # --- fill the hs.histograms dictionary
         filename = self.file_list[i]
         histograms = np.load(filename)
         (_n_bins, n_rows) = histograms.shape
         # the zeroth column of histograms contains the radial grid
         radii = histograms[:, 0]
         hs.put_data(base.loc_histograms + '/radii', radii)
         assert (n_rows == len(self.header))
         # the following columns contain the distance histograms
         for idx in range(1, n_rows):
             key = self.header[idx]
             val = histograms[:, idx]
             hs.put_data(base.loc_histograms + '/' + key, val)
         # --- fill the hs.particles dictionary ---
         # The use of a numpy array to hold a single value may seem like
         # a bit of an overkill, but when averaging over several
         # HistogramSets the array will hold the particle numbers of all
         # the frames that have contributed to the averaged set.
         for j in range(len(self.nr_part_header)):
             key = self.nr_part_header[j]
             val = np.array([self.nr_part_table[i, j]], dtype=np.int32)
             hs.put_data(base.loc_nr_particles + '/' + key, val)
         # ---
         val = self.pipeline_log + [self.get_meta()]
         hs.put_data('log', val)
         # ---
         self.count += 1
         hs.i = self.count
         # ---
         yield hs
         if self.verb:
             print("distHistoReader.next() : " + filename)
コード例 #9
def get_shell(frm_in):
    Selects the shell parts of a base.Container() instance,
    and returns them inside a new base.Container() instance.
    frm_out = base.Container()
    # ---
    frm_out.i = frm_in.i
    # --- extend pipeline_log
    frm_out.put_data('log', frm_in.get_data('log'))
    log_entry = {'get_shell': True}
    # --- filter particle numbers
    for key in sorted(frm_in.get_keys(base.loc_nr_particles)):
        if key.endswith('.s'):
            # strip off the trailing shell identifier
                base.loc_nr_particles + '/' + key[:-2],
                frm_in.get_data(base.loc_nr_particles + '/' + key))
        elif (key == 'frame'):
                base.loc_nr_particles + '/' + key,
                frm_in.get_data(base.loc_nr_particles + '/' + key))
    # --- filter histogram data
    for key in sorted(frm_in.get_keys(base.loc_histograms)):
        pair = key.split(',')
        if (pair[0].endswith('.s') and pair[1].endswith('.s')):
            # strip off the trailing shell identifiers
            key_new = (pair[0])[:-2] + ',' + (pair[1])[:-2]
            frm_out.put_data(base.loc_histograms + '/' + key_new,
                             frm_in.get_data(base.loc_histograms + '/' + key))
        elif (key == 'radii'):
            frm_out.put_data(base.loc_histograms + '/' + key,
                             frm_in.get_data(base.loc_histograms + '/' + key))
    # ---
    # ---
    return frm_out
コード例 #10
 def __next__(self):
     frm_out = base.Container()
     for frm_tmp in next(self.src):
         # handle None correctly (used as a sign to abandon ship in parallel pipelines)
         # in combination with the remainder treatment below (which needs the last frm_in)
         if frm_tmp is not None:
             frm_in = copy.deepcopy(frm_tmp)
             self.geometry = frm_in.get_geometry()
             # --- multiref: scale histograms containing virtual particles
             virtual_param = frm_in.query_meta('VirtualParticles')
             if (virtual_param is not None
                     and self.geometry == 'MultiReferenceStructure'):
                 frm_in = scaleVirtualHistograms(frm_in)
             # --- take into account the histogram sample parameter when averaging
             if (self.count == 0):
                 histo_par = util.search_pipeline('histograms',
                 if (histo_par is not None) and (len(histo_par) > 0):
                     histo_sample = histo_par['histogram']['sum']
                     self.factor = self.factor / float(histo_sample)
             # --- sum distance histograms
             if not frm_out.contains_key(base.loc_histograms + '/radii'):
                     base.loc_histograms + '/radii',
                     frm_in.get_data(base.loc_histograms + '/radii'))
             X = frm_out.get_data(base.loc_histograms)
             Y = frm_in.get_data(base.loc_histograms)
             dict_util.sum_values(X, Y)
             # --- sum shell H_xx(r)
             if (virtual_param is not None
                     and self.geometry == 'MultiReferenceStructure'):
                 if not frm_out.contains_key(base.loc_shell_Hxx):
                 X = frm_out.get_data(base.loc_shell_Hxx)
                 Y = frm_in.get_data(base.loc_shell_Hxx)
                 dict_util.sum_values(X, Y)
             # --- sum length histograms (only present with Sphere geometry)
             if frm_in.contains_key(base.loc_len_histograms):
                 if not frm_out.contains_key(base.loc_len_histograms +
                         base.loc_len_histograms + '/radii',
                         frm_in.get_data(base.loc_len_histograms +
                 X = frm_out.get_data(base.loc_len_histograms)
                 Y = frm_in.get_data(base.loc_len_histograms)
                 dict_util.sum_values(X, Y)
             # --- append particle numbers
             if frm_in.contains_key(base.loc_nr_particles):
                 frm_out.append_data(frm_in, base.loc_nr_particles)
             # --- append periodic box volumes
             if frm_in.contains_key(base.loc_volumes):
                 frm_out.append_data(frm_in, base.loc_volumes)
             # ---
             self.count += 1
             # deliver a frame averaged over n_avg frames
             if (not self.all) and (self.count % self.n_avg == 0):
                 self.apply_rescaling(frm_in, frm_out, self.n_avg,
                 if self.verb:
                     print("Average.next() :", frm_in.i)
                 yield frm_out
                 del frm_out
                 frm_out = base.Container()
     # rescale and deliver a single frame if averaging over all frames is desired
     # OR
     # treat a remainder properly
     remainder_avg = -1
     if self.all:
         remainder_avg = self.count
     elif (self.count % self.n_avg > 0):
         remainder_avg = self.count % self.n_avg
         print("Average.next(): averaged over " + str(remainder_avg) +
               " remainder histograms")
     if (remainder_avg > 0):
         self.apply_rescaling(frm_in, frm_out, remainder_avg, virtual_param)
         if self.verb:
             print("Average.next() :", frm_in.i)
         yield frm_out
     # yiel a potentially pending None
     if frm_tmp is None:
         yield None