コード例 #1
    def get_caesar(self, snap, fname=None, verbose=False):
        if fname is None:
            fname = self.sim_extension + '_%s.hdf5'

        if verbose: print("fname:", fname)
        fname = self.cs_directory + (fname % snap)
        return caesar.load(fname)
コード例 #2
def read_caesar(c_file, selected_gals):
    print('Reading caesar file...')
    sim = caesar.load(c_file, LoadHalo=False)
    redshift = np.round(sim.simulation.redshift, decimals=2)
    h = sim.simulation.hubble_constant
    cosmo = Cosmology(hubble_constant=sim.simulation.hubble_constant,
    thubble = cosmo.hubble_time(redshift).in_units("Gyr")
    H0 = (100 * sim.simulation.hubble_constant) * km / s / Mpc
    rhocrit = 3. * H0.to('1/s')**2 / (8 * np.pi * sim.simulation.G)
    mlim = 32 * rhocrit.to('Msun/kpc**3') * sim.simulation.boxsize.to(
    )**3 * sim.simulation.omega_baryon / sim.simulation.effective_resolution**3 / sim.simulation.scale_factor**3  # galaxy mass resolution limit: 32 gas particle masses

    gals = np.array([])
    # read galaxy particle data for the selected galaxies
    if isinstance(selected_gals, np.ndarray):
        gals = np.asarray([
            i for i in sim.galaxies
            if i.GroupID in selected_gals and i.masses['stellar'] > mlim
        ])  # select resolved galaxies
    print('Galaxy data from caesar file extracted and saved.')
    return sim, redshift, h, cosmo, thubble, H0, rhocrit, mlim, gals
コード例 #3
def read_caesar(caesarfile):
    # example of how to read caesar catalog file.  this one only reads in M* and SFR, just
    # to cross-check with Loser file, but Caesar catalogs contain a huge amount of other info
    sim = caesar.load(caesarfile, LoadHalo=False)
    z = sim.simulation.redshift
    ms = np.asarray([i.masses['stellar'] for i in sim.galaxies])
    sfr = np.asarray([i.sfr for i in sim.galaxies])
    return z, ms, sfr
コード例 #4
def get_vol(caesarfile = '/mnt/ceph/users/daisyleung/simba/sim/m50n1024/s50/Groups/m50n1024_036.hdf5'):
    Ran on Rusty, where the caesar file is, and caesar is installed
    import caesar      # module purge; module load gcc python3
    bubu = caesar.load(caesarfile, LoadHalo=False)
    volume = bubu.simulation.boxsize.to('Mpccm').d**3
    return volume
コード例 #5
    def load_obj_snap(self, idx, redshiftDecimal=2, LoadHalo=False):
        self.snap = self.snapRange[idx]

        infile = self.def_caesarFileName()
        print("Loading Ceasar file: {:}".format(infile))
        self.obj = caesar.load(infile, LoadHalo=LoadHalo)

        self.h = self.obj.simulation.hubble_constant
        # self.redshift = np.round(self.obj.simulation.redshift, redshiftDecimal)
        self.redshift = self.obj.simulation.redshift

        # snap
        self.snapFile = self.def_snapFileName()
コード例 #6
def run_generate_aux_files(caesar_dir, name_prefix, LoadHalo, top=None, savetxt=True, snap=36):

    run info() to save information on galaxies of the snapshot in a .txt

    import caesar

    infile = caesar_dir + name_prefix + '{:0>3}'.format(int(snap)) + \
    obj = caesar.load(infile, LoadHalo=LoadHalo)
    snapFile = raw_sim_dir + raw_sim_name_prefix + '{:0>3}'.format(int(snap)) + '.hdf5'
    output, outName = info(obj, snapFile, top=top, savetxt=savetxt)
    return output, outName
コード例 #7
ファイル: parse_simba.py プロジェクト: kpolsen/simba-line
def get_basic_info_from_caesarCat(snapRange, Nhalo, Ngalaxies, caesar_dir,

    Read the caesar file and get some basic info on num of galaxy in those snapshots


    import caesar
    for ii, sss in enumerate(snapRange):
        infile = caesar_dir + name_prefix + '{:0>3}'.format(int(sss)) + \
        print("Loading Ceasar file: {}").format(infile)
        obj = caesar.load(infile)

    print('Total number of galaxies found: ' + str(obj.ngalaxies))
    Ngal = obj.ngalaxies

    print('Info on the massive {} halos: '.format(Nhalo))

    print('Info on the massive {} galaxies across all haloes: '.format(

    central_galaxy_halo_masses = [
        i.halo.masses['total'] for i in obj.galaxies[:Ngalaxies] if i.central
    print('Where {}% are centrals'.format(
        len(central_galaxy_halo_masses) * 100. / Ngalaxies))

    print("The top Ngalaxies most massive galaxies reside in halos ID: ")
    for ggg in range(Ngalaxies):
        # all fields:
        # print(obj.galaxies[ggg].info())
        print("Halo ID: {}".format(obj.galaxies[ggg].parent_halo_index))

        "\nCount the number of galaxies in each massive halo among top Nhalo: "
    for hhh in range(Nhalo):
        numGal = len(obj.halos[hhh].galaxies)
        print("Found total of {} galaxies in halo {}".format(numGal, hhh))

    return Ngal
コード例 #8
ファイル: parse_simba.py プロジェクト: kpolsen/simba-line
def define_ds(snap,


    import caesar
    import yt
    import numpy as np
    import os
    import pygad as pg

    _, zs_table, snaps_table = np.loadtxt(redshiftFile, unpack=True)

    infile = caesar_dir + name_prefix + '{:0>3}'.format(int(snap)) + \
    print("Loading Ceasar file: {}").format(infile)
    obj = caesar.load(infile)
    obj.galaxies.sort(key=lambda x: x.sfr, reverse=True)

    rawSim = raw_sim_dir + raw_sim_name_prefix + \
        '{:>03}'.format(int(snap)) + '.hdf5'

    ds = yt.load(rawSim, over_refine_factor=1, index_ptype="all")

    s = pg.Snap(raw_sim_dir + raw_sim_name_prefix +
                '{:0>3}'.format(int(snap)) + '.hdf5')
    h = s.cosmology.h()  # obj.simulation.hubble_constant

    if verbose:
        print_ds_info(h, obj, ds)

    zred = '{:.3f}'.format(zs_table[snaps_table == snap][0])
    return s, h, obj, ds, float(zred)
コード例 #9
ファイル: process.py プロジェクト: Treibeis/python
def halom(sn, rep ='./', indm = 0, anaf1 = hmf1, anaf0 = hmf0, mlow = 1e6, fac = fac0, edge = [0.0, 99.5], nbin = 15, boxs = 4.0 ,base = 'snapshot', ext = '.hdf5', post = 'caesar'):
	ds = yt.load(rep+base+'_'+str(sn).zfill(3)+ext)
	z = ds['Redshift']#1/Redf[sn]-1
	obj = caesar.load(rep+post+'_'+str(sn).zfill(3)+ext)
	lh = obj.halos
	#a = 1/(ds['Redshift']+1)
	lm0 = np.array([x.masses['total'] for x in lh if x.masses['total']>=mlow])
	lm = np.array([(1e10*x.virial_quantities['circular_velocity']**2*x.radii['virial'].to('kpc/h')/G) for x in lh if x.masses['total']>=mlow])
	rm0 = np.percentile(np.log10(lm0), edge)
	rm = np.percentile(np.log10(lm), edge)
	his1, ed1 = np.histogram(np.log10(lm0), nbin, rm0)
	b1 = (ed1[1:]+ed1[:-1])/2
	bs1 = ed1[1]-ed1[0]
	his2, ed2 = np.histogram(np.log10(lm), nbin, rm)
	b2 = (ed2[1:]+ed2[:-1])/2
	bs2 = ed2[1]-ed2[0]
	lm1 = np.log10(anaf1.m)
	ln1 = np.log10(anaf1.dndlog10m)
	mf_ana1 = interp1d(lm1, ln1)
	lm0 = np.log10(anaf0.m)
	ln0 = np.log10(anaf0.dndlog10m)
	mf_ana0 = interp1d(lm0, ln0)
	plt.errorbar(b1, his1/boxs**3/bs1/fac, yerr=his1**0.5/boxs**3/bs1/fac, label='total mass')
	plt.errorbar(b2, his2/boxs**3/bs2/fac, yerr=his2**0.5/boxs**3/bs2/fac, ls='--', label='virial mass')
	plt.plot(b2, 10**mf_ana1(b2),'-.', label='Sheth-Mo-Tormen (WDM)')
	plt.plot(b2, 10**mf_ana0(b2),':', label='Sheth-Mo-Tormen (CDM)')
	plt.title(r'Halo mass function for '+lmodel[indm]+' at $z=$'+str(int(z*100)/100),size=14)
	plt.xlabel(r'$\log(M\ [h^{-1}M_{\odot}])$')
	plt.ylabel(r'$\frac{dn}{d\log(M)}\ [h^{3}\mathrm{Mpc^{-3}}]$')
	return lm
コード例 #10
ファイル: driver.py プロジェクト: lq3552/caesar
def drive(snapdirs, snapname, snapnums, progen=False, progen_rad = False, skipran=False,
          member_search=True, extension='hdf5', **kwargs):
    """Driver function for running ``CAESAR`` on multiple snapshots.

    Can utilize mpi4py to run analysis in parallel given that ``MPI`` 
    and ``mpi4py`` is correctly installed.  To do this you must create
    a script similar to the example below, then execute it via:

    >>> mpirun -np 8 python my_script.py

    snapdirs : str or list
        A path to your snapshot directory, or a list of paths to your
        snapshot directories.
    snapname : str
        Formatting of your snapshot name disregarding any integer 
        numbers or file extensions; for example: ``snap_N256L16_``
    snapnums : int or list or array
        A single integer, a list of integers, or an array of integers.
        These are the snapshot numbers you would like to run CAESAR
    progen : boolean, optional
        Perform most massive progenitor search.  Defaults to False.
    skipran : boolean, optional
        Skip running member_search() if CAESAR outputs are already
        present.  Defaults to False.
    member_search : boolean, optional
        Perform the member_search() method on each snapshot.  Defaults
        to True.  This is useful to set to False if you want to just
        perform progen for instance.
    extension : str, optional
        Specify your snapshot file extension.  Defaults to `hdf5`
    unbind_halos : boolean, optional
        Unbind halos?  Defaults to False
    unbind_galaxies : boolean, optional
        Unbind galaxies?  Defaults to False
    b_halo : float, optional
        Quantity used in the linking length (LL) for halos.
        LL = mean_interparticle_separation * b_halo.  Defaults to 
        ``b_halo = 0.2``.
    b_galaxy : float, optional
        Quantity used in the linking length (LL) for galaxies.
        LL = mean_interparticle_separation * b_galaxy.  Defaults 
        to ``b_galaxy = b_halo * 0.2``.
    ll_cloud: float, optional
        Linking length in comoving kpc (kpccm_ for clouds.  Defaults
        to same linking length as used for galaxies.
    fofclouds: boolean, optional
        Sets whether or not we run 3D FOF for clouds. Default is that this is not run
        as this isn't the typical use case for Caesar, and slows things down a bit 
    fof6d: boolean, optional 
        Sets whether or not we do 6D FOF for galaxies.  if not set, the default is to do 
        normal 3D FOF for galaxies.
    fof6d_LL_factor: float, optional
        Sets linking length for fof6d
    fof6d_mingrp: float, optional
        Sets minimum group size for fof6d
    fof6d_velLL: float, optional
        Sets linking length for velocity in fof6d
    nproc: int, optional
        Sets number of processors for fof6d and progen_rad
    blackholes : boolean, optional
        Indicate if blackholes are present in your simulation.  
        This must be toggled on manually as there is no clear 
        cut way to determine if PartType5 is a low-res particle, 
        or a black hole.
    lowres : list, optional
        If you are running ``CAESAR`` on a Gadget/GIZMO zoom
        simulation in HDF5 format, you may want to check each halo for 
        low-resolution contamination.  By passing in a list of 
        particle types (ex. [2,3,5]) we will check ALL objects for 
        contamination and add the ``contamination`` attribute to all 
        objects.  Search distance defaults to 2.5x radii['total'].

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> snapdir  = '/Users/bob/Research/N256L16/some_sim'
    >>> snapname = 'snap_N256L16_'
    >>> snapnums = np.arange(0,86)
    >>> import caesar
    >>> caesar.drive(snapdir, snapname, snapnums, skipran=False, progen=True)

    if isinstance(snapdirs, str):
        snapdirs = [snapdirs]
    if isinstance(snapnums, int):
        snapnums = [int]
    using_mpi = False
        from mpi4py import MPI
        comm   = MPI.COMM_WORLD
        nprocs = comm.Get_size()
        rank   = comm.Get_rank()
        using_mpi = True
        nprocs = 1
        rank   = 0

    if rank == 0: print_art()

    snaps = []
    for snapdir in snapdirs:
        for snapnum in snapnums:
            snaps.append(Snapshot(snapdir, snapname, snapnum, extension))
    if member_search:
        rank_snaps = snaps[rank::nprocs]
        for snap in rank_snaps:
            snap.member_search(skipran, **kwargs)

    if (progen == True) and (progen_rad == True):
        sys.exit('You can only set progen or progen_rad as True; exiting')

    if progen or progen_rad:
        if using_mpi:

        verified_snaps = []
        missing_snaps  = []
        for snap in snaps:
            if not hasattr(snap, 'outfile'):
                ds = yt.load(snap.snap)
            if os.path.isfile(snap.outfile):

        if len(missing_snaps) > 0:
            mylog.warning('Missing the following CAESAR files:')
            for snap in missing_snaps:

        progen_pairs = []
        for i in reversed(range(1,len(verified_snaps))):

        rank_progen_pairs = progen_pairs[rank::nprocs]
        for progen_pair in rank_progen_pairs:
            snap_current = progen_pair[0]
            snap_progens = progen_pair[1]

            ds_current = yt.load(snap_current.snap)
            ds_progens = yt.load(snap_progens.snap)


            obj_current = caesar.load(snap_current.outfile)
            obj_progens = caesar.load(snap_progens.outfile)

            if progen:
                progen_finder(obj_current, obj_progens,
                              snap_current.outfile, snap_dir = snap_current.snapdir)
                progen_finder(obj_progens, obj_current,
                              snap_progens.outfile, snap_dir = snap_current.snapdir)
            if progen_rad == True:
                #temporary catch to kill off any sims trying to do progen_Rad with clouds till we fix that
                if 'fofclouds' in kwargs:
                    raise Exception('Cannot call fofclouds and progen_rad - exiting now')
コード例 #11
import h5py
import caesar
import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('galaxy', type=int)
args = parser.parse_args()

obj = caesar.load(args.caesar, LoadHalo=0)

glist = obj.galaxies[args.galaxy].glist
slist = obj.galaxies[args.galaxy].slist
#bhlist = obj.galaxies[args.galaxy].bhlist

with h5py.File(args.ds, 'r') as input_file, h5py.File(args.output,
                                                      'w') as output_file:
    output_file.copy(input_file['Header'], 'Header')

    for k in input_file['PartType0']:
        output_file['PartType0'][k] = input_file['PartType0'][k][:][glist]

    for k in input_file['PartType4']:
        output_file['PartType4'][k] = input_file['PartType4'][k][:][slist]

    #for k in input_file['PartType5']:
コード例 #12
import numpy as np
import tqdm

# Line arguments
snapshot_path = sys.argv[1]
snap_num = sys.argv[2]
galaxy = sys.argv[3]
output_path = sys.argv[4]

ds = snapshot_path
caesar_file = glob.glob(snapshot_path'/output/Groups/caesar_0'+"{:03d}".format(snap_num)+'*.hdf5')
obj = caesar.load(caesar_file[0])

#here, you can index through a list of selected galaxies, or just use the input galaxy 
#galaxy_num = pd.read_csv('/read/some/selection/file)[int(galaxy)]

glist = obj.galaxies[int(galaxy)].glist
slist = obj.galaxies[int(galaxy)].slist

with h5py.File(ds+'/snapshot_0'+str(snap_num)+'.hdf5', 'r') as input_file, h5py.File(output_path+'galaxy_'+str(galaxy)+'.hdf5', 'w') as output_file:
    output_file.copy(input_file['Header'], 'Header')
    print('starting with gas attributes now')
    for k in tqdm.tqdm(input_file['PartType0']):
        output_file['PartType0'][k] = input_file['PartType0'][k][:][glist]
    print('moving to star attributes now')
コード例 #13
MEMBERS = np.sort(
    glob('%s/caesar*.hdf5' % (snapshot_directory + '/Groups_oldprogen/')))
    LASTSNAP = int(MEMBERS[-1][-16:-12])
except ValueError:
    LASTSNAP = int(MEMBERS[-1][-8:-5])

g_data = {}
h_data = {}
snaplist = []

for fileidx, file in enumerate(MEMBERS[::-1][0:270]):

    print('loading %s' % file)

    obj = caesar.load(file)
    snapshotname = obj.simulation.basename
    g_mstar = [gal.masses['stellar'] for gal in obj.galaxies]
    g_sfr = [gal.sfr for gal in obj.galaxies]
    redshift = obj.simulation.redshift
    g_mgas = [gal.masses['gas'] for gal in obj.galaxies]
    g_mgas_H2 = [gal.masses['H2'] for gal in obj.galaxies]
    g_mgas_HI = [gal.masses['HI'] for gal in obj.galaxies]
    g_mdust = [gal.masses['dust'] for gal in obj.galaxies]

        g_progen_index = [gal.progen_index for gal in obj.galaxies]
    except AttributeError:
        g_progen_index = -1
    parent_halo_index = [gal.parent_halo_index for gal in obj.galaxies]
コード例 #14
import caesar
import numpy as np
import pprint
import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
args = parser.parse_args()

obj = caesar.load(args.caesar_file)
qobj = caesar.quick_load(args.caesar_file)

assert len(obj.clouds) == len(qobj.clouds)
for cloud, qcloud in zip(obj.clouds, qobj.clouds):
    for k, v in cloud.__dict__.items():
        if k[0] != '_' and k not in ['obj']:
            if isinstance(getattr(cloud, k), np.ndarray):
                if np.any(getattr(cloud, k) != getattr(qcloud, k)):
                    pprint.pprint(getattr(cloud, k))
                    pprint.pprint(getattr(qcloud, k))
                if getattr(cloud, k) != getattr(qcloud, k):
                    print(getattr(cloud, k))
                    print(getattr(qcloud, k))

assert len(obj.galaxies) == len(qobj.galaxies)
for galaxy, qgalaxy in zip(obj.galaxies, qobj.galaxies):
コード例 #15
import caesar
import h5py

if __name__ == '__main__':

    survey = sys.argv[1]
    model = sys.argv[2]
    wind = sys.argv[3]

    if survey == 'dwarfs':
        snap = '151'
    elif survey == 'halos':
        snap = '137'

    infile = f'/home/rad/data/{model}/{wind}/Groups/{model}_{snap}.hdf5'
    sim = caesar.load(infile)

    sample_file = f'/disk01/sapple/cgm/absorption/cos_comparison/cos_samples/{model}/cos_{survey}/samples/{model}_{wind}_cos_{survey}_sample.h5'
    with h5py.File(sample_file, 'r') as f:
        gal_ids = np.array(f['gal_ids'][:])

    halo_r200_sample = np.ones(len(gal_ids)) * np.nan
    halo_mass_sample = np.ones(len(gal_ids)) * np.nan

    halo_r200_sample[~np.isnan(gal_ids)] = \
            np.array([sim.galaxies[int(i)].halo.virial_quantities['r200c'].in_units('kpc/h') for i in gal_ids if ~np.isnan(i)])
    halo_mass_sample[~np.isnan(gal_ids)] = \
            np.log10(np.array([sim.galaxies[int(i)].halo.masses['total'].in_units('Msun') for i in gal_ids if ~np.isnan(i)]))

    with h5py.File(sample_file, 'a') as f:
        del f['halo_r200']
コード例 #16
profs_file = basic_dir + model + '_' + snap + '/all_profiles_' + angle + '.h5'

results_dir = '/home/sapple/simba_sizes/profiles/paper/plotting/data/' + selection
results_dir += selection
if angle == 'random_orientation':
    results_dir += '_rand'
elif angle == 'rotated_faceon':
    results_dir += '_rot'

mass_bins = [10., 10.5, 11.0]
bin_labels = ['10.0-10.5', '10.5-11.0', '>11.0']
mass_bins = [10., 10.6]
bin_labels = ['10.0-10.6', '>10.6']

caesar_dir = '/home/rad/data/' + model + '/' + wind + '/Groups/'
sim = caesar.load(caesar_dir + model + '_' + snap + '.hdf5', LoadHalo=False)
gal_cent = np.array([i.central for i in sim.galaxies])
gal_sm = np.log10(
    np.array([i.masses['stellar'].in_units('Msun') for i in sim.galaxies]))
gal_ids = np.array([False for i in range(len(sim.galaxies))])
gal_ids[gals] = True
gal_pos = np.array([i.pos.in_units('kpc/h') for i in sim.galaxies])
boxsize = sim.simulation.boxsize.in_units('kpc/h')

for i, b in enumerate(bin_labels):

    if i != len(mass_bins) - 1:
        mass_mask = (gal_sm > mass_bins[i]) & (gal_sm < mass_bins[i + 1])
        mass_mask = gal_sm > mass_bins[i]
コード例 #17
import json
import numpy as np
import yt
import caesar
from caesar.pyloser import pyloser
from caesar.cyloser import compute_AV

# _dir = '/cosma7/data/dp104/dc-dave2/sim/m100n1024/s50j7k/'
_dir = '/orange/narayanan/desika.narayanan/gizmo_runs/simba/m100n1024/'
cs = caesar.load(_dir + 'Groups/m100n1024_078.hdf5')

_dat = json.load(open('m100/galaxy_selection.json', 'r'))
halos = [cs.halos[n['hidx']] for k, n in _dat['078'].items()]

# subset_dir='/blue/narayanan/c.lovell/simba/m100n1024/out/snap_078/'
# ds = yt.load(subset_dir+'subset_00000.h5')

ds = yt.load(_dir + 'snap_m100n1024_078.hdf5')
phot = pyloser.photometry(cs, [halos[0]], ds=ds)

phot.ssp_table_file = \
# '/cosma7/data/dp004/dc-love2/codes/caesar/FSPS_Chab_EL.hdf5'


def transform_coods(theta, phi, tol=20, test=False):

    alpha = np.arcsin(-1 * np.round(np.sin(theta), tol) *
                      np.round(np.sin(phi), tol))
コード例 #18
    return turnover_SFR

colors = ('b', 'g', 'm', 'c', 'k')
# simName = ['m25n256', 'm25n1024', 'm50n512', 'm50n1024', 'm100n1024']
simName = ['m25n1024', 'm50n1024', 'm100n1024']
labels = ['Simba-25', 'Simba-50', 'Simba-100']

sims = []
for ii, nn in enumerate(simName):
    if nn == 'm25n1024':
        caesarfile = '/mnt/ceph/users/daisyleung/simba/sim/' + nn + '/s50_new/Groups/' + nn + '_036.hdf5'

        caesarfile = '/mnt/ceph/users/daisyleung/simba/sim/' + nn + '/s50/Groups/' + nn + '_036.hdf5'
    sims.append(caesar.load(caesarfile, LoadHalo=False))

ncol = 1
nrow = 1

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
turnover_SFR = massFunc(sims, labels, ax, ii, addvlineSFRLimit=True)

plt.xlabel(r'$\log$ SFR $[M_\odot$ yr$^{-1}]$', fontsize=18)
plt.ylabel(r'$\log \Phi$ [Mpc$^{-3}$]', fontsize=18)
plt.ylim(-6.5, 0.7)
plt.xlim(-3.2, 3)
コード例 #19
ファイル: test_phot.py プロジェクト: Hoptune/caesar
import sys

MODEL = sys.argv[1]
SNAP = int(sys.argv[2])
WIND = sys.argv[3]

band = 'sdss_r'

if __name__ == '__main__':

    snapfile = '/home/rad/data/%s/%s/snap_%s_%03d.hdf5' % (MODEL, WIND, MODEL,
    ds = yt.load(snapfile)
    caesarfile = '/home/rad/data/%s/%s/Groups/%s_%03d.hdf5' % (MODEL, WIND,
                                                               MODEL, SNAP)
    sim = caesar.load(caesarfile)  # load caesar file
    redshift = np.round(sim.simulation.redshift, decimals=2)

    # get caesar info for galaxies
    myobjs = sim.galaxies
    mag = np.asarray([m.absmag[band] for m in myobjs])  # load desired mags
    print('%s mag original: %g' % (band, mag[0]))
    ms = np.log10(np.asarray([i.masses['stellar'] for i in myobjs]))
    mlim = np.log10(32 * sim.simulation.critical_density.value *
                    sim.simulation.boxsize.value**3 *
                    sim.simulation.omega_baryon /
                    3)  # galaxy mass resolution limit: 32 gas particle masses
    sfr = np.asarray([i.sfr for i in myobjs])
    ssfr = np.log10(
        1.e9 * sfr / ms +
コード例 #20
a radial profile and fits a Sersic index for each galaxy.

from projection import *
import numpy as np
import caesar
from readgadget import readsnap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

model = 'm50n512'
snap_no = '078'

data_dir = '/home/rad/data/'+model+'/s50j7k/'
results_dir = '/home/sapple/simba_pretty/quick_projection/'+model+'_'+snap_no+'/galaxies/'
obj = caesar.load(data_dir+'Groups/'+model+'_'+snap_no+'.hdf5')
snap = data_dir + 'snap_'+model+'_'+snap_no+'.hdf5'

h = 0.68 # hubble constant
xmin = -20.   # [kpc]
xmax = 20.    # [kpc]
Npixels = 100 #512
DR = 1. # kpc 
z = obj.simulation.redshift

masses = np.array([i.masses['stellar'] for i in obj.galaxies])
sfr = np.array([i.sfr for i in obj.galaxies])

mask_mass = (masses > 4e10) & (masses < 6e10)
mask_sfr = (sfr > 0.5) & (sfr < 2.5)
コード例 #21
    model = 'm50n512'
    wind1 = 's50j7k'
    wind_options = ['s50nox', 's50nojet', 's50nofb']
    snap = '151'
    survey = 'dwarfs'

    # ignore these as the main s50 sample has insufficient galaxies
    ignore_simba_gals, ngals_each = get_ignore_simba_gals(model, survey)

    sample_file = './m50n512/cos_' + survey + '/samples/' + model + '_' + wind1 + '_cos_' + survey + '_sample.h5'
    with h5py.File(sample_file, 'r') as f:
        gal_ids = np.array(f['gal_ids'][:], dtype='int')
        cos_ids = f['cos_ids'][:]

    infile = '/home/rad/data/' + model + '/' + wind1 + '/Groups/' + model + '_' + snap + '.hdf5'
    obj1 = caesar.load(infile)

    for wind2 in wind_options:

        match_file = './m50n512/match_halos_' + snap + '.hdf5'
        with h5py.File(match_file, 'r') as f:
            prog_index = f[wind1 + '_' + wind2][:]

        infile = '/home/rad/data/' + model + '/' + wind2 + '/Groups/' + model + '_' + snap + '.hdf5'
        obj2 = caesar.load(infile)

        new_gal_ids = np.array([np.nan] * len(gal_ids))

        for i, gal_id in enumerate(gal_ids):
            if not i in ignore_simba_gals:
                new_gal_ids[i] = check_halo_sample(prog_index, obj1, obj2,
コード例 #22
ファイル: progen.py プロジェクト: weiguangcui/caesar
def run_progen(snapdirs, snapname, snapnums, prefix='caesar_', suffix='hdf5', **kwargs):
    """Function to run progenitor/descendant finder in specified snapshots (or redshifts) in a given directory.

    snapdirs : str or list of str
        Full path of directory(s) where snapshots are located
    snapname : str
        Formatting of snapshot name excluding any integer numbers or file extensions; e.g. 'snap_N256L16_'
    snapnums : int or list of int
        Snapshot numbers over which to run progen.  Increasing order -> descendants; Decreasing -> progens.
    prefix : str
        Prefix for caesar filename; assumes these are in 'Groups' subdir
    suffix : str
        Filetype suffix for caesar filename
    kwargs : Passed to progen_finder()


    from caesar.driver import Snapshot

    # Find existing snapshots in snapdirs
    if isinstance(snapdirs, str):
        snapdirs = [snapdirs]
    if isinstance(snapnums, int):
        snapnums = [int]

    snaps = []
    for snapdir in snapdirs:
        for snapnum in snapnums:
            snaps.append(Snapshot(snapdir, snapname, snapnum, suffix))
    verified_snaps = []
    missing_snaps  = []
    missing = ''
    for isnap,snap in enumerate(snaps):
        fullname = snap.snapdir + '/' + snap.snapname + '%.03d'%snap.snapnum + '.' + suffix
        if not os.path.isfile(fullname):
            missing = missing+'%d '%(snapnums[isnap])
        snap.outfile = caesar_filename(snap,prefix,suffix)
        if not os.path.isfile(snap.outfile):
            missing = missing+'%d '%(snapnums[isnap])
        f = h5py.File(snap.outfile,'r')
        if not '/halo_data' in f:
            missing = missing+'%d '%(snapnums[isnap])

    if len(missing_snaps) > 0:
        mylog.warning('Missing snapshot/caesar file, or no halo_data for: %s'%missing)

    # Collect pairs of snapshot names over which to run progen
    progen_pairs = []
    for i in range(0,len(verified_snaps)-1):

    # Loop over pairs, find progens
    for progen_pair in progen_pairs:
        snap_current = progen_pair[0]
        snap_progens = progen_pair[1]

        if snap_current.snapnum < snap_progens.snapnum: 
            mylog.info('Progen: Finding descendants of snap %d in snap %d'%(snap_current.snapnum,snap_progens.snapnum))
            mylog.info('Progen: Finding progenitors of snap %d in snap %d'%(snap_current.snapnum,snap_progens.snapnum))

        obj_current = caesar.load(caesar_filename(snap_current,prefix,suffix))
        obj_progens = caesar.load(caesar_filename(snap_progens,prefix,suffix))

        progen_finder(obj_current, obj_progens, caesar_filename(snap_current,prefix,suffix), snap_dir=snapdirs[0], **kwargs)
コード例 #23
    log_dfrad = 0.5
    log_frad = np.arange(log_frad_min, log_frad_max + log_dfrad, log_dfrad)

    sample_dir = f'/disk04/sapple/cgm/absorption/ml_project/data/samples/'
    snapfile = f'{sample_dir}{model}_{wind}_{snap}.hdf5'

    gas_hsml = readsnap(snapfile,
                        units=1)  # in kpc/h, comoving
    gas_pos = readsnap(snapfile, 'pos', 'gas', suppress=1,
                       units=1)  # in kpc/h, comoving

    data_dir = f'/home/rad/data/{model}/{wind}/'
    sim = caesar.load(f'{data_dir}Groups/{model}_{snap}.hdf5')

    h = sim.simulation.hubble_constant
    redshift = sim.simulation.redshift

    sat_mask = ~np.array([i.central for i in sim.galaxies])
    sat_ids = np.arange(len(sim.galaxies))[sat_mask]

    partids = {}
    for lf in log_frad:
        partids[f'log_frad_{lf}'] = np.array([])

    i = sat_ids[num]

    with h5py.File(
コード例 #24
ファイル: parse_simba.py プロジェクト: kpolsen/simba-line
def select_SFgal_from_simba(raw_sim_dir,
        pick out the 'Ngalaxies' most star-forming galaxies across snapshots 'snapRange'

    raw_sim_dir: string
        where to look for raw snapshot files
    raw_sim_name_prefix: string
        prefix to the speciifc volume and resolution of snapshots we are looking
    caesar_dir: str
        path to the caesar output files
    name_prefix: str
        predix to file of caesar outputs
    snapRange: list of int
        snapshots to look for galaxies
    Ngalaxies: int
        how many galaxies from each snapshot across all halos do we want as output
    saveggg: str
        filename to save output "galnames_selected"

    galnames_selected: list of string
        galaxies names indicating the halo ID, snapshot number, and galaxy ID (numbered based on some predefined criterion)


    import caesar
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd

    # store gal info for large number of galaxies, which we then select from
    galnames = pd.DataFrame({'halo': [], 'snap': [], 'GAL': [], 'SFR': []})

    # loop thru snapshots
    for ii, sss in enumerate(snapRange):
        infile = caesar_dir + name_prefix + '{:0>3}'.format(int(sss)) + \
        print("Loading Ceasar file: {}").format(infile)
        obj = caesar.load(infile)  # # LoadHalo=False

            "\nSelecing {} Galaxies with the highest SFRs across all halos in this snapshot, but you may want to galaxies based on different criteria."
        obj.galaxies.sort(key=lambda x: x.sfr, reverse=True)
        if verbose:

        for GAL in range(Ngalaxies):
                SFR = float(obj.galaxies[GAL].sfr.d)
                add_this = pd.DataFrame({
                    'halo': [int(obj.galaxies[GAL].parent_halo_index)],
                    'snap': [sss],
                    'GAL': [GAL],
                    'SFR': [SFR]
                galnames = galnames.append(add_this, ignore_index=True)
                galnames[['halo', 'snap',
                          'GAL']] = galnames[['halo', 'snap',

        "\nSelecing {} Galaxies with the highest SFRs across snapshot 'snapRange', but you may want to galaxies based on different criteria.\nIf so, edit define_ds()"
    galnames = galnames.sort_values(['SFR'],
    if debug:
        "Note to self: Remember to change variable global_save_files in param.py so that naming is consistent with Ngalaxies we are picking here"
    galnames = galnames[:Ngalaxies]

    if saveggg is not None:
        with open(saveggg, 'w') as f:
            pickle.dump([ggg], f)
    return galnames
コード例 #25
def tage_init(cosmo, redshift):
    thubble = cosmo.age(redshift).value
    lz1 = np.arange(np.log10(1 + redshift), np.log10(51), 0.0001)
    tlz1 = thubble - cosmo.age(10**lz1 - 1.).value
    return lz1, tlz1

# load in input file
#fig,ax = plt.subplots()
for SNAP in snaps:
    for iwind in range(0, len(WIND)):
        snapfile = '/home/rad/data/' + MODEL + '/' + WIND[
            iwind] + '/snap_' + MODEL + '_' + SNAP + '.hdf5'
        infile = '/home/rad/data/' + MODEL + '/' + WIND[
            iwind] + '/Groups/' + MODEL + '_' + SNAP + '.hdf5'
        sim = caesar.load(infile, LoadHalo=False)
        redshift = np.round(sim.simulation.redshift, 3)
        h = sim.simulation.hubble_constant

        mygals = sim.galaxies
        print('Doing z=', redshift, 'snapshot', snapfile, 'with', len(mygals),

        # read in galaxy info
        ids = np.asarray([i.GroupID for i in mygals])
        central = np.asarray([i.central for i in mygals])
        ms = np.asarray([i.masses['stellar'] for i in mygals])
        mbh = np.asarray([i.masses['bh'] for i in mygals])
        sfr = np.asarray([i.sfr for i in mygals])

        # read in particle info
コード例 #26
    print('Ignoring certain COS galaxies')
    import sys

if survey == 'dwarfs':
    from get_cos_info import get_cos_dwarfs
    cos_rho, cos_M, cos_r200, cos_ssfr = get_cos_dwarfs()
    snap = '151'
elif survey == 'halos':
    from get_cos_info import get_cos_halos
    cos_rho, cos_M, cos_r200, cos_ssfr = get_cos_halos()
    snap = '137'

data_dir = '/home/rad/data/'+model+'/'+wind+'/'

sim = caesar.load(data_dir+'Groups/'+model+'_'+snap+'.hdf5')
gal_pos = np.array([i.pos.in_units('kpc/h') for i in sim.galaxies]) # in kpc/h
h = sim.simulation.hubble_constant
redshift = sim.simulation.redshift

snapfile = data_dir + 'snap_'+model+'_'+snap +'.hdf5' 
# need PartType0 - SmoothingLength
hsml = readsnap(snapfile, 'SmoothingLength', 'gas', suppress=1, units=1)  # in kpc/h, comoving
gas_pos = readsnap(snapfile, 'pos', 'gas', suppress=1, units=1) # in kpc/h, comoving

sample_dir = '/disk01/sapple/cgm/absorption/cos_comparison/cos_samples/'+model+'/cos_'+survey+'/samples/'
sample_file = sample_dir+model+'_'+wind+'_cos_'+survey+'_sample.h5'
with h5py.File(sample_file, 'r') as f:
    gal_id = f['gal_ids'][:].astype('int')[sample_gal]
    pos = f['position'][:][sample_gal] * (1.+redshift) # already in kpc/h, factor of 1+z for comoving
コード例 #27
model = 'm100n1024'
wind = 's50j7k'
snap = '078'

h5_dir = '/home/sapple/simba_sizes/profiles/gv_sample/high_redshift/'
if not os.path.exists(h5_dir):

plots_dir = h5_dir +model+'_'+snap+'/'
if not os.path.exists(plots_dir):

data_dir = '/home/rad/data/'+model+'/'+wind+'/'

sim =  caesar.load(data_dir+'Groups/'+model+'_'+snap+'.hdf5', LoadHalo=False)

gal_cent = np.array([i.central for i in sim.galaxies])
gal_sm = np.array([i.masses['stellar'].in_units('Msun') for i in sim.galaxies])
gal_sfr = np.array([i.sfr.in_units('Msun/yr') for i in sim.galaxies])
gal_ssfr = np.log10(gal_sfr / gal_sm)

gal_sm = np.log10(gal_sm)
gal_sfr = np.log10(gal_sfr)

sf_mask = gal_ssfr > ssfr_lim
with h5py.File(h5_dir+'sf_samples.h5', 'a') as f:
        f.create_dataset(model+'_'+snap, data=np.array(sf_mask))

plt.plot(masses, line, ls='--', lw=1.5, c='m', label=r'$\textrm{sSFR} = 10^{-9.5} \textrm{yr}^{-1}$')
plt.axvline(10., ls='--', lw=1.5, c='k')
コード例 #28
ファイル: cos_sample.py プロジェクト: sarahappleby/cgm
        snap = '151'
    elif survey == 'halos':
        from get_cos_info import get_cos_halos
        cos_rho, cos_M, cos_r200, cos_ssfr = get_cos_halos()
        snap = '137'

    cos_ids = np.arange(len(cos_M))[cos_M > mlim]
    cos_rho = cos_rho[cos_M > mlim]
    cos_ssfr = cos_ssfr[cos_M > mlim]
    cos_r200 = cos_r200[cos_M > mlim]
    cos_M = cos_M[cos_M > mlim]
    numgals = len(cos_M)
    print('Loaded COS-Dwarfs survey data')

    infile = '/home/rad/data/' + model + '/' + wind + '/Groups/' + model + '_' + snap + '.hdf5'
    sim = caesar.load(infile)
    gal_cent = np.array([i.central for i in sim.galaxies])
    co = yt.utilities.cosmology.Cosmology()
    hubble = co.hubble_parameter(sim.simulation.redshift).in_units('km/s/kpc')
    redshift = sim.simulation.redshift
    quench = (-1.8 + 0.3 * redshift) - 9.  # define galaxy as quenched

    gal_sm = yt.YTArray([
        for i in range(len(sim.galaxies))
    ], 'Msun')
    gal_sfr = yt.YTArray([
        for i in range(len(sim.galaxies))
    ], 'Msun/yr')
    gal_ssfr = gal_sfr / gal_sm
コード例 #29
def truncate_colormap(cmap, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0, n=100, alpha=1.):
    cmap_list = cmap(np.linspace(minval, maxval, n))
    cmap_list[:, -1] = alpha
    new_cmap = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(
        'trunc({n},{a:.2f},{b:.2f})'.format(n=cmap.name, a=minval, b=maxval),
    return new_cmap

if __name__ == '__main__':

    model = sys.argv[1]
    wind = sys.argv[2]
    snap = sys.argv[3]

    sim = caesar.load(
    redshift = sim.simulation.redshift

    cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet_r')
    cmap = truncate_colormap(cmap, 0.1, 1.0)

    lines = [
        "H1215", "MgII2796", "SiIII1206", "CIV1548", "OVI1031", "NeVIII770"
    plot_lines = [
        r'${\rm HI}1215$', r'${\rm MgII}2796$', r'${\rm SiIII}1206$',
        r'${\rm CIV}1548$', r'${\rm OVI}1031$', r'${\rm NeVIII}770$'
    norients = 8
    delta_fr200 = 0.25
    min_fr200 = 0.25
コード例 #30
              extent=[-extent, extent, -extent, extent],

    return sm, img

snap = '078'
_dat = json.load(open('m100/galaxy_selection.json', 'r'))

for gidx in ['3', '8', '51', '54', '94', '100', '134', '139']:
    # gidx = np.array(['3','8','51','54','94','100','134','139'])[g_idx]
    # if (True):
    print("gidx:", gidx)

    cs = caesar.load('%sm100n1024_%s.hdf5' % (sb.cs_directory, snap))
    _mstar = np.log10(cs.galaxies[int(gidx)].masses['stellar'])

    print("Mstar:", _mstar)

    hcood = np.array(_dat[snap][gidx]['pos'])
    hidx = _dat[snap][gidx]['hidx']

    fdir = '/blue/narayanan/c.lovell/simba/m100n1024/out/snap_078/subset_%05d.h5' % hidx
    # fdir ='/cosma7/data/dp104/dc-dave2/sim/m100n1024/s50j7k/snap_m100n1024_%s.hdf5'%snap

    with h5py.File(fdir, 'r') as f:
        _a = np.float32(1. / (1 + f['Header'].attrs['Redshift']))
        _h = np.float32(sb.cosmo.h)
        _temp = (1. / _h) * _a
        print(_a, _h, _temp)