コード例 #1
def draw_line_brez_smoth(canvas, ps, pf, fill):
    I = 100
    fill = get_rgb_intensity(canvas, fill, "white", I)
    dx = pf[0] - ps[0]
    dy = pf[1] - ps[1]
    sx = sign(dx)
    sy = sign(dy)
    dy = abs(dy)
    dx = abs(dx)
    if dy >= dx:
        dx, dy = dy, dx
        steep = 1  #
        steep = 0  #
    tg = dy / dx * I  # тангенс угла наклона (умножаем на инт., чтобы не приходилось умножать внутри цикла
    e = I / 2  # интенсивность для высвечивания начального пикселя
    w = I - tg  # пороговое значение
    x = ps[0]
    y = ps[1]
    stairs = []
    st = 1
    while x != pf[0] or y != pf[1]:
        canvas.create_line(x, y, x + 1, y + 1, fill=fill[round(e) - 1])
        if e < w:
            if steep == 0:  # dy < dx
                x += sx  # -1 if dx < 0, 0 if dx = 0, 1 if dx > 0
            else:  # dy >= dx
                y += sy  # -1 if dy < 0, 0 if dy = 0, 1 if dy > 0
            st += 1  # stepping
            e += tg
        elif e >= w:
            x += sx
            y += sy
            e -= w
            st = 0
    if st:
    return stairs
コード例 #2
def draw_line_vu(canvas, ps, pf, fill):
    x1 = ps[0]
    x2 = pf[0]
    y1 = ps[1]
    y2 = pf[1]
    I = 100
    stairs = []
    fills = get_rgb_intensity(canvas, fill, "white", I)
    if x1 == x2 and y1 == y2:
        canvas.create_line(x1, y1, x1 + 1, y1 + 1, fill=fills[100])

    steep = abs(y2 - y1) > abs(x2 - x1)

    if steep:
        x1, y1 = y1, x1
        x2, y2 = y2, x2
    if x1 > x2:
        x1, x2 = x2, x1
        y1, y2 = y2, y1

    dx = x2 - x1
    dy = y2 - y1

    if dx == 0:
        tg = 1
        tg = dy / dx

    # first endpoint
    xend = round(x1)
    yend = y1 + tg * (xend - x1)
    xpx1 = xend
    y = yend + tg

    # second endpoint
    xend = int(x2 + 0.5)
    xpx2 = xend
    st = 0

    # main loop
    if steep:
        for x in range(xpx1, xpx2):
                               x + 1,
                               int(y) + 1,
                               x + 2,
                                   (I - 1) * (abs(1 - y + int(y))))])
            canvas.create_line(int(y) + 1,
                               x + 1,
                               int(y) + 2,
                               x + 2,
                               fill=fills[int((I - 1) * (abs(y - int(y))))])

            if (abs(int(x) - int(x + 1)) >= 1 and tg > 1) or \
                    (not 1 > abs(int(y) - int(y + tg)) >= tg):
                st = 0
                st += 1
            y += tg
        for x in range(xpx1, xpx2):
            #print((I - 1)*round(abs(1 - y + floor(y))))
            canvas.create_line(x + 1,
                               x + 2,
                               int(y) + 1,
                                   (I - 1) * (abs(1 - y + floor(y))))])
            #print((I - 1)*round(abs(y - floor(y))))
            canvas.create_line(x + 1,
                               int(y) + 1,
                               x + 2,
                               int(y) + 2,
                                   (I - 1) * (abs(y - floor(y))))])

            if (abs(int(x) - int(x + 1)) >= 1 and tg > 1) or \
                    (not 1 > abs(int(y) - int(y + tg)) >= tg):
                st = 0
                st += 1
            y += tg
    return stairs