def cmd_doc(ctx: ProjectContext, args: argparse.Namespace) -> int: """Generate local project documentation.""" if not _verify_executable_exists(ctx, 'sphinx-build'): return 1 if args.doxygen: if not _verify_executable_exists(ctx, 'doxygen'): return 1 doxygen_args: List[str] = [ctx.path_for_program('doxygen'), os.path.join(ctx.calendon_home(), 'Doxyfile')] doxygen_exit_code: int = run_program(doxygen_args, cwd=(ctx.calendon_home())) if doxygen_exit_code != 0: return doxygen_exit_code source_dir: str = os.path.join(ctx.sphinx_dir(), 'source') build_dir: str = 'build' sphinx_args: List[str] = [ctx.path_for_program('sphinx-build'), '-M', 'html', source_dir, build_dir] sphinx_exit_code: int = run_program(sphinx_args, cwd=ctx.sphinx_dir()) if sphinx_exit_code != 0: return sphinx_exit_code if args.no_open: return sphinx_exit_code index: str = os.path.join(ctx.sphinx_dir(), 'build', 'html', 'index.html') return mp.open_file(index)
def cmd_pycheck(ctx: ProjectContext, args: argparse.Namespace) -> int: """Run all the checks on Python source.""" if not _verify_executable_exists(ctx, 'localpython3'): return 1 if not _verify_venv_dir_exists(ctx.venv_dir()): return 1 python_path = ctx.path_for_program('localpython3') checks = [['mypy'], ['pylint'], ['pycodestyle', '--max-line-length=120', '--show-source', '--statistics', '--count', '--ignore=E731'], ['pydocstyle', '--ignore=D100,D102,D103,D104,D200,D203,D204,D212,D401'], ] failures = 0 for program in checks: cmd_line = [python_path, '-m'] cmd_line.extend(program) cmd_line.extend(py_files()) if run_program(cmd_line, cwd=ctx.py_dir()) != 0: failures += 1 if args.incremental: return failures return failures
def _verify_executable_exists(ctx: ProjectContext, alias: Optional[str]) -> bool: """Return true if an alias maps to a file in a context and provide user messaging.""" if alias is None: print('Cannot find an executable for a null alias.') return False if not ctx.has_registered_program(alias): print(f'No alias exists for {alias}') recommended: Optional[str] = mp.recommended_executable(mp.root_to_executable(alias)) if recommended is not None: choice: str = input(f'Use recommended path for alias "{alias}": {recommended} (saves in .crank) [y/N]? ') if choice == 'y': print(f'Setting alias {alias} -> {recommended}') if ctx.register_program(alias, recommended): return True print('Use `crank register ALIAS PATH` to register a program for use.') print('Example: crank register cmake "C:/Program Files/CMake/bin/cmake.exe"') return False program_path = ctx.path_for_program(alias) if not os.path.isfile(program_path): print(f'Executable path for {alias} does not exist at {program_path}') return False return True
def cmd_gen(ctx: ProjectContext, args: argparse.Namespace) -> int: """Runs the generator to make build files like Visual Studio solutions.""" if not _verify_executable_exists(ctx, 'cmake'): return 1 if ctx.compiler() is not None and not _verify_executable_exists(ctx, ctx.compiler()): return 1 build_dir = ctx.build_dir() if os.path.isfile(build_dir): print(f'Build directory {build_dir} exists as something other than a directory') return 1 if os.path.isdir(build_dir): if args.force: if args.dry_run: print(f'Would have removed previously existing directory {build_dir}') else: shutil.rmtree(build_dir) else: print(f'{build_dir} exists. Use --force to wipe and recreate the build dir.') return 1 if args.dry_run: print(f'Would have created {build_dir}') else: print(f'Creating build directory {build_dir}') os.mkdir(build_dir) cmake_path: str = ctx.path_for_program('cmake') cmake_args = [cmake_path, '..'] if args.enable_ccache: cmake_args.append('-DCN_ENABLE_CCACHE=1') compiler = ctx.compiler() if compiler is not None: compiler = ctx.path_for_program(compiler) cmake_args.extend(generator_settings_for_compiler(cmake_path, compiler)) if args.dry_run: print(f'Would have run {cmake_args} in {build_dir}') return 0 return run_program(cmake_args, cwd=build_dir)
def cmd_pysetup(ctx: ProjectContext, args: argparse.Namespace) -> int: """Creates a virtual environment for helper module installs.""" if not _verify_executable_exists(ctx, 'python3'): return 1 if os.path.isfile(ctx.venv_dir()): print(f'Cannot create venv, {ctx.venv_dir()} is a file.') return 1 if os.path.isdir(ctx.venv_dir()) and args.clean: shutil.rmtree(ctx.venv_dir()) if not os.path.isdir(ctx.venv_dir()): venv_args = [(ctx.path_for_program('python3')), '-m', 'venv', ctx.venv_dir()] venv_setup = run_program(venv_args, cwd=ctx.calendon_home()) if venv_setup != 0: print(f'Could not create virtual environment at {ctx.venv_dir()}') return venv_setup ctx.register_program('localpython3', os.path.join(ctx.venv_bin_dir(), mp.root_to_executable('python')), override=True) pip_upgrade_result = run_program( [(ctx.path_for_program('localpython3')), '-m', 'pip', 'install', '--upgrade', 'pip', 'setuptools', 'wheel'], cwd=ctx.calendon_home()) if pip_upgrade_result != 0: print('Could not upgrade pip.') requirements_file = os.path.join(ctx.py_dir(), 'requirements.txt') if os.path.isfile(requirements_file): pip_install_args = [ctx.path_for_program('localpython3'), '-m', 'pip', 'install', '-r', requirements_file] else: required_dev_packages = ['mypy', 'pylint', 'pydocstyle', 'pycodestyle', 'bandit', 'colorama'] required_dev_packages.extend(['sphinx', 'sphinx_rtd_theme', 'breathe']) pip_install_args = [ctx.path_for_program('localpython3'), '-m', 'pip', 'install'] pip_install_args.extend(required_dev_packages) sphinx_build_path: str = os.path.join(ctx.venv_bin_dir(), mp.root_to_executable('sphinx-build')) ctx.register_program('sphinx-build', sphinx_build_path, override=True) return run_program(pip_install_args, cwd=ctx.calendon_home())
def cmd_build(ctx: ProjectContext, args: argparse.Namespace) -> int: """Build using the current project configuration.""" if not _verify_executable_exists(ctx, 'cmake'): return 1 if not _verify_build_dir_exists(ctx.build_dir()): return 1 cmake_args = [ctx.path_for_program('cmake'), '--build', '.', '--parallel', str(multiprocessing.cpu_count()), '--config', ctx.build_config()] if args.dry_run: print(f'Would have run {cmake_args} in {ctx.build_dir()}') return 0 return run_program(cmake_args, cwd=(ctx.build_dir()))
def cmd_check(ctx: ProjectContext, args: argparse.Namespace) -> int: """Runs tests.""" if not _verify_executable_exists(ctx, 'cmake'): return 1 if not _verify_build_dir_exists(ctx.build_dir()): return 1 check_target: str = 'check' if args.iterate: check_target += '-iterate' cmake_args = [ctx.path_for_program('cmake'), '--build', '.', '--target', check_target, '--config', ctx.build_config()] if args.dry_run: print(f'Would have run {cmake_args} in {ctx.build_dir()}') return 0 else: return run_program(cmake_args, cwd=(ctx.build_dir()))