class Main(MainWindow): APP_NAME = _('Tweak Book') def __init__(self, opts): MainWindow.__init__(self, opts, disable_automatic_gc=True) self.setWindowTitle(self.APP_NAME) self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(I('tweak.png'))) self.opts = opts self.tdir = None self.path_to_ebook = None self.container = None self.global_undo = GlobalUndoHistory() self.blocking_job = BlockingJob(self) self.file_list_dock = d = QDockWidget(_('&Files Browser'), self) d.setAllowedAreas(Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea | Qt.RightDockWidgetArea) self.file_list = FileListWidget(d) d.setWidget(self.file_list) self.addDockWidget(Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea, d) self.status_bar = self.statusBar() self.l = QLabel('Placeholder') self.setCentralWidget(self.l) def resizeEvent(self, ev): self.blocking_job.resize(ev.size()) return super(Main, self).resizeEvent(ev) def open_book(self, path): ext = path.rpartition('.')[-1].upper() if ext not in SUPPORTED: return error_dialog(self, _('Unsupported format'), _('Tweaking is only supported for books in the %s formats.' ' Convert your book to one of these formats first.') % _(' and ').join(sorted(SUPPORTED)), show=True) # TODO: Handle already open, dirtied book if self.tdir: shutil.rmtree(self.tdir, ignore_errors=True) self.tdir = PersistentTemporaryDirectory() self.blocking_job('open_book', _('Opening book, please wait...'), self.book_opened, load_book, path, self.tdir) def book_opened(self, job): if job.traceback is not None: return error_dialog(self, _('Failed to open book'), _('Failed to open book, click Show details for more information.'), det_msg=job.traceback, show=True) container = job.result set_current_container(container) self.current_metadata = container.mi self.global_undo.open_book(container) self.update_window_title() def update_window_title(self): self.setWindowTitle(self.current_metadata.title + ' [%s] - %s' %(current_container().book_type.upper(), self.APP_NAME))
def __init__(self, parent, notify=None): QObject.__init__(self, parent) self.global_undo = GlobalUndoHistory() self.container_count = 0 self.tdir = None self.save_manager = SaveManager(parent, notify) self.save_manager.report_error.connect(self.report_save_error) self.doing_terminal_save = False self.ignore_preview_to_editor_sync = False setup_cssutils_serialization()
def __init__(self, parent): QObject.__init__(self, parent) self.global_undo = GlobalUndoHistory() self.container_count = 0 self.tdir = None self.save_manager = SaveManager(parent) self.save_manager.report_error.connect(self.report_save_error) self.doing_terminal_save = False
def __init__(self, opts): MainWindow.__init__(self, opts, disable_automatic_gc=True) self.setWindowTitle(self.APP_NAME) self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(I('tweak.png'))) self.opts = opts self.tdir = None self.path_to_ebook = None self.container = None self.global_undo = GlobalUndoHistory() self.blocking_job = BlockingJob(self) self.file_list_dock = d = QDockWidget(_('&Files Browser'), self) d.setAllowedAreas(Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea | Qt.RightDockWidgetArea) self.file_list = FileListWidget(d) d.setWidget(self.file_list) self.addDockWidget(Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea, d) self.status_bar = self.statusBar() self.l = QLabel('Placeholder') self.setCentralWidget(self.l)
class Boss(QObject): def __init__(self, parent, notify=None): QObject.__init__(self, parent) self.global_undo = GlobalUndoHistory() self.container_count = 0 self.tdir = None self.save_manager = SaveManager(parent, notify) self.save_manager.report_error.connect(self.report_save_error) self.doing_terminal_save = False self.ignore_preview_to_editor_sync = False setup_cssutils_serialization() def __call__(self, gui): self.gui = gui fl = gui.file_list fl.delete_requested.connect(self.delete_requested) fl.reorder_spine.connect(self.reorder_spine) fl.rename_requested.connect(self.rename_requested) fl.bulk_rename_requested.connect(self.bulk_rename_requested) fl.edit_file.connect(self.edit_file_requested) fl.merge_requested.connect(self.merge_requested) fl.mark_requested.connect(self.mark_requested) fl.export_requested.connect(self.export_requested) fl.replace_requested.connect(self.replace_requested) fl.link_stylesheets_requested.connect(self.link_stylesheets_requested) self.gui.central.current_editor_changed.connect(self.apply_current_editor_state) self.gui.central.close_requested.connect(self.editor_close_requested) self.gui.central.search_panel.search_triggered.connect( self.gui.preview.sync_requested.connect(self.sync_editor_to_preview) self.gui.preview.split_start_requested.connect(self.split_start_requested) self.gui.preview.split_requested.connect(self.split_requested) self.gui.preview.link_clicked.connect(self.link_clicked) self.gui.check_book.item_activated.connect(self.check_item_activated) self.gui.check_book.check_requested.connect(self.check_requested) self.gui.check_book.fix_requested.connect(self.fix_requested) self.gui.toc_view.navigate_requested.connect(self.link_clicked) self.gui.image_browser.image_activated.connect(self.image_activated) def preferences(self): p = Preferences(self.gui) if p.exec_() == p.Accepted: for ed in editors.itervalues(): ed.apply_settings() setup_cssutils_serialization() self.gui.apply_settings() def mark_requested(self, name, action): self.commit_dirty_opf() c = current_container() if action == 'cover': mark_as_cover(current_container(), name) elif action.startswith('titlepage:'): action, move_to_start = action.partition(':')[0::2] move_to_start = move_to_start == 'True' mark_as_titlepage(current_container(), name, move_to_start=move_to_start) if c.opf_name in editors: editors[c.opf_name].replace_data(c.raw_data(c.opf_name)) self.set_modified() def mkdtemp(self, prefix=''): self.container_count += 1 return tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='%s%05d-' % (prefix, self.container_count), dir=self.tdir) def _check_before_open(self): if self.gui.action_save.isEnabled(): if not question_dialog(self.gui, _('Unsaved changes'), _( 'The current book has unsaved changes. If you open a new book, they will be lost' ' are you sure you want to proceed?')): return if self.save_manager.has_tasks: return info_dialog(self.gui, _('Cannot open'), _('The current book is being saved, you cannot open a new book until' ' the saving is completed'), show=True) return True def new_book(self): if not self._check_before_open(): return d = NewBook(self.gui) if d.exec_() == d.Accepted: fmt = d.fmt path = choose_save_file(self.gui, 'edit-book-new-book', _('Choose file location'), filters=[(fmt.upper(), (fmt,))], all_files=False) if path is not None: from calibre.ebooks.oeb.polish.create import create_book create_book(d.mi, path, fmt=fmt) self.open_book(path=path) def open_book(self, path=None, edit_file=None, clear_notify_data=True): if not self._check_before_open(): return if not hasattr(path, 'rpartition'): path = choose_files(self.gui, 'open-book-for-tweaking', _('Choose book'), [(_('Books'), [x.lower() for x in SUPPORTED])], all_files=False, select_only_single_file=True) if not path: return path = path[0] ext = path.rpartition('.')[-1].upper() if ext not in SUPPORTED: return error_dialog(self.gui, _('Unsupported format'), _('Tweaking is only supported for books in the %s formats.' ' Convert your book to one of these formats first.') % _(' and ').join(sorted(SUPPORTED)), show=True) if not os.path.exists(path): return error_dialog(self.gui, _('File not found'), _( 'The file %s does not exist.') % path, show=True) for name in tuple(editors): self.close_editor(name) self.gui.preview.clear() self.container_count = -1 if self.tdir: shutil.rmtree(self.tdir, ignore_errors=True) self.tdir = PersistentTemporaryDirectory() self._edit_file_on_open = edit_file self._clear_notify_data = clear_notify_data self.gui.blocking_job('open_book', _('Opening book, please wait...'), self.book_opened, get_container, path, tdir=self.mkdtemp()) def book_opened(self, job): ef = getattr(self, '_edit_file_on_open', None) cn = getattr(self, '_clear_notify_data', True) self._edit_file_on_open = None if job.traceback is not None: if 'DRMError:' in job.traceback: from calibre.gui2.dialogs.drm_error import DRMErrorMessage return DRMErrorMessage(self.gui).exec_() return error_dialog(self.gui, _('Failed to open book'), _('Failed to open book, click Show details for more information.'), det_msg=job.traceback, show=True) if cn: self.save_manager.clear_notify_data() parse_worker.clear() container = job.result set_current_container(container) with BusyCursor(): self.current_metadata = self.gui.current_metadata = container.mi self.global_undo.open_book(container) self.gui.update_window_title() self.gui.file_list.current_edited_name = None, preserve_state=False) self.gui.action_save.setEnabled(False) self.update_global_history_actions() recent_books = list(tprefs.get('recent-books', [])) path = container.path_to_ebook if path in recent_books: recent_books.remove(path) recent_books.insert(0, path) tprefs['recent-books'] = recent_books[:10] self.gui.update_recent_books() if ef: self.gui.file_list.request_edit(ef) self.gui.toc_view.update_if_visible() def update_editors_from_container(self, container=None, names=None): c = container or current_container() for name, ed in tuple(editors.iteritems()): if c.has_name(name): if names is None or name in names: ed.replace_data(c.raw_data(name)) ed.is_synced_to_container = True else: self.close_editor(name) def refresh_file_list(self): container = current_container() def apply_container_update_to_gui(self): self.refresh_file_list() self.update_global_history_actions() self.update_editors_from_container() self.set_modified() self.gui.toc_view.update_if_visible() @in_thread_job def delete_requested(self, spine_items, other_items): self.commit_all_editors_to_container() self.add_savepoint(_('Delete files')) c = current_container() c.remove_from_spine(spine_items) for name in other_items: c.remove_item(name) self.set_modified() self.gui.file_list.delete_done(spine_items, other_items) spine_names = [x for x, remove in spine_items if remove] for name in spine_names + list(other_items): if name in editors: self.close_editor(name) if not editors: self.gui.preview.clear() if remove_names_from_toc(current_container(), spine_names + list(other_items)): self.gui.toc_view.update_if_visible() toc = find_existing_toc(current_container()) if toc and toc in editors: editors[toc].replace_data(c.raw_data(toc)) def commit_dirty_opf(self): c = current_container() if c.opf_name in editors and not editors[c.opf_name].is_synced_to_container: self.commit_editor_to_container(c.opf_name) def reorder_spine(self, items): self.commit_dirty_opf() self.add_savepoint(_('Re-order text')) c = current_container() c.set_spine(items) self.set_modified() # needed as the linear flag may have changed on some items if c.opf_name in editors: editors[c.opf_name].replace_data(c.raw_data(c.opf_name)) def add_file(self): if current_container() is None: return error_dialog(self.gui, _('No open book'), _( 'You must first open a book to tweak, before trying to create new files' ' in it.'), show=True) self.commit_dirty_opf() d = NewFileDialog(self.gui) if d.exec_() != d.Accepted: return self.add_savepoint(_('Add file %s') % self.gui.elided_text(d.file_name)) c = current_container() data = d.file_data if d.using_template: data = data.replace(b'%CURSOR%', b'') try: c.add_file(d.file_name, data) except: self.rewind_savepoint() raise self.gui.file_list.select_name(d.file_name) if c.opf_name in editors: editors[c.opf_name].replace_data(c.raw_data(c.opf_name)) mt = c.mime_map[d.file_name] syntax = syntax_from_mime(d.file_name, mt) if syntax: if d.using_template: self.edit_file(d.file_name, syntax, use_template=d.file_data.decode('utf-8')) else: self.edit_file(d.file_name, syntax) def edit_toc(self): self.commit_all_editors_to_container() self.add_savepoint(_('Edit Table of Contents')) d = TOCEditor(title=self.current_metadata.title, parent=self.gui) if d.exec_() != d.Accepted: self.rewind_savepoint() return with BusyCursor(): self.set_modified() self.update_editors_from_container() self.gui.toc_view.update_if_visible() def polish(self, action, name): self.commit_all_editors_to_container() with BusyCursor(): self.add_savepoint(name) try: report = tweak_polish(current_container(), {action:True}) except: self.rewind_savepoint() raise self.apply_container_update_to_gui() from calibre.ebooks.markdown import markdown report = markdown('# %s\n\n'%self.current_metadata.title + '\n\n'.join(report), output_format='html4') d = QDialog(self.gui) d.l = QVBoxLayout() d.setLayout(d.l) d.e = QTextBrowser(d) d.l.addWidget(d.e) d.e.setHtml(report) = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Close) d.l.addWidget( d.resize(600, 400) d.exec_() # Renaming {{{ def rename_requested(self, oldname, newname): self.commit_all_editors_to_container() if guess_type(oldname) != guess_type(newname): args = os.path.splitext(oldname) + os.path.splitext(newname) if not confirm( _('You are changing the file type of {0}<b>{1}</b> to {2}<b>{3}</b>.' ' Doing so can cause problems, are you sure?').format(*args), 'confirm-filetype-change', parent=self.gui, title=_('Are you sure?'), config_set=tprefs): return if urlnormalize(newname) != newname: if not confirm( _('The name you have chosen {0} contains special characters, internally' ' it will look like: {1}Try to use only the English alphabet [a-z], numbers [0-9],' ' hyphens and underscores for file names. Other characters can cause problems for ' ' different ebook viewers. Are you sure you want to proceed?').format( '<pre>%s</pre>'%newname, '<pre>%s</pre>' % urlnormalize(newname)), 'confirm-urlunsafe-change', parent=self.gui, title=_('Are you sure?'), config_set=tprefs): return self.add_savepoint(_('Rename %s') % oldname) name_map = {oldname:newname} self.gui.blocking_job( 'rename_file', _('Renaming and updating links...'), partial(self.rename_done, name_map), rename_files, current_container(), name_map) def bulk_rename_requested(self, name_map): self.commit_all_editors_to_container() self.add_savepoint(_('Bulk rename')) self.gui.blocking_job( 'bulk_rename_files', _('Renaming and updating links...'), partial(self.rename_done, name_map), rename_files, current_container(), name_map) def rename_done(self, name_map, job): if job.traceback is not None: return error_dialog(self.gui, _('Failed to rename files'), _('Failed to rename files, click Show details for more information.'), det_msg=job.traceback, show=True) self.set_modified() for oldname, newname in name_map.iteritems(): if oldname in editors: editors[newname] = editors.pop(oldname) self.gui.central.rename_editor(editors[newname], newname) if self.gui.preview.current_name == oldname: self.gui.preview.current_name = newname self.apply_container_update_to_gui() # }}} # Global history {{{ def do_global_undo(self): container = self.global_undo.undo() if container is not None: set_current_container(container) self.apply_container_update_to_gui() def do_global_redo(self): container = self.global_undo.redo() if container is not None: set_current_container(container) self.apply_container_update_to_gui() def update_global_history_actions(self): gu = self.global_undo for x, text in (('undo', _('&Revert to before')), ('redo', '&Revert to after')): ac = getattr(self.gui, 'action_global_%s' % x) ac.setEnabled(getattr(gu, 'can_' + x)) ac.setText(text + ' ' + (getattr(gu, x + '_msg') or '...')) def add_savepoint(self, msg): nc = clone_container(current_container(), self.mkdtemp()) self.global_undo.add_savepoint(nc, msg) set_current_container(nc) self.update_global_history_actions() def rewind_savepoint(self): container = self.global_undo.rewind_savepoint() if container is not None: set_current_container(container) self.update_global_history_actions() # }}} def set_modified(self): self.gui.action_save.setEnabled(True) def fix_html(self, current): if current: ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if hasattr(ed, 'fix_html'): ed.fix_html() else: self.commit_all_editors_to_container() with BusyCursor(): self.add_savepoint(_('Fix HTML')) fix_all_html(current_container()) self.update_editors_from_container() self.set_modified() def pretty_print(self, current): if current: ed = self.gui.central.current_editor for name, x in editors.iteritems(): if x is ed: break ed.pretty_print(name) else: self.commit_all_editors_to_container() with BusyCursor(): self.add_savepoint(_('Beautify files')) pretty_all(current_container()) self.update_editors_from_container() self.set_modified() def mark_selected_text(self): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is not None: ed.mark_selected_text() if ed.has_marked_text: self.gui.central.search_panel.set_where('selected-text') def editor_action(self, action): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor for n, x in editors.iteritems(): if x is ed: edname = n break if hasattr(ed, 'action_triggered'): if action and action[0] == 'insert_resource': rtype = action[1] if rtype == 'image' and ed.syntax not in {'css', 'html'}: return error_dialog(self.gui, _('Not supported'), _( 'Inserting images is only supported for HTML and CSS files.'), show=True) rdata = get_resource_data(rtype, self.gui) if rdata is None: return if rtype == 'image': chosen_name, chosen_image_is_external = rdata if chosen_image_is_external: with open(chosen_image_is_external[1], 'rb') as f: current_container().add_file(chosen_image_is_external[0], self.refresh_file_list() chosen_name = chosen_image_is_external[0] href = current_container().name_to_href(chosen_name, edname) ed.insert_image(href) else: ed.action_triggered(action) def show_find(self): self.gui.central.show_find() ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is not None and hasattr(ed, 'selected_text'): text = ed.selected_text if text and text.strip(): self.gui.central.pre_fill_search(text) def search(self, action, overrides=None): ' Run a search/replace ' sp = self.gui.central.search_panel # Ensure the search panel is visible sp.setVisible(True) ed = self.gui.central.current_editor name = editor = None for n, x in editors.iteritems(): if x is ed: name = n break state = sp.state if overrides: state.update(overrides) searchable_names = self.gui.file_list.searchable_names where = state['where'] err = None if name is None and where in {'current', 'selected-text'}: err = _('No file is being edited.') elif where == 'selected' and not searchable_names['selected']: err = _('No files are selected in the Files Browser') elif where == 'selected-text' and not ed.has_marked_text: err = _('No text is marked. First select some text, and then use' ' The "Mark selected text" action in the Search menu to mark it.') if not err and not state['find']: err = _('No search query specified') if err: return error_dialog(self.gui, _('Cannot search'), err, show=True) del err files = OrderedDict() do_all = state['wrap'] or action in {'replace-all', 'count'} marked = False if where == 'current': editor = ed elif where in {'styles', 'text', 'selected'}: files = searchable_names[where] if name in files: # Start searching in the current editor editor = ed # Re-order the list of other files so that we search in the same # order every time. Depending on direction, search the files # that come after the current file, or before the current file, # first. lfiles = list(files) idx = lfiles.index(name) before, after = lfiles[:idx], lfiles[idx+1:] if state['direction'] == 'up': lfiles = list(reversed(before)) if do_all: lfiles += list(reversed(after)) + [name] else: lfiles = after if do_all: lfiles += before + [name] files = OrderedDict((m, files[m]) for m in lfiles) else: editor = ed marked = True def no_match(): QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() msg = '<p>' + _('No matches were found for %s.') % prepare_string_for_xml(state['find']) if not state['wrap']: msg += '<p>' + _('You have turned off search wrapping, so all text might not have been searched.' ' Try the search again, with wrapping enabled. Wrapping is enabled via the' ' "Wrap" checkbox at the bottom of the search panel.') return error_dialog( self.gui, _('Not found'), msg, show=True) pat = sp.get_regex(state) def do_find(): if editor is not None: if editor.find(pat, marked=marked): return if not files: if not state['wrap']: return no_match() return editor.find(pat, wrap=True, marked=marked) or no_match() for fname, syntax in files.iteritems(): if fname in editors: if not editors[fname].find(pat, complete=True): continue return self.show_editor(fname) raw = current_container().raw_data(fname) if is not None: self.edit_file(fname, syntax) if editors[fname].find(pat, complete=True): return return no_match() def no_replace(prefix=''): QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() if prefix: prefix += ' ' error_dialog( self.gui, _('Cannot replace'), prefix + _( 'You must first click Find, before trying to replace'), show=True) return False def do_replace(): if editor is None: return no_replace() if not editor.replace(pat, state['replace']): return no_replace(_( 'Currently selected text does not match the search query.')) return True def count_message(action, count): msg = _('%(action)s %(num)s occurrences of %(query)s' % dict(num=count, query=state['find'], action=action)) info_dialog(self.gui, _('Searching done'), prepare_string_for_xml(msg), show=True) def do_all(replace=True): count = 0 if not files and editor is None: return 0 lfiles = files or {name:editor.syntax} for n, syntax in lfiles.iteritems(): if n in editors: raw = editors[n].get_raw_data() else: raw = current_container().raw_data(n) if replace: raw, num = pat.subn(state['replace'], raw) else: num = len(pat.findall(raw)) count += num if replace and num > 0: if n in editors: editors[n].replace_data(raw) else: with current_container().open(n, 'wb') as f: f.write(raw.encode('utf-8')) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() count_message(_('Replaced') if replace else _('Found'), count) return count with BusyCursor(): if action == 'find': return do_find() if action == 'replace': return do_replace() if action == 'replace-find' and do_replace(): return do_find() if action == 'replace-all': if marked: return count_message(_('Replaced'), editor.all_in_marked(pat, state['replace'])) self.add_savepoint(_('Replace all')) count = do_all() if count == 0: self.rewind_savepoint() return if action == 'count': if marked: return count_message(_('Found'), editor.all_in_marked(pat)) return do_all(replace=False) def create_checkpoint(self): text, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self.gui, _('Choose name'), _( 'Choose a name for the checkpoint.\nYou can later restore the book' ' to this checkpoint via the\n"Revert to..." entries in the Edit menu.')) if ok: self.add_savepoint(text) def commit_editor_to_container(self, name, container=None): container = container or current_container() ed = editors[name] with, 'wb') as f: f.write( if container is current_container(): ed.is_synced_to_container = True def commit_all_editors_to_container(self): with BusyCursor(): for name, ed in editors.iteritems(): if not ed.is_synced_to_container: self.commit_editor_to_container(name) ed.is_synced_to_container = True def save_book(self): c = current_container() for name, ed in editors.iteritems(): if ed.is_modified or not ed.is_synced_to_container: self.commit_editor_to_container(name, c) ed.is_modified = False self.gui.action_save.setEnabled(False) tdir = self.mkdtemp(prefix='save-') container = clone_container(c, tdir) self.save_manager.schedule(tdir, container) def save_copy(self): c = current_container() ext = c.path_to_ebook.rpartition('.')[-1] path = choose_save_file(self.gui, 'tweak_book_save_copy', _( 'Choose path'), filters=[(_('Book (%s)') % ext.upper(), [ext.lower()])], all_files=False) if not path: return tdir = self.mkdtemp(prefix='save-copy-') container = clone_container(c, tdir) for name, ed in editors.iteritems(): if ed.is_modified or not ed.is_synced_to_container: self.commit_editor_to_container(name, container) def do_save(c, path, tdir): save_container(c, path) shutil.rmtree(tdir, ignore_errors=True) return path self.gui.blocking_job('save_copy', _('Saving copy, please wait...'), self.copy_saved, do_save, container, path, tdir) def copy_saved(self, job): if job.traceback is not None: return error_dialog(self.gui, _('Failed to save copy'), _('Failed to save copy, click Show details for more information.'), det_msg=job.traceback, show=True) msg = _('Copy saved to %s') % job.result info_dialog(self.gui, _('Copy saved'), msg, show=True) self.gui.show_status_message(msg, 5) def report_save_error(self, tb): if self.doing_terminal_save: prints(tb, file=sys.stderr) return error_dialog(self.gui, _('Could not save'), _('Saving of the book failed. Click "Show Details"' ' for more information.'), det_msg=tb, show=True) def go_to_line_number(self): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is None or not ed.has_line_numbers: return num, ok = QInputDialog.getInt(self.gui, _('Enter line number'), ('Line number:'), ed.current_line, 1, max(100000, ed.number_of_lines)) if ok: ed.current_line = num def split_start_requested(self): self.commit_all_editors_to_container() self.gui.preview.do_start_split() @in_thread_job def split_requested(self, name, loc): self.commit_all_editors_to_container() self.add_savepoint(_('Split %s') % self.gui.elided_text(name)) try: bottom_name = split(current_container(), name, loc) except AbortError: self.rewind_savepoint() raise self.apply_container_update_to_gui() self.edit_file(bottom_name, 'html') @in_thread_job def link_clicked(self, name, anchor): if not name: return if name in editors: editor = editors[name] self.gui.central.show_editor(editor) else: try: mt = current_container().mime_map[name] except KeyError: return error_dialog(self.gui, _('Does not exist'), _( 'The file %s does not exist. If you were trying to click an item in' ' the Table of Contents, you may' ' need to refresh it by right-clicking and choosing "Refresh".') % name, show=True) syntax = syntax_from_mime(name, mt) editor = self.edit_file(name, syntax) if anchor: editor.go_to_anchor(anchor) @in_thread_job def check_item_activated(self, item): name = if name in editors: editor = editors[name] self.gui.central.show_editor(editor) else: editor = self.edit_file_requested(name, None, current_container().mime_map[name]) if getattr(editor, 'has_line_numbers', False): editor.go_to_line(item.line, item.col) editor.set_focus() @in_thread_job def check_requested(self, *args): if current_container() is None: return self.commit_all_editors_to_container() c = self.gui.check_book c.parent().show() c.parent().raise_() c.run_checks(current_container()) @in_thread_job def fix_requested(self, errors): self.commit_all_editors_to_container() self.add_savepoint(_('Auto-fix errors')) c = self.gui.check_book c.parent().show() c.parent().raise_() changed = c.fix_errors(current_container(), errors) if changed: self.apply_container_update_to_gui() self.set_modified() else: self.rewind_savepoint() @in_thread_job def merge_requested(self, category, names, master): self.commit_all_editors_to_container() self.add_savepoint(_('Merge files into %s') % self.gui.elided_text(master)) try: merge(current_container(), category, names, master) except AbortError: self.rewind_savepoint() raise self.apply_container_update_to_gui() if master in editors: self.show_editor(master) @in_thread_job def link_stylesheets_requested(self, names, sheets): self.commit_all_editors_to_container() self.add_savepoint(_('Link stylesheets')) changed_names = link_stylesheets(current_container(), names, sheets) if changed_names: self.update_editors_from_container(names=changed_names) self.set_modified() @in_thread_job def export_requested(self, name, path): if name in editors and not editors[name].is_synced_to_container: self.commit_editor_to_container(name) with current_container().open(name, 'rb') as src, open(path, 'wb') as dest: shutil.copyfileobj(src, dest) @in_thread_job def replace_requested(self, name, path, basename, force_mt): self.commit_all_editors_to_container() self.add_savepoint(_('Replace %s') % name) replace_file(current_container(), name, path, basename, force_mt) self.apply_container_update_to_gui() def browse_images(self): self.gui.image_browser.refresh() self.gui.image_browser.raise_() def image_activated(self, name): mt = current_container().mime_map.get(name, guess_type(name)) self.edit_file_requested(name, None, mt) def sync_editor_to_preview(self, name, lnum): editor = self.edit_file(name, 'html') self.ignore_preview_to_editor_sync = True try: editor.current_line = lnum finally: self.ignore_preview_to_editor_sync = False def sync_preview_to_editor(self): if self.ignore_preview_to_editor_sync: return ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is not None: name = None for n, x in editors.iteritems(): if ed is x: name = n break if name is not None and getattr(ed, 'syntax', None) == 'html': self.gui.preview.sync_to_editor(name, ed.current_line) def init_editor(self, name, editor, data=None, use_template=False): editor.undo_redo_state_changed.connect(self.editor_undo_redo_state_changed) editor.data_changed.connect(self.editor_data_changed) editor.copy_available_state_changed.connect(self.editor_copy_available_state_changed) editor.cursor_position_changed.connect(self.sync_preview_to_editor) editor.cursor_position_changed.connect(self.update_cursor_position) if data is not None: if use_template: editor.init_from_template(data) else: = data editor.is_synced_to_container = True editor.modification_state_changed.connect(self.editor_modification_state_changed) self.gui.central.add_editor(name, editor) def edit_file(self, name, syntax, use_template=None): editor = editors.get(name, None) if editor is None: if use_template is None: data = current_container().raw_data(name) if isbytestring(data) and syntax in {'html', 'css', 'text', 'xml'}: try: data = data.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: return error_dialog(self.gui, _('Cannot decode'), _( 'Cannot edit %s as it appears to be in an unknown character encoding') % name, show=True) else: data = use_template editor = editors[name] = editor_from_syntax(syntax, self.gui.editor_tabs) self.init_editor(name, editor, data, use_template=bool(use_template)) self.show_editor(name) return editor def show_editor(self, name): self.gui.central.show_editor(editors[name]) editors[name].set_focus() def edit_file_requested(self, name, syntax, mime): if name in editors: self.gui.central.show_editor(editors[name]) return syntax = syntax or syntax_from_mime(name, mime) if not syntax: return error_dialog( self.gui, _('Unsupported file format'), _('Editing files of type %s is not supported' % mime), show=True) return self.edit_file(name, syntax) # Editor basic controls {{{ def do_editor_undo(self): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is not None: ed.undo() def do_editor_redo(self): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is not None: ed.redo() def do_editor_copy(self): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is not None: ed.copy() def do_editor_cut(self): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is not None: ed.cut() def do_editor_paste(self): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is not None: ed.paste() def editor_data_changed(self, editor): self.gui.preview.start_refresh_timer() def editor_undo_redo_state_changed(self, *args): self.apply_current_editor_state() def editor_copy_available_state_changed(self, *args): self.apply_current_editor_state() def editor_modification_state_changed(self, is_modified): self.apply_current_editor_state() if is_modified: self.set_modified() # }}} def apply_current_editor_state(self): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor self.gui.cursor_position_widget.update_position() if ed is not None: actions['editor-undo'].setEnabled(ed.undo_available) actions['editor-redo'].setEnabled(ed.redo_available) actions['editor-copy'].setEnabled(ed.copy_available) actions['editor-cut'].setEnabled(ed.cut_available) actions['go-to-line-number'].setEnabled(ed.has_line_numbers) actions['fix-html-current'].setEnabled(ed.syntax == 'html') name = None for n, x in editors.iteritems(): if ed is x: name = n break if name is not None and getattr(ed, 'syntax', None) == 'html': if # The file being displayed by the preview has changed. # Set the preview's position to the current cursor # position in the editor, in case the editors' cursor # position has not changed, since the last time it was # focused. This is not inefficient since multiple requests # to sync are de-bounced with a 100 msec wait. self.sync_preview_to_editor() if name is not None: self.gui.file_list.mark_name_as_current(name) if ed.has_line_numbers: self.gui.cursor_position_widget.update_position(*ed.cursor_position) else: actions['go-to-line-number'].setEnabled(False) self.gui.file_list.clear_currently_edited_name() def update_cursor_position(self): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if getattr(ed, 'has_line_numbers', False): self.gui.cursor_position_widget.update_position(*ed.cursor_position) else: self.gui.cursor_position_widget.update_position() def editor_close_requested(self, editor): name = None for n, ed in editors.iteritems(): if ed is editor: name = n if not name: return if not editor.is_synced_to_container: self.commit_editor_to_container(name) self.close_editor(name) def close_editor(self, name): editor = editors.pop(name) self.gui.central.close_editor(editor) editor.break_cycles() if not editors: self.gui.preview.clear() # Shutdown {{{ def quit(self): if not self.confirm_quit(): return self.save_state() QApplication.instance().quit() def confirm_quit(self): if self.doing_terminal_save: return False if self.save_manager.has_tasks: if not question_dialog( self.gui, _('Are you sure?'), _( 'The current book is being saved in the background, quitting will abort' ' the save process, are you sure?'), default_yes=False): return False if self.gui.action_save.isEnabled(): d = QDialog(self.gui) d.l = QGridLayout(d) d.setLayout(d.l) d.setWindowTitle(_('Unsaved changes')) d.i = QLabel('') d.i.setPixmap(QPixmap(I('save.png')).scaledToHeight(64, Qt.SmoothTransformation)) d.i.setMaximumSize(QSize(d.i.pixmap().width(), 64)) d.i.setScaledContents(True) d.l.addWidget(d.i, 0, 0) d.m = QLabel(_('There are unsaved changes, if you quit without saving, you will lose them.')) d.m.setWordWrap(True) d.l.addWidget(d.m, 0, 1) = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) d.l.addWidget(, 1, 0, 1, 2) d.do_save = None def endit(x): d.do_save = x d.accept() b ='&Save and Quit'), QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole) b.setIcon(QIcon(I('save.png'))) b.clicked.connect(lambda *args: endit(True)) b ='&Quit without saving'), QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole) b.clicked.connect(lambda *args: endit(False)) d.resize(d.sizeHint()) if d.exec_() != d.Accepted or d.do_save is None: return False if d.do_save: self.gui.action_save.trigger() self.gui.blocking_job.set_msg(_('Saving, please wait...')) self.gui.blocking_job.start() self.doing_terminal_save = True QTimer.singleShot(50, self.check_terminal_save) return False return True def check_terminal_save(self): if self.save_manager.has_tasks: return QTimer.singleShot(50, self.check_terminal_save) self.shutdown() QApplication.instance().quit() def shutdown(self): self.gui.preview.stop_refresh_timer() self.save_state() self.save_manager.shutdown() parse_worker.shutdown() self.save_manager.wait(0.1) def save_state(self): with tprefs: self.gui.save_state()
class Boss(QObject): def __init__(self, parent): QObject.__init__(self, parent) self.global_undo = GlobalUndoHistory() self.container_count = 0 self.tdir = None self.save_manager = SaveManager(parent) self.save_manager.report_error.connect(self.report_save_error) self.doing_terminal_save = False def __call__(self, gui): self.gui = gui fl = gui.file_list fl.delete_requested.connect(self.delete_requested) fl.reorder_spine.connect(self.reorder_spine) fl.rename_requested.connect(self.rename_requested) fl.edit_file.connect(self.edit_file_requested) self.gui.central.current_editor_changed.connect(self.apply_current_editor_state) self.gui.central.close_requested.connect(self.editor_close_requested) def mkdtemp(self, prefix=''): self.container_count += 1 return tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='%s%05d-' % (prefix, self.container_count), dir=self.tdir) def check_dirtied(self): dirtied = {name for name, ed in editors.iteritems() if ed.is_modified} if not dirtied: return True return question_dialog(self.gui, _('Unsaved changes'), _( 'You have unsaved changes in the files %s. If you proceed,' ' you will lose them. Proceed anyway?') % ', '.join(dirtied)) def open_book(self, path=None): if not self.check_dirtied(): return if self.save_manager.has_tasks: return info_dialog(self.gui, _('Cannot open'), _('The current book is being saved, you cannot open a new book until' ' the saving is completed'), show=True) if not hasattr(path, 'rpartition'): path = choose_files(self.gui, 'open-book-for-tweaking', _('Choose book'), [(_('Books'), [x.lower() for x in SUPPORTED])], all_files=False, select_only_single_file=True) if not path: return path = path[0] ext = path.rpartition('.')[-1].upper() if ext not in SUPPORTED: return error_dialog(self.gui, _('Unsupported format'), _('Tweaking is only supported for books in the %s formats.' ' Convert your book to one of these formats first.') % _(' and ').join(sorted(SUPPORTED)), show=True) for name in tuple(editors): self.close_editor(name) self.gui.preview.clear() self.container_count = -1 if self.tdir: shutil.rmtree(self.tdir, ignore_errors=True) self.tdir = PersistentTemporaryDirectory() self.gui.blocking_job('open_book', _('Opening book, please wait...'), self.book_opened, get_container, path, tdir=self.mkdtemp()) def book_opened(self, job): if job.traceback is not None: return error_dialog(self.gui, _('Failed to open book'), _('Failed to open book, click Show details for more information.'), det_msg=job.traceback, show=True) parse_worker.clear() container = job.result set_current_container(container) self.current_metadata = self.gui.current_metadata = container.mi self.global_undo.open_book(container) self.gui.update_window_title(), preserve_state=False) self.gui.action_save.setEnabled(False) self.update_global_history_actions() def update_editors_from_container(self, container=None): c = container or current_container() for name, ed in tuple(editors.iteritems()): if c.has_name(name): ed.replace_data(c.raw_data(name)) else: self.close_editor(name) def apply_container_update_to_gui(self): container = current_container() self.update_global_history_actions() self.gui.action_save.setEnabled(True) self.update_editors_from_container() def delete_requested(self, spine_items, other_items): if not self.check_dirtied(): return self.add_savepoint(_('Delete files')) c = current_container() c.remove_from_spine(spine_items) for name in other_items: c.remove_item(name) self.gui.action_save.setEnabled(True) self.gui.file_list.delete_done(spine_items, other_items) for name in list(spine_items) + list(other_items): if name in editors: self.close_editor(name) if not editors: self.gui.preview.clear() def reorder_spine(self, items): # TODO: If content.opf is dirty in an editor, abort, calling # to undo drag and drop self.add_savepoint(_('Re-order text')) c = current_container() c.set_spine(items) self.gui.action_save.setEnabled(True) # needed as the linear flag may have changed on some items # TODO: If content.opf is open in an editor, reload it def edit_toc(self): if not self.check_dirtied(): return self.add_savepoint(_('Edit Table of Contents')) d = TOCEditor(title=self.current_metadata.title, parent=self.gui) if d.exec_() != d.Accepted: self.rewind_savepoint() return self.update_editors_from_container() def polish(self, action, name): if not self.check_dirtied(): return self.add_savepoint(name) try: report = tweak_polish(current_container(), {action:True}) except: self.rewind_savepoint() raise self.apply_container_update_to_gui() from calibre.ebooks.markdown import markdown report = markdown('# %s\n\n'%self.current_metadata.title + '\n\n'.join(report), output_format='html4') d = QDialog(self.gui) d.l = QVBoxLayout() d.setLayout(d.l) d.e = QTextBrowser(d) d.l.addWidget(d.e) d.e.setHtml(report) = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Close) d.l.addWidget( d.resize(600, 400) d.exec_() # Renaming {{{ def rename_requested(self, oldname, newname): if not self.check_dirtied(): return if guess_type(oldname) != guess_type(newname): args = os.path.splitext(oldname) + os.path.splitext(newname) if not confirm( _('You are changing the file type of {0}<b>{1}</b> to {2}<b>{3}</b>.' ' Doing so can cause problems, are you sure?').format(*args), 'confirm-filetype-change', parent=self.gui, title=_('Are you sure?'), config_set=tprefs): return if urlnormalize(newname) != newname: if not confirm( _('The name you have chosen {0} contains special characters, internally' ' it will look like: {1}Try to use only the English alphabet [a-z], numbers [0-9],' ' hyphens and underscores for file names. Other characters can cause problems for ' ' different ebook viewers. Are you sure you want to proceed?').format( '<pre>%s</pre>'%newname, '<pre>%s</pre>' % urlnormalize(newname)), 'confirm-urlunsafe-change', parent=self.gui, title=_('Are you sure?'), config_set=tprefs): return self.add_savepoint(_('Rename %s') % oldname) self.gui.blocking_job( 'rename_file', _('Renaming and updating links...'), partial(self.rename_done, oldname, newname), rename_files, current_container(), {oldname: newname}) def rename_done(self, oldname, newname, job): if job.traceback is not None: self.rewind_savepoint() return error_dialog(self.gui, _('Failed to rename files'), _('Failed to rename files, click Show details for more information.'), det_msg=job.traceback, show=True) self.gui.action_save.setEnabled(True) # TODO: Update the rest of the GUI. This means renaming open editors and # then calling update_editors_from_container() # }}} # Global history {{{ def do_global_undo(self): container = self.global_undo.undo() if container is not None: set_current_container(container) self.apply_container_update_to_gui() def do_global_redo(self): container = self.global_undo.redo() if container is not None: set_current_container(container) self.apply_container_update_to_gui() def update_global_history_actions(self): gu = self.global_undo for x, text in (('undo', _('&Revert to before')), ('redo', '&Revert to after')): ac = getattr(self.gui, 'action_global_%s' % x) ac.setEnabled(getattr(gu, 'can_' + x)) ac.setText(text + ' ' + (getattr(gu, x + '_msg') or '...')) def add_savepoint(self, msg): nc = clone_container(current_container(), self.mkdtemp()) self.global_undo.add_savepoint(nc, msg) set_current_container(nc) self.update_global_history_actions() def rewind_savepoint(self): container = self.global_undo.rewind_savepoint() if container is not None: set_current_container(container) self.update_global_history_actions() # }}} def save_book(self): c = current_container() for name, ed in editors.iteritems(): if ed.is_modified: with, 'wb') as f: f.write( ed.is_modified = False self.gui.action_save.setEnabled(False) tdir = self.mkdtemp(prefix='save-') container = clone_container(c, tdir) self.save_manager.schedule(tdir, container) def report_save_error(self, tb): if self.doing_terminal_save: prints(tb, file=sys.stderr) return error_dialog(self.gui, _('Could not save'), _('Saving of the book failed. Click "Show Details"' ' for more information.'), det_msg=tb, show=True) def init_editor(self, name, editor, data=None): editor.undo_redo_state_changed.connect(self.editor_undo_redo_state_changed) editor.data_changed.connect(self.editor_data_changed) editor.copy_available_state_changed.connect(self.editor_copy_available_state_changed) if data is not None: = data editor.modification_state_changed.connect(self.editor_modification_state_changed) self.gui.central.add_editor(name, editor) def edit_file(self, name, syntax): editor = editors.get(name, None) if editor is None: editor = editors[name] = editor_from_syntax(syntax, self.gui.editor_tabs) data = current_container().raw_data(name) self.init_editor(name, editor, data) self.show_editor(name) def show_editor(self, name): self.gui.central.show_editor(editors[name]) editors[name].set_focus() def edit_file_requested(self, name, syntax, mime): if name in editors: self.gui.central.show_editor(editors[name]) return syntax = syntax or syntax_from_mime(mime) if not syntax: return error_dialog( self.gui, _('Unsupported file format'), _('Editing files of type %s is not supported' % mime), show=True) self.edit_file(name, syntax) # Editor basic controls {{{ def do_editor_undo(self): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is not None: ed.undo() def do_editor_redo(self): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is not None: ed.redo() def do_editor_copy(self): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is not None: ed.copy() def do_editor_cut(self): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is not None: ed.cut() def do_editor_paste(self): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is not None: ed.paste() def editor_data_changed(self, editor): self.gui.preview.start_refresh_timer() def editor_undo_redo_state_changed(self, *args): self.apply_current_editor_state(update_keymap=False) def editor_copy_available_state_changed(self, *args): self.apply_current_editor_state(update_keymap=False) def editor_modification_state_changed(self, is_modified): self.apply_current_editor_state(update_keymap=False) if is_modified: actions['save-book'].setEnabled(True) # }}} def apply_current_editor_state(self, update_keymap=True): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is not None: actions['editor-undo'].setEnabled(ed.undo_available) actions['editor-redo'].setEnabled(ed.redo_available) actions['editor-save'].setEnabled(ed.is_modified) actions['editor-cut'].setEnabled(ed.copy_available) actions['editor-copy'].setEnabled(ed.cut_available) self.gui.keyboard.set_mode(ed.syntax) name = None for n, x in editors.iteritems(): if ed is x: name = n break if name is not None and getattr(ed, 'syntax', None) == 'html': else: self.gui.keyboard.set_mode('other') def editor_close_requested(self, editor): name = None for n, ed in editors.iteritems(): if ed is editor: name = n if not name: return if editor.is_modified: if not question_dialog(self.gui, _('Unsaved changes'), _( 'There are unsaved changes in %s. Are you sure you want to close' ' this editor?') % name): return self.close_editor(name) def close_editor(self, name): editor = editors.pop(name) self.gui.central.close_editor(editor) editor.break_cycles() if not editors: self.gui.preview.clear() def do_editor_save(self): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is None: return name = None for n, x in editors.iteritems(): if x is ed: name = n break if name is None: return c = current_container() with, 'wb') as f: f.write( ed.is_modified = False tdir = self.mkdtemp(prefix='save-') container = clone_container(c, tdir) self.save_manager.schedule(tdir, container) is_modified = False for ed in editors.itervalues(): if ed.is_modified: is_modified = True break self.gui.action_save.setEnabled(is_modified) # Shutdown {{{ def quit(self): if not self.confirm_quit(): return self.save_state() QApplication.instance().quit() def confirm_quit(self): if self.doing_terminal_save: return False if self.save_manager.has_tasks: if not question_dialog( self.gui, _('Are you sure?'), _( 'The current book is being saved in the background, quitting will abort' ' the save process, are you sure?'), default_yes=False): return False if self.gui.action_save.isEnabled(): d = QDialog(self.gui) d.l = QGridLayout(d) d.setLayout(d.l) d.setWindowTitle(_('Unsaved changes')) d.i = QLabel('') d.i.setPixmap(QPixmap(I('save.png')).scaledToHeight(64, Qt.SmoothTransformation)) d.i.setMaximumSize(QSize(d.i.pixmap().width(), 64)) d.i.setScaledContents(True) d.l.addWidget(d.i, 0, 0) d.m = QLabel(_('There are unsaved changes, if you quit without saving, you will lose them.')) d.m.setWordWrap(True) d.l.addWidget(d.m, 0, 1) = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) d.l.addWidget(, 1, 0, 1, 2) d.do_save = None def endit(x): d.do_save = x d.accept() b ='&Save and Quit'), QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole) b.setIcon(QIcon(I('save.png'))) b.clicked.connect(lambda *args: endit(True)) b ='&Quit without saving'), QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole) b.clicked.connect(lambda *args: endit(False)) d.resize(d.sizeHint()) if d.exec_() != d.Accepted or d.do_save is None: return False if d.do_save: self.gui.action_save.trigger() self.gui.blocking_job.set_msg(_('Saving, please wait...')) self.gui.blocking_job.start() self.doing_terminal_save = True QTimer.singleShot(50, self.check_terminal_save) return False return True def check_terminal_save(self): if self.save_manager.has_tasks: return QTimer.singleShot(50, self.check_terminal_save) self.shutdown() QApplication.instance().quit() def shutdown(self): self.gui.preview.stop_refresh_timer() self.save_state() self.save_manager.shutdown() parse_worker.shutdown() self.save_manager.wait(0.1) def save_state(self): with tprefs: self.gui.save_state()
class Boss(QObject): def __init__(self, parent): QObject.__init__(self, parent) self.global_undo = GlobalUndoHistory() self.container_count = 0 self.tdir = None self.save_manager = SaveManager(parent) self.save_manager.report_error.connect(self.report_save_error) self.doing_terminal_save = False self.ignore_preview_to_editor_sync = False def __call__(self, gui): self.gui = gui fl = gui.file_list fl.delete_requested.connect(self.delete_requested) fl.reorder_spine.connect(self.reorder_spine) fl.rename_requested.connect(self.rename_requested) fl.edit_file.connect(self.edit_file_requested) self.gui.central.current_editor_changed.connect(self.apply_current_editor_state) self.gui.central.close_requested.connect(self.editor_close_requested) self.gui.central.search_panel.search_triggered.connect( self.gui.preview.sync_requested.connect(self.sync_editor_to_preview) self.gui.preview.split_start_requested.connect(self.split_start_requested) def mkdtemp(self, prefix=''): self.container_count += 1 return tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='%s%05d-' % (prefix, self.container_count), dir=self.tdir) def check_dirtied(self): dirtied = {name for name, ed in editors.iteritems() if ed.is_modified} if not dirtied: return True return question_dialog(self.gui, _('Unsaved changes'), _( 'You have unsaved changes in the files %s. If you proceed,' ' you will lose them. Proceed anyway?') % ', '.join(dirtied)) def open_book(self, path=None): if not self.check_dirtied(): return if self.save_manager.has_tasks: return info_dialog(self.gui, _('Cannot open'), _('The current book is being saved, you cannot open a new book until' ' the saving is completed'), show=True) if not hasattr(path, 'rpartition'): path = choose_files(self.gui, 'open-book-for-tweaking', _('Choose book'), [(_('Books'), [x.lower() for x in SUPPORTED])], all_files=False, select_only_single_file=True) if not path: return path = path[0] ext = path.rpartition('.')[-1].upper() if ext not in SUPPORTED: return error_dialog(self.gui, _('Unsupported format'), _('Tweaking is only supported for books in the %s formats.' ' Convert your book to one of these formats first.') % _(' and ').join(sorted(SUPPORTED)), show=True) for name in tuple(editors): self.close_editor(name) self.gui.preview.clear() self.container_count = -1 if self.tdir: shutil.rmtree(self.tdir, ignore_errors=True) self.tdir = PersistentTemporaryDirectory() self.gui.blocking_job('open_book', _('Opening book, please wait...'), self.book_opened, get_container, path, tdir=self.mkdtemp()) def book_opened(self, job): if job.traceback is not None: return error_dialog(self.gui, _('Failed to open book'), _('Failed to open book, click Show details for more information.'), det_msg=job.traceback, show=True) parse_worker.clear() container = job.result set_current_container(container) self.current_metadata = self.gui.current_metadata = container.mi self.global_undo.open_book(container) self.gui.update_window_title(), preserve_state=False) self.gui.action_save.setEnabled(False) self.update_global_history_actions() def update_editors_from_container(self, container=None): c = container or current_container() for name, ed in tuple(editors.iteritems()): if c.has_name(name): ed.replace_data(c.raw_data(name)) else: self.close_editor(name) def apply_container_update_to_gui(self): container = current_container() self.update_global_history_actions() self.gui.action_save.setEnabled(True) self.update_editors_from_container() def delete_requested(self, spine_items, other_items): if not self.check_dirtied(): return self.add_savepoint(_('Delete files')) c = current_container() c.remove_from_spine(spine_items) for name in other_items: c.remove_item(name) self.gui.action_save.setEnabled(True) self.gui.file_list.delete_done(spine_items, other_items) for name in list(spine_items) + list(other_items): if name in editors: self.close_editor(name) if not editors: self.gui.preview.clear() def check_opf_dirtied(self): c = current_container() if c.opf_name in editors and editors[c.opf_name].is_modified: return question_dialog(self.gui, _('Unsaved changes'), _( 'You have unsaved changes in %s. If you proceed,' ' you will lose them. Proceed anyway?') % c.opf_name) return True def reorder_spine(self, items): if not self.check_opf_dirtied(): return self.add_savepoint(_('Re-order text')) c = current_container() c.set_spine(items) self.gui.action_save.setEnabled(True) # needed as the linear flag may have changed on some items if c.opf_name in editors: editors[c.opf_name].replace_data(c.raw_data(c.opf_name)) def add_file(self): if not self.check_opf_dirtied(): return d = NewFileDialog(self.gui) if d.exec_() != d.Accepted: return self.add_savepoint(_('Add file %s') % self.gui.elided_text(d.file_name)) c = current_container() data = d.file_data if d.using_template: data = data.replace(b'%CURSOR%', b'') try: c.add_file(d.file_name, data) except: self.rewind_savepoint() raise self.gui.file_list.select_name(d.file_name) if c.opf_name in editors: editors[c.opf_name].replace_data(c.raw_data(c.opf_name)) mt = c.mime_map[d.file_name] syntax = syntax_from_mime(mt) if syntax: if d.using_template: self.edit_file(d.file_name, syntax, use_template=d.file_data.decode('utf-8')) else: self.edit_file(d.file_name, syntax) def edit_toc(self): if not self.check_dirtied(): return self.add_savepoint(_('Edit Table of Contents')) d = TOCEditor(title=self.current_metadata.title, parent=self.gui) if d.exec_() != d.Accepted: self.rewind_savepoint() return self.update_editors_from_container() def polish(self, action, name): if not self.check_dirtied(): return self.add_savepoint(name) try: report = tweak_polish(current_container(), {action:True}) except: self.rewind_savepoint() raise self.apply_container_update_to_gui() from calibre.ebooks.markdown import markdown report = markdown('# %s\n\n'%self.current_metadata.title + '\n\n'.join(report), output_format='html4') d = QDialog(self.gui) d.l = QVBoxLayout() d.setLayout(d.l) d.e = QTextBrowser(d) d.l.addWidget(d.e) d.e.setHtml(report) = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Close) d.l.addWidget( d.resize(600, 400) d.exec_() # Renaming {{{ def rename_requested(self, oldname, newname): if not self.check_dirtied(): return if guess_type(oldname) != guess_type(newname): args = os.path.splitext(oldname) + os.path.splitext(newname) if not confirm( _('You are changing the file type of {0}<b>{1}</b> to {2}<b>{3}</b>.' ' Doing so can cause problems, are you sure?').format(*args), 'confirm-filetype-change', parent=self.gui, title=_('Are you sure?'), config_set=tprefs): return if urlnormalize(newname) != newname: if not confirm( _('The name you have chosen {0} contains special characters, internally' ' it will look like: {1}Try to use only the English alphabet [a-z], numbers [0-9],' ' hyphens and underscores for file names. Other characters can cause problems for ' ' different ebook viewers. Are you sure you want to proceed?').format( '<pre>%s</pre>'%newname, '<pre>%s</pre>' % urlnormalize(newname)), 'confirm-urlunsafe-change', parent=self.gui, title=_('Are you sure?'), config_set=tprefs): return self.add_savepoint(_('Rename %s') % oldname) self.gui.blocking_job( 'rename_file', _('Renaming and updating links...'), partial(self.rename_done, oldname, newname), rename_files, current_container(), {oldname: newname}) def rename_done(self, oldname, newname, job): if job.traceback is not None: self.rewind_savepoint() return error_dialog(self.gui, _('Failed to rename files'), _('Failed to rename files, click Show details for more information.'), det_msg=job.traceback, show=True) self.gui.action_save.setEnabled(True) # TODO: Update the rest of the GUI. This means renaming open editors and # then calling update_editors_from_container() # }}} # Global history {{{ def do_global_undo(self): container = self.global_undo.undo() if container is not None: set_current_container(container) self.apply_container_update_to_gui() def do_global_redo(self): container = self.global_undo.redo() if container is not None: set_current_container(container) self.apply_container_update_to_gui() def update_global_history_actions(self): gu = self.global_undo for x, text in (('undo', _('&Revert to before')), ('redo', '&Revert to after')): ac = getattr(self.gui, 'action_global_%s' % x) ac.setEnabled(getattr(gu, 'can_' + x)) ac.setText(text + ' ' + (getattr(gu, x + '_msg') or '...')) def add_savepoint(self, msg): nc = clone_container(current_container(), self.mkdtemp()) self.global_undo.add_savepoint(nc, msg) set_current_container(nc) self.update_global_history_actions() def rewind_savepoint(self): container = self.global_undo.rewind_savepoint() if container is not None: set_current_container(container) self.update_global_history_actions() # }}} def mark_selected_text(self): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is not None: ed.mark_selected_text() if ed.has_marked_text: self.gui.central.search_panel.set_where('selected-text') def search(self, action, overrides=None): ' Run a search/replace ' sp = self.gui.central.search_panel # Ensure the search panel is visible sp.setVisible(True) ed = self.gui.central.current_editor name = editor = None for n, x in editors.iteritems(): if x is ed: name = n break state = sp.state if overrides: state.update(overrides) searchable_names = self.gui.file_list.searchable_names where = state['where'] err = None if name is None and where in {'current', 'selected-text'}: err = _('No file is being edited.') elif where == 'selected' and not searchable_names['selected']: err = _('No files are selected in the Files Browser') elif where == 'selected-text' and not ed.has_marked_text: err = _('No text is marked. First select some text, and then use' ' The "Mark selected text" action in the Search menu to mark it.') if not err and not state['find']: err = _('No search query specified') if err: return error_dialog(self.gui, _('Cannot search'), err, show=True) del err files = OrderedDict() do_all = state['wrap'] or action in {'replace-all', 'count'} marked = False if where == 'current': editor = ed elif where in {'styles', 'text', 'selected'}: files = searchable_names[where] if name in files: # Start searching in the current editor editor = ed # Re-order the list of other files so that we search in the same # order every time. Depending on direction, search the files # that come after the current file, or before the current file, # first. lfiles = list(files) idx = lfiles.index(name) before, after = lfiles[:idx], lfiles[idx+1:] if state['direction'] == 'up': lfiles = list(reversed(before)) if do_all: lfiles += list(reversed(after)) + [name] else: lfiles = after if do_all: lfiles += before + [name] files = OrderedDict((m, files[m]) for m in lfiles) else: editor = ed marked = True def no_match(): QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() msg = '<p>' + _('No matches were found for %s.') % state['find'] if not state['wrap']: msg += '<p>' + _('You have turned off search wrapping, so all text might not have been searched.' ' Try the search again, with wrapping enabled. Wrapping is enabled via the' ' "Wrap" checkbox at the bottom of the search panel.') return error_dialog( self.gui, _('Not found'), msg, show=True) pat = sp.get_regex(state) def do_find(): if editor is not None: if editor.find(pat, marked=marked): return if not files: if not state['wrap']: return no_match() return editor.find(pat, wrap=True, marked=marked) or no_match() for fname, syntax in files.iteritems(): if fname in editors: if not editors[fname].find(pat, complete=True): continue return self.show_editor(fname) raw = current_container().raw_data(fname) if is not None: self.edit_file(fname, syntax) if editors[fname].find(pat, complete=True): return return no_match() def no_replace(prefix=''): QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() error_dialog( self.gui, _('Cannot replace'), prefix + _( 'You must first click Find, before trying to replace'), show=True) return False def do_replace(): if editor is None: return no_replace() if not editor.replace(pat, state['replace']): return no_replace(_( 'Currently selected text does not match the search query.')) return True def count_message(action, count): msg = _('%(action)s %(num)s occurrences of %(query)s' % dict(num=count, query=state['find'], action=action)) info_dialog(self.gui, _('Searching done'), msg, show=True) def do_all(replace=True): count = 0 if not files and editor is None: return 0 lfiles = files or {name:editor.syntax} for n, syntax in lfiles.iteritems(): if n in editors: raw = editors[n].get_raw_data() else: raw = current_container().raw_data(n) if replace: raw, num = pat.subn(state['replace'], raw) else: num = len(pat.findall(raw)) count += num if replace and num > 0: if n in editors: editors[n].replace_data(raw) else: with current_container().open(n, 'wb') as f: f.write(raw.encode('utf-8')) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() count_message(_('Replaced') if replace else _('Found'), count) return count QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.WaitCursor)) try: if action == 'find': return do_find() if action == 'replace': return do_replace() if action == 'replace-find' and do_replace(): return do_find() if action == 'replace-all': if marked: return count_message(_('Replaced'), editor.all_in_marked(pat, state['replace'])) self.add_savepoint(_('Replace all')) count = do_all() if count == 0: self.rewind_savepoint() return if action == 'count': if marked: return count_message(_('Found'), editor.all_in_marked(pat)) return do_all(replace=False) finally: QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() def create_checkpoint(self): text, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self.gui, _('Choose name'), _( 'Choose a name for the checkpoint.\nYou can later restore the book' ' to this checkpoint via the\n"Revert to..." entries in the Edit menu.')) if ok: self.add_savepoint(text) def save_book(self): c = current_container() for name, ed in editors.iteritems(): if ed.is_modified: with, 'wb') as f: f.write( ed.is_modified = False self.gui.action_save.setEnabled(False) tdir = self.mkdtemp(prefix='save-') container = clone_container(c, tdir) self.save_manager.schedule(tdir, container) def report_save_error(self, tb): if self.doing_terminal_save: prints(tb, file=sys.stderr) return error_dialog(self.gui, _('Could not save'), _('Saving of the book failed. Click "Show Details"' ' for more information.'), det_msg=tb, show=True) def go_to_line_number(self): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is None or not ed.has_line_numbers: return num, ok = QInputDialog.getInt(self.gui, _('Enter line number'), ('Line number:'), ed.current_line, 1, max(100000, ed.number_of_lines)) if ok: ed.current_line = num def split_start_requested(self): if not self.check_dirtied(): return self.gui.preview.stop_split() self.gui.preview.do_start_split() def sync_editor_to_preview(self, name, lnum): editor = self.edit_file(name, 'html') self.ignore_preview_to_editor_sync = True try: editor.current_line = lnum finally: self.ignore_preview_to_editor_sync = False def sync_preview_to_editor(self): if self.ignore_preview_to_editor_sync: return ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is not None: name = None for n, x in editors.iteritems(): if ed is x: name = n break if name is not None and getattr(ed, 'syntax', None) == 'html': self.gui.preview.sync_to_editor(name, ed.current_line) def init_editor(self, name, editor, data=None, use_template=False): editor.undo_redo_state_changed.connect(self.editor_undo_redo_state_changed) editor.data_changed.connect(self.editor_data_changed) editor.copy_available_state_changed.connect(self.editor_copy_available_state_changed) editor.cursor_position_changed.connect(self.sync_preview_to_editor) if data is not None: if use_template: editor.init_from_template(data) else: = data editor.modification_state_changed.connect(self.editor_modification_state_changed) self.gui.central.add_editor(name, editor) def edit_file(self, name, syntax, use_template=None): editor = editors.get(name, None) if editor is None: editor = editors[name] = editor_from_syntax(syntax, self.gui.editor_tabs) if use_template is None: data = current_container().raw_data(name) else: data = use_template self.init_editor(name, editor, data, use_template=bool(use_template)) self.show_editor(name) return editor def show_editor(self, name): self.gui.central.show_editor(editors[name]) editors[name].set_focus() def edit_file_requested(self, name, syntax, mime): if name in editors: self.gui.central.show_editor(editors[name]) return syntax = syntax or syntax_from_mime(mime) if not syntax: return error_dialog( self.gui, _('Unsupported file format'), _('Editing files of type %s is not supported' % mime), show=True) self.edit_file(name, syntax) # Editor basic controls {{{ def do_editor_undo(self): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is not None: ed.undo() def do_editor_redo(self): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is not None: ed.redo() def do_editor_copy(self): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is not None: ed.copy() def do_editor_cut(self): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is not None: ed.cut() def do_editor_paste(self): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is not None: ed.paste() def editor_data_changed(self, editor): self.gui.preview.start_refresh_timer() def editor_undo_redo_state_changed(self, *args): self.apply_current_editor_state(update_keymap=False) def editor_copy_available_state_changed(self, *args): self.apply_current_editor_state(update_keymap=False) def editor_modification_state_changed(self, is_modified): self.apply_current_editor_state(update_keymap=False) if is_modified: actions['save-book'].setEnabled(True) # }}} def apply_current_editor_state(self, update_keymap=True): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is not None: actions['editor-undo'].setEnabled(ed.undo_available) actions['editor-redo'].setEnabled(ed.redo_available) actions['editor-save'].setEnabled(ed.is_modified) actions['editor-cut'].setEnabled(ed.copy_available) actions['editor-copy'].setEnabled(ed.cut_available) actions['go-to-line-number'].setEnabled(ed.has_line_numbers) self.gui.keyboard.set_mode(ed.syntax) name = None for n, x in editors.iteritems(): if ed is x: name = n break if name is not None and getattr(ed, 'syntax', None) == 'html': else: self.gui.keyboard.set_mode('other') actions['go-to-line-number'].setEnabled(False) def editor_close_requested(self, editor): name = None for n, ed in editors.iteritems(): if ed is editor: name = n if not name: return if editor.is_modified: if not question_dialog(self.gui, _('Unsaved changes'), _( 'There are unsaved changes in %s. Are you sure you want to close' ' this editor?') % name): return self.close_editor(name) def close_editor(self, name): editor = editors.pop(name) self.gui.central.close_editor(editor) editor.break_cycles() if not editors: self.gui.preview.clear() def do_editor_save(self): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is None: return name = None for n, x in editors.iteritems(): if x is ed: name = n break if name is None: return c = current_container() with, 'wb') as f: f.write( ed.is_modified = False tdir = self.mkdtemp(prefix='save-') container = clone_container(c, tdir) self.save_manager.schedule(tdir, container) is_modified = False for ed in editors.itervalues(): if ed.is_modified: is_modified = True break self.gui.action_save.setEnabled(is_modified) # Shutdown {{{ def quit(self): if not self.confirm_quit(): return self.save_state() QApplication.instance().quit() def confirm_quit(self): if self.doing_terminal_save: return False if self.save_manager.has_tasks: if not question_dialog( self.gui, _('Are you sure?'), _( 'The current book is being saved in the background, quitting will abort' ' the save process, are you sure?'), default_yes=False): return False if self.gui.action_save.isEnabled(): d = QDialog(self.gui) d.l = QGridLayout(d) d.setLayout(d.l) d.setWindowTitle(_('Unsaved changes')) d.i = QLabel('') d.i.setPixmap(QPixmap(I('save.png')).scaledToHeight(64, Qt.SmoothTransformation)) d.i.setMaximumSize(QSize(d.i.pixmap().width(), 64)) d.i.setScaledContents(True) d.l.addWidget(d.i, 0, 0) d.m = QLabel(_('There are unsaved changes, if you quit without saving, you will lose them.')) d.m.setWordWrap(True) d.l.addWidget(d.m, 0, 1) = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) d.l.addWidget(, 1, 0, 1, 2) d.do_save = None def endit(x): d.do_save = x d.accept() b ='&Save and Quit'), QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole) b.setIcon(QIcon(I('save.png'))) b.clicked.connect(lambda *args: endit(True)) b ='&Quit without saving'), QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole) b.clicked.connect(lambda *args: endit(False)) d.resize(d.sizeHint()) if d.exec_() != d.Accepted or d.do_save is None: return False if d.do_save: self.gui.action_save.trigger() self.gui.blocking_job.set_msg(_('Saving, please wait...')) self.gui.blocking_job.start() self.doing_terminal_save = True QTimer.singleShot(50, self.check_terminal_save) return False return True def check_terminal_save(self): if self.save_manager.has_tasks: return QTimer.singleShot(50, self.check_terminal_save) self.shutdown() QApplication.instance().quit() def shutdown(self): self.gui.preview.stop_refresh_timer() self.save_state() self.save_manager.shutdown() parse_worker.shutdown() self.save_manager.wait(0.1) def save_state(self): with tprefs: self.gui.save_state()
class Boss(QObject): def __init__(self, parent, notify=None): QObject.__init__(self, parent) self.global_undo = GlobalUndoHistory() self.container_count = 0 self.tdir = None self.save_manager = SaveManager(parent, notify) self.save_manager.report_error.connect(self.report_save_error) self.doing_terminal_save = False self.ignore_preview_to_editor_sync = False setup_cssutils_serialization() def __call__(self, gui): self.gui = gui fl = gui.file_list fl.delete_requested.connect(self.delete_requested) fl.reorder_spine.connect(self.reorder_spine) fl.rename_requested.connect(self.rename_requested) fl.bulk_rename_requested.connect(self.bulk_rename_requested) fl.edit_file.connect(self.edit_file_requested) fl.merge_requested.connect(self.merge_requested) fl.mark_requested.connect(self.mark_requested) fl.export_requested.connect(self.export_requested) fl.replace_requested.connect(self.replace_requested) self.gui.central.current_editor_changed.connect( self.apply_current_editor_state) self.gui.central.close_requested.connect(self.editor_close_requested) self.gui.central.search_panel.search_triggered.connect( self.gui.preview.sync_requested.connect(self.sync_editor_to_preview) self.gui.preview.split_start_requested.connect( self.split_start_requested) self.gui.preview.split_requested.connect(self.split_requested) self.gui.preview.link_clicked.connect(self.link_clicked) self.gui.check_book.item_activated.connect(self.check_item_activated) self.gui.check_book.check_requested.connect(self.check_requested) self.gui.check_book.fix_requested.connect(self.fix_requested) self.gui.toc_view.navigate_requested.connect(self.link_clicked) def preferences(self): p = Preferences(self.gui) if p.exec_() == p.Accepted: for ed in editors.itervalues(): ed.apply_settings() self.gui.keyboard.finalize() setup_cssutils_serialization() def mark_requested(self, name, action): self.commit_dirty_opf() c = current_container() if action == 'cover': mark_as_cover(current_container(), name) elif action.startswith('titlepage:'): action, move_to_start = action.partition(':')[0::2] move_to_start = move_to_start == 'True' mark_as_titlepage(current_container(), name, move_to_start=move_to_start) if c.opf_name in editors: editors[c.opf_name].replace_data(c.raw_data(c.opf_name)) self.set_modified() def mkdtemp(self, prefix=''): self.container_count += 1 return tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='%s%05d-' % (prefix, self.container_count), dir=self.tdir) def open_book(self, path=None, edit_file=None, clear_notify_data=True): if self.gui.action_save.isEnabled(): if not question_dialog( self.gui, _('Unsaved changes'), _('The current book has unsaved changes. If you open a new book, they will be lost' ' are you sure you want to proceed?')): return if self.save_manager.has_tasks: return info_dialog( self.gui, _('Cannot open'), _('The current book is being saved, you cannot open a new book until' ' the saving is completed'), show=True) if not hasattr(path, 'rpartition'): path = choose_files(self.gui, 'open-book-for-tweaking', _('Choose book'), [(_('Books'), [x.lower() for x in SUPPORTED])], all_files=False, select_only_single_file=True) if not path: return path = path[0] ext = path.rpartition('.')[-1].upper() if ext not in SUPPORTED: return error_dialog( self.gui, _('Unsupported format'), _('Tweaking is only supported for books in the %s formats.' ' Convert your book to one of these formats first.') % _(' and ').join(sorted(SUPPORTED)), show=True) if not os.path.exists(path): return error_dialog(self.gui, _('File not found'), _('The file %s does not exist.') % path, show=True) for name in tuple(editors): self.close_editor(name) self.gui.preview.clear() self.container_count = -1 if self.tdir: shutil.rmtree(self.tdir, ignore_errors=True) self.tdir = PersistentTemporaryDirectory() self._edit_file_on_open = edit_file self._clear_notify_data = clear_notify_data self.gui.blocking_job('open_book', _('Opening book, please wait...'), self.book_opened, get_container, path, tdir=self.mkdtemp()) def book_opened(self, job): ef = getattr(self, '_edit_file_on_open', None) cn = getattr(self, '_clear_notify_data', True) self._edit_file_on_open = None if job.traceback is not None: if 'DRMError:' in job.traceback: from calibre.gui2.dialogs.drm_error import DRMErrorMessage return DRMErrorMessage(self.gui).exec_() return error_dialog( self.gui, _('Failed to open book'), _('Failed to open book, click Show details for more information.' ), det_msg=job.traceback, show=True) if cn: self.save_manager.clear_notify_data() parse_worker.clear() container = job.result set_current_container(container) with BusyCursor(): self.current_metadata = self.gui.current_metadata = container.mi self.global_undo.open_book(container) self.gui.update_window_title() self.gui.file_list.current_edited_name = None, preserve_state=False) self.gui.action_save.setEnabled(False) self.update_global_history_actions() recent_books = list(tprefs.get('recent-books', [])) path = container.path_to_ebook if path in recent_books: recent_books.remove(path) recent_books.insert(0, path) tprefs['recent-books'] = recent_books[:10] self.gui.update_recent_books() if ef: self.gui.file_list.request_edit(ef) self.gui.toc_view.update_if_visible() def update_editors_from_container(self, container=None): c = container or current_container() for name, ed in tuple(editors.iteritems()): if c.has_name(name): ed.replace_data(c.raw_data(name)) ed.is_synced_to_container = True else: self.close_editor(name) def apply_container_update_to_gui(self): container = current_container() self.update_global_history_actions() self.update_editors_from_container() self.set_modified() self.gui.toc_view.update_if_visible() @in_thread_job def delete_requested(self, spine_items, other_items): self.commit_all_editors_to_container() self.add_savepoint(_('Delete files')) c = current_container() c.remove_from_spine(spine_items) for name in other_items: c.remove_item(name) self.set_modified() self.gui.file_list.delete_done(spine_items, other_items) for name in list(spine_items) + list(other_items): if name in editors: self.close_editor(name) if not editors: self.gui.preview.clear() def commit_dirty_opf(self): c = current_container() if c.opf_name in editors and not editors[ c.opf_name].is_synced_to_container: self.commit_editor_to_container(c.opf_name) def reorder_spine(self, items): self.commit_dirty_opf() self.add_savepoint(_('Re-order text')) c = current_container() c.set_spine(items) self.set_modified() )) # needed as the linear flag may have changed on some items if c.opf_name in editors: editors[c.opf_name].replace_data(c.raw_data(c.opf_name)) def add_file(self): if current_container() is None: return error_dialog( self.gui, _('No open book'), _('You must first open a book to tweak, before trying to create new files' ' in it.'), show=True) self.commit_dirty_opf() d = NewFileDialog(self.gui) if d.exec_() != d.Accepted: return self.add_savepoint( _('Add file %s') % self.gui.elided_text(d.file_name)) c = current_container() data = d.file_data if d.using_template: data = data.replace(b'%CURSOR%', b'') try: c.add_file(d.file_name, data) except: self.rewind_savepoint() raise self.gui.file_list.select_name(d.file_name) if c.opf_name in editors: editors[c.opf_name].replace_data(c.raw_data(c.opf_name)) mt = c.mime_map[d.file_name] syntax = syntax_from_mime(d.file_name, mt) if syntax: if d.using_template: self.edit_file(d.file_name, syntax, use_template=d.file_data.decode('utf-8')) else: self.edit_file(d.file_name, syntax) def edit_toc(self): self.commit_all_editors_to_container() self.add_savepoint(_('Edit Table of Contents')) d = TOCEditor(title=self.current_metadata.title, parent=self.gui) if d.exec_() != d.Accepted: self.rewind_savepoint() return with BusyCursor(): self.update_editors_from_container() self.gui.toc_view.update_if_visible() def polish(self, action, name): self.commit_all_editors_to_container() with BusyCursor(): self.add_savepoint(name) try: report = tweak_polish(current_container(), {action: True}) except: self.rewind_savepoint() raise self.apply_container_update_to_gui() from calibre.ebooks.markdown import markdown report = markdown('# %s\n\n' % self.current_metadata.title + '\n\n'.join(report), output_format='html4') d = QDialog(self.gui) d.l = QVBoxLayout() d.setLayout(d.l) d.e = QTextBrowser(d) d.l.addWidget(d.e) d.e.setHtml(report) = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Close) d.l.addWidget( d.resize(600, 400) d.exec_() # Renaming {{{ def rename_requested(self, oldname, newname): self.commit_all_editors_to_container() if guess_type(oldname) != guess_type(newname): args = os.path.splitext(oldname) + os.path.splitext(newname) if not confirm(_( 'You are changing the file type of {0}<b>{1}</b> to {2}<b>{3}</b>.' ' Doing so can cause problems, are you sure?').format( *args), 'confirm-filetype-change', parent=self.gui, title=_('Are you sure?'), config_set=tprefs): return if urlnormalize(newname) != newname: if not confirm(_( 'The name you have chosen {0} contains special characters, internally' ' it will look like: {1}Try to use only the English alphabet [a-z], numbers [0-9],' ' hyphens and underscores for file names. Other characters can cause problems for ' ' different ebook viewers. Are you sure you want to proceed?' ).format('<pre>%s</pre>' % newname, '<pre>%s</pre>' % urlnormalize(newname)), 'confirm-urlunsafe-change', parent=self.gui, title=_('Are you sure?'), config_set=tprefs): return self.add_savepoint(_('Rename %s') % oldname) name_map = {oldname: newname} self.gui.blocking_job('rename_file', _('Renaming and updating links...'), partial(self.rename_done, name_map), rename_files, current_container(), name_map) def bulk_rename_requested(self, name_map): self.commit_all_editors_to_container() self.add_savepoint(_('Bulk rename')) self.gui.blocking_job('bulk_rename_files', _('Renaming and updating links...'), partial(self.rename_done, name_map), rename_files, current_container(), name_map) def rename_done(self, name_map, job): if job.traceback is not None: return error_dialog( self.gui, _('Failed to rename files'), _('Failed to rename files, click Show details for more information.' ), det_msg=job.traceback, show=True) self.set_modified() for oldname, newname in name_map.iteritems(): if oldname in editors: editors[newname] = editors.pop(oldname) self.gui.central.rename_editor(editors[newname], newname) self.apply_container_update_to_gui() # }}} # Global history {{{ def do_global_undo(self): container = self.global_undo.undo() if container is not None: set_current_container(container) self.apply_container_update_to_gui() def do_global_redo(self): container = self.global_undo.redo() if container is not None: set_current_container(container) self.apply_container_update_to_gui() def update_global_history_actions(self): gu = self.global_undo for x, text in (('undo', _('&Revert to before')), ('redo', '&Revert to after')): ac = getattr(self.gui, 'action_global_%s' % x) ac.setEnabled(getattr(gu, 'can_' + x)) ac.setText(text + ' ' + (getattr(gu, x + '_msg') or '...')) def add_savepoint(self, msg): nc = clone_container(current_container(), self.mkdtemp()) self.global_undo.add_savepoint(nc, msg) set_current_container(nc) self.update_global_history_actions() def rewind_savepoint(self): container = self.global_undo.rewind_savepoint() if container is not None: set_current_container(container) self.update_global_history_actions() # }}} def set_modified(self): self.gui.action_save.setEnabled(True) def fix_html(self, current): if current: ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if hasattr(ed, 'fix_html'): ed.fix_html() else: self.commit_all_editors_to_container() with BusyCursor(): self.add_savepoint(_('Fix HTML')) fix_all_html(current_container()) self.update_editors_from_container() self.set_modified() def pretty_print(self, current): if current: ed = self.gui.central.current_editor for name, x in editors.iteritems(): if x is ed: break ed.pretty_print(name) else: self.commit_all_editors_to_container() with BusyCursor(): self.add_savepoint(_('Beautify files')) pretty_all(current_container()) self.update_editors_from_container() self.set_modified() def mark_selected_text(self): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is not None: ed.mark_selected_text() if ed.has_marked_text: self.gui.central.search_panel.set_where('selected-text') def show_find(self): self.gui.central.show_find() ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is not None and hasattr(ed, 'selected_text'): text = ed.selected_text if text and text.strip(): self.gui.central.pre_fill_search(text) def search(self, action, overrides=None): ' Run a search/replace ' sp = self.gui.central.search_panel # Ensure the search panel is visible sp.setVisible(True) ed = self.gui.central.current_editor name = editor = None for n, x in editors.iteritems(): if x is ed: name = n break state = sp.state if overrides: state.update(overrides) searchable_names = self.gui.file_list.searchable_names where = state['where'] err = None if name is None and where in {'current', 'selected-text'}: err = _('No file is being edited.') elif where == 'selected' and not searchable_names['selected']: err = _('No files are selected in the Files Browser') elif where == 'selected-text' and not ed.has_marked_text: err = _( 'No text is marked. First select some text, and then use' ' The "Mark selected text" action in the Search menu to mark it.' ) if not err and not state['find']: err = _('No search query specified') if err: return error_dialog(self.gui, _('Cannot search'), err, show=True) del err files = OrderedDict() do_all = state['wrap'] or action in {'replace-all', 'count'} marked = False if where == 'current': editor = ed elif where in {'styles', 'text', 'selected'}: files = searchable_names[where] if name in files: # Start searching in the current editor editor = ed # Re-order the list of other files so that we search in the same # order every time. Depending on direction, search the files # that come after the current file, or before the current file, # first. lfiles = list(files) idx = lfiles.index(name) before, after = lfiles[:idx], lfiles[idx + 1:] if state['direction'] == 'up': lfiles = list(reversed(before)) if do_all: lfiles += list(reversed(after)) + [name] else: lfiles = after if do_all: lfiles += before + [name] files = OrderedDict((m, files[m]) for m in lfiles) else: editor = ed marked = True def no_match(): QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() msg = '<p>' + _('No matches were found for %s.' ) % prepare_string_for_xml(state['find']) if not state['wrap']: msg += '<p>' + _( 'You have turned off search wrapping, so all text might not have been searched.' ' Try the search again, with wrapping enabled. Wrapping is enabled via the' ' "Wrap" checkbox at the bottom of the search panel.') return error_dialog(self.gui, _('Not found'), msg, show=True) pat = sp.get_regex(state) def do_find(): if editor is not None: if editor.find(pat, marked=marked): return if not files: if not state['wrap']: return no_match() return editor.find(pat, wrap=True, marked=marked) or no_match() for fname, syntax in files.iteritems(): if fname in editors: if not editors[fname].find(pat, complete=True): continue return self.show_editor(fname) raw = current_container().raw_data(fname) if is not None: self.edit_file(fname, syntax) if editors[fname].find(pat, complete=True): return return no_match() def no_replace(prefix=''): QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() if prefix: prefix += ' ' error_dialog( self.gui, _('Cannot replace'), prefix + _('You must first click Find, before trying to replace'), show=True) return False def do_replace(): if editor is None: return no_replace() if not editor.replace(pat, state['replace']): return no_replace( _('Currently selected text does not match the search query.' )) return True def count_message(action, count): msg = _('%(action)s %(num)s occurrences of %(query)s' % dict(num=count, query=state['find'], action=action)) info_dialog(self.gui, _('Searching done'), prepare_string_for_xml(msg), show=True) def do_all(replace=True): count = 0 if not files and editor is None: return 0 lfiles = files or {name: editor.syntax} for n, syntax in lfiles.iteritems(): if n in editors: raw = editors[n].get_raw_data() else: raw = current_container().raw_data(n) if replace: raw, num = pat.subn(state['replace'], raw) else: num = len(pat.findall(raw)) count += num if replace and num > 0: if n in editors: editors[n].replace_data(raw) else: with current_container().open(n, 'wb') as f: f.write(raw.encode('utf-8')) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() count_message(_('Replaced') if replace else _('Found'), count) return count with BusyCursor(): if action == 'find': return do_find() if action == 'replace': return do_replace() if action == 'replace-find' and do_replace(): return do_find() if action == 'replace-all': if marked: return count_message( _('Replaced'), editor.all_in_marked(pat, state['replace'])) self.add_savepoint(_('Replace all')) count = do_all() if count == 0: self.rewind_savepoint() return if action == 'count': if marked: return count_message(_('Found'), editor.all_in_marked(pat)) return do_all(replace=False) def create_checkpoint(self): text, ok = QInputDialog.getText( self.gui, _('Choose name'), _('Choose a name for the checkpoint.\nYou can later restore the book' ' to this checkpoint via the\n"Revert to..." entries in the Edit menu.' )) if ok: self.add_savepoint(text) def commit_editor_to_container(self, name, container=None): container = container or current_container() ed = editors[name] with, 'wb') as f: f.write( if container is current_container(): ed.is_synced_to_container = True def commit_all_editors_to_container(self): with BusyCursor(): for name, ed in editors.iteritems(): if not ed.is_synced_to_container: self.commit_editor_to_container(name) ed.is_synced_to_container = True def save_book(self): c = current_container() for name, ed in editors.iteritems(): if ed.is_modified or not ed.is_synced_to_container: self.commit_editor_to_container(name, c) ed.is_modified = False self.gui.action_save.setEnabled(False) tdir = self.mkdtemp(prefix='save-') container = clone_container(c, tdir) self.save_manager.schedule(tdir, container) def save_copy(self): c = current_container() ext = c.path_to_ebook.rpartition('.')[-1] path = choose_save_file(self.gui, 'tweak_book_save_copy', _('Choose path'), filters=[(_('Book (%s)') % ext.upper(), [ext.lower()])], all_files=False) if not path: return tdir = self.mkdtemp(prefix='save-copy-') container = clone_container(c, tdir) for name, ed in editors.iteritems(): if ed.is_modified or not ed.is_synced_to_container: self.commit_editor_to_container(name, container) def do_save(c, path, tdir): save_container(c, path) shutil.rmtree(tdir, ignore_errors=True) return path self.gui.blocking_job('save_copy', _('Saving copy, please wait...'), self.copy_saved, do_save, container, path, tdir) def copy_saved(self, job): if job.traceback is not None: return error_dialog( self.gui, _('Failed to save copy'), _('Failed to save copy, click Show details for more information.' ), det_msg=job.traceback, show=True) msg = _('Copy saved to %s') % job.result info_dialog(self.gui, _('Copy saved'), msg, show=True) self.gui.show_status_message(msg, 5) def report_save_error(self, tb): if self.doing_terminal_save: prints(tb, file=sys.stderr) return error_dialog(self.gui, _('Could not save'), _('Saving of the book failed. Click "Show Details"' ' for more information.'), det_msg=tb, show=True) def go_to_line_number(self): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is None or not ed.has_line_numbers: return num, ok = QInputDialog.getInt(self.gui, _('Enter line number'), ('Line number:'), ed.current_line, 1, max(100000, ed.number_of_lines)) if ok: ed.current_line = num def split_start_requested(self): self.commit_all_editors_to_container() self.gui.preview.do_start_split() @in_thread_job def split_requested(self, name, loc): self.commit_all_editors_to_container() self.add_savepoint(_('Split %s') % self.gui.elided_text(name)) try: bottom_name = split(current_container(), name, loc) except AbortError: self.rewind_savepoint() raise self.apply_container_update_to_gui() self.edit_file(bottom_name, 'html') @in_thread_job def link_clicked(self, name, anchor): if not name: return if name in editors: editor = editors[name] self.gui.central.show_editor(editor) else: syntax = syntax_from_mime(name, current_container().mime_map[name]) editor = self.edit_file(name, syntax) if anchor: editor.go_to_anchor(anchor) @in_thread_job def check_item_activated(self, item): name = if name in editors: editor = editors[name] self.gui.central.show_editor(editor) else: editor = self.edit_file_requested( name, None, current_container().mime_map[name]) if getattr(editor, 'has_line_numbers', False): editor.go_to_line(item.line, item.col) editor.set_focus() @in_thread_job def check_requested(self, *args): self.commit_all_editors_to_container() c = self.gui.check_book c.parent().show() c.parent().raise_() c.run_checks(current_container()) @in_thread_job def fix_requested(self, errors): self.commit_all_editors_to_container() self.add_savepoint(_('Auto-fix errors')) c = self.gui.check_book c.parent().show() c.parent().raise_() changed = c.fix_errors(current_container(), errors) if changed: self.apply_container_update_to_gui() self.set_modified() else: self.rewind_savepoint() @in_thread_job def merge_requested(self, category, names, master): self.commit_all_editors_to_container() self.add_savepoint( _('Merge files into %s') % self.gui.elided_text(master)) try: merge(current_container(), category, names, master) except AbortError: self.rewind_savepoint() raise self.apply_container_update_to_gui() if master in editors: self.show_editor(master) @in_thread_job def export_requested(self, name, path): if name in editors and not editors[name].is_synced_to_container: self.commit_editor_to_container(name) with current_container().open(name, 'rb') as src, open(path, 'wb') as dest: shutil.copyfileobj(src, dest) @in_thread_job def replace_requested(self, name, path, basename, force_mt): self.commit_all_editors_to_container() self.add_savepoint(_('Replace %s') % name) replace_file(current_container(), name, path, basename, force_mt) self.apply_container_update_to_gui() def sync_editor_to_preview(self, name, lnum): editor = self.edit_file(name, 'html') self.ignore_preview_to_editor_sync = True try: editor.current_line = lnum finally: self.ignore_preview_to_editor_sync = False def sync_preview_to_editor(self): if self.ignore_preview_to_editor_sync: return ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is not None: name = None for n, x in editors.iteritems(): if ed is x: name = n break if name is not None and getattr(ed, 'syntax', None) == 'html': self.gui.preview.sync_to_editor(name, ed.current_line) def init_editor(self, name, editor, data=None, use_template=False): editor.undo_redo_state_changed.connect( self.editor_undo_redo_state_changed) editor.data_changed.connect(self.editor_data_changed) editor.copy_available_state_changed.connect( self.editor_copy_available_state_changed) editor.cursor_position_changed.connect(self.sync_preview_to_editor) editor.cursor_position_changed.connect(self.update_cursor_position) if data is not None: if use_template: editor.init_from_template(data) else: = data editor.is_synced_to_container = True editor.modification_state_changed.connect( self.editor_modification_state_changed) self.gui.central.add_editor(name, editor) def edit_file(self, name, syntax, use_template=None): editor = editors.get(name, None) if editor is None: if use_template is None: data = current_container().raw_data(name) if isbytestring(data) and syntax in { 'html', 'css', 'text', 'xml' }: try: data = data.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: return error_dialog( self.gui, _('Cannot decode'), _('Cannot edit %s as it appears to be in an unknown character encoding' ) % name, show=True) else: data = use_template editor = editors[name] = editor_from_syntax( syntax, self.gui.editor_tabs) self.init_editor(name, editor, data, use_template=bool(use_template)) self.show_editor(name) return editor def show_editor(self, name): self.gui.central.show_editor(editors[name]) editors[name].set_focus() def edit_file_requested(self, name, syntax, mime): if name in editors: self.gui.central.show_editor(editors[name]) return syntax = syntax or syntax_from_mime(name, mime) if not syntax: return error_dialog(self.gui, _('Unsupported file format'), _('Editing files of type %s is not supported' % mime), show=True) return self.edit_file(name, syntax) # Editor basic controls {{{ def do_editor_undo(self): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is not None: ed.undo() def do_editor_redo(self): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is not None: ed.redo() def do_editor_copy(self): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is not None: ed.copy() def do_editor_cut(self): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is not None: ed.cut() def do_editor_paste(self): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if ed is not None: ed.paste() def editor_data_changed(self, editor): self.gui.preview.start_refresh_timer() def editor_undo_redo_state_changed(self, *args): self.apply_current_editor_state() def editor_copy_available_state_changed(self, *args): self.apply_current_editor_state() def editor_modification_state_changed(self, is_modified): self.apply_current_editor_state() if is_modified: self.set_modified() # }}} def apply_current_editor_state(self): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor self.gui.cursor_position_widget.update_position() if ed is not None: actions['editor-undo'].setEnabled(ed.undo_available) actions['editor-redo'].setEnabled(ed.redo_available) actions['editor-copy'].setEnabled(ed.copy_available) actions['editor-cut'].setEnabled(ed.cut_available) actions['go-to-line-number'].setEnabled(ed.has_line_numbers) actions['fix-html-current'].setEnabled(ed.syntax == 'html') name = None for n, x in editors.iteritems(): if ed is x: name = n break if name is not None and getattr(ed, 'syntax', None) == 'html': if # The file being displayed by the preview has changed. # Set the preview's position to the current cursor # position in the editor, in case the editors' cursor # position has not changed, since the last time it was # focused. This is not inefficient since multiple requests # to sync are de-bounced with a 100 msec wait. self.sync_preview_to_editor() if name is not None: self.gui.file_list.mark_name_as_current(name) if ed.has_line_numbers: self.gui.cursor_position_widget.update_position( *ed.cursor_position) else: actions['go-to-line-number'].setEnabled(False) self.gui.file_list.clear_currently_edited_name() def update_cursor_position(self): ed = self.gui.central.current_editor if getattr(ed, 'has_line_numbers', False): self.gui.cursor_position_widget.update_position( *ed.cursor_position) else: self.gui.cursor_position_widget.update_position() def editor_close_requested(self, editor): name = None for n, ed in editors.iteritems(): if ed is editor: name = n if not name: return if not editor.is_synced_to_container: self.commit_editor_to_container(name) self.close_editor(name) def close_editor(self, name): editor = editors.pop(name) self.gui.central.close_editor(editor) editor.break_cycles() if not editors: self.gui.preview.clear() # Shutdown {{{ def quit(self): if not self.confirm_quit(): return self.save_state() QApplication.instance().quit() def confirm_quit(self): if self.doing_terminal_save: return False if self.save_manager.has_tasks: if not question_dialog( self.gui, _('Are you sure?'), _('The current book is being saved in the background, quitting will abort' ' the save process, are you sure?'), default_yes=False): return False if self.gui.action_save.isEnabled(): d = QDialog(self.gui) d.l = QGridLayout(d) d.setLayout(d.l) d.setWindowTitle(_('Unsaved changes')) d.i = QLabel('') d.i.setPixmap( QPixmap(I('save.png')).scaledToHeight(64, Qt.SmoothTransformation)) d.i.setMaximumSize(QSize(d.i.pixmap().width(), 64)) d.i.setScaledContents(True) d.l.addWidget(d.i, 0, 0) d.m = QLabel( _('There are unsaved changes, if you quit without saving, you will lose them.' )) d.m.setWordWrap(True) d.l.addWidget(d.m, 0, 1) = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) d.l.addWidget(, 1, 0, 1, 2) d.do_save = None def endit(x): d.do_save = x d.accept() b ='&Save and Quit'), QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole) b.setIcon(QIcon(I('save.png'))) b.clicked.connect(lambda *args: endit(True)) b ='&Quit without saving'), QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole) b.clicked.connect(lambda *args: endit(False)) d.resize(d.sizeHint()) if d.exec_() != d.Accepted or d.do_save is None: return False if d.do_save: self.gui.action_save.trigger() self.gui.blocking_job.set_msg(_('Saving, please wait...')) self.gui.blocking_job.start() self.doing_terminal_save = True QTimer.singleShot(50, self.check_terminal_save) return False return True def check_terminal_save(self): if self.save_manager.has_tasks: return QTimer.singleShot(50, self.check_terminal_save) self.shutdown() QApplication.instance().quit() def shutdown(self): self.gui.preview.stop_refresh_timer() self.save_state() self.save_manager.shutdown() parse_worker.shutdown() self.save_manager.wait(0.1) def save_state(self): with tprefs: self.gui.save_state()
class Boss(QObject): def __init__(self, parent): QObject.__init__(self, parent) self.global_undo = GlobalUndoHistory() self.container_count = 0 self.tdir = None self.save_manager = SaveManager(parent) self.save_manager.report_error.connect(self.report_save_error) self.doing_terminal_save = False self.editors = {} def __call__(self, gui): self.gui = gui fl = gui.file_list fl.delete_requested.connect(self.delete_requested) fl.reorder_spine.connect(self.reorder_spine) fl.rename_requested.connect(self.rename_requested) fl.edit_file.connect(self.edit_file_requested) def mkdtemp(self): self.container_count += 1 return tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='%05d-' % self.container_count, dir=self.tdir) def check_dirtied(self): # TODO: Implement this return True def open_book(self, path=None): if not self.check_dirtied(): return if self.save_manager.has_tasks: return info_dialog(self.gui, _('Cannot open'), _('The current book is being saved, you cannot open a new book until' ' the saving is completed'), show=True) if not hasattr(path, 'rpartition'): path = choose_files(self.gui, 'open-book-for-tweaking', _('Choose book'), [(_('Books'), [x.lower() for x in SUPPORTED])], all_files=False, select_only_single_file=True) if not path: return path = path[0] ext = path.rpartition('.')[-1].upper() if ext not in SUPPORTED: return error_dialog(self.gui, _('Unsupported format'), _('Tweaking is only supported for books in the %s formats.' ' Convert your book to one of these formats first.') % _(' and ').join(sorted(SUPPORTED)), show=True) self.container_count = -1 if self.tdir: shutil.rmtree(self.tdir, ignore_errors=True) self.tdir = PersistentTemporaryDirectory() self.gui.blocking_job('open_book', _('Opening book, please wait...'), self.book_opened, get_container, path, tdir=self.mkdtemp()) def book_opened(self, job): if job.traceback is not None: return error_dialog(self.gui, _('Failed to open book'), _('Failed to open book, click Show details for more information.'), det_msg=job.traceback, show=True) container = job.result set_current_container(container) self.current_metadata = self.gui.current_metadata = container.mi self.global_undo.open_book(container) self.gui.update_window_title(), preserve_state=False) self.gui.action_save.setEnabled(False) self.update_global_history_actions() def apply_container_update_to_gui(self): container = current_container() self.update_global_history_actions() self.gui.action_save.setEnabled(True) # TODO: Apply to other GUI elements def delete_requested(self, spine_items, other_items): if not self.check_dirtied(): return self.add_savepoint(_('Delete files')) c = current_container() c.remove_from_spine(spine_items) for name in other_items: c.remove_item(name) self.gui.action_save.setEnabled(True) self.gui.file_list.delete_done(spine_items, other_items) # TODO: Update other GUI elements def reorder_spine(self, items): # TODO: If content.opf is dirty in an editor, abort, calling # to undo drag and drop self.add_savepoint(_('Re-order text')) c = current_container() c.set_spine(items) self.gui.action_save.setEnabled(True) # needed as the linear flag may have changed on some items # TODO: If content.opf is open in an editor, reload it # Renaming {{{ def rename_requested(self, oldname, newname): if not self.check_dirtied(): return if guess_type(oldname) != guess_type(newname): args = os.path.splitext(oldname) + os.path.splitext(newname) if not confirm( _('You are changing the file type of {0}<b>{1}</b> to {2}<b>{3}</b>.' ' Doing so can cause problems, are you sure?').format(*args), 'confirm-filetype-change', parent=self.gui, title=_('Are you sure?'), config_set=tprefs): return if urlnormalize(newname) != newname: if not confirm( _('The name you have chosen {0} contains special characters, internally' ' it will look like: {1}Try to use only the English alphabet [a-z], numbers [0-9],' ' hyphens and underscores for file names. Other characters can cause problems for ' ' different ebook viewers. Are you sure you want to proceed?').format( '<pre>%s</pre>'%newname, '<pre>%s</pre>' % urlnormalize(newname)), 'confirm-urlunsafe-change', parent=self.gui, title=_('Are you sure?'), config_set=tprefs): return self.add_savepoint(_('Rename %s') % oldname) self.gui.blocking_job( 'rename_file', _('Renaming and updating links...'), partial(self.rename_done, oldname, newname), rename_files, current_container(), {oldname: newname}) def rename_done(self, oldname, newname, job): if job.traceback is not None: self.rewind_savepoint() return error_dialog(self.gui, _('Failed to rename files'), _('Failed to rename files, click Show details for more information.'), det_msg=job.traceback, show=True) self.gui.action_save.setEnabled(True) # TODO: Update the rest of the GUI # }}} # Global history {{{ def do_global_undo(self): container = self.global_undo.undo() if container is not None: set_current_container(container) self.apply_container_update_to_gui() def do_global_redo(self): container = self.global_undo.redo() if container is not None: set_current_container(container) self.apply_container_update_to_gui() def update_global_history_actions(self): gu = self.global_undo for x, text in (('undo', _('&Revert to before')), ('redo', '&Revert to after')): ac = getattr(self.gui, 'action_global_%s' % x) ac.setEnabled(getattr(gu, 'can_' + x)) ac.setText(text + ' ' + (getattr(gu, x + '_msg') or '...')) def add_savepoint(self, msg): nc = clone_container(current_container(), self.mkdtemp()) self.global_undo.add_savepoint(nc, msg) set_current_container(nc) self.update_global_history_actions() def rewind_savepoint(self): container = self.global_undo.rewind_savepoint() if container is not None: set_current_container(container) self.update_global_history_actions() # }}} def save_book(self): self.gui.action_save.setEnabled(False) tdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='save-%05d-' % self.container_count, dir=self.tdir) container = clone_container(current_container(), tdir) self.save_manager.schedule(tdir, container) def report_save_error(self, tb): if self.doing_terminal_save: prints(tb, file=sys.stderr) return error_dialog(self.gui, _('Could not save'), _('Saving of the book failed. Click "Show Details"' ' for more information.'), det_msg=tb, show=True) def edit_file(self, name, syntax): editor = self.editors.get(name, None) if editor is None: editor = self.editors[name] = editor_from_syntax(syntax, self.gui.editor_tabs) self.gui.central.add_editor(name, editor) c = current_container() editor.load_text(c.decode( self.gui.central.show_editor(editor) def edit_file_requested(self, name, syntax, mime): if name in self.editors: self.gui.show_editor(self.editors[name]) return syntax = syntax or syntax_from_mime(mime) if not syntax: return error_dialog( self.gui, _('Unsupported file format'), _('Editing of files of type %s is not supported' % mime), show=True) self.edit_file(name, syntax) # Shutdown {{{ def quit(self): if not self.confirm_quit(): return self.save_state() QApplication.instance().quit() def confirm_quit(self): if self.doing_terminal_save: return False if self.save_manager.has_tasks: if not question_dialog( self.gui, _('Are you sure?'), _( 'The current book is being saved in the background, quitting will abort' ' the save process, are you sure?'), default_yes=False): return False if self.gui.action_save.isEnabled(): d = QDialog(self.gui) d.l = QGridLayout(d) d.setLayout(d.l) d.setWindowTitle(_('Unsaved changes')) d.i = QLabel('') d.i.setPixmap(QPixmap(I('save.png')).scaledToHeight(64, Qt.SmoothTransformation)) d.i.setMaximumSize(QSize(d.i.pixmap().width(), 64)) d.i.setScaledContents(True) d.l.addWidget(d.i, 0, 0) d.m = QLabel(_('There are unsaved changes, if you quit without saving, you will lose them.')) d.m.setWordWrap(True) d.l.addWidget(d.m, 0, 1) = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) d.l.addWidget(, 1, 0, 1, 2) d.do_save = None def endit(x): d.do_save = x d.accept() b ='&Save and Quit'), QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole) b.setIcon(QIcon(I('save.png'))) b.clicked.connect(lambda *args: endit(True)) b ='&Quit without saving'), QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole) b.clicked.connect(lambda *args: endit(False)) d.resize(d.sizeHint()) if d.exec_() != d.Accepted or d.do_save is None: return False if d.do_save: self.gui.action_save.trigger() self.gui.blocking_job.set_msg(_('Saving, please wait...')) self.gui.blocking_job.start() self.doing_terminal_save = True QTimer.singleShot(50, self.check_terminal_save) return False return True def check_terminal_save(self): if self.save_manager.has_tasks: return QTimer.singleShot(50, self.check_terminal_save) self.shutdown() QApplication.instance().quit() def shutdown(self): self.save_state() self.save_manager.shutdown() self.save_manager.wait(0.1) def save_state(self): with tprefs: self.gui.save_state()
def __init__(self, parent=None): QObject.__init__(self, parent) self.global_undo = GlobalUndoHistory() self.container_count = 0 self.tdir = None
class Boss(QObject): def __init__(self, parent=None): QObject.__init__(self, parent) self.global_undo = GlobalUndoHistory() self.container_count = 0 self.tdir = None def __call__(self, gui): self.gui = gui gui.file_list.delete_requested.connect(self.delete_requested) def mkdtemp(self): self.container_count += 1 return tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='%05d-' % self.container_count, dir=self.tdir) def check_dirtied(self): # TODO: Implement this return True def open_book(self, path=None): if not self.check_dirtied(): return if not hasattr(path, 'rpartition'): path = choose_files(self.gui, 'open-book-for-tweaking', _('Choose book'), [(_('Books'), [x.lower() for x in SUPPORTED])], all_files=False, select_only_single_file=True) if not path: return path = path[0] ext = path.rpartition('.')[-1].upper() if ext not in SUPPORTED: return error_dialog(self.gui, _('Unsupported format'), _('Tweaking is only supported for books in the %s formats.' ' Convert your book to one of these formats first.') % _(' and ').join(sorted(SUPPORTED)), show=True) self.container_count = -1 if self.tdir: shutil.rmtree(self.tdir, ignore_errors=True) self.tdir = PersistentTemporaryDirectory() self.gui.blocking_job('open_book', _('Opening book, please wait...'), self.book_opened, get_container, path, tdir=self.mkdtemp()) def book_opened(self, job): if job.traceback is not None: return error_dialog(self.gui, _('Failed to open book'), _('Failed to open book, click Show details for more information.'), det_msg=job.traceback, show=True) container = job.result set_current_container(container) self.current_metadata = self.gui.current_metadata = container.mi self.global_undo.open_book(container) self.gui.update_window_title(), preserve_state=False) self.update_global_history_actions() def update_global_history_actions(self): gu = self.global_undo for x, text in (('undo', _('&Undo')), ('redo', '&Redo')): ac = getattr(self.gui, 'action_global_%s' % x) ac.setEnabled(getattr(gu, 'can_' + x)) ac.setText(text + ' ' + getattr(gu, x + '_msg')) def add_savepoint(self, msg): nc = clone_container(current_container(), self.mkdtemp()) self.global_undo.add_savepoint(nc, msg) set_current_container(nc) self.update_global_history_actions() def apply_container_update_to_gui(self): container = current_container() self.update_global_history_actions() # TODO: Apply to other GUI elements def do_global_undo(self): container = self.global_undo.undo() if container is not None: set_current_container(container) self.apply_container_update_to_gui() def do_global_redo(self): container = self.global_undo.redo() if container is not None: set_current_container(container) self.apply_container_update_to_gui() def delete_requested(self, spine_items, other_items): if not self.check_dirtied(): return self.add_savepoint(_('Delete files')) c = current_container() c.remove_from_spine(spine_items) for name in other_items: c.remove_item(name) self.gui.file_list.delete_done(spine_items, other_items)