def do_coffee_compile(self, opts, timestamp=False, ignore_errors=False): from calibre.utils.serve_coffee import compile_coffeescript src_files = {} for src in self.COFFEE_DIRS: for f in glob.glob(self.j(self.SRC, __appname__, src, '*.coffee')): bn = os.path.basename(f).rpartition('.')[0] arcname = src.replace('/', '.') + '.' + bn + '.js' try: with open(f, 'rb') as fs: src_files[arcname] = (f, hashlib.sha1( except EnvironmentError: time.sleep(0.1) with open(f, 'rb') as fs: src_files[arcname] = (f, hashlib.sha1( existing = {} dest = self.j(self.RESOURCES, '') if os.path.exists(dest): with zipfile.ZipFile(dest, 'r') as zf: existing_hashes = {} raw = zf.comment if raw: existing_hashes = json.loads(raw) for info in zf.infolist(): if info.filename in existing_hashes and src_files.get(info.filename, (None, None))[1] == existing_hashes[info.filename]: existing[info.filename] = (, info, existing_hashes[info.filename]) todo = set(src_files) - set(existing) updated = {} for arcname in todo: name = arcname.rpartition('.')[0] print ('\t%sCompiling %s'%(time.strftime('[%H:%M:%S] ') if timestamp else '', name)) src, sig = src_files[arcname] js, errors = compile_coffeescript(open(src, 'rb').read(), filename=src) if errors: print ('\n\tCompilation of %s failed'%name) for line in errors: print >>sys.stderr, line if ignore_errors: js = u'# Compilation from coffeescript failed' else: raise SystemExit(1) else: if opts.show_js: self.show_js(js) print ('#'*80) print ('#'*80) zi = zipfile.ZipInfo() zi.filename = arcname zi.date_time = time.localtime()[:6] updated[arcname] = (js.encode('utf-8'), zi, sig) if updated: hashes = {} with zipfile.ZipFile(dest, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_STORED) as zf: for raw, zi, sig in sorted(chain(updated.itervalues(), existing.itervalues()), key=lambda x: x[1].filename): zf.writestr(zi, raw) hashes[zi.filename] = sig zf.comment = json.dumps(hashes)
def _compile_coffeescript(name): from calibre.utils.serve_coffee import compile_coffeescript src = js_name_to_path(name) with open(src, 'rb') as f: cs, errors = compile_coffeescript(, src) if errors: for line in errors: print(line) raise Exception('Failed to compile coffeescript' ': %s' % src) return cs
def _compile_coffeescript(name): from calibre.utils.serve_coffee import compile_coffeescript src = js_name_to_path(name) with open(src, 'rb') as f: cs, errors = compile_coffeescript(, src) if errors: for line in errors: print (line) raise Exception('Failed to compile coffeescript' ': %s'%src) return cs
def _compile_coffeescript(name): from calibre.utils.serve_coffee import compile_coffeescript path = (u'/'.join(name.split('.'))) + '.coffee' d = os.path.dirname base = d(d(os.path.abspath(__file__))) src = os.path.join(base, path) with open(src, 'rb') as f: cs, errors = compile_coffeescript(, src) if errors: for line in errors: print (line) raise Exception('Failed to compile coffeescript' ': %s'%src) return cs