def generate_predicted_sedimentation_grid( time, predict_sedimentation_script, scale_sedimentation_rate, mean_age, mean_distance, variance_age, variance_distance, max_age, max_distance, age_distance_polynomial_coefficients, output_dir): py_cmd = 'python3' if shutil.which('python3') is None: py_cmd = 'python' command_line = [ py_cmd, predict_sedimentation_script, '-d', '{0}/{1}_{2}.nc'.format(distance_grid_dir, distance_base_name, time), '-g', '{0}/{1}{2}.{3}'.format(age_grid_dir, agegrid_filename, time, agegrid_filename_ext), '-i', str(grid_spacing), '-w', '-m', str(mean_age), str(mean_distance), '-v', str(variance_age), str(variance_distance), '-x', str(max_age), str(max_distance), '-f' ] command_line.extend( str(coeff) for coeff in age_distance_polynomial_coefficients) # Only sediment rate requires scaling (sediment thickness does not)... if scale_sedimentation_rate is not None: command_line.extend(['-s', str(scale_sedimentation_rate)]) command_line.extend( ['--', '{0}/sed_{1}_{2}'.format(output_dir, grid_spacing, time)]) #print('Time:', time) #print(command_line) #print(' '.join(command_line)) # Execute the command. call_system_command(command_line) # Rename the average sedimentation rate and sediment thicknesses files so that 'time' is at the # end of the base filename - this way we can import them as time-dependent raster into GPlates. for ext in ('xy', 'nc'): src_sed_rate = '{0}/sed_{1}_{2}_sed_rate.{3}'.format( output_dir, grid_spacing, time, ext) dst_sed_rate = '{0}/sed_rate_{1}d_{2}.{3}'.format( output_dir, grid_spacing, time, ext) if os.access(dst_sed_rate, os.R_OK): os.remove(dst_sed_rate) if os.path.exists(src_sed_rate): os.rename(src_sed_rate, dst_sed_rate) src_sed_thick = '{0}/sed_{1}_{2}_sed_thick.{3}'.format( output_dir, grid_spacing, time, ext) dst_sed_thick = '{0}/sed_thick_{1}d_{2}.{3}'.format( output_dir, grid_spacing, time, ext) if os.access(dst_sed_thick, os.R_OK): os.remove(dst_sed_thick) if os.path.exists(src_sed_thick): os.rename(src_sed_thick, dst_sed_thick)
def grdcontour2feature(grdfile,clevel,return_polygons=True): # call GMT to get a single contour at the specified value of clevel call_system_command(['gmt', 'grdcontour', grdfile, '-C+%0.8f' % clevel, '-S4', '-Dcontour_%c.txt', '-V']) # read in the GMT delimited xyz ascii file, # create a list of lists with polygon coordinates f = open('./contour_C.txt', 'r') polygons = [] contourlist = [] for line in f: if line[0] == '>': if len(contourlist)>0: polygons.append(contourlist) contourlist = [] else: line = line.split() contourlist.append([float(j) for j in line]) #break # create gplates-format features polyline_features = [] for p in polygons: pf = pygplates.PolylineOnSphere(zip(list(zip(*p))[1],list(zip(*p))[0])) polyline_features.append(pf) # use join to handle polylines split across dateline joined_polyline_features = pygplates.PolylineOnSphere.join(polyline_features) if return_polygons: # force polylines to be polygons joined_polygon_features = [] for geom in joined_polyline_features: polygon = pygplates.Feature() polygon.set_geometry(pygplates.PolygonOnSphere(geom)) joined_polygon_features.append(polygon) return joined_polygon_features else: return joined_polyline_features
def write_grd_file_from_xyz(grd_filename, xyz_filename, grid_spacing, num_grid_longitudes, num_grid_latitudes): # The command-line strings to execute GMT 'nearneighbor'. # For example "nearneighbor output_mean_distance.xy -R-180/180/-90/90 -I1 -N4 -S1d". gmt_command_line = [ "gmt", "nearneighbor", xyz_filename, "-N4", "-S{0}d".format(1.5 * grid_spacing), "-I{0}".format(grid_spacing), "-R{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}".format(-180, 180, -90, 90), # Use GMT gridline registration since our input point grid has data points on the grid lines. # Gridline registration is the default so we don't need to force pixel registration... #"-r", # Force pixel registration since data points are at centre of cells. "-G{0}".format(grd_filename)] call_system_command(gmt_command_line)
def get_positions_and_scalars(input_points, scalar_grid_filename, max_scalar=None): input_points_data = ''.join('{0} {1}\n'.format(lon, lat) for lon, lat in input_points) # The command-line strings to execute GMT 'grdtrack'. grdtrack_command_line = ["gmt", "grdtrack", "-nl", "-G{0}".format(scalar_grid_filename)] stdout_data = call_system_command(grdtrack_command_line, stdin=input_points_data.encode('utf-8'), return_stdout=True) lon_lat_scalar_list = [] # Read lon, lat and scalar values from the output of 'grdtrack'. for line in stdout_data.splitlines(): if line.strip().startswith(b'#'): continue line_data = line.split() num_values = len(line_data) # If just a line containing white-space then skip to next line. if num_values == 0: continue if num_values < 3: print('Ignoring line "{0}" - has fewer than 3 white-space separated numbers.'.format(line), file=sys.stderr) continue try: # Convert strings to numbers. lon = float(line_data[0]) lat = float(line_data[1]) # The scalar got appended to the last column by 'grdtrack'. scalar = float(line_data[-1]) # If the point is outside the grid then the scalar grid will return 'NaN'. if math.isnan(scalar): #print('Ignoring line "{0}" - point is outside scalar grid.'.format(line), file=sys.stderr) continue # Clamp to max value if requested. if (max_scalar is not None and scalar > max_scalar): scalar = max_scalar except ValueError: print('Ignoring line "{0}" - cannot read floating-point lon, lat and scalar values.'.format(line), file=sys.stderr) continue lon_lat_scalar_list.append((lon, lat, scalar)) return lon_lat_scalar_list
return alldata def write_alldata_file(alldata_filename, alldata): with open(alldata_filename, 'w') as alldata_file: for alldata_line in alldata: alldata_file.write(' '.join(str(item) for item in alldata_line) + '\n') # Restrict latitude range to -70/80 because that corresponds to the extent of the sediment thickness grid data. # Note: We don't need to use "-T" to convert from pixel to grid registration since distance grids are already in grid registration # (grid registration gives us pixel values at 1 degree integer lon/lat locations used by other data in 'alldata'). call_system_command([ "gmt", "grdsample", "-I1", "-fg", "-R-180/180/-70/80", mean_distance_grid_input_filename, "-G{0}".format(mean_distance_grid_output_filename) ]) # Convert grd to xyz. mean_distance_output = call_system_command( ["gmt", "grd2xyz", "-fg", mean_distance_grid_output_filename], return_stdout=True) mean_distance_data = [] for line in mean_distance_output.strip().split('\n'): line = line.split() mean_distance_data.append((float(line[0]), float(line[1]), float(line[2]))) #print(mean_distance_data) # Create a dictionary mapping lon/lat locations to mean distance.
def generate_distance_grid(time): py_cmd = 'python3' if shutil.which('python3') is None: py_cmd = 'python' command_line = [py_cmd, ''] command_line.extend(['-r']) command_line.extend('{0}'.format(rotation_filename) for rotation_filename in rotation_filenames) command_line.extend(['-m']) command_line.extend( '{0}'.format(proximity_features_file) for proximity_features_file in proximity_features_files) command_line.extend(['-s']) command_line.extend('{0}'.format(topology_filename) for topology_filename in topology_filenames) command_line.extend([ '-g', '{0}/{1}{2}.{3}'.format(age_grid_dir, age_grid_filename, time, age_grid_filename_ext), '-y {0}'.format(time), '-n', # Use all feature types in proximity file (according to Dietmar)... #'-b', #'PassiveContinentalBoundary', '-x', '{0}'.format(max_time), '-t', '1', '-i', '{0}'.format(grid_spacing), #'-q', #str(proximity_threshold_kms), #'-d', # output distance with time '-j', '-w', '-c', str(1), '{0}/distance_{1}_{2}'.format(output_dir, grid_spacing, time) ]) print('Time:', time) #print(' '.join(command_line)) call_system_command(command_line) # Clamp the mean distance grids (and remove xy files). # Also rename the mean distance grids so that 'time' is at the end of the base filename - # this way we can import them as time-dependent raster into GPlates version 2.0 and earlier. # src_mean_distance_basename = '{0}/distance_{1}_{2}_mean_distance'.format( output_dir, grid_spacing, time) dst_mean_distance_basename = '{0}/mean_distance_{1}d_{2}'.format( output_dir, grid_spacing, time) src_mean_distance_xy = src_mean_distance_basename + '.xy' if os.access(src_mean_distance_xy, os.R_OK): os.remove(src_mean_distance_xy) src_mean_distance_grid = src_mean_distance_basename + '.nc' dst_mean_distance_grid = dst_mean_distance_basename + '.nc' if os.access(dst_mean_distance_grid, os.R_OK): os.remove(dst_mean_distance_grid) # Clamp mean distances. call_system_command([ "gmt", "grdmath", "-fg", str(proximity_threshold_kms), src_mean_distance_grid, "MIN", "=", dst_mean_distance_grid ]) os.remove(src_mean_distance_grid)
# # Convert any NetCDF3 grids to NetCDF4 (since it's compressed). # We simply use GMT grdconvert to do this. # # We also strip away all # input_path = r'E:\Users\John\Downloads\dynamic_topography_reconstruction\models\M7\Dynamic_topography\MantleFrame' output_path = r'C:\Users\John\Development\Usyd\gplates\source-code\pygplates_scripts\Other\Backstrip\backstrip\bundle_data\dynamic_topography\models\Muller2017\M7' grid_ext = 'nc' grid_spacing_degrees = 1.0 grid_filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(input_path, '*.{0}'.format(grid_ext))) for grid_filename in grid_filenames: # Search for the last integer and assume that is the age. age = float(re.findall(r'\d+', grid_filename)[-1]) output_grid_filename = os.path.join(output_path, '{0:.2f}.{1}'.format(age, grid_ext)) call_system_command([ 'gmt', 'grdfilter', grid_filename, '-G{0}'.format(output_grid_filename), '-D4', '-Fc{0}'.format( 200.0 * grid_spacing_degrees ), # 200km filter width (100km radius) per degree of grid spacing '-I{0}'.format(grid_spacing_degrees) ])
def get_raster_grid_positions_and_scalars(raster_filename, nodata_value=None): """ Returns a 2-tuple of lists. The first is a list of pygplates.PointOnSphere at all pixel node locations in raster. The second is a list of raster scalar values at those pixel node locations. Both list have the same length. Note that this excludes points that have the no-data value. If 'nodata_value' is not specified then it defaults to NaN. """ # The command-line strings to execute GMT 'grd2xyz'. grd2xyz_command_line = ["gmt", "grd2xyz", "-s"] if nodata_value is not None: grd2xyz_command_line.append("-di{0}".format(nodata_value)) grd2xyz_command_line.append(raster_filename) stdout_data = call_system_command(grd2xyz_command_line, return_stdout=True) # Create a list of points and a list of scalars. raster_grid_points = [] raster_grid_scalars = [] # Read lon, lat and scalar values from the output of 'grd2xyz'. for line in stdout_data.splitlines(): if line.strip().startswith('#'): continue line_data = line.split() num_values = len(line_data) # If just a line containing white-space then skip to next line. if num_values == 0: continue if num_values < 3: print( 'Ignoring line "{0}" - has fewer than 3 white-space separated numbers.' .format(line), file=sys.stderr) continue try: # Convert strings to numbers. lon = float(line_data[0]) lat = float(line_data[1]) # The scalar got appended to the last column by 'grd2xyz'. # Note: We should not have NaN values because the '-s' option to 'grd2xyz' removes them. scalar = float(line_data[-1]) except ValueError: print( 'Ignoring line "{0}" - cannot read floating-point lon, lat and scalar values.' .format(line), file=sys.stderr) continue raster_grid_points.append(pygplates.PointOnSphere(lat, lon)) raster_grid_scalars.append(scalar) return raster_grid_points, raster_grid_scalars