def __init__(self, defaultQuat, service_name='update_pose_target'): self.cameraCalib = CameraCalibration() rospy.wait_for_service(service_name, timeout=None) self._update_target = rospy.ServiceProxy(service_name, TrackPose) self.pose_target_listener = None self.mouth_target_listener = None self.defaultQuat = defaultQuat
def test_car_length(self): cc = CameraCalibration() X1, Y1 = cc.image2world(661.498, 465.096) X2, Y2 = cc.image2world(799.19, 617.622) length = np.sqrt((X2 - X1)**2 + (Y2 - Y1)**2) real_length = 11 assert np.abs(length - real_length) < 4
def test_car_width(self): cc = CameraCalibration() X1, Y1 = cc.image2world(914.768, 603.941) X2, Y2 = cc.image2world(799.19, 617.622) width = np.sqrt((X2 - X1)**2 + (Y2 - Y1)**2) real_width = 2.55 assert np.abs(width - real_width) < 0.2
def calibrate(self): """ Compute the camera matrix """ self.calib = CameraCalibration(self.nColumns, self.nRows) self.calib.calibrate(self.srcFolder) self.params.calib = self.calib self.nFrames = len(self.calib.srcImgs) = ImageListVideoStream(self.calib.srcImgs) self._setDisplay() self._setDisplayMax() self._updateImgProvider()
def __init__(self, filename=join(dirname(dirname(realpath(__file__))), "data/cctv_ftg1_SPEED_000000_carLoc.csv"), top_obs_rec=906, bottom_obs_rec=439, window_size=10, start_time_stamp='2018-01-01T08:00'): self.start_time_stamp = start_time_stamp self.start_time = [] self.car_type = [] self.track_coord = [] with open(filename, 'r') as f: for line in f: dt = line.strip().split("; ") self.start_time.append(float(dt[0]) * 0.1 / 3) self.car_type.append(dt[1]) self.track_coord.append([eval(x) for x in dt[2:]]) self.start_time = np.array(self.start_time) self.car_type = np.array(self.car_type) self.top_obs_rec = top_obs_rec self.bottom_obs_rec = bottom_obs_rec self.window_size = window_size if pd.to_datetime(self.start_time_stamp) < pd.to_datetime('2018-09-11T16:00'): = CameraCalibration(default=False) self.scale = 1 self.top_obs_rec = 931.761 self.bottom_obs_rec = 439.723 else: = CameraCalibration( p1=(787.919, 640.099), p2=(594.782, 404.630), p3=(675.065, 399.513), p4=(913.843, 619.450), u2=703.475, u4=823.241, default=False ) self.scale = 31.05945702896952 / 51.07394876776243 self.top_obs_rec = 793.968 self.bottom_obs_rec = 337.152
def main(): from glob import glob from camera_calibration import CameraCalibration from thresholding import threshold from transform import PerspectiveTransform # Fixed image dimensions height = 720 width = 1280 # Prepare camera calibration print("Calibrating camera") calibration = CameraCalibration.default() # Prepare perspective transform transform = PerspectiveTransform.default(height, width) images = glob('test_images/straight*') + glob('test_images/test*') for fname in images: print("Processing", fname) # Run pipeline img = cv2.imread(fname) img = calibration.undistort(img) img, _ = threshold(img) # img = cv2.morphologyEx(img, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, (5,5)) img = transform.transform(img) # Find lines using sliding windows left_lane, right_lane = find_lines_with_sliding_windows(img) # Plot sliding windows plot_sliding_windows(img, left_lane, right_lane) # combined_binary, color_binary = threshold(img, stack=True) # # f, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(32, 9)) # ax1.set_title('Stacked thresholds', fontsize=20) # ax1.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) # # ax2.set_title('Result', fontsize=20) # ax2.imshow(combined_binary, cmap='gray') plt.savefig('output_images/sliding_windows_' + fname.split('/')[-1])
def main(): # # Fixed image dimensions height = 720 width = 1280 transform = PerspectiveTransform.default(height, width) from camera_calibration import CameraCalibration calibration = CameraCalibration.default() images = glob('test_images/straight*') + glob('test_images/test*') for fname in images: print("Processing", fname) image = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(fname), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) image = calibration.undistort(image) polygonned = cv2.polylines(np.copy(image), [np.int32(transform.src)], False, color=255, thickness=1) transformed = transform.transform(np.copy(polygonned)) inversed = transform.invert().transform(np.copy(transformed)) f, (ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4) = plt.subplots(1, 4, figsize=(32, 9)) ax1.set_title('Original', fontsize=20) ax1.imshow(image) ax2.set_title('Area of interest', fontsize=20) ax2.imshow(polygonned) ax3.set_title('Transformed', fontsize=20) ax3.imshow(transformed) ax4.set_title('Transformed inversed', fontsize=20) ax4.imshow(inversed) plt.savefig('output_images/transform_' + fname.split('/')[-1])
def main(): # Fixed image dimensions height = 720 width = 1280 # Prepare camera calibration print("Calibrating camera") calibration = CameraCalibration.default() transform = PerspectiveTransform.default(height, width) images = glob('test_images/straight*') + glob('test_images/test*') for fname in images: print("Processing", fname) org_image = cv2.imread(fname) if org_image.shape != (height, width, 3): print("skipping image", fname, "invalid dimensions", org_image.shape) continue # Run the pipeline on a copy of the image undistorted = calibration.undistort(np.copy(org_image)) transformed = transform.transform(undistorted) warped_binary, _ = threshold(transformed, stack=False) # combined, _ = threshold(undistorted, stack=False) # warped_binary = transform.transform(combined) lane = Lane() lane.update(warped_binary) final = lane.overlay(org_image, draw_lines=False, fill_lane=True, transform=transform.invert()) final = lane.overlay_text(final) final = cv2.polylines(final, [np.int32(transform.src)], color=[255, 0, 0], isClosed=False) cv2.imwrite('output_images/lane_{}'.format(fname.split('/')[-1]), final) final = lane.overlay(np.dstack((warped_binary, warped_binary, warped_binary)) * 255, draw_lines=True, fill_lane=False) cv2.imwrite('output_images/lane_warped_{}'.format(fname.split('/')[-1]), final)
class CalibrationIface(PlayerInterface): """ Implements the PlayerInterface class with an ImageListVideoStream It uses the CameraCalibration class to compute the camera matrix from a set of images containing a chessboard pattern. """ def __init__(self, app, context, parent, params, displayName, providerName, timerSpeed=200): PlayerInterface.__init__(self, app, context, parent, params, displayName, providerName, timerSpeed) self.nColumns = 9 self.nRows = 6 self.matrixType = 'normal' self._setDisplay() self._setDisplay() @pyqtSlot() def calibrate(self): """ Compute the camera matrix """ self.calib = CameraCalibration(self.nColumns, self.nRows) self.calib.calibrate(self.srcFolder) self.params.calib = self.calib self.nFrames = len(self.calib.srcImgs) = ImageListVideoStream(self.calib.srcImgs) self._setDisplay() self._setDisplayMax() self._updateImgProvider() @pyqtSlot(result=QVariant) def getNRows(self): """ Get the number of inner rows in the chessboard pattern """ return self.nRows @pyqtSlot(QVariant) def setNRows(self, nRows): """ Set the number of inner rows in the chessboard pattern """ self.nRows = int(nRows) @pyqtSlot(result=QVariant) def getNColumns(self): """ Get the number of inner columns in the chessboard pattern """ return self.nColumns @pyqtSlot(QVariant) def setNColumns(self, nColumns): """ Set the number of inner rows in the chessboard pattern """ self.nColumns = int(nColumns) @pyqtSlot(result=QVariant) def getFolderPath(self): """ Get the path to the folder where the images with the pattern are stored """ diag = QFileDialog() srcFolder = diag.getExistingDirectory(parent=diag, caption="Chose directory", directory=os.getenv('HOME')) self.srcFolder = srcFolder return srcFolder @pyqtSlot(QVariant) def setMatrixType(self, matrixType): """ Set the matrix type to be saved. Resolution independant (normal) or dependant (optimized) :param string matrixType: The type of matrix to be saved. One of ['normal', 'optimized'] """ matrixType = matrixType.lower() if matrixType not in ['normal', 'optimized']: raise KeyError("Expected one of ['normal', 'optimized'], got {}".format(matrixType)) else: self.matrixType = matrixType @pyqtSlot() def saveCameraMatrix(self): """ Save the camera matrix selected as self.matrixType """ diag = QFileDialog() destPath = diag.getSaveFileName(parent=diag, caption='Save matrix', directory=os.getenv('HOME'), filter='Numpy (.npy)') destPath = destPath[0] if destPath: if self.matrixType == 'normal':, self.cameraMatrix) elif self.matrixType == 'optimized':, self.optimalCameraMatrix) @pyqtSlot(QVariant) def setFrameType(self, frameType): """ Selects the type of frame to be displayed. (Before, during or after distortion correction) :param string frameType: The selected frame type. One of ['source', 'detected', 'corrected'] """ frameType = frameType.lower() currentIndex = if frameType == "source": imgs = self.calib.srcImgs elif frameType == "detected": imgs = self.calib.detectedImgs elif frameType == "corrected": imgs = self.calib.correctedImgs else: raise KeyError("Expected one of ['source', 'detected', 'corrected'], got {}".format(frameType)) = ImageListVideoStream(imgs) self._updateImgProvider() = self._validateFrameIdx(currentIndex -1) # reset to previous position self.getImg()
import cv2 from camera_calibration import CameraCalibration import image_processing as imgproc import numpy as np from line import Line scaled_size = 1 image_size = (int(1280 * scaled_size), int(720 * scaled_size)) offset = image_size[1] * 0.3 file_name = './output_images/undist_straight_lines1.jpg' calibration = CameraCalibration('camera_cal/') calibration.calibrate() intrinsic_mat = calibration.get_intrinsic() dist_paras = calibration.get_distortion_paras() perspective_src_points = scaled_size * np.float32( [[233, 694], [595, 450], [686, 450], [1073, 694]]) # These points are manually selected perspective_dst_points = np.float32([[offset, image_size[1]], [offset, 0], [image_size[0] - offset, 0], [image_size[0] - offset, image_size[1]]]) ####################### img = cv2.imread(file_name) undist = calibration.distort_correction(img) undist = cv2.resize(undist, (0, 0), fx=scaled_size, fy=scaled_size) hls = cv2.cvtColor(undist, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) h = hls[:, :, 0] s = hls[:, :, 1] v = hls[:, :, 2]
def create_camera_calibration(): return CameraCalibration.default()
class CalculateSpeed(object): def __init__(self, filename=join(dirname(dirname(realpath(__file__))), "data/cctv_ftg1_SPEED_000000_carLoc.csv"), top_obs_rec=906, bottom_obs_rec=439, window_size=10, start_time_stamp='2018-01-01T08:00'): self.start_time_stamp = start_time_stamp self.start_time = [] self.car_type = [] self.track_coord = [] with open(filename, 'r') as f: for line in f: dt = line.strip().split("; ") self.start_time.append(float(dt[0]) * 0.1 / 3) self.car_type.append(dt[1]) self.track_coord.append([eval(x) for x in dt[2:]]) self.start_time = np.array(self.start_time) self.car_type = np.array(self.car_type) self.top_obs_rec = top_obs_rec self.bottom_obs_rec = bottom_obs_rec self.window_size = window_size if pd.to_datetime(self.start_time_stamp) < pd.to_datetime('2018-09-11T16:00'): = CameraCalibration(default=False) self.scale = 1 self.top_obs_rec = 931.761 self.bottom_obs_rec = 439.723 else: = CameraCalibration( p1=(787.919, 640.099), p2=(594.782, 404.630), p3=(675.065, 399.513), p4=(913.843, 619.450), u2=703.475, u4=823.241, default=False ) self.scale = 31.05945702896952 / 51.07394876776243 self.top_obs_rec = 793.968 self.bottom_obs_rec = 337.152 def coord_image2word(self): self.Us = [] self.Vs = [] self.times = [] for i, track in enumerate(self.track_coord): dt = np.dtype('float,float') track = np.array(track, dtype=dt) U = track['f0'] V = track['f1'] time = self.start_time[i] + np.arange(U.shape[0]) * 0.1 idx = ((V >= self.bottom_obs_rec) & (V <= self.top_obs_rec)) U = U[idx] V = V[idx] time = time[idx] self.Us.append(U) self.Vs.append(V) self.times.append(time) self.Xs = [] self.Ys = [] for U, V in zip(self.Us, self.Vs): X, Y =, V) self.Xs.append(X) self.Ys.append(Y) return self.Xs, self.Ys, self.times def get_speed(self): Xs, Ys, times = self.coord_image2word() self.speeds = [] for X, Y, time in zip(Xs, Ys, times): # self.speeds.append( # ((np.sqrt( # (X[self.window_size:] - X[:-self.window_size])**2 + # (Y[self.window_size:] - Y[:-self.window_size])**2 # ) / (time[self.window_size:] - time[:-self.window_size]) * 3.6)).mean() # ) if len(time) > 1: self.speeds.append(np.sqrt((X[-1] - X[0])**2 + (Y[-1] - Y[0])**2) / (time[-1] - time[0]) * 3.6 * self.scale) # m/s -> km/h return self.speeds def get_df(self, save=False): df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['time', 'speed', 'car_type']) # all_speeds = np.hstack(self.speeds) all_speeds = self.speeds # all_times = [(tm[self.window_size:] + tm[:-self.window_size]) / 2 for tm in self.times] all_times = [(tm[-1] + tm[0]) / 2 for tm in self.times if len(tm) > 1] all_times = np.hstack(all_times).astype('timedelta64[s]') + np.datetime64(self.start_time_stamp) df.speed = all_speeds df.time = all_times i = 0 for j in range(len(self.times)): # df.loc[i: i+self.speeds[j].shape[0], 'car_type'] = self.car_type[j] # i = i + self.speeds[j].shape[0] if len(self.times[j]) > 1: df.loc[i, 'car_type'] = self.car_type[j] i += 1 if save: df.to_csv(join(dirname(dirname(realpath(__file__))), f'result/speeds_{self.start_time_stamp}.csv'), index=False) return df def draw_result(self): for i, (car_type, speed, time) in enumerate(zip(self.car_type, self.speeds, self.times)): plt.close() plt.plot((time[self.window_size:] + time[:-self.window_size]) / 2, speed, 'o-') plt.title(f"{car_type} speed") plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('speed (km/h)') plt.savefig(join(dirname(dirname(realpath(__file__))), f'result/speed/{i}.pdf')) plt.close() for i, (car_type, X, Y) in enumerate(zip(self.car_type, self.Xs, self.Ys)): plt.close() plt.plot(X, Y) plt.title(f"{car_type} track") plt.xlabel('X (m)') plt.ylabel('Y (m)') plt.savefig(join(dirname(dirname(realpath(__file__))), f'result/track/{i}.pdf')) plt.close() for i, (car_type, u, v) in enumerate(zip(self.car_type, self.Us, self.Vs)): plt.close() plt.plot(u, v) plt.title(f"{car_type} track") plt.xlabel('U (pixel)') plt.ylabel('V (pixel)') plt.savefig(join(dirname(dirname(realpath(__file__))),f'result/track_image/{i}.pdf')) plt.close() return 0
left_fit, right_fit = polyfit.fit_polynomial(left_fit_prev, right_fit_prev) # Warp image with lanes back out_image = transform.warp_back(undist, polyfit) # Curvature and offset curvature = polyfit.curvature() offset = polyfit.offset() return out_image, left_fit, right_fit, curvature, offset if __name__ == "__main__": # Undistortion parameters undis_param = CameraCalibration.load_pickle_with_undist_params( "camera_cal/wide_dist_pickle.p") # Threshold parameters ksize = 3 # Sobel kernel size s_thresh_img = (170, 255) s_thresh_vid = (80, 200) sx_thresh = (20, 200) sy_thresh = (20, 200) m_thresh = (30, 120) d_thresh = (0.7, 1.3) # Input/output folders of test images in_folder = os.getcwd() + "/test_images/" out_folder = os.getcwd() + "/output_images/" # Detect lanes on test images and write to out folder
def scaled_sobel(abs_sobel): return np.uint8(255 * abs_sobel / np.max(abs_sobel)) @staticmethod def create_binary(image): return np.zeros_like(image) @staticmethod def region_of_interest(img, vertices): mask = np.zeros_like(img) if len(img.shape) > 2: channel_count = img.shape[2] ignore_mask_color = (255, ) * channel_count else: ignore_mask_color = 255 cv2.fillPoly(mask, vertices, ignore_mask_color) masked_image = cv2.bitwise_and(img, mask) return masked_image run = False if run: camcal = CameraCalibration() camcal.calibrate_camera() det = LaneLineDetector(camcal) output = 'harder_challenge_video_submit.mp4' clip1 = VideoFileClip('harder_challenge_video.mp4') clip = clip1.fl_image(det.pipeline) clip.write_videofile(output, audio=False)
class CalibrationIface(PlayerInterface): """ Implements the PlayerInterface class with an ImageListVideoStream It uses the CameraCalibration class to compute the camera matrix from a set of images containing a chessboard pattern. """ def __init__(self, app, context, parent, params, displayName, providerName, timerSpeed=200): PlayerInterface.__init__(self, app, context, parent, params, displayName, providerName, timerSpeed) self.nColumns = 9 self.nRows = 6 self.matrixType = 'normal' self._setDisplay() self._setDisplay() @pyqtSlot() def calibrate(self): """ Compute the camera matrix """ self.calib = CameraCalibration(self.nColumns, self.nRows) self.calib.calibrate(self.srcFolder) self.params.calib = self.calib self.nFrames = len(self.calib.srcImgs) = ImageListVideoStream(self.calib.srcImgs) self._setDisplay() self._setDisplayMax() self._updateImgProvider() @pyqtSlot(result=QVariant) def getNRows(self): """ Get the number of inner rows in the chessboard pattern """ return self.nRows @pyqtSlot(QVariant) def setNRows(self, nRows): """ Set the number of inner rows in the chessboard pattern """ self.nRows = int(nRows) @pyqtSlot(result=QVariant) def getNColumns(self): """ Get the number of inner columns in the chessboard pattern """ return self.nColumns @pyqtSlot(QVariant) def setNColumns(self, nColumns): """ Set the number of inner rows in the chessboard pattern """ self.nColumns = int(nColumns) @pyqtSlot(result=QVariant) def getFolderPath(self): """ Get the path to the folder where the images with the pattern are stored """ diag = QFileDialog() srcFolder = diag.getExistingDirectory(parent=diag, caption="Chose directory", directory=os.getenv('HOME')) self.srcFolder = srcFolder return srcFolder @pyqtSlot(QVariant) def setMatrixType(self, matrixType): """ Set the matrix type to be saved. Resolution independant (normal) or dependant (optimized) :param string matrixType: The type of matrix to be saved. One of ['normal', 'optimized'] """ matrixType = matrixType.lower() if matrixType not in ['normal', 'optimized']: raise KeyError( "Expected one of ['normal', 'optimized'], got {}".format( matrixType)) else: self.matrixType = matrixType @pyqtSlot() def saveCameraMatrix(self): """ Save the camera matrix selected as self.matrixType """ diag = QFileDialog() destPath = diag.getSaveFileName(parent=diag, caption='Save matrix', directory=os.getenv('HOME'), filter='Numpy (.npy)') destPath = destPath[0] if destPath: if self.matrixType == 'normal':, self.cameraMatrix) elif self.matrixType == 'optimized':, self.optimalCameraMatrix) @pyqtSlot(QVariant) def setFrameType(self, frameType): """ Selects the type of frame to be displayed. (Before, during or after distortion correction) :param string frameType: The selected frame type. One of ['source', 'detected', 'corrected'] """ frameType = frameType.lower() currentIndex = if frameType == "source": imgs = self.calib.srcImgs elif frameType == "detected": imgs = self.calib.detectedImgs elif frameType == "corrected": imgs = self.calib.correctedImgs else: raise KeyError( "Expected one of ['source', 'detected', 'corrected'], got {}". format(frameType)) = ImageListVideoStream(imgs) self._updateImgProvider() = self._validateFrameIdx( currentIndex - 1) # reset to previous position self.getImg()
class TrackerInterface: def __init__(self, defaultQuat, service_name='update_pose_target'): self.cameraCalib = CameraCalibration() rospy.wait_for_service(service_name, timeout=None) self._update_target = rospy.ServiceProxy(service_name, TrackPose) self.pose_target_listener = None self.mouth_target_listener = None self.defaultQuat = defaultQuat #### PUBLIC METHODS # we try to make it so that all of these methods are idempotent # and can be called from any state def start_updating_target_to_pose(self, target_pose_topic, robot_coord_offset=[0, 0, 0]): self.stop_moving() self.pose_target_listener = rospy.Subscriber( target_pose_topic, Pose, self._update_target_pose_robot_frame, (robot_coord_offset)) def start_updating_target_to_point(self, mouth_point_topic, robot_coord_offset=[0, 0, 0]): self.stop_moving() self.mouth_target_listener = rospy.Subscriber( mouth_point_topic, PointStamped, self._update_target_camera_frame, (robot_coord_offset)) def start_tracking_fixed_pose(self, robot_coord_point, robot_coord_quat): self.stop_moving() # you just send the target point, you don't need to continually update it self._update_target(target=Pose( Point(robot_coord_point[0], robot_coord_point[1], robot_coord_point[2]), robot_coord_quat)) def start_tracking_fixed_target(self, robot_coord_point): self.start_tracking_fixed_pose(robot_coord_point, self.defaultQuat) def stop_moving(self): self._stop_updating_target() self._update_target(stopMotion=True) #### PRIVATE METHODS ##### def _stop_updating_target(self): if (self.mouth_target_listener is not None): self.mouth_target_listener.unregister() if (self.pose_target_listener is not None): self.pose_target_listener.unregister() # return an np.array of the [x,y,z] target mouth location # in the coordinate frame of the robot base def _convert_camera_to_robot_frame(self, mouth_pos): t = mouth_pos.point point_in_camera_frame = np.array([t.x, t.y, t.z, 1]) point_in_robot_frame = self.cameraCalib.convert_to_robot_frame( point_in_camera_frame) return point_in_robot_frame[0:3] # compute and move toward the target mouth location # only move for at most timeoutSecs, def _update_target_camera_frame(self, mouth_pos, robot_coord_offset=[0, 0, 0]): endLoc = self._convert_camera_to_robot_frame(mouth_pos) + np.array( robot_coord_offset) self._update_target(target=Pose(Point(endLoc[0], endLoc[1], endLoc[2]), self.defaultQuat)) # move toward the target spoon pose def _update_target_pose_robot_frame(self, target_pose, robot_coord_offset=[0, 0, 0]): newPosition = Point(target_pose.position.x + robot_coord_offset[0], target_pose.position.y + robot_coord_offset[1], target_pose.position.z + robot_coord_offset[2]) self._update_target(target=Pose(newPosition, target_pose.orientation))
grad_color_stack, img = color_gradient_threshold_pipeline(image, img_processor) birds_eye, M, Minv = calibration.perspective_transform(img, src, dst) undist = calibration.undistort(image) search, left_fitx, right_fitx, ploty, image_final = find_lane_lines.find(birds_eye, undist, Minv, left_line, right_line) return image_final #__main__ # Camera Calibration img = mpimg.imread('camera_cal/calibration1.jpg') img_size = (img.shape[1], img.shape[0]) calibration = CameraCalibration(chessboard_images_dir='camera_cal', pattern_size=(9,6)) calibration.calibrate_camera(img_size) # Image Processor img_processor = ImageProcessor() # src and dst for perspective transform test_img = mpimg.imread('test_images/straight_lines2.jpg') test_img_size = (test_img.shape[1], test_img.shape[0]) src = np.float32([[580,460], [710,460], [1150,720], [150,720]]) offset = 200 dst = np.float32([ [offset, 0], [test_img_size[0]-offset, 0], [test_img_size[0]-offset, test_img_size[1]-0], [offset, test_img_size[1]-0]
continue gtDistances += cv_dists tofDistances += tof_dists stereoDistances += stereo_dists # print("-----image ", fname, "-----") # for i in range(len(cv_dists)): # print('corner {:02d} has gt = {:.1f}, tof = {:.1f}, stereo = {:.1f}'.format( # i, cv_dists[i], tof_dists[i], stereo_dists[i])) return [gtDistances, tofDistances, stereoDistances] if __name__ == '__main__': square_size = 26.3571 width = 6 height = 5 cal_obj = CameraCalibration(square_size, width, height) rgbModel = 'rgbCamera.yml' tofModel = 'irCamera.yml' stereoModel = 'stereo.yml' cal_obj.load_cameraModel(rgbModel, tofModel, stereoModel) dirpath = '../data/bias_calibration/corner*' gtDistances, tofs, stereo_distances = calibrateDepth( cal_obj, dirpath, irPrefix='Gray_', depthPrefix='DepthImage_', rgbPrefix='RBG_', ifVisualization=False, ifDivide16=True, ifUseRGB=True)