def __init__(self): self.cnt = 0 ## close can0 os.system('sudo ifconfig can0 down') ## set bitrate of can0 os.system('sudo ip link set can0 type can bitrate 500000') ## open can0 os.system('sudo ifconfig can0 up') # os.system('sudo /sbin/ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 250000') ## show details can0 for debug. # os.system('sudo ip -details link show can0') if 0: ## set up CAN Bus of J1939 self.bus = j1939.Bus(channel='can0', bustype='socketcan_native') # set up Notifier self.notifier = can.Notifier(self.bus, [self.msg_handler]) else: # set up can interface. self.can0 = can.interface.Bus(channel = 'can0', bustype = 'socketcan_ctypes')# socketcan_native socketcan_ctypes ## set up Notifier self.notifier = can.Notifier(self.can0, [self.msg_handler]) self.can_parser = CANParser() self.lines = 0
def parse_payload(self, msg): ''' Parse CAN msg to get gyro/accel/tilt/velocity data. in: CAN msg ''' can_parser = CANParser() (_Priority, _PGN, _PF, _PS, _SA) = can_parser.parse_PDU(msg.arbitration_id) data = None str = '{0:f},{1},{2},'.format(msg.timestamp, hex(msg.arbitration_id), _PGN) if _PGN == PGNType.SSI2.value: # Slope Sensor Information 2 data = can_parser.parse_tilt( str += ','.join('{0:f}'.format(i) for i in data) + '\n' self.log_file_tilt.write(str) self.log_file_tilt.flush() elif _PGN == PGNType.ARI.value: # Angular Rate data = can_parser.parse_gyro( str += ','.join('{0:f}'.format(i) for i in data) + '\n' self.log_file_gyro.write(str) self.log_file_gyro.flush() elif _PGN == PGNType.ACCS.value: # Acceleration Sensor data = can_parser.parse_accel( str += ','.join('{0:f}'.format(i) for i in data) + '\n' self.log_file_accel.write(str) self.log_file_accel.flush() elif _PGN == PGNType.CCVS1.value: # Cruise Control/Vehicle Speed 1 data = can_parser.parse_velocity1( str += ','.join('{0:f}'.format(i) for i in data) + '\n' self.log_file_vel1.write(str) self.log_file_vel1.flush() elif _PGN == PGNType.WSI.value: # Wheel Speed Information data = can_parser.parse_velocity2( str += ','.join('{0:f}'.format(i) for i in data) + '\n' self.log_file_vel2.write(str) self.log_file_vel2.flush() elif _PGN == PGNType.GEAR.value: data = can_parser.parse_gear( str += ','.join('{0:f}'.format(i) for i in data) + '\n' self.log_dir_gear.write(str) self.log_dir_gear.flush() pass elif _PGN == PGNType.TACHOGRAPH.value: data = can_parser.parse_tachograph( str += ','.join('{0:f}'.format(i) for i in data) + '\n' self.log_dir_tacho.write(str) self.log_dir_tacho.flush() pass else: # unknown PGN msg pass if data is not None: self.log_file_all.write(str) self.log_file_all.flush() pass
def read(self, ): can_parser = CANParser() with open(self.file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: idx = 0 line = f.readline() while line: try: idx += 1 # ignore the first line header. if idx == 1: line = f.readline() continue item = line.split(',') # get system time. sys_time = item[2] sys_time = sys_time.split(':') second = sys_time[2].split('.') sys_time = float(sys_time[0]) * 3600 + float( sys_time[1]) * 60 + float(second[0]) + float( second[1]) / 1e3 + float(second[2]) / 1e6 # get frame id id = item[3] id = int(id, 16) # # get msg msg = item[7].split(' ')[0:-1] msg = [int(p, 16) for p in msg] data = None s = '{0},{1},{2},'.format(item[2], sys_time, id) if id == 0XAA: # 170 data = can_parser.parse_wheel_speed_carola(msg) s += ','.join('{0:f}'.format(i) for i in data) s += ',' + str(self.gear) + '\n' self.log_file_vel.write(s) self.log_file_vel.flush() # print(speed_fr, speed_fl, speed_rr, speed_rl) elif id == 0X3BC: # 956 data = can_parser.parse_gear_carola(msg) s += ','.join('{0:d}'.format(i) for i in data) + '\n' self.log_dir_gear.write(s) self.log_dir_gear.flush() self.gear = data[0] # print(data) else: # unknown id pass if data is not None: self.log_file_all.write(s) self.log_file_all.flush() pass line = f.readline() except Exception as e: print('Error at line {0} :{1}'.format(idx, e))
def get_gyro_data(self, msg): ''' Parse gyro data on CAN bus. ''' # if msg.arbitration_id != 0X0CF02A80: # return can_parser = CANParser() (_Priority, _PGN, _PF, _PS, _SA) = can_parser.parse_PDU(msg.arbitration_id) if _PGN == PGNType.ARI.value: # Angular Rate data = can_parser.parse_gyro( # self.w = np.array(data, dtype = np.float32) # Note the order of rate data is YXZ self.w = np.array([data[1], data[0], data[2]], dtype=np.float32) # print(self.w) return