コード例 #1
    def expose(self, widget=None, event=None):
        self.ancho = self.get_size_request()[0]
        self.alto = self.get_size_request()[1]
        self.particiones = self.p.particiones

        if len(self.p.particiones) > 0:
            self.total = self.p.particiones[0][9]

        cr = self.window.cairo_create()
        cr.set_source_rgb(0.925490196, 0.91372549, 0.847058824)
        cr.rectangle(0, 0, self.ancho, self.alto)

        for p in self.particiones:
            ini = p[1]
            fin = p[2]
            tipo = p[5]
            fs = p[4]

            if tipo == 'logical':
                y1 = 3
                y2 = self.alto - 3
            elif tipo == 'extended' or tipo == 'primary':
                y1 = 0
                y2 = self.alto

            x1 = ((ini * self.ancho) / self.total)
            x2 = ((fin * self.ancho) / self.total)
            r = 1

            if x2 - x1 > 12:
                x1 = x1 + 1
                x2 = x2 - 1
                r = 5

            draw_rounded(cr, (x1, y1, x2, y2), r)
            cr.set_source(set_color(fs, self.alto))
コード例 #2
    def expose(self, widget=None, event=None):
        self.ancho = self.get_size_request()[0]
        self.alto = self.get_size_request()[1]
        self.particiones = self.p.particiones

        if len(self.p.particiones) > 0:
            self.total = self.p.particiones[0][9]

        cr = self.window.cairo_create()
        cr.set_source_rgb(0.925490196, 0.91372549, 0.847058824)
        cr.rectangle(0, 0, self.ancho, self.alto)

        for p in self.particiones:
            ini = p[1]
            fin = p[2]
            tipo = p[5]
            fs = p[4]

            if tipo == 'logical':
                y1 = 3
                y2 = self.alto - 3
            elif tipo == 'extended' or tipo == 'primary':
                y1 = 0
                y2 = self.alto

            x1 = ((ini * self.ancho) / self.total)
            x2 = ((fin * self.ancho) / self.total)
            r = 1

            if x2 - x1 > 12:
                x1 = x1 + 1
                x2 = x2 - 1
                r = 5

            draw_rounded(cr, (x1, y1, x2, y2), r)
            cr.set_source(set_color(fs, self.alto))
コード例 #3
    def expose(self, widget=None, event=None):
        self.metodo = self.p.metodo
        self.ini = self.p.metodo['part'][1]
        self.fin = self.p.metodo['part'][2]
        self.primarias = self.p.metodo['disco'][3]
        self.extendidas = self.p.metodo['disco'][4]
        self.particiones = self.p.particiones
        self.minimo = self.p.minimo
        self.forma = self.p.forma
        self.nuevas = self.p.nuevas
        self.libre = self.p.libre
        self.total = self.fin - self.ini
        self.current = self.total - self.libre
        self.factor = self.current / ESPACIO_TOTAL
        self.swap = ESPACIO_SWAP
        self.p.acciones = []

        self.ancho = self.get_size_request()[0]
        self.alto = self.get_size_request()[1]

        if self.window:
            cr = self.window.cairo_create()
            cr.set_source_rgb(0.925490196, 0.91372549, 0.847058824)
            cr.rectangle(0, 0, self.ancho, self.alto)

        if self.forma == 'ROOT:SWAP:LIBRE':
            ini_1 = 0
            fin_1 = self.current - self.swap
            ini_2 = fin_1
            fin_2 = self.current
            ini_3 = fin_2
            fin_3 = self.total
            p_1 = [
                self.forma.split(':')[0], ini_1, fin_1, 0, 'ext4', 'primary',
                '', 0, 0, 0, 1
            p_2 = [
                self.forma.split(':')[1], ini_2, fin_2, 0, 'swap', 'primary',
                '', 0, 0, 0, 1
            p_3 = [
                self.forma.split(':')[2], ini_3, fin_3, 0, 'free', 'primary',
                '', 0, 0, 0, 1
            self.p.nuevas = [p_1, p_2, p_3]

        elif self.forma == 'ROOT:HOME:SWAP:LIBRE':
            ini_1 = 0
            * self.factor
            ini_2 = fin_1
            fin_2 = self.current - self.swap
            ini_3 = fin_2
            fin_3 = self.current
            ini_4 = fin_3
            fin_4 = self.total
            p_1 = [
                self.forma.split(':')[0], ini_1, fin_1, 0, 'ext4', 'primary',
                '', 0, 0, 0, 1
            p_2 = [
                self.forma.split(':')[1], ini_2, fin_2, 0, 'xfs', 'primary',
                '', 0, 0, 0, 1
            p_3 = [
                self.forma.split(':')[2], ini_3, fin_3, 0, 'swap', 'primary',
                '', 0, 0, 0, 1
            p_4 = [
                self.forma.split(':')[3], ini_4, fin_4, 0, 'free', 'primary',
                '', 0, 0, 0, 1
            self.p.nuevas = [p_1, p_2, p_3, p_4]

        elif self.forma == 'BOOT:ROOT:HOME:SWAP:LIBRE':
            ini_1 = 0
            fin_1 = ESPACIO_BOOT * self.factor
            ini_2 = fin_1
            fin_2 = fin_1 + (ESPACIO_ROOT + ESPACIO_VAR + ESPACIO_USR) \
            * self.factor
            ini_3 = fin_2
            fin_3 = self.current - self.swap
            ini_4 = fin_3
            fin_4 = self.current
            ini_5 = fin_4
            fin_5 = self.total
            p_1 = [
                self.forma.split(':')[0], ini_1, fin_1, 0, 'ext4', 'primary',
                '', 0, 0, 0, 1
            p_2 = [
                self.forma.split(':')[1], ini_2, fin_2, 0, 'ext4', 'primary',
                '', 0, 0, 0, 1
            p_3 = [
                self.forma.split(':')[2], ini_3, fin_3, 0, 'xfs', 'primary',
                '', 0, 0, 0, 1
            p_4 = [
                self.forma.split(':')[3], ini_4, fin_4, 0, 'swap', 'primary',
                '', 0, 0, 0, 1
            p_5 = [
                self.forma.split(':')[4], ini_5, fin_5, 0, 'free', 'primary',
                '', 0, 0, 0, 1
            self.p.nuevas = [p_1, p_2, p_3, p_4, p_5]

        elif self.forma == 'BOOT:ROOT:VAR:USR:HOME:SWAP:LIBRE':
            ini_1 = 0
            fin_1 = ESPACIO_BOOT * self.factor
            ini_2 = fin_1
            fin_2 = fin_1 + (ESPACIO_ROOT * self.factor)
            ini_3 = fin_2
            fin_3 = fin_2 + (ESPACIO_VAR * self.factor)
            ini_4 = fin_3
            fin_4 = fin_3 + (ESPACIO_USR * self.factor)
            ini_5 = fin_4
            fin_5 = self.current - self.swap
            ini_6 = fin_5
            fin_6 = self.current
            ini_7 = fin_6
            fin_7 = self.total
            p_1 = [
                self.forma.split(':')[0], ini_1, fin_1, 0, 'ext4', 'primary',
                '', 0, 0, 0, 1
            p_2 = [
                self.forma.split(':')[1], ini_2, fin_2, 0, 'ext4', 'primary',
                '', 0, 0, 0, 1
            p_3 = [
                self.forma.split(':')[2], ini_3, fin_3, 0, 'ext4', 'primary',
                '', 0, 0, 0, 1
            p_4 = [
                self.forma.split(':')[3], ini_4, fin_4, 0, 'ext4', 'primary',
                '', 0, 0, 0, 1
            p_5 = [
                self.forma.split(':')[4], ini_5, fin_5, 0, 'xfs', 'primary',
                '', 0, 0, 0, 1
            p_6 = [
                self.forma.split(':')[5], ini_6, fin_6, 0, 'swap', 'primary',
                '', 0, 0, 0, 1
            p_7 = [
                self.forma.split(':')[6], ini_7, fin_7, 0, 'free', 'primary',
                '', 0, 0, 0, 1
            self.p.nuevas = [p_1, p_2, p_3, p_4, p_5, p_6, p_7]


        for p in self.p.nuevas:
            ini = p[1]
            fin = p[2]
            tipo = p[5]
            fs = p[4]

            if tipo == 'logical':
                y1 = 3
                y2 = self.alto - 3
            elif tipo == 'extended' or tipo == 'primary':
                y1 = 0
                y2 = self.alto

            x1 = ((ini * self.ancho) / self.total)
            x2 = ((fin * self.ancho) / self.total)
            r = 1

            if x2 - x1 > 12:
                x1 = x1 + 1
                x2 = x2 - 1
                r = 5

            if self.window:
                draw_rounded(cr, (x1, y1, x2, y2), r)
                cr.set_source(set_color(fs, self.alto))

        xsel1 = (self.current * self.ancho / self.total) - 5
        ysel1 = 10
        xsel2 = (self.current * self.ancho / self.total) + 5
        ysel2 = self.alto - 10
        self.pos = [xsel1, ysel1, xsel2, ysel2]

        if self.window:
            cr.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0)
            draw_rounded(cr, self.pos, 3)

            for i in range(int(ysel1 + 3), int(ysel2 - 2), 3):
                cr.move_to(xsel1 + 1, i)
                cr.rel_line_to(8, 0)

        if self.metodo['tipo'] == 'TODO':
            for w in self.particiones:
                if w[4] != 'free' and w[5] != 'extended':
                        ['borrar', w[0], None, w[1], w[2], w[4], w[5], 0])

            for w in self.particiones:
                if w[5] == 'extended':
                        ['borrar', w[0], None, w[1], w[2], w[4], w[5], 0])

            if len(self.p.nuevas) - 1 > 4:
                    ['crear', None, None, self.ini, self.ini + self.current \
                     - 0.5, 'extended', 'extended', 0]
                a_tipo = 'logical'
                a_tipo = 'primary'

        elif self.metodo['tipo'] == 'LIBRE':
            if self.metodo['part'][5] == 'logical':
                a_tipo = 'logical'
                if self.extendidas < 1:
                    if self.primarias + self.extendidas + len(self.p.nuevas) \
                    - 1 > 4:
                            ['crear', None, None, self.ini, self.ini \
                             + self.current - 0.5, 'extended', 'extended', 0]
                        a_tipo = 'logical'
                        a_tipo = 'primary'
                    if self.primarias + self.extendidas + len(self.p.nuevas) \
                    - 1 > 4:
                        a_tipo = 'FAIL'
                        a_tipo = 'primary'

        for k in range(0, len(self.p.nuevas)):
            if self.p.nuevas[k][0] == 'ROOT':
                a_mount = '/'
                a_fs = 'ext4'
            elif self.p.nuevas[k][0] == 'SWAP':
                a_mount = 'swap'
                a_fs = 'swap'
            elif self.p.nuevas[k][0] == 'HOME':
                a_mount = '/home'
                a_fs = 'xfs'
            elif self.p.nuevas[k][0] == 'USR':
                a_mount = '/usr'
                a_fs = 'ext4'
            elif self.p.nuevas[k][0] == 'BOOT':
                a_mount = '/boot'
                a_fs = 'ext4'
            elif self.p.nuevas[k][0] == 'VAR':
                a_mount = '/var'
                a_fs = 'ext4'

            if a_tipo == 'primary':
                a_ini = self.ini + self.p.nuevas[k][1] + 0.5
                a_fin = self.ini + self.p.nuevas[k][2] - 0.5

                if a_fin >= self.fin:
                    a_fin = self.fin - 0.5

                a_ini = self.ini + self.p.nuevas[k][1] + 1
                a_fin = self.ini + self.p.nuevas[k][2] - 1

                if a_fin >= self.fin:
                    a_fin = self.fin - 1

                if k == 1:
                    a_ini += 0.5

                if k == len(self.p.nuevas) - 1:
                    a_fin -= 0.5

            if self.p.nuevas[k][0] != 'LIBRE':
                    ['crear', None, a_mount, a_ini, a_fin, a_fs, a_tipo, 0])
コード例 #4
    def expose(self, widget=None, event=None):
        self.metodo = self.p.metodo
        self.ini = self.p.metodo["part"][1]
        self.fin = self.p.metodo["part"][2]
        self.primarias = self.p.metodo["disco"][3]
        self.extendidas = self.p.metodo["disco"][4]
        self.usado = self.p.usado
        self.minimo = self.p.minimo
        self.forma = self.p.forma
        self.nuevas = self.p.nuevas
        self.current = self.p.current
        self.total = self.fin - self.ini
        self.libre = self.total - self.usado
        self.factor = (self.total - self.current) / ESPACIO_TOTAL
        self.swap = ESPACIO_SWAP
        self.p.acciones = []

        self.ancho = self.get_size_request()[0]
        self.alto = self.get_size_request()[1]

        if self.window:
            cr = self.window.cairo_create()
            cr.set_source_rgb(0.925490196, 0.91372549, 0.847058824)
            cr.rectangle(0, 0, self.ancho, self.alto)

        if self.forma == "PART:ROOT:SWAP":
            ini_1 = 0
            fin_1 = self.current
            ini_2 = fin_1
            fin_2 = self.total - self.swap
            ini_3 = fin_2
            fin_3 = self.total
            p_1 = [self.forma.split(":")[0], ini_1, fin_1, 0, "part", "primary", "", 0, 0, 0, 1]
            p_2 = [self.forma.split(":")[1], ini_2, fin_2, 0, "ext4", "primary", "", 0, 0, 0, 1]
            p_3 = [self.forma.split(":")[2], ini_3, fin_3, 0, "swap", "primary", "", 0, 0, 0, 1]
            self.p.nuevas = [p_1, p_2, p_3]

        elif self.forma == "PART:ROOT:HOME:SWAP":
            ini_1 = 0
            fin_1 = self.current
            ini_2 = fin_1
            fin_2 = fin_1 + (ESPACIO_ROOT + ESPACIO_BOOT + ESPACIO_VAR + ESPACIO_USR) * self.factor
            ini_3 = fin_2
            fin_3 = self.total - self.swap
            ini_4 = fin_3
            fin_4 = self.total
            p_1 = [self.forma.split(":")[0], ini_1, fin_1, 0, "part", "primary", "", 0, 0, 0, 1]
            p_2 = [self.forma.split(":")[1], ini_2, fin_2, 0, "ext4", "primary", "", 0, 0, 0, 1]
            p_3 = [self.forma.split(":")[2], ini_3, fin_3, 0, "xfs", "primary", "", 0, 0, 0, 1]
            p_4 = [self.forma.split(":")[3], ini_4, fin_4, 0, "swap", "primary", "", 0, 0, 0, 1]
            self.p.nuevas = [p_1, p_2, p_3, p_4]

        elif self.forma == "PART:BOOT:ROOT:HOME:SWAP":
            ini_1 = 0
            fin_1 = self.current
            ini_2 = fin_1
            fin_2 = fin_1 + (ESPACIO_BOOT * self.factor)
            ini_3 = fin_2
            fin_3 = fin_2 + (ESPACIO_ROOT + ESPACIO_VAR + ESPACIO_USR) * self.factor
            ini_4 = fin_3
            fin_4 = self.total - self.swap
            ini_5 = fin_4
            fin_5 = self.total
            p_1 = [self.forma.split(":")[0], ini_1, fin_1, 0, "part", "primary", "", 0, 0, 0, 1]
            p_2 = [self.forma.split(":")[1], ini_2, fin_2, 0, "ext4", "primary", "", 0, 0, 0, 1]
            p_3 = [self.forma.split(":")[2], ini_3, fin_3, 0, "ext4", "primary", "", 0, 0, 0, 1]
            p_4 = [self.forma.split(":")[3], ini_4, fin_4, 0, "xfs", "primary", "", 0, 0, 0, 1]
            p_5 = [self.forma.split(":")[4], ini_5, fin_5, 0, "swap", "primary", "", 0, 0, 0, 1]
            self.p.nuevas = [p_1, p_2, p_3, p_4, p_5]

        elif self.forma == "PART:BOOT:ROOT:VAR:USR:HOME:SWAP":
            ini_1 = 0
            fin_1 = self.current
            ini_2 = fin_1
            fin_2 = fin_1 + (ESPACIO_BOOT * self.factor)
            ini_3 = fin_2
            fin_3 = fin_2 + (ESPACIO_ROOT * self.factor)
            ini_4 = fin_3
            fin_4 = fin_3 + (ESPACIO_VAR * self.factor)
            ini_5 = fin_4
            fin_5 = fin_4 + (ESPACIO_USR * self.factor)
            ini_6 = fin_5
            fin_6 = self.total - self.swap
            ini_7 = fin_6
            fin_7 = self.total
            p_1 = [self.forma.split(":")[0], ini_1, fin_1, 0, "part", "primary", "", 0, 0, 0, 1]
            p_2 = [self.forma.split(":")[1], ini_2, fin_2, 0, "ext4", "primary", "", 0, 0, 0, 1]
            p_3 = [self.forma.split(":")[2], ini_3, fin_3, 0, "ext4", "primary", "", 0, 0, 0, 1]
            p_4 = [self.forma.split(":")[3], ini_4, fin_4, 0, "ext4", "primary", "", 0, 0, 0, 1]
            p_5 = [self.forma.split(":")[4], ini_5, fin_5, 0, "ext4", "primary", "", 0, 0, 0, 1]
            p_6 = [self.forma.split(":")[5], ini_6, fin_6, 0, "xfs", "primary", "", 0, 0, 0, 1]
            p_7 = [self.forma.split(":")[6], ini_7, fin_7, 0, "swap", "primary", "", 0, 0, 0, 1]
            self.p.nuevas = [p_1, p_2, p_3, p_4, p_5, p_6, p_7]


        for p in self.p.nuevas:
            ini = p[1]
            fin = p[2]
            tipo = p[5]
            fs = p[4]

            if tipo == "logical":
                y1 = 3
                y2 = self.alto - 3
            elif tipo == "extended" or tipo == "primary":
                y1 = 0
                y2 = self.alto

            x1 = (ini * self.ancho) / self.total
            x2 = (fin * self.ancho) / self.total
            r = 1

            if x2 - x1 > 12:
                x1 = x1 + 1
                x2 = x2 - 1
                r = 5

            if self.window:
                draw_rounded(cr, (x1, y1, x2, y2), r)
                cr.set_source(set_color(fs, self.alto))

        xsel1 = (self.current * self.ancho / self.total) - 5
        ysel1 = 10
        xsel2 = (self.current * self.ancho / self.total) + 5
        ysel2 = self.alto - 10
        self.pos = [xsel1, ysel1, xsel2, ysel2]

        if self.window:
            cr.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0)
            draw_rounded(cr, self.pos, 3)

            for i in range(int(ysel1 + 3), int(ysel2 - 2), 3):
                cr.move_to(xsel1 + 1, i)
                cr.rel_line_to(8, 0)

        if self.metodo["tipo"] == "REDIM":
                    self.ini + self.current,

            if self.metodo["part"][5] == "logical":
                a_tipo = "logical"
                if self.extendidas < 1:
                    if self.primarias + self.extendidas + len(self.p.nuevas) - 1 > 4:
                                self.ini + self.current + 0.5,
                                self.ini + self.total - 0.5,
                        a_tipo = "logical"
                        a_tipo = "primary"
                    if self.primarias + self.extendidas + len(self.p.nuevas) - 1 > 4:
                        a_tipo = "FAIL"
                        a_tipo = "primary"

        for k in range(0, len(self.p.nuevas)):
            if self.p.nuevas[k][0] == "ROOT":
                a_mount = "/"
                a_fs = "ext4"
            elif self.p.nuevas[k][0] == "SWAP":
                a_mount = "swap"
                a_fs = "swap"
            elif self.p.nuevas[k][0] == "HOME":
                a_mount = "/home"
                a_fs = "xfs"
            elif self.p.nuevas[k][0] == "USR":
                a_mount = "/usr"
                a_fs = "ext4"
            elif self.p.nuevas[k][0] == "BOOT":
                a_mount = "/boot"
                a_fs = "ext4"
            elif self.p.nuevas[k][0] == "VAR":
                a_mount = "/var"
                a_fs = "ext4"

            if a_tipo == "primary":
                a_ini = self.ini + self.p.nuevas[k][1] + 0.5
                a_fin = self.ini + self.p.nuevas[k][2] - 0.5

                if a_fin >= self.fin:
                    a_fin = self.fin - 0.5

                a_ini = self.ini + self.p.nuevas[k][1] + 1
                a_fin = self.ini + self.p.nuevas[k][2] - 1

                if a_fin >= self.fin:
                    a_fin = self.fin - 1

                if k == 1:
                    a_ini += 0.5

                if k == len(self.p.nuevas) - 1:
                    a_fin -= 0.5

            if self.p.nuevas[k][0] != "PART":
                self.p.acciones.append(["crear", None, a_mount, a_ini, a_fin, a_fs, a_tipo, 0])
コード例 #5
    def expose(self, widget=None, event=None):
        self.metodo = self.p.metodo
        self.ini = self.p.metodo['part'][1]
        self.fin = self.p.metodo['part'][2]
        self.primarias = self.p.metodo['disco'][3]
        self.extendidas = self.p.metodo['disco'][4]
        self.particiones = self.p.particiones
        self.minimo = self.p.minimo
        self.forma = self.p.forma
        self.nuevas = self.p.nuevas
        self.libre = self.p.libre
        self.total = self.fin - self.ini
        self.current = self.total - self.libre
        self.factor = self.current / ESPACIO_TOTAL
        self.swap = ESPACIO_SWAP
        self.p.acciones = []

        self.ancho = self.get_size_request()[0]
        self.alto = self.get_size_request()[1]

        if self.window:
            cr = self.window.cairo_create()
            cr.set_source_rgb(0.925490196, 0.91372549, 0.847058824)
            cr.rectangle(0, 0, self.ancho, self.alto)

        if self.forma == 'ROOT:SWAP:LIBRE':
            ini_1 = 0
            fin_1 = self.current - self.swap
            ini_2 = fin_1
            fin_2 = self.current
            ini_3 = fin_2
            fin_3 = self.total
            p_1 = [self.forma.split(':')[0], ini_1, fin_1, 0, 'ext4', 'primary', '', 0, 0, 0, 1]
            p_2 = [self.forma.split(':')[1], ini_2, fin_2, 0, 'swap', 'primary', '', 0, 0, 0, 1]
            p_3 = [self.forma.split(':')[2], ini_3, fin_3, 0, 'free', 'primary', '', 0, 0, 0, 1]
            self.p.nuevas = [p_1, p_2, p_3]

        elif self.forma == 'ROOT:HOME:SWAP:LIBRE':
            ini_1 = 0
            fin_1 = (ESPACIO_ROOT + ESPACIO_BOOT + ESPACIO_VAR + ESPACIO_USR) * self.factor
            ini_2 = fin_1
            fin_2 = self.current - self.swap
            ini_3 = fin_2
            fin_3 = self.current
            ini_4 = fin_3
            fin_4 = self.total
            p_1 = [self.forma.split(':')[0], ini_1, fin_1, 0, 'ext4', 'primary', '', 0, 0, 0, 1]
            p_2 = [self.forma.split(':')[1], ini_2, fin_2, 0, 'xfs', 'primary', '', 0, 0, 0, 1]
            p_3 = [self.forma.split(':')[2], ini_3, fin_3, 0, 'swap', 'primary', '', 0, 0, 0, 1]
            p_4 = [self.forma.split(':')[3], ini_4, fin_4, 0, 'free', 'primary', '', 0, 0, 0, 1]
            self.p.nuevas = [p_1, p_2, p_3, p_4]

        elif self.forma == 'BOOT:ROOT:HOME:SWAP:LIBRE':
            ini_1 = 0
            fin_1 = ESPACIO_BOOT * self.factor
            ini_2 = fin_1
            fin_2 = fin_1 + (ESPACIO_ROOT + ESPACIO_VAR + ESPACIO_USR) * self.factor
            ini_3 = fin_2
            fin_3 = self.current - self.swap
            ini_4 = fin_3
            fin_4 = self.current
            ini_5 = fin_4
            fin_5 = self.total
            p_1 = [self.forma.split(':')[0], ini_1, fin_1, 0, 'ext4', 'primary', '', 0, 0, 0, 1]
            p_2 = [self.forma.split(':')[1], ini_2, fin_2, 0, 'ext4', 'primary', '', 0, 0, 0, 1]
            p_3 = [self.forma.split(':')[2], ini_3, fin_3, 0, 'xfs', 'primary', '', 0, 0, 0, 1]
            p_4 = [self.forma.split(':')[3], ini_4, fin_4, 0, 'swap', 'primary', '', 0, 0, 0, 1]
            p_5 = [self.forma.split(':')[4], ini_5, fin_5, 0, 'free', 'primary', '', 0, 0, 0, 1]
            self.p.nuevas = [p_1, p_2, p_3, p_4, p_5]

        elif self.forma == 'BOOT:ROOT:VAR:USR:HOME:SWAP:LIBRE':
            ini_1 = 0
            fin_1 = ESPACIO_BOOT * self.factor
            ini_2 = fin_1
            fin_2 = fin_1 + (ESPACIO_ROOT * self.factor)
            ini_3 = fin_2
            fin_3 = fin_2 + (ESPACIO_VAR * self.factor)
            ini_4 = fin_3
            fin_4 = fin_3 + (ESPACIO_USR * self.factor)
            ini_5 = fin_4
            fin_5 = self.current - self.swap
            ini_6 = fin_5
            fin_6 = self.current
            ini_7 = fin_6
            fin_7 = self.total
            p_1 = [self.forma.split(':')[0], ini_1, fin_1, 0, 'ext4', 'primary', '', 0, 0, 0, 1]
            p_2 = [self.forma.split(':')[1], ini_2, fin_2, 0, 'ext4', 'primary', '', 0, 0, 0, 1]
            p_3 = [self.forma.split(':')[2], ini_3, fin_3, 0, 'ext4', 'primary', '', 0, 0, 0, 1]
            p_4 = [self.forma.split(':')[3], ini_4, fin_4, 0, 'ext4', 'primary', '', 0, 0, 0, 1]
            p_5 = [self.forma.split(':')[4], ini_5, fin_5, 0, 'xfs', 'primary', '', 0, 0, 0, 1]
            p_6 = [self.forma.split(':')[5], ini_6, fin_6, 0, 'swap', 'primary', '', 0, 0, 0, 1]
            p_7 = [self.forma.split(':')[6], ini_7, fin_7, 0, 'free', 'primary', '', 0, 0, 0, 1]
            self.p.nuevas = [p_1, p_2, p_3, p_4, p_5, p_6, p_7]


        for p in self.p.nuevas:
            ini = p[1]
            fin = p[2]
            tipo = p[5]
            fs = p[4]

            if tipo == 'logical':
                y1 = 3
                y2 = self.alto - 3
            elif tipo == 'extended' or tipo == 'primary':
                y1 = 0
                y2 = self.alto

            x1 = ((ini * self.ancho) / self.total)
            x2 = ((fin * self.ancho) / self.total)
            r = 1

            if x2 - x1 > 12:
                x1 = x1 + 1
                x2 = x2 - 1
                r = 5

            if self.window:
                draw_rounded(cr, (x1, y1, x2, y2), r)
                cr.set_source(set_color(fs, self.alto))

        xsel1 = (self.current * self.ancho / self.total) - 5
        ysel1 = 10
        xsel2 = (self.current * self.ancho / self.total) + 5
        ysel2 = self.alto - 10
        self.pos = [xsel1, ysel1, xsel2, ysel2]

        if self.window:
            cr.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0)
            draw_rounded(cr, self.pos, 3)

            for i in range(int(ysel1 + 3), int(ysel2 - 2), 3):
                cr.move_to(xsel1 + 1, i)
                cr.rel_line_to(8, 0)

        if self.metodo['tipo'] == 'TODO':
            for w in self.particiones:
                if w[4] != 'free' and w[5] != 'extended':
                        ['borrar', w[0], None, w[1], w[2], w[4], w[5], 0]

            for w in self.particiones:
                if w[5] == 'extended':
                        ['borrar', w[0], None, w[1], w[2], w[4], w[5], 0]

            if len(self.p.nuevas) - 1 > 4:
                    ['crear', None, None, self.ini, self.ini + self.current - 0.5, 'extended', 'extended', 0]
                a_tipo = 'logical'
                a_tipo = 'primary'

        elif self.metodo['tipo'] == 'LIBRE':
            if self.metodo['part'][5] == 'logical':
                a_tipo = 'logical'
                if self.extendidas < 1:
                    if self.primarias + self.extendidas + len(self.p.nuevas) - 1 > 4:
                            ['crear', None, None, self.ini, self.ini + self.current - 0.5, 'extended', 'extended', 0]
                        a_tipo = 'logical'
                        a_tipo = 'primary'
                    if self.primarias + self.extendidas + len(self.p.nuevas) - 1 > 4:
                        a_tipo = 'FAIL'
                        a_tipo = 'primary'

        for k in range(0, len(self.p.nuevas)):
            if self.p.nuevas[k][0] == 'ROOT':
                a_mount = '/'
                a_fs = 'ext4'
            elif self.p.nuevas[k][0] == 'SWAP':
                a_mount = 'swap'
                a_fs = 'swap'
            elif self.p.nuevas[k][0] == 'HOME':
                a_mount = '/home'
                a_fs = 'xfs'
            elif self.p.nuevas[k][0] == 'USR':
                a_mount = '/usr'
                a_fs = 'ext4'
            elif self.p.nuevas[k][0] == 'BOOT':
                a_mount = '/boot'
                a_fs = 'ext4'
            elif self.p.nuevas[k][0] == 'VAR':
                a_mount = '/var'
                a_fs = 'ext4'

            if a_tipo == 'primary':
                a_ini = self.ini + self.p.nuevas[k][1] + 0.5
                a_fin = self.ini + self.p.nuevas[k][2] - 0.5

                if a_fin >= self.fin:
                    a_fin = self.fin - 0.5

                a_ini = self.ini + self.p.nuevas[k][1] + 1
                a_fin = self.ini + self.p.nuevas[k][2] - 1

                if a_fin >= self.fin:
                    a_fin = self.fin - 1

                if k == 1:
                    a_ini += 0.5

                if k == len(self.p.nuevas) - 1:
                    a_fin -= 0.5

            if self.p.nuevas[k][0] != 'LIBRE':
                    ['crear', None, a_mount, a_ini, a_fin, a_fs, a_tipo, 0]