def buildPyFolder(folderName, project): # TODO: ADD ERROR HANDLING. LOG? # Get the copyright/license notice for the project. projectNotice = project.get("notice", None) # Get the folder from the folder name. folder = cc.getFolder(folderName, project) if not folder: return None # Get all the module names. moduleNames = cc.getModuleNames(folder) if not moduleNames: return None # Start with empty module. moduleText = '' # Add the file header. moduleText += buildCodeLine(0, ['"""']) moduleText += buildCodeLine( 0, ['CANNR TM analytics container building tool Python service script.']) moduleText += buildCodeLine( 0, ['Module that calls other modules to provide Web services.']) moduleText += buildCodeLine( 0, ['Copyright 2020 Pat Tendick [email protected]']) moduleText += buildCodeLine(0, ['All rights reserved']) moduleText += buildCodeLine(0, ['Maintainer Pat Tendick [email protected]']) moduleText += buildCodeLine(0, ['"""']) moduleText += buildCodeLine(0, []) # TODO: NEED TO HANDLE CASE THAT THERE ARE LINE BREAKS IN THE NOTICE. moduleText += buildCodeLine(0, ['"""']) #if projectNotice: # moduleText += buildCodeLine(0, [projectNotice]) moduleText += buildCodeLine( 0, ['Generated ',' ', timespec='seconds')]) moduleText += buildCodeLine(0, ['"""']) # Add basic imports that are always included. moduleText += buildCodeLine(0, ['import json']) moduleText += buildCodeLine(0, ['import os']) moduleText += buildCodeLine(0, ['import sys']) moduleText += buildCodeLine(0, ['import logging']) moduleText += buildCodeLine(0, ['import uuid']) moduleText += buildCodeLine(0, ['import pandas']) moduleText += buildCodeLine( 0, ['from flask import Flask, render_template, request, Response']) # Import utilities. moduleText += buildCodeLine(0, ['import cannrcore as cc']) moduleText += buildCodeLine(0, ['import cannrio as ci']) # Change to the folder home. moduleText += '\n' # Add paths to search for dependent modules. # Loop through paths, add. folderPath = '/folders/' + folderName #relativePath = cc.getRelativePath(folder['sourcePath'].replace(os.path.sep, '/')) paths = folder.get('paths', None) if paths: for path in paths: moduleText += buildCodeLine(0, [ 'sys.path.append("', folderPath, '/', folderName, '/', path, '")' ]) # Change to the folder home. moduleText += '\n' #moduleText += buildCodeLine(0, ['os.chdir("', cc.getHome(folderName, folder), '")']) moduleText += buildCodeLine( 0, ['os.chdir("', folderPath + '/' + folderName, '")']) # Build imports of modules. # Add the imports. # Loop through modules, add import for each one. moduleShortNames = {} moduleNum = 1 for moduleName in moduleNames: module = cc.getModule(moduleName, folder) fileName = module.get('sourceFile', None) moduleFileName = folderPath + '/' + folderName + '/' + fileName moduleShortName = 'm_' + str(moduleNum) moduleText += buildCodeLine(0, [ moduleShortName, ' = ', 'cc.importPackage("', moduleShortName, '", "', moduleFileName, '")' ]) moduleShortNames[moduleName] = moduleShortName moduleNum += 1 # TODO: If no source file, error. # TODO: CHECK FOR LEGAL MODULE NAME. # Create the Flask app object. moduleText += '\n' moduleText += buildCodeLine(0, ['app = Flask(__name__)']) moduleText += buildCodeLine(0, ['app.url_map.strict_slashes = False']) moduleText += buildCodeLine(0, ['cnr__workerID = str(uuid.uuid4())']) moduleText += buildCodeLine(0, ['cnr__credentials = None']) moduleText += buildCodeLine(0, ['cnr__lastUpdateID = None']) moduleText += '\n' # Dispatcher to shut down the worker. moduleText += buildCodeLine(0, ['# Shut down the worker']) moduleText += buildCodeLine( 0, ['@app.route("/shutdown/', folderName, '", methods=["POST"])']) moduleText += buildCodeLine(0, ['def shutdown():']) moduleText += buildCodeLine(1, ['shutdown.shutdown()']) moduleText += buildCodeLine(1, ['return "Shutting down..."']) # Build the wrappers. functionNumber = 1 moduleNumber = 1 for moduleName in moduleNames: module = cc.getModule(moduleName, folder) serviceNames = cc.getServiceNames(module) moduleText += '\n' for serviceName in serviceNames: service = cc.getService(serviceName, module) capacity = service.get('capacity', 0) method = service.get('method', 'POST') resourceNames = service.get('resourceNames', []) # TODO: CHECK TO MAKE SURE functionName EXISTS! functionName = service.get('functionName', 'ERROR') moduleText += buildCodeLine( 0, ['# Service ', serviceName, ' in module ', moduleName]) #moduleText += buildCodeLine(0, ['@app.route("/services/', folderName, '/', moduleName, '/', serviceName, '", methods=["', method , '"])']) moduleText += buildAppRoute(folderName, moduleName, serviceName, method, resourceNames) + '\n' # TODO: IF resourceNames, ADD RESOURCE NAMES AS FUNCTION ARGUMENTS resourceArgList = '' resourceString = 'resources = {' for resourceName in resourceNames: resourceString += '"' + resourceName + '": ' + resourceName + ', ' resourceArgList += resourceName + ', ' resourceString += '}' moduleText += buildCodeLine( 0, ['def s_', str(functionNumber), '(', resourceArgList, '):']) moduleText += buildCodeLine(1, ['try:']) functionNumber += 1 # TODO: ADD METRICS. # TODO: ADD LOGGING. if resourceNames: moduleText += buildCodeLine(2, resourceString) # For POST, parse the body. includeBody = service.get('includeBody', True) if method == 'POST' and includeBody: moduleText += buildCodeLine(2, [ 'inputObject = ci.toInputType(request, inputParseType="', service.get('inputParseType', 'none'), '")' ]) # Add capacity check if appropriate if capacity: moduleText += buildCodeLine(2, [ 'if isinstance(inputObject, pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) and len(inputObject.index) > ', str(capacity), ':' ]) moduleText += buildCodeLine( 3, ['return {"error": "Capacity exceeded"}']) functionText = moduleShortNames[moduleName] + '.' + functionName codeComponents = ['output = ', functionText, '('] functionArgs = [] if resourceNames: functionArgs.append('resources, ') elif service.get('includeParams', False): functionArgs.append('request.args.to_dict(), ') if service.get('includeRequest', False): functionArgs.append('request, ') if method == 'POST' and includeBody: functionArgs.append('inputObject') codeComponents.extend(functionArgs) codeComponents.append(')') moduleText += buildCodeLine(2, codeComponents) moduleText += buildCodeLine(2, [ 'return Response(ci.serviceOutput(output, "', service.get('outputParseType', 'default'), '"), ', 'content_type="application/json"', ')' ]) moduleText += buildCodeLine(1, ['except Exception as err:']) #moduleText += buildCodeLine(2, ['return(\'{"error": "\' + str(err) + \'"}\')']) moduleText += buildCodeLine(2, ['return {"error": str(err)}']) moduleText += '\n' # Stub for refreshing objects in the module # TODO: IMPLEMENT THIS moduleText += '\n' moduleText += buildCodeLine( 0, ['# Refresh objects in module ', moduleName]) moduleText += buildCodeLine(0, [ '@app.route("/refreshObjects/', folderName, '/', moduleName, '", methods=["POST"])' ]) moduleText += buildCodeLine( 0, ['def refresh_', str(moduleNumber), '():']) moduleText += buildCodeLine(1, ['# TODO: STUB - TO BE ADDED']) moduleText += buildCodeLine( 1, ['# TODO: PASS BACK cnr__workerID IN THE RESPONSE']) moduleText += buildCodeLine(1, ['return({})']) # Update credentials (e.g., for object store) # TODO: IMPLEMENT THIS moduleText += '\n' moduleText += buildCodeLine( 0, ['# Update credentials in module ', moduleName]) moduleText += buildCodeLine(0, [ '@app.route("/updateCredentials/', folderName, '/', moduleName, '", methods=["POST"])' ]) moduleText += buildCodeLine( 0, ['def updateCred_', str(moduleNumber), '():']) moduleText += buildCodeLine( 1, ['parsedBody = json.loads(request.get_json())']) moduleText += buildCodeLine( 1, ['updateID = parsedBody.get("updateID", None)']) moduleText += buildCodeLine( 1, ['if updateID and updateID != cnr__lastUpdateID:']) moduleText += buildCodeLine(2, ['cnr__lastUpdateID = updateID']) moduleText += buildCodeLine(2, ['']) moduleText += buildCodeLine(1, ['return({"workerID": cnr__workerID})']) moduleText += '\n' moduleNumber += 1 moduleText += '\n' moduleText += buildCodeLine(0, ['# Run the app.']) moduleText += buildCodeLine(0, ['if __name__ == "__main__":']) moduleText += buildCodeLine( 1, ['"", port=int(sys.argv[1]))']) return moduleText
def buildProject(project, basePath, context): # TODO: CONFIGURE TLS FOR NGINX BASED ON THE serviceTLS PARAMETER # Get the project name projectName = project.get('projectName', None) if not projectName: raise cc.RTAMError(noProjectNameMsg, noProjectNameCode) # Initialize the build workingPath = initBuild(project, context) foldersPath = workingPath + os.path.sep + 'folders' os.makedirs(foldersPath) logPath = workingPath + os.path.sep + 'logs' os.makedirs(logPath) os.makedirs(logPath + os.path.sep + 'smp') os.makedirs(logPath + os.path.sep + 'smi') cannrHome = '/usr/local/cannr' # String for Dockerfile dockerText = getDockerfile() # Main script for static startup mainText = buildCodeLine(0, ['# Startup script', '\n']) mainText += buildCodeLine(0, ['# Start workers']) # Create container # Import base runtime image baseImage = project.get("baseImage", context.get("baseImage", None)) dockerText = dockerText.replace('<base image>', baseImage) # Label with maintainer maintainerEmail = context.get("maintainerEmail", None) if maintainerEmail: dockerText = dockerText.replace( '#<maintainer>', 'LABEL maintainer="' + maintainerEmail + '"') else: dockerText = dockerText.replace('#<maintainer>', '# No maintainer information') # R and Python packages to import, respectively. rPackageNames = [] pPackageNames = [] pPackageMap = {} # Map of package names to package name/version stringss # Get the port range and first port. portRange = getPortRange(project) port = portRange[0] pWorkers = project.get('workers', 2) # Create the event calendar for the SMP and add events to start the SMI and NGINX. smiPath = project.get('smiPath', '/web/') nginxPath = project.get('nginxPath', '/etc/nginx') smiPort = project.get("smiPort", 8080) nginxPort = project.get("nginxPort", 80) #eventCalendar = EventCalendar() #eventCalendar.addEntry(None, "startSMI", {"path": smiPath, "port": smiPort}, 3) #eventCalendar.addEntry(None, "startNGINX", {"path": nginxPath, "port": nginxPort}, 1) # NGINX config. ngnixHttpBlock = 'http {\n' ngnixHttpBlock += '\t' + 'include /etc/nginx/mime.types;\n' # include /etc/nginx/mime.types; # NGINX server block nginxServerBlock = '\t' + 'server {\n' # Add limit on body size, if applicable maxBodySize = project.get('maxBodySize', None) if maxBodySize: nginxServerBlock += 2 * '\t' + 'client_max_body_size\t' + maxBodySize + ';\n' # Whether running locally or in a container. local = context.get('local', False) # Loop through folders in the project, add to project. Main loop! #folderNames = cc.getFolderNames(project) folderNames = cc.getCodeFolderNames(project) for folderName in folderNames: # Get the folder and copy the source files to the new folder folder = cc.getFolder(folderName, project) # Check for source path # TODO: CHANGE TO USE sourcePath IF local ELSE /external/projects/ ONLY IF projectsPath UNDEFINED IN context. #sourcePath = folder.get("sourcePath", None) if local else '/external/projects/' + projectName + '/' + folderName sourcePath = folder.get("sourcePath", None) if local else os.path.join( '/projects', projectName, folderName) #projectsPath = context.get('projectsPath', None) #projectsPath = projectsPath if projectsPath else '/external/projects' #sourcePath = folder.get("sourcePath", None) if local else os.path.join(projectsPath, projectName, folderName) if not sourcePath: raise cc.RTAMError(cc.noSourcePathMsg, cc.noSourcePathCode) # Adjust if not absolute path sp = Path(sourcePath) if not sp.is_absolute(): # str(Path(basePath).resolve()) sp = Path(str(Path(basePath).resolve()) + os.path.sep + sourcePath) sourcePath = str(sp.resolve()) # Copy the source files copySourceFromPath(sourcePath, foldersPath, folderName) # Create the log directory folderLogPath = logPath + os.path.sep + 'workers' + os.path.sep + folderName # Get the number of workers for the folder workers = folder.get('workers', pWorkers) # If R if folder.get("language", "Python") == "R": # Loop through modules in the folder moduleNames = cc.getModuleNames(folder) for moduleName in moduleNames: module = cc.getModule(moduleName, folder) # Generate runtime file for the module and copy to service home sourceFileName = module.get("sourceFile", None) if not sourceFileName: raise cc.RTAMError(missingSourceFileNameMsg, missingSourceFileNameCode) # Change to the working directory in the script. sourceText = '# Change to the source directory\n' folderPath = '/folders/' + folderName #sourceText += buildCodeLine(0, ['setwd("', cc.getHome(folderName, folder), '")\n']) sourceText += buildCodeLine( 0, ['setwd("', folderPath + '/' + folderName, '")\n']) # Read the source file and append it. with open(sourcePath + os.path.sep + sourceFileName, "r") as sourceFile: sourceText += # Add in the Plumber wrappers. moduleText = sourceText + 2 * '\n' + buildRModuleEpilogue( folderName, moduleName, project) folderPath = getFolderPath(foldersPath, folderName) modulePath = folderPath + os.path.sep + moduleName + ".R" # Write out the module script. with open(modulePath, "w") as moduleFile: moduleFile.write(moduleText) # Add to NGINX config file and startup event calendar of SMP upstreamName = folderName + '_' + moduleName ngnixHttpBlock += '\t' + 'upstream ' + upstreamName + ' {\n' # Add workers workerID = 1 path = '/folders/' + folderName + '/' + moduleName + '.R' for worker in range(workers): ngnixHttpBlock += 2 * '\t' + 'server localhost:' + str( port) + ' max_conns=1;\n' #eventCalendar.addEntry(None, "startPlumber", {"folder": folderName, "module": moduleName, "path": modulePath, "port": port}, 1) # TODO: THROW EXCEPTION IF PORT OUT OF RANGE mainText += buildCodeLine(0, [ 'Rscript', ' --vanilla ', cannrHome + '/runApp.R', ' ', path, ' ', str(port), ' ', str(workerID), ' &' ]) port += 1 workerID += 1 ngnixHttpBlock += '\t' + '}\n' # Add location to NGINX server block. nginxServerBlock += 2 * '\t' + 'location /services/' + folderName + '/' + moduleName + ' {\n' nginxServerBlock += 3 * '\t' + 'proxy_pass http://' + upstreamName + ';\n' nginxServerBlock += 2 * '\t' + '}\n' # Add packages to list of R packages packages = module.get("packages", None) if packages: rPackageNames.extend(packages) os.makedirs(folderLogPath + os.path.sep + moduleName) # TODO: # Add help for module # Else if Python else: # Generate runtime file for the folder and copy to service home moduleText = buildPyFolder(folderName, project) folderPath = getFolderPath(foldersPath, folderName) modulePath = folderPath + os.path.sep + folderName + ".py" with open(modulePath, "w") as moduleFile: moduleFile.write(moduleText) # Add to NGINX config file and startup event calendar of SMP ngnixHttpBlock += '\t' + 'upstream ' + folderName + ' {\n' # Add workers path = '/folders/' + folderName + '/' + folderName + '.py' for worker in range(workers): ngnixHttpBlock += 2 * '\t' + 'server localhost:' + str( port) + ' max_conns=1;\n' #eventCalendar.addEntry(None, "startFlask", {"folder": folderName, "path": modulePath, "port": port}, 1) # TODO: THROW EXCEPTION IF PORT OUT OF RANGE mainText += buildCodeLine( 0, ['python ', path, ' ', str(port), ' &']) port += 1 ngnixHttpBlock += '\t' + '}\n' # Add location to NGINX server block. nginxServerBlock += 2 * '\t' + 'location /services/' + folderName + ' {\n' nginxServerBlock += 3 * '\t' + 'proxy_pass http://' + folderName + ';\n' nginxServerBlock += 2 * '\t' + '}\n' # Loop through modules in the folder moduleNames = cc.getModuleNames(folder) for moduleName in moduleNames: module = cc.getModule(moduleName, folder) # Add packages to list of Python packages packages = module.get("packages", None) if packages: pPackageNames.extend(packages) # Create the log directory os.makedirs(folderLogPath) # TODO: # Add help for module # Handle static content # Create the directory for static content contentPath = workingPath + os.path.sep + 'content/web' #try: # os.makedirs(contentPath) #except: # pass #content = project.get('content', {}) contentFolderNames = cc.getContentFolderNames(project) for folderName in contentFolderNames: # Add location for the content to the NGINX server block. nginxServerBlock += 2 * '\t' + 'location /web/' + folderName + ' {\n' nginxServerBlock += 3 * '\t' + 'root /content;\n' nginxServerBlock += 2 * '\t' + '}\n' # Copy the content into the project #folder = content.get(folderName) # Get the folder and copy the source files to the new folder folder = cc.getFolder(folderName, project) #sourcePath = folder.get('sourcePath', None) sourcePath = folder.get("sourcePath", None) if local else os.path.join( '/projects', projectName, folderName) if sourcePath: sp = Path(sourcePath) if not sp.is_absolute(): sp = Path( str(Path(basePath).resolve()) + os.path.sep + str(sp)) sourcePath = str(sp.resolve()) copyContentFromPath(sourcePath, contentPath, folderName) # Close NGINX http server block and add it to the http block. nginxServerBlock += '\t' + '}\n' ngnixHttpBlock += nginxServerBlock ngnixHttpBlock += '}' # Save NGINX http block to conf.d/http nginxConfPath = nginxPath + os.path.sep + 'conf.d' nginxProjectConfPath = workingPath + os.path.sep + 'conf.d' try: os.makedirs(nginxProjectConfPath) except: pass nginxProjectHttpPath = nginxProjectConfPath + os.path.sep + 'http' with open(nginxProjectHttpPath, "w") as httpFile: httpFile.write(ngnixHttpBlock) # Add imports of R packages to container and Dockerfile installText = '' rPackageSet = set(rPackageNames) if len(rPackageSet): for pkg in rPackageSet: if not cc.isRInstPkg(pkg): installText += 'RUN install2.r ' + pkg + '\n' dockerText = dockerText.replace('#<R Packages>', installText) else: dockerText = dockerText.replace('#<R Packages>', '# No R packages to install') # Build list of imports of Python packages requirementsText = '' pPackageSet = set(pPackageNames) pPackageList = [] for pkg in pPackageSet: if not cc.isStdPkg(pkg) and not cc.isInstPkg(pkg): pPackageList.append(pkg) pPackageMap = cc.buildPPackMap(pPackageList) for packageName in pPackageMap: requirementsText += pPackageMap[packageName] + '\n' # Copy project file to project directory with open(os.path.join(workingPath, 'requirements.txt'), "w") as requirementsFile: requirementsFile.write(requirementsText) # Copy static content into container dockerContentText = '' for folderName in contentFolderNames: dockerContentText += 'COPY ./content/web/' + folderName + ' /content\n' if dockerContentText: dockerText = dockerText.replace('#<Static Content>', dockerContentText) else: dockerText = dockerText.replace('#<Static Content>', '# No static content') # Number the nodes in the project project = walkNumber(project) # Copy project file to project directory with open(workingPath + os.path.sep + 'project.json', "w") as projectFile: projectFile.write(json.dumps(project, indent=2)) # Add command to start NGINX mainText += buildCodeLine(0, []) mainText += buildCodeLine(0, ['# Start NGINX']) mainText += buildCodeLine(0, ["nginx -g 'daemon off;'"]) # Copy startup script to project directory with open(workingPath + os.path.sep + '', "w") as mainFile: mainFile.write(mainText) # Write initial event calendar to file. #os.chdir(workingPath) #os.mkdir('eventCalendar') #eventCalendar.write(workingPath + os.path.sep + 'eventCalendar') # Write out Dockerfile to the project directory with open(workingPath + os.path.sep + 'Dockerfile', "w") as dockerFile: dockerFile.write(dockerText) return
def test_getModuleNames(self): folders = cnc.getFolders(self.project) folder = cnc.getFolder('rfolder', self.project) moduleNames = cnc.getModuleNames(folder) self.assertTrue('iris' in moduleNames)