コード例 #1
ファイル: test_ptr.py プロジェクト: gambitcostas/capnpy
def test_new_struct_overflow():
    def unpack(p):
        assert ptr.kind(p) == ptr.STRUCT
        return ptr.offset(p), ptr.struct_data_size(p), ptr.struct_ptrs_size(p)

    p = ptr.new_struct(-1, 0, 0)
    assert unpack(p) == (-1, 0, 0)
    p = ptr.new_struct(0, -1, 0)
    assert unpack(p) == (0, 2**16 - 1, 0)
    p = ptr.new_struct(0, 0, -1)
    assert unpack(p) == (0, 0, 2**16 - 1)
コード例 #2
 def copy_struct_segment(self, src_seg, offset, data_size, ptrs_size,
     dst = SegmentBuilder(bufsize)
     dst_pos = dst.allocate(8)  # allocate the space to store the pointer p
     p = ptr.new_struct(0, data_size, ptrs_size)
     dst.copy_from_pointer(dst_pos, src_seg, p, offset - 8)
     return dst.as_string()
コード例 #3
def copy_from_list(builder, pos, item_type, lst):
    if lst is None:
        builder.write_int64(pos, 0)
    item_length = item_type.item_length
    size_tag = item_type.size_tag
    item_count = len(lst)
    body_length = item_length * item_count
    if size_tag == ptr.LIST_SIZE_COMPOSITE:
        # alloc the list and write the tag
        struct_item_type = item_type
        data_size = struct_item_type.static_data_size
        ptrs_size = struct_item_type.static_ptrs_size
        total_words = (data_size + ptrs_size) * item_count
        pos = builder.alloc_list(pos, size_tag, total_words,
                                 body_length + 8)  # +8 is for the tag
        tag = ptr.new_struct(item_count, data_size, ptrs_size)
        builder.write_int64(pos, tag)
        pos += 8
        # alloc the list, no tag
        pos = builder.alloc_list(pos, size_tag, item_count, body_length)
    for item in lst:
        item_type.write_item(builder, pos, item)
        pos += item_length
コード例 #4
 def _as_pointer(self, offset):
     Return a pointer p which points to this structure, assuming that p will be
     read at ``offset``
     p_offset = (self._data_offset - offset - 8) / 8
     return ptr.new_struct(p_offset, self._data_size, self._ptrs_size)
コード例 #5
def dumps(obj):
    Dump a struct into a message, returned as a string of bytes.

    The message is encoded using the recommended capnp format for serializing
    messages over a stream. It always uses a single segment.
    if obj._is_compact():
        # fast path. On CPython, the real speedup comes from the fact that we
        # do not create a temporary SegmentBuilder. The memcpy vs copy_pointer
        # difference seems negligible, for small objects at least.
        start = obj._data_offset
        end = obj._get_end()
        end = (end + (8 - 1)) & -8  # Round up to 8-byte boundary
        p = ptr.new_struct(0, obj._data_size, obj._ptrs_size)
        return obj._seg.dump_message(p, start, end)
        builder = SegmentBuilder()
            16)  # reserve space for segment header+the root pointer
        builder.copy_from_struct(8, Struct, obj)
        segment_count = 1
        segment_size = (builder.get_length() -
                        8) / 8  # subtract the segment header
        # and convert to words
        builder.write_uint32(0, segment_count - 1)
        builder.write_uint32(4, segment_size)
        return builder.as_string()
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_ptr.py プロジェクト: gambitcostas/capnpy
def test_new_struct():
    p = ptr.new_struct(100, 2, 4)
    assert ptr.kind(p) == ptr.STRUCT
    assert ptr.offset(p) == 100
    assert ptr.struct_data_size(p) == 2
    assert ptr.struct_ptrs_size(p) == 4
    assert p == 0x0004000200000190
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_copy_pointer.py プロジェクト: wdv4758h/capnpy
 def copy_struct(self, src, offset, data_size, ptrs_size, bufsize=None):
     if bufsize is None:
         bufsize = len(src) + 8
     dst = SegmentBuilder(bufsize)
     dst_pos = dst.allocate(8)  # allocate the space to store the pointer p
     p = ptr.new_struct(0, data_size, ptrs_size)
     copy_pointer(src, p, offset - 8, dst, dst_pos)
     return dst.as_string()
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_visit.py プロジェクト: wdv4758h/capnpy
 def is_compact(self, buf, offset, kind, **kwds):
     buf = Segment(buf)
     if kind == ptr.STRUCT:
         p = ptr.new_struct(0, **kwds)
     elif kind == ptr.LIST:
         p = ptr.new_list(0, **kwds)
         assert False
     return is_compact(buf, p, offset - 8)
コード例 #9
ファイル: builder.py プロジェクト: xeondriving/capnpy
 def alloc_struct(self, pos, data_size, ptrs_size):
     Allocate a new struct of the given size, and write the resulting pointer
     at position i. Return the newly allocated position.
     length = (data_size + ptrs_size) * 8
     result = self.allocate(length)
     offet = result - (pos + 8)
     p = ptr.new_struct(offet // 8, data_size, ptrs_size)
     self.write_int64(pos, p)
     return result
コード例 #10
def _copy_struct(src, p, src_pos, dst, dst_pos):
    src_pos = ptr.deref(p, src_pos)
    data_size = ptr.struct_data_size(p)
    ptrs_size = ptr.struct_ptrs_size(p)
    if data_size + ptrs_size == 0:
        # "empty" struct, no need to allocate
        dst.write_int64(dst_pos, ptr.new_struct(-1, 0, 0))
    ds = data_size * 8
    dst_pos = dst.alloc_struct(dst_pos, data_size, ptrs_size)
    check_bounds(src, ds, src_pos)
    dst.write_slice(dst_pos, src, src_pos, ds)  # copy data section
    _copy_many_ptrs(ptrs_size, src, src_pos + ds, dst, dst_pos + ds)
コード例 #11
 def _new_ptrlist(self, size_tag, ptr_offset, item_type, item_count):
     if size_tag != ptr.LIST_SIZE_COMPOSITE:
         # a plain ptr
         return ptr.new_list(ptr_offset, size_tag, item_count)
     # if size is composite, ptr contains the total size in words, and
     # we also need to emit a "list tag"
     data_size = item_type.structcls.__static_data_size__  # in words
     ptrs_size = item_type.structcls.__static_ptrs_size__  # in words
     total_words = (data_size + ptrs_size) * item_count
     # emit the tag
     tag = ptr.new_struct(item_count, data_size, ptrs_size)
     self._alloc(struct.pack('<q', tag))
     return ptr.new_list(ptr_offset, ptr.LIST_SIZE_COMPOSITE, total_words)
コード例 #12
 def alloc_struct(self, offset, struct_type, value):
     if value is None:
         return 0  # NULL
     if not isinstance(value, struct_type):
         raise TypeError("Expected %s instance, got %s" %
                         (struct_type.__class__.__name__, value))
     data_size = struct_type.__static_data_size__  # in words
     ptrs_size = struct_type.__static_ptrs_size__  # in words
     ptr_offset = self._calc_relative_offset(offset)  # in words
     # we need to take the compact repr of the struct, else we might get
     # garbage and wrong offsets. See
     # test_alloc_list_of_structs_with_pointers
     p = ptr.new_struct(ptr_offset, data_size, ptrs_size)
     self._record_allocation(offset, p)
     return p
コード例 #13
def dumps(obj, fastpath=True):
    Dump a struct into a message, returned as a string of bytes.

    The message is encoded using the recommended capnp format for serializing
    messages over a stream. It always uses a single segment.

    By default, it tries to follow a fast path: it checks if the object is
    "compact" (as defined by capnpy/visit.py) and, is so, uses a fast memcpy
    to dump the whole message.

    If the fast path can be taken, it is approximately 5x faster on CPython
    and 10x faster on PyPy. However, if the object is **not** compact, the
    fast path check makes it ~2x slower. If you are sure that the object is
    not compact, you can disable the check by passing ``fastpath=False``.
    if fastpath:
        # try the fast path: if the object is compact, we can dump the
        # object with a fast memcpy
        end = obj._get_end()
        end = -1
    if end != -1:
        # fast path. On CPython, the real speedup comes from the fact that we
        # do not create a temporary SegmentBuilder. The memcpy vs copy_pointer
        # difference seems negligible, for small objects at least.
        start = obj._data_offset
        p = ptr.new_struct(0, obj._data_size, obj._ptrs_size)
        return obj._seg.dump_message(p, start, end)
        builder = SegmentBuilder()
            16)  # reserve space for segment header+the root pointer
        builder.copy_from_struct(8, Struct, obj)
        segment_count = 1
        segment_size = (builder.get_length() -
                        8) / 8  # subtract the segment header
        # and convert to words
        builder.write_uint32(0, segment_count - 1)
        builder.write_uint32(4, segment_size)
        return builder.as_string()
コード例 #14
def dumps(obj):
    Dump a struct into a message, returned as a string of bytes.

    The message is encoded using the recommended capnp format for serializing
    messages over a stream. It always uses a single segment.
    if not obj._is_compact():
        obj = obj.compact()
    a = obj._get_body_start()
    b = obj._get_end()
    buf = obj._buf.s[a:b]
    p = ptr.new_struct(0, obj._data_size, obj._ptrs_size)
    segment_count = 1
    if len(buf) % 8 != 0:
        padding = 8 - (len(buf) % 8)
        buf += '\x00' * padding
    segment_size = len(buf) / 8 + 1  # +1 is for the ptr
    header = pack_message_header(segment_count, segment_size, p)
    return header + buf
コード例 #15
 def end_of(self, buf, offset, data_size, ptrs_size):
     buf = CapnpBuffer(buf)
     p = ptr.new_struct(0, data_size, ptrs_size)
     return end_of(buf, p, offset - 8)
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_segment.py プロジェクト: wdv4758h/capnpy
def test_hash_str_exception():
    buf = ''
    p = ptr.new_struct(0, 1, 1)  # this is the wrong type of pointer
    b = Segment(buf)
    py.test.raises(AssertionError, "b.hash_str(p, 0, 0, 0)")
コード例 #17
 def end_of(self, buf, offset, data_size, ptrs_size):
     buf = Segment(buf)
     p = ptr.new_struct(0, data_size, ptrs_size)
     return end_of(buf, p, offset - 8)
コード例 #18
 def _is_compact(self):
     p = ptr.new_struct(0, self._data_size, self._ptrs_size)
     return is_compact(self._seg, p, self._data_offset - 8)
コード例 #19
 def _get_end(self):
     p = ptr.new_struct(0, self._data_size, self._ptrs_size)
     return end_of(self._seg, p, self._data_offset - 8)
コード例 #20
 def endof(self, seg, offset, data_size, ptrs_size):
     if isinstance(seg, bytes):
         seg = Segment(seg)
     p = ptr.new_struct(0, data_size, ptrs_size)
     return endof(seg, p, offset - 8)
コード例 #21
def test_hash_str_exception():
    buf = b''
    p = ptr.new_struct(0, 1, 1) # this is the wrong type of pointer
    bb = Segment(buf)
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        bb.hash_str(p, 0, 0, 0)