コード例 #1
ファイル: student.py プロジェクト: rj-jesus/blackjack-agent
 def show(self, players):
     self.last_dealer_hand = players[0].hand
     self.last_dealer_value = card.value(self.last_dealer_hand)
     self.last_player_hand = [
         p.hand for p in players if p.player.name == self.name
     self.last_player_value = card.value(self.last_player_hand)
コード例 #2
ファイル: student.py プロジェクト: rothixz/Blackjack-Bot
    def play(self, dealer, players):
        action = self.choose_from_matrix(dealer, players)

        #nao pode ser asssim
        #tem de ser mais complexo e guardar todas as acooes
        #q o nosso jogador efectuou numa jogada
        #inves do turno total
        #desta maneira, agora,
        #apenas guarda a accao final do jogador
        #evidenciado pelos prints na choose_from_matrix
        for p in players:
            if p.player.name == self.name:
                r = p.hand
                # if self.turn == 1:
                #     if card.value(r) == 15:
                #        print "teste"
                #        self.turn =0
                #         return "d"
                if card.value(r) > 19:
                    self.turn = 0
                    action = 's'
                    return 's'
                elif card.value(r) < 6:
                    self.turn = 0
                    action = 'h'
                    return 'h'
             card.value(r), action])
        #print self.last_actions

        self.turn = 0
        return action
コード例 #3
 def debug_state(self, dealer, players):
     print("{:10s}: {!s:32s} = {}".format("Dealer", ['🎴 '] + dealer.hand,
     for p in players:
         print("{:10s}: {!s:32s} = {}".format(p.player.name, p.hand,
コード例 #4
 def getUseableAce(self, hand):
     numberAces = len([c for c in hand if c.is_ace()])
     if numberAces == 0:
         return False
     elif numberAces == 2 and len(hand) == 2 and (card.value(hand) == 12
                                                  or card.value(hand) == 2):
         return True
     handNoAce = card.value([c for c in hand if not c.is_ace()])
     return True if numberAces + handNoAce == card.value(hand) else False
コード例 #5
ファイル: game.py プロジェクト: rothixz/Blackjack-Bot
 def payback(self, winners):
     for p in self.state[1:]:
         if p.watch:  #skip watchers
         if p in winners and card.value(self.state[0].hand) == card.value(
             p.player.payback(0)  #bet is returned
         elif p in winners:
             p.player.payback(-p.bet + p.bet * BET_MULTIPLIER)
             p.player.payback(-p.bet)  #this means the player lost
コード例 #6
ファイル: student.py プロジェクト: rothixz/Blackjack-Bot
    def choose_from_matrix(self, dealer, players):

        for p in players:
            if p.player.name == self.name:
                r = card.value(p.hand)
        c = card.value(dealer.hand)

        l = self.m[r][c]

        nl = []
        for i in l:
            nl.append([i[0], self.success_rate(i[1], i[2])])
        return self.weighted_choice(nl)
コード例 #7
ファイル: student.py プロジェクト: almeidaRafael94/BlackJack
    def play(self, dealer, players):

        player = [x for x in players if x.player.name == self.name][0]                  # player = my boot (name = Student)
        dealer_value = card.value(dealer.hand) if card.value(dealer.hand) <= 21 else 0  # value cards dealer
        player_value = card.value(player.hand) if card.value(player.hand) <= 21 else 0  # value cards my boot

        if (self.firstBet):
            op = self.firstMove(player, dealer, player_value, dealer_value)
            self.firstBet = False;
            op = self.moderatePlayer(player, dealer, player_value, dealer_value)

        self.dealer_cards = len(dealer.hand)

        return op
コード例 #8
 def test_value(self):
     card = Card(10, "J")
     card1 = Card(11, 'A')
     card2 = Card(1, 'A')
     self.assertEqual(card.value(), 10)
     self.assertEqual(card1.value(), 11)
     self.assertEqual(card2.value(), 1)
コード例 #9
def probGanharAgora(dealerHand, myHand):
    x = 0
    myVal = card.value(myHand)
    if (myVal == 21) or (card.value(dealerHand) > 21):
        print "100%\n"
        return float(100)
    if myVal > 21:
        print "0%"
        return float(0)
    for i in baralho:
        carta = Card(suit=0, rank=i)
        dealerVal = card.value(dealerHand + [carta])
        if (dealerVal > myVal) and (dealerVal <= 21):
            x = x + 1
    p = 100 - (float(x) / float(13)) * 100
    #print ("probabilidade de ganhar agora: %2.2f%%"% (p))
    return p
コード例 #10
def probGanharProxRondaHitStand(myHand,
                                dealerHand):  #dealer faz hit e jog faz stand
    x = 0
    c = 0
    myVal = card.value(myHand)
    for i in baralho:
        carta = Card(suit=0, rank=i)
        for j in baralho:
            cartaj = Card(suit=0, rank=j)
            dealerVal = card.value(dealerHand + [carta] + [cartaj])
            if ((dealerVal > myVal) and (dealerVal <= 21)) or (myVal > 21):
                x = x + 1
                c = c + 1
                c = c + 1
    p = 100 - (float(x) / float(c)) * 100
    #print ("probabilidade de ganhar na proxima jogada fazendo stand e o dealer hit: %2.2f%%"% (p))
    return p
コード例 #11
def probGanharProxRondaStandHit(myHand,
                                dealerHand):  #dealer faz stand e jog faz hit
    x = 0  #em que o dealer ganha
    c = 0  #casos totais
    for i in baralho:
        carta = Card(suit=0, rank=i)
        myVal = card.value(myHand + [carta])
        for k in baralho:
            cartak = Card(suit=0, rank=k)
            dealerVal = card.value(dealerHand + [cartak])
            if ((dealerVal > myVal) and (dealerVal <= 21)) or (myVal > 21):
                x = x + 1
                c = c + 1
                c = c + 1
    p = 100 - (float(x) / float(c)) * 100
    #print ("probabilidade de ganhar na proxima jogada fazendo hit e o dealer stand: %2.2f%%"% (p))
    return p
コード例 #12
ファイル: student.py プロジェクト: almeidaRafael94/BlackJack
    def player_probability(self, player): 

        player_value = card.value(player.hand) if card.value(player.hand) <= 21 else 0  # value cards my boot

        player_hand_Ace = False  # mao do player contem Ace
        player_hand_nAce = 0  # numero de Ace's visiveis do player
        if any(c.is_ace() for c in player.hand):
            player_hand_Ace = True
        for c in player.hand:
            if c.is_ace():
                player_hand_nAce += 1;

        player_totalValue = 0  # valor total da mao do player

        for c in player.hand:
            if c.is_ace():
                player_totalValue += c.value() + 10
                player_totalValue += c.value()
                # CASO PLAYER FACA HIT
        dif_player = 0
        # diferenca entre blackjack e o valor da mao do dealer
        if (player_hand_Ace):  # Caso a mao do dealer contenha 1 ou mais Ace's
            if (player_value != player_totalValue):
                dif_player = 21 - player_value  # teremos que subtratir o o numero de Ace * 10
                dif_player = 21 - (
                    player_totalValue - (player_hand_nAce * 10))
            dif_player = 21 - player_value;

        num_benefit_cards_player = len(
            [x for x in self.value_cards if dif_player >= x])  # numer de cartas beneficas para o player
        prob_player_not_bust = 1.0 * num_benefit_cards_player / 13  # probabilidade de player melhorar a sua mao
        prob_player_bust = 1 - (1.0 * prob_player_not_bust)  # probabilidade de o player fazer bust

        if (player_hand_Ace):  # calcular probabilidade de melhorar mao em caso de "h"
            prob_better_hand = 1.0 * (21 - player_value) / 13
            prob_better_hand = prob_player_not_bust

        return [prob_player_bust, prob_better_hand]
コード例 #13
ファイル: student.py プロジェクト: mglcampos/BlackJackRobot
    def play(self, dealer, players):
        player = [p for p in players if self.name == p.player.name][0]      ##WHO AM I? GET MYSELF FROM PLAYERS
        dealer_value = card.value(dealer.hand)                              ##DEALER HAND VALUE
        player_value = card.value(player.hand)                              ##MY HAND VALUE

        table = open('table.txt', 'rb')                         ##LOAD PROB MATRIX FROM FILE
        matrix = pickle.load(table)

        action = self.getAction(player_value, dealer_value, matrix)     ##BEST ACTION BASED ON PROBABILITIES MATRIX


        if self.turn == 0 and player_value == 11 :                                   ##BUT IF WE HAVE 11, ALWAYS DOUBLE DOWN
            action = "d"
        elif self.turn == 0 and player_value == 10 and dealer_value < 10:           ## SECOND CASE I USE DOUBLE DOWN
            action = "d"
        elif self.turn == 0 and player_value == 16 and dealer_value >= 9:       ##SURRENDER HARDCODED IN 3 CELLS OF THE MATRIX
            action = "u"

        if self.turn != 0:                                                                                  ## APPEND STATE BETWEEN ROUNDS UNTIL PAYBACK
            state = {'Action': action, 'Player_Value': player_value, 'Dealer_Value': dealer_value}          ## ONE STATE CONTAINS PLAYER_VALUE, DEALER_VALUE AND ACTION

        elif self.turn == 0 and len(self.hist) > 0:                                                         ##UPDATES MATRIX ON THE FIRST ROUND OF A NEW GAME
            for i in self.hist:
                 matrix = self.update(i['Player_Value'],i['Dealer_Value'], matrix, i['Action'])             ##UPDATES MATRIX WITH VALUES FROM THE LAST GAME

            self.hist = []

        table = open('table.txt', 'wb')                         ##SAVE MATRIX IN FILE
        pickle.dump(matrix, table)

        nice_table = open("nice_table.txt", "w")    ##TABLE FOR VISUALIZATION
        for i in range(21):
            nice_table.write("Player_value: " + str(i+1) + " " + str(matrix[i]) + "\n")

        self.turn += 1                                     ##NEXT TURN
        return action
コード例 #14
ファイル: student.py プロジェクト: maiamiguel/IIA-Blackjack
    def play(self, dealer, players):
        player_cards = [x for x in players if x.player.name == self.name][0].hand
        dealer_hand = card.value(dealer.hand)               #get the value of the dealer hand
        my_hand = card.value(player_cards)                  #get the value of the player hand
        first_turn = self.current == []                     #check if it is the first turn
        my_soft_hand = self.is_soft_hand(player_cards)      #check if the player has a soft hand
        dealer_soft_hand = self.is_soft_hand(dealer.hand)   #check if the dealer has a soft hand

        if not my_soft_hand and not dealer_soft_hand:
            soft_hand = 0
        elif my_soft_hand and not dealer_soft_hand:
            soft_hand = 1
        elif my_soft_hand and dealer_soft_hand:
            soft_hand = 2
        elif not my_soft_hand and dealer_soft_hand:
            soft_hand = 3

        if initial_train:
            num = random.randint(0,2)
            if num == 0:
                p = 'h'
            elif num == 1:
                p = 's'
                p = 'd'
            p = self.matrix.get_best_play(my_hand, dealer_hand, soft_hand, first_turn) #get the best play based on the player hand,
                                                                                #dealer hand and if it is the first turn
        self.current += [(my_hand, dealer_hand, soft_hand, p)] #add the current turn to the list of turns

        if p == 'u':
            self.surrender = True

        if p == 'd':
            self.double_down_bet = True

        if debug:
            print("Current list: " + self.current.__str__())

        return p
コード例 #15
ファイル: student.py プロジェクト: mglcampos/BlackJackRobot
 def bet(self, dealer, players):
     self.turn = 0                                                       ##SET FIRST TURN/ROUND
     player = [p for p in players if p.player.name == self.name][0]
     player_value = card.value(player.hand)
     dealer_value = card.value(dealer.hand)
     if player_value < 21:
         fav = 21 - player_value
         # juntar maos do jogador e dealer para fins de contagem e apurar se o fav existe numa das duas
         all = self.concatenar(dealer.hand, player.hand)
         p = 0
             #contar os pontos iguais aos favoraveis
             fshow = all.count(fav)
             p = p + self.prob(fav, fshow, len(all), 4)
             fav = fav -1
     result = p*10
     if result > 10:
         return 5
     elif result < 1:
         return 1
         return result
コード例 #16
ファイル: game.py プロジェクト: rothixz/Blackjack-Bot
    def loop(self):

        #deal initial cards
        self.state[0].hand += self.shoe.deal_cards(2)
        for p in self.state[1:]:
            if not p.watch:
                p.hand += self.shoe.deal_cards(2)

        turn = 0
        if card.blackjack(
        ):  #if the dealer has blackjack there is no point in playing...
            self.done = True
            return [p for p in self.state[1:] if card.blackjack(p.hand)]

        #lets play
        while not self.done:
            turn += 1
            hits = 0
            for p in self.state[::-1]:
                if p.watch or p.bust or p.done or card.value(
                ) == 21:  #skip players watching, bust players, players who have double down and players who already have blackjack!

                if self.debug:
                    print("TURN {}: {}".format(turn, p.player.name))
                action = ""
                while action not in ["h", "s", "d", "u"]:
                    if isinstance(p.player, Dealer):
                        action = p.player.play(self.state[0], self.state[1:])
                        action = p.player.play(self.state[0].hide_card(),
                    if action == "d" and turn != 1:
                            "YOU CAN'T DOUBLE DOWN!!! double down is only available on the 1st turn"
                        action = ""

                if action == "u":
                    p.watch = True
                        -p.bet // 2)  #this means the player lost half his bet

                if action == "d":
                    p.take_bet(self.state, self.rules)
                    p.done = True

                if action in ["h", "d"]:
                    p.hand += self.deal(1)
                    hits += 1

                if card.value(p.hand) >= 21:
                    if card.value(p.hand) > 21:
                        p.bust = True
                        p.done = True  #already has blackjack
                    if isinstance(p.player, Dealer):
                        self.done = True  #game is over we already have a blackjack
            if hits == 0:
                self.done = True

        self.done = True

        return [
            p for p in self.state if not isinstance(p.player, Dealer)
            and  #Dealer is not really a winner
            not card.blackjack(self.state[0].hand)
            and  #If dealer gets blackjack no one wins
            not p.bust and  #bust players can't win :)
                card.value(p.hand) >= card.value(self.state[0].hand)
                or self.state[0].bust
            )  #winners have more points then the dealer or the dealer has gone bust
コード例 #17
ファイル: student.py プロジェクト: almeidaRafael94/BlackJack
    def dealer_probability(self, dealer):

        dealer_value = card.value(dealer.hand) if card.value(dealer.hand) <= 21 else 0  # value cards dealer
        dealer_value_estimated = dealer_value + 6.85  # valor estimado da mao do delaer

        dealer_hand_Ace = False  # mao do dealer contem Ace
        dealer_hand_nAce = 0  # numero de Ace's visiveis do dealer
        if any(c.is_ace() for c in dealer.hand):
            dealer_hand_Ace = True
        for c in dealer.hand:
            if c.is_ace():
                dealer_hand_nAce += 1;

        dealer_totalValue = 0  # valor total da mao do delaer
        dealer_totalValue_estimated = 0  # valoer total estimado da mao do dealer

        for c in dealer.hand:
            if c.is_ace():
                dealer_totalValue += c.value() + 10
                dealer_totalValue += c.value()

        dealer_totalValue_estimated = dealer_totalValue + 6.85

        dif_dealer = 0
        dif_dealer_estimated = 0

        if (dealer_hand_Ace):  # diferenca entre blackjack e o valor da mao do dealer
            if (dealer_value != dealer_totalValue):  # Caso a mao do dealer contenha 1 ou mais Ace's
                dif_dealer = 21 - dealer_value
                dif_dealer = 21 - (
                    dealer_totalValue - (dealer_hand_nAce * 10))  # teremos que subtratir o o numero de Ace * 10
            dif_dealer = 21 - dealer_value

        dif_dealer_estimated = (dif_dealer - 6.85) + 1

        num_benefit_cards_dealer = len(
            [x for x in self.value_cards if dif_dealer >= x])  # numer de cartas beneficas para o dealer

        num_benefit_cards_dealer_estimated = len(
            [x for x in self.value_cards if dif_dealer_estimated >= x])

        prob_dealer_not_bust = 1.0 * num_benefit_cards_dealer / 13  # probabilidade de dealer melhorar a sua mao
        prob_dealer_bust = 1 - (1.0 * prob_dealer_not_bust)
        prob_dealer_not_bust_estimated = 1.0 * num_benefit_cards_dealer_estimated / 13
        prob_dealer_bust_estimated = 1 - (1.0 * prob_dealer_not_bust_estimated)

        if (dealer_hand_Ace):  # calcular probabilidade de melhorar mao
            prob_better_hand = 1.0 * (21 - dealer_value) / 13
            prob_better_hand_estimated = 1.0 * (21 - dealer_value_estimated) / 13
            prob_better_hand = prob_dealer_not_bust
            prob_better_hand_estimated = prob_dealer_not_bust_estimated

        count = 0
        for c in self.value_cards:
            if (c < (17 - dealer_value)):
                count += 1

        if (dealer_value < 17):  # probabilidade do dealer fazer hit na proxima jogada
            if (dealer_value <= 10):
                if (count > 12):
                    count = 12;
                prob_hit = 1.0 * (count + 1) / 13  # +1 porque o Ace é favorável neste caso
                prob_hit = 1.0 * (count) / 13
            prob_hit = 0

        countEstimated = 0
        for c in self.value_cards:
            if (c < (17 - dealer_value_estimated)):
                countEstimated += 1

        if (dealer_value_estimated < 17):  # probabilidade estimada
            # do dealer fazer hit na proxima jogada
            if (dealer_value_estimated <= 10):
                if (countEstimated > 12):
                    countEstimated = 12;
                prob_hit_estimated = 1.0 * (countEstimated + 1) / 13  # +1 porque o Ace é favorável neste caso
                prob_hit_estimated = 1.0 * (countEstimated) / 13
            prob_hit_estimated = 0

        return [prob_dealer_bust, prob_better_hand, prob_hit,
                prob_dealer_bust_estimated, prob_better_hand_estimated, prob_hit_estimated]
コード例 #18
ファイル: student.py プロジェクト: rj-jesus/blackjack-agent
 def prob_win(self):
     all_cards = [card.Card(rank=r) for r in range(1, 14)]
     scenarios = [card.value(self.player_hand + [c]) for c in all_cards]
     return len([v for v in scenarios \
             if v < 22 and v > self.last_dealer_value]) / len(scenarios)
コード例 #19
 def getPlayerValue(self, players):
     for p in players:
         if p.player.name == self.name:
             return p.hand, card.value(p.hand)
コード例 #20
ファイル: player.py プロジェクト: rothixz/Blackjack-Bot
 def debug_state(self, dealer, players):
     print "{:10s}: {:32s} = {}".format("Dealer", dealer.hand,
     for p in players:
         print "{:10s}: {:32s} = {}".format(p.player.name, p.hand,
コード例 #21
 def play(self, dealer, players):
     if card.value(dealer.hand) < 17:
         return "h"
     return "s"
コード例 #22
ファイル: player.py プロジェクト: g-lancer/bjti
 def get_hand_value(self):
     val = 0
     for card in self.hand:
         val = val + card.value()
     return val
コード例 #23
def card_values(cards):
    return [card.value(c) for c in cards]
コード例 #24
ファイル: student.py プロジェクト: rj-jesus/blackjack-agent
 def prob_dealer_bust(self):
     all_cards = [card.Card(rank=r) for r in range(1, 14)]
     scenarios = [card.value(self.dealer_hand + [c]) for c in all_cards]
     return len([v for v in scenarios \
             if v > 21]) / len(scenarios)
コード例 #25
ファイル: student.py プロジェクト: rj-jesus/blackjack-agent
    def play(self, dealer, players):
        # Get player hand
        new_player_hand = [
            p.hand for p in players if p.player.name == self.name
        new_dealer_hand = dealer.hand

        # Get players' total
        new_player_value = card.value(new_player_hand)
        new_dealer_value = card.value(dealer.hand)

        # Increment turn
        self.turn += 1

        # Evaluate older state
        if self.create and self.turn > 1:
            query = self.queries[-1][0]
            wins_defeats = query[1:]
            good_flag = False
            if self.action == 'h':
                # If probably the dealer was on bust
                if self.prob_dealer_bust() > self.bust_threshold:
                    # Maybe we should stand
                    wins_defeats[self.plays.index('s')] += 1

                    # If the prob of being in advantage over the dealer is low
                    # on the previous play
                    if self.player_value > self.dealer_value:
                        wins_defeats[self.plays.index(self.action)] += 1
                    # If we were in advantage, check if our score hasn't decreased
                    elif new_player_value >= self.player_value:
                        wins_defeats[self.plays.index(self.action)] += 1
                    # If we were in advantage and our score has decreased
                        # If we are still in the lead
                        if new_player_value > new_dealer_value:
                            # If out score was above 18, we should have stand
                            if self.player_value > 18:
                                wins_defeats[self.plays.index('s')] += 1
                            # Else the hit was a good option to keep playing
                                    self.action)] += 1
                        # If we lost the lead, then we should have stand
                            wins_defeats[self.plays.index('s')] += 1

            elif self.action == 's':
                if new_player_value > 17:
                    wins_defeats[self.plays.index(self.action)] += 1
                    wins_defeats[self.plays.index('h')] += 1

            query = wins_defeats + [query[0]]
            self.conn.execute(self.update_prob_query, (query))

        self.player_hand = new_player_hand
        self.dealer_hand = new_dealer_hand

        # Get players' total
        self.player_value = new_player_value
        self.dealer_value = new_dealer_value

        player_ace = len([c for c in self.player_hand if c.is_ace()])
        player_sum = sum([c.value() for c in self.player_hand])
        soft_hand = player_sum != self.player_value

        self.state = (self.player_value, self.dealer_value, \
                soft_hand, self.turn == 1, player_ace > 0)
        # Access table and search for the best probability based on state-action
        self.states_query = list(self.conn.execute(self.get_prob_query, \
        wins = [self.states_query[1] + self.states_query[3], \
                self.states_query[2] + self.states_query[4]]
        defeats = self.states_query[-1]

        probs = [a / sum(wins) for a in wins]
        intervals = [sum(probs[:idx]) for idx in range(1, len(probs) + 1)]
        r = random.random()
        idx = 0
        while intervals[idx] < r:
            idx += 1

        if self.create:
            self.action = self.plays[idx]
            diff = abs(probs[0] - probs[1])
            self.action = self.plays[idx] if diff < self.probs_threshold \
                    else self.plays[probs.index(max(probs))]
        self.queries += [(self.states_query, self.action)]

        if not self.create:
            if self.player_value > 11 \
                    and sum(wins) / (sum(wins) + defeats) < self.surrender_threshold:
                self.action = 'u'
            elif self.turn == 1 and self.player_value > 9 \
                    and sum(self.states_query[3:5]) / sum(wins) > self.use_dd_threshold \
                    and self.states_query[4] / sum(self.states_query[3:5]) > self.dd_threshold:
                self.action = 'd'
        return self.action
コード例 #26
ファイル: player.py プロジェクト: almeidaRafael94/BlackJack
 def debug_state(self, dealer, players):
     print "{:10s}: {:32s} = {}".format("Dealer", dealer.hand, card.value(dealer.hand))
     for p in players:
         print "{:10s}: {:32s} = {}".format(p.player.name, p.hand, card.value(p.hand))
コード例 #27
 def getDealerValue(self, dealer):
     dealerHand = card.value(dealer.hand)
     if len([c for c in dealer.hand if c.is_ace()]) > 0:
         dealerHand = 1
     return dealerHand
コード例 #28
ファイル: dealer.py プロジェクト: almeidaRafael94/BlackJack
 def play(self, dealer, players):
     if card.value(dealer.hand) < 17:
         return "h"
     return "s"
コード例 #29
    def play(self, dealer, players):
        val_dealer = card.value(dealer.hand)
        numCards_dealer = len(dealer.hand)
        if self.dealer_numCards == numCards_dealer:
            self.dealer_didntHit = 1
            self.dealer_didntHit = 0

        self.dealer_numCards = numCards_dealer
        ases_dealer = len([x for x in dealer.hand if x.rank == 1])
        for player_state in players:
            if player_state.player == self:
                self.round_number += 1
                val_player = card.value(player_state.hand)
                numCards_player = len(player_state.hand)
                ases_player = len([x for x in player_state.hand if x.rank == 1])

                #if self.round_number ==  1:	#double-down only on the 1st turn
                #    if self.pocket >= self.amount_to_bet*2:
                #        self.double_down = 1
                #    else:
                #        self.double_down = 0

                if val_player == 11:
                    if self.round_number == 1:  #double-down only on the 1st turn
                        self.double_down = 1

                # calcular probabilidades com o modelo
                #ver os maximos. se for para perder, usar surrender
                prob_stand = self.model.get_classifier().predict_proba(
                    np.array([[val_player, numCards_player, ases_player, val_dealer, numCards_dealer, self.dealer_didntHit , ases_dealer, 0]]))  # stand
                prob_hit = self.model.get_classifier().predict_proba(
                    np.array([[val_player, numCards_player, ases_player, val_dealer, numCards_dealer, self.dealer_didntHit , ases_dealer, 1]]))  # hit

                class_hit = np.argmax(prob_hit)
                class_stand = np.argmax(prob_stand)
                class_hit_prob = np.max(prob_hit)
                class_stand_prob = np.max(prob_stand)

                if class_hit_prob < 0.1 and class_stand_prob < 0.1:
                    play = Play(val_player, numCards_dealer, ases_player, val_dealer, numCards_dealer, self.dealer_didntHit, ases_dealer, 1)
                    return "u"  #SURRENDER

                #if(self.want_to_play(rules = self.rules) == False):
                #    play = Play(val_player, numCards_dealer, ases_player, val_dealer, numCards_dealer, self.dealer_didntHit, ases_dealer, 1)
                #    return "u"  # SURRENDER

                if class_hit == class_stand:

                    if class_hit == 1:
                        if class_hit_prob > class_stand_prob:
                            if self.double_down != 0:
                                play = Play(val_player, numCards_player, ases_player, val_dealer, numCards_dealer, self.dealer_didntHit, ases_dealer, 1)
                                return "d"  #DOUBLE_DOWN
                                self.double_down = 0
                                play = Play(val_player, numCards_player, ases_player, val_dealer, numCards_dealer, self.dealer_didntHit, ases_dealer, 1)
                                return "h"  #HIT
                            self.double_down = 0
                            play = Play(val_player, numCards_player, ases_player, val_dealer, numCards_dealer, self.dealer_didntHit, ases_dealer, 0)
                            return "s"  #STAND
                        if class_hit_prob < class_stand_prob:
                            if self.double_down != 0:
                                play = Play(val_player, numCards_player, ases_player, val_dealer, numCards_dealer, self.dealer_didntHit, ases_player, 1)
                                return "d"  #DOUBLE_DOWN
                                self.double_down = 0
                                play = Play(val_player, numCards_player, ases_player, val_dealer, numCards_dealer, self.dealer_didntHit, ases_dealer, 1)
                                return "h"  #HIT
                            self.double_down = 0
                            play = Play(val_player, numCards_player, ases_player, val_dealer, numCards_dealer, self.dealer_didntHit, ases_dealer, 0)
                            return "s"  #STAND

                    self.double_down = 0
                    if class_hit == 1:
                        play = Play(val_player, numCards_player, ases_player, val_dealer, numCards_dealer, self.dealer_didntHit, ases_dealer, 1)
                        return "h"  #HIT
                        play = Play(val_player, numCards_player, ases_player, val_dealer, numCards_dealer, self.dealer_didntHit, ases_dealer, 0)
                        return "s"  #STAND

        return "s"  #STAND