コード例 #1
 def reset(self):
     self.partner = None
     self.cards = Cards()
     self.discarded = Cards()
     self.trump = None
     self.is_playing = False
     #We wan't to record what the possible cards are for every player
     self.unknown_cards = [create_deck(), create_deck(), create_deck()]
     #possible_cards[0] is the player next, [1] is our mate, and [2] is the player before us
     index = self.index
     self.unknown_cards[0].owner = (1 + index) % 4
     self.unknown_cards[1].owner = (2 + index) % 4
     self.unknown_cards[2].owner = (3 + index) % 4
     self.mystery_cards = create_deck()
     self.mate_prefered_colors = []
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_cards.py プロジェクト: JoieDFW/wargame
def test_deal_cards():
    deck = cards.create_deck()
    inDeck = deck[:]
    (hum, cpu) = cards.deal_cards(inDeck)
    assert len(hum) == 26
    assert len(cpu) == 26
    assert deck == inDeck
コード例 #3
ファイル: cards.py プロジェクト: eukia/FEUP-FPRO
def play(seed):
    result = ''
    deck = cards.create_deck(shuffle=True)
    names = "P1 P2 P3 P4".split()
    hands = {n: h for n, h in zip(names, cards.deal_hands(deck))}
    row_points = {'P1': 0, 'P2': 0, 'P3': 0, 'P4': 0}
    start_player = cards.choose(names)
    turn_order = cards.player_order(names, start=start_player)
    final_pont = {'P1': 0, 'P2': 0, 'P3':0, 'P4': 0}
    while hands[start_player]:
        row_points = {'P1': 0, 'P2': 0, 'P3': 0, 'P4': 0}
        for name in turn_order:
            card = cards.choose(hands[name])
            row_points[name] += card_value(card)
        points_sort = sorted(row_points.items(), key = lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
        max_pont = points_sort[0][1]
        for k, v in row_points.items():
            if v == max_pont:
                final_pont[k] += 1
    final_sort = sorted(final_pont.items(), key = lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
    max_pont = final_sort[0][1]
    for k, v in final_pont.items():
        if v == max_pont:
            result += k + ' '
    return result.strip()
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_cards.py プロジェクト: JoieDFW/wargame
def test_deal_cards():
    deck = cards.create_deck()
    inDeck = deck[:]
    (hum, cpu) = cards.deal_cards(inDeck)
    assert len(hum) == 26
    assert len(cpu) == 26
    assert deck == inDeck
コード例 #5
ファイル: re_03.py プロジェクト: DoStini/FEUP-FPRO
def play(seed):
    deck = cards.create_deck(True)
    scores = {1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0}
    hand = cards.deal_hands(deck)
    players = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    start_player = cards.choose(players)
    player_order = cards.player_order(players, start_player)
    hand = {x: hand[x - 1] for x in player_order}
    for x in range(13):
        score = {1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0}
        for player in hand:
            card = cards.choose(hand[player])
            #print(card, card_value(card), x, f"P{idx+1}")
            score[player] += card_value(card)
        win = max(list(score.values()))
        for player in score:
            if score[player] == win:
                scores[player] += 1
        print(score, scores)
    win = max(list(scores.values()))
    return " ".join(["P" + str(x) for x in scores if scores[x] == win])
コード例 #6
 def reset(self):
     self.partner = None  # Index of player on your team
     self.cards = Cards()  # Current cards in your hand
     self.discarded = Cards()  # Cards you have trown out of your hand
     self.trump = None  # The suite of Trump
     self.is_playing = False  # Wether we are the 'attacking' team.
     #We wan't to record what the possible cards are for every player
     self.unknown_cards = [create_deck(), create_deck(), create_deck()]
     #possible_cards[0] is the player next, [1] is our mate, and [2] is the player before us
     index = self.index
     self.unknown_cards[0].owner = (1 + index) % 4
     self.unknown_cards[1].owner = (2 + index) % 4
     self.unknown_cards[2].owner = (3 + index) % 4
     self.unknown_colours = [list(
         range(4))] * 3  # The possible colours every player might have
     self.mystery_cards = create_deck(
     )  # The cards still in play that we don't have
     self.mate_prefered_colors = []
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_cards.py プロジェクト: JoieDFW/wargame
def test_create_deck():
    deck = cards.create_deck()
    assert type(deck) is list
    assert len(deck) == 52
    for card in deck:
        assert type(card) is tuple
        assert type(card[0]) is int
        assert type(card[1]) is str
        assert card[0] <= 13
        assert card[0] >= 1
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_cards.py プロジェクト: JoieDFW/wargame
def test_create_deck():
    deck = cards.create_deck()
    assert type(deck) is list
    assert len(deck) == 52
    for card in deck:
        assert type(card) is tuple
        assert type(card[0]) is int
        assert type(card[1]) is str
        assert card[0] <= 13
        assert card[0] >= 1
コード例 #9
def play(seed):
    deck = cards.create_deck(shuffle=True)
    names = "P1 P2 P3 P4".split()
    hands = {n: h for n, h in zip(names, cards.deal_hands(deck))}
    start_player = cards.choose(names)
    turn_order = cards.player_order(names, start=start_player)
    players = {'P1':0,'P2':0,'P3':0,'P4':0}
    move = 0
    game = []

    while hands[start_player]:
        for name in turn_order:
            move += 1
            card = cards.choose(hands[name])
            value = card_value(card)
            # when all 4 players had played (move == 4), check which one has played the valuest card
            if move == 4:
                game = sorted(game, key = lambda x: x[1])
                maximum = game[-1][1]
                for i in game:
                    # if that player's card has a value that matches the maximum played
                    if i[1] == maximum:
                        # then, that player receives a point
                        players[i[0]] += 1
                game = []
                move = 0
    # list ordered by pontuaction                          
    alist = [(value,item) for value,item in players.items()]
    alist = sorted(alist,key = lambda x: x[1])
    # the first output will be the player known by having the maximum pontuaction
    max_points = alist[-1][1]
    output = alist[-1][0]
    for elem in alist:
        if elem[1] == max_points:
            # if another player has the same pontuaction, then he gets added to the output list
            if elem[0] not in output:
                output += ' ' + elem[0]
    # output is ordered by crescent order and converted to a string
    output = sorted(output.split())
    return ' '.join(output)
コード例 #10
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: SuperTaiyaki/hanafuda
    def debug(self, args):
        (g, player) = self.getsession()
        if args == "win":
            g.winner = player
            return "Set winner"
        elif args == "koikoi":
            c = cards.Card("jan1.gif", 0)
            c.attrs['bright'] = True
            c.rank = 20
            l = len(filter(lambda x: 'bright' in x.attrs, g.captures[player]))
            g.captures[player].extend([c] * (5 - l))
            return "Next play will koikoi"
        elif args == "cardselect":
            g.field[0] = cards.Card("jan1.gif", 0)
            g.field[1] = cards.Card("jan2.gif", 0)
            g.cards.append(cards.Card("jan3.gif", 0))
            return "Next play will require card select (maybe)"
        elif args == "take3":
            g.field[0] = cards.Card("jan1.gif", 0)
            g.field[1] = cards.Card("jan2.gif", 0)
            g.field[2] = cards.Card("jan3.gif", 0)
            g.hands[player][0] = cards.Card("jan4.gif", 0)
            return "Next play will take 3 cards from the field"
        elif args == "status":
            output = "Field: "

            def img(card):
                if card:
                    return "<img src=\"/img/" + c.image + "\" />"
                    return "<img src=\"/img/empty.gif\" />"

            for c in g.field:
                output += img(c)
            output += "<br />P1 hand: "
            for c in g.hands[0]:
                output += img(c)
            output += "<br />P2 hand: "
            for c in g.hands[1]:
                output += img(c)
            return output
        elif args == "showcards":
            deck = cards.create_deck()
            buf = ""
            for card in deck:
                buf += "<img src=\"/img/%s\" />Suit: %i Rank: %i<br />\n" % (
                    card.image, card.suit, card.rank)
            return buf
            return "Invalid argument"
コード例 #11
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: Lasagnenator/Poker
def deal_cards():
    global connected
    head = "INITCARD\n"

    player_num = len(connected)
    #1 deck for every 10 players
    decks = 1 + (player_num // 10)
    deck = cards.create_deck(decks)
    for i in range(player_num):
        c1 = deck[i * 2]
        c2 = deck[i * 2 + 1]
        c_s = connected[i]
        hands.append([c1, c2])
        #head, number, card 1, card 2
        payload = head + str(i) + "\n" + c1 + "\n" + c2


    deck = deck[player_num * 2:]
    #add the community cards
    table.extend([deck[0], deck[1], deck[2], deck[3], deck[4]])
コード例 #12
ファイル: game.py プロジェクト: SuperTaiyaki/hanafuda
def itest():
    return Game(cards.create_deck(), 0)
コード例 #13
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: JoieDFW/wargame
        #print("LOSE", end="")

    elif winner == 0:  # A tie; a cause for WAR!
        print("There is a tie.")
        print("Declare War!")
        #print(" TIE", end="\n")

        (h_hand, h_reserve) = flip_if_needed((h_hand, h_reserve), n=3)
        (c_hand, c_reserve) = flip_if_needed((c_hand, c_reserve), n=3)


        # Weeeee, recursion!
        ((h_hand, h_reserve), (c_hand, c_reserve)) = play_turn(
            (h_hand, h_reserve), (c_hand, c_reserve), pot)

    return ((h_hand, h_reserve), (c_hand, c_reserve))

if __name__ == '__main__':

    deck = cards.create_deck()
    deck = cards.shuffle_cards(deck)
    (h_hand, c_hand) = cards.deal_cards(deck)

    won = main((h_hand, []), (c_hand, []))
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_cards.py プロジェクト: JoieDFW/wargame
def test_shuffle():
    deck = cards.create_deck()
    shuf = cards.shuffle_cards(deck)
    assert deck != shuf
コード例 #15
def ask_user_to_hit_or_stand():
    Ask a user if they want to hit or stand. If they give invalid
    input, continue asking.

    while True:
        user_input = input("Do you want to (h)it or (s)tand? ").lower()
        if user_input in ("h", "s"):
            return user_input

        print("I don't understand that input. Try again.")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    deck = cards.create_deck(shuffle=True)
    hand = []


    bust = cards.calculate_hand_score(hand) > 21
    stand = False

    while not bust and not stand:
        hit_or_stand = ask_user_to_hit_or_stand()
        if hit_or_stand == "h":
            bust = cards.calculate_hand_score(hand) > 21
コード例 #16
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: JoieDFW/wargame
        print("You lose {} cards!".format(len(pot)))
        # print("LOSE", end="")

    elif winner == 0:  # A tie; a cause for WAR!
        print("There is a tie.")
        print("Declare War!")
        # print(" TIE", end="\n")

        (h_hand, h_reserve) = flip_if_needed((h_hand, h_reserve), n=3)
        (c_hand, c_reserve) = flip_if_needed((c_hand, c_reserve), n=3)


        # Weeeee, recursion!
        ((h_hand, h_reserve), (c_hand, c_reserve)) = play_turn((h_hand, h_reserve), (c_hand, c_reserve), pot)

    return ((h_hand, h_reserve), (c_hand, c_reserve))

if __name__ == "__main__":

    deck = cards.create_deck()
    deck = cards.shuffle_cards(deck)
    (h_hand, c_hand) = cards.deal_cards(deck)

    won = main((h_hand, []), (c_hand, []))
コード例 #17
ファイル: test_cards.py プロジェクト: JoieDFW/wargame
def test_shuffle():
    deck = cards.create_deck()
    shuf = cards.shuffle_cards(deck)
    assert deck != shuf