def _send_message(routing_key, request): conn = DjangoAMQPConnection() publisher = Publisher(connection=conn, exchange='request', exchange_type='topic', routing_key=routing_key, serializer='pickle') publisher.send(request) publisher.close() conn.close()
def receive_a_message(): logger = get_logger() conn = DjangoAMQPConnection() m = MyMessager(connection=conn).fetch() if m: msg = simplejson.loads(m.body)"Message receieved: %s" % msg.get("message")) m.ack() conn.close()
def setUp(self): conn = DjangoAMQPConnection() consumer = StatsConsumer(connection=conn) consumer.discard_all() conn.close() consumer.close() self.s = StatsCollector() self.assertEquals(self.s.total_tasks_processed, 0) self.assertEquals(self.s.total_tasks_processed_by_type, {}) self.assertEquals(self.s.total_task_time_running, 0.0) self.assertEquals(self.s.total_task_time_running_by_type, {})
def publish(self, **data): """Publish statistics to be collected later by :class:`StatsCollector`. :param data: An arbitrary Python object containing the statistics to be published. """ if not self.enabled: return connection = DjangoAMQPConnection() publisher = StatsPublisher(connection=connection) publisher.send({"type": self.type, "data": data}) publisher.close() connection.close()
def even_time_distribution(task, size, time_window, iterable, **apply_kwargs): """With an iterator yielding task args, kwargs tuples, evenly distribute the processing of its tasks throughout the time window available. :param task: The kind of task (a :class:`celery.task.base.Task`.) :param size: Total number of elements the iterator gives. :param time_window: Total time available, in minutes. :param iterable: Iterable yielding task args, kwargs tuples. :param \*\*apply_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be passed on to :func:`celery.execute.apply_async`. Example >>> class RefreshAllFeeds(Task): ... ... def run(self, **kwargs): ... feeds = Feed.objects.all() ... total = feeds.count() ... ... time_window = REFRESH_FEEDS_EVERY_INTERVAL_MINUTES ... ... def iter_feed_task_args(iterable): ... for feed in iterable: ... yield ([feed.feed_url], {}) # args, kwargs tuple ... ... it = iter_feed_task_args(feeds.iterator()) ... ... even_time_distribution(RefreshFeedTask, total, ... time_window, it) """ bucketsize = size / time_window buckets = chunks(iterable, int(bucketsize)) connection = DjangoAMQPConnection() try: for bucket_count, bucket in enumerate(buckets): # Skew the countdown for items in this bucket by one. seconds_eta = (60 * bucket_count if bucket_count else None) for args, kwargs in bucket: task.apply_async(args=args, kwargs=kwargs, connection=connection, countdown=seconds_eta, **apply_kwargs) finally: connection.close()
def discard_all(): """Discard all waiting tasks. This will ignore all tasks waiting for execution, and they will be deleted from the messaging server. :returns: the number of tasks discarded. :rtype: int """ amqp_connection = DjangoAMQPConnection() consumer = TaskConsumer(connection=amqp_connection) discarded_count = consumer.discard_all() amqp_connection.close() return discarded_count
def run(self, connect_timeout=AMQP_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT): """Run all tasks in the taskset. :returns: A :class:`celery.result.TaskSetResult` instance. Example >>> ts = TaskSet(RefreshFeedTask, [ ... ["", {}], ... ["", {}], ... ) >>> result = >>> result.taskset_id "d2c9b261-8eff-4bfb-8459-1e1b72063514" >>> result.subtask_ids ["b4996460-d959-49c8-aeb9-39c530dcde25", "598d2d18-ab86-45ca-8b4f-0779f5d6a3cb"] >>> result.waiting() True >>> time.sleep(10) >>> result.ready() True >>> result.successful() True >>> result.failed() False >>> result.join() [True, True] """ taskset_id = gen_unique_id() from celery.conf import ALWAYS_EAGER if ALWAYS_EAGER: subtasks = [apply(self.task, args, kwargs) for args, kwargs in self.arguments] return TaskSetResult(taskset_id, subtasks) conn = DjangoAMQPConnection(connect_timeout=connect_timeout) publisher = TaskPublisher(connection=conn, subtasks = [apply_async(self.task, args, kwargs, taskset_id=taskset_id, publisher=publisher) for args, kwargs in self.arguments] publisher.close() conn.close() return TaskSetResult(taskset_id, subtasks)
def run(self): """Run all tasks in the taskset. :returns: A :class:`celery.result.TaskSetResult` instance. Example >>> ts = TaskSet(RefreshFeedTask, [ ... ["", {}], ... ["", {}], ... ) >>> result = >>> result.taskset_id "d2c9b261-8eff-4bfb-8459-1e1b72063514" >>> result.subtask_ids ["b4996460-d959-49c8-aeb9-39c530dcde25", "598d2d18-ab86-45ca-8b4f-0779f5d6a3cb"] >>> result.waiting() True >>> time.sleep(10) >>> result.ready() True >>> result.successful() True >>> result.failed() False >>> result.join() [True, True] """ taskset_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) conn = DjangoAMQPConnection() publisher = TaskPublisher(connection=conn) subtask_ids = [ publisher.delay_task_in_set( task_name=self.task_name, taskset_id=taskset_id, task_args=arg, task_kwargs=kwarg ) for arg, kwarg in self.arguments ] publisher.close() conn.close() return TaskSetResult(taskset_id, subtask_ids)
def apply_async( task, args=None, kwargs=None, routing_key=None, immediate=None, mandatory=None, connect_timeout=None, priority=None ): """Run a task asynchronously by the celery daemon(s). :param task: The task to run (a callable object, or a :class:`Task` instance :param args: The positional arguments to pass on to the task (a ``list``). :param kwargs: The keyword arguments to pass on to the task (a ``dict``) :keyword routing_key: The routing key used to route the task to a worker server. :keyword immediate: Request immediate delivery. Will raise an exception if the task cannot be routed to a worker immediately. :keyword mandatory: Mandatory routing. Raises an exception if there's no running workers able to take on this task. :keyword connect_timeout: The timeout in seconds, before we give up on establishing a connection to the AMQP server. :keyword priority: The task priority, a number between ``0`` and ``9``. """ if not args: args = [] if not kwargs: kwargs = [] message_opts = {"routing_key": routing_key, "immediate": immediate, "mandatory": mandatory, "priority": priority} for option_name, option_value in message_opts.items(): message_opts[option_name] = getattr(task, option_name, option_value) conn = DjangoAMQPConnection(connect_timeout=connect_timeout) publisher = TaskPublisher(connection=conn) task_id = publisher.delay_task(, args, kwargs, **message_opts) publisher.close() conn.close() return AsyncResult(task_id)
def save_hits(): conn = DjangoAMQPConnection() consumer = Consumer(connection=conn, queue='requestrequesthitqueue', exchange='request', routing_key='request.*', exchange_type='topic') count = 0 messages = [] for message in consumer.iterqueue(): messages.append(message) request = message.decode() request.path = convert_unicode_to_string(request.path[:255]) = convert_unicode_to_string([:255]) request.referer = convert_unicode_to_string(request.referer[:255]) request.user_agent =\ convert_unicode_to_string(request.user_agent[:255]) request.language = convert_unicode_to_string(request.language[:255]) count += 1"Saved {0} requests".format(count)) [m.ack() for m in messages] logger.debug("Acknowledged all messages") consumer.close() conn.close()
def apply_async(task, args=None, kwargs=None, countdown=None, eta=None, routing_key=None, exchange=None, immediate=None, mandatory=None, priority=None, connection=None, connect_timeout=AMQP_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, **opts): """Run a task asynchronously by the celery daemon(s). :param task: The task to run (a callable object, or a :class:`Task` instance :param args: The positional arguments to pass on to the task (a ``list``). :param kwargs: The keyword arguments to pass on to the task (a ``dict``) :param countdown: Number of seconds into the future that the task should execute. Defaults to immediate delivery (Do not confuse that with the ``immediate`` setting, they are unrelated). :param eta: A :class:`datetime.datetime` object that describes the absolute time when the task should execute. May not be specified if ``countdown`` is also supplied. (Do not confuse this with the ``immediate`` setting, they are unrelated). :keyword routing_key: The routing key used to route the task to a worker server. :keyword exchange: The named exchange to send the task to. Defaults to :attr:``. :keyword immediate: Request immediate delivery. Will raise an exception if the task cannot be routed to a worker immediately. (Do not confuse this parameter with the ``countdown`` and ``eta`` settings, as they are unrelated). :keyword mandatory: Mandatory routing. Raises an exception if there's no running workers able to take on this task. :keyword connection: Re-use existing AMQP connection. The ``connect_timeout`` argument is not respected if this is set. :keyword connect_timeout: The timeout in seconds, before we give up on establishing a connection to the AMQP server. :keyword priority: The task priority, a number between ``0`` and ``9``. """ args = args or [] kwargs = kwargs or {} routing_key = routing_key or getattr(task, "routing_key", None) exchange = exchange or getattr(task, "exchange", None) immediate = immediate or getattr(task, "immediate", None) mandatory = mandatory or getattr(task, "mandatory", None) priority = priority or getattr(task, "priority", None) taskset_id = opts.get("taskset_id") publisher = opts.get("publisher") if countdown: eta = + timedelta(seconds=countdown) from celery.conf import ALWAYS_EAGER if ALWAYS_EAGER: return apply(task, args, kwargs) need_to_close_connection = False if not publisher: if not connection: connection = DjangoAMQPConnection(connect_timeout=connect_timeout) need_to_close_connection = True publisher = TaskPublisher(connection=connection) delay_task = publisher.delay_task if taskset_id: delay_task = curry(publisher.delay_task_in_set, taskset_id) task_id = delay_task(, args, kwargs, routing_key=routing_key, exchange=exchange, mandatory=mandatory, immediate=immediate, priority=priority, eta=eta) if need_to_close_connection: publisher.close() connection.close() return AsyncResult(task_id)
def discard_all(): conn = DjangoAMQPConnection() MyMessager(connection=conn).consumer.discard_all() conn.close()
def send_a_message(msg): conn = DjangoAMQPConnection() MyMessager(connection=conn).send({"message": msg}) conn.close()