コード例 #1
ファイル: test_downloaders.py プロジェクト: ozayn/cartopy
def test_from_config():
    generic_url = 'http://example.com/generic_ne/{name}.zip'

    land_downloader = cio.Downloader(generic_url, '', '')
    generic_ne_downloader = cio.Downloader(generic_url, '', '')

    ocean_spec = ('shapefile', 'natural_earth', '110m', 'physical', 'ocean')
    land_spec = ('shapefile', 'natural_earth', '110m', 'physical', 'land')
    generic_spec = ('shapefile', 'natural_earth')

    target_config = {
        land_spec: land_downloader,
        generic_spec: generic_ne_downloader,

    with config_replace(target_config):
        # ocean spec is not explicitly in the config, but a subset of it is,
        # so check that an appropriate downloader is returned
        r = cio.Downloader.from_config(ocean_spec)

        # check the resulting download item produces a sensible url.
        assert_equal(r.url({'name': 'ocean'}),

        downloaders = cio.config['downloaders']

        r = cio.Downloader.from_config(land_spec)
        assert r is land_downloader
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_downloaders.py プロジェクト: ozayn/cartopy
def test_downloading_simple_ascii():
    # downloads a file from the Google APIs. (very high uptime and file will
    # always be there - if this goes down, most of the internet would break!)
    # to test the downloading mechanisms.
    file_url = 'http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/{name}.js'

    format_dict = {'name': 'jquery'}

    with download_to_temp() as tmp_dir:
        target_template = os.path.join(tmp_dir, '{name}.txt')
        tmp_fname = target_template.format(**format_dict)

        dnld_item = cio.Downloader(file_url, target_template)

        assert_equal(dnld_item.target_path(format_dict), tmp_fname)

        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
            assert_equal(dnld_item.path(format_dict), tmp_fname)

            assert len(w) == 1, ('Expected a single download warning to be '
                                 'raised. Got {}.'.format(len(w)))
            assert issubclass(w[0].category, cio.DownloadWarning)

        with open(tmp_fname, 'r') as fh:
            _ = fh.readline()
            assert_equal(" * jQuery JavaScript Library v1.8.2\n",

        # check that calling path again doesn't try re-downloading
        with CallCounter(dnld_item, 'acquire_resource') as counter:
            assert_equal(dnld_item.path(format_dict), tmp_fname)
        assert counter.count == 0, 'Item was re-downloaded.'
コード例 #3
def test_downloading_simple_ascii(download_to_temp):
    # downloads a file from the Google APIs. (very high uptime and file will
    # always be there - if this goes down, most of the internet would break!)
    # to test the downloading mechanisms.
    file_url = 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/{name}.js'

    format_dict = {'name': 'jquery'}

    target_template = str(download_to_temp / '{name}.txt')
    tmp_fname = target_template.format(**format_dict)

    dnld_item = cio.Downloader(file_url, target_template)

    assert dnld_item.target_path(format_dict) == tmp_fname

    with pytest.warns(cio.DownloadWarning):
        assert dnld_item.path(format_dict) == tmp_fname

    with open(tmp_fname) as fh:
        assert fh.readline() == " * jQuery JavaScript Library v1.8.2\n"

    # check that calling path again doesn't try re-downloading
    with mock.patch.object(dnld_item,
                           wraps=dnld_item.acquire_resource) as counter:
        assert dnld_item.path(format_dict) == tmp_fname
コード例 #4
def test_Downloader_data():
    di = cio.Downloader('https://testing.com/{category}/{name}.zip',
                        os.path.join('{data_dir}', '{category}',

    replacement_dict = {'category': 'example',
                        'name': 'test',
                        'data_dir': os.path.join('/wibble', 'foo', 'bar')}

    assert di.url(replacement_dict) == 'https://testing.com/example/test.zip'

    assert (di.target_path(replacement_dict) ==
            os.path.join('/wibble', 'foo', 'bar', 'example', 'shape.shp'))

    assert (di.pre_downloaded_path(replacement_dict) ==