コード例 #1
ファイル: general_IO.py プロジェクト: What3ver/resolve
def read_data_from_ms(msfn, viscol="DATA", noisecol='SIGMA',
                      mode='tot',noise_est = False):
    Reads polarization or total intensity data in visibility and noise arrays.

        msfn: Name of the MeasurementSet file from which to read the data
        viscol: A string with the name of the MS column from which to read the
            data [DATASET_STRING]
        noisecol: A string with the name of the MS column from which to read
            the noise or weights ['SIGMA']
        mode: Flag to set whether the function should read in
            polarization data ('pol') or total intensity data ('tot')


    m = M.Messenger(2)

    if mode == 'pol':
        m.header2("Reading polarization data from the MeasurementSet...")
    if mode == 'tot':
        m.header2("Reading total intensity data from the MeasurementSet...")
    viscol = viscol.lower()
    noisecol = noisecol.lower()

    if noise_est:
        m.message("Performing simple noise estimate")

    meta = ms.metadata()
    nspw = range(meta.nspw())
    nchan = []
    nvis = []
    u = []
    v = []
    freq = []
    if mode == 'pol':
      Qvis = []
      Uvis = []
      Qsigma = []
      Usigma = []
      lambs2 = []
    if mode == 'tot':
      vis = []
      sigma = []
    # the Q,U OR the I part of the S Jones matrix (hence Spart)
    # from the Stokes enumeration defined in the casa core libraries
    # http://www.astron.nl/casacore/trunk/casacore/doc/html \
    # this defines which polarization type the data columns correspond to

    corr = ms.getdata(['axis_info'])['axis_info']['corr_axis']

    corr_announce = "Correlation type detected to be "

    ii = complex(0, 1)

    if mode == 'pol':
        if corr[0] == 'RR':  # RR, RL, LR, LL
            QSpart = np.array([0, 0.5, 0.5, 0])
            USpart = np.array([0, -0.5 * ii, 0.5 * ii, 0])
            corr_announce += "RR, RL, LR, LL"
        elif corr[0] == 'I':  # I, Q, U, V
            QSpart = np.array([0, 1., 0, 0]) 
            USpart = np.array([0, 0, 1., 0])
            corr_announce += "I, Q, U, V"
        elif corr[0] == 'XX':  # XX, XY, YX, YY
            QSpart = np.array([0.5, 0, 0, -0.5])
            USpart = np.array([0, 0.5, 0.5, 0])
            corr_announce += "XX, XY, YX, YY"
    if mode == 'tot':
        if corr[0] == 'RR':  # RR, RL, LR, LL
            Spart = np.array([0.5, 0, 0, 0.5])
            corr_announce += "RR, RL, LR, LL"
        elif corr[0] == 'I':  # I, Q, U, V
            Spart = np.array([1., 0, 0, 0])
            corr_announce += "I, Q, U, V"
        elif corr[0] == 'XX':  # XX, XY, YX, YY
            Spart = np.array([0.5, 0, 0, 0.5])
            corr_announce += "XX, XY, YX, YY"

    print corr_announce

    for spw in nspw:
	  temp = ms.getdata([viscol,"axis_info"],ifraxis=False)
	  data_temp = temp[viscol]
	  info_temp = temp["axis_info"]
	  s_temp = ms.getdata(["sigma"], ifraxis=False)['sigma']
	  flags = 1. - ms.getdata(["flag"])['flag']

          if not(np.sum(flags[0])==np.sum(flags[1])==np.sum(flags[2])==np.sum(flags[3])):
              m.warn('Warning: Different flags for different correlations/channels.'+
            'Hard flag is applied: If any correlation is flagged, this gets'+ 
            'extended to all.')
              maximum = np.ones(np.shape(flags[0]))
              for i in range(4):
                  if flags[i].sum() < maximum.sum():
                      maximum = flags[i]
              flag = maximum
              flag = flags[0]      

          #Start reading data.

          if mode == 'tot': 
              vis_temp = flag * (Spart[0] * data_temp[0] + Spart[1] * data_temp[1] + Spart[2] *\
                        data_temp[2] + Spart[3] * data_temp[3])
              sigma_temp = flag * (Spart[0] * s_temp[0] + Spart[1] * s_temp[1] + Spart[2] * s_temp[2] +\
                        Spart[3] * s_temp[3])



          if mode == 'pol':
              Qvis_temp = flag * (QSpart[0] * data_temp[0] + QSpart[1] * data_temp[1] + QSpart[2] *\
                         data_temp[2] + QSpart[3] * data_temp[3])
              Qsigma_temp = flag * (QSpart[0] * s_temp[0] + QSpart[1] * s_temp[1] + QSpart[2] * s_temp[2] +\
                         QSpart[3] * s_temp[3])

              Uvis_temp = flag * (USpart[0] * data_temp[0] + USpart[1] * data_temp[1] + USpart[2] *\
                         data_temp[2] + USpart[3] * data_temp[3])
              Usigma_temp = flag * (USpart[0] * s_temp[0] + USpart[1] * s_temp[1] + USpart[2] * s_temp[2] +\
                         USpart[3] * s_temp[3])



          #uvflat give all uv coordinates for the chosen spw in m
          uflat = ms.getdata(['u'])['u']
          vflat = ms.getdata(['v'])['v']

          freqtemp = info_temp["freq_axis"]["chan_freq"]
          lamb = C / freqtemp
          if mode == 'pol':
              lambs2.append(lamb**2 / PI)


          #calculates uv coordinates per channel in #lambda 
          utemp = np.array([uflat/k for k in lamb])
          vtemp = np.array([vflat/k for k in lamb])
          #Reads the uv coordates into lists. Delete functions take care of flags.
        summary = ms.summary()
        print "Warning: Could not create a summary"
        summary = None        

    if mode =='tot':

	  return vis, sigma, u, v, freq, nchan, nspw, nvis, summary

    if mode == 'pol':
	  return Qvis, Qsigma, Uvis, Usigma, freq, lamb, u, v, nchan, nspw, nvis
コード例 #2
ファイル: general_IO.py プロジェクト: What3ver/resolve
def read_pyratdata_from_ms(msfn, vis, noise, viscol="DATA", noisecol='SIGMA', mode='pol'):
    Reads polarization or total intensity data in visibility and noise arrays.

        msfn: Name of the MeasurementSet file from which to read the data
        visp: Pyrat data object
        noisep: Pyrat data object
        viscol: A string with the name of the MS column from which to read the
            data [DATASET_STRING]
        noisecol: A string with the name of the MS column from which to read
            the noise or weights ['SIGMA']
        mode: Flag to set whether the function should read in
            polarization data ('pol') or total intensity data ('tot')


    #Attention, in current setting, pyrat can't handle properly different flags on separate channels

    # Messenger object for displaying messages
    m = vis.m
    if vis._initialized and noise._initialized:
        m.warn("Requested data objects already exist. Using the " +
               "previously parsed data.")

    if mode == 'pol':
        m.header2("Reading polarization data from the MeasurementSet...")
    if mode == 'tot':
        m.header2("Reading total intensity data from the MeasurementSet...")

    viscol = viscol.lower()
    noisecol = noisecol.lower()
    meta = ms.metadata()
    nspw = range(meta.nspw())
    nchan = []
    u = []
    v = []
    freq = []
    if mode == 'pol':

      lambs = []
    # the Q,U OR the I part of the S Jones matrix (hence Spart)
    # from the Stokes enumeration defined in the casa core libraries
    # http://www.astron.nl/casacore/trunk/casacore/doc/html \
    # this defines which polarization type the data columns correspond to

    corr = ms.getdata(['axis_info'])['axis_info']['corr_axis']

    corr_announce = "Correlation type detected to be "

    ii = complex(0, 1)

    if mode == 'pol':
        if corr[0] == 'RR':  # RR, RL, LR, LL
            QSpart = np.array([0, 0.5, 0.5, 0])
            USpart = np.array([0, -0.5 * ii, 0.5 * ii, 0])
            corr_announce += "RR, RL, LR, LL"
        elif corr[0] == 'I':  # I, Q, U, V
            QSpart = np.array([0, 1., 0, 0]) 
            USpart = np.array([0, 0, 1., 0])
            corr_announce += "I, Q, U, V"
        elif corr[0] == 'XX':  # XX, XY, YX, YY
            QSpart = np.array([0.5, 0, 0, -0.5])
            USpart = np.array([0, 0.5, 0.5, 0])
            corr_announce += "XX, XY, YX, YY"
    if mode == 'tot':
        if corr[0] == 'RR':  # RR, RL, LR, LL
            Spart = np.array([0.5, 0, 0, 0.5])
            corr_announce += "RR, RL, LR, LL"
        elif corr[0] == 'I':  # I, Q, U, V
            Spart = np.array([1., 0, 0, 0])
            corr_announce += "I, Q, U, V"
        elif corr[0] == 'XX':  # XX, XY, YX, YY
            Spart = np.array([0.5, 0, 0, 0.5])
            corr_announce += "XX, XY, YX, YY"


    for spw in nspw:

        temp = ms.getdata([viscol,"axis_info"],ifraxis=False)
        data_temp = temp[viscol]
        info_temp = temp["axis_info"]
        s_temp = ms.getdata(["sigma"], ifraxis=False)['sigma']
        flags = 1. - ms.getdata(["flag"])['flag']
        if not(np.sum(flags[0])==np.sum(flags[1])==np.sum(flags[2])==np.sum(flags[3])):
            m.warn('Warning: Different flags for different correlations/channels.\
            Hard flag is applied: If any correlation is flagged, this gets \
            extended to all.')
            maximum = np.ones(np.shape(flags[0]))
            for i in range(4):
                if flags[i].sum() < maximum.sum():
                    maximum = flags[i]
            flag = maximum

        if (np.sum(flag)==0):
            m.warn('Spw ' + str(spw) + ' is completely flagged!\n')

        #Start reading data. 
        if mode == 'tot': 
	    vis_temp = flag * (Spart[0] * data_temp[0] + Spart[1] * data_temp[1] + Spart[2] *\
                data_temp[2] + Spart[3] * data_temp[3])
	    sigma_temp = flag * (Spart[0] * s_temp[0] + Spart[1] * s_temp[1] + Spart[2] * s_temp[2] +\
                         Spart[3] * s_temp[3])

            vislist = np.array(vis_temp)
            sigmalist = np.array(sigma_temp)

        if mode == 'pol':

	    Qvis_temp = flag * (QSpart[0] * data_temp[0] + QSpart[1] * data_temp[1] + QSpart[2] *\
                data_temp[2] + QSpart[3] * data_temp[3])
	    Qsigma_temp = flag * (QSpart[0] * s_temp[0] + QSpart[1] * s_temp[1] + QSpart[2] * s_temp[2] +\
                         QSpart[3] * s_temp[3])
            Uvis_temp = flag * (USpart[0] * data_temp[0] + USpart[1] * data_temp[1] + USpart[2] *\
                data_temp[2] + USpart[3] * data_temp[3])
	    Usigma_temp = flag * (USpart[0] * s_temp[0] + USpart[1] * s_temp[1] + USpart[2] * s_temp[2] +\
                         USpart[3] * s_temp[3])
            Qvislist = np.array(Qvislist)
            Qsigmalist = np.array(Qsigmalist)
            Uvislist = np.array(Uvislist)
            Usigmalist = np.array(Usigmalist)
        # uvflat give all uv coordinates for the chosen spw in m
        uflat = ms.getdata(['u'])['u']
        vflat = ms.getdata(['v'])['v']
        freqtemp = (info_temp["freq_axis"]["chan_freq"]).reshape(nchan[spw])
        lamb = C / freqtemp
        if mode == 'pol':
        #calculates uv coordinates per channel in #lambda 
        utemp = np.array([uflat/k for k in lamb])
        vtemp = np.array([vflat/k for k in lamb])
        #Reads the uv coordates into lists. Delete functions take care of flags
        if mode == 'tot':
                 vis.init_subgroup(spw, freqtemp, nrecs)
                 noise.init_subgroup(spw, freqtemp, nrecs)
                 for k in range(nchan[spw]):
                     vis.store_records(vislist[k], spw, k)
                     noise.store_records(sigmalist[k], spw, k)

        if mode == 'pol':
                 vis.init_subgroup(spw, lamb**2 / PI, nrecs)                 
                 noise.init_subgroup(spw, lamb**2 / PI, nrecs)                 
                 noise_array = np.real(np.sqrt(Qsigmalist * Qsigmalist.conjugate() +
                                       Usigmalist * Usigmalist.conjugate()))
                 for h in range(nchan[spw]):
                     vis.store_records([Qvislist[h],Uvislist[h]], spw, h)
                     noise.store_records(noise_array[h], spw, h)